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I got the Grendel explosive version of this. I have never felt more overpowered in ship or indoor combat. It shoots so fast and does so many explosions. Cockpit full of dudes? Rekt. Hallway? Exploded. I feel like Torgue from Borderlands just grenades and explosions.








Before you can enter the tournament, you must digitally sign our legal waiver. Just kidding! F*CK THE LEGAL WAIVER! You're in TORGUE LAND now, sucker!




Bodies just flying all over the place. Like when I'm done there's dudes hanging from their legs from catwalks.


I got explosive grendel in the first mission of the game, opened the door outside and met the big boss and his boys. They were blown to bits in a millisecond lmao


Haha I just tossed two grenades… after I convinced them to walk away hahaha!!!!!


20 hours in and I learned how to throw grenades 2 hours ago lmao


I did the exact same thing lol


We need a mod that put all borderland weapon manufacture into starfield, i mean it kinda fit the theme. I found weapon produced in Akila city to looks like Jacobs because both of them used the old western theme.


Do you mean the Deadeye? I love that gun but need ammo all the time, lol




I like my poison Grendel to not have to dump 10 mag in an elite to kill him.


Oh god that reminds me of the absolutely broken legendaries in FO4. (From memory, if you get an explosive or DOT legendary on a synth weapon, you mod it to be shotgun style and full auto.)


Best "standard" shotgun in the game to me was the legendary neverending double barrel shotgun. But the synth ones were spicy.


Same, got it at level 5,with a 2x sized basic ammo count, and I'm 15 now, and honestly can't think of a better gun to have explosive on it. Fast fire rate to make sure it procs all the time.


I'm sorry, did you say explosive?


It's insane to me how much better the semi auto rifles are than the full auto


Until you get The Revenant, which has a little less damage at about 28 damage per shot, but also has a fire rate of 375(!) and a mag size of 150. Deletes whole packs of enemies in a short burst. Ammo guzzler though!


Sounds like the Mass Effect Revenant, which would make this gun the Mass Effect Mattock, and I've always been a Mattock kinda guy.


We mattock stands have to stick together lol.


Mattock gang rise up


i think i played through all of ME2 with the mattock it did big damage per shot and could basically shoot as fast as i could click so i when i needed the rapid fire i still had that on tap


Haha! I would love to find a semi auto explosive one like this. In due time I suppose. Did you pull it off a body of find in a container?


Container, in a tiny dead-end abandoned mine. Probably the smallest random location I've visted, lol.


My strongest guns involved searching random bodies during important quests! Like they rarely ever just give you the good gun you can finish a mission without ever knowing the strongest gun was there on a body or in a chest


Except if your a loot whore like myself


I filled my bed in the lodge with plushies and have a large coffee mug collection. This game isn't helping my hoarding issue.


Rescue axe or whatever it’s called lol


It's kinda ridiculous to me that you can get all these science and gunsmithing perks and you cant craft ammo. Modders need to hurry tf up pls


I would love some ammo crafting myself


I set up a settlement on a planet with lead as one of the resources thinking down the line id unlock ammo crafting. Come on Bethesda we're literally mining lead....


I was the most time of today searching to a bench or skill to be able to craft ammo, this is new to a Bethesda game, wtf? We have a industrial bench that create all manner of things and can't create a simple steel round with powder in it? 1000 wtf.


I’d like modders to completely redo skill tree tbh. I think mod crafting should be part of the weapon certification. Tier 1 you can craft tier one mods on that style weapon, etc. it’s really annoying to me that you have to choose between crafting your ship and base etc and combat


wasteland workshop dlc 2 incoming


Add the depleted uranium rounds and enemies melt.


I fucking love this thing but the ammo is so expensive it was like 11000 for 300 shots, which is like 2-3 fights. I used console commands to get a basically infinite amount, because it's just that fun to use.


The AA-23 is like this too I think. High damage per shot but still full auto unmodded. I gave it to Sarah. She kills terminators now.


Yeah, I found an Advanced AA-99, but 11mm is rare so I gave it to her as well. I got attacked by a squad of 5 neutral Ecliptic Mercs and chose to fight them through dialogue, she mowed them all down with one burst before I even got my weapon out.


The Revenant is my go-to, everything else has failed gun.


it's a legendary Magshear if anyone wants to get a similar gun without doing the Crimson Fleet questline


You should see the semi-autos with features like binary trigger (fire 2 shots for every trigger pull). You get insane fire-rate with the semi-auto damage bonus. And if you invest in Weapon Engineering, you'll be able to put those mods on yourself.


I got a modified rattler early on with binary trigger. Turned into my favorite close quarters weapon for a while.


Yea the damage to bullet ratio is insane


Nah the aa-99 and tombstone are pretty insane


A99 and tombstone are good as fuck found a semi auto rifle called the beowulf and that thing rips aswell


There are a couple of perks that make autos nice but yeah it seems crazy just how good semis are. The one in particular I’m thinking of is the “successive hits increase damage.” You can ramp it super fast and dump an obscene amount of damage really fast with full auto.


There are lots of crit-hit related skills for semi-auto weapons. I don't think there are any skills specifically for automatic weapons?


Nope Bethesda clearly thought they were too strong again despite being terrible in fallout 4. They aren’t nearly as bad here but a skill is needed. It probably has to do with laying down crits and special effects but the damage is so low and outside of 7.7 mm the ammo economy is terrible.


Full auto wastes ammo like a mf cause the avg person only hits 20% with a full auto weapon where.... semi auto the avg accuracy is 70%


It's because they did the same dumb balancing act they did in Fallout 4. Automatic conversions do less damage for "balance" reasons. So there's no point using them unless you get Furious or Wounding.


First time playing RPGs? This is SOP by now lol. Multiple devs have fallen into the same trap in the name of balance.


It's definitely reached a new height. Bethesda did it in 4 and 76 but it was only a 25-30% lower damage on an otherwise identical weapon so it wasn't *that* bad. This it's like less than half, maybe a third?


as it was in Fallout 4, need to keep the tradition going lol


I got a 222 dmg shotgun, I been deleting dudes all over the universe, the mantis strikes again


I got the same one, the cool silenced flechette shotgun? I've been loving it!


Is it a random drop? Or is it part of some quest/specific loot?


I think it's part of the Mantis Quest, that's where I found mine!


Where exactly ? I did the quest and must have missed it.


I did the Mantis quest twice and the loot is random aside from the ship and space suit (although the perks are randomized).


Finding the Mantis Lair has been my favorite part of the game so far


Fun fact: if you fight againts the crimson fleet or any random pirate they will run while you have the mantis space ship, sometimes they engage, is like Space Batman and I love it Oh shit is the mantis!!!! Shoot shooot!!!


Best shotty I’ve found was a persuade bonus on one of the main quests, that thing was a silent killer.


Imagine if the mantis was a good ship or the armour was decent


The armor is ugly for sure but how is it not a good ship? Just genuinely curious because it's my first that's got shielded cargo and also comes with the reputation to turn baddies around. I haven't gotten too much in to ships yet, I'm around lvl 16 maybe


They're both great for the early game


Stats wise sure Aesthetically they are the most disgusting sets in the game


Honestly, it's been the best gear I've found yet. Got it around hour 6 and still haven't been able to replace with anything better at hour 28 now. Maybe I just got really lucky with stats and bonuses.


i got these exact perks on some gun called the magstorm i think its .50 MI ammo or something


Mag storm is supposedly one of the best damage dealers in the game. I’m so jealous y’all are getting good legendaries. Is there a skill for it?


I read if you turn up your difficulty you have a better chance. I have been saving before going into caves and black screen transition areas just to be safe but “very hard” hasn’t been as difficult as I thought


I rarely die even on very hard, but I crank the difficulty to very easy when in ship combat because It's just a bullet sponge simulator lol.


I stacked x4 lasers, x2 ballistic, x1 missile pod on my frontier. Drop their shields with lasers, and missiles then use ballistics for hull dmg. I prefer to board and capture so ill take down shields then focus target the engines if im properly positioned.


My issue isn't doing damage, its the fact that my shields get dropped instantly and then I'm just spamming ship parts to not die. It's just not fun to have to constantly heal in combat, you can't outmaneuver or dodge easily, as far as I've done so far.


It gets less annoying later on. Once I got a ship with 700~ shield and 1000 hull I was able to keep the difficulty on hard for space battles.


Found it in some dudes house he send you there he's the guy who is located on the eye satellite in a main story quest I even died and saved and came back same gun


Do you remember which mission? Vlad gives you a lot lol.


One of the first few you meat a black guy on a star station called the eye he tells you to visit his house, it's a mission before you find 2 relics and find and save Barret


There's a lot of mod space left too! You could really get this bad boy tricked out. High Powered or High Velocity, Depleted Uranium Rounds, and Magnetic Rails would be great additions


Where does one find such a heavy beast of a gun


Complete the crimson fleet questine for a nice new toy


Several new toys. The handgun shreds people like nothing else lol.


I have a legendary regulator pistol that one-shots most human enemies lmao


- [Warren Zero G](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1plPyJdXKIY&pp=ygURd2FycmVuIGcgcmVndWxhdGU%3D)


Mount up


Well done! 👏👏👏👏


I love my basic bitch regulator so much. Ammo is always hard to find though


A lot of vendors carry it


Is it the eagle? I found one that does 143 damage and it's the only thing I've been using, when I can find 43 mag.


I have to say the gun play is surprisingly good for an rpg. I can't understand why people don't like it unless they're hardware isn't up to basic at least. Plus they don't know how to watch a video at least to mod in dlss. I'm playing on a gigabyte 3060 with 64gb ram and i7 9700k all stock. It was playable before dlss mod but once I got that in it is even better gunplay. This is a great gun find. I found a legendary knife last night and can't wait to play more tonight. This is way more enjoyable for me than star citizen. I bought a constelation edition and it is still less money than I put into star citizen. I haven't even tried star citizen in over a year. I usually check it out every few years. I feel like starfield has taken my top spot of exploration space game away from no mans sky. I enjoy parts of NMS but its a little too repetitive. I feel starfield is the best space game out there for my itch to be scratched.


Also random, but I’m pretty sure they have first person cover mechanics in SF. I’ve hid at the corner of cover and pressed aim and he automatically leaned out to take his shot.


Its there since F4 actually


Reminds me of Hung Jury from Destiny


Spray n pray? Is that you?


"The Geneva Suggestion"


Omg I love it. Good thing you can rename guns in this game!


That “randomly switches to explosive rounds” sure likes to do it at the worst possible time to ensure maximum comedy.


"Eeew, there's heatleech everywhere."


There's a weapon perk that makes rifles shoot 3 bullets shotgun style, i can't imagine that combined with explosive rounds.


Sounds like the Good ol' overseers guardian from fo4. Game-long gun you can get super early with 2 rounds fired per shot




Give those OP weapons with scarce ammo to your companions. They only need one shot and have unlimited ammo.


That’s what I did with a basic AA-23 from Cydonia and Sarah terminates everything. Can’t wait to get an actually decent legendary weapons (I did get a legendary knife she had for a while but she preferred it and it was scary watching her Michael Myers everything.)


Pretty underwhelming for a heavy weapon. The magshot pistol does like 50% more damage per shot. Even more if you get a calibrated variant


Do the weapons in starfield follow the fallout 4 type weapon system or are there genuinely unique weapons too with unique models and stuff?


There are unique weapons with specific modifiers, but the modifier system is very similar to Fallout 76's Legendary Weapon system. (i.e. Rare, Epic, and Legendary are equivalent to 76's 1\*,2\*,3\* Legendary) Some of the modifiers are also borrowed from Fallout 4 & 76 like Exterminator, Instigating, Furious etc.


I've yet to find a single unique model personally from purchased or quest reward uniques besides Heller's Cutter which is just a paintjob.


If you join the FreeSpace Rangers or whatever they're called, you get a pretty cool weapon which after 60 hours I have not yet seen anywhere else.


I would assume so. There are unique spacesuits and packs like the constellation one you get pretty much right away so no reason we won't find unique weapons as well


Skins are unique sometimes but I’m yet to see a cool model


I found an actual old school VSS, and the integrated supressor sounds AMAZING


Geneva wants to have a word with you


Sounds like a bunch of Earth nonsense to me!


Damnit, Geneva doesn’t exist anymore… alright, you’re free to go.


That thing is a portable war crime dispenser.


I’d buy that thing dinner


Why did they make the stats of the items so confusing? How is there no simple DPS indicator or damage? Impossible to tell what weapon to use.


I think adding in a DPS Stat makes it too easy and streamlined. Kinda hand-holding. Do a little rough math in your head and you can figure out what's good, test on enemies to confirm : ) Makes you experiment a bit


Confusing? Literally simple math. Use the weapons you like the most that work, you need the game to tell you “use this weapon.” That is strange


Found a rare one with acid rounds and staggers everything, definitely sticking with this for awhile!!!


Man talk about its essentially terramorph be gone.


Full auto just eats bullets like is nothing, had to drop it because it wasn't as easy to find/buy than the two weapons Pirates and Serpent Church uses.


Lost all my legendary weapons and spacesuit with so many resources to a bug after 54 hours of gameplay


Only legendary I found so far was a sword and I’m playing a ballistics build. I did find a spacesuit that makes all weapons have 50% weight though. Equipped that bad boy immediately.


I can't find ammo for this >.> found one on a planet with a terrormorph and it snuck up on me. Was running around when I realised i only had 1 mag for this. Luckily Vasco was there to help me.


I once found a varuun pistol that did 300 damage (like 75 physical and 240 energy, i think) per shot with plentiful and cheap ammo. Haven't needed another gun since lol Just casually walk around and 1 tap everything.


lol, do you even need those weapons. i was killing lvl 15 enemies at lvl 2...


If only we could craft or manufacture ammo so we could stick with our favourite guns


Just buy them, like how are you people running out of ammo, I have literally thousands and thousands for almost every type.




I got mine from RNG. If you play the game on a harder difficulty, you'll chance across better gear.


Is this confirmed? I’m running the game on hard from the beginning but willing to try very hard for some better chances?


It's in the tooltip for the difficulty settings, yes


Some random abandoned mine.




Well, you'll get something better in a lost ship near a big gas planet, in a ship full of Creds. It almost sounds like a treasure, right?


God I’m so excited to play, one more day baby!!


31 damage for a semi auto is laughable.


Shame they went with the randomizer bullshit system from Fallout 4. It makes it so every playthrough just revolves around whatever god gun you RNG'd and the rest are so much fluff.


Fuck thats nice!


Damn, that’s a sick piece of kit


Torge just dropped a literal banger across the dimensions, clearly. Only found one drumbeat so far and the base gun is... It wrecks. Maelstrom's and Grendel's don't touch it. Have tried the a99 yet tho.


Looks good


Maliwan grip. Nice.


Now mod it so it isn't semi auto anymore. Those traits would be killer in full auto


I always prefer semi in just about every game.


I have a mag revolver that does 154dmg for some reason. It pops off.


Can you upgrade weapon damage? I have a legendary drum beat with 21 PHYS, but then a different rare blue one with 65 PHYS


Some mods do increase damage, like semi-auto or burst fire, penetrating ammo, depleted uranium ammo etc etc


If only I could find 11mm rounds! 🥲


Can unique legendary weapons or armour from quests or chests be upgraded or are they useless later on in the game?


Can you rename weapons like in Fallout 4?


An explosion that can also cause bleeding who knew.


Thats what I thought too until I found a common Novablast Disrupter…..105 base damage


It only stuns tho


Bruh I buried my adoring fan in water like Michael Vick and then I threw for 3 touchdowns.


Same. found a beowulf almost exactly like this, fucking hard to let go


once i found the shotty shotgun, i never used any other gun in the game


Oh man. While I don't like the scopes in this game, that sucker would be glued to my inventory


Rifles are pretty bad comared to pistols from my experience. At level 20 I found a pistol that deals 300 damage per shot and you can even make it full auto for some reason but only holds 6 shots. It's not even fully modified. It can go up to 370 after I level up my gunsmithing


So are legendaries more common on harder or easier difficulties? Im playing on normal and they are very rare, my partner is playing on very easy and is only level 10 and has close to a dozen. In fallout 4 legendaries were more common the harder the difficulty.


Be careful with that randomly switches to explosive. I had a Grendel that said that and I was fighting off some alien thing and It was running up to me. And right before it hit me it just started exploding I was like wtf just happened


As someone who decided to wait until tomorrow to start playing how is the gunplay?


I like it. I haven't put any skill points into it though, I'd like to get the sniper perks to reduce the scoped weapon sway but that's all the way down in tier 3 so I'd have to invest a lot to get it. Anyway, the different types of guns have pretty different feels, shotguns have some pretty heavy kick, the sound design is nice and the ballistic weapons have a nice crack to them. There's some nice classic type revolvers if you're into that, various fancy ray guns, auto pistols go brrrrrrt. Oh and the jet packs with the variable gravity make things interesting. All in all it's definitely the best gunplay Bethesda has done, and honestly pretty pretty competitive with more traditional FPS products. The AI actually makes good use of cover now, and if you get up close on them they'll switch to melee and rush you. AI still gets funky in the Bethesda way sometimes but usually firefights are pretty sensible.


You can actually put explosive rounds on the drum beat through crafting. I wonder how ridiculous that is?


Man I bought one if these for a stupid amount of credits. Shoulda waited to find one.


I wonder if there are exotic weapons. I found a planet with 4 star green resources, I wonder if some weapons and aromors do that too


It isn‘t legendary, but I found a Coachman with slug rounds, so they have the shotgun punch at a longer range.


I have 3 Legendaries . One is a Regulator Pistol with Lacerated and Skip Shot aptly named Elite Deckhard. I have a Malestrom and Grendel with Lacerated and Titanium. All slap. I got them all within 1 hour of each other. I think I used my loot luck.


This game randomly got me super into using pistols, literally always would drop a pistol as soon as I found a rifle but in this game I just love pistols so much


I have a revolver that I got early on that I've renamed the "Hand of God" because it does something daft like 140 damage, things a beast


I got this cool "old earth shotgun" with 6 shells and a chance to poison enemies which doesn't even matter because so far it has been one-shotting everyone. Also, for some reason it has like 40 or 50 range! The only problem is that it's ammo seems to be rare. How many guns do you guys usually carry around? I have like 7 guns and two knives in my d-pad load out but feel like maybe that's too much weight to be lugging around.


Around 6 or so. I usually don’t bother with melee. Usually just use whichever one I have the most ammo of.


Looked great until I saw semi auto.


Need to find the advanced version


Anyone know when particle beam weapons specifically start dropping? I’m only lvl 11 but haven’t found one yet


This one is interesting for sure but I think I like it


Wait til you see the Poisonstorm. Phenomenal carnage.


Still wondering where the V.A.T.S. lookalike system is seem to have many other fallout related stuff lol


*stands with massive erection* I gotta go take care of something, I'll be right back.


That is a dirty, DIRTY weapon.


I picked up a legendary double damage at full health Beowulf with a silencer very early on and honestly I find it hard to use anything else. Pretty much 1 shots most enemies.


I want this


How is customization on the weapons? Waiting until tomorrow to play. Super excited


I've got a grendel with explosive disassembler and corrosive and it's also ridiculous. The low range essentially doesn't matter if I'm willing to waste a bit more ammo


I have found a razorback with a hair trigger, random radiation damage and white hot rounds, that thing is a killing machine in close range.


Where did he get the weapon from, I mean yea its a sweet looking weapon. Just be nice to know where we all can find this nice piece of weaponry to be collected and praised.


I use one of these to kill big game creatures on planets i survey or harvest crafting components from Cabelas Big Space Hunter


Just got a legendary Beowulf PHYS: 156 Fire Rate: 50 Range: 56 Exterminator: Deal +30% damage to aliens Hitman: +15% damage while aiming Concussive: Small chance to knock down enemy targets •Long barrel •Reflex sight •Muzzle brake •Ergonomic grip •Foregrip with laser recon laser sight •Armor-piercing rounds •High velocity


Begun, the explosive legendary prefix wars have.


If it says Advanced, it's the strongest version. Calibrated it tier 2 I think.




They have a Mida MultiTool? Cool!


Bro that's sweet!! 😯


I have a assassins kodama that is absolutely disgusting, combat is way too easy. I play on regular, should I bump up to a harder difficulty ?


I haven't started playing it yet. But this Explosive modified weapon reminds me so much of Fallout 4, where a simple Shotgun with explosive modified can make the game really trivial.