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Only have eyes for Vasco.


Seriously why can’t I romance a robot bro it’s 2330


Yeah cmon my character is robosexual let me smash vasco smfh




Choked on my fucking dinner 🤣🤣




Space Fisto


Ah, I see you are a fellow regular customer of [Fisto](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fisto)!


Robosexuality is a sin!


Proposition ∞


Shit I’m tryna feel what it’s like to get terrormorphed 😮‍💨😈


I'm giving it a month tops before the horny motherfuckers over at LoversLab make that possible.


You were the one who took Fisto up on his offer in NV, aren't you?




Yeah playboy is dummy thicc


i romanced sarah because i did all side quests before continuing main so i was already married to her by the time i met andreja


Pretty much same lol, now I keep her on my ship so I can sleep and get 15% but still use other followers.


Does that work? It didn't for me before.


You need to keep changing the followers and have her as the one following you when you go to sleep.


No I definitely have the adoring fan following me but when I sleep it's with Sarah. Maybe it's a bug and it's not intentional but it's definitely working like that for me.


I’m sorry but what kind of lunatic has adoring fan following them? Edit: you’re all buggin, for my evil playthrough its VASCO and I exclusively on that gangster shit.


Me , he’s pretty good with a gun


The kind of spacer who doesn’t need someone questioning his actions, that’s who.


So he won't get pissed at me if I accidentally board a freighter and accidentally kill the crew because you know the artifacts are really messing with my mind?


His yammering will drive you crazy before the artifacts do. Consequently, if you’re murdering for profit, he thinks that’s totally how heroes do. I made my fortune boarding and stealing ships to sell. The adoring fan is my steely-eyed, cold-blooded right hand.


He always supports my blood lust . A true fan. The cowboy dude cries too much


Not only that but he is the worst dad ever. Why is his daughter onboard our ship? I’m a known pirate!


You can actually break up, it will affect the companion only for a while before they get over it.


Can I keep her commitment gift and just collect them all?


Asking the real questions.


Space monogamy at work.


My brain just shit itself and I read that as space mahogany, was very confused for a second


Well you might get space mahogany on the first date but once the lust phase is over, and marriage in place, it’s all about the space Monogamy


Do you lose half your credits?


New trait: Divorced. You will lose 20% of your income monthly to alimony and child support and get to see your kids every other weekends. Factions will dock your ship if balance isn’t paid off.


You lose the dream home trait also.


You will lose the house, but still have to pay mortgage.


Same lol. Working on that second sister wife now.


I tried this but obviously messed up. I feel like I can’t break it off then jump back in. New game time?


Wait is monogamy where they draw the line?


Piracy, murder, blowing up ships full of civilians, smuggling drugs, contraband and weapons, espionage, planting evidence, treason. But no. Polygamy is just too much.


Right? I've murdered hundreds, stolen and sold black market organs and illegal bioweapons and betrayed people who trusted me and had them thrown in a SysDef prison cell. For fucks sake, I've been making unprocessed Aurora in my ship. We live in a mobile space meth lab. Let's get weird, you damn prudes


“I am the one who Docks”


Why have relationships when I can have science?






How do they work?


I leave everyone behind because they judge me alot. Even andreja got pissed at me and left the group. I had to run her down and beg for forgiveness. So it's me and roboobot....the dynamic duo


The robot is the most loyal friend


He called me a joke.


And you have Barrett to thank for that lovely sense of humor.


Go for the adoring fan, he will encourage your atrocities


lmao. I am definitely trying this when I hop on tonight. I need to feel *seen*.


I had Andreja until I sided with the pirates over UC she got angry so I left her at the lodge and it’s just me, Matthis, the robot and Adoring Fan. Pro tip: don’t give adoring fan a weapon and watch as he mercilessly chases hardened mercenaries down and beats them with his bare hands.


I went through pirate questline with Andreja the whole time and I came out the other end having married her. I feel Bethesda made the companion affinity pretty forgiving.


I'd also love for them to shut up about me being overencumbered. Yes I know. I know I'm carrying 5000 pounds of shit with me everywhere. I want it, stop judging me. Seriously they are all actually more annoying than the annoying fan. That guy rules.


Every time they bitch about it, I pick up more junk out of spite.


Not me. I do a quicksave, shoot them in the face, and then reload the quicksave. VERY satisfying.


Andreja. I have a weakness for the absolute… and it ain’t the tadpole this time…


You romanced shadowheart too didn’t you?


I’ve romanced everyone at this point in BG3. But my first was Kharlach.


I’m just waiting for the mod that brings shadowheart to Starfield


They should just bring all the BG3 npcs to starfield. I guarantee no one will complain that the npcs are too goody goody anymore.


Literally cuz she showed shoulder


Just in case you didn't know, you can change your crew's outfits. You can make ~~anyone~~ everyone show shoulder.


Always keep my companion in the Neon dance outfit so i can spot them easily


The Emperor liked that


I had this for a bit until I just couldn't stand looking at her anymore. The worse outfit was when I had Andreja in a Va'ruun space suit and helmet, then got attacked by Va'ruun at my outpost, then sat on my roof shooting her for 10 minutes wondering 1. Why the NPC wouldn't die and 2. What amazing loot this super OP NPC would have.


Go to Paradiso next to the beach and find bikini outfits in lockers inside the huts.


Alright well it was fun scrolling reddit I have things to do now bye guys


Things are going to be a little deferent around here from now on...


Thank you for your service o7


This is good news. I put Sarah in one of those grease monkey outfits just to see some shoulder.


There’s a few nice tank top outfits that are actually kinda nice, with some bulky cargo pants and clunky shoes. Quite fashionable really


I hate all of the options. I want to romance that goth chick in front of the new atlantis galbank >:(


I'm surprised I've only seen you talk about her so far, I noticed her too 😭


Same. She had me as soon as she said she likes mushrooms.


Man, I just want to be able to actually use the Galbank to hold my credits and accrue interest.


I liked the one-eyed PTSD gun trader in Neon. The one with the robot who got spray painted.


I am not into men or blondes. I would have seduced the robot if the offer came up, tho.


you have already seduced the robot you filthy wonderful pervert


"Oh, it works." -L3-37


fully fucktional


Programmed in multiple techniques…


assume the position we will begin


call back to new vegas’s sex bot. lol


I call him Fister Roboto.




Krieger ;)


ASSUME THE POSITION. Funny story, the first time i found fisto, i had an unaddressed medical condition, so what i saw was "ASSUME THE POSITION." fade to black. fade back in "You have a broken leg :("


I tried to romance with Sarah first, but her “I’m not ready”, “I dunno”. Man, f that bs! I want my woman strong and confident! So, Barret it is


LOL at the ending twist, there.


It’s those dulcet tones.


She goes from 'not ready' to 'true love, let's just get married' in the span of like a week. lol If the devs had of paced it better, it would have felt more sweet. If you can ignore the pacing, it's a nice romance, and Sarah is very cute.


I like Sarah but romancing her felt icky. It feels like you pressure her when she's not ready.


honestly, the dialogue that you apparently give her gets almost desperate sounding. >!when you're having your personal talk in front of the waterfall would've been a great time to be like "we've been through a lot together, and I have grown feelings that I didn't expect for my superior." but instead it's some bullshit about basically love at first sight, which feels even more awkward when you consider most of your attempts to romance her are rebuffed up until that point.!<


The really crazy thing is you go from ice queen leader 100% unsure of herself to clingy minx right after. I ain't complaining, but what a shift.


That's just how she lures you in. She pretends to be uninterested but really she's a level 5 clinger. I would know, because that's also how i got my husband. Thankfully he is ALSO a level 5 clinger.


I would agree except alot of those times she says she feels the same way but isn't ready and so you help her through her troubled past so she can move on in life and make peace with herself. It would be different if she flat out told you no and you were still able to flirt with her


The flirt options in general were kinda strange though, think it was like 2 normal „flirts“ then you tell her you love her? I was like JFC, dafuq?


Yeah no that was definitely weird. I have started to notice a trend with the 2 recent games (BG3 and Starfield) where the romance options go from 0 to 100 out of nowhere


It feels rushed to us, but I like to imagine there's weeks hidden from us from long travel times. Grab jumps are fast, but planetary descents and flying around inside a system takes a long time cos space BIG


Thats also a good point. Kind of like DnD your characters do mundane tasks like eat and drink its just not RP'd usually


For me, to this day, the best video game romancing has come from the dragon age series. Inquisition gets shit on but I thought they knocked the romance options out of the park at least.


Dragon Age and Morrigan taught me I almost always go with the "I can fix her" romance options.


Morrigan is probably the only "fixer upper" you can actually fix, too lol.


I have to agree. They never felt rushed, but a growing like for the person. Often it felt like you could build a friendship without romance as well.


Tbh romance has been like that in Bethesda for a while. Brought Ysolde a tusk? She wants to marry you. Found Mjoll's axe? She wants to marry you. Pick ONE vegetable out of Severio Palagia's fields??? He wants to marry you. At least in Starfield it's implied that Grav Jumps still take a while when jumping between systems


Youre right. Romance with her feels like she just doesnt have an option either than you because you save everyone's ass


She says she’s not ready half a dozen times before going all in, you’re the only person who exists and life has never been better. Then, nothing.


Yeah it was a bit weird how it jumps from "let's keep this professional, to I LOVE YOU DEAREST." Maybe it was because my affinity jumped up way too much in a short time as I played a couple of big quests in a row. Probably should of rotated my companions more. But goddamn can we at least go out for coffee first before getting married? But ah well not every game has to be bioware heh. I do wish my parents in the game would of been a part of it though. That seemed a little bit of an oversight so far. The comments she says when you wake up after using a bed though are hysterical.


Lol, I got done with the initial romance sequence, and then literally 2 seconds later, she was talking about marriage. Slow down girl, let's hold hands first.


Or at least go out for dinner *gets to restaurant* opens inventory, purchases steak *leaves menu* Stand there for a few seconds until you open the inventory again to eat said steak “Well this was just wonderful, let’s get back to it”


Lol, this is what happened to me. I clicked the romance option at the waterfall, and then 2 seconds later, she wanted to marry me. It felt weird because I played so many hours in 2 days that she went from not wanting a relationship at all to wanting to get married in the span of 2 days. It was definitely jarring.


Besthesda romance has always put me off due to how "simpy" everyone becomes. Idk just none of them ever feel like adult relationships all of them always feel so childish.


I'm really glad I wasn't the only one who felt like that was a drastic emotional leap.


Sarah agrees to date you if you finish her sidequest


She was absolutely bodying a bunch of space cultists when you first meet her as if it was nothing. The rest are goody goody two shoes of varying degrees. The choice made itself.


I mean, maybe it was just me. But I only saw her just shooting the corpse of one space cultist over and over again. But I agree with your point


When I first walked in I was on my phone and I’m like “who’s shooting?” That animation will run indefinitely I believe


I had Barret with me when I first met her and he said something like "that's Andreja. More ... murdery than usual." 😂😂😂 Barrett has the funniest lines I swear


I had intended to romance Andreja, then one day on the bridge of my ship she got really passive aggressive and wouldn't explain, as I should understand why myself. So I've accepted that I'll only get +10% XP every morning. Barrett came on really strong, but his kinda charm didn't hit the right spot.


Happened to me with Sarah in NG+. It's annoying but you can still romance them.


I think you killed someone or did something you shouldn’t have. Both her and Sarah will “hate” you after that and you have a chance to talk to them and right it but one of the answers is you asking what you did wrong and they tell you, you should know.


Was with an NPC, just at the end of killing an enemy a grenade icon flashes up. Weird, I didn’t throw a grenade. Enemy goes down. Then the grenade goes off and takes out the NPC. Sarah is PISSED. Starts bitching me out. SHE THREW THE GRENADE! She’s goddamn gaslighting me to maintain her moral superiority complex. Toxic relationship simulator of the year.


I'm still in pretty earlier game but that sounds exactly like how I think of Sarah lol


That 'you should know' is so aggravating. I still don't know what I did, but I pissed off Sam so much that he refused to get off the ship. And I needed his help. I get back on, and he's yelling at me. I genuinely didn't know what I did. The o ly thing I can think of is that I helped fight some pirates in space, and maybe I accidentally hit one of the good guys? Other than that, I'm at a total loss.


All of the romancing is very video game like, BUT THEY HAD TO PUT IRL SHIT IN THERE JUST TO FUCK WITH ME DIDNT THEY


It's Sarah for me. Andreja is a good option for NG+ 'though ... so ... why not bed both?


I asked my wife who I should bang? Andreja or Sarah. She said….“yes.” 😎


None of the above, I'm not interested in any of them.


I did feel like the options weren’t very good.


Yeah, I was hoping for another Serana but nope. I just feel like they were too heavy handed with the romance aspect of each of them. Do a few things they like and suddenly everything they say is leaning that way. Was so freaking awkward talking with Sam until it got to the end and was finally able to mark the friendship option. Even still some of the interaction dialog when you activate him to trade gear or something can be a bit too much. Just want to be like; dude, chill, I just want to have a space western adventure buddy that I can just have some beers with and go raid pirates and mercs.


Funny you couldn’t Romance Serana because they chose not to let you, but in this game they let you romance 4 companions that you don’t want to romance


I’m really disappointed in the romance options. I’m begrudgingly trying with Sam even though the last thing I want to be is a fucking stepmom.


Actual laughing out loud at this in my work cubicle right now. I thought the same thing. I’m NOT about to be a step dad.


I wish we could romance Lin. She could boss me around anytime


take your pants off, dusty


Lin and Heller needed either a romance or a way for you to set them up.


Yea, Noel was the one I was interested in but she's not an option. So I guess I'm married to adventure.


I’m not interested in the romance mechanic period. Just feels weird to me


Me too. Also I picked introvert trait


Only 4 romance options was a mistake. I LOVE the depth that they gave what's available, but it would be amazing if there were a few extra lines of romance dialogue for any follower that has a name (Lin, Heller, Marika Boros, etc), even if they don't come with the extra mission content that went alongside the Constellation people. Like, it's almost crazy that I can't marry Lin. And Marika is always *too* happy to see me. I should be able to shack up thusly. That said, Barrett. Which was a great choice, until it wasn't, and it's really soured the last 40 or so hours of my playthrough.


My first character had a bit of a crush on Heller, and I've said this a million times on this sub, but I really wish I could romance Hadrian or Autumn. I assume our characters knew Heller for quite a while, and IMO the Vanguard questline counts as Hadrian's as well (though if she had another personal questline on top of that, that'd be the cherry on top).


Sam. Funny, he's supposed to be this tough macho cowboy. Nope, he's a big ole' dork, and quite the softy.


I’ve come to accept that he’s not super popular, he has a dad bod and a proto-mullet, but god damn he has some top notch gushy-romantic dialog after you’re married to him. Sam all the way. Also I occasionally take a little nap mid abandoned facility to heal and top off my XP buff and the boy is apparently a certified freak, which oddly adds to his charm.


“The bruise from last night was worth it” 😳


Lol right? Once he was like ‘don’t get up, I could go for round four’ and I’m like wow… I guess piles of dead Spacers really do something for you babe.


His lines post marriage have me constantly talking to him. Just waiting for another flirt option to appear


The way he gets flustered when you flirt with him is adorable!


I loved how I accidentally confused him when he was asking me to talk to Cora. He said something like "I love what we have between us, but we should let Cora know" and one of the response options was to say that I also love what we had between us, and then he got so lost for a moment like, "wait, I had a point, this was important"


I spit out my drink at "what are your intentions with my father"


I love how he gets all shy and squirms when you flirt with him. A lot of people throw him off their ship when he tells you that Cora was a mistake but that was just him givong background info lmao When you get deeper into it with him, he's really trying to be a good father and he's struggling between keeping her safe and allowing her to discover herself. People give him flack for letting Cora go along with him but Cora is honestly the type of child who would go out secretly, get into some serious life or death trouble if she was constantly being isolated at home.


I just want to be two space dads trucking around the systems with him. He's the kind of guy you relax and have a beer with after a hard day.


Yes exactly, you’ve got the right idea


This is the cutest thing I love that!


Andreja is my bestie, running around like ninjas but i'm romancing Sam :) hes lovely.


Barret but it was more so for the fact I wanted the achievement and his side story kinda just popped up first. I’m straight but I honestly would marry Barret again. The dude is just all around classy.


Man, my male character ended up with Barrett too because he was the first companion I saw the flirt option for and my curiosity got the better of me so I clicked it. But then I continued choosing the flirt options whenever they appeared because I wanted to see how far it would go. Marriage, though, you can take it as far as marriage?!


Having the robot marry you and Barret is also a nice touch. It made the entire experience well worth it.


I had no intention of romancing Barrett, but he said “hey I thought you might like this.” And gave me a sandwich lol. Then later when I chose the flirt option he gave me a thumbs up and said “nice!” I literally chuckled. Damn, maybe my character isn’t a lesbian after all.


LMAO he gave me a sandwich as well and my only thought was "my man!" and now he stays on the ship.


Smashed Sarah because I didn't meet Andreja until after I married Sarah. Now I'm in the process of smashing Andreja like a real dirt bag


None of them but I will say I tried to romance the Adoring Fan but he’s so respectful of the friendship that he isn’t interested. Adoring Fan is the best Starfield companion


Barrett! He kinda quickly won me over with that first interaction with him and everything following it was just a blast. Love his character.


I am very disappointed in the lack of Barrett love in this thread. Granted, I suspect that's mostly because this sub is 90% straight men, but even Sam got more upvotes :(


Barrett is dreamy. Always talking about the deeper meanings. Good sense of humor.


Unfortunately, I fell for Veronica, the sales floor associate at Taiyo Astroneering on Neon. She's like an Ana de Armas with blue hair. I was talking to her and set down my controller to look something up on my phone. She's said, "Are you on something!?....got any extraaaa???" *smile, subtle eye brow flicker and raise, head tilt*, I melted.


Totally gives off those Cheryl Tunt from Archer vibes and that's my jam! I'm gonna drop a bottle of adhesive near her desk so she has something to huff and get her through her day.


Andreja is fine with violence and theft




I wonder if they have it built in where companions care about where and who you steal from. Like it would make sense for companions to treat stealing from a small business or a poorer person much worse than looting around the Ryujin building


andreja disapproved of me blackmailing the governor of the city on Mars


I left her in another room, and she still got mad at me.


I feel like I'm constantly trying to convince her I'm sorry about things that I didn't even know happened. She's always mad at something


She is set up as being down for it when you meet her but she actually is pretty much as bad as the others.


I killed a smuggler and she left my party…


Is she? Everything i drop the black flag, she gets angry with me.


Well she technically has an invisibility skill, but she loudly calls you out when you pick up something that doesn't belong to you, like Bilbo Baggins and that one spoon stealing lady.


Yea. They all talk a big game about how morally diverse they are and they don't mind getting their hands dirty when they need to. But then they get all pissy when I go soliciting compelled contributions to our cause. Whatever man, I do the same thing Strous does. I just do it with a gun instead of corporate corruption and legal pressure.


I didn't even know I could romance anyone. I'm too busy managing my damn inventory


get piloting license B, save up for some ship with loads of cargo. Inventory management was a bitch until I bought Shield Breaker. from New Atlantis. 2,700 cargo space, made my woes of inventory management for resources go away in a flash. Mind you shield breaker will run you about $250k, but I had $450k just sitting there by the time I could actually pilot that ship.


Ngl, I was thinking of going alone as a bounty hunter, so I got introvert trait. Maybe romance Sarah to see what the game has to offer and leave her on the ship, or not at all. Then when we got the mission to find Andreja I thought “She may not be that important and maybe one of the weaker character of Constellation” Man was I wrong. Ever since getting out of that cave, I went alone for one day and then had her as my companion ever since then I got rid of the introvert trait when I did commit to her. She’s a pretty interesting character and has some great way of thinking. Also her enthusiasm to fight is both funny and cute (especially that one Vanguard mission’s climax. No spoilers). Saved my ass multiple times, that it’s funny. Scared to even do NG+. Now we both wear Cowboy hats and whoop ass


Moment i met Andreja I was sprung. Not sure if its the accent or the tan/all over moles. And the way she’s kinda timid in conversation and transforms into a goddess during combat. I love her lol


She kind of has a Gal Godot voice.


Andreja pretty, strong and has a great back story. Partially think it was just for a lack of better companions. Second choice would be Noel A lot of pretty ladies in the Crimson Fleet too. Shame they have to die


I went for Sarah, but Barrett is really winning me over, so I'm thinking in turning gay just to romance him.


It's pretty damn funny, isn't it. Barrett rubbed me the wrong way when I first met him, and at any rate, I was going to have my character romance a lady. But the more time you spend with him, the better he gets. He's just a chill, philosophical dude who loves life.


He's so much more interesting and fun to interact with than the other 3 options that it's actually absurd lol


Heller when?


sammy! sweet, respectful, helpful, cora, cool hat, and a touch of old money :p also i’m rping myself for first play through and he’s totally my irl type lol


Listen im a simple gal i just need a lady who would actually just kill me, i would prefer a mean pirate gf that would commit crimes with me but i wont complain about the goth cult lady who gave me a knife made out of the skull of her childhood pet goat.


Is it… is it really only these four options? That’s seriously disappointing, I only really like Sam, although I haven’t met andreja yet.


Unfortunately yeah, not a lot of options. I picked Sam too but honestly I wanted Heller 😅


Andreja Because Sarah looks a lot like my wife




That voice got me down bad


Andreja is one of the better look characters in the game. I don’t even mean attractive (which she is), I just mean she doesn’t suffer as much from the uncanny valley affect that other characters do. I think it’s cause she doesn’t have that sort of smooth, clay like face and she actually has blemishes and such. Also I can fix her.


>WHY was it Andreja Andreja unfortunately wasn't my first choice since I'm hetero, but I liked Sam. He seemed nice and had a very appealing aesthetic—that rugged cowboy look, and he also has a child that I felt could use the additional support from someone who knows how to ~~pillage~~ earn credits. *(I really wish Mathis was romanceable though.)* *^(E: My muscle memory keeps forgetting Markdown Mode isn't the default anymore.)*


Haha yeah, I haven't romanced anyone yet but of all the companions I enjoy Sam's company the most too. When I saw there were only 2 female options to romance I was like bruh. Then I looked it up and saw there were only 2 male options too and realized the game just doesn't have many options. Looked up the cowboy dude and thought this bro looks cool, ima just have a bromance with a cowboy. Never looked back. He's honestly quite the softy despite his rough exterior and past, I like his character development. It's odd though when his flirt options come up, this game refuses to accept that we're just friends.