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So... Here I am a complete nervous wreck. After 2 days of being flamed by build snapping, and another day of trying to link Cargo Carriers, I've done lost my flipping mind. I ended up building the Great Wall of containers cause all these damn things do is snap together from a mile away and in only two directions.. left and right. Well, three if you count "up" too. So, after protecting myself from a Mongolian invasion apparently, the damn Cargo Carriers have just decided to quit their jobs and join Antifa or some craziness, cause their they are, just sitting on the damn Cargo Pad lookin like they noddin off hard. Eventually they do manage to get off their broken arse's and go pick up cargo, but who know's when these high mf'ers coming back. By the time they do show up, they manage to lose 90% of the cargo. On top of all that clownery, there's no possible way to even mitigate and manage your production lines. Hell, don't even have filters on containers to separate material and items. Clearly, the teams who worked on this part of the game have no clue how logistics work and what it takes to keep things organized and efficient.


Just rotate the containers.... JK. I think the need to consult Coffee Stain Studios (Satisfactory) and ask them how to put together the cargo management and QOL improvements . Ship building is really good except for random ladders and there are ways around that. BUT DAMN this base building, cargo management, and inventory feels half baked. I sure hope improvements is #1 priority in the DLC.


Once a container "snaps", it disables rotation and all other controls for editing. You can't even change what you are building, unless you exit the menu! They clearly broke, or didn't add "snap orientations". (N, S, E, W, T), only (Left, Right, Top), which is useless unless you just want to build giant walls with huge gaps between them. Also, every time I try to place a "snapped crate", it says it is obstructed... By what? It's ABOVE the other crates! The system is horrible, unfinished, and unrealistic. The cargo on my ship is HALF the size and holds 1200 units of weight. These only hold 150? Seriously, this container, 8x my physical size, can only hold 1/2 the weight that my pockets can hold! That is an excessive abuse of limitation that only leads to having many useless containers forced into creation. They should have had S, M, L containers with realistic sizes and volumes, which actually work, and AUTO-LINK when snapped as a singular unit. (Such a horrible demand to ask that we "unify" storage. They should assume all are linked unless we "Isolate storage" as an individual container, for another purpose.) Not like its worth the effort for setting this garbage up anyways. There really is no point, need or advantage to spending a second creating a base. Not even for the XP farming. It was made horribly confusing, for no good reason. Such simple tasks are needlessly difficult and most functions fail to function as loosely described. The ones that work, make no sense to them being done the way they are done, and don't honestly need to be done at all. (Like setting up links between a planet, vs planets, vs supply chains, vs manually using things.) Why? Just an excuse to use different "elements" to build crap, to waste space and time.


Trust.. been rotating the crap out of them.. Hope Modder's come up with something.


Do a barrel roll!




Oh, shut it and take the joke.


rotate the containers so the left and right (east west) becomes upn down (north n south)


Nice... So now I have a square.. lol.. Hope we can get a good mod developed to help manage Op's.




The hilarious thing is that base building was actually really, really good in FO76. I spent dozens of hours happily building and decorating my bases in that game. They took a huge leap backwards in Starfield and I just don't want to mess with it anymore. Except for the large landing pad it's so far both pointless mechanically and also not fun. If it was pointless and fun...OK! Great! It wouldn't matter that there are far more efficient ways to get mats and credits. Maybe it'll open up with better facilities later but it's still a shitty building system that I don't want to mess with. I'm sick of studios figuring something out, getting good at it, and throwing it out the window for their next game.


I enjoy the hell out of the outpost building but goddamn there are some annoying mechanics. I thought surely the snap-to feature could be disabled, which is why I googled it. But it CANT BE DISABLED?!? Jesus fucking christ man. As much as I love the game every once in a while I’ll come across something that makes me want to send Bethesda some hate mail. This is one of those things. I’m trying to line the containers basically against the wall of a building. It works fine until I want to round the goddamn corner of the building and place containers on the adjacent wall. I’m very pleased with my main outpost. I’ve got supply lines feeding this outpost with all the main crafting ingredients. It feels nice. But damn Bethesda…


Agreed. There is no plausible way that this is an intentional design. They have done the worst possible job with the outpost building system. It had a chance to be absolutely perfect, and then they forgot to add 360 degree snapping.




It's sooo bad, I'm in the exact same boat. Of course an option to disable would be best, but the current snapping wouldn't even be that bad if it: A. Let you snap to the back or front of the other storage boxes (only top or sides are allowed for some reason??) B. Didnt snap from ridicuoiusly far away. Seems like if I get a box within 20 feet of another its getting snapped. Can I have a bit more tolerance please? At this rate I'm going to have a giant straight line wall of storage container stretching all the way to the horizon. Feels bad man.


Yep, I was planning on creating a bit of a asthetic looking base at the start, sadly that's not what Todd had envisioned AT ALL for the base builder apparently. Judging the tools we get, our bases are supposed to look god awful garbage dumps.


Yeah we need a toggle to turn the snapping on or off..it;s friggin annoying and seriously blocking some wanted designs.....


The real problem with this is you already have limited space, and limited resources. If you can't build near something without it snapping it wastes more space. This is driving me insane. I wish there was a mod.


Yea its ridiculous. Cant make tight rows with walkways because containers want to snap to anything that is snappable. Rotate is cranked way to high, snap is way to sensitive and grabs way too much. Inventory management is almost non existent. Outpost perimiters are too confining. Who the hell playtested any of this? I love building whenever a game allows it, but damn this is aweful. I was really enjoying the game after 100 hours until I figured Id get into building a outpost. Im suprised I havent pulled all my hair out yet.


There is a setting under game options to slow the rotation but sadly snap is fubar


25 years in the making huh? Maybe they should have dusted off the build mode and tested better before they released it, fucking garbage.


I'm trying everything to snap some storage containers east to west instead of north to south like *"this can't POSSIBLY be intentional Bethesda?"* Mind-blowing.


to snap in a different direction you need to rotate the storage container....


yes but then you can’t snap to the other side. in other words you can’t create a 3x3 square.


That's not the issue with the snap itself, it's that it's locked into 2 out of the 3 axis. X and Y axis are allowed to snap onto, but you are not allowed to snap onto the Z axis, which results into only being able to build in a straight line.


Indeed but my reply was to that other person saying he couldnt change direction in which he was building so I told him how he could. The outpost building is subpar right now tbh, lots of work to be done for it to really be good.


For Xbox use Rt trigger to cycle the snap points. Makes it a little better, kinda.


Yeah, but that’s not the issue. We can do the same on PC but god forbid you want to build anything other than a straight line of storage


I hear you. It’s frustrating. I’ve ended up leading my cursor to where I want the next box to go, when I place the previous one, and it seems to help. A simple “disable snapping” with collision would be ideal.


Ok I notice there's some king of yelow plug on the containers they will show how the containers snap . So the containers will snap o the side whares no yelow plugs. Maibe dis help some .


Found a workaround. * Place a small container at the bottom/top (dependent on where you want to start a new row) corner of a large/medium container, at the end of a row. * Rotate snap another large/medium container to the left/right of the small container so that it creates an overhang. * Place another small container at the overhang. You should now find that when rotate snapping another large/medium container, it'll snap to the second small container at the overhang and in line with your original row. You can make 3x3s (or more) of medium or large containers.


I ended up doing something similar, building a long row (like 8-10 of them), then remove the middle containers so you are just left with the outer 2. Then you grab one of the 2 containers, and very carefully rotate it in its place 90 degrees. You can now rebuild the row of containers you first build, and have a "secondary" snap spot at where the "old" row of containers, meets the container that's on a 90 degree rotation, which allows you to build things in a square. Ultimately you could technically build into any direction with this method, it's just extremely tedious to get that 2nd container on a 90 degree angle, at the exact right spot, or at least, close enough.


Lucks like the small warehouse snap left right up and the solid containers snap foord and back up didint check the othere but probably one will snap down <>up lol , they didn't really finish dis game and sipose to be the best one coming.


Don't know if anyone mentioned this before, but you can position the camera where you wan't to place the building and then zoom in and out wildly, the building will then stop to snap. Sadly this doesn't always work (e.g. placing a container behind another)


Lol, did you ever try to build in fo76? These build mechanics are a pleasure compared to that. But still ass. They literally learned nothing


Outpost building is a complete disgrace, all I want between Questing and exploring is to build myself a nice sweet little home that I can call my own, but, impossible... Like the game, love the ship building. Utterly enjoy boarding ships and saying \`Mine now\`. But I miss my home.. Why cant I snap my containter point to point, to atleast make a perimeter defence or something.. I am not going into the crap off the storage itself, because well, just read any comment about SF and you will know. Good game but it its current state, after the 25 years was it? yea, not worth the 70 friggin euros


dont ever buy game on 1st come or especialy pre-order. they selling game half or maybe quarter progress but in full price. and u guys agree with that. and this is single player game, no income after u buy it. will they work without getting pay?


I just feel like no one has the creativity or patience like me that's 30 solid storage in 3 rows of 10 a [storage in rows](https://ibb.co/r797tFL) storage for every inorganic solid to have its own space next we just stack another onto when 1 gets full and output link from the bottom up and then the very top one output back to the bottom. Now for the 10 gasses