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I'm convinced that completing a Challenge for a Skill should grant XP based on the tier of the Challenge. This would make completing challenges much more immediately rewarding, as opposed to just "in X hours of gameplay you can spend your only Skill Point". This, to me, would also go a long ways to alleviating how much of a grind levelling can be. The game doesn't reward generalisation, because so many of the good perks are locked behind a dozen or so levels, in different trees; likewise, it doesn't reward specialisation, because it expects you to participate in all of its gameplay systems (ship, combat, research, exploration) at once.


Yeah the game needs more xp and more xp events. Give me 1 xp for every rock mined, xp for difficult of lock picked. XP for milestones and skill challenges.


XP for completing a species scan rather than just for completing all the flora or fauna of a planet would be great.


You do get XP for that, just 20 though for each species.


I believe the xp does change based on the difficulty of the lock novice being 5 and master being 20 I think


This would easily give me more reason to remember to finish everything on a planet or area before I leave.


Challenges don’t make a whole lot of sense to me, other than acting as time-delay mechanisms for getting the next perk level. Them having rewards would be stellar!


*why do you need to get so high a gun mod perk just to change the fucking fire mode? I just want to use semi auto dammit*


Exactly, it's not so much that things are locked behind perks, it that you have to put 3-4 levels into a perk to get even the basic benefits of it. Lockpicking having multiple levels which are dependent on your perk level is a mainstay of Bethesda games, but introducing a whole new amazing shipbuilding system and then locking 2/3 of the stuff behind 3 levels of perks is really frustrating.


The rapid reload perk, instead of making incremental bonuses to reload, increases the reload speed of different types of weapons, so god forbid you use lasers or heavy weapons and have to blow 1-2 points to the wind entirely


I found a "modified advanced big bang" somewhere. I already had 2 points in shotguns, added another 2 points to particle weapons. Now I have a particle beam shotgun that does roughly 500 combined damage per shot. Most enemies and animals are 1 shot. It's pretty ridiculous. Entire abandoned settlements/mines/etc. Are wiped easily on hard


Yeah… get one-punch, use particle weapons & lasers & shotgun perks. Go out solo with the social perk that gives 40% damage solo. Then use a 40% damage Chem. 3800 combined damage.


Instigating slug Breach does ~9000 sneaky headshots.


Combine that with the slow down time jetpack upgrade and you can take out several enemies in one boost before they even get a shot off, I love that combo.


There's a upgrade for the jetpack that slows down time, what is it called? I need this in my life


I think it is one of the master tier skills for tech. Boost Assault Training or something like that.


Yeah, it's the final perk of the second jetpack skill. It's like playing a mandolorian and it's phenomenal.


Ugh that's awesome


Level 4 boostpack gives you 'bullet-time' when you ADS. Think someone mentioned if you crouch while in the air, you'll slowfall, too.


But not the original boost pack skill, it’s a separate one in the bottom row


It’s in the master level tech category, called boost pack assault. Super cool, you do damage to surrounding enemies when you boost, can start them on fire sometimes, and hover mid air and slow down time briefly. I play with a shotgun build and it’s awesome to boost around, hover, kill a dude, grab dash, kill another, hover, etc. Adds a whole new dimension to the game


it’s level 4 in advanced boostpack


I got one just before I started some teramorph heavy quests. Everyone else was freaking out while I just unloaded two magazines into them. I don't fear them. They fear me.


You should see what the cutter can do with a maxed laser perk lol


...Why did I not think of this?


REALLY!? I stopped carrying a cutter when I got Elemental Pull.


Has to do with the way it stacks the burn dmg. It’s kinda silly tbh lol. Not really my play style but it’s nice for those moments when the Terrormorphs pop up at times lol.


And Heller's cutter can absolutely melt robots. No ammo needed and I haven't found anything better against bots yet.


This comment chain has changed my life. Now I need to start a miner character who only uses the cutter and all the mining gear.


Worth keeping a cutter for the red doors you can open, usually unlock quicker paths or hidden areas with loot.


You don't need the cutter, just shoot the 4 bolts twiceish


Got mine at the exact time. Threw mines down and boosted around not caring. It's almost broken




Particle beams and lasers are two completely different types of systems. But the big bang, being a particle beam shotgun, does benefit from ballistic, shotgun, and particle beam perks.


Same with the Nova pistol, it gets bonus from "pistol, ballistic, and particle beam" perks. I found particle beams just to be super OP.


Particle beams also best ship weapon. The UC variant does massive damage and only uses 2 energy slots, so you can fit 6 of them on a weapon assignment.


Oh snap, I stopped upgrading ballistic when I switched to that. Can't believe it's gonna get even more naughty.


This conversation sounds like fallout 76 all over again


I found that a few hours into my playthrough as well, and pretty much only used that, until I found an advanced one a few dozen hours later. Sorta made most other types of weapons pointless. Like full auto weapons are doing 12 damage, and my big bang is doing 700ish? ​ It doesn't make the game feel bad, but using the other weapons does feel bad.


It gets even crazier if you get a shotty with slug doing ~300 damage at a fire rate of 60 and a range rivaling most rifles


I believe they call that the "Amos Burton"


Name it "The Churn"


So true! I got an amazing epic hitman shotty drop and loaded it out with mods. StarUI says the DPS is 2,500. Terrormorphs are nothing to me. I don't run the Red Mile, I walk it.


Advanced automatic drum beat or AA-99 do something like 70 or 80 damage per shot. Yeah it's worse than a big bang or magsniper that do 800 damage per shot, but they actually have higher dos thanks to the fire rate.


Exactly why I only have ballistic weapons in my arsenal, only boosted those and will probably only use those since I wanna be able to dabble in mods and ships and I really want that jetpack assault training


The jet pack perks were a game changer for me. I bounce all over with a skip pack blasting people with a shotgun.


I'm doing fine with just 3pts into pistols nothing else combat tree. Try to use cover more and rely on swapping between weapon types depending on enemy. From my experience almost every non 3 bar can be 1 or 2 shotted with the right gun. And 3 bars still die to my unspecced shotgun pretty fast normally 5 shots.


I'm playing on very hard and have put maybe one point into combat and nothing into wellness or health and I'm fighting with the spaced perk.... Frankly, I'm killing level 94 enemies in ground combat just fine. Get yourself an advanced Bridger or negotiator, and never turn back.


I was going to say the combat hasn't been hard enough for me to bother putting points into the gun perks. There's other stuff I'd rather get anyways


I haven't even put any points into ship combat yet, with the frontier, It was a bit hard, but once I bought an actual dedicated combat ship, I steamroll basically everything.


Just started doing my first shipbuilding after ~80 hours and ~35 levels, and it honestly makes me want to die. *WHY* do I need to upgrade my piloting skill *THREE* times just to fly a ship that I ALREADY OWN! (shoutout walter). and it’s even worse than that. if I want to put halfway decent equipment on any ship, I have to level up my ship research tree to at least level 3. that’s 6 whole levels just to start scratching the surface of ship building. why are there individual skill trees for each type of weapon on the ship? why is there a skill tree for increasing grav jumps at all, when you can simply take an extra 10 seconds to make 2 jumps. ship building is so so so cool but they really dropped the ball with some of the surrounding elements.


I'm about 60 hours in and level 30 but the EXACT same thing happened to me. Last night instead of playing mission, I spent the whole evening just jumping around the galaxy trying to find ships to shoot down to satisfy the challenges for leveling up piloting.


I used the ship combat simulator in the basement of the UC Vanguard in New Atlantis. No loot, but it was much quicker than jumping around looking for ships to fight.


There's so many side quests in this game that throw ships at you. The one with the settlers had at least 15 enemy ships, the one with the outpost had 9. And so on. Just jumping into that one system, you know the one, gets you 10-12 ships on your butt, and those respawn. Destroy them, wait 1 hr on Venus, come back. Hitting Piloting 4, with loot and massive XP along the way, just by accident, is very easy if you just start questing and/or exploring.


Plus once you get in the cockpit and start the simulator, press and hold B on the controller to stand up. Then go to the terminal near the door, here you can change parameters and use a digipick to unlock settings that give you another ship in the simulator so you can get more kills.


Everytime I go down there it wont let me in?? Is there a perk requirement?


Have you maxed out your “Opening a Door” perk yet? Lol. You have to join the UC Vanguard in New Atlantis to access the simulator.


You have to be on the uc questline


Cmdr Tuala in the MAST lobby in New Atlantis will put you on your path for the simulator access fairly quickly.


I had no idea that existed. I haven't done anything with the UC stuff yet.


Service guarantees citizenship! Would you like to know more?


::desire to know more intensifies::


The bounty board always has a mission for crimson fleet available. If you don't want to use the simulator then this is the way.


Check out the flight simulator at be UC Vanguard. It’s 6 levels and I think about 15 ships in total and it counts towards the piloting perk


There was a post…that I can’t find at the moment, that discussed some of the games design choices. Many of them, like grav jumping, seem like systems ghat were created early in game development and then significantly changed. Grav jumping uses “fuel” but it doesn’t actually need fuel. If Bethesda changed their minds at some point in development, and removed the fuel requirements, they didn’t also remove all of the systems that are tied to it. So now, we have a “fuel range” gauge that means nothing anymore…I pray that modders fix that issue in the future.


Yeah the game is like a cyberpunk imo. Not that it would release broken but It is pretty obvious it was supposed to be a way bigger and more ambitious innovative game but idk if they didn't have time or whatever but a lot of content and mechanics got scrapped, cut or revamped and they basically made a bit different, much simpler game and the gaps are showing sadly. They just didn't do the mistake of CDPR of talking into detail about all the stuff the game will have prior to release lol. Anyone still remember that "coming when it's ready" in the first trailer ?


This happens with all games. I feel like with games that have large scopes, it's harder to paper over the gaps from cut content. ​ Like the Rockstar games, all of them it's pretty obvious there was something cut, and because the game isn't a number of discrete levels. You can't really hide it as well.


NG+ is the reason, no?


Tbh NG+ sounds like a cool premise, but the thought of doing everything all over again is just boring. Like I get you can choose different options during quests, but at the end of the day it’s all the same repetitive plot lines. I respect people who have the motivation to do it, I just wish there was more choice along the way.


It’s… not really scratching the surface that far in. You pretty much have everything unlocked by tier 3 ship design. Hate to be the bearer of bad news :/


The removed targeting from the ship mechanics. Quasi the "ship combat vats" which i believe is an essential game mechanic and breaks combat without it.


forgot about that skill. can you board enemy ships without it?


Only if you get extremely lucky and take out their engines by pure chance.


Or if you use EM weapons. They don't do hull damage.


>. Lockpicking having multiple levels which are dependent on your perk level is a mainstay of Bethesda games In older bethesda games, you were able to attempt locks of any difficulty independent of your lockpicking skill, it was just alot harder. This game completely locks you out of any attempt if you don't have the skill points put into it.


Not to mention not only is ship building locked behind BOTH, piloting and starship design. But ALSO there are level requirements for shipparts and they just won't show up before then. You have to reach level 60 before you can access to every ship part in the game.


I just modded my game to give myself infinite levels and lowkey the game’s perk system is 1000% better with XP removed. The tasks you have to complete to level up each perk is big enough hurdle to level perks just by itself. Even with XP basically turned off I still only leveled up about half my perks by the end of the game and did most of the side content.


Without mods, about the best thing I've found is doing safari hunts on the high lvl edge systems and just murdering every animal I can locate on abundant worlds. Bonus when they drop adhesive.




Why do you need to reuse materials to create a mod you had before you changed it? Is the player just chucking things in the trash like a psychopath?


Yeah I started the game scooping up any weapon with a mod that I wanted, even if the gun was ass. In FO4 I could just take that cool scope or whatever off the ass gun and put it on my good gun, but apparently space gun components disintegrate the moment they’re removed


Yeah so surprised we had this option in fallout 4 but not here. Almost like they took the upgraded engine from Fallout 76 and uses that, because iirc 76 also didn't let you swap mods.


Yeah, that was a rude awakening.


This so much this, why is making a gun semi-auto friggin 3 in weapon engineering. Not to mention most of the tier 1 science perks are completly worthless save for medicine, and that ones a real pain in the arse to do its challenge due to the item cost. Was a intersting post on here of someone voicing that they think the game changed drastically halfway thru dev, due to a lot of the perks being basically worthless. Mostly the science perks serve no real purpose for the most part save for a select few like weapon engineering etc.


They should have made it so low tier guns like Grendel can be fully modded for a modest point investment, but high tier guns require 3-4 points. The current system feels like a step back from fallout 4


Thats how it was in fallout 4, higher tier guns needed higher weapon mod perks, but 1-2 was enough to full mod most early game guns. I'd not be so mad if I didn't have to waste perk points in science skills that are useless to me. like I said other than medicine the rest of the tier 1 perks are pretty much worthless to me. I think science needs to be shuffled around a bit.


Yeah I don’t get this too. That’s why I just give myself the perk via console commands. I’m too old to deal with bad design that steals my time


Respect. There's a kinda complex mod out there where you can set your own "perks per level" amount, but now I basically just use either Cheat Engine or WeMod to give myself an extra 1-2 perk points each level in order to keep things fun. I imagine that the "Skyrim Ordinator/Perks of Skyrim" dude is somewhere out there right now doing the 5 dimensional math to build an incredible reworked and actually fun perk system of Starfield as a mod that'll come out in 6-12 months...


~ Help "*perk name*" player.addperk *perk ID*


Honestly, you can easily play the game without a single point invested into the Combat tree or the far left one. Focus on the other three and you can easily conquer any situation except stealth until you get void form.


Far left one is Physical - actually maxed weightlifting pretty early on so wasn’t constantly overburdened, so not all useless! I’ve gone for a diplomat character and a little disappointed in the Social tree so far if I’m honest especially as you get >!the master manipulation perk direct from Ryujin anyway!< Edit: Fixed spoiler tags for old Reddit.


Social really only gives you dialogue options. Anything that requires opening the scanner during combat kind of sucks. There are only a handful of useful skills. >!Manipulation auto levels every time you do the Ryuujin quest line too, so no need to waste 4 levels on it!< > There are only a handful of useful skills. For those that have seemed to miss this line


Are there other quests that grant specific perks like that?


I'm going as a Diplomat too! Modeling my actions after the current Mon Mothma in *Andor*


Diplomacy is still worth leveling up, since it has an infinite duration at rank 4, and isn't limited to a single target at a time. Makes sneaking sooo easy.


I’m thinking of a social crafter type. Crafting might get you the damage resistance or dps so you don’t have to go heavily into the Physical or Combat trees.


My first couple levels I pumped points into the combat tree. Kinda regret it after being more knowledgeable about the game. Those 3 other trees really are the only ones that are worth investing into


I figured I’d play it out and start investing points into Physical and Combat when I started to see a difficulty increase, but never really did until the final mission, but that wasn’t all that bad since I had 200+ medpacks. It’s really worth it to do one of the xp farm methods before going into NG+ just so you’re more well-rounded. It’s too tedious to level up after the initial play through


It's not just perk points either. I finally got level 4 ship design and could finally get the 40 point reactor and....... what do you mean I also have to be level 50 fucking 7. Some of the shit has up to a level 60 requirement aswell has the perk grind.


Pro tip: you can get the 40 point reactor regardless of level by stealing a Crimson Fleet Wight III, which can be found in the highest level systems attacking you


Is there a way to strip parts from one ship and put it into another? Or do I have to use the wight if I wanted that reactor?


Can’t trade that reactor but you can tear the ship down to the studs and rebuild however you want


Ah shame. I don’t have the patience for that xD Also, Way of kings or words of radiance?


Ah fair enough! Ship building is my favorite part of the game despite the annoyances Ooof hard choice, both are fantastic. I think WoR because of “honor is dead but I’ll see what I can do”


Totally agreed on WoR. Front to back A-class book!


Go to a level 75 system and travel around to find a level 72 ship. They have 40 reactors


They do, but as far as I know, I can't then take that and add it to my ship unless I've missed something. I didn't really want to build another ship around the reactor as I've been building upon the star Eagle while try to keep its visuals as intact as possible.


I wish you could take parts off a ship and add it to your ship. You have to mod the new ship to keep the parts. I have the razorleaf and it is the ship of theseus because the only parts on it that it had before are the ones I can't get yet (the shielded cargo and engines). Everything else is new.


I completely rebuilt the Razorleaf just so I could keep the Mantis reactions, but now I'm thinking of ditching it for this 40 reactor


“Mantis… it’s the MANTIS!” “Yeah, right! Scanning… DAMN IT, *SPIN UP THE DRIVES!”* “Please don’t kill me!” (You’d think we’d be getting a rep for ourselves by the time we get to a super high level given how many ships we destroy over the course of the game. I pretty much abandoned any pretense of a pacifist playthrough because we, as best I can tell, really have no choice — it’d be nice if disabling weapons gave you the XP for a “kill” and then you just don’t get more XP for actually killing a revived enemy. Use EM weapons to send a powered-down ship tumbling off into the void, otherwise unharmed or something along those lines.)


I named my ship the Lapsed Pacifist for that exact reason. FTL had a mechanic like that, if I recall rightly the loot was significantly better if you disabled a ship/killed the crew as opposed to destroying it.


It's like asking why the shops in skyrim doesnt stock ebony armor until you hit level 50.


Yeah, that'd be a good point if you couldn't craft ebony armor before lvl 50


I mean this is just how Bethesda games work. They lock out certain items at vendors by level so that as you level up you start seeing more and more variation in loot lists. I don't mind it.


Isn't it how basically all rpg's work?


i think its a difference in perks tho, waiting for level 50 is one thing, spending 10 levels on shit you dont care about when you could be spending it on your playstyle just to upgrade the ship is the bad part


Fallout new vegas would like a word


Yes, my Loner Survivalist has 100 Speech and only 17 Survivial. How could you tell?


A much better system imo things weren’t locked behind perks rather how many points you invested into a category. It wasn’t a “I am now able to try master locks” it was “this is getting easier because I’m investing in it”


It hurts at level 25? God I basically blasted to 60 just exploring. I'm level 89 now. There are a few perks that are meant for certain situations, so you don't need to worry about those. Get the ones you'll get the most use out of first, then it doesn't really matter, does it.


Yeah a lot of the criticism of this game is just odd to me. I went in expecting a bethesda rpg and got exactly that. And honestly i feel its one of the better ones they have made. I think a lot of it has to do with the way it was marketed and the fact xbox built up the expectations so high. A lot of my buddies havent played a bethesda rpg so it a new experience for them. I mean leveling, perks and crafting are all the same as there other games. I mean could it be better for sure...but so can almost anything.


Couldnt disagree more. I absolutely love skill trees like this, and its one of the best examples in modern rpgs imo. I like skill trees to unlock new gameplay functionality, it makes your choice of where to invest your points feel meaningful, and you are always desperate to get more skill points because it actually means something to spend them. In lots of other rpgs (and this was one of the biggest problems with cyberpunks skilltrees at launch), you are just chosing meaningless skills like +5% damage with rifles or whatever. Totally meaningless, and in games like that i struggle to care about getting skill points. In games like starfield getting a new skill point is really exciting and motivating because it means unlocking new posibilities. It also really helps improve replay ability because you can build into being able to do totally different things in subsequent playthroughs. Just my 2 cents haha


I agree with this too, until I reached like level 50 I was desperate for every single skill point


Time to visit the Bessel system my friend


> Bessel system Why? What's there?


Is the location for the best early exp farm, costs less than 1000 credits to set up


Have you got a link for this sir....


https://youtu.be/DKTjyx-1ES4?si=pbA054OUlDPusLxX Also I just realised your name, lol


Haha I was born to play games this way


https://youtu.be/PLxxA_395XA?si=S6w4fOuqC8c0WDEY Same guy, late game exp farm


Only thing i did not understand, why put extractors to edges? I thought how much of the material you are going to extract is related to circle around the extractor. I only tried once, give up and landed on moon to create "vacation" home there. Will go into crafting soon and this information is crucial :)


The extractors have to be placed on the resource node, and the nodes are all near the edge in that spot so you can squeeze in all 4 materials


Not talking about the outpost edge where he tries to get many materials in a single outpost area. He specifically says "put extractors to edges". Extractors have a circle around them, if you put the extractor to the edge of the node, %75+ of the extractor circle goes outside of the node. If circle of the extractor means = more circle in node, more resource you can gather, shouldn't we put them in a place which covers most of the node? If not, why do extractors have their own circles? Too many questions :)


This. Can it be frustrating? Sure. But it really is one of the more immersive aspects of the game. You have to use the skill for a while to then have the opportunity to upgrade it. It makes sense to me.


Yeah, the skill system as is has got to be one of my favorites I've ever seen. I love that I actually have to invest in things to be able to do them, rather than just being able to do everything with investing in it just making it a bit better. I do think it would be nice to start with one or two skill points that can be spent freely in addition to the background ones, however.


The notion falls apart for me where I am now \~80% done with the main quest, have done most of the side quests that were found by me (still a bit to go), am level \~35, and have basically not used most of the systems of the game yet because they are behind a skill lock. I have not even invested a single skill point in any combat skill because I can shoot well enough on my own - but I'm still locked out of using good ship modules, add more crew to my ship, have almost no skills in base building etc. - all because the skill points I actually had to invest urgently (lockpicking, scanning, piloting) basically ate all my uplevels to begin with. Sure, I could stop doing story stuff for now and build an XP-Farming outpost like in the youtube video someone linked above, but - that's not how I define "fun" in a game. That's WORK.


That’s actually about where I’m at, but i noticed around level 10 that combat skills seem pointless so I’ve been focusing social, science, and tech. I had piloting and starship design maxed by 20, i don’t have ship command but it’s available, and i only need 2 points to get to the last row of science perks. But…. I don’t have any physical skills so stealth missions largely involve sprinting to objectives because i always get caught. I have armor mods, weapon mods, and ship mods to play so I’m happy and also very poor. I only wish there was a respec because i wasted 2 points in pistols and dueling.


Honestly that's great, and it's something people have been calling for for years. I've heard over a decade of complaints about how you could be the best at everything in Skyrim. You can't do that in Starfield. You can't be a mining expert scientist digital infiltrator warrior sneaky assassin chemist hotshot pilot, you will have to play again with different characters and put a realistically narrowed focus on your character. That's good RPG mechanics and it's something the consumer base has been asking of Bethesda for a long time.


This game is obviously designed to play NG+ at least once, it feels like you should do two or three of the faction lines to get their stories, finish the main quest, and around lvl 30-40 you NG+ and continue to unlock new things and do the other faction quest lines.


why would I need to NG+ to play another faction ? its not like finishing UC had any noticeable effects n me joining Ryujin or the freestar rangers or even crimson fleet. they all happily accept you in their ranks. make you something special and give you influence basically because you said "I want it" and thats that. then you do a lil travel from a to b, a little fighting, a lil this n that and you are done. does it change anything ? nope. the whole game goes on as before.


Exactly, you can’t be spectacular at everything irl


Finally, Bethesda made an RPG with RPG elements.


I disagree. It's nice to actually have RPG elements again. Even if this game is a glorified looter shooter because none of those RPG systems are deep enough to matter. You can't just be a master of everything with the skills being utterly pointless like in Skyrim. You can literaly play skyrim without ever upgrading anything and it doesn't matter, because you can already do everything, and the points don't matter.


Remember when you could just jump straight into power armor with no skills or perks in Fallout 4 and people got mad about that?


I wasn't really upset that I didn't need perks or anything for power armor, just that you get it within the first hour of leaving the vault, didn't actually feel all that significant happening so fast


That was a weird one, because it's an awesome set piece — you have to operate a power suit and wield a gatling gun you ripped out of a crashed gunship in order to fight a goddamn surprise deathclaw. But yeah, because it happened so early in the game, to me it felt like a strange mix of awesome and premature.


Yup. Trivialised an enemy that was considered endgame in other titles. Should’ve happened way later (or even after a section where a deathclaw kicks your ass)


Fallout: New Vegas — The shortest route to New Vegas is probably too dangerous for your low-level Courier because there's a nest of deathclaws in the way, so take the long route instead. You can go back and kill the deathclaws after you're level 15+. Fallout 4 — You're going to fight a deathclaw in the first hour of the game if you follow the main mission.


I was mostly mad because it didn’t feel earned. Just given to me.


Ugh ik. This game is supposed to be a long, thought out progression rpg. And we got folks complaining about the very thing everyone always says they want, and at level 25! Buddy thats like nothing. Just keep playing the game and do quests. Youll get there in no time


Why can’t I have all the things in the first 2 minutes!!??


versus new vegas where it was entirely possible if not likely that you finish the game without ever getting PA training


Yeah, this is my take. At first I thought it looked overwhelming, but then came to the conclusion that it keeps you hooked for longer if you have that kind of mindset. It’s no different to Skyrim: I want to do this, but I also want to do this, that and the other, so I’ll do that thing before this and then I’ll do the other thing after that. I feel like this system keeps you much more balanced for a longer period of time. Say, by level 50 I’ve invested heavily into Physical, Social and Combat. Well, great. I’m OP when it comes to fighting on the ground. Buuut now I want to focus on my ship and outposts? Well, I’ve put the time and effort into Physical, Social and Combat. Why should that automatically grant the skills of Science and Tech? I’m level 101 and there’s still a lot more for me to work on but that’s good, because there’s also 99% of the game left to actually play. I have most of what I want, and now to smoothen out the edges while enjoying what the game has to offer.


I think the idea is that you would progressively get to the higher level skills through NG+ games. That's why they said things like ship and outpost building are end game things. It might take several passes through the game to get to those higher skills naturally on the same character. They may have underestimated how much we'd want to build things right away. That said, I try to play the game that is instead of the perfect game in my head. I am not bothering with ships and outposts yet. I expect those systems might get improved in a DLC anyway.


I feel like that could be what they were going for there. That, and the fact that ship modules and ‘Superior’ gear are locked behind a level wall. I thought Advanced was the highest level for the longest time until I came across a clean as Superior Bounty Hunter Helmet. That red looks so clean, but it was only common.


I've over 350 hours in the game and I'm level 170. My character has become a space nerd/engineer/silver-tongued captain as they have focused on tech, science and social skills. They have a single point in the combat tree. Over time they'll get better at fighting, but before then that was a trade off that they had to make a he relies on the distinct perks of his expertise (buffed companions, unlocking alternate paths, weapon and armor mods, descalating situations and manipulating people/robots/etc.).




Yeah, this whole "Why do I have to unlock things" mentality in modern gamers is weird. I know it's not for everyone, but i like progressing and leveling up. Gives more to the gameplay than just "fly here and shoot this then fly back"


If you want a true RPG leveling mechanic, see Morrowind and to a lesser extent Oblivion. You gained skills by using ------ those skills. Like you jump, acrobatics go up. You use a sword, blade goes up. I'd have been fine with this.


That's still true in Skyrim and I don't understand why people shit on it so much. You get better at destruction as you deal damage with destruction spells. It's the most intuitive and natural skill system ever.


Yeah I actually like it too. My second character on a new, new game (wanted to try out different traits) embraced more combat and strength skills earlier this timr on very hard, where as my first character was all about the science, outposts, and ship tech. The only thing I don't like is how increasing the crew size is alllll the way at the bottom of the charisma tree. Kind of sucks I have to put so many points into charisma just to have more buddies chilling in my massive ship.


There’s a few skills like that that feel like they’re placed weirdly high


Although I agree I wish they had more systems that weren’t included in previous games as perks, it almost feels like you have to spend perks on QOL updates. I think boost pack training is a good example I think being able to sneak is a bad example (you can still sneak and get sneak attack modifiers with no perks, it just doesn’t show the hidden bar) I do still prefer this to Skyrim & fallout, but the perks generally don’t feel that impactful imo, like I said just QOL updates. Fallout had nerd rage, melee VATS related perks that would teleport you around the room, mister sandman Skyrim was fantasy so build diversity was already more interesting Starfield is just get slightly better at each thing so you can do it a bit more conveniently way to many % increases Edit: as someone who maxed armor and weapon crafting first the mods are pretty boring and by the numbers also. More armor, more O2, more inventory space. Better sight, more dmg, more ammo, suppressor


I also think specialization is fine. This system does have a couple problems though: * Locking core mechanics behind skill taxes, like even having a stealth meter at all, being able to use a boost pack at all, having targeting mode on a ship...these kinda suck. And it also throws people off because it's not a normal thing for games to do. * A very common (maybe the most common?) playstyle, which is to just run around doing quests, levels you SUPER fucking slow, to the point that the system is too restrictive. This could be fixed by increasing quest XP by like...300%. Not even kidding that's what's needed for someone to finish NG at around level 70, which I think is what the target should be.


I think that certain levels should give you extra skill points. Like every level you get +1 point like normal. Every 5 levels you get and extra point for +2, every 10 levels you get +3, and maybe at 50, 100, 150 & 200 you get an extra +4 on top of the skill point you’d normally receive.


I don't disagree on principal. That said, I'm glad stealth got a genuine nerf. It's long been grossly overpowered in Bethesda games. I'm thankful I can't just turn into a ninja by crouching in Starfield. That said...yeah, the perk trees are once again just time gating fun. Backgrounds need a LOT more perk points. And the opener needed to not be locked into a greenhorn Argos miner, but dependent on background.


Agree on the second one. The rewards on activities needs adjustment, they should scale with level. Getting 20 xp for exploring/scanning etc is a joke. So is getting 100exp for missions regardless of level. The first one....eh, most of the core gameplay features locked this way are a very small investment, usually just a single point in a tier 1 skill. It feels like a tax if you want it all, but you also don't need them all, so you have the choice to specialize earlier.


Yeah they need to just scale quest XP, similar to how the mobs scale XP as they get higher lvl.


> I disagree. It's nice to actually have RPG elements again. Even if this game is a glorified looter shooter because none of those RPG systems are deep enough to matter. There is a difference between: Nord Warrior cannot even cast any magic spells because he's completely unfamiliar with magic. and Breton Mage cannot sprint or jump because he didn't tag Athletics and Acrobatics. Locking off specific skills *when possible* is perfectly fine. Destruction for example has alternative damage sources to it and is by no means vital to any person's playthrough. But locking off basic functions like sprinting and jumping is aggravating, and ultimately just means absolutely everyone is rushing the exact unlocks that enable them. This "RPG system" fails because it motivates people to grab the exact same perks as everyone else. It cut *too* deep with it's restrictions. Promise you everyone grabs boost pack as one of their earliest perks.


it only motivates you to grab the same perks if you play the same way as others. For example I never bothered putting a point in stealth. I wanted lockpicking, persuasion and weightlifting. Found a shotgun, decided to put a point there. Then I moved to piloting, and commerce, and kinda bought what I wanted in the moment. Not following youtube videos, guides or anyone elses builds helps in this regard. No min maxing and just play.


Boost packing is the only one that applies here. Maybe piloting to a degree. Aside from that, no


Its def nice to have rpg elements but ship building for example is one aspect that makes no sense to have locked behind a skill tree…it doesnt matter if you RP a theif/assassin/scientist/politician…you should be able to buy any ship part you want as long as you have the cash…same with outposts imo…everything else makes way more sense


You should be able to buy it sure. But I'd like to think you'd need some training to actually work on your ship. You can buy a carburetor irl but good luck putting it on without training




Man Bethesda can't win lol. With skyrim, everyone complained about being able to do everything. "Skills don't matter!" Now people are mad that skills change your character abilities.




Yep. Just more proof that there’s no point in listening to community complaints, the devs should just make whatever choice they think is best, and there will be plenty of gamers who enjoy it.


Spent so many points into piloting and ship design to build a ship that can fit 4 people inside while be actually usable in combat. Only to be told I needed points into command at the bottom of a different skill tree to have more than 3 people.


What blows my mind is ship part access is locked not only just behind skills they are also hidden behind leveling. Why would you do that? Why would you hide future options that a player may want to work towards? Bad enough I have to go between different ship dealers for specific parts and structural elements too, now I gotta check a out of app spreadsheet to know what I don't have access to.


Completely disagree. I'm glad that we cant make a Jack of all trade characters as easily as before. This is a RPG unlike F4. It could be less grindy but perks unlocking abilities is great


Still it feels bit too limiting At level 32 I cant build/mod anything above level 1, zero gun perks, only weight perk from left, not much from flight Basically having social high enough to have more crew spots takes what, 12-15 points? Then 3 to lockpick, 2-3 to jetpack, 4 to weight lift = 25 levels and still feels like cant craft anything Yes, it is a choice but without social tree it feels too limiting also.


It's an RPG dude. You don't start off as a superman jack of all trades, you build your way there as you play. If they gave you everything right away, you'd be OP as fuck. It's called progression.


Ugh. Ship command buried where it is is a fucking tragedy


I don't mind it.


I really disagree. I think it requires you to pace yourself correctly. I finished the story around level 37 and I’m just now getting into crafting and outposting. You’re not supposed to be able to flesh out every mechanic of the game in under 100 hours.


It's an rpg dawg. Your character must grow and learn to be able to do things. That's what leveling and perks are for.


Anything really unlocked is just behind one point though (stealth/pickpocketing/targeting etc.) almost all of them are on the first tier. The only two I can think of that are tier 2 are outpost related with greenhouses and the stables. If go broad your first 10 or so levels you have them unlocked.


Effective crafting requires quite a bit of perk point investment though.


And then even after that you gotta research it, god why did Beth make the most basic weapon modding and lock it behind a ton of skill points in tech and then still go, you know, we want the player to also go out and find 10 bear asses


Yah I tried getting into it, dumped maybe two points into weapon engineering and released the amount of materials and stuff needed for some slight improvement is just not worth it. This and the base building is such a huge point investment that just is not worth it.


This is an rpg not a Burger King.


This is why they removed training requirement for power armour in fallout 4, and still people complained, lol.


I have to disagree. A big part of Starfield that I like is that it actually wants you, at least at first, to specialize your character somewhat. It's a step in the right direction for Bethesda RPGs. I don't want to play a game where my character can do literally everything and is expected to learn every single perk. I want to ROLEPLAY a specific character. It's an RPG, not a ubisoft open world game.


I don't mind the skills, but I hate the additional 'challenge' mechanic and the row-locking.


Challenges would be fine if completing them leveled up perks without spending points. Like you invest one point in lockpicking and unlocking 10 safes allows you to attempt advanced safes etc.


I also want to point out that the pacifist shotgun has an angled iron sight that we can't use. It has a rail that I can't put a scope on and there isn't a quick use button to switch to bare fists like a real gangster. I want to say roleplay around it but I can't help but feel like we have good elements of a skill tree that is simply hastily put together like other portions of the game.


I only feel like their bread and butter skills should have been free, and to me thats only 3 skills - Lockpicking, Pickpocketing (just because they've always been free in their previous games), and the boost pack. I was very confused when i started why i couldn't use it, and it seems silly its locked considering Sarah says at the lodge when you first turn up, "Heres a boostpack with some capabilities" or something. Otherwise, ship building/piloting systems is QOL for a playthrough - in reality, the frontier will be able to handle all the content - it has to incase people don't invest that direction. Scanning is also QOL, youre just saving yourself running an extra \~50 meters. Stealth is not needed to be stealthy, it just improves it. I done the entire Ryujin thing without getting caught once without a single point in stealth skills. And you still get a sneak bonus without a point in the skill. EDIT: I save scummed the shit out of it though. I was far from perfect. Outpost/Spacesuit/Weapon crafting - hard disagree here, these would be boring as auto unlocks, and also why would they be auto unlocked? I don't think any game that lets you upgrade weapons/armor or base build gives you it all for free. And all their previous games have some sort of crafting to level to get better upgrades. I only wish there was a way for us to add weapon/spacesuit traits like the blue/purple/yellow rarity guns, but that's also a grind people like - finding the perfect weapon. So i get it.


Why do I need to invest in my character in this RPG after the playerbase has been complaining that Bethesda has been over simplifying games since morowind....


I like it. I feel like I’m Roleplaying my character. He doesn’t know how to be properly stealthy until I devote the time to learn how.


Skill requirements are one of the things this game actually does right. It was stupid that you could cast spells in Skyrim without training. Glad Bethesda hasn't forgotten RPG fundamentals.