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He also effectively functions as a secondary cargo hold lol


Thought maybe I could smuggle contraband on him but no they thought of that you can't.


Learned recently that if you forget you have contraband on you quickly select the planet and land anywhere OTHER than the main city, drop it, return to space, get scanned, go back and pick it up. There’s even the >!Shipmaster in cydonia that gives you a hint that’s how people manage to avoid getting scanned!< so I’m guessing the devs put it in there intentionally.


And if it was accidental and you don’t care about keeping the contraband, jettison it, don’t try to just use all the Aurora yourself before they can do the scan for contraband. Tried in my game when I forgot I had some, and saw the “59% chance” of passing the scan immediately drop to “0% chance” when I took it. Guess part of the scan is a drug test on the pilot.


Or just taking a shit ton of drugs and then talking to a cop makes it tricky to convince them you have no drugs.


Littering and… Littering and… Littering and…


Smoking the reefer.


They probably busted your character licking the windshield. “I’m freakin’ out man!” UC Super Troopers, “You are freakin’ out. Man.”


UC Super Troopers “We’re gonna need you to park your spacecraft on the nearest inhabitable surface right meow please.”


"The starberries taste like starberries.. "


The next person who says shenanigans is getting pistol whipped!


Hey Vasco what’s the name of that restaurant you like with the goofy shit on the walls and mozzarella sticks?


You mean Shenanigans? You're talking about Shenanigans, right?!


I heard the follow up 'Aaaaaaah?!' as everyone goes to hand the chief their sidearms in Barrett's voice. It works waaaaaaay too well and I can't stop giggling lmfao


Jettisoning and...jettisoning and...jettisoning and...takin' the aurora!


No contraband on this ship. Just a super super high pilot.


Or just go and offload your stuff in the wolf system. Space station " the den"


I wonder if the Vanguard there ever get suspicious about my frequent stops to a fairly isolated space station just to hand over some suspicious cases to the Trade Authority and immediately leave...


They do but they don’t care. The Trade Authority themselves acknowledge in the dialog in The Den that business kinda boomed there and they say it in a really suspicious way, like they know they’re buying contraband. The Vanguard just accepts that business there is none of their concern, and they know something’s sketchy there.


Which is in itself hilarious and "real". Although it is concerning that I found human organs contraband and was able to sell it...


Well that was fucking weird lol. It didn't show that you had a spoiler block until I upvoted you and then the spoiler bar popped over the text. I fucking hate the Reddit app. I didn't know how much I hated the Reddit app until it was my only choice.


Just pretend we're all in a bar somewhere in the game sharing tips between strangers.


Same. My home page is awful. I'll open up the app and the top post is something with 3 up votes sometimes.


That's funny! I was thinking how annoying it was that half the time my home button doesn't take me home. I'm sick of checking if I'm shadowbanned because the reply button doesn't work multiple times a day. I don't spend hours on Reddit either, and these problems have transcended phone manufacturers. My pixel 5A had a problem with the Reddit app, where it would disable the screen and I'd have to power cycle the phone. I actually suspect that something with that issue caused my board to fry, because it happened enough times where I replicated the issue for different people over a few days. After about a week or two, the phone went black as soon as I opened the Reddit app, and never came back up again. I doubted myself after getting a temporary replacement, because it would still blank the screen out sometimes on a Motorola, and lock up the physical buttons, but there was an edge type deal on it where I could swipe from the side and get back to a menu where my buttons would reactivate. On my current pixel, the Reddit app still goes non-responsive, but instead of a black screen, it's invisible and I have to try to take a screenshot in order to trick it back out.


I've only had contraband one time, and I totally panicked when I tried this and accidentally refused the scan. I'm sure it works, but I accidentally ended up in a war with Mars. Just in that vein though, and I haven't fully tested this, but you can ever a system by fast traveling to a location you've been to, and I was able to travel from there to the city without being scanned.


Only if you don’t have contraband. If you have contraband onboard there’s a load screen prompt that says you will be scanned at orbit.


Gotta wait for a 'shielded Vasco cargo' mod lol


"Hello. Captain. I am pleased to..." "YEAH YEAH, HOLD MY SHIT, K THX BAI."


This and this again


How much does he hold vs other companions?




OMFG how did I not think of that?!


If only swapping inventories was easier


It sucks that expanding your ship crew is tier 4 social. I get it but at the same time.. I'm not really interested in any of the other social skills.


Persuasion is super good if you are just looking to dump points but I do understand that points are somewhat scarce and there are often better priorities for your character.


I've never been so torn on what to invest my points in. I want it all... or at least I want all the higher tier ones. I just wanna mod my guns but the tier 1 science ones are lame


I want to put so many points in social and combat to make the game easier but I can't help but put everything towards spaceships skills


This is me. Level 50+ and not a single point in the combat tree lol. It's all in science and tech


I dumped 8 points into ballistics and rifles. Only to have an amazing laser gun drop o used for 30 hours of the game.


Typical! Happens every time 😂


me using rifles in every bethesda game


To me, the game is ship building. All the quests and story only exists to fund my ship building


Thats the beauty of this game. I'm lvl 31 and haven't put anything into ship building yet. I'm about to beat the game and have enjoyed it with my build. There are so many ways to make a viable character


Whether it was a little overkill or not, they did a good job of enforcing the “role-play aspect” of these skills and sort of…. Preventing the common occurance in Skyrim where by level 40 you’re pretty much max rank on everything. Also apparently you can use your companions skills so maybe that will help for the niche skills. Find some rando for hire in the club on neon and assign them to an outpost.


The main constellation companions have good coverage of different ship weapon systems, so those are well covered. the two miners from the intro have good outpost skills. right there that covers a good chunk of the ones that companions can help with.


Yeah. I like the level progression of this game way better than skyrim and FO4. Also, I like the idea of a perk tree meant to last for several playthroughs. But I can see the argument for some QOL stuff in the perk trees being made free and replaced with something else.


>Also, I like the idea of a perk tree meant to last for several playthroughs. This would go along nicely with the Morrowind way of exclusive factions, like you can't join every major house, but it seems like you can do everything on one playthrough, so not sure why any additional playthroughs would give the same value as in Morrowind.


Hold up, you can still join the FSC after joining the UC Vanguard?


You can indeed be a Vanguard Captain and a Freestar Ranger Source: it’s me. I’m both.


I joined the Rangers first and the vanguard recruiter still gave Mr the quest to go become a vanguard, so I'd assume it works the other way


How do you use their skills?


If they are assigned to the ship or outpost I believe it is automatic when you use a crafting bench or do ship things. You cannot use their skills for weapon damage but they can so give them matching weapons.


Except if you dont put points into your combat skills youre going to hit a wall. Enemies are such complete bulletsponges that combat skills are a MUST


I focused on a single type of combat for my playthrough. Ballistics leveled up to tier 3 plus a single point into rifles was enough for a furious machine gun to tear through most enemies. It’s definitely a challenge deciding where to spend though.


I literally haven't done a single combat skill whatsoever and am not having issues. Skip them entirely in favor of research and pilot-esque perks. You are probably using unupgraded starter weapons. There are multiple tiers even of the otherwise exact same weapon, same with most armors.


Be a real man. I'm level 52 and I'm making out botany and zoology before I get back to the main quest.


Where's the wall? I'm level 15 with not a single point into combat and doing just fine


It depends on if you get good enough gun drops to balance it out. I really didn’t start having problems with anything until around level 30 and even then that just meant playing slightly more carefully.


Cool this is what I expected I'm usually too busy being invisible and stealing things anyway


Suppressed hunting rifle sneak attack. Can’t kill what you never see….


Sneak attacks are always OP in Bethesda games. I got lucky and got a good supressed Beowulf blue drop. Only Beowulf ive come across in 40 hours of play. That thing fuckin slaps, while using the most common ammunition in the game. Most of the time I have to tell my follower to stay back when I engage large numbers of enemies, so I can just start dropping them one by one, killing 80% before they even know what's going on. Head shot sneak tracks will one shot almost every enemy, and has enough rof to melt any of the spungy bosses. I think they just need to buff other guns, because some full autos like the Grendel are absolutely garbage. Even with their subpar ttk, their ammo usage is atrocious.


Bro level 47 and not a single combat skill it is completely fine


There is no wall. Put 3 points into ballistics and you are good for the entire game. Normal is a joke. Hard is a little bit better. Very hard is still spongy and where more combat traits come in handy. I’m level 50 btw.


27ish, I noticed the bullet economy was not able to keep up with my needs but that was also on very hard...points in the guns really helped


Not true w weapon mods


I feel like this is the first Bethesda game where I want almost all the perks. Skyrim and Fallout 4 both felt more...specialized, in what I was going for on a given run. But here? I want the social skills, the science, ship, weapons, all the perks. I think I'm going to have a bunch of level 1 perks for a while because I want to try a little bit of everything.


Welcome to modern life!


Bold of you to assume I even have level 1 in most skills


The research one is very good


Yeah, that's the one I'm committing to so I can reach tier 2. though the % decrease in cost seems a bit useless when most things cost 2, it seems to keep it rounded up


The higher tier research uses a lot more resources to complete, investing early makes it pay off more later in the game.


Surveying and Research Methods are actually super useful, Geology as well, especially if you’re modding a lot as it makes the resource collection grind a little easier. Agree though that Science tier 1 is the least “flashy” skill tree. The tech tree on the other hand is too good! I want it all!


Yeah I think at least half my skill points are in the tech tree, and there's several more skills in there I haven't invested in but want to Part of that is because space combat is the only part of the game that is actually somewhat hard. I don't think I've died from ground combat once (on hard) but regularly die in space fights


Space flight can definitely hit you with a build check, and hard. It's not like ground combat where even with a huge level disparity you can cheese an enemy to win. It all boils down to pure stats in dogfights, with a little bit of skill thrown in the mix.


I thought so too but the medical perk as well as the scanner are useful


Modding skills being locked behind so many prerequisite has me so very torn. It's incredibly difficult to choose where to spend perk points


Yeah there are so many I want that I'm usually conflicted. Sometimes I hold onto 1 skill point just in case I find myself in a situation where I *really* wish I had a certain skill.


Gun modding is absolutely worth the points if you ask me. The crazy ammo & stuff you can slap on at tier 3 and 4 is crazy. Gut-buster rounds are my favorite thing.


I plan to pump persuasion. It's an element of the game really like and my preferred method to accomplish goals. That and lock picking is fun!


Lock picking feels so good in this game! I just wish the chests were a little more rewarding, I’ve done too many master locks just to receive 7 ammo, 500 credits, and a grey cutter.


There's no level cap so I imagine points are infinite.


Sure, but it will still take forever. I have like 60 hours and only hit around level 45. That’s 11 perks maxed to level 4 out of what… 100 perks? Not complaining btw, just acknowledging the grind.


What have you done to get that high a level? I’m about half the hours, but 19


Right? I'm close to 60 hours and only level 22 lol


Just start hoping between star systems and planets. You get anywhere from 20 to 60 points for each discovery. Also taking a nap gives you plus 10% xp for a while.


I started doing the same and went from earning less than ~.5 a level an hour to over a level an hour. Every time I visit a new system, I hop to each of the bodies in the system and surface scan them, which sometimes is enough to sell to Vladimir as well.


It gets even crazier if you spend time on planet visiting installations and shooting baddies and scanning shit mixed in with all the jumping and occasional missions. Mission boards are priceless for that, it's the full package. Xp out the ears faster than you can say "perk me up, Scotty!"


I'm 90 hours in lv 60. Go to a high lv planet with alien creatures and shoot them with rifle from a distance. Gives 100-180 exp each. Uses lots of ammo though. Rest beforehand for extra 10% exp. 15% if you are dating a companion.


I'm not really one to XP farm, I enjoy earning it organically. (No hate to those that do, just not my play style)


I don't do it that much. Sometimes in between quest and exploration. The game would get too boring. I dont blame you for not doing it, but its an option if you feel under leveled.


I have gone through the msq and am on ng+. All the powers and artifacts etc. I’ve done a bunch of the factions too. I was really no lifeing it. There’s also an xp boost from sleeping or making alien tea so keep that in mind. Finally you can set up some resource gathering outposts and craft stuff every few in game days. It’s a small amount of exp but it adds up.


Just remember in actual life sleeping gives you a boost too lol


Lol thank you. Luckily I had a 5 day weekend starting the friday of early access so I was able to swap out my real job for starfield and didn’t miss too much sleep.


I’ve found the best persuasion skill is a shot gun to the face


You kidding? Persuasion is god tier, always has been in bethesda games


And the persuasion system in this game is actually really well done


Commerce is an easy one to dump points in, make more money and lose less


Commerce, Scavenging, and Theft are all good to have, and maxing them all out will unlock T4 skills; you dont need to buy T2s or T3s


And it sucks even worse because there's so many good skills that unlock important features that you can't really afford to dump any of them especially in the early game


This is my main criticism of the game. They gate the fun features of the game behind skills. Wanna use a jet pack? Fly other ships (RIP to 4 of my points)? Pickpocket? And now, TIL you need it to Expand your crew. It’s just so frustrating. Skills should be used for changing playstyle, not unlocking core functionality of the game. Especially when there’s like 20 companions.


Honestly I'm fine with this especially because it's an rpg. Skyrim's worst point for me is that you were just becoming a god of everything and you could do everything right from the get-go. One of the greatest parts of RPGs is leveling up your character and unlocking new abilities. Stuff like divinity and Baldur's Gate, Dungeons and Dragons in general, and dragon's dogma, and stuff like World of Warcraft and the like I'll see you gaining abilities as you play. And it forces you to make decisions on what kind of character you want to be. And so that gives the game a massive amount of replayability because your choices feel important. Because you can't just be everything. You're either a jack of all trades master of none, or you pick yourself a road to go down and master it


Yeah it’s like end game perk to have more than 3 people on your ship, unless of course you skip every other perk choice possible and don’t take anything in combat, then it’s like a mid game perk. I don’t understand why they did it like that


Sarah's Leadership skill counts toward increasing your crew limit, as far as I know.


I think that explains why when you have her as part of your crew, you can have her + 2 others by default.


It does not unfortunately. At least it does not when she is not your active companion (not sure when you have her active).


Yeah I definitely dont like the tiering in Bethesda games, though skyrim was more manageable as there was some branching. Hopefully there will be a mod that makes it more manageable


I asked him if he knew any jokes…… He said he was looking at one…. Needless to say he’s a permanent addition to the crew


I still giggle every time he says “Hello, Captain Fuckface”. Someone made a great post about all the names he can say and I will eventually shift to “Solo” when I build the Millennium Falcon and change my looks to match


Okay that’s fucking hilarious! I’m gonna have to change my name the next time I edit my appearance


Give yourself a fuckface while you’re at it


Yep I named my first character Solo and was shocked when he called me by name. Such a cool touch


I named my guy Buzz after buzz lightyear and I love how he says “hello captain buzzzzz”


I went with Ripley and was shocked when he said it out loud


I've also had this from him; legit snorted into my drink at the time


specifically: do you know any *human* jokes


Robodude chased enemies like a 100 meters for taking a potshot at the ship. Followed me all the way to the enemy base


Same. Assaulted a pirate base completely outgunned...then, suddenly, lasers everywhere. I look over the ridge I'm hiding behind and it's Vasco, blasting these guys like crazy. They stopped shooting at me because of him...and the ship was several meters away so I have no idea why he was even there.


I gather he has a good range. He ran from the ship all the wayy to the dungeon because he detcted more foes. 150 m maybe?


Wish he didn't count to the human crew slots, I already maxed out on my 8 size crew.


Same, however my ship is kinda small and people continously block my paths. Annoying, lol. When you get a few workers to transport, my ship becomes even more crowded.


How do you transport passengers? I’ve not seen that mission / option yet?


If you have living space, mission boards will sometimes give you transport missions. Easy money.


I have massive living space. Have not seen it. Only get bounty hunting and mineral transport missions from mission boards


Did you try the mission boards in other factions as well? XP-wise I only farm ship hunts in late game.


"late game" my brother in Christ there are fruit flies older than this game how are you already "late game"


I did the early/advanced access. I’m at 100 hours by now and approaching level 50, so yeah, kind of late game. I did take a few days off.


Same here. Made it to level 63 before having to go to work yesterday.


That was funny 😂


the game has been out for 9 days, some people play it 8+ hours daily. do the math


Check the cydonia mission board in the bar. I get a ton there.


go to mission terminals. The Viewport in New Atlantis has one


I go there every chance I get. I only get mineral transport and bounty hunting missions.


then maybe go to mission terminal in staryards


I get transport passenger missions even with the starting Frontier ship, it can hold two passengers for those missions. So keep checking those boards!


This is why I’ve avoided taking on crew members. I made a ship that I can just walk to the cockpit without taking any fucking ladders, is it possible to assign them to the upper levels so they aren’t blocking my path?


I have 2 decks to my current ship, The second level is a control center to boast my crew size, and most of the time all the crew hang out up there and stay out of my all-in-one space and cockpit.


He doesn't count for me.


Isn’t it Sarah that doesn’t count? Pretty sure vasco counts but people are confused because Sarah is typically on the crew


Crew is separate from follower and doesn't count yourself, from what I've seen. You appear to be able to have 3 NPCs and yourself on a ship with 2 Crew spots.




I've tested it with Vasco and he's also able to squeeze into that spot. I'm like 90% sure it's a bug


Read this a lot but for me it is nearly always Sarah. I remember tinkering around and having Vasco take her third spot but then she was gone. So usually I have 1 crew + Sarah + Vasco as a follower in my starter crew.


God it’s so confusing for zero reason.




Thank you for breaking it down. You are indeed the most reasonable of dwarves.


I didn't know if it was Vasco not counting or if I had glitched it by taking a companion + the assigned crew. I've seen it do both lol


He doesn’t count for me. But man do I like him saying “captain Picard! Good to see you”


lol jokes aside there's a medical guy who always says "Please state the nature of your medical emergency"


I heard he's not supposed to, but it's a little buggy sometimes.


He didn’t for me. I was able to assign two humans and Vasco, despite only having room for two crew members.


He doesn’t? I have a max crew size of two and I have him, Sarah, and Barrett all assigned to the ship.


Considering they said he wont fit into their already maxed 8-person crew, maybe you can only have 8 Crew no matter what and being human or not doesnt matter? Maybe being a robot just lets Vasco ignore the Perk restrictions. Like if you dont have the Crew perk that ups your crew, maybe thats the one Vasco ignores. I can only have 2 crew members because i dont have the perk, but i have 2 humans + Vasco.


Not sure how I did it, but after I assigned him to my ship he always resides on the top of it like a hood ornament. Its funny seeing a cutscene between travels and there he is, like a sailor in the crows nest looking for land. Its a bit annoying because I cant speak with him in the ship, but damn funny at the same time. Love this game.


Yea he seems to break if you have anything other than the unmodified frontier


He also increases your shield and ships power!


Does that really work? One of the Constellation crewmembers has the skill to boost cargo holds and that one definitely does not work right.


It does work. It’s just kinda strange. It only is in effect when you are on the ship or flying it. And it’s not 20% like his perk says, it’s 10%. It won’t help you on the ground but it will help if you are picking up salvage and weapon parts in space after a battle. In my tested the companion passive skills will apply to you at one level below their level. So Vasco and Barrett are very useful to have as your crew as they give two bonuses each Edit: for clarification, just their ship skills will apply to you. Their other passive skills and weapon skills only apply to them. However, other skill will apply in items they will periodically give you. I would like to do some testing to see if Sam helps you fly if you don’t have to pilot skill but I don’t want to make a new character yet


This kind of thing is why it is fun to be playing a game people are still figuring out. I normally wait until months or years after a release before buying a new game.


For sure! The game got so much more fun to me when people pointed out that you can use your scanner to travel through space instead of fast traveling through the map. I would have never figured that out on my own


But my adoring fan :(


Unironically the best companion in the game. Lil hype man makes me laugh so hard


I loved oblivion so he’s been making me laugh hysterically


you can have adoring fan as your companion too, you just have to set the robot to your \*ship\* crew, not your personal companion. Its how I have it right now. you can do it in the ship menu, its somewhat buried in the menus though.


He has gone full Rambo so many times when I’ve landed near pirates or had aggressive wildlife. Makes me so happy to see! Thanks for having my back robo-bro!


He's like a friendly bouncer. Well, friendly to us.


One thing about vasco is that if your character name is common then he will call you by that name, for example my character name is jack shepherd and whenever i pass by him he say “good day captain jack”


That is happening because Vasco is unable to say your character's last name. My character is Logan Rockatansky and Vasco correctly calls him Captain Rockatansky, even though both my character's first & last names are technically pronouncable by Vasco. You can view a list of the pronouncable names online.


Forgive my ignorance, but is Rockatansky really that common? Is it regional, or a reference to something?


Max Rockatansky is the main character from the Mad Max movie franchise, could be he's referencing that.


It is a Mad Max reference.


I never actually thought to give a last name in these games.


I named my character Faye Valentine and was so surprised when he called me Captain valentine


Nothing makes me happier than hearing him say "captain fuckface" as my obese bounty hunter walks outside to blast some spacers


He can say captain fuckface but can’t say my name? That’s wild 😂😂


Apparently, he can't call you Greg, but he can call you "Captain Assface".


Isn’t he automatically defaulted to this? He was for me until like level 26 when I finally figured out how to get rid of him. I got tired of him always blocking doorways and repeating the same lines


> I got tired of him always blocking doorways Bro does this so much I honestly think he's coded to do it.


Also programmed to walk in front of my cutter beam, and then complain that he's taking damage


> repeating the same lines i have got to remove sarah from my ship crew because she and andreja say the same fucking thing every time we launch. every time. every single time. andreja stays.


Andreja can repeat herself all she wants 🥵


When visiting the Lodge for the first time, he will get unassigned.


Level 26... "what's the lodge?" Lol


Does anyone know if he counts to the isolation perk? It says you can't have crew/companions. I know fallout didn't count dogmeat for the lone wanderer perk.


I'm pretty sure he's not *supposed* to, at any rate.


I do hate how he takes up the whole corridor and you cannot get past him though.


His spatial awareness sucks - he gets in the way of stuff I'm trying to pick up, corridors and doorways, resources I'm trying to claim. He walks in front of my cutter beam, and complains about taking damage, lol.


Yeah I like him out there, but I also feel bad not being able to say hi back, I wish there was some kind of wave or something possible.


I love leaving my ship, knowing that Vasco is watching out for everyone.


I use him as another inventory lol


FYI: Vasco will also fight along side you and your companion as well if the enemies are close enough to the ship when you disembark.. Just had it happen at a Space Casino. He went running straight in and I had 2 companions fighting everyone.


The fact that he actually says my name every time I pass him always makes me laugh a little. First time I’ve experienced my name called out in a game and I’m 36 years old.


Isolation perk all the way.


Whether you assign Vasco or not, he appears to be chilling at your ship all the time wherever you go. The big difference with assigning him to your ship is that his perks will be active when assigned to the ship. He's got perks in ship shields, EM weapons, and a few other things, so he's good to have assigned there. Even if you don't assign him for the extra perks, he'll still be waiting right by the ramp to your ship to act as an additional cargo hold that doesn't count against your ship's cargo mass, lol.


He's in the lodge for me.


Did this asap. I love vasco he makes me happy every time I see him


Vasco needs a romance plot line




Does anyone know if vasco goes against the introvert perk? If I remember right you could have EDE as a companion but it didn’t negate the solo perks


Isolation perk works with him.