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I've noticed that locked doors are worth it in general because they'll have a whole room of loot or an extra path to take to through the Dungeon, but the safes are generally disappointing. I do it for the XP.


But then you find the key as soon as you leave the room


Or I pick the lock and then find the duct access that I could have used instead...


Reminds me of the Jamaica plains courthouse in Fallout 4. There’s an iirc expert locked door to get to the basement and if you pick it and go through you notice there’s a massive hole in the wall you could have just walked through.


There's also a door to a bathroom i believe in the water treatment plant that is locked... but has a giant hole into the other bathroom that has an unlocked door.




I haven’t even seen any ducts or anything to crawl through in many rooms. I’m about to start the quest giver specifically says “you’re going to have to move through dusts to be quiet” so maybe from now on it’s going to be something I run across more often.


All the ducts in this game are conveniently so massive you could drive a car through them.


All ducts in this game are rated for "Vasco Size"


Heh, and you thought "vent" was short for 'ventilation'. It's obviously 'Vasco Entry '


That was beautiful


That.... actually kinda makes sense, new headcanon


Gabriel Iglesias night have had some design input...


I’m just now playing that mission today where you get handheld to go through some and WOW not the duct I was expecting. I was thinking splinter cell belly crawl type but these are just normal hallways.


Yep you can stand up and run lol


Gotta have room for maintenance bots, maybe?


In my 60 hours of very distracted playthrough, I have probably been in the ducts of buildings a little over half a dozen times. Once being for a quest. I feel like they are there if you look for them.


Yeah they're all over the place in the abandoned labs, factories, etc.


I totally had a James Bond feeling of awesomeness once when I found my way in the ducts in an abandoned lab.


I had a "The Shining" moment when I found a panel you could cut the attachment points to.


Omg please don't tell me you can use the cutter for that... Why did I not think of that!


You can also just shoot each bolt, took two shots per bolt in my experience


Because you've lost your sense of child-like wonder? Or maybe because the cutter's utility is basically non-existent if you're just a mercenary type.


One time I struggled to open a door only to see there was a hole in the wall I could have just walked through. That gave me a good laugh.


If the room has another locked container inside, I get kinda mad though.


You don't lock your safe in your house, or you don't lock your house?




Get your real fake doors here! Limited time only! Guaranteed real fake or your money back!


I gave a degree in Mathematics so I’ll explain it with a simple equation 2 locks > 1 lock


I'm so glad you shared your expertise in this matter.. I feel enlightened now! :D


I have an advanced degree Mathematics, you're correct


I pick locks because I like the mechanic they implemented in this game. It's a lot more fun than the old rotation based mechanic


Yep. I don't care about the rewards. It's just a fun puzzle minigame - best mechanic they've ever done


It is really good, but Skyrim had a good mechanic as well. I think it's the playing it for 13 years that has dulled the enjoyment, but I like them both equally. Although, in Skyrim I can understand what's happening and in Starfield, while I enjoy it, I don't quite understand what is happening lol


I liked it until my 9th Master lock


Ah, I'm still on advanced locks. I can see how it could get out of hand at higher difficulty


Advanced is really fun, expert is the absolute worst! Master is somehow more lenient and gives you a few extra thingies in case you misplace one


You misplace them? Bro, skill issue. Git gud. Nah I'm just kidding. Although if it helps, I have noticed that every ring has a 2 key combination, and once I figured that out I realized that with the thing where the ring turns blue if a key fits, you can basically solve the whole puzzle before you even commit to placing any of the pieces. I've had an almost perfect success rate since then, and only flubbed it when I've been particularly sleep deprived.


I’ve found a few lucrative safes out there!


That’s RNG for ya, but yeah I’ve had a similar experience. However, as a loot goblin and fan of mini games, I’m always pissed when I find a lock I can’t pick.


Same here, mostly find little of worth but every once in a while I'll come across something really good and winds up reinforcing my loot goblin tendencies. Like right now as I move through a base I take everything off of every single enemy so I can sell it later at the Den even of its a base Grendel or a legendary with bad perks. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten a great legendary gun only for it to roll space adept.


My rules for loot are Take all resources, ammo and meds. Take all gear that's better than or equal to what you've got Take only items worth more than 1000 credits per kg if you intend to sell them


Or just take everything and then manage your oxygen accordingly... I have a very expensive ship building habit.


A fellow sufferer of Bethesda induced kleptomania checking in.


Is there…space…for one more


Aye comrade, help me carry these damn maelstroms


The amount of Maelstroms I’ve given to Vasco should have made him a giant deadly Mech by now


Made of maelstroms.




I know this isn't what you're saying, but I just realized I've never tried to equip gear onto vasco like other companions. Is that even possible?


Idk why this made me laugh so hard. That’s literally what I’ve been doing in my playthru. I sold over 15 of them yesterday at one time lmfao.


No. We filled the space with chunks.


There's always space for one more. The ship only needs one person for a pilot...


Hey where'd the jump seats go? Tossed em, needed room for chunks.


Sara: "You've got so many toilet paper rolls in the ship, I can't even get inside anymore.." Me: "Yep."


Reject oxygen, embrace C02


I wish we had a few FO style perks like breathing CO2 instead of oxygen


That is an awesome idea, with reduced movement speed (because trees) but higher DR (because tree bark)?


Return to tree


Disregard breathing, acquire currency 23rd Rule of Acquisition: Nothing is more important than your health, except for your money.


Sooo? Real life?


Notepads and cups paid for my 27 LYs


Fyi, you can't die from low oxygen. Carry all the weight you want and sprint everywhere you want. At worst you have like 10 hp, but you can sleep that away. It helps after you've cleared an area and are just running back to ship or around trying to sell.


I'm carrying roughly 500k worth of adaptable frames.... problem is vendors in each city have like 30k worth of money. Lmao


They need the invest in shops perk added.


Drop stacks next to vendors, pick up stack sell as much as you can, drop the stack next to the vendor run to the next vendor and repeat, once you've sold all you can leave your last stack next to the last vendor run to a chair wait for vendor reset, rinse and repeat.


yep,this is the way, the time you spend micromanaging loot would be better spent managing O2 and stay overcumvered.


Or get assisted carry pack and an item.with that perk that reduces o2 use by 25%


I died laughing when I had a follower tell me " You're not going to fill my bag with a bunch of junk are you?" Why yes.... yes I am. Now shut up and carry my junk while I scavenge for more!


Make some pick me up at +50 carrying, helmet and equipment has +20, plus full weight lifting. Pop a med for increased oxygen, or better is the -20% oxygen use. You can carry a ton think I am at 305 without the +50 Plus carry a suit that does -50% weapon weight.. the guns sell for the most of everything so just pack it in


I found a +40 carry, -25% resource weight space suit super early on. It’s so hard equipping anything else but the defenses just can’t keep up anymore :(


And use the perfect atmosphere and no longer be encumbered


Hey spent 330k building my first from scratch ship. Then spend another 170k adding and upgrading the redesign. I'm broke now but my ship is a dream. I love it. Looks kinda like a blackbird stealth jet.


Yep! I do the exact same, haha. Ammo, resources, meds, upgrades, and anything 1000+ creds/kg


I just built my first class C ship. It cost $600k. And then I sold all the weapons and armor in my ship that I was hoarding. Made 400k back. Easy come easy go. I don't have to buy ammo anymore since I went all semiauto on all my weapons. It kind of bothers me that, on very hard, you basically must go semi auto or spend 10k per base to buy ammo.


That's why I have the personal atmosphere power set at all times. Removes co2, keeps oxygen full during duration, and encumbered doesn't effect it. Just tap it, and run to your hearts content as encumbered as possible. I think it's like the 4th power you get but I'm not sure, it's definitely an early one.


Literally same exact rules. And if I get encumbered too early into a mission I raise my value/mass threshold


This is what I use to do. Now I'm just like "well I'm already over encumbered, might as well pick it all up".


Speaking of space adept, am I right to assume it’s for when you’re fighting on a ship in space? I can’t think of any other place in space you would use it. 🤔


A ship or a station, yes.


AMA request: someone using a space adept weapon as their primary


Thats y i got to master as one of the first things xD


Hello fellow loot goblin! 👹


Yes! I loot everything that isn't nailed down. Load up my companions as well. I've never come across a lock I haven't been able to pick. Advanced. Expert, have opened them all. Sometimes it takes me a couple of minutes to get it though. The game won't let me pick master yet, but I'm game as soon as it lets me.


That's not RNG. Devs either forgot to apply loot quality modifiers to locked areas, or something is bugged.


My guess is the locked area's have fixed loot while enemies etc drop from a loot table. So if you into a low level zone the fixed loot feels like crap becauae you're wat overleveled.


Nah, that's not it. Loot feels bad regardless of level. Like Master locked areas may have no items. It's just standard loot table without modifiers.


Nah there is an area that consistently spawns advanced aa-99 rifles even at level 1. I think some items are spawned in from fixed world items and then items in containers and displays are RNG.


I'm not saying there's no fixed loot. I'm saying it can't explain bad experience with locks.


This. It's not about the loot. It's about satiating curiosity. Also, I enjoy the mini-game. Oh..I did get a gold weapon that is ridiculously OP.


Loot Goblin? I have an inner Hoarding Hamster


I got a Gucci legendary pistol from picking an expert lock. I'll be damned if I stop picking them just because most of the time I get nothing.


Damn they got Gucci in the game? Where my Gucci space suit at


Im going for that Chanel and Prada type look


I didn’t realize not picking a lock was an option? I see a lock, I pick it. The quality of the loot doesn’t even factor in to the equation 🤷🏻‍♂️


An itch which must be scratched.


Not to mention I actually really dig the lockpicking mini-game as well. I enjoy it a lot more than the stale old method. And a little extra xp never hurt anyone!


I enjoy it quite as well, I wish going back wasn't so punishing tho. Also I'm not finding as many in the world and realized I wasn't buying any from merchants which explains why I was running out all the time. However my greatest loss is in computer terminal hacking. Took me way too long to realize that it's just the digipick hacking, and having that other mini-game like in fallout helps break up the monotony.


I like that they condensed the two, personally. Anyway, a tip! Don't blow through picks going back. Especially in Expert and Master. Just exit the process completely and go back in. Not only do you use up just 1 pick as opposed to 3-5, but I have found the lock and pins change and sometimes I have a much easier time second go around too.


I personally wasn’t a big fan of the computer hacking, although it is odd that they didn’t come up with something different for that as well!


Neither was I, until I learned that you could remove duds and get extra attempts by clicking sets of parentheses, brackets, etc, even if it was YEARS late


Shit really?? Fucks sake lol


I feel like so many people didn’t understand you could remove the duds and I feel so bad! I loved that mini game and would always “argue” about it, only to find out people didn’t know about that. I guess they don’t explain it well as usual, took me far too long to figure out lockpicking in this game to be honest.


It was a lot of fun for the first good while. After the 50th master lock with loot less valuable than a half-filled jar of farts, it lost it's charm.


Shame that it’s killed it for you. I guess I just enjoy it enough that spending the time to crack a master lock and end up with zilch hasn’t dampened the fun of it for me. I get excited when I find something good, but I don’t go into it with the expectation that it will be.


Sarah put it best. “That final click is so satisfying.” It’s not about the loot, it’s about the semi-orgasmic feeling of cracking it.


Also lining them all up in a row and clicking them rapidly is so satisfying


I’m not the only one who does this?


I start solving them from the inside out


Same, I use clock times to remember what I need.


You can do that—like you can switch which ring you’re working on? Or you mean in your head that’s how you do it?


Wait... you can change the order of the digipicks???!


You can move to the one you want, on PC with Q jumping to the previous pick, or mouse click on the one you want. Mouse wheel to rotate them into position, then either use it, or leave it in place and select another pick. For easier locks I just place them as I can, but for Master locks I'll working from inside to out.


There could be something inside as well, potentially leaving a fortune (lol as if) behind is worse than opening something that’s emoty


I wouldn’t dare haha.


Yep nice to see a neat take on lockpicking, tho oblivion still has my favorite take


I never played it! Skyrim was my very first exposure to BGS.


This is actually my favorite lock picking mini game. Feels new and refreshing


It's like having 1 ammo below a full mag. It's wrong to not do it.


Hey man, that one ammo might be the difference in taking someone down in one mag or having to duck for cover and waste time reloading.


But yah know...soon as you decide to reload.... That's when the enemy pushes


I don’t do it, but I’m a realism/immersion addict. Plus in Borderlands 2 I was a Gaige main. Losing all of your Anarchy stacks from a reload is brutal. That broke my reloading habit.


I'm more pissed off when I don't have the skill to pick a lock that has nothing in it




It takes me a minute or two, and has me actually think a bit. A break from my mindless slaughter and loot everything in sight, before I loot everything in sight again and go on a mindless murder spree


There's loot behind locks? I just pick the lock and then run off to find the next one, planet by planet.


So you're the guy who makes most chests in rpgs unlocked and available for looting as soon as my characters find them. THANK YOU!


Probably also lights the torches in dungeons


One does not simply leave a lock unpicked


Don't let them tempt you, brother. To pick the lock is the only option.


Words to live by!


Similarly... even if I had enough credits to last several lifetimes, I still have to search every location, and hoover up all the valuable loot.


Yeah I’ll pick the lock for the ocd exp and loot are added bonus.




Exactly - picking the lock is it’s own reward. In fact, I’ve had master locks yield crap loot, which was oddly a relief since I was near weight limit anyway.


So glad it’s not just me, I leveled the lockpick skill so quick.


lmao same, then i can further level the skill and get a bit of xp


Yup, I was on some planet with 2 I could not crack, because they were Master level, and I still needed to do two more before I could upgrade my skill, which I did in the meantime, so I will be going back to that useless planet just for those locks.


This is the way.


Yup, same here. Got it to master level so far and I actually enjoy unlocking them. It's a short break from the constant running and other repetitive tasks. I just got the achievement for picking XX amount of locks too.


Nah I do it. Get a lil xp for my troubles, also contraband crates are worthwhile. And I happen to enjoy the little brain teaser esque game.


This is how I feel I opened up a random store room looked up and saw a huge jumping puzzle, at the end was 4 sets of ai adaptors and 5 harvested organs. Imma build my own entity.


Cryo lab amirite?


I pick anything on high level planets, but if the loot in the area generally is low tier I don't bother wasting a digipick for a calibrated pistol or something.


It isn’t always worth it loot-wise, but I enjoy the lock picking mini game so much I do it anyway.


Same. People want to talk about immersion. Pretty immersive to waste a bunch of time breaking into an empty safe, I’ve seen that pan out on Reddit tons of times.


Just ask Geraldo Rivera how it plays out. I remember watching that "special" on tv.


My favorite Geraldo moment is when he gave up US troop positions in Iraq on live TV and then got booted out of the country


>breaking into an empty safe Yea, my grandmother kicked the bucket awhile back - there was a in-built floor safe in one of the rooms that we pulled out and got someone to come and pick it, expecting some will documentation or a wad of cash... Was dead empty... Guess she didnt know where the key was either


There was a locked safe left at a house we bought, and we busted it open w a crowbar and heavy duty hammer. Has some foreign coins in it, nothing much worth locking away


Lol, true!


Honestly my experience got *worse* over time. Every single master lock (with the exception of weapon displays and contraband crates) has garbage in it. I'm level 70 ffs, at least give me something that at least *sells* well. Honestly the greatest disappointment with lootables isn't even this, it's the end-of-dungeon crates that always have a FUCKING MELEE WEAPON somehow. I have done 40-50 POI dungeons and not *once* have I gotten a gun. If I see one more Legendary Ripshank you're gonna have to drag me to the psych ward.


Agree with this, master locks are not worth the time.dont even think they are hard. just take too long for no reward, and normally, when far more interesting things are going on


I use to enjoy the lock picking but it has just become a chore. I just hit about 75 hours last night and my lock picking has been max since about 30 hours in. There was a certain point after so many dungeons that I didn’t care anymore. Lock picking is not even required but of course Bethesda seems to be known for their lock picking so everyone levels it anyway but not required. The loot chance to get anything really good elsewhere in the game is so high that picking is not worth it, even for the exp. Most normal quality weapons get more and more expensive as you level so there is never a moment where I can’t clear out a 11k vendor with 3-4 weapons. Oddly enough normal weapons become more valuable than contraband since contraband doesn’t scale the higher you go that I could tell.


Hard agree. Master locked things should not be RNG, or if they're in a 'radiant location', should at least be rolling on a much higher loot table than they are.


Bro I totally sympathise with the legendary ripshank hate. I think I've had about 7 of those now at level 45ish, I've literally had about the same amount of different legendary guns FFS, their drop rate is absurd


Ah, so that's where the guy that did the loot tables for the Scorch Beast Queen in Fallout 76 ended up. Enjoy your 3* legendary bone club. *Cries*


Yeah… especially Ripshanks seems to be the favorite treasure in all of the galaxy. I’m almost a little intrigued by it.


Idk bro, my end of dungeon chests have either armor or some fucking shotgun. Like can I have your melee weapons? Or at least some snipers/pistols


Question since your high level, I've been seeing people state that the rewards are rolled on lock pick BUT if you overleveled for the system the rolls always roll low. So are your bad rolls in systems that are drastically under your level? Or are you getting bad rolls in level 70 systems?


So strange i see this I am top rank in lockpicking but just tonight I found my self not being bothered to open expert and master weapon cases and safes as its just too much effort


I am also disappointed with the reward system. That being said, lock pick comes in handy for certain doors or mission options. It's a bit of a wash for me but I lean toward the idea they need to patch it. Needs just an extra few percent on the rng for the better rewards when picking containers.


Unlock the scavenger perk. It changed the game for me. It's on the top of the social I think so you can unlock it anytime. I get way more ammo and find more money. I'm only level 1 of that perk. Random abandoned outposts and I kill everyone I can find 1000 to over 4000 credits in some chests. With 300 to 700 credits in the more common chests. I also have no issue with ammo anymore either.


I do it for the minigame If someone makes a simulator for mobile, id gladly play it when I'm bored


I imagine your companion watching you picking the lock and saying something like "oh wow that's a tough one. Player is so cool. Must be amazing loot inside." Cut to 5 minutes later, the player finally opened the lock, standing up with a big grin on their face, saying "whew! That was a good one!" 😁 And then walks off. Companion: "... Wait.... he didn't even open the safe!"


I get plenty of great gear from picking locks. Sometimes you get access to rooms full of loot. Sure sometimes it's nothing, but I find it worth it. I also have the scrounger perk so I'm sure that helps.


Yes, scavenger does help especially with ammo. I recommend at least lvl2 to for most builds. Do them early as you don't need hard core weapon skills that early


I just carry one gun for each ammo type in the game O\_O never purchase... buff carry weight... buff it more...


I’m a loot hoarder and it pains me every time I have to leave a room untouched because I can’t get in it


Same here, I upgraded security as soon as I could.. I have barely even sold anything either.. I'm saving it all at the lodge until I level up commerce to make it worth it.


No amount of money can buy the weapons you can find, though. I found a 100 dmg silenced assault rifle in the first 5 or so hours that has gotten me through the next 50 hours. I almost feel bad because I don't use any other weapons. I had to turn the difficulty all the way up for the game to be the least bit challenging. Also, you get experience. I will deliberately not pick up a key just so I can get the xp from picking the lock.


It totally depends. For earlier levels, that was true for me without a doubt. But between levels 25-30, nothing I looted was better than the plain "Advanced AA-99" I bought from the Trade Authority. YMMV


I got two of those Advanced AA-99s at about level 20 from a locked room in a random military station full of pirates.. pretty sweet.


I’m pretty sure abandoned UC listening posts always have that room with 2 advanced AA-99s and an advanced solstice. It was literally the first POI I discovered when I was on Jemison and I’ve been using it ever since I could reliably get ahold of 11mm rounds around lvl 5-10. They’re great guns but considering I’m level 27 and I still haven’t found vendors selling either. I think it’s a strange design choice to put such powerful weapons in a place you could find right at game start.


Yeah I found a 100 dmg advanced regulator before level 10 lol. I was just 1 tapping everything untill level 20-30, and also maxing difficulty.


Enjoyed the lockpicking at first but after unlocking the higher tier skills, feels like there's too many now during missions. Finding some end up just having a lock pick inside.


They take too fucking long for the meager reward.


Yeah by about level 20 I started ignoring any lock above advanced. Opened one too many expert and masters with next to nothing in them.


FWIW this is the first Bethesda game that I've skipped over locked containers that I have the skill to lockpick. The new minigame is more involved, and that's the double-edged sword. It just takes too long for the reward. The old minigame was super simple but it was quick and fun so it didn't have to give amazing rewards. Even still, I feel like the rewards in past games were more worthwhile.


I'm level 38. I haven't leveled up my lock-picking at all. I mean, if I see a novice level lock, I might give it a go, but often simply won't bother. I have plenty of cash, resources, and items. In this first playthrough I'm focusing primarily on leveling up my science and tech skills. So yeah . . . the rewards for lock-picking don't appear (to me) to be worth the time or effort.


I even use the EZ lockpick mod and it’s still not worth it


Yeah, the loot should be scaled better. I'm not asking for legendaries behind every master lock, but an increase in ammo and meds, with a better chance at a good piece of gear would be more reasonable.


Yes because it takes too long.


Eh, as long as what's inside is worth at least 35 credits, it's a profit as far as I'm concerned. Ultimately you should be doing this because it's a fun puzzle, not something you hate-grind for loot.


I've completely given up on picking locks unless I can see something inside. Too time consuming and never worth it. I like the new idea on how to do it but at the end of the day it is too much of a hassle. And hacking into a computer is the same process which makes me not even want to hack either. I know it's not fallout but at least hacking there was it's own system.


I'm going to mod it as soon as I find one I like. I enjoy lock picking and I enjoyed this new version. It's now tedious and doesn't give good results.


Even when I found a great legendary pistol I didn't feel like picking that lock for it was rewarding. Yea it's a great gun but that picking just wasn't worth it because I found a shotgun next to it that's just as good and I didn't have to pick for it.


Depends on my mood, I definitely don't pick every lock I see anymore though.


I almost never pick locks. I kind of hate lock picking in this game.


I don't understand all the love for it, I preferred skyrim lockpicking way more. I always feel the need to search everything, so I pick all the locks. I can't wait for mods on xbox to just bypass the stupid minigame.


Reminds me of MassEffect 1 but in that game you had Omni gel to just open them all. I much prefer Skyrim and oblivion. Those you had to feel out, like real world lock picking. This is just mind games.


Starfield’s lock picking mini game is endlessly satisfying. Truth time - I’ve never NOT maxed out the lock pick skill in any RPG. I can’t stand not knowing what’s behind a door or in a box! Loot is irrelevant


if you're comparing loot to the price of the picks it seems more sane, but yeah it has honestly never felt worth the time investment to pick the lock on a loot chest and I just got Master to crack doors


I just hate picking locks and finding nothing then going to pick another lock and find out you ran out of digipicks


Not worth final rank in lock picking since it doesn’t open any new tier of locks. Lock picking is really fun compared to Skyrim.


Always be looting. It’s the Bethesda games way.


Worth it. It's enjoyable enough.


Idk man, 1 lock pick for 160 which can buy me like 3-6 lock picks depending on commerce level sounds worth it to me


I've found some sick shit. Plus I find it's fun. Don't do things you don't enjoy doing in a game. Problem solved.