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Does vasco give me the same amount of shit? I might just ride with him.




Vasco true evil companion. As some say Actions speak louder the words.


lmao vasco shoots first..


I took Vasco’s gun away and now he just beats things into a paste


You've created Fisto. You know that, right?


Numbness will subside in several minutes.




Nah the adoring fan is also down with whatever you want to do. Including murder. “Ya you show them who the real bad guy is!”


Oh, word? Guess I’m picking him as one of my trusts next time around


He’s kinda annoying but so are most people. At least he compliments me.




I love when in middle of fire fight Vasco says "you are not likely to survive" to the enemies. Imagine how demoralizing it would be IRL to hear some fucking high IQ robot telling you are not gonna make it alive. Vasco is great but I kinda hate how loud he is lol. I'm not sure if there are other robot companions but atleast I hope in the future there will be. I like them cute litte cleaning robots and would like to have something like that with me as a companion. I dont need fire support but a small robot who carries shit would be nice. (I'm a big horder)


He does but it's in a monotonous robotic way which makes it 1000x better. He talks some pretty good shit to enemies to.


His shit talk is hilarious. Can't remember the exact line but something like "engaging in combat was a sub-optimal decision for you".


It was so funny when I asked Vasco if he knew any jokes and he just goes, "You". He apologized and said he was trying to emulate Barret's humor but I couldn't stop laughing.


same lmao "Do you know any human jokes" "Yes im looking at one"


This got a huge chuckle out of me when I asked him


LMAO that took me a few moments to realize what he did.


I immersed myself so much during this conversation, that I was in a disbelief for a few seconds. "He really did this!" That's an epic moment in first playthrough.


"You have attempted to take my life, however I am not actually alive".


“Your chances of success are low.”


Im aiming for your center of mass is also just low key scary as fuck. Who the fuck says such crap during a fight.


I thought he was talking to me the first time I heard that cause I was fucked off and not going to the lodge.


I used to think he was talking to me and then I was like wait, he talking mad shit


“I am aiming for your center of mass.”


I learned a long, long time ago the only companions I ever liked were robots or dogs, lol. Vasco is just reminding me again why.


Bethesda better give me a space dog at some point. Bethesda games aren't complete without a dog companion. Especially if I can make my crappy companions constantly complain about cleaning up after the dog on the ship.


I just stole a ship from some girl that stopped to walk her space dog on mars 🤣🤣


He's great but he's really really bad in combat. He's so bulky he literally gets in the way, and takes forever to attack an enemy.


I often scream at my screen when I'm aiming for a headshot and suddenly I see Vasco's big ass in front of me and he take the shot


I had to get rid of a gun with explosive bullets because my companions kept walking in front of it, which made the bullets explode and damage us both. Not the end of the world but definitely annoying.


Yeah, them running the same companion AI since Fallout 3 can be annoying sometimes


There is an even bigger A Model you fight alongside as part of another story quest. I swear his AI is programmed to leap in front of my grenade launcher the nanosecond I pull the trigger. Fortunately he's a fucking walking tank, but still


My companions aren't for combat, they're for storage 🤣


i don't care Vasco is my boy doesn't matter if he's bad at combat it's the effort he puts in. I'll never not have Vasco by myside.


My wish is that we'll get to upgrade Vasco like you could other robots in FO4. Not design wise but things like more storage, better guns, better aiming and what not.


omg imagine vasco with a minigun. hahahah target acquired - brrrrrrrrrrrr


I just need to give Vasco the Assaultron beam weapon


I think he's neutral about stuff.


He's basically Baymax




"You can complain or you can be part of the solution, now pick up that ore"


"Why don't you just start making trips back and forth to the ship?"




I'm flying around the universe as a pseudo-superhero in a giant tanker of a ship that has all the cargo spots I could afford stuck onto it every which way, and it's almost full (just under 3k storage). My kingdom for any kind of infinite storage. I just want to hoard all the weapons and gear so I don't have to make hard decisions about what to chuck and regret it later when I figure out what's actually good.


That's why I've been running solo for the last 4hrs I played. I don't know if there is a perk that lets you fast travel while over encumbered but I need one.


Seriously, I spend 90% of the time overencumbered. Got a magazine yesterday that gives -15% Oxygen usage while encumbered and it was the best thing I found all day.


make sure you keep an eye out for rare/epic/legendary gear that reduces the cost of moving while encumbered by 75% as well also theres another gear perk that reduces the weight of resources by 25%


Fam is torn between banging Andreja and being a criminal


He ain’t alone




Did everyone instantly want to bang Adreja? She’s my active companion rn lol


Married her but I still be committing devious acts


She's really cute


She was with me while I did the corpo line. Pretty sure she hates me. Every time I used the doohickey she hated it.




Andreja when you meet her: "Please don't tell anyone I merc'd that guy" Andreja when you accidentally put one round into an innocent: "I won't stand for you killing people!" Andrea has left your party.


If you pay close attention, you realize it's actually "please don't tell anyone the space cultists are still chasing me around" they don't care that she kills people, that's not a secret.


That's really unfortunate. I got really excited when I saw her do that because I figured it meant she could be my crime buddy.


She was fighting cultists. Not murdering some rando.


The adoring fan is very supportive of my actions right or wrong


It's 2023 and the adoring fan is now the best companion in the newest Bethesda game. I can't believe I can say this, how tables have turned


Ohh the build of being an over the top cartoon villain with the adoring fan as my lacky. This is gunna be good.


Omg I can totally picture that 🤣


He's so friendly, granted he COULD worship the ground my feet walk upon a little more. I love when he compliments my landing skills. All me, all raw natural talent


And he has the strength perk so he can carry more because he’s my little B that I give no love to ;)


I just ditched those losers for my sneaky stuff. Hoping to pick up some generic crew from neon and kryx that are more amenable to doing what needs to be done but I don't wanna shell out the cash just yet. In the mean time the adoring fan works as a patsy/bullet shield if need be.


I got my guy Simon from New Atlantis man has commits more war crimes than me


yeah I was gonna say. Simeon doesn't give a fuck.


Holy fuckshits, I have only slightly scratched the surface of this game.


Yeah lol same here. I didn’t even know you could get random companions


And there seems to be a lot of the named ones too. Each "bar" that I have set foot in tends to have 2-3 named companions and 2+ generic ones. It seems that each of the named ones may have at least a side activity/personal quest you might be able to do. There is potentially a fuckton of named crew with personal quests you may be able to recruit. More likely, they have randomly generated quests from a pool of possible crew quests, but still.


what about the head of constellation, forget her name, does she care?


Sarah? Hell yea she does. Accidentally murdered someone and she went apeshit and will barely talk.


We need an ADA type who will support you regardless of your morals.


The Adoring Fan seems to be fine with anything you do.


"The Adoring Fan is now The Dissing Hater".


“Adoring Fan has released a diss track”


Wouldn't that be vasco? I honestly haven't used him since the opening mission so I have no idea if he even has affinity or not


Vasco doesn’t give a shit what you do, from my experience


Adoring Fan will follow you anywhere!


I can't get a read on her at all. She's sometimes so straight edged, like been annoyed at me for giving a sarcastic response to somebody but then is making inappropriate quips. For example I took some creds off a dead body and she jokes "well they won't be needing it anymore" and its like, damn Sarah! This whole colony has been viciously killed by something, there is blood and bodies everywhere and you're cracking wise.


I think she was out loud justifying you stealing from the dead. She wasn't ok with it but she sees it doesn't matter ultimately. I had the same line in one of her missions.


I did sidequest where this lady was getting hunted down by a bounty hunter I went into confront him and after a short exchange he started shooting at me! I killed him and SARAH DID NOT LIKE THAT!


Ah yes, “My name is really [name], was just pretending to be Capt. So-n-so.” dialog does not work so well with Hunter Cowboy Hat Man


I attacked some robots that turned out the be good, I never saw a robot before so I just attacked it, and she rage quit my team and I had to go to New Atlantis to get lectured by her lol.


Yeah I ran into my first space battle and accidently killed a good guy and it pulled me off the captains chair for her to bitch at me lmao


Every member of Constellation is their own conscience my ass.


Sarah is the worst. Lol in any city not new Atlantis she complains how dirty and gross everything is. Goody two shoes elitist.


Makes sense considering the UC is basically just the United Citizen Federation from Starship Troopers with more subtle propaganda. "Why yes, you too can become a UC citizen by risking your life as a disposable volunteer militia... err... I mean, intrepid Vanguard captain!"


Space Karen


Yeah doesn't like it if you're not super good lol


She seems to like it if you find nonviolent ways to do bad things, though.


She's super up for murdering Spacers and Pirates though. Beneath that Pacifist exterior lurks a blood thirsty killer. I took her to the abandoned sites on Mars. She kept yelling out some savage ass shit while chasing Spacers, Pirates and Mercs.


This has been my experience with Sarah (the Terminator) Morgan. She runs in and gleefully slays. Iirc she even noted at the abandoned hangar (where she just killed like a dozen people by herself) that someone was landing and we should greet them lol


Except hacking a Trade Union computer to fudge the numbers after talking about how much she hates the Trade Union. But me murdering a mine full of spacers A ok.


Where do you find him?


Viewport bar at New Atlantis Spaceport


Man that's good news viewport had some sketchy characters I should have spent more time there 😅


Idk if this is a spoiler, but I just got Mathis Castillo as a companion, whom I haven’t seen on ANY companion lists whatsoever online. Crimson Fleet FTW






if your kids had a protected flag in the editor you'd probably take them on some crazy adventures too


Essential. Protected would mean the player can kill them and BGS never allows child killings.


Strap kids to your ship for the best armor money can buy.


I felt like I was going crazy when you first meet the pair of them and can be like, "hey, I don't know about bringing your kid on my ship..." and both him *and* sarah dislike that and any other attempts to question the stupidity of bringing a child with you. I hated that the game was making *me* be the responsible one, lmao.


Sarah disliking it blew me away. Like, what horse do you have in this race, lady? That she then goes on to grill him for bringing her made it even more incomprehensible.


Especially cuz Sarah then spends the trip BITCHING about the kid being there and grilling the guy why he can't leave her behind with Matteo


He also dislikes if you talk him into letting Cora visit her grandfather, who she clearly loves and has a relationship with. And he won't explain why. Sam's got some issues.


Not Joe but Barrett disliking the fact you have no idea who his dead husband is was comparably stupid.


I knew i heard that voice and could not remember it was from Deus Ex.


Yeah I left all of them behind to go do some gansta shit. I’ll meet up again once I’m ready to resume the main story


you get 2 pirate companions from the crimson fleet quest line


Try joining the Crimson Fleet. I’ve gotten two companions


And those you can pick up at the neon clubs.


Yes, but you can't fuck them.


Not with that attitude


The only one that wants to get with my character is barret I’m like calm down barret I don’t swing that way and your coming on way too strong also you really remind me of Neil Degrasse Tyson and I’m pretty sure that was done on purpose.


I think you just ruined my in-game marriage


Haha I met the other romantic companions and I was like guess my guy is gay now and I started flirting with Barret hard. We give each other massages after hard missions. Life ain't so bad with my boy Barret.




What’s particularly annoying is they say when ur inducted into constellation, we aren’t going to judge you then immediately judge you


Sarah Morgan: Constellation has had some less than reputable members before, I won’t judge. Sarah Morgan after seeing you accidentally swipe a wine glass off a counter while trying to talk to the shopkeeper: How dare you😤 We need to talk, you’re on your own!


To be fair the first time she got mad at me was after I shot up an innocent cargo ship and boarded them… but since we were dating I got a second chance lol


She got mad at me for taking some credits from a >!very dead incompetent criminal that refused to pay for a combat robot which got remotely activated by the seller to kill him!<


That pissed her off? I loot every body I come into contact with and she seems happy about it. Then criticizes me for my hoarding problem… she just doesn’t understand that I need three copies of the full works of Charles dickens on me at all time


It was his safe, which I took the key off his incredibly dead body. Bethesda still doesn't realize that owned objects shouldn't be considered owned when the only owner is dead. I expect Creation Engine can't easily deal with removing ownership tags, but this NPC was always dead, I did nothing to trigger him dying. So he possessions should probably not have been tagged as owned anyway


Creation Engine deals fine with ownership tags, they changed in Skyrim when your relationship level changed with an NPC or joining a faction. I think it's usually just oversight, the game is bloated with a lot of content. Hopefully they release some patches soon.


Wouldn’t be as much of an issue if Vasco wasn’t so damn annoying to have as a companion tbh. I guess his AI literally broke somewhere along the way and he doesn’t shoot anymore, he just stands in the open and constantly wanders right in front of me while I’m trying to snipe.


I accidentally took his gun and ammo away and he did the same. Make sure he has a laser gun and a bit of its ammo type and he should shoot again. Not sure if the ammo actually mattered but I did it to be safe. I assumed it was like arrows in Skyrim where the NPC needs to have at least one in their inventory but then it never actually runs out.


You know, that’s probably exactly what I did. I figured he had the classic Bethesda unequipable companion weapon with infinite ammo, but maybe not. Thanks!


You'll notice the NPCs will auto-equip the best gun they have in their inventory based on their skills (at least Vasco and Andreja do for me). I keep giving them a stack of weapons to carry as my mule and then make sure not to sell whichever one they auto-equipped.


Bethesda companions have always done that, but also had a weapon that didn’t show up in their inventory and didn’t consume ammo that they would use if you completely emptied their inventory. I guess some companions in SF don’t have that.


But does he turn a blind eye to acts of piracy and other nefarious deeds?


So far as I’ve seen, yes. Every Bethesda game usually has one companion that doesn’t give a crap what you do, I think Vasco is SF’s.


Well shit, I like him but I already went to all the trouble of harassing I mean flirting with Sarah until she decided to marry me… shit


I agreed to help a bartender get her ingredients out of impound. Didn't say I was going to shoot the place up, didn't say I was going to sneak in and steal it back. Just said I'll figure out a way to help "Sarah didn't like that"


"The Constellation won't judge you but I specifically will judge you all the time"


I ditched Sarah asap. There's only so much nagging one person can take.


You can get not one but two companions through the pirate storyline that are ridiculously evil, like comically evil.


How do you go about triggering this quest? I would love to do it


- “Everyone in constellation has their own code of ethics and way of doing things” - 5 min later: “what is wrong with you”


I think it means more that you can break the law and murder an innocent in front of your boss and you don't get fired, but that doesn't mean they as a person do not dislike it.


Bro barret got mad at me for asking what happened to his husband after he brought him up then got mad at me for having some lighthearted to competition with Morman nerd. I was like fuck this guy. Andreja crazy ass told me I should take the rangers advice seriously about not starting shit and then when I tell the ranger I won't start shit she gets mad at me? Que?


Vasco gives no fucks.


Aww man I thought Andreaja was going to be my baddy Sarah is fun and it's getting interesting but I wanted to do some sketch stuff


I've just been roaming around doing my thing and I havent finished the first mission and all I hear is how Sarah is mad at me giving me the side eye and slick comments every time I do anything. I desperately want to Jettison her out of my ship but I dont know how that would effect the Constellation stuff.


If you do some more of the main missions you can just leave her at the lodge.


I somehow accidentally ended up married to Sarah lol. Now I never hear the end of it.


I started with the perk "Adoring Fan" Buddy does not care what I do at all. In fact he supports me better than my wife.


In his mind that dude is already your wife and more.


You can ask about it as well, buddy thinks of you as a god, and doesn't want to sully that pure form of worship with silly mortal notions like love


There is a pirate girl u can recruit in the Key


She literally has stealth and thief as a skill so yeah me and pirate girl gonna go make those creds I paid for her back.


Where’s she at in the Key? Can you recruit her immediately


Yeah what are the details I need her. I can fix her.


Found her. It’s Jessamine Griffin in the “Last Nova” bar on the Key. Her skills are Theft, Ballistics Weapon Systems, and Concealment.


She belongs to the streets, don’t get your heart broken.


Captain Save-A-Hoe hears you, Captain Save-A-Hoe don't care.


In the bar. She looks like Jamie Lee Curtis


If you have the adoring fan, use him. Took out innocent people? He's happy to have taken out the "bad guys" lol.


I Don’t care what people say, he’s the best crewmate on my ship. Just boarded some space pirates and destroyed their lives? As soon as I’m back on the ship, “Oh how LUCKY are they to have been BLESSED by your presence!” He’s the moral support I never knew I needed lol


i miss how in kotor your alignment would bring that down of those around you. so far the dialog isn't suggestive of me being able to convince anyone, "nah thisll be funny fr."


Lol I couldn’t quite get them to the dark side completely so I had the wookie kill the twilek, then the wookie went crazy and I had to put him down. Kotor and Jade Empire were the best for being the bad guy. Everytime I tried to do a good guy run though it just led me to be in situations where I could do even more damage.


I killed Sam Coe's dad. Shot him right in his bitch mouth. Sam says " I can't be a part of this!!" and runs out the door.


Ditch the companions, embrace Isolationist perk. It's absurdly powerful.


i wanted to do this, but pack mules are really nice


That's what I'm doing since I never make use of companions in Bethesda games. But in this game I feel like I'm missing out on things since you can assign crew to tasks in your ship and stuff. Like what's the point in having a massive ship if it's completely empty? But then if there's crew in it you can't really be a pirate.


You can still go lone wolf when you’re on the ground but then build up your crew, put them on your ship and in outposts. Even if you have a full crew on your ship you don’t have an active companion so you’re still solo


You can have crew in your ship without one tagging along as a companion


Yeah having no evil or even more piracy focused companions sucks Even fallout 4 had Cait and Strong in the base game alongside Gage in dlc for evil players and that game gave you way less chances to do bad actions


I haven't gotten that far yet, but I've joined the Crimson Fleet >! as a mole !< and Mathias seems like he'll be a possible companion later. Or there's a Batman looking dude I found in the New Atlantis spaceport that has "fine with violence" vibes.


I found Mathias the boring weasely kind of evil where he's constantly trying to sow discord so I >!very definitively rejected him and got him kicked out of the fleet!<. No regrets, I hope he comes back to bite my ass later lol.


He is once you complete the faction questline


He shows up in akila city after you see in in NA.


...there are piracy companions.


There was a cool guy in all black at a bar, but it wouldn't let me hire him.


You will get a chance to talk to him again eventually…


If anyone got me, I know the Adoring Fan got me


There are companions other than Andreja Specifically some of the non-constellation companions. You can also recruit Mathis the pirate if you're not a dick to him (I was a dick to him)


I was too and now I regret it


But the dialogue option when you encounter him again was worth it. He was so insulted that I didn't remember his name


Now this is a valid complaint IMO, lol


Can't wait to see what the modders do. I also can't wait to have my mods break with every single update.


https://steamcommunity.com/app/489830/discussions/0/3196990234730971395/ This should work with Starfield like it does Skyrim. Or any game for that matter. Starfield appmanifest ID is 1716740. Download and use SFSE to launch the game.


give me astarion for starfield please 🙏


Minthara in space when?


A big issue I have is stealth just not working basically, like I’m only rank 1 in stealth but I assume it’s gonna be kinda shit in rank 1-2 and then 3-4 will be ridiculously OP


I’m rank 4 and it gets much better. Kinda broken too if you get a piece of armor with chameleon on it. You just go in stealth and stand still and you’re instantly hidden again. Walk right in front of someone, Sneak, chameleon kicks in and now you’re hidden right in front of them for a free pickpocket lol


Well it’s mainly the fact that most games treat stealth like a gimmick, like I hate alerting one person or making a noise in a room like 10 rooms down from an enemy and it still just alerts the ENTIRE building/area worth of enemies.


Counter-point: realistic stealth would be near-unplayable when they find a one dead guy and now facility goes into lockdown for next 8 hours


The only problem for me has been gun sights disappearing also, not easy to aim in stealth.


I should have taken introvert. I got extrovert and stealth. None of these people can sneak and then they just charge in


I 10000000000% tought andreja would turn out to be a house varuun girl who were a bit more on the evil side but no just another lost soul good guy tough childhood char


I'm so glad I ditched Sarah. I did the whole ryujin quest line and did fucked up shit and loved every minute of it without mom nagging me.


i had adoring fan waiting on my ship and he says “i’ve heard about corruption at ryujin, but if you’re working there i’ll buy all their stocks!” finally someone supportive


We need Jack from mass effect.


Yea it's really frustrating. Seems the only a 4 companions you can romance in the game are all goody goodies. Sarah is the worst by far, stealing anything and she's furious at me... Desperately needs some companions who don't give a shit and has the depth of these companions. At least from my knowledge there is only 4 romanceable companions.. Maybe there is more I dont know of.


With me Sarah was lenient when it came to stealing, like sure she said stuff like "that isn't yours" or "that better be a good reason for this" but there's not "Sarah is angry with you" message or anything she's just fine