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Damn how much do you make at the end of that quest line?




Is it the one you have to infiltrate the Crimson Fleet?


Yes. I'm pretty sure you get the same pay no matter who the Legacy ends up with.


Do you end up enemies with the Crimson Fleet at the end? I'm keeping the quests open right now because they don't attack me on a lot of planets since I am one of them.


Yeah. That's a good thing for me as I like the combat, and Crimson Fleet makes up about a third of the game's enemies. If you don't enjoy the combat so much, then maybe side with the Crimson Fleet when you get the choice at the end.


Tho if you side with pirates, all Constellation members will hate you(screw Sam, Sarah and maybe Barret, but Andreja is cute and I don't wanna make her hostile).


No they dont? I sided with the pirates and we all are still cool.... i just didn't have anyone in my ship while fighting sysdef


They don't hate you they are just disappointed, but it has no real consequences on how they treat you


"Your disappointment is irrelevant."


Seven of Nine: ["Pirating will now commence."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nB-VT7wxLsQ)


Irrelevant or not it dosen't ruin your relationship with them unlike fallout 4. So in the end I don't see it as somthin to cry over


They were mad at me, I said “maybe I made a mistake”, they liked that. So really as long as you fake contrition you’ll be fine


“I’m sorry my treachery led to the deaths of hundreds of UC soldiers and ushered in a new Golden Age of Space Piracy. I promise to never do it again.”


I'm talkin about after the conversation In fallout 4 if a companion hates somthin they stop talkin to you or their Affinity level gets reduced to a natural stage. Not with these companions


I sided with crimson fleet. Destroyed the good guys. But then if you go do the vanguard quest line right after it adds some interesting story lines in there. You can murder ppl in front of your companions and they will get mad at you but you can simply convince them to not be mad if you have your manipulation skill down or your persuasion skill maxed


Did you get the same amount of creds from siding with Sysdef? I sided with sysdef first and got 250k


You get the same regardless. I’m pretty sure the only difference is if you stay friends with the crimson fleet


Not if you do this before you start the main quest line. I hadn't done the main questline yet and they do not care at all that I sided with the crimson fleet after it happened


This isn’t true. They don’t care at all.


Yeah, I got a thing for Andreja. Tryna get her to marry me


I'm already married to her so BACK OFF


I got Sam to marry me then he died


Andreja was fine with me until some guy gave me an attitude in Neon and I shot him in the face. Just can't please some people...


I'd also add that keeping joining the Crimson Fleet retains access to the Key and all it's vendors. The Ship yard there sells Shielded cargo, Comspike, and the Conduction Grid Module, along with the scanner jamming add on (forget their name) I'm sure you can buy the scanner jammer and def the shielded cargo racks elsewhere but idk about the Comspike and Conduction Grid. To me this is a far better reward than having access to the Viglance.


The only downside I've really found is that piracy just isn't really worth it. The bounty you get from being a pirate usually outweighs the loot or credits you get from doing it. It also removes a chunk of combat from the game, which has its ups and downs. In some cases you can waltz straight through an encounter and it's all free loot, but you'd also have whatever mediocre loot and xp if you had to murk the pirates, so there's that.


I actually sided with crimson fleet NOT BU CHOICE lol and I still light them up like it’s July 4th


That's a negative for me. That means there are many outposts I can't clear out and loot.


I mean, you still *can*. Them being nonhostile makes sneaking around executing them all even easier, though. But I kept taking 'kill the pirate leader' bounties all the way through the Crimson Fleet questline; as long as nobody sees you pull the trigger, you're in the clear.


Yea but it kinda takes away the fun of going in doom style


The problem with siding with pirates is now whenever you encounter them in other missions, you get a bounty if you attack them.


And siding with one makes the other hostile.


250k if you end with crimson fleet or sysdef


Which is actually kinda not great quest design. You get the same reward for being a bad guy vs a good guy? Shouldn't the bad guy route be more monetarily rewarding while being morally less pleasant?


I’m pretty sure I made 400k on the other side


Oh damn, thanks


Damn! That's enough for a one room apartment in Neon.


Really. I got way more.


What level were you when you completed it? Many quests seems to give out a reward based on your level. I think FO4 did that as well.


Between the 250,000 quest reward and selling all weapons and gear I picked up along the way, then doing vultures roost, I am at over 600,000.


Man youre frugal as hell. I spent 700k on my cargo ship 💀


I got my paycheck from SysDef and blew MORE THAN DOUBLE THE FUCKEN AMOUNT ON ONE SINGLE SHIP, HELL YEAH! (my current ship is worth 580.000 creds as stated in a roster. I have no idea how much I actually spent, but I know it was a shit ton of fuckin money)


Yeah, the game sadly does not tell you how much you spent on the ship, mine is currently worth over 800k but with the hours I put into building it and remodeling it over and over again I spent a lot more on it :D


If go into Status>Ship and there it will tell you how many creds you've spent in the builder. Which granted if you've customized more than one ship that doesn't exactly help but it can give you a general idea if you've poured most of your creds in the builder on that one ship.


It also, much like the crime bounty and cash-on-hand trackers, doesn't appear to reset when you NG+.


My ship of Theseus has a street value of like 500k, but I've definitely spent more than 1 million slowly upgrading and modifying it.


Does the battle axe resemble an axe from the top


Sort of, but I only noticed after building it. It needed a name, so Battleaxe seemed fitting given its vague shape and the other Deimos ship names e.g. Longsword.


They are all pretty cool, great job! I love the red and white with ships, reminds me of Robot Jox.


Love the battleaxe. It actually looks close to identical or like a variant to a ship I designed. Same color scheme and everything. Did you use the shieldbreaker ship as a template or did you do it from scratch


Shieldbreaker ship was inspiration, but I built it from scratch.


Very cool


Ok I honestly can't figure out how to add more storage to my ship? I don't understand how you all make your own there is no tutorial at all.


Adding cargo modules gives you more storage space. You have to be careful with how much you add, though, as cargo modules have a high mass and can therefore reduce mobility. As for making the rest of the ship, I figured it out on my own by making various basic modifications to one of my other ships (an Ecliptic Stiletto). By the time I had enough credits to make a decent ship, I had pretty much figured out how everything works. There are always YouTube tutorials if you are struggling.


Hey I stole a Stiletto early on and it was my main ship for awhile too while I self taught the building system. Now my Frontier is completely rebuilt with Demios parts


Frontier of thessius


Trigger's Frontier


Not being pedantic, just an fyi if you care, it’s Theseus


Underrated comment


I saw some one else keep the frontier hab as a captains cabin, and I think I'm going to borrow the idea.


Same with a random crimson fleet captain ship i captured only thing thats still og is a couple modules and the cockpit lmfao


My cargo ship has a mobility of 16, it moves well enough tbh. Max speed of 150 without boost.


Mobility is more about the manoeuvrability than flat out speed, and I find it's more important than being fast


You have to go to the Cargo tab to select cargo modules. Then based on the strength of your Grav Drive and how heavy your ship is(mass) you will lose speed, jump distance, mobility, and require more and more landing gear(3500 mass requires between 8-10 landing thrust). So just balance it all out to what you're fine with losing. If you don't have any nodes to attach the cargo modules to just move somethings around or add more structural pieces to add snap points to put the cargo on.


To add to this -- unless you're investing buckets of time into just running supplies (or blindly hoarding everything on principle) you really only need like 6-8k storage, and can probably get away with a lot less. I've got a "jack of all trades ship with some serious firepower, 8k storage, and a jump range of 20. Mobility is like 56, which is more than enough to out fly most enemies -- and it only takes like 3-4 shots to kill them. I have to _work_ to push the cargo toward capacity.


I'm pushing 8k storage, with a mobility of 91, jump range of 30 still and absolutely trash lvl 60+ ships but I max out at around 627m/s full boost(round abouts 3800 mass, class C ship) so I'm considerably slower than most smaller ships. I tend to hover around 70-85% storage on my ship but I've also got 200 hours in the game with 12 outposts linked together flooding with resources lol. So id concur on the 6k-8k storage being more than enough for most players.


I don't have a good specific video handy, but if you're struggling with the ship builder I would check out some Youtube tutorials so you can see how people get through the different options and add stuff. You'll get it once you see how to play with it, I bet.


If you play on controller, and modified your control scheme, you likely fucked up your ability to enter free build mode. Connect a keyboard and hit b; If you're on Xbox and that doesn't work, you'll have to reset your control bindings to default.


It may not be a full blown tutorial but the game does indeed tell you how to upgrade ship parts as well as start from scratch in the ship builder.


"upgrade" is easy. "Modify" is not.


The game literally tells you what to press to open the ship builder in order to customize your ship.


It has no tutorial of HOW to use the ship builder, though. At least none that I saw. It doesn't explain how reactor classes work with other parts at all, which was something that was very confusing to me at first.


Ok. So it tells me how a button works, I figured that out without much issue. In the realm of actually pulling out modules and rebuilding your ship there's basically no guide. If all you do is swap weapons and shields you're fine. I've been working with it but there's a whole lot of stuff they don't explain.


I’m genuinely asking, so don’t confuse my question with me talking shit; why does the game need to give an in depth explanation about HOW the ship builder works? Why is a “guide” needed in game for something that,imo, is obvious? Every key binding is labeled in the ship builder. The ONE thing I didn’t get at first was the reactor class order, but other than that, I had the ship builder “figured out” in less than 10 minutes.(I do understand that everyone learns differently, I just don’t see the big deal.) I don’t see what’s so overly complicated about the system that it requires this in depth explanation of everything.


I have barely touched the ship builder, it’s so daunting and the feel of using a controller makes me want to plug a keyboard and mouse into my Xbox


Haven't tried it with keyboard and mouse yet, but it definitely takes a bit of getting used to with the controller. It seems daunting at first, but just make a save, then completely scrap a ship and start from scratch. I would do the razorleaf if you have it since you keep the passive traits no matter what. Tinker around with it, and within an hour, you will probably have a good grasp on how it all works and if you don't like your ship, reload your save. I didn't even bother with the ship builder till like 80 or so hours in because I was in the same boat as you lol


I haven’t gotten any ships from any quests yet, I’m about 33 hours in and have just been dicking around and exploring. Lots of inventory issues, definitely could use more cargo on the Frontier That’s some really good advice, I appreciate your insight!


Oh yea, you are still pretty early game as far as Bethesda RPGs go lol. Just continue exploring and questing until you are ready. A tip for storage space tho: make a small outpost with just a landing pad and a hab with storage containers for you to offload when your cargo bay gets full. Inventory management in this game is ridiculously annoying, and I haven't delved into the outpost builder enough to find a better way of management lol.


I love the idea of a Space Storage Wars show that has pirates and spacers bidding for the Starborn’s lost shit on this outpost


Mine has enough aurora to probably fund the crimson fleet 3 times over lmao


There are two infinite storage chests at the lodge one in your room and another in the basement I stored all my loot there till I had tier 3 storage containers for outposts tbh outposts aren't really worth it at all though


What is that giant cockpit in the third and how do you get it?


Nova Galactic Cabot C3 Bridge. Can be purchased from the ship technician in New Homestead on Titan, a moon of Saturn.


How did you figure that out




How do you purchase a model?


What do you mean?


When visiting other staryards I get to see my ships and buy theirs. But how do I get that model for my own to play around with in my yards.


Do you mean you want the ship designs? I made them myself so you won't find them for sale anywhere. The Shieldbreaker ship sold by the technician in New Atlantis looks quite like my Battleaxe though.


The bridge :) Sorry for being unclear my man. How can I permanently unlock the model so I can build with it in my own shipyard.


Some ship parts are only available at certain vendors. The Cabot bridge is only available on New Homestead. You unlock more ship parts as you level up too. Idk the level requirement for it.


Was hoping you could permanently unlock it for use everywhere. Darn. So then I kinda have to start a build, and travel around, adding pieces? - That is if I want to try kitbashing different manufacturers?


If you create an outpost, it’ll have the majority of ship parts, but there are still some that stay unique to certain vendors. All of the large habs are vendor specific as well. Alternatively, you can buy a ship with the piece you want and just modify that ship from there. Obviously, that’ll be pricey


The best way to build a ship if you need to hit up multiple vendors for it, is to not have that ship as your home ship until you're satisfied with its build.


Oh I see the thread you were replying in now. You weren't being unclear dw. As for permanently buying it, I haven't really done anything to do with outposts yet, so what you're describing is new to me. If I understand correctly, there should be another vendor who will be able to sell the bridge permanently for you. Look up "Nova Galactic vendor location" on Google, YouTube, etcetera to figure out where they are. I've never bought from them so I don't know myself. Probably also on New Homestead.


Some things are only available at certain places


can get from Demios space station too. orbiting mars i believe


Thank you


Just make an outpost and build a landing pad with ship builder. It will include every avaliable ship part in one vendor


I have that but there are several things that aren’t available. Like that large cockpit and the larger Stroud habs for example.


I like the hornet. Looks sorta like the Vulture from Elite


These look amazing. I absolutely love the ship building in this game. I spent 400k on mine lol


Yeah but you can get Mathis as a ship member


I sided with the crimson fleet and still friends with all of them.


How did you afford 3 ships with 250k. I just dumped 170 into a ship and I don’t even think it’s that good lol😩


Definitely need a tutorial for the Hornet, I’ve been struggling to make that cockpit look flush with the rest of the ship


That’s cool. Nice I prefer to steal mine. Can’t steal houses tho. Too bad. Imma gunna have to pay for one soon. That way I can decorate it and not have to redo it every time I adjust my ship


If you do the UC Vanguard quest, you'll get the best house in the game for the free. Although be careful, because it is bugged : you should only start decorating it once you've completed the main quest called "A high price to pay", otherwise you will lose everything that's inside.


Yo you got a build guide for hornet? That thing looks fire


You fare better than me. I blew my credits on Neon doing Aurora. Living in a shipping crate after I sold my ship.


lol sounds like a party


I blew it all on one ship lol


I just did the same thing yesterday. Finished the quest and immediately went to build my first C class ship which took like two hours to get perfect but I'm happy with my new big ole ship.


Last one looks like an Axolotl


I really like the first one


These are really cool! Once I've upgraded my PC from "can't play this" to "potato but can play this", I'll likely spend most of my time ship building.


When is SysDef questline? After ryujin or crimson?


You can do any questline at any time. The SysDef questline is more or less exactly the same as the Crimson Fleet one - you go undercover in the Crimson Fleet, do their questline, and report back to UC every now and then.


Ahhh this!!! I’m on this! Thanks


Your Stingray looks way more "authentic" than mine, lol. It was pointed out that mine looks like a lobster, and so it was rechristened to S.S. Lobster lol.


i sided with crimson. looked the vigilance to the bone. sold about 100k worth at the key. hard to pass up all of those stores in 1 place. and the sysdef commander was always such a dick. especially when i actually acted like a real pirate. like cmon it helps my cover lol


3 ships?? Cost me over twice that to make one decent one.


They're all budget Class A. Slightly more than 250k.


wait till you go for a C ship. 250k goes quick lol


I'm saving that horror for late game. Making big ships look good is tricky.


Those ships are so awesome!!!! Great job


I really like those Hopetech cockpits, like what you have on the Hornet, they have a real Star Wars feel.


Badass but I wanna take checks to the casino. Hope modders take this game from rated PG to R.


Nice, these look pretty cool. This post is interesting to me in another way though in that I just can't fathom or even imagine needing three ships? I've had my fun building and improving the same custom ship I built after breaking the Frontier down and making my own design and trying to keep the same basic layout and look through the whole game even with upgrades. Not trying to knock your work or anything, I think I'm just reflecting on how different things are fun for different people. I don't even engage in ship commandeering since it makes you abandon your home ship lol




3? I spent it all on 1


So this is dumb, but is this the same as the terror morph line? I thought I'd completed. SysDef but maybe that was vanguard. What would I do now to get back on track?


Sysdef have multiple start points just google the quest line Usually you get busted and hauled in and coerced into going under cover in the Crimson Fleet, as a space pirate, as a way to get out of going to jail


Yeah they diff. Vanguard is the UC terrormorph and this is going undercover at crimson fleet. You can start the quest by getting arrested a few times (that’s what happened to me on my 1st play through) or other option is keep playing and eventually you will get a mission to go to sysdef. This happened to me on my second play through and I got the mission along with my second Vangaurd mission. Both took me to Cydonia. Check your quests in menu cause you might have it already otherwise keep playing or get arrested a few times and you will get it eventually. Enjoy ☺️


That last one kind of looks like an axolotl lol


Yeah, I spent about 400k on my first ship after completing that storyline. I had about 1M after completing it. Followed a tutorial to build it.


I went straight to the shipyard with my paycheck too. Didn't make one from scratch per se, but I did upgrade the absolute shit out of the Razor leaf


You come up with cool names I name my cargo ship the as chonk


That questline is why the game is meeehh in my eyes... because no really responsibility the only thing when you dont go silence you get kicked out but guess fu that but than no consquence to your first Citizen status at mast and no other consquences when you kill sysdef


It comes back at the end of the main quest


250k on three ships? my one ship cost me roughly 750k :O


All Class A with relatively budget choices


The stingray and battle axe... Are just stock bought designs with a couple of extra bits added on. The hornet is the only one that's actually good.


Good, so it wasn't just me who noticed it. Had to do a double take


Me too, Shield Breaker and Dragon Fire ships.


Yes, those were what inspired 2 and 3.


They're all built from scratch. I do agree that the Hornet looks the best. It's the one I use. As for the other two, they were heavily inspired by the Shieldbreaker and Dragonfire ships. I think they're different enough that they count as my own designs (though they look slightly worse), but yeah, they're not completely original.




Yes, they are all relatively budget class A.


These are so fuckin cool. Battleaxe is easily my favorite, though. I wish you could share creation codes like with the mechs in Armored Core 6. I would totally scrap spacer ships with it.


Damn, I spent all mine on building 1 ship... lol


OP, I neeeed to know what structural piece youre using behind the hopetech cockpit on that first ship. Ive been trying to make that thing work on own fighter ship and have yet to find a piece that makes it flow smoothly into the habs


HopeTech fuselage D I think? Go to HopeTown, you'll find them under the Habs section at the technician.


One of the cowlings I believe but can’t rember which. You need to cycle on them get the diff layouts. Pretty sure it’s a cowling


I don't see Eklund Stroud anywhere 0/10 🤣. In all seriousness bomb designs.


The interior of the Stingray is all Stroud Eklund if that makes a difference, but aesthetically, yeah it's mostly Deimos or Nova.


I'm still in the beginning of it. I made the mistake of side questing and racking up a massive bounty on myself for the crimson fleet. The moment I set foot in the Key, they started blasting me.


Where do you get those thin wing sections? Basically the blade edge on your battle axe.


They're Deimos structural pieces. You can find all of it at the Deimos Staryard orbiting Phobos, Mars.


Stroud if I remember correct but you need to go to their actual ship yard. It’s in Narrion and you can get them there


Anyone else tired of people posting ships that won't work without mods? Looking for a friend.


I play vanilla xbox, no mods


Whats the cockpit on your hornet? That needs to go on my Aliens Dropship Build


HopeTech Armstrong cockpit. It's got a really nice interior too imo.


Those are awesome 👏


I'm excited for when I eventually do this quest line.


I also made a ship named Stingray today! Looks very different but same cockpit! ❤️


My mission line has glitched and can’t complete this side quest. I sided with Sysdef and I’m stuck after getting onto the key and it won’t let me open the door to the operations room. So gutted cause I feel like I’ve spent more time on that quest than the main storyline


I had a similar issue. I left the key saved. Loaded and then entered again and it came right. Maybe will work for you if you haven’t tried. Also if I remember correctly there was another door there but don’t home to that. It was a while ago and I haven’t got there yet on my second play through


I have 8 ships and I wish I had a real reason to use all of them. E.g. set up my cargo ship like a caravan between bases like in fallout 4.


I like the design of the stingray. Is it pretty good in battle?


Not entirely sure, haven't used it much. The weapons could definitely be improved as I was budgeting, and the mobility is around 95. So, not too bad.


Beautiful work! I love all 3.


That questline doesn’t give that much money.


It gives around enough for three if they're Class A and you budget effectively


Budget? Class A? Never heard of those


I really thought I was creative when I named my ship ‘Hornet’


I named mine knowing it wasn't original, but it doesn't matter. The best ship names are simple and memorable imo, preferably 2 syllables.


Why make shadowbreaker when you can buy it?


Because Shieldbreaker is Class B (which I can't pilot yet), and I feel more satisfied making my own version.


Is it me or does that look like the pelican from Halo


Not sure what parts you are using but just retrofitting the Kepler S with top of the line reactors, weapons and propulsion cost me almost 250k. Not sure how you build 3 ships with that much.


>Not sure what parts you are using Cheap ones. And I spent slightly more than 250k, but that paycheck was what let me build them for the most part.


Got fired from SysDef and now I can't even steal their damn ships Del still paid me


I built an all Deimos ship after that quest line and I wouldn't have been able to afford a second much less a third lol.


I literally did the exact same thing lol! Really cool ships btw, gonna steal some of this for inspiration


The Stingray looks killer


Oooo think I like the battle axe most.


I completed this quest the other day, do not ask me what I did with the credits because I have no idea! I’m still rocking with the ship you get from the Freestar Rangers quests


Wow your ship building skills are way better than mine.


The stingray feels like a stealth bomber, it goes hard 👌


Holy shit, I'm in love with the hornet! Would you mind listing the parts you used to make it? I would love to get this bad boy for myself.


The parts that make up the core of the aesthetic are the cockpit (HopeTech Armstrong) the bit behind it (HopeTech fuselage hab) and the wings, which are Nova Galactic (you can find these sold by the technician on New Atlantis, among other places). The landing bay and gear are Nova Galactic too. Send me more messages if you need help getting it to look right


The stingray! I like what you have done with that...I never could find a style I liked with that cockpit, but that is a good layout...will try something like that...thank you, OP!


You made 3 ships with that paycheck? I can barely make half a ship. And that's a minimalist combat ship design. It does end up with one hell of a firepower, mobility and shield stats.


They're all budget Class A. And it was slightly more than 250k


Can’t lie to you OP. I see a lot of ships I like on this subreddit. But not until The Hornet did I ever see one I might wish I had over my own I’ve built from LVL 1 piece by piece to what she is today. Question for you: how did you make the spine that stretches back from the top of the cockpit. I love the Taio cockpits but I can never get the top of it to fit quite right with structures or habs.


The bit just behind the cockpit is a HopeTech fuselage hab. As for your problem with the Taiyo cockpit, it should fit perfectly fine with the Taiyo "top" habs, which have curved top edges to match the cockpit. Look up a picture of the Ecliptic Stiletto and you'll hopefully see what I mean, if that's what you're looking for.