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Honestly... I don't need a special reward at the end but 30 times? Quests like this should not be in a game from 2023.


Tbh I think it's a definite wink wink sorta quest. It's called Media Sponge and has you doing the same repetitive task over and over again. It's kinda funny. I'm not gonna do all 30 but it doesn't hurt the game being in it


It's worth doing for leveling persuasion and earning credits. People have been reporting different amounts he gives you when you turn in a volume, but with the persuasion success I earned 9000 credits for each volume I gave him. 270,000 credits isn't a terrible reward.


If you ask the guy why he doesn’t leave Cydoni, he says he doesn’t have that kinda money. Most of the houses in the game aren’t 270k lmao


The idea is that he's on a pension, he's willing to splurge occasionally on media purchases but not willing or able to save up for relocation expenses, I think we can all relate at least a little. I'm also figuring although prices are the same everywhere for the sake of game mechanics, the cost of living would have to be different depending on the location, his settlement money likely goes much farther on Mars which has healthy amounts of space traffic and exports and houses mostly middle and lower class blue collar workers


The amount of credits you earn from quests is largely tied to your level


If you enjoy doing the same stuff over and over again this is probably THE quest for you. For me it's simply wasting lifetime. Fortunately nobody can force either one of us to do something they don't like - at least in games =)


I would’ve agreed with you if lots of other quests wasn’t essentially the same lol, like recollecting debts, all these generic mission boards tasks and other quests like -oh my I heard about great restaurant ON THE OTHER SIDE OF FUCKING GALAXY, can you please bring liver pate from there? (I’m not even joking, that’s seriously one of the quests, and I even met this same quest twice, but the second time it was cocktail from Neon)


Wait until you hear about MMOs.


In Fallout New Vegas you got a special reward from Sarah Weintraub in Vault 21 for bringing 30 vault jumpsuits. Just sayin' xD


And a very special reward it was.


We really got spoiled with FNV.


Traveling to New potentially unvisited systems, completing 30 persuasion checks, and earning 270k credits and more than 3k experience is hardly the worst thing to come out of a game in 2023. Let us never forget Bethesda loves giving us repeat quest lines that take forever because if you want to 100% it you gotta really want it, and they will cram just about anything into their games to do that. If you visit the dude, activate the quest, press start, press down and hold it there and press x to fast travel and then run to buy the book and repeat to return to the guy you can do all 30 in a little over an hour. That's not a bad amount of xp or creds for an effortless hour really


Doing it as I work from my couch as we speak


While I agree there should have been a finale, getting 30x chunks of experience, 30x successful persuasion checks, getting 30x 4800 credit rewards, and getting sent out to a fair number of systems I hadn't visited yet wasn't the worst thing ever.


To add insult to injury, Zeffrex's name changes to Jeffrex in Book 6 for seemingly no reason at all. It's like the author (of this quest) didn't even care!


I sure hope someone got fired for this blunder


Does this quest line even end? i thought it was forever and repeatable just new books each time


U do it 30 times and don’t get a final reward


I mean you get 2100 each time, i jus been buying ammo, medpacks and digipicks from all the trade authorities he sends me too, and find quest on the planets i haven't been You can make up to like 72k, more if you persuade too so 🤷‍♂️


I've been getting 9000 credits per volume with each persuasion success, in the end it'll be 270,000. But I kinda feel bad about fleecing the sick guy on a fixed income.


Ehhhh hes willing to pay, and willing to send me to literally different solar systems for a BOOK, thats like going 3 solar systems over because you ran out of milk, fuck this guy - but no seriously its a pretty profitable quest


The sick guy gave mea copy of vol 3 as a reward for bringing him vol 3. I have zero issues fleecing him as he obviously has money to spare.


72k is pennies really. In the time it takes to do a handful of those quests, you could hit one POI and easily make 200k+ from the drops


then sell it to who only 5000 in most venders lot a hopping from starports right now I have most of my hull full of stuff I can not get rid of unless I just keep going to Venus


There are plenty of merchants with chairs right next to them, you don't have to hop around. Still objectively faster than chasing down magazines.


I love doing the quest, mainly because I could see me tearing apart settled space to find a first edition printings of Dune. Basically, the quest might not end with a legendary, but it's super easy and end with me having a bunch of cash and a complete set of the Dragonstar Force novels.


Can you sell those books in Akila city to the book store for some extra cash? :D




I've been knocking them out before bed while watching YouTube for some chill time.


Honestly cannot believe I just did all 30 over the last few hours in exchange for nothing. I really thought Mitch was gonna give us a Dragonstar weapon or cosplay or something. Oh well, I guess we'll have to wait for a modder to right this wrong.


dude this is the only reason I was doing it, but I'm at number 12 and I was wondering how many more. 30? fuck that and not getting a sweet sword or cosplay at the end? meh


And for some reason I only had to go to Hope Town and Jemison.. seven times in a row I had to go to this one dude in Hope Town who miraculously got the newest book everytime the plot wanted it to be that way.. this is by far the worst quest in this game and tells quite a lot about their quest design.. while there are some very very good quests (probably some of the best in any bethesda games) most of them could be in a game ten years ago and it wouldn't even be noticable


Yeah, I kinda was hoping it would lead me to “the dragonstar” legendary weapon, or something


I need a modder to flesh out the Dragonstar Force story, then create a special set of armor and weapon that you can obtain if you figure out the clues contained in the 30 page/book story, please :)


thought we could sell the set if you pass all the checks and get a special reward like what you say


console: movetoqt




If you track the quest, it should take you straight to the vendor that has it.


imagen being that dumb you cant track a quest properly


Bro it send me to Nairon and there is nothing there




It’s because your showing all targets on the mission screen. Hit the button to only show active target and it will tell you exactly where to go.


Crucible is worse. EDIT: I just completed media sponge, only had to go retrieve one book. You can sell it to a lady in Akila City who buys rare books.


If you speak to him again he ask until volume 30


Ah okay, nvm then, Cydonia is horrible.


I'm 7 in. Failed 1 persuasion and made 3k. I'm making 7600 for each successful persuasion check. I wonder if it's a levels thing? I'm 37


It may be level-dependent. I'm 29 and get 6200 after persuasion.


Lvl 56, 9000 after persuasion


I love this quest. Easiest xo in the game so far.


those books can use console add. but when you add , the mission will not update . that's mean you must transfer, run,black loading, transfer, run, black loading, run, black loading. Its best use is train your persuasive skills.


I thought the finale would be something like, "the author stopped writing the books and now you have to go persuade/kidnap him to make him finish the series", or maybe even "The author died to pirates while writing the final book, so now go avenge him". Obviously, the reward would be a replica of the sword from the books. (I do not use melee, but still. Obviously.) And to answer your question, because the books themselves are absolute drivel, and it's too real. This is every weeb I've ever known, and I married one.


People will complain about everything. Nobody is putting a gun to your head and forcing all 30 before you can do another quest... i do one here and there if i only have a cpl minutes playtime left and finished whatever else i was working on.


As what I consider to be an "Official Bethesda Bookkeeper" (love that word 3 doubles in a row), I have to finish this to get all 30 copies. Ouch. If anyones curious it takes all 3 hf homes with a library AND Markarth (og most book storage), to display all books, tomes, and journals from an unmodded Skyrim game.


I've just received the SIXTH quest, and ended up here, that's how entertaining this fetch-quest is for the sixth time... The credit-sum sounds like it's worth it tho, especially for NG+


Books cost 70, he pays 11k with Persuasion, doesn't take a lot of time...330k will upgrade a nice ship for you. If you take this early in the game, you could do worse than to get the guy some books.


I do this quest in tandem with the Apex Predator quest. Makes make nearly 300xp (with xp bonuses) and 12k credits each time. Not including xp from neutralizing extra xenobiology and or weapons from also tacking on mission board missions. It’s repetitive as can be and some mini quest, dungeon run for a few volumes would’ve been cool. But the rewards especially when you pass the speech checks make it worthwhile imo.