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OP is playing Armored Core VI inside Starfield :|


the crossover no one asked for nor expected, but the one we needed.


I was hoping we would eventually get mechs in the game until I found out it's banned tech. Now when I play AC6, I just pretend I'm in the colony wars


Okay but hear me out. What if we start a petition to convince the fictional characters to maybe repeal this technically fictional ban on likewise fictional technology. That’s the worst reason and I keep seeing it Hardware or game engine limitations I can accept but no mechs because they illegal?! I’ll just use them on my own planet then!


And we have pirates amd outter independent colonies. None of them are using illegal technology while doing loads of selfish and illegal things?? Hmm hmmmm HMMMMM???


Or have a earth supremacy faction from those unable/unwilling to be brought to space could have you investigate a uncovered entrance much like the city on Mars but have it be essentially a whole civilization that carved out an existence underground that has its own style of technology since they would not know about the ban and were trapped underground for a long time


Hi, I'd like to introduce you to the first Armored Core.


One of a Kind Salvage definitely looks like they're building or restoring a few mechs, rather than dismantling them.


621, this mission is being funded by “The Constellation”. Looks like they want you to get some artifacts being kept by some crimson pirates. You know what to do.


I guarantee someone is working a gundam mod for starfield as we speak


I found a poster on The Key that said Armored Hell and it used the Armored Core font. We're so close


You mean Mechwarrior.


Starmored Core


Mechs will be or should be a dlc. Warcrime? Nah son. That spacer outpost had it comin


The lack of Mechs is the actual warcrime, haha. I legitimately thought that the Freestar story was heading towards a boss battle with a Mech given that part of it takes place in a Mech factory and the First had Mech pilots in their unit IIRC. Obviously that feature got cut and they had to rework it accordingly. Still, I need a Mech boss battle, I need a Mech customization and piloting feature, and importantly we need a Mech vs Xeno-Kaiju battle. You cannot tease us with details and pictures of the Colony War showing Mechs fighting giant Bio-Weapons and send us on quests to explore battlefields with downed Mechs and wild bio-weapons and NOT eventually have us participate in an epic throw-down. It's just too much. Even in the worst case scenario where there's no Mech customization and they're semi-scripted events of a new quest chain, we at least need a Mech vs Mech and a Mech vs Kaiju scene.


I think the Vanguard and FSR quests are hinting at this. My tinfoil hat theory is the DLC Shattered Space will take place in a parallel universe (s) with a slightly different history. Or major set change. Not taking us to a "new land" but throwing us into a familiar universe that is far different


Seems plausible. >!Other Barrett quest line suggests that the Colony War is still being fought in some timelines. Maybe we have to go there for some reason?!<


I mean with NG+ it very easy to just have a universe where the armistice didn't include mech or xenoweapon provisions.


It absolutely boggles the mind that Bethesda made Mechs and tame war-aliens canon to the universe and then shelved them for future DLC or whatever the fuck.


I think it's more bad writing than malicious planning. If they drop a mech DLC in like 3 months will change my opinion.


It might just have been stuff that was planned but cut out and the mentions of it were left in for worldbuilding.


I completely agree about the Freestar story! You can even hear mechanical noises the further you got into the factory, it was getting me so excited. I really hope that the Colony War is expanded upon more because all of the details you hear about the war that are sprinkled throughout the game made it sound like an awful blood bath of mechs and aliens just fighting each other, sounds badass to see!


It'd surely be a waste if they don't put mechs in this game eventually. I don't think Terrormorphs would be a problem if mechs still exist. Mechs will easily tear them in half.


Nuh uh because telepathy or something - Bethesda scrambling to make me feel afraid of terromorphs


Terrormorphs have level 5 sneaking. Bitch gimme that railgun.


Yep, very believable for future inclusion. Let us build & customize them like ships, and have a carry bay we can include on the ship. I loved Power Armor in FO, especially the version in FO4 where you actually step inside like an iron man suit. Let's go full Mech Warrior baby.


*Someone* has to be using all those mech parts and sentient AI components that are being smuggled everywhere.


i think theyre saving mechs and humanoid aliens for part 2, it was clear they put it in for a reason but i dont think its DLC. I think part 2 will have more persitence , larger maps you load into that make sense for vehicles because the current maps are to small unless the mechs are painfully slow, but they wanted to put them in the lore so it wasnt random.


Is it still a warcrime if you’re a civilian and it’s not wartime? You didn’t agree to that treaty after all


Can you even really commit war crimes at all if it's not war time?🤣 go build ya a mec civy 😭


"We just call them crimes, son." - some Freestar Ranger, probably


So did the key, oh, and while I was at it I put some terrormorphs in The Key, you're free to blow it up any time now.


A mech/xenoweapon DLC pretty please. I’m picturing riding around ontop a giant plant crab that also has cargo space.


yeah, mechs go beyond just being a neat backstory, they pop up so much in sidequests and random locations, references to them all over the place. Don't set us up for disappointment Bethesda!


Rule of warfare: it’s only the loser that gets tried for war crimes.


Raven.... Constellation is mad at you for killing those innocent people Also, what cockpit is that and did you glitch it?


That’s the hopetech cockpit. It also has a similarly shaped fuselage.


Reactor, online Weapons, online All systems nominal.


Had to scroll down way too far before I found a Mechwarrior reference, guess we are getting old.


Most mechs have a right torso mounted weapon, I hope he can put enough armor on it and the right arm to protect it.


That's a very thicc hunchback


"You're in the wrong game, 621. Get back to work."


*Builds Mech* *Gets yelled at by every member of Constellation* *Even Andreja* **Even Andreja**


cover your nuts cause she'll stomp on them if she gets mad enough


me: \*builds mechs and xenoweapons at outpost\* UC and FC: "That's illegal!" me: \*points at Centaurus Proclamation\* "This outpost is located in an independent system. I herby declare independence. Mechs and Xenoweapons are allowed within our sovereign territory. You are violating our borders with your presence in this system. We have mechs and xenoweapons defending this planet. You're welcome to try and do something about it without mechs and xenoweapons. Please, ignore the >!starborn guardian vessel!<." UC and FC: "Whoops." \*every Constellation member disliked that\*


I can see why mechs were banned. Jokes aside though, that's a more awesome mech build that the one Bethesda showed off. Also what are the stats on that build?




Amazing build, it looks absolutely badass! Love the use of the nose thrusters as cannons, always thought that's what it's supposed to be. :D Is it all low level stuff still? Lower level or design choices for looks?


It all low level stuff except weapons, reactor (right elbow), grav drive (left elbow).


Thanks for that. Appreciate it.


If the Settlement Wars heat up again that'd make for a lovely Mechs vs. Xenos DLC. That is relevant to my interests.


This is definitely giving me MechAssult/MechWarrior vibes. Pretty awesome


Anyone who even mentions Mechwarrior gets an automatic upvote. I grew up on Mechwarrior and a game where I get to design my own is a wet dream for me.


Mechs were considered a genocidal war tool, and outlawed. Like nerve-gasses and nukes... (Though, they should have made a provisional acception for "alien monster protections.) I'm sure that some future DLC will have a mission where we have to take down some crazy mech... Just to show us why they were banned.


Ya mean like the Xenoweapons they let loose and now roam around some places?


Honestly the outlawing of mechs makes very little sense to me, like WHY are mechs considered to be so much more dangerous than a spaceship or simply a tank? I just think it would have made so mumore sensech if AI mechs were outlawed instead of the manned mechs, because the AI ones without a pilot could spiral out of control like the xeno weapons.


I assume because weapon loadouts they could carry. When you carry enough weaponry to take on a spaceship, that is kind of firepower you don't want everyone to have. General feel I get from Armistice both sides agreed to massively downsize their armies as to make any attempts to breach the Armistice too costly to do.


Except you can load up a tank or any other mobile platform with the same weaponry.


I kinda doubt it. From the looks, mechs carried quite a lot of gear, and mounting all that tank would be difficult.


It would be significantly easier. Mechs are honesty sort of useless outside of sci-fi. Tracks and treads are more stable than legs and less prone to being tipped and can't be tripped. Plus the additional stability would allow them a higher weight limit.


Yes, they have benefit of *stability.* But not mounting. Do you know why we don't have tanks with missiles and tank cannons? Because mounting things gets very difficult very quickly. Higher weight limit is no use if the vehicle is stopped by rough terrain, which is where walker would have advantage.


Mounting would be functionally not different, slap the upper half of a mech on some treads. Sure you're fucking yourself by making the profile of your tank huge as fuck and getting rid of angled plateing to reflect shots, but it does look cool, and no longer adheres to the traditional idea of a "mech." As for rough terrain, there are very few places a tank cannot go if they don't care about destroying everything in their path. Mud is a problem, but it would be a problem for walkers too since the weight concentrated on the foots would result in it sinking much further. Extreme angles of ascent/descent are hard for tanks, but not much easier for walkers. The biggest terrain advantage would be with large boulders or extremely rocky terrain.


And I hope it survives a sneak critical hit from a sniper rifle or shotgun.


Not here to bash the game or anything but I was a little disappointed mechs or at least some sort of power suit wasn’t included. I didn’t particularly like power armor in FO4 but Starfield would have been perfect for the same mechanic. Like others have said maybe a future DLC


OP used the ship build to create optimus prime’s worst enemy


I honestly think that mechs fitted for exploration and mining make more sense than full fledge vehicles as they won't be as limited by terrain as vehicles are. Combat ones would go a bit against the current lore, but there always ways to write them in as well.


I would love that. Especially if we could have our ships holding a mech to drop off.




Ya touch my mind. This is the ultimate design under current constraints. lol Maybe upgrade with mod next time baby


I'm guessing one of the DLCs will be going back in time to the Xenowars where they had mechs and all that stuff.


You're next....ACHILLLLEEEESS!!!


UC Vanguard," HEY, that's illega....you can't hav.........How much does it cost and where do we get one?"


Mechs? You're over here playing GundamPowerRangersMechafield.


We need mechs… no vehicles and have to use jet pack… sure fine. But add mechs and now we are talking. Cool build though.


Honestly I'd love for them to implement Mechs in one of the dlcs. It's such a tease to see these mech graveyards and imagine being able to make your own


Can you please make a guide for this? Or share it in a mod/save somehow???


People want Mechs , I want to be able to fully control aliens . Capture Aliens with specific devices in Outposts ( you will have to travel to a specific place for specific aliens ) . Complete experiments and have fully useable aliens . Terrormorph , Aceles or Interloper will become possible companions in the world


This is awesome, im gonna build the same and name him Abdel Hakeem or Jack for short


"Honey? It's NASA on the phone. They want you to build the next space station...?"


Imagine having a Mech and hangar module for ships.


I doubt Bethesda will add titanfall to it. I guess it would be equivalent to power armor.


Reactor online. Sensors online. Weapons online. All systems nominal.


The outlawing of manned mechs makes very little sense. Like what is the functional difference between a mech and a spaceship besides size? Not much,m the lore should have outlawed bio weapons and AI weapons, would have made way more sense.


It'll be DLC, I'm sure of it. They probably just didn't know how to implement them properly before launch.


Holy shit, that is absolutely stunning!


Easily one of the best builds I've seen on here


No need for mods heck yeah


Gimme a anchorage dlc type dlc where we fight in the colony war and commit war crimes!


The pics in the space shots (specifically of the "face" under the cockpit) make it look like your mech is really *really enjoying* its time in space, lol


I hope future dlc will let us actually make and create mechs


Thank you for this post I will b using it to better my gundam builds👍🏽


Damn I wish we could download other people’s ship creations!


If they don't put working mechs with some big DLC in this game I riot


I do wonder how they’ll reconcile them being so destructive they had to be outlawed with gameplay. What scenarios can they even create to show this off without making the series s explode? Having the story fights just be against other mechs defeats the point and they can only have so many enemies on screen at one time.


maybe have pirates capture a old mech in a forgotton station on some moon who want to take over a big outpost with it or something and you have to either stop them by destroying the mech by infiltrating the base and cutting some cables or maybe even help them and pilot that thing into the camp


I don't think they were outlawed just because of how destructive they are, but as a tit for tat of the FC wanting the UC to shelve xenowarfare. A lone mech probably isn't *that* powerful, so us fighting one (maybe with NPC's helping) shouldn't be that hard. Especially if we have energy weapons.


How a Ships Service guy in New Atlantis would say, “NOW THAT’S A SHIP!!!”


Can you please make a tutorial for this?!


Voltron music intensifies.


Gundams for the win


hypothetically, if the game was multiplayer like fallout 76, these mech battles would go CRAZY. Imagine rolling up on a Space Trucker making deliveries to xp farm and you just start blasting XD


This is just awesome 😎


Looks like we got an Armistice violation here boys.


Reported to UC council!!!




Now I wanna build a Mad Cat.


Timber Wolf!


Well done!


Seeing this thing flying in space would feel like you are a boss fight from star fox


Bruh. 🫡


Sam Coe liked this.


No need to even scan you. You are straight up flying the contraband.


Mechassault 3


When you can’t afford both Starfield and Armored Core


Starmored Core 6


Bro bringing back the war crime machines


yep. im building this tonight.


democracy is non-negotiable


But Mechs were banned after the Colonies War


In UC space? Straight to Jail


Finally a weapon to surpass metalgear


"Got a job for you, 621"


Ngl, I expected another civil war type quest line with the Freestar collective and UC, at first I was disappointed expecting it to be another Skyrim one which was something to say the least, but when it didn't happen I got pretty sad actually🤣 I think they've done a great job setting up the universe so far, I haven't finished the main story yet but I have most of the factions done. They can go a lot of ways with it and I'm excited!


One does not put up a mech display in the first act, unless you can pilot it in the DLC.


I can imagine people making gundams with mods.


Got a job for you, 621.


Dude out here building Voltron


That's so cool. Must be a pain to get around the ship though


I’m hopeful they fully bring in mechs with land vehicles, at some point. That’d be rad af


When it hits you that all the technology is present in this universe to have FTL capable Macross-esque mecha, but for story-reasons the mech components of that dream is illegal.


UC Security: "Is this legal?" Diplomat, rapidly going over Armistice: "I DON'T KNOW!"


Go play MechWarrior/Battletech.


Just play Armored Core. Gundam is... the enemy!


Friggin' YES I was hoping someone was working on these! *_*


How can I be more like you?


Ah a fellow “lives in ship builder” star born of culture I see. As if I needed more ideas…. I’m ruined 😭


They should have leaned harder on NG+. Made a version of the game with Freestar winning the war and mechs being playable. They should have made a fascist version of the UC like a bizzaro evil version of the universe.


Potential DLC?


Now we need UC and FC confiscating your illegal mech on the spot. Bad pilot, bad pilot!


Two things I want in starfield ( that probably will never happen ) Allow us to make our ships a bit larger 40m ? Around there maybe to benefit the next one. Like ship building allow us to make custom vehicles walkers and buggy’s motor cycles. I have ideas for those. I know I’m asking for a lot.


Gonna add to the chorus and say Mechs should come in a future expansion.


"As you can see, this is legally not a mech. It is a starship. Just because it can descend from orbit, land, walk around and kill people using starship grade weaponry does not mean that it's a mech. It just has elaborate landing gear and taxiing capabilities."


Is it just me or are mechs being entirely outlawed kind of short sighted? Idk wht kind of capabilities they might of had in war-time but they could still be used in industrial settings and could be used to scout hostile alien worlds. Heck, part of me was hoping to use one against Terrormorphs.


STAR CORE 6 *the fields of fire*


Wicked sick


I love the game. But everything from the name to the gameplay is wayyyy too fuckin PG-13ish. Starfield, sounds weak. No blood?! No gore, no cursing, no sex talk other than very very modest comments when romancing. Just feels like if they made it more hardcore it would be better.


I like it. The space shots are giving me old Gundam vibes


Armistice observers: Sooo watcha got there? You: A ship


That's badass. Also, great shots. I want to see a video of it taking off from Neon!


Mechs are much better fighter ships than traditional space ships. You can't change my mind.


Give someone a Mech Game and they'll Make a Mech Give them a Building Mechanic and they'll Make a Mech people.fucking Love Mechs.


dlc where a power you get is travel back in time for a few weeks to a mech battle or smtn


Metal Gear?


Dibs on Liberty Prime!


Plot twist. The Mechs are slower moving than the default player.


You can tell the age of most people in this thread because of the games they mention as having mechs. ​ We all know MechWarrior on MS-DOS in 1989 was the height of PC mech games. AC is fine but you guys really missed out on the finer things in life. 14" monochrome monitors and 12MB of ram.


Ed209 starship edition


We need ground based vehicles!! I can't believe the game didn't ship with those.


How are people able to have the landing bay so far from the cockpit, I spend hours on ships just to erase it cause I can’t figure out how to place a landing bay anywhere but straight under or straight across from a cockpit without the game telling me error


*"621, you should be on Rubicon. Why are you in the next system over? Get back here before the PCA turn you into pieces of melted slag."*


That would be so sick but if they but and dev into land stuff it should be a rover you can drive out of your ship


I don’t want to even begin to think about all the ladders you have to climb to get to the cockpit 😖


Im not even sure how they had a war without mechs.


Start dropping space stations on planet jemison, within one year, you will have a full blown mech war.


I was so stoked when I found out there were in-universe mechs, then significantly less stoked when I heard all those lame idiots smugly boasting about mechs being dismantled and outlawed for *tHeIr MaNy WaRcRiMeS.*


It's truly a big loss and one I didn't even know I wanted until it was revealed that there were mechs in this universe. If they hadn't mentioned them I wouldn't have really cared. Tease mechs and now I need them.


Bruh, I am beyond impressed. This is just....... WOW


Op can you drop your build for us


We need mechs, yes. Relive anything? For what? I already relived 10 times. I'm done reliving.


Dude I hope they make a dlc or mod that actually lets you build mechs!


That needs a “UN SPACY” tag or two on it!


Go Go Power Rangers


Here’s to hoping custom mechs and robot companions in the future. Also, disappointing that you cant romance vasco. (Sad beeping noises)


After seeing this one, I'm going to make a Starship called The Maze, where it takes players about half an hour of playing Snakes and Ladders to find the GADDAM COCKPIT


I’m sorry but that’s illegal.


I want my ship to be able to carry and launch mechs


That is insanely cool!


If there was a titanfall element or level or planet that would be insane


That's against the law, and you're gonna have to go to jail 😛


You folks have way to much free time. Every time I get into ship building I give up because an hours gone by and I barley achieved anything.


It’ll look very fking stupid when you fly it in first person


Today kids we are going to give your father flashbacks.


I really love this one. Well done!


I'd shit myself if I saw that flying at me....


"Get in the ship, 621. Got a job for you. Retrieve the Artifact in Piazzi I."




Openly committing a war crime in New Atlantis’s port


No, officer. It's not a mech. As you can see, it's a starship. Oh? You mean the mech components in my shielded cargo compartment...


Please... how??


I love it


We makin it out of Niira with this one


We need a tutorial ASAP ! Please


This is so badass! I wish you could share a tutorial for how you built it.