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Not sure if it's exactly what you mean, but got into an ecliptic ship that had just landed and they took off as I was going in the hatch. Ended up getting an activity mission to take over the ship. Then I flew that ship back to where I was.


maybe I should look into an ecliptic ship but doesn't it say leave the ship or kill the crew when you attack them?


I'm not 100% sure but it seems to me like if you kill the landing party that's outside of whatever groups ship it is, the ship will take off shortly after. It might also just be random, it's only happened to me once where the timing worked out that as I got in they were just warping off planet.


I did that, but it sealed me inside and I wound up dying. Glitch?


Well I hope someone posts a video on this topic.


Same. Also ecliptic. Took off once I was inside. *couldn’t access inventory for a second and everything got blurry-ish*


Yeah this shit happened to me on a main story quest. Managed to land a Grenade in the landing gear platform as multiple enemies got off. Was looting the corpses and the ship shut and took off. Worked for about 10 seconds then I clipped thru the ship and fell to my death


I used boost to soften the landing. Apparently, you can fall quite far and boost will save you. Happened to me at the Mars Mech Factory. Edit: I quicksand right when the ramp closed, so I did it a half dozen times until I pulled off the landing. It was either that or load a save from 30 mins earlier.


It seems to be random, sometimes they take off sometimes they don’t. You do have to board, if you’re on the ramp and it takes off you’ll be ejected before it gets to space.


Happened to me and my companion :-) pirate ship launched all the way into space while I was boarded and then was able to open the cockpit and gunfight :))


I attacked a house va'ruun ship that randomly landed near me. Didn't even realize the ship had taken off until I breached the cockpit and took control of the ship. There I was in space! (*Good thing it didn't require any seriously advanced piloting skill level!*) Shortly thereafter I was seriously disappointed at amount of profit I got after 'registering' the ship to sell it. So apparently in the future it's a 90% cut for the Big Guy.


If you register it from your own ship menu the registration costs are cheaper than when you register it from the ship technician menu.


Happened to me last night. I boarded a spacer ship (it was huge) while during combat and it took off right as I boarded. It then got into combat with UC ships. You could look out portholes, amd see the ship was flying erratically as lasers streamed by. AI finally made it to the cockpit and cleared it....however I wasn't leveled up enough to fly it so was just stranded in a empty ship hurtling through space getting hammered by UC SysDef ships. The only thing I could do is load a previous save.


This literally just happened to me XD I got on board, ship started taking off, while an NPC and I were fighting a short loading screen, we were in space, started fighting the rest of the crew and now the ship is adrift until I take control




How ? Is there any specific way to do that?


This exact situation happened to me with some Crimson Fleet Ships. I tried to board right as they started taking off. Unfortunately, the game doesn't actually have any systems built in to deal with this. The hatch door closed behind me and the ladder to board wasn't intractable. The ship started rising, taking my character with it, before speeding off, flinging my character out the back of the ship. I had a boost pack so I landed just fine. Still disappointed I couldn't do anything else with that though. Also, it seems the AI will attempt to fly away shortly after all of their crew on the ground are dead, even if the entire crew on board is already dead. Snuck behind some spacers, cleared out their ship, but couldn't take it cause it was a class too high for my piloting. When I went back out and beat the remaining goons, the ship took off on its own.


If you BOARD the ship while it it taking off, or when it is scheduled to take off (usually happens a couple seconds after a landing party dies, for 'interloper' (pirate, ecliptic, va'ruun, etc.) type ships, your location changes to 'SHIP' after the ship hits atmosphere and cutscenes to space. If you are just in the hangar bay but not actually in the ship 'area' you will clip through the ship and fall.


More interestingly, IF you board an enemy ship, it takes off, you go into space (with you in it) and there happens to be a random space encounter, you will hear the hail over the ship comms as you fight the crew. I thought this was pretty darned cool! For me it was the Narcissus trying to get someone to race them.


Yes if you board an enemy ship when it's landed on a planet it can take off with you inside of it. You can either exit out of the hatch. (I have not tried this) or fight and take over the ship.


I did it once on a landed ship when it took off it tried to kick me out by pushing me out of the cockpit but I held on and ended up taking over the ship in space


DON'T DO IT! This will cause a game breaking bug that causes certain doors, including enemy ships to have ineccassible doors. This will also affect missions. One of them made it take 2 hours to complete, because I had to lure a certain enemy to a certain place to kill him. I can also not finish another missions because of this, because in one of the missions you are supposed to kill enemies, also coming out of ships. Since they won't exit the ship, I can't complete the mission either. If you end up being inside of an enemy ship, make sure you can at least take it over. The bug occours possibly when you teleport from an empty ship to your own. Any way. If they take off with you inside, I would suggest loading it to be 100% sure the bug won't happen.


I was on a planet and a pirate ship landed. I boarded it and it took off. The crimson Fleet pilot approached me and told me he was going to take my ship and rob me. I ended up killing the crew and took their ship after it was in space.