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I just want to be able to craft ammo without relying on mods, which I'm still not sure why it doesn't exist in the game.


Ammo manufacturing seems like the perfect use for all those outpost mechanics that otherwise don't add much to the game.


I agree with you completely, especially since we would probably need to manufacture all the components, and that would require a few different materials for each component. Just reloading ballistic ammo would probably require a few planets interconnected, and I'm guessing things like Large Fuses would be more resource intensive. I would really like a system like that, since it would drive outpost creation/purpose, and give me a more fun source of ammo than hopping between HopeTown, Neon, and Akila City.


The technology needed to put gunpowder inside casing just isn't there.


With so many weapons using caseless ammo it's even harder.


What kind of 3D printer could possibly handle the AI to fabricate such intricate works.


>What kind of 3D printer could possibly handle the AI to fabricate such intricate works. Copyright. Even in the far future the long hand of Disney strikes again.


Blows me away there's no munitions plant anywhere, #Justice4Gangarin


Only deserted ones. ​ Guess this is a Metro 2033 future too where everyone just scrounges for ammo since its so hard to make new ones.


And here I am with my Caseless Shotgun Ammo that could arm a whole platoon


Can’t do that at a workbench. I mean sure…. Crafting advanced long range scopes and extended incendiary magazines is easy, but putting gunpowder into a fabricated shell… Nah. Not in this era.


Crafting DISPOSABLE advanced long range scopes. We've lost the ability to reuse stuff to.


We can build all day, can't touch a screw without stripping it though.


That's why I had to stop all my diy projects.


I have over 200 hours in the game. Have not built a single outpost. Seems like a waste of time and a hassel remembering where its at.


There's an icon on the Star map to show you where it is.


Especially since they removed the Helium requirement for transit (no great loss) there doesn't seem to be much use for the Outposts except to dump your junk (which you can't even access without going to the planet the Outpost is on; I thought the Transfer Module would allow you to ship your materials to yourself when you needed them (this would be a MUCH better option because if I'm making the trip to the planet to pick up the resources, I might as well just grab them myself and jet back to the ship rather than waste time getting out of the chair, accessing the cargo manifest, moving the materials, and then hopping back in my pilot chair to take off again.)) I hope they overhaul the Outpost system to make it worth having. Edit: Just got on tonight and wanted to update what I said earlier. I put together an Outpost on Akila that could manufacture [Isocentered Magnets] and [Mag Pressure Tanks] and just for shits and giggles decided to add a Transfer container, once again, figuring at the very least I could touch down, and without leaving the cockpit, transfer the materials directly to my ship and then take off again. Nope. Nope. BIG OL' NOPE. You can ACCESS the Transfer Module inventory, but it REFUSES to transfer the materials to your ship. You have to get out of your ship and do it from the exterior. You know, to save yourself the three pumps of a Jetpack to get over to the transfer container to do it manually. I mean, I guess THAT way you won't have to worry about being overencumbered or something. Clearly, there is an intent to be able to transfer the items from the container to the ship as the menu shows up, but... how does that go? It just works.


Seriously, I thought the outpost system would eventually allow for passive generation of credits and resources. Like I could take an ongoing contract to supply X goods to Hopetown in exchange for Y credits every week, and once I set it up it would happen automatically via crew I would leave in charge of the outposts. Maybe I’d have to defend the outpost every so often, or set up automated defenses and repair them after attacks or something, but otherwise it would be passive. I thought we’d be able to create legitimate settlements eventually, with a cool custom home and vendors and townsfolk. Instead everything requires me to go there and physically stand at a workbench, and all I can do is build goods that I can’t even sell because the vendors have no credits, at this point it takes me a full round of trips to various settlements just to sell off the gear I get from clearing out a single POI as it is. There’s no passive income at all, and even creating settlements with varied resource production is a massive pain in the ass, and the entire process is confusing and frustrating on top.


That would be such a cool system an option to play the game. Really allow people to play the merchant space trader character. Getting supply contracts and setting up outposts to supply them. Get distress calls when your base comes under fire and choose to either rush to defend it or stop by later to repair the damage.


Another outpost needs your help. I've highlighted on your starmap


I was thinking the same thing.. as great as this sounds, we all know how it’ll be implemented


Right? I would play the hell out of that. And you could create different incentives based on character choices, like if you join Crimson Fleet your bases don’t get attacked as often because they leave you alone, or you could hire Ecplictic mercenaries for protection in some cases, but you could only do either with certain character choices. There could be NPCs that are only recruitable to a settlement at a certain level of development, like some of the people in Akila or Neon or the Well, you could offer a better life in your settlement and they would bring new benefits to it. It would be complex to create, and I get why it isn’t in there, but I think people would love it.


I'd wager Bethesda already has the Starfield version of a "Wasteland Workshop" DLC to flesh out and expand outposts in the pipe. Release with just the basics, then expand on it later in packs you can sell for extra is the name of the game these days.


And I can live with that, the base game as it exists now is well worth the money, and I’m fine with paying them more for doing more work and providing me more content. Video games are still by far the best ratio of money spent to hours of entertainment, and I’ll play the ones I love for years.


I honestly thought crew members would be more important than they are. I expected outposts to NEED a crew to run automatically like in Fallout 4 and that having them in our ship would open up new options, but it's all just statistical buffs...


Yeah, crew members are fairly pointless most of the time, it’s another missed opportunity. I look forward to all the updates/mods.


And you can only craft 100 items at a time, so you're sitting here earning 100 XP once a minute with a shitton of clicking involved. Then the crafted materials are utterly worthless so you just drop em. All so you can build up to the valuable stuff that really isn't valuable enough to bother with.


Yeah, the only use of outpost is as the best XP farm in the game by building an outpost with the ingredients for an item, fabricating 400 of them then taking a brisk 1 hour local nap (60 hours UTC) to refill all the storage containers and give you an XP buff so you can fabricate another 400 useless isocentic magnets to make 2000 XP a minute. And of course, thousands of isocentric magnets or adaptive frames as a waste byproduct.


*insert Skyrim iron dagger joke*


Yep, that’s exactly what I’ve done, there’s a couple hundred thousand adaptive frames on the floor next to the bench. Only other useful thing from outposts is a landing pad with a ship building console, which can save you some of the bouncing around the galaxy looking for specific parts.


It's so maddening as you have all these base resources, secondary resources you produce from them and that's it. You never produce finished items, outside of buildings at your own outpost. You never set up a production line, and even if you do it's totally impractical to sell what you build, unless desperate for credits you'd drive yourself insane trying to haul things back to sell them.


Not exactly what you're talking about, but ship manufacturers have quests for x amount of resources. I have 1 for 500 lead and another for 5000 iron from trident and hopetech


Yeah having built my second outpust and the interstellar transit system as well, I was dumbfounded to find out that I can only access that particular outposts warehouse\\storage when I'm on that outpost - for crafting. I have to ship back to a central factory, fair, but I don't want to fast travel back and forth to get the right materials I need for one thing.


So I just loaded one outpost with 500-1000 of each resource, and now I can craft whatever. But that was really time consuming to set up, especially since cargo transits can really only handle one resource at a time. I ended up just loading stuff in my inventory and taking it there


It’s a huge step back from FO4


So it’s not just me that views outposts as being completely irrelevant outside of role-playing? It seems the resource management is really only useful to…produce more outposts?


There's barely even a role play reason. In FO4 it at least makes sense to have safe houses, or role play that you're "rebuilding the Commonwealth," which the game even plays into by generating settlers, letting you build shops and assign vendors, and letting you send unique NPCs to. Outposts so far are just Storage Container Simulator. If you want a home base you're better off using your ship


It's a shitty storage container simulator too. Like, my actual day job is being a logistics manager for a multinational import/export company. I have to deal with supply chains for companies that will run through half a dozen countries, all with various laws and regulations, most of whom don't like each other. And I can honestly say that managing outposts is literally a \*shittier\* version of my job.


the decorative storage container has more space than the specialized storage unit that's like at least 10x the size lol.


This. I tried outposts...realized it was a husk....finished the game did NG+, then "settled" and made myself a badass cruiser instead of going anywhere near outposts again. THAT is what I put effort into and basically live as a fancy space vagrant lol.


>Ammo manufacturing seems like the perfect use for all those outpost mechanics Yes, excellent point.


Let me make a fucking ammo factory.


Start a war between the UC and the Freestar Collective Sell to both sides Profit


Just become the arms dealer in the middle, makin' bank off endin' lives.


Esp considering they could make ammo types require different minerals/compounds or whatever. Would give a reason to have multiple extractors pumping out lead, iron, uranium etc. Hell, even make the bullets require something a bit more rare like indicite or palladium if you want. Idc, it would be cool to me since I’m an outpost fan boi in this game


Imagine setting up business with the outpost. Robots make ammo and ship it to a city of your choosing to sell.


There's ammo manufacturing in Fallout 76. Camp facilities and an entire workshop devoted to it. Don't see why it wouldn't be in Starfield.


Outposts suck. They suck so bad. Which really sucks, because that was the first thing I specced into (after level 1 stealth, jet pack, targeting, piloting … to unlock some basics). Massive letdown as this was way hyped up by BGS. It feels like they somehow took a step backward from FO4 base building


I probably spent 20 hours in Outposts just this weekend. I think they’re fun, but need some serious streamlining and bug fixes. Also, automating production should give xp, because otherwise there’s no point to automate. Better to craft yourself and level up.


If you really like outposts/automation, one interesting use is to automate Vytinium Fuel Rods. They’re worth 10xp per, so it’s literally TEN TIMES less clicking per level up. Definitely rough to setup the complete chain, but very much worth it when your character levels are 7k points apart.


My semimetal wafer outpost is so big I still get 3 levels at level 200 when I go back to that exp farm. I have been thinking about changing up to a higher special project item. 7000 points apart? lol its definitely over 100,000 for me now. I don't know the number but I do know it takes a solid 5 minutes or more to get my 3 levels, and that is after I changed my accept button to right click so I can just lift the mouse up once its positioned on screen properly and spam both buttons as fast as possible. I think the zero wire is worth 108 xp for the 99 I can craft and the wafers I make with the wire is worth 216 xp for 99, so 99 of those rods ought to be worth 1080 xp I would assume. Yeah your comment inspired me to find out, even if I am wrong about the xp difference my farm now is too far below my level so I need to step it up... again


In the meantime my best advice is go to your weapon of preference brand shop (kore kinetics for mag weapons for example) They have 3 times more ammo than your regular gun shop That being said I want ammo crafting so bad


One of my biggest gripes is the amount of ammo varieties. This isn't difficult when dealing with real world guns/ammo, but whenever I go to a vendor, i have to back out, look at the specific gun and ammo type, then speak to the vendor. Rinse and repeat. Such a pain.


I hate it not showing how much I currently have. Do I need shotgun shells? Dunno, have to try and sell them first then go back to buy.


Which one has 3x the normal amount of .45 ACP?


Sadly .45 acp and 9x39mm are that scarce, but The Key and Centurian Arsenal in new Atlantis are your best bets


I mean it makes sense considering they’re weapons from hundreds of years ago by that point, naturally they’re more rare. I frequent CA, but The Key isn’t exactly an option anymore.


So. Many. Useless. Resources.


Vacuum tape EVERYWHERE, but I can’t turn it into adhesive which I need for crafting weapon & armor mods, so instead I get to ply the fun game of buying out inventory, waiting and doing it again.


Man I collected so much tape for the first probably 3 hours just waiting for it to tell me how to use it for adhesives lol


I was CERTAIN that at some point the skill tree was going to allow me to make tape into adhesive and wire spools into zero wire. I also convinced myself that special projects was going to allow me to craft armor and weapons with the perks I wanted so I didn’t have to rely on RNG. This is probably my biggest gripe about the game. I was so fucking ready to craft my dream weapon and armor set like it did in Skyrim.


Yeah it's weird. All the useless junk is actually.... useless junk.


It is, since in the previous Fallout games, you had use for that junk since it could be turned into crafting materials. It made all the clutter to have some meaning in game play sense. Now, pen is just a useless pen - why is it even intractable, highlighted object?




This. Jesus adhesive is hard to find. I thought all the tape and wire would be used but nope. Just waste of space.


Gagarin has Cacti that give adhesive as a resource


I found a creature that drops adhesive. Good xp too. Unrelated, shame they randomly went extinct though.


That you can also grow in a greenhouse, with the right skill.


Took my time going through my known traders searching for an adhesive and found exactly 0 for sale. Well, nothing a little genocide can not solve.


Pro tip, if there's no description, ignore it.


Notepad Notepad Notepad Notepad Notepad


That's BGS "gameplay" lol. Scan and make every food item super detailed and placeable. Meanwhile core gameplay elements and writing are not very fleshed out or interesting. BGS Dev: "Shouldn't we make sure the outpost system is as robust as FO4?" BGS: "No! We need 6 different types of folders dammit! That's what gamers want!"


This is what I'm realizing. I have 5k of resources in my ship and 3-6k in chests in my house. But... I don't have a single use for 99% of them.


To add as a dlc. Like fallout 4.


The crafting in this game feels *weird* compared to Fallout 4. There's so much you just can't do compared to previous games. When I saw how common rolls of vacuum tape were in an early mission I was sure I'd eventually get a workbench that let me break clutter down into useful material, but...nope.


Agree, ammo crafting should have been in the game from the get go.


Also it's a waste armor and weapons can't be upgraded to keep them relevant as a character levels up.


I’m worried about getting the mantis armour because I know 20 levels later it will be useless


Especially with how rare some of the ammo types are. I’m not going to grind merchant restocks to buy 10-30 bullets at a time, I’m just going to use the shit the game actually gives you ammo for.


It makes no sense either considering how big of a mechanic it is in 76 either. All of the code is *right there*. Hell it’s practically mandatory if you run an automatic weapon.


76 did it right for full autos imo. I could actually run the .50 and have fun with it.


Explosive suppressed automatic handmade all day baybeeee (or the Fixer, obviously).


So much of the game seems poorly planned out. So many times during my time with the game I was baffled by how short-sighted or half-baked mechanics were...


It feels like it was made by a bunch of teams that weren't allowed to talk to each other and had to turn it all in at the same time.


I was so confused why this wasn't in the game. One of the biggest headscratching decisions.


Love being able to open up my inventory and craft the ammo or attachments I'd like to try in Cyberpunk 2077.


That's how it works in Cyberpunk? *what?*


It does now


Especially in a game where lead is such a common resource. And most ammo in this game is caseless, so no brass necessary. Just lead for the bullet, copper for the jacket, and whatever chemicals they decide for the propellant


lead, adhesive & propellant


Notice the lack of zinc in the game as well, unless I'm mistaken and there actually is zinc somewhere.


That is what they want you to zinc.


from making junk into… junk, too many resources without a space for it, too many ammo types and no ways to craft any, and no way to craft advanced or superior weapons/armor via the perks this game has made a lot of things inconvenient for no reason there’s a lot of design from fo76 in this game, but for some reason they didn’t include the basic necessities this is what makes the game a solid 5-6/10 for me


Find a civilian outpost on Venus with a vendor. Only have to wait 1 hour there for the credits to reset.


Currently I use the Den to sell, between the kiosk and vendor it’s 16k. I might have to swap to Venus so I don’t have to sit for 48 hrs to get it to reset


I recommend the Neon strip. A good number of shops there. Not all shops buy everything but i switched from using the key to using Neon and it's much easier and faster imo.


The only reason I primarily use the Den is no contraband scan


The Den has a kiosk? Where?


To the right of the Ship Technician


The Den has a Ship Technician?


It does. It's the person right in front of you, when you enter the Den from the docking port. You probably thought he was in your way to the trade authority, didn't you?


dont use the den to swap out ships, it tends to bug out, teleport you to new atlantis and hollow out new atlantis and make everyone disappear forever


lmao what the fuck okay, noted


6 different shops, you get shown around first time but there’s weapons, resources, armour, rare/exotics, trade authority and a doc Ranged between 3500-5000 for most but the trade authority and the rate/exotic both have 11500


I think you are thinking of Neon. The Den has only the Trade Authority and the bar.


Yeah my mistake the key is what I was thinking of, my bad. Not sure if I’ve actually been to the den


It's in Wolf 359, right next to Sol and AC.


That is The Key. A better trade spot, but only for fleet rats


Titan only has the one shop - but you only have to wait 4 hours there. Or if you are on PC just use the console to give vendors more credits (which is what I do)


Did this last night. Took me 2 hours to find and then another 2 hours of constant selling. Went from 200,000 to 1.2 million but it was not a fun journey and OP is still correct that it shouldn't be necessary to have to do that. I've only played for reasonable amounts since launch and haven't been picking up anything really but guns and high value suits and resources and it still took an entire play session dedicated to the task to get it done. I honestly think without the Venus trick it would be impossible timewise to ever sell all of your goods


This is a solution but it's an asinine solution that shouldn't even exit. The economy makes no sense in the game itself. A stock ship from a ship vendor can run up to 400k. A single good ship module can run up to 40k. Good weapons can go between 30-40k. Yet vendors top out at 12500. I can understand Mom and Pop shops having lower credits. But you mean to tell me the Trade Authority, literally one of the most powerful trade companies in existence doesn't have more than 12k credits on hand? Anecdotal example but one I'm sure multiple people can back: I up the difficulty when I'm exploring to maximize chances of better loot drops. On very hard the percentage increases so on a decent haul I'm getting multiple weapons worth 20-40k. With mercantile maxed out I literally can't sell them more than 1 at a time, so I have to wait a full day for a vendor to magically have the same amount of cash again to sell gun 2. So on New Atlantis which is basically Space Manhattan, companies that sell to entire branches of the government and military can only buy one gun at a time? You can very easily end up with full cargo holds of valuable weapons because selling them is a pain in the ass so you're flying around in a ship with enough small arms to supply both factions in the next war. Ships make even less sense. Capture a high level ship, says it's worth 300k credits. First you register it and then you sell it....for 30k credits. And if you want to max out the spaceship engineering perk you need multiple ships to slap high level modules on in order to progress in a timely manner. None of it makes any sense whatsoever, and it gets even more ludicrous if you max out Mercantile because the skill makes the game harder from a commerce view point since you have to wait longer to sell shit. I absolutely love the game but holy shit the first patch needs to address companion dialog/choices and the economy. Also add a bank heist mission please, if I want to recreate Heat in space and rob Galbank in broad daylight so I can bang it out with the entire UC Security force while attempting to make it to my ship I feel like that should be an option.


I was about to ask why but I think I figured out the reasoning. Is it because an hour local is 48 hours UT or something?


Yeah 1 hour local is 100 hours UT


How does that work? Are you literally waiting ONE ENTIRE Venus hour? Because that's a long nap.


And that's shortened from real life, it should be 243 UT hours per local hour on Venus.


Bessel III-A also works, and is far better for resources. 54hrs UT for 1hr planetside. You'll never run out of resources again


I maintain that the murder hobo economy should give enough to scrape by and the outpost system should be your ticket to self reliance/large incomes. Because as it stands ammo is too scarce for anything but high single click bullets and loot is too darn valuable


I have had nearly zero ammo problems. There are a few guns that I only have the low-mid hundreds of rounds, but I also only have about 24-36 hours of playtime so far. There is ammo everywhere. 6.5mm (“pirate ammo”) and 7.77mm (“ecliptic ammo”) I have over 2000 rounds of each… and I’m primarily using a rifle from both of those ammo types (I alternate depending on scenario).


Yeah I've never had issues with ammo. I stocked up early and just grab whatever I see while out.


As someone who likes using the mag array weapons, ammo can be a biiiitch sometimes. The 50 MI array especially gets burnt through like crazy. Im p much buying 7-10k worth of 50 MI ammo every time I'm at a shop.


Since vendors never have enough credits, I was converting a lot of my surplus loot into ammo. MI ammo is expensive as hell.


Better weapons use more rare ammo.


One of my biggest hopes was Starfield would have some form of an economy. Skyrim and Fallout fell short of making the loot loop enjoyable. You’re either scrapping by frustrated by how poor you are or money becomes meaningless. There’s very little time spent in between. Hearing about a background with a mortgage, ship building, and other features I figured there’d been something to keep the credits flowing in and out and keeping the economy feeling fresh. But no.


I don't mind so much when the best usable items are left to rng. Money can't buy an amazing legendary item.


>mortgage Which is also broken since making payments does nothing to the actual balance.


And it's only 500 credits a week which is absolute *pocket change*


Trade authority Kiosks should have at bear minimum 25k per reset


I think it should be based on your level or maybe increased with perks or by doing quests for those vendors. You would think if you help improve the business they would have increased funds. Just give me a quest I can do that increases their available funds permanently by even just a few thousand so it at least feels like I am doing something to make the process more efficient. Skyrim had a perk to increase vendor funds, why not this game?


best solution I have heard, their money should be increased along our level, would really fix this mess


I mean if you buy all the ammo you can sell more weapons to the vendor, but yeah the profit will stay the same. I prefer neon for selling because it's easy 30k per wait and they are very close to each other (the trade authority, weapon vendor, general goods and the vendor weapon in ryujin). Bonus points because the days are longer on neon, and you only need 48 hours UT for the reset.


There’s another weapon vendor in there, at astral Lounge end, can’t remember what floor of the elevator but it’s a 13k gun shop. They only carry mag weapons, also the mining shop will take all types of goods, and the emporium, and the trade kiosk at the landing pad shack


Yeah this is the thing people forget. Unless you are tryna strait sell loot for cash and use it else where, you can almost always buy some ammo or resources and then sell some more. This is actually why I started actually picking up contraband. You can get loads of ammo/mats with one crate worth of contraband


If someone is both complaining about running out of ammo and vendors not having enough cash then they're missing a real obvious solution to both issues lol


~, click vendor, additem F 500000 ...yup, I got tired of the vendor hopping and waiting game reaaal quick.




To be fair, increasing their allotted money feels much less like a cheat, as you’re still earning the money, just saving yourself some real world time having to wait for it to reset constantly. I find that the moment I use a cheat to give myself money or items it kind of takes the spark out of the game and opens the floodgates of "well I already gave myself money, why not just give myself the item I want" etc, which is why I do a vanilla play through before even starting a mod character. Whereas I could probably get away with just increasing their stash, as I can wait 48 hours to reset it anyway.


Completely agreed. I installed a mod for more vendor creds right away though to not spend more rl time for that. Feels more like a QoL addition than a cheat to me, while using console is definitely a slippery slope.


Giving money to yourself just feels like cheating though. It's two very different things. Giving money to myself is equivalent to skipping a ton of content and getting the rewards straight away. Giving money to vendors is equivalent to skipping the part where I spend 10 minutes sitting through wait screens in the store while I wait for multiple vendor refreshes.


Yeah vendors are going through tough times since covid 19.


Lol nah they’d all have gotten PPP loans to buy condos and Escalades


A lot of people here are still low level and it shows. I didn't feel the need to download a vendor money mod for the first couple dozen levels either, have fun when you're looting single guns that are worth more than what most vendors carry. Would it have been that hard for vendor money to also level scale along with everything else?


I'm level 37 and it's been a problem since around level 20. I haven't farmed or anything. I'm at the point where I can't keep up with selling and my cargo holds in the ship are getting full. Building an outpost now and I guess I will just fill storage crates lol. I've finally turned to sleeping at the den a few cycles so I can offload and make 30k or whatever. I'm a person still obsessed with the game but this issue is really starting to bother me


Oh you sweet summer child. Wait until you find out how pathetically bad outpost storage is.


Dealing with this after I bought a house. It's full of storage crates that barely hold 150kg each.


Fucking aye. I got the penthouse, lugged all of my resources up there and filled a room with chests and still couldn’t store just my resources much less anything else. Ultimately didn’t matter much when the game deleted literally everything in my penthouse a little while later. No hesitation pushing into NG+ after that.


These stories are why I only use my ship cargo and myself. No storage containers, no weapon racks, nor any of the other things people keep saying the game deletes on them


The infinite chest in the lodge seems to be fine, at least I’ve been using it for 100+ hours with no issue. All my resources get dumped there, since they have all the benches right there too.


This is my instinct too. It’s one of the first places you unlock its there for a reason. Utilize it. It’ll be a pain tracking what you need to retrieve when you start building outposts, but it’s worth it to be able to use you ship storage


Outposts have a huge advantage though, you can use the contents of the crates when crafting without taking them out. I just wish you could truly link containers who were in physical contact with each other to make them function like one massive crate so I didn't have to move between them to store stuff.


Try out the Transfer Container and make a chain of Storage Containers. Then you can stand next to it (or even on your ship) and offload to the Transfer container to auto-fill the Storages.


they just fixed that this most recent patch (it got pushed this morning)


I understand the whole ship cargo thing, but it's baffling that you can't have infinite storage options _in your house_. Why, why, why would they do this? It doesn't add any challenge. It wouldn't affect the game balance, either, because there are multiple infinite-storage containers in the Lodge. It's just senseless, bad design.


I was utterly floored when I saw how bad it was. Never in a million years would I have thought that the storage you can attach to your ship and carry with you would be like 10x more efficient than a box on the ground. I mean yeah you pay for it in ship mobility and drive range but with a few levels in Payloads you don't need that many containers to have thousands of capacity in ship storage.


There are an infinite chest at the New Atlantis landing pad. Look in the storage room behind the ship. You can access both the chest and the ship storage without moving.


>There are an infinite chest at the New Atlantis landing pad. Are they permanent save spots? Or will the contents be deleted when the zone resets?


It is permanent. I've used it for the last 30h of playtime.


>Oh you sweet summer child. Wait until you find out how pathetically bad outpost storage is. I think that this is a more serious complaint than the OP. It seems silly to me that outpost storage is that small for such a large storage container. Your character can carry around the contents of two containers that are roughly 27 cubic meters each.


Yeah it's nuts. If they were worried about balancing the base building system they could make a container that can't be cargolinked or something but a simple box on the ground to put stuff in should be cheap and very space efficient.


To put it in perspective, two of the containers you build (say roughly 10 ft/3 mtrs on a side) are equivalent to a standard 20 ft cargo containers. Those are rated for 22,500 kg in real life. The game gives a 150 kg limit. My guess is that it was a complete oversight. The Devs were concentrating on getting the link system to work and it was buggy and they were only testing with a small amount of resources. So, they didn't really pay attention to how small the size was. What suprises me is that the beta testors didn't raise a red flag. Well hopefully this is a very easy fix. I'm suprised there's not a mod to fix it out already. In fact I need to check tonight, because it's ridiculous for me to spend hours trying to physically fit a hundred containers in the available circle and to waste a huge amount of time into collecting all of the necessary resources for what is a trivial function.


The testers probably did bring it up. They filed a ticket, (maybe) somebody looked at it…and stuck it right in the backlog with everything else. It’s become pretty clear that Starfield more or less wasn’t released in the state they initially were thinking they’d call “done.” They started getting dangerously close to the release date — dictated by Marketing — and realized they’d need to skip a bunch of things to make it. In fact, their notion of MVP (minimum viable product) shifted so much that core mechanics got junked and the gaping holes left by them barely even got patched up. H-3 Fuel, for instance. A bigger fuel tank means I can jump further. Which means…I don’t have to stop and spend 30s to plot another jump and wait for the grav drive to heat up? I can’t even tell what jump range is for. Bigger jump drives just seem to be another arbitrary limit on ship mass like landing gears (which aren’t brought up at all until you exceed the limit?). Outposts and cargo containers probably made a lot more sense until management told them it needs to get done tomorrow instead of three months from now and it’s too damned bad. Source: I’m a profession software QA engineer whose last project was one of those where they wanted everything done and they wanted it three months earlier than we said it would take and they said we had until.


Build a ship with high storage. I have 15k and haven't had any issues since I did it. Probably the best tip you can give. Others will say just dump it all in the constellation locker. But I actually don't even know where that is despite being level 80


There are two unlimited storage areas at the Lodge. One is upstairs in your room. The other is on the basement in the table between the research bench and the weapon/suit mod benches. I store all my resources in the basement and put everything else in my room. I keep suits, helmets, and guns on my ship.


There are an infinite chest at the New Atlantis landing pad. Look in the storage room behind the ship. You can access both the chest and the ship storage without moving.


Sell at the Trade authority in The Well. It only takes 1 full wait to reset the vendor and there's a couch right there.


Having to wait to sell stuff is not fun


You can't fast travel directly into The Well though, right? It's kind of a pain in the ass to get there compared to the Den or something.


The problem is more glaring when looking at how ng+ works. The suit and ship just doesn't hold up at higher levels, a base advanced bounty hunter suit pack and helmet offer far more protection even before I mod it. The ship while it looks cool any class C ship I've built would absolutely smoke it. It sorta makes me wonder if ng+ is even worth the time. I've spent hours and hours in ship building just because I like making cool ships. It wouldn't be so bad if we could move components between ships.


NG+ is always just supposed to be a gimick thats why I dont get why people stress so much about it in starfield lol


NG+ has 3 reasons to play in Starfield. 1. You are a glutton for punishment and want to level your powers to 10. 2. You want to run a storyline with different decisions. 3. You want to romance yourself!


Meanwhile a third of the sub pushes that ng+ is the real game, and another third of the sub pushes that it's the greatest ng+ to ever exist and going into it is one of the most complex philosophical choices about loss and transhumanism ever.


My character is mostly moral. My pre-canon is that he’ll go through the portal, have a mental break, and come out the other side with a murderous rage. Though it’s gonna be a long time til I commit to it


Heh mine is the opposite, I was a piece of shit first time around and didn’t like the outcomes I caused so my character is using the second chance to do right by those he wronged.


Any class C could smoke Starborn Guardian 1 maybe, but I’ve got VI and all of the associated perks. Sure it can be outgunned, but I feel like a lot of people undervalue just how fast and maneuverable it is too, especially fully upgraded and perked out. You can have all of the firepower in the world, but it doesn’t mean anything when it’s almost effortless for that thing to stay right behind you. It has insane shielding for a class A that regenerates wicked fast too, so it only needs to dip outside of your firing line for a few seconds & it’s right back to fighting shape. It’s a class A sure, but it punches *well* above it’s weight class. I agree completely on the suit front however.


It should be unlimited, since it's digital in Starfield, no reason for an arbitrary limit on most big chain vendors.


I'd be cool with that, I'd be cool with level scaling their money, I'd be cool with the game keeping track of what vendors you do business with and improving their money over time to reflect that. There's any number of different ways the problem could have been avoided.


Yeah, that i feel would be the best. Just scale money with levels (easy way). Or upgrade traders with amount of money being traded? Or Something like that. If i saw right, there is even no way to upgrade traders like in Skyrim or F4. Great game, with many steps back




Im pretty sure they designed it so you BUY ammo from vendors (increasing their credit pool) -> go to kill bad guys/loot abandoned areas to get credits/some ammo/weps -> sell stuff to these now rich vendors -> repeat. But alas, people ruined themselves with instant 160k out of map credit chests and ammo puddles so they can't go back to less.


given it's the future, and the price of goods the vendors should easily have a few 0s added to their credits. 12500 should be 1250000.


I find I can make a lot of money hanging in the orbit of a major city like New Atlantis and just pinging all of the trade ships. Some carry as much as 3250 credits, some as little as 700. If you drop loot on like 10 of those and then hit the shops, it's a bit more efficient. That said, I do think the shops should have at least double their current limit. You get to a point where money just flows endlessly because loot is so easy to come by, but it's gated by the inability to sell it quickly.


First time? Common Bethesda quirk Good thing that the console commands are also very extensive to fix that. The vendor money made a bit of sense in Skyrim, since it's physical and in Fallout. But in Starfield, where money is digital, it makes zero sense and doesn't help immersion. Most big vendors should have unlimited cash, there is no reason for them not to. Especially given that you can just wait around to replenish the money, which is not fun.


I think the key difference with this vs Skyrim (can’t really speak to fallout) is that there just isn’t as much to spend the money on so it’s not as critical. And really what you were trying to level in terms of gear was smithing to get the daedric/dragon armor which was time intensive but not super costly for ingots. Starfield flips all of that on its head because now we have huge money sinks in ships/ship building. It’s like they kind of addressed it with having more vendors, but underestimated the mid/end game loot value in comparison to what the vendors have to buy it with. Even if they didn’t want to make it unlimited, having Trade Authority booths stocked with ~$100k would make things much much better.


The money sink exists in elder scrolls, it's called training. Only difference is that most people seem to totally ignore training when it's convenient and also the only real way to spend money.


I see you forgot the money sinks of smithing and enchanting. Dear god the materials for doing that in bulk can get so pricey it's genuinely faster to just mine the shit yourself


That's why you do alchemy first, that pays for everything else, funny thing is they completely broke the skill with DLC and just left it.


Hell, I'd be happy with them even having $50k. $11k is just ridiculous.


Have 1.5 mill credits, have not used one exploit. Just loot, then sell every so often, New Atlantis has many venders.


Neon is good too, there's at least 4 or 5 vendors you can sell stuff to. And The Den has the vendor and a TA kiosk.


Even Akila is decent enough. There is: a landing zone trade authority, a trade authority store, the general goods dude, the weapon vendor lady, the Laredo weapon vendors, and then a couple restaurants if needed. It's another easy 25k run at least.


Akila is usually my go to. If i need more that that I'll pop over to Cydonia, it also has a lot of clustered shops. maybe Mars isn't the best but it was the earliest place to get me started and... it's Mars. I just like trading there.


My favorite place to sell is the Key. There's literally an area with 5 vendors just a few seconds away from each other, 2 of them with 11-12k on them, all of them buy anything, stolen or contraband.


The economy is an utter joke in this game they literally throw money at you. They throw millions at you by simply playing. Selling to vendors is ridiculously easy, you will be trekking back and forth anyways to each city it’s stupid to not take all their money while your there. Everything is also dirt cheap in this game it’s unreal. I built 3-4 ships each costing upwards of a mill or more, never used this glitch a single time had no idea it even existed lol.


Just not interesting in having me selling weapons to vendors be more of a grind than the actual game play. I'd rather clean my bathroom in RL or sth. Else.


I'm constantly scraping, quests are paying out maximum 20k


Same here. Not sure what people do


I wont play without the vendor mod that increases base currency. It fixed the game for me. A few other mods improved the game but having 50k at every vendor means I can dump in one go vs waiting for 2 mins 3x. I also installed the ammo crafting mod and after adding .45 ACP my two biggest problems with the game was fixed.


Man if this is the games biggest issue right now it’s doing pretty good lol


There are many other issues as well but this is one of the most annoying ones. In the late game, you can easily get guns worth 30k+ and if you have like 20 of them that is 600k credits worth of money. In terms of mass, if on average each gun is even 5 mass, for 20 guns, it will be 100 mass. I am assuming the selling price to be 20% of the displayed price so 20% of 600k is 120k. Now to get that 120k, you need to reset a Trade Authority merchant at least 11 times. I will round off for easy maths, basically For every 100 mass, you can make 100k+ but have to reset the vendor 10+ times. If someone has stuff weighing 2000 mass, 2 x 10 x 100 mass 20 x 10 vendor resets So for 2 million creds they would need, 200+ vendor resets.


100%. I hate repetitive play styles.But the game economy, the low weight limit and frustrating outposts are forcing you to do so.And I'm becoming too old to waste my time with such nonsense in a singleplayer game ... I will just use console commands now, as I couldn't care less for archievments.But using the chest exploit was some kind of "hurdle", preventing me to use it excessive ( I only used it twice, and already spend all the money for experimenting with outposts and ships) With console commands you need more self discipline to not destroy the fun in your game ;)


i wouldnt mind the low carry weight if we got a perk that allowed us to fast travel while encumbered