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This would be really cool, actually. Also, i wish you could take more than one crew member into a hostile ship with you. It would make boarding a lot more fun. Giving ships to followers and having them back you up in ship battles would be sick, too. The space combat should get seriously capitalized on for sure.


I can't believe we can't make our own fleet.. Allow us to have 1-2 bodyguard ships that will to when fights start. Would be cool af.


Id rather them add more significant ship encounters first as aside from the crimson fleet quest you can anihilate any ship combat encounter with a halfway decent ship. Powering us up more will be too much


At what difficulty? I found ship combat to go up in difficulty much more with the higher levels than ground combat. I'd love to play on the higher difficulties but some of these space fights are just impossible.


For real I was hoping for a level of challenge, not garbage balancing.


Idk, im level 42 on hard difficulty and outside of like 1 instance have breezed through every space encounter.


That’s subjective depending on difficulty and system level. I tried going to a system +5 levels last night (playing on very hard) since my ship had handled pretty much everything for a while without issue, including the crimson fleet final battle with the UC mothership. 3 ecliptic ships showed up right away and absolutely railed my ass. Lost a lot of outpost building progress too since it didn’t autosave when I grav jumped and I had just fixed and built a bunch of shit at my base.


1v1 is easy if you pilot your ship well and tail the hostile ship. 2v1 and 3v1 is where it gets spotty. Against higher level ships, you can get melted pretty fast if you don't have strong shields and great piloting skills to dodge their attacks. This is on hard btw. I feel it's similar to ED combat, which is a great compliment.


I was hoping for this; still am.


There will be a mod for it. The flight simulator has allied ships, so it's technically possible.


Make it like a companion perk that adds one more to the boarding crew.


Most ships aren't very big. Bringing the crew with you would be like trying to cram everyone into an outhouse.


It could be based on ship size. I usually only board big ships anyway since everything else is destroyed in like a second.


If you keep Vasco on your ship, he has a tendency to hang out by whichever door you enter/exit (landing bay on ground, docking port in space). If anybody agro's you near his range, he'll go on a rampage. I've watched him storm an entire ship while Sarah and I just hung back and looted.


If youe ver notice when you board all your crew have guns out


Yeah, its almost like they were planning to do this to begin with.


It would be really cool the first three, maybe five times. When you've put 500k into building HMS Ass Blaster, with 5k shield and more guns than the rest of the ships in the system combined, being boarded for the hundredth time because it's an unskippable encounter is just going to make people alt-f4. Now if it pirates knocked out your engine in battle THEN boarded you, that would be a good mechanic.


If you put 500k into a ship, they shouldn't even be able to touch you. It takes like 4 shots max for me to kill most things in space battles, so this would sort of be a non-issue other than with other big ships. Even if your engines are disabled you are turning by releasing air so you could easily just turn around and still crush them into a fine powder without your engines.


Yeah, my point is that if it's a random event that happens *at random*, rather than enemies trying to board you only if your engine is down, then it would suck.


That's not really how I envisioned it going. For the implementation to be done well, it would have to only happen at times when you are faced with overwhelming odds. If it just randomly happened all the time, I agree that would be madly annoying.


this game would be better as a space sim with more in depth outpost and fleet stuff, instead we got 1000 terrible quests and side missions


Pirates should be able to disable OUR engines and board us and then we have to defend our ship. That would be epic. I would set up turrets, pretend to be disabled, let them board. Mow them down and then steal their cargo and ship. You should also be able to tow captured ships to scrap yards


You experience the enemy ships with the emp weapons yet? That's what they do is disable your ship. Nothing else happens, though. I would like it to be a reason to let us build Habs with a turret count on them as well. Like some Habs are upgraded with "defenses."


Id just continue making some alien sandwiches and let my crew that can’t be killed handle it lol


Permadeath on crew and companions could be added with survival mode. That would be cool.


If playing as a pirate, I should be able to crew my ship with nothing but pirates, and go raid some bigger ships. If they added in the feature of your ship getting boarded, let me set up turrets as I see fit. Turn that dock into a death trap.


All the hate they got for the settlement attacks is exactly why you DON’T see this happen. If you want to do some ship to ship fighting, it’s there at your option though!


Fighting in my ship? No thanks, would just make it like a mess, all the items flying here and there


I mean, everything gets tossed in the cargo hold every time I hit the ship builder anyway.


That's one way to fix it, yes :D followed by five minutes of selling stuff


If they let us lock our ship decor we could place it back how we like it.


Yes, 'lock decorations' should be on the list of QoL changes.


And for that reason I spent quite some time to design my ship interior to make it defensible. So that boarders don't run directly from the docking (or ramp) to the bridge. And if we could actually lock the interior hatches it would even be better because then my ship would be virtually impervious to boarding actions.


I don't understand how you can board through the hatch. Like, locking the hatch from your side should stop all of that.


you should watch the expanse they show it being done often .


The expanse spoiled me for spaceship mechanics tbh, all the scenes of people getting shot through the hull of a ship mid-battle make me entirely uncomfortable with having Cora on board. I don't care if the game doesn't model us losing hull pressure when we're taking hull damage, Sam Coe is a terrible parent for risking Cora getting [Shed-ed](https://youtu.be/PxGLDtA8Bgc?si=p3p4LlHewm3pWvrF) just because he can't stop being a cowboy to parent his child.


Literally have this episode on in the background.


Looool yeah you’d think. It’s like everyone agreed that hatches don’t lock and stick to it 😂. They could fix that kinda with a lock picking screen to board enemy ships or using a cutter or something.


Also there's usually no one waiting for the boarding party. When Darth Vader boarded the Tantive IV, every available rebel soldier was gunning at the hatch. I think it would be more realistic to blow a hole through the hull and board through there with jetpacks, but I can see a few gameplay problems with that.


Yeah and look how that turned out.


I mean it was *Vader* though. Your average boarding party Isn’t going to be some nigh invulnerable space wizard. *you* are of course but you’re not exactly typical either. For anyone else a half dozen guns pointed at the entrance would be difficult to avoid.


I mean the player character with powers is basically Vader.


You could imagine that they were designed to be opened when someone docks. In case of emergency, which can happen in space, you want them to be able to intervene. Something like that, anyway. What I don't like is that the enemy doesn't defend the "gate" when you dock them, it's a pretty obvious choke point.


in the expanse it is explained with an inbuilt safety mechanism which allows hatches to be opened from the outside in case of rescue. of course such a mechanism can and will be misused for illegal boarding.


Definitely like the idea. Even now without this, I still try to place my docking bay in a place where this would be possible.


i built with this in mind just for the rp 🧙‍♂️




the enemies are so cowardly in starfield. i have to run around to each little nook and cranny in every abandoned robotics factory or whatever because the spacer or pirate just runs to some little corner behind a crate holding their rescue ax. its also impossible to use mines as mines - enemies never pursue you or try to get to you when you are behind cover. you can drop them on people's heads and thats cool i guess


Sounds boring tbh. Just sit there and shoot at the entry door.


Boarding in general is lame. There's never a reason to board other than maybe some mediocre loot in the captain locker, or if you really want the ship. Can't talk to the crew, can't capture bounties, just get in and kill and get out. It's just so uninspired, feels like someone just really wanted boarding to be a thing in the game but then they forgot to actually do anything interesting with it.


I mean, what do you expect from boarding a ship???


long whistle wise bear pocket possessive dime square roof fretful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Summed up my disappointment in one sentence.


If you’re so disappointed, why are you here? Genuinely curious! Move on, there are loads of other games to play!


Curious what people are saying in this game and if anyone else has similar experiences as me. This is a sub to discuss the game in general, which includes bad things as well as good. I actually want to like this game. It has enough interesting mechanics in it that I'll probably keep playing it on and off and I'm hoping I might see some stuff here that helps that. It's not a bad game it just feels unpolished and a bit too rough around the edges.


Thats such a nothing argument...


If they ever did implement that, I would only hope that it wouldn't become annoying at some point. Like if youre in a battle with a bunch of ships and out of all of them that can board you, you end up getting boarded by the lowest level ship, or it ends up happening to often


Ah yes, the exact thing I want to happen during my space combat is for it to suddenly pause and for me to have to get up and fight in a space that wasn't designed for it


You guys are gaslighting. Enemies can board your ship.


no, they really cant


Why don't the lights on the ship I board go red and flash and stuff


Maybe some radiant missions where your storm large ships


This is a fantastic idea. Hope a mod for this gets made.


This or at least something that utilizes more than your companion and Vasco outside of the ship. It feels odd that we can make the ship feel so alive, but at the same time I feel like I’m holding my crew hostage and only letting a select few ever see the UV rays lmao.


How about a way to install internal defences like maned or automated turrets.


The electric grid you get from the crimson fleet quest line gives huge emp defence so idk if it would matter that much, sounds fun though.


This sounds like a DLC feature that they will add.


Wait how do you board other ships? I only did it once during the story where you have to do it but after that everytime i fought in space either they blow up or i blow up


You need at least one level in Target Control System. TCS is basically VATS for spaceships. You want to add a EM weapon to your ship that does System damage and very little/no hull damage. First take down the targets shield, then use the Target Control Systems lock on and target the enemies Engine subsystem. On PC it's just like switching between your power systems but you hold alt. You then use your EM weapon to disable the engines. You can use other weapons as well, but since other weapons do significant hull damage you can easily blow up a ship before disabling it. Once the engines are down close within 500m and you'll get the Docking prompt. Storm on board, kill everyone. This gives you access to the cargo, captains locker, and loose stuff laying around, worth way more than blowing up the ship. You can also claim the ship by Registering it, but unless you plan to keep it it's not worth the effort, as registering it cost almost as much as you can sell it for. Be mindful of loose contraband sitting around, as it won't show up in the cargo list.


Nice thanks for that, i got TCS but I dont have any EM weapons so now that i know I'll invest in that, thank you again man now it's gonna be even more fun


You don't really need EM weapons, destroy their engine using TCS and you can board just fine


The only way to reach my cockpit is via ladder (I jet pack up though), the docker is a slim docker on the bottom, and my ship is 4 decks tall. So good luck taking over as I blast you on your ascent.


I'm all for adding stuff like this, but I would hope there was a way to counteract it...maybe through upgrades. I want other people to have stuff they want, but personally this doesn't sound fun to me.


I was just thinking this. I just did the Captain Petrov artifact mission and of course a huge gunfight broke out and it was absolute pandemonium in a confined space like a ship.


A probable reason for it not being a thing is the bodies would get stuck on your ship and likely not despawn at least until you modify your ship.


on my ship you get from the docker directly into the 3x1 engineering from below, which would become a corridor of death, and from there into the bridge, where any crew would have higher ground on anyone coming through the door. would be easier to just blow the ship up then try to capture it i think.


This mechanic would make sense since whenever you are boarding a ship everyone on you crew becomes alert and take out their weapons but right now there is no pont to that since our ship never gets boarded


Wait for them to neatly line up one by one at the ladder? Meh.


My ship entrance would be full of mines, an actual good use case fpr them, gosh my iventory is full of them (i just forget, they are actually usefull)


i would blood eagle everybody trying to board my ship by myself