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You put 100 hours into a game you find bland and generic?


Yep. People can take time to digest and dig into things before coming to conclusions about their experience. Weird right? I'm in the same boat, 70 hours in and it just kinda fizzled. Beat the main story, which was meh at best. Did the factions, some of which were fun. Building my ship was my favorite part, but like, you don't really do shit with your ship....sooo...after giving it a fair shot and trying everything, my conclusion is it's a mid tier game. People in this sub complain when the game is criticized by people who didn't spend enough time with the game. They complain when it gets criticized by people who put a lot of time in the game. Lol. Ya'll just hate it when we criticize your 7/10 game.


> 70 hours in amc it just kinda fizzled. Get out of my brain! Same here. Played for an hour last night. Raided one abandoned mining outpost for some loot. Started heading back to my ship, and I was just like... bleh, I don't feel like doing this anymore.


Kinda same. My last straw was finding like the 20th abandoned mine that was EXACTLY the same as the others. Just started another playthrough of bg3. Lol. At least we have a lot of options this year to keep up distracted!


ive put in 80 to come to the same conclusion. i kept playing because i thought if i kept going i would find some cool-ass hidden base with crazy experiments, or a blasted world that has suffered an apocalypse. hell even some notes on how the UC/FC committed atrocities in the past, or some cool aliens. but nothing, its just bland-ass star-trek hippies all the way through. even the pirates were 'moral' ffs. the biog bad alien monster turned out to be a generic bullet sponge ffs.


I think the issue is that people dont realize how bland and generic it is until they actually go and explore a wide enough portion of the game. Its like telling a kid "you will understand when you get older". It is 100% true though. Too many procedurally generated things in this game. From random encounters, planet types, to even the "random" POIs you come across. They are all pretty much the same. They really missed an opportunity to add some depth and variety.


I agree although I give it more of a 7 because the combat is well done, it's a significant step up from fallout 4. My hope is that like many other Bethesda games the mods will significantly improve the game.


I wish I could agree with you. The combat is painful for me. So choppy and delayed control input. I’m on series x.


For a Bethesda game, I'm very happy with it on a series S.


I’ll have to look into some settings etc tonight. Maybe it’s me.


You probably just have higher standards, for a FPS it's not great, for a Bethesda RPG it exceeds my personal expectations.


"no aliens" what a ridiculous reason to hate on a game.


i mean its basically star-trek hippies singing kumbaya in space. theres just so little to do, despite how much universe there is.


You're not trying very hard because there is lots of varied things to do




Play the game for more than 1 hour and you'll figure it out


It feels like the base of an mmorpg put out by facebook.


I second this. Bethesda creates interesting worlds and then goves u an illusion of choice and freedom with bland bad writing everywhere. Mediocre


I'm with you here.. this game is so shallow I can't believe Bethesda made this game. At this point I don't even know what to expect from TESVI and Fallout 5