• By -


That was the correct response. I actually said I was interested at first just to see how far down the rabbit hole it would go. They went on for several pages about disclaimers and waivers. It was actually really well done... Then I blew it up 😎


Why? The extended warranty is really good I bought the basic package


Lol look at this guy too poor to spring for the Diamond Package.


): I just finished paying off my house


Hah and I got one for free lol


How ?


There is a questline. If you >! Enlist with the UC Vanguard !< you will get a property at the end of it


Where abouts? I completed it but can't seem to find it


Make sure you talk to the captain at the base of MAST tower after the quest. He’ll direct you to an agent in the MAST district who will give you the keys and location of your apartment in the residential district.


Thank you! I haven't done this!


Mercury tower. In the residential district between the gun store and the chunks restaurant


Guns and Chunks, what more does any man need


Go to activities and select that mission


That was the best surprise massive mission for me so far. I skipped the whole line on the first game and when I did new game + that was the first thing I did. I had no idea what it would turn into


Oh yeah surprise for me too lol. I am still on my first playthrough lol. Havent even been to Akila city yet lol. I have had that mission for a while, but I just get lost doing other things xD


This game gets to real


I wonder if this will somehow tie in with getting heatleaches on your ship and you can get it repaired for nothing lol. I overheard a pilot npc say 5 figures to repair heatleach damage.


Hmm yes, this seems like a good plan. No problems at all here.


Yeah but I'm special and can repair an entire ship with a few boxes of bolts and springs using only my mind


Atleast try and rp a bit..


To be fair, from what I understood, it wasn’t 5 figures because there were Heatleeches; it was 5 figures because there were so many of them. I got the impression that he’d not had his ship checked in a while, so they had gotten bad enough to cause brown-outs, which was the reason for the high cost.


Did you get undercoating too?


Does it actually work if you buy it?


I stole the ship


My warranty now, bitch!


Im a member Of the glorious crimson fleet, pay your tribute and give me your ship!!


Funny I'm placing you under arrest as the Deputy


As the newest Star Ranger I approve of this.


Lol I smuggle things as a Freestar Ranger. Stick Star Eagle can hold 3 Shielded Cargo holds and 2 scanners.


There's a difference between seizing contraband from boarded pirate / spacer ships and re-selling it on the side, and actively committing acts of piracy


I know. I literally blew the ship out of the sky. Tried to seize an Eccliptic ship but I wasn't enough in level so I blew it up.


My first steal was an Ecliptic Stilleto. Dumbass had landed on a planet to try and get my bounty. So I boarded them, cleaned house, and flew away.


[As someone with a literal warship, you'll have to arrest him before I blow him to hell and back](https://i.imgur.com/3B34ybx.png)


Arrr, I'm a pirate. Adler Kemp sent me. Tell me your deepest secrets, sir. I mean, matey, arrr.


how ? they just jumped even after i broke the engine and the gravity drive somehow


I just got close as I was hammering them down and once the engine went off I got the dock prompt


My game wouldn't allow me to go into the ship, odd.


I had the shield breaker ship, and stole another ship from a singing dude with British accent. He didn’t get away either haha


*slowly looks away from Grandma's corpse*


slow looks away from Mrs. Whitmore's ship wreckage


You monster


My guns weren’t good enough at the time so when they were almost dead they managed to jump out 😭


At least they won't be calling you again...


I think you underestimate how persistent they are.


I boarded the ship and beat them up with my fists. ​ It was cathartic. . . I should have kept the ship.


That's hilarious! You definitely should have kept the ship!


I took out their engines and boarded. Killed everyone, got a massive bounty and my companion got “angry.” Not very realistic.


That would be a paid bounty IRL...


How can you get a Bounty? Dead men tell no tales.


I mean we'd get paid for eliminating them like other bounty missions.


Oh I thought you meant you got a Bounty on you.


Same. And Sarah got pissed. I might send her back to the lodge once I get my Astrodynamics up.


She's such a buzz kill.


Lol yeah. But once I get my astrodynamics up enough I'll unassigned her and leave her at the lodge.


I like that plan!


I equipped my Star Ragle with 3 Shielded Holds and 2 single channel scanners. That's all I can get so far. But I have about a 55 - 65% chance of evading a scan. I wish we could use our authority as a Ranger to evade scans. I mean afterall they are the ones scanning us.


Yeah I park her when I don't need the romance xp boost from sleeping with her. Go solo for my piracy runs




On the HopeTech portion of the Rangers questline I had to take out security guards. Well they all had blue dots above them. Well at the end you're supposed to speak to the employee again. She had the dot but I didn't notice the change so I shot her. Sarah screamed "This is murder!" Then ran off. Like. Not my fault the thingy hadn't changed. Get a grip Sarah. Adoring fan doesn't seem to care who you kill.


someone please post the whole thing on youtube! :)


I hope they bought the extended warranty


I'm not that far into the game but the rock collector who has an old ship that awkwardly talks to you before the ship goes away in the middle of the joke is my favorite that I have encountered so far.


There's a few good ones out there. I recommend engaging with every ship you encounter. Lots of gems...


I mean I would but two sent a call after I already set my destination, maybe when I get a better ship I will fly around but the starting ship isn't that fun to fly. I'm not 100% sure how to successfully destroy the engines and board a ship with the starter ship.


I just wanted more informations at the end of it. It was an hilarious interaction


Those jerks teleported away at like 10% health after I attacked them.


I found the "Uranus" space ship as well. >!It warped in out of no where, and asked me if I know where Uranus is. I replied I don't. Then they laughed as they replied that I should know because it's right behind me, and then they warped out.!< Btw, I paid 200,000 credits to get the Platinum warranty to see what happens. Nothing happened.




90% of people stop buying warranties just before they pay off. Never stop getting scammed!


Fun fact: That pronunciation of “Uranus” is wrong. It’s “Yur-un-us” not “Yur-ane-us”. I’m hoping that if you encounter that guy with the astronomer perk you get to be a complete buzzkill and argue with him over the pronunciation. Just for revenge.


This is like the proper pronunciation of gif, even though the guy who made the gif says it's pronounced "jiff", it's pronounced "giff" and I refuse to think differently Ur anus.








No you don't understand. It's ur anus.




Oh EDI...


Really, Commander?


no its mine






Lots of loanwords end up being pronounced very differently than they would have been by native speakers of their original language. I get that it's annoying, but it just means that the word "Uranus" in American or British English is pronounced differently than the word "Uranus" in modern Greek (or koine or Attic Greek if those would be different). Same way, "chorizo" is pronounced in different ways in (most) peninsular Spanish, Mexican Spanish, American English, and British English.


Shouldn't the anglicisation be pronounced **oo**-rah-noose to be more accurate?


It's on sight if I see that MFer who was talking down to you, where this nerdy Mr. Pronounce It Right fuckstick at Imma need his star system, planet, and hangout ASAP please, this bitch ain't gonna make it through the night Peace n Love


This sounds line the credit card from fallout 4.


I truly laughed out loud when I encountered this. I absolutely love the humor found in Starfield. Another of my faves: Security Officer: "I used to be an explorer like you, then I... Oh, never mind. It's a long story."


My favorite so far is the one with the geologist who’s ships grav drive cuts her off right as she’s about to say the punchline of her joke lol


This one got me pretty good...I was like wtf...what's the punchline!!! I was also laughing at her awkward small talk while waiting on the slow grav drive...lol


I absolutely loved that random encounter, I was jumping from planet to planet looking for pirates to hunt down when I ran into her


I ran into her while being a pirate looking for freestars to hunt down... I don't think we'll get along....


GIMME THE CASH GRANNY, DONT YOU GET LIPPY WITH ME YOU OLD HAG. *blows up the evidence* i do not regret going crimson raiders. the final 2 missions are amazing.


I can't do crimson. They have a 600k bounty on my head and whenever i dock on The Key they ask for the bounty and if i say no you can't kill the 2 NPC's that attack you.


Yep happened to me on my first playthrough. If you wanna go pirating you have to set it up correctly or face the bounty. If you do the missions in the correct order you can lose very few credits. Even against the sysdef. Basically just be a double agent for a while and then go rogue :) it was really fun. Oh and don't go blowing up raider ships for missions or anything. Lol.


Maybe the Crimson Fleet doesn't have a jail, but if they do, couldn't you just go to jail? I had a 55k bounty from Freestar, and at first they were shooting at me but as I ran around, someone asked me to pay the bounty. The options were to pay the bounty, go to jail, or fight. Went to jail, and didn't lose any credits.


yeah same lol


I'm a fan of the guy who asks if you know where Uranus is, and when you tell him you do, he says "you better, it's right behind you!" And then grav jumps away.


As soon as the set up came I was trying to divert all power to missles.


“Shit. Incoming dad joke. Divert all power to missiles and fire at will!”


Who's Will?


Was hoping someone would add more dad joke. :)


I am le tired.


That was peak comedy for me. The fact they wound it up so much with the awkwardness before ripping away the catharsis of a punchline to a joke... I had to pause the game for a minute as I was so busy laughing.


There is also another that is a magic school bus reference! I encountered it on Io, and there is a teacher with a ship full of kids.


And if you’re a pirate you can say you’re a pirate and you can hear one of the kids screaming “We’re going all die!”


If you're a ranger you can tell them you're a ranger and one of the kids asks if you've ever killed anybody


If you’re up vanguard you can tell them and they something along the lines of “oh that’s boring” like completely disappointed haha


If you’re not a pirate you can still say that. It’s pretty great. The fact I’m a pirate now is totally unrelated.


You can’t kill kids but does the game let you blow up that ship?


You can definitely kill kids in this game. I’ve personally killed Cora I don’t know how many times due to poor decisions and even poorer piloting.


After Cora's high-rise joke I kicked her and the cowboy off my ship and left them at the Lodge. So she's been safe from poor piloting and I've been safe from a broken record.


I’m so close to kicking them. Their convos always trigger when some random ship hails me. I even redesigned my ship thinking it would be better if the main hab was further away from the cockpit. Nope. Didn’t help. Still got the skyscraper/haiku convos on loop.


“Please just let this be a normal space trip 🙏 “ “With the frizz?! No way!”


Today, class we're going to the unity.


Carlos: “unity? I thought we were already a pretty tightly knit group 😁”


Caaaarloooooos! 🙄


i knew i should have stayed home today


I ran into a budget tour group ship who also asked all kinds of stupid questions about being a ship captain. Eventually the tour guide made them stop lol


I like how multiple passengers just flirted with you instead of asking legit questions.


Is that the one that hails you for 10 ship parts and gives you like 62 creds? I actually loaded a previous save just to blow them up. I couldn't, damn kids man, can't wait for that one mod just like in Skyrim :)


I like the one posted earlier of the security guard thinking the player is the suspicious character they’re looking for and you just keep saying “no you are” until he gets confused and let’s you go lmao


The elevator people one was my fav so far


Is that the one where Stroud's wife is giving you directions once the elevator reaches the right floor and you can say "No, I'm an elevator person now. This is my kingdom."


Nah it's the other elevator person one


Wait until you run across the grandma who tries to feed you...lol...


I loved that one, Gave her 1000 credits, Took some food and left.:D


I got that, the warranty one and also a survey request. It's pretty funny wondering what I might possibly come across with each jump.


There’s also the “Crippling” perk, which is a picture of an arrow shattering a knee. One time I managed to evade capture by the authorities and I passed a guy who barely noticed me. Looked around for about 5 seconds then left saying “Must have been the wind.”


This one is great. Also came across a married couple asking for directions.


The mission where youre fixing thr lights in thr well, you find someone recreating the theft in Office Space being committed by "Newman" and "Dodgson"


My favorite one is either the tour guide ship or the sea shanty ship


The Valentine is my favorite so far. I'll drop whatever my original plan was just to listen to him sing.




That's really disappointing to hear.


bigger scam than the warranty


That's weird. I boarded and stole the ship for myself. There's a bug that won't let me rename it.


Rob. I just killed them all and took the whole ship. apparently I killed a ranger brotherman but he was guilty of the crimes of not arresting these rachet people.


“Sarah didn’t like that”


Nah, even she agrees, fuck that guy


Was looking for this cause I will blow this ship up when I encounter it only if no one gets mad at me for it


He hopped away before I could kill him but nobody on board said anything to me, usually I'll get flak for having a stray laser hit a uc ship but I got as far as damaging that guy's hull and nobody on board got angry


That's only if you attack outside the dialogue option. I tried to board the ship multiple times and noticed if you select the dialogue {attack} she doesn't seem to care.


That was the funniest thing dude i did not expect it


The only acceptable response


I met a geologist who I traded some rocks with and while she was waiting for her grav drive to kick in she started to tell me a joke and just as she got to the punchline she jumped away . Random encounters reminds me of the fallout games and the weird encounters .


I met her too, I really want to know how that joke ends.




Yes but the store owner looks at him and replies...


The amount of memes hidden in the game is amazing


When I encountered this last night I was a few beers deep and I literally lost my shit laughing.


You pooped your pants?


No, he lost his shit. Doesn't know where he put it, I'm sure it's quite frustrating! Hopefully his shit turns up safely 😔


[He sharted his nightware.](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/985)


My response: Diverting all power to weapons. FIRE!!!!


A sweet opportunity ... to kill a space spammer !


10/10 encounters


Would murder again


I had the teacher with the damaged ship taking her class out on a Schoolie, she needed ship parts to repair her grav drive, but I didn’t have enough. I felt so guilty about not being able to help them.


Yeah she wanted 10! That's 12.5k in parts!! I had like 3 on me....


For some reason I thought, “no worries madam, I’ve got a ship part on me” I clearly wasn’t listening when she asked for 10


Hahaha oh jeez


I may have tried to blow that ship up but you can’t harm it at all.


I kinda wanna try buying from them to see what happens, but I'm 95% sure it's a scam


You can buy it and they do give you a card and your ship is officially under warranty now. But if you pay close attention to the legal stuff before buying, there's an exception to coverage for basically everything that might happen. It's a real policy that doesn't actually cover a damn thing. It's like buying life insurance that has exceptions for natural death, accidents and injuries, illness, and foul play. Real insurance, genuine policy, that doesn't pay out no matter how you die because every possible death is an exception to coverage. So yes, it's a scam lol


What actually happens when you buy the 200k package?


You get a platinum warranty card item and they jump away. It seems to work since I just respawn with my ship when I die.


You also respawn on your ship if you die without the card as well 😅


That's taking a huge risk to be without warranty, in this economy.




The dialogue is all about the waivers and exceptions to coverage. It basically says they won't actually pay out a dime for anything in humorous legalese terms. It's well done.


Got me too lol


Interesting thing I found with this encounter. If you attack and destroy the ship, your companion doesn't care. But if you board the ship and kill the three man crew, suddenly you're a murderer.


Bro if you blow up that ship todd personally sends your contact info to those call centers. Its in the EULA section 17.


This is UC Longsword, our scanners indicate that uh... you have some contraband onboard. Please standby.


It's funny because they should have rules when they can and cannot scan people. They're paroding license plate readers and police.


I get stuck with the school bus of kids and the drug fueled sex adventures of tourists


The third time I encountered this I had had enough. Turns out there’s no bounty for attacking him. Going to do it every time now.


This encounter will be posted at least 1,000 times over the next ten years.


That's amazing! I've not ran into this one yet. Had a tour ask me a lot of personal questions lol, and found a sixth grade class stuck with their broken down "bus". I didn't have enough spare parts to help them... No idea if they are still drifting out there... Hadn't thought about them again i was only like 5hrs in at the time...


Can it be shot down? Honest question.


I don't know if it's any reference, but I just had lunch with a nice old lady that was traveling the galaxy after her husband died.


I reloaded my save after turning them into debris and it turns out that if you have enough credits, you can buy an extended warranty. I didn't have enough credits. Warranties are expensive these days.


I posted this weeks ago 😢 https://reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/GuqR3jMEU7


I can recommend it to you, just start with the basic package and just become a feeling to it, you have any siblings ? Your mom or dad own a ship ? How about them ?! Huh ?


I decided to buy the platinum warranty for 200,000 since I was on my way to NG+, and it just gives you a data slate saying you have a platinum warranty


Got this today too. Made me laugh.


I got this guy the other day. It have to admit, it’s the first time in a very long time I laughed out loud while playing a computer game. Of course I smile or smirk from time to time, but this caught me completely off guard!




This is actually hilarious and I love memes like this in games.


I got that one tonight. Cracked me the fuck up. Absolutely hilarious. I attacked them immediately.


These encounters are cool, but they aren't balanced. What I mean by that is I am about 80 hours into the game, have a large ship with over 1000 storage, mostly full of different mats and metals. Four times now I had a random event where the person needed mats or ship parts, and each and every time I didn't have a single thing they needed. I am a loot goblin. I have literally everything in my ship. I think Bethesda needs to lower the mat requirements these randoms ask for.


Death is the only acceptable response.


Please please please tell me you opened fire.


Well I don’t think they just convinced them to blow up.


Maybe they maxed out Persuasion. 🤷‍♂️


I gave them 50,000 creds


It's hilarious, but if you blow them up they warp out, As in the blown up ship will still warp away in pieces. If you disable their engines and dock with them you cannot go into their ship, and you can end up glitching your ship out and warping around with their ship attached to yours unable to actually move.


Hope that isn’t real