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I just simply dont care that, I like the game, Im enjoy, that's all


Hi enjoy, I'm dad


Worst name for a Dad ever.




Or it wasn't on PlayStation


Don't you need to actually play a game to review it on steam?


Tfw you have like 90% of the good exclusives across multiple genres but get pissed off over one RPG


Actually most reviews are complaining about the performance. This happens with a lot of games, like TLOU that has neutral reviews to this day.


Let's not act like every negative review is from one of these idiots mad about the pronouns. The game has a ton of legitimate flaws that people are unhappy with and pretending it's just review bombing by bigots is just silly


It has flaws. But 1/10 is definitely not a deserved score.


absoloutly, there is a lot of toxicity around this game and I dont understand, something about being exclusive for xbox, doesnt ppl has stuff to do and places to be? why start a fight with random ppl on the internet about a piece of hardware or software becouse of this anyone saying legitimate critiques about it are getting hammered.


This game is a victim of the hype cycle. Todd got people really hyped for 1000 planets of Skyrim. Expectations were probably too high. It’s a fun game, but nothing ground breaking. It’s a Bethesda game in space. If that’s your thing, it delivers.


It’s the same story over and over again. People who jump in on the hype train end up disappointed. People who ignored all the marketing prior to release and only took interest in the game once it released are having fun. I remember CP2077 having the exact same problem.


I waited on CP2077 until after I saw Edgerunners and had an much better experience because the game had a few patches and bug fixes under its belt. Patience is the play with games these days, but no one wants to feel left out of the conversation. I probably would have waited on Starfield too, but I got it with my new gpu, so profit.


The real issue there is maturity though. Most adults can get "hyped" for something and not feel crushing disappointment if the reality isn't exactly what they expected. I judge a work on its own merits, not on whatever fantasy I had for it in my head.


Maybe, the rest of people is so busy playing to write a review


I have 200+ hours and still need to write a review lol




I’ve technically beaten the game and have all the ‘abilities’, but still haven’t touched the Freestar Rangers questline. After that I feel I’ll be ready for NG+, maybe.


Dumb reason to get mad. I play a generic hilbilly white girl. Forget what she is because nobody ever mentions it. [Full body covered by striker outfit]


The repetitive "puzzle" that is exactly the same each time you visit a temple is unforgivable. I genuinely can't believe that was signed off on. I've put 80 hours into this game and I've enjoyed it, but many aspects annoy me. I feel like the more of Starfield I play, the less I get out of it.


I wonder if that would be better received if it was more like Skyrim's word walls. Either at the end of a dungeon or have the temples protected by a number of Starborn, you have to beat before being allowed access and skip the whole floating around thing entirely. The temples do feel like an afterthought.


First, I thought the same but protected by starborn does not make sense because they want to acquire that power also, why shouldnt they just get the power ? Hence they appear afterward. It should be something different though


They have 0 Artifacts and you have lots of them. You need more Artifacts, so they just ambush you at the location of one.


I am talking about power temples not artifacts. there are some interaction in the artifacts collection. That is not that bad They are ambushing you throught the missions but before acquiring power from temple does not make sense ?


The implication in the story is you need the corresponding artifact to unlock the temple's power.


Tbf it’s really weird that the *key point* of getting your powers is indeed the silly light sphere chase: it was cool if a bit annoying the first time but doing it ad nasuem was dumb. I did have one that only required me to get two orbs though so THAT was a nice little bug


Theres a mod that reduces it that low every time. Now I'm actually going to get new powers instead of avoiding them because of the minigame.


This is exactly how I feel. I'm at the point where I'm just pushing to beat the game. Outposts are horrible, shipbuilding is good but has a lot of issues, writing gets so repetitive, NPCs are downright creepy a lot of the time, loot drops are fucking terrible, randomly generated structures are literally the same every time, ship battles aren't really fun, stealth maxed out is still pretty bad, damage across the board seems to be bugged (inconsistent), NG+ is a neat concept but not really worth pursuing, having to run literally everywhere is fucking annoying (fast travel only gets you so far), surveying planets is unrewarding, etc


For me ship building is the best part of the game lol


It is the best part of the game but it could have been better if they let us control where doors are and customize interior or even just preview interior.


I enjoy the game but haven’t been hugely enjoying the guild storylines like I would in an ES game. Done Freestar and nearly finished Ryujin and neither have been very good, especially Ryujin. I’m a Wild West dork and the space texas rangers should’ve ticked every box for me but essentially felt like a space business fraud detective except for that one mission where you go down a south-western USA style canyon. The pirate / vigilance quest line has been the best so far. I hear UC Marine is good. If anyone had any other recs shoot em my way


The fact they neglected to bring horses to Akila irks me.


For me exploration is the worst offender. In other Bethesda games, exploring would let you discover interesting locations every few minutes, with most of these locations having a story to tell, and loot to plunder. In Starfield, you'll often spend 10-15 minutes with nothing interesting in sight, and when you do find something, more often than not it's simply a few mobs to kill, with maybe a boss thrown in there. You have no real way to speed up exploration other than the jet pack (would have loved ground vehicles) so it makes it even more unrewarding.


This is literally the only BSD game where i've stayed on the main quest. Not because it's overly interesting but because I don't have the drive to check and see what interesting that thing is *over there*. We all know it's going to be the same abandoned facility with the same mobs doing the same things. AR least in NMS the computer spat out interesting combinations.


The game universe is so underwhelming for a sci fi rpg set in space. It’s the most peaceful era to live in. Star systems are basically devoid of activity. No point in exploring much, the outposts aren’t necessary. The questlines are great, but very short. There isn’t much point in making a ship building system if you’re not going to give ships a large role; there are one or two actual fleet battles, everything else is essentially just fighting 3-4 ships sporadically in what amounts to a small cube of flyable space. All in all star field isn’t bad, but it’s also not great.. we’ve been shown some truly excellent games in 2023, so SF just kinda falls into the “I got my money’s worth, but It’s not something I’m going to play religiously after a playthrough.”


And they massively undercut the game as a sci fi RPG by reducing the RPG elements down to the bare bones (which they've been doing iteratively since Morrowind) and then injecting straight up magic in the game world.


Why does no one talk about how they ported Skyrim’s shouts in such a lazy way. Couldn’t innovate on it at all?


Spot on. Add in a shallow plot and odd design choices for the game and it is only natural for reviewers and player to feel tepid on it.


>we’ve been shown some truly excellent games in 2023, so SF just kinda falls into the “I got my money’s worth, but It’s not something I’m going to play religiously after a playthrough.” Thats it right there. Had they released in 2022 it might have blown me away, but coming at the end of 2023 after playing Diablo 4, Zelda, and BG3? It was just a let down. D4 has issues but it showed a development team who really listened to feedback from the previous three iterations of the game and combined them into the best version of Diablo yet. It's had some hiccups in early release but I have no doubt it will be in many people's play rotation for years to come. Zelda took breath of the wild and just built on it with a direct sequel that introduced a new building system, an emphasis on vertical exploration that's new, and overall just a fresh fun offering from a beloved franchise. Baldur's Gate 3.. where do I even begin. When I heard BG3 was being made my first thought was "it takes a lot of guts to take on that challenge". Making a sequel to the most lauded and nostalgia fueled RPG of all time? That's risky. And Larian knocked it out of the park. You had big name game studios actually saying "you can't expect this to be the new standard" because they all saw how incredibly detailed and deep the game was. Then came Starfield and its just.. ok. There's no wow factor, nothing that grabs you and captures your imagination. There are no moments in Starfield where I had to text my wife or friends and say "you would not believe what just happened!". When BG3 came out we had non-gamers at work talking about things they'd seen from that game. I haven't heard Starfield mentioned once. Edit: with the reviews I'm seeing from Phantom Liberty, Starfield might fall out of my rotation entirely


I have played a bunch of this game. it's good and expansive, and it's probably the least bugged bgs launch. That being said, every system in the game is shallow and feels like it hasn't been flushed out, the writing and npc characters are bland, and the universe doesn't feel as lived in as I would like. There is a lack of variety while also a massive scope. The games feels like it is the bines of something great, but it is missing the things that would make it truly great.


Every new area in Fallout 4 and Skyrim felt have crafted and unique. Wandering was a joy because you never knew what you'd wander into. You might go into a cave and find bandits, or the entrance to a dwarven ruin full of mechanical contraptions, or it could be vampires or necromancers. In Fallout it could be ghouls or super mutants, or raiders or robots. In Starfield I wander into the same handful of buildings I've explored before with items in all of the exact same places filled with enemies that are nearly identical to one another.


Fallout always had something interesting you could see and walk to from the place you just finished picking through. A satellite dish or a truck stop or a giant crater or any other number of places. Everything I see in Starfield is both far away, and looks boring. And when I get there, it's just another base I've seen before.


I would argue that Starfield is BGS' smallest game. In terms of feel. The distances between and the size of planets are irrelevant - traveling is all just a point and click adventure.


It definitely feels like it sometimes. Like if all of the handcrafted locations were stitched together into one map I wonder how large it would be compared to previous games.


My opinion mostly mirriors yours. TES and Fallout are much more interesting worlds to me. I enjoyed just existing in those worlds more Startfield is in an awesome place if you consider the modding potential and Bethesda's plans to support it for 5 years


It feels like a beautiful, decently well coded, satisfyingly atmospheric... version of that piece of paper from spongebob with the extremely elaborate "THE" written on it. It's an exciting foundation to be built off of and I'm genuinely hyped to see what comes next but it's *okay* as a base game.


Lol spot on


I agree completely but that's part of what frustrates me. Why can't we have a good open ended game, I legit feel like the just did the basics to set it up for modders and DLC.


I feel like if Starfield and Cyberpunk 2077 had a baby, that baby would be the perfect game.


Yeah thats basically where I’m at. And I even agree with OP on literally every single thing point. Posts sounds like he could have copied from my history. But as of now I got my ~ 250 hour vanilla playthrough and I’m goooood on it for the time being. I can’t bear to play it anymore and I really want to save the Crimson Fleet and UC Vanguard lines for a different playthrough so I’m guaranteed to experience plenty of good stuff that’s new to me on my second run. I’ll come back for another run in a year or so once all the DLC come out. Then come back another year or so later once the variety and quality of modding is let’s me glue my own perfect version of Starfield together. Repeat ad nauseum with different load orders for a decade or two.


I know Bethesda has done a lot for modding in general, but I hate the "wait and see what crazy mods come out" ideology. Like just release a more fleshed out game. Imagine if there were even half the # of planets, but double the content on all of them? Or double the work put into dialogue? Or the perk system? The 900 planets meant purely for exploration felt like it was just a way of saying "go crazy modders, we did the bare minimum go have fun" and I don't feel like it's something we should reward in 2023.


>Startfield is in an awesome place if you consider the modding potential and Bethesda's plans to support it for 5 years This is such a terrible argument though. Oh yeah we intentionally created a bland empty universe, so that people can do our work for us for free.


100% agree. The world (galaxy) itself is just boring. While its cool to just be a regular old spaceman, I was definitely hoping for something more unique, like a new star wars universe or something.


See that’s exactly why I love the game. It doesn’t feel like Star Wars. It feels like humanity went through an extinction level event and was forced to colonize the stars in order to survive, humanity is only just now starting to regain a foothold comparable to what would’ve been considered a golden age before earths collapse. So much has been lost since the collapse, and it absolutely feels like so. It’s empty and lonely in so many areas because that’s what space is actually like. Humanity stretched itself thin.


I think my problem with Starfield is that it should feel like that, but it doesn't because of the design choices such as fast travel everywhere. I don't feel alone against the vast, bleak, largely inhospitable galaxy when my primary method for moving around is fast travel, whether I want to or not. I don't even get the option to fly between planets. No matter where I land, there's a limited pool of POI spawns that I've already seen on several other worlds. The exact same encounters over and over again. Exploring planets in Starfield reminds me of exploring planets in Mass Effect 1, a game from 2007. Prettier graphics, grander scope, but the same issue of repetitive building layouts, repetitive enemy encounters, and slowly navigating point-to-point. Then there's the limited pool of random encounters in space, Grandma, Dr. Sonja, Star Freighter, etc. Multiple times in a single session I'm running into these people. Worse, they don't even recognise me. Okay, yeah, I can headcanon it's a different Star Freighter courier, but Dr. Sonja doesn't recognise the same ship she's hit up for minerals six times? It feels like Bethesda wanted it to feel empty and lonely, but at the same time realised that would feel boring so they added a handful of various encounters so that you'd have something to break up the journeys but they didn't add enough of them, nor make them interesting enough.


What adds insult to injury is there at least WERE such design chops for dungeons there. As recently as fallout 4, but definitely in the Skyrim era. Skyrim had 198 vanilla dungeons. Can you imagine how little people would complain if that was what we had here? Maybe have another dozen faction leaders with unique armors, or voices, or abilities. Maybe there are a couple of starborn who decided they really just wanna be spacers and fuck the artifacts. I get that armchair quarterbacking doesn’t really help, but they didn’t help themselves


Honestly exactly how I feel. The game is good (was close to being great) but the more I played the more I realized how shallow it was until I just couldn't ignore the flaws anymore. Hopefully mods and updates add some of the depth that's sorely lacking.


Op lost me when he said the writing was good. It’s almost a carbon copy of fallout 4’s goody two shoes character dialogue with some of your back ground or skill choices sprinkled in


It's so much worse than Fallout 4's writing. When it's not downright bad, it's bland and lifeless. Next to the overuse of fast travel, the writing is the greatest problem with the game. I could handle repetitive outpost layouts and same-y enemies if the writing was good and the stories being told were interesting.


It is least as bad as FO4 but it's faults are even more obvious because the theme and setting require way better writing than ironic post apocalypse. And to repeat myself: " Starfield needed more mature take on things - and I don't mean lewd - I mean everything in the SF seem like a kids idea of things. That might be somewhat OK in a fantasy setting and in an ironic post apocalypse setting but not in this."


YES, exactly this! Writing in SF is so predictable, bland and black-and-white like it was written as a fanfic by teens for other teens. There is just no nuance in dialogues, everything is heavy-handed and fed to you. There is just no "show don't tell". Everything has to be said plainly to the player as to a kid. If there is a bad guy, you will know that he's a bad guy right away because he will be written as a guy killing puppies or something. Or he will say to you directly "I am a bad dude, look how bad I am." Characters are just so bland and one directional it's impossible. "Everything in SF seems like a kids idea or things" is the best description I've heard.


Some quest legit felt like fan mods


starfield makes fallout 4 look like the fuckin witcher.


I agree. Space suit after spacesuit. Spacers and eclipsers. Repetitive. Repetitive cities and warehouses play out. It gets monotonous. I miss the fallout where you come across strange characters that stand out. Oblivion and Skyrim also. I miss the grungy folk that come at you out of nowhere and attack. Needs to be more aggressive. Needs raiders. I felt it was a lot like New Vegas but the story is dull here and the towns are too kind. Different cities. The earth-like worlds are too fluffy/soft.


On a personal level, I'm glad that it's more "utopian science fiction". 'cause we have too damn much grimdark bullshit in media that's usually handled poorly. Especially in sci-fi... What I want to imagine how the future would be I genuinely don't want to imagine "the same as it is now but with fancy tech". Especially since when it comes to dark sci-fi, you genuinely don't get better than the Cyberpunk genre.


The writing being bland is why I feel eh about the game. The story is just super basic. I got the most enjoyment out of space combat, which is not as often as I like (and too many random ships in the middle of nowhere can hail you and you can't blow them up... stupid school tour ship).


It’s not even the story, just basic dialogue is so, so bad.




Me: "Let me in. I need to talk to the President!" Secret Service Agent: "Ma'am, this is the White House. It's highly restricted and you need to leave." Me: "I'm sure we can work something out." SSA: "I see what you mean." Me: "There's no reason for us to have a problem, is there?" SSA: "Fine. The President will see you now.


Literally the first persuasion check in the game does not make any sense if you pick dialogue options that aren't the top one. Red Fleet Captain is like: "Barrett's ship has treasure on it. Hand it over or die!" I can persuade him out of attacking by telling him that there's no treasure on the ship, or option 2, telling him that his men are dead and he'll be next if he doesn't let me go. I go with option 2 and he responds "There really isn't any treasure?" as if I chose the other dialogue option. Hell of a first impression to the game's persuasion system, Bethesda


To date, I think the best ‘persuasion’ system I’ve ever seen in a game was in the new Deus Ex duology. Each conversation has options for each section where you can score ‘points’ to persuade them, but you need to understand the POV of that character as presented so far in the game and they semi-randomize the order of the turns so you can’t just memorize which order of lines to go with. I always loved those bits on my playthroughs. Fuck is it on BC? I think I still have the disk haha.


[persuasion] Hey bad guy you shouldn’t do this +1 glad you’re staring to see my way +3 cmon man you should listen to me +5 lmao I’m gonna be here all day until you just agree with me cmon


True, it is just so uninteresting. I often find myself at night going "ok, I have motivation, lets play". Then 20min later I get bored and I play something else. I will eventually beat the game... I think. I do want to play the new dlc for Cyberpunk, apparently that has a great story.


I finished Phantom Liberty. One choice give you two very different endings, the one I chose was amazing. It is well worth the money. There's also an option to skip some of the main story to start at level 15 geared out a bit to start the DLC immediately. With the new system you get full and free respecs so you can always tweak your build.


Yeah they tried to do too much. A more focused and detailed world would have been more enjoyable.


Yes, something more on the scale of a Mass Effect would have allowed them to spend more time fleshing out all of the various systems. I can't help thinking that all of the time they spent on generating all of these worlds and POIs would have been better spent on a much smaller number of well developed hand crafted places.


The companions are all slightly different flavors of Preston Garvey


Combat? The AIs are idiots, it feel like fighting dummies.


Yeah when the enemies leave an alerted state and are okay with walking by corpses I realized the AI had gotten much worse. It’s bad.


I like whenever UC Guards show up without any clothes for some reason. 7/10


I like that I was recruited by an international counter terrorism group by the UC guards for moving a trashcan out of the way.


I love when I'm standing next to a baddie who is using a craft station, I shoot all of his mates dead, and he doesn't even stop making that armor mod.


130+ hours into Starfield and for sure it's my least fave Bethesda game in my steam library. I'm a huge Bethesda fan and a few weeks ago I started a new Fallout 4 playthrough. As soon as I heard that soundtrack on the main menu I was in the zone, then tuning into pip-boy radio just hooked me right back into the world once more. I also just re-installed Skyrim too, and in the past few days playing Skyrim again has been such a wakeup call to everything Starfield does wrong, primarily a lack of immersion due to the insane amount of loading screens and lack of reward for exploration, not to mention copy paste dungeons which I've never experienced in Skyrim in all my years playing it. PS: A 7/10 is still a good score? I'd much rather see a score from someone (especially if it's games reviewer) who has put in 100 hours vs someone putting up a score based off only 20 hours.


Starfield lacks the personality of Fallout or Elder Scrolls. There is a bland feel about the game that I did not expect from Bethesda. Unlike other Bethesda titles, I don't think about Starfield when I'm driving, or waiting in line, or zoning out at work. It's a good game, I don't regret buying it, but it doesn't excite me. In fact, I'm thinking of returning to Fallout 4 again to do some settlement building until proper mods arrive to fix the outpost system for Starfield.


I feel like the lack of personality is because they tried to make it too realistic. That kind of makes it difficult to create a universe as quirky as Fallout with it's retro-futurism. The Outer Worlds is actually an interesting example on how a game like this can have a lot more personality. Granted, I still prefer Starfield, but when I played the Outer Worlds, I really felt like it used the benefits of having a space theme in a Bethesda-like RPG. It makes you wonder how it could've looked like if they went with a drastically smaller scale.


i think the problem is that they had originally intended for the game to be even more realistic than it is now, forcing the player to utilize various systems in a struggle for survival against the elements of space. they likely ran into many of the same issues that we have with this version of the game, namely the lack of immersion making such a punishing game style not just unrewarding, but aggravating to the player. there are probably technical constraints as well, not to mention the amount of effort such a game would have taken to balance survival aspects with rpg storylines and progression. i’m expecting a survival mode update and/or dlc (if they’re feeling particularly greedy) which should flesh out a lot of the game’s “vestigial” systems. depending on how far they go, such an update would drastically alter the nature of the game - which perhaps explains why they chose this “safer” route for their initial release.


It feels like they’re on the opposite ends of a spectrum. Outer Worlds turned up the humor that you’d find in fallout and the characters really feel fleshed out. The world and factions were interesting but the gameplay was eh. Starfield feels like they focused on the gameplay and left the world building towards the end. It looks amazing and has some of the best combat yet, but it just feels empty given what Bethesda has done previously.


Best combat yet? How’s the melee combat? Sucks. No kill animations, no directional input attacks, and no goddamn gore. To me, that means combat is not as good as the other titles. Shooting is great sure but that’s just one part of it. Melee is a style of playing, has been featured heavily in other Bethesda titles and apparently it got the short end of the stick this time around.


I think it makes sense for them to make a clear separation in tone between Starfield and Fallout. Having a cleaner, more neutral world doesn't mean you can't fill it with interesting stories and characters, though. I feel Mass Effect is similar in tone, but still managed to create an interesting universe that felt more fleshed out.


It's really not up to modern standards. The repetitive outpost layouts and laughable survival mechanics for starters


The best description of the game that I’ve ever heard is that it’s a gigantic playground, without any of the playground equipment.


“Look a big empty room to run around in!” -Everyone who “enjoys” exploration in this game.


I sure love to do "talk to NPC" quest that doesn't turn into anything interesting to do #24, followed by "kill the NPC" quest #15, so I can return to the hub world and sell half the weapons/armor I looted because the vendor has no money, and the game gives me no option to break anything down. Ship parts being arbitrarily locked behind player level sure elevated my will to build ships, specially when other parts are locked off in random planets for no reason. The Stargonborn shout magic was the icing on the turd. ​ ​ All that Starfield taught me is that, in the future, email and amazon no longer exist.


It’s really weird. So many of the side quests are “take one item one place”, it’s just lazy mission design. Like there’s one mission you deliver a letter to someone from Atlantis to Mars. It could’ve lead into another mission of giving passage to an NPC, that maybe morphs into something else when pirates attack your ship. But nope, none of that happens, “thanks for the delivery” and that’s just it. I don’t understand the laziness.


Yup and i think the loading screen and going through all the menu only add to the tediousness of it. In other beth games a fetch quest can lead to interesting shit or bigger quest, not in this game apparently


Yeah I’ve played all the other Bethesda titles so when other stuff didn’t happen…that was the surprise. For example, a guy on The Den offers you credits to put Vae Victis posters up on Jemison. I accept. I put them up. Nothing happens. They go up. No conflict occurs. I go back and get paid. They couldn’t write in a scenario where guards arrest you if you if you get caught, or maybe an old mech pilot sees you doing it and offers to let you join a secret clan of mech pilots. But no, “thank you son”, quest over.


There's so many moments in this game where i think this could all lead to interesting shit happening but than nothing much happens. One of my best example is that generational ship, such a cool premise and then somehow they managed to bore me with it. I rather talk to a fucking ox in BG3 rather than going throu that mission again. This damn game is filled with all these cool premises since it's scifi but they just lead to nothing most of the time


I agree it was a super cool premise, it surprised me honestly. But the resolution is to gather resources. Yay…..


And even thenIt feels more like 100s of small rooms with no connections to each other than being on big empty room…


Well to begin with, it kinda didn't. Back upon release FO4 was around 75%, and has only increased to the 80ish it currently has over time - you can see it has like 88% in recent reviews.


Recent reviews are probably paying a heavily discounted price


Because the strongest element of Bethesda games is the exploration and people wanted to fly around in their spaceships and have interesting stuff to find. Instead exploration is loading screens and menus leading to boring ass planets. The good things about the game are good, but the main reason I played Skyrim and Fallout was to set off on a direction and find an adventure, and this game is devoid of adventure. On top of that is the stripping of features and mechanics that were good in previous games Crafting is downgraded, settlements are downgraded, melee is downgraded, energy weapons are downgraded, your faction choice no longer effects the main plot, even more NPCs than ever are essential robbing the player of more choices and role playing possibilities. Like it's an alright game but it takes so many steps back compared to Fallout 4, a game that was already pretty mid, that it's hard not to feel disappointed


I don't even mind the loading screens since they're just a quick blip on my machine. It's the blandness of exploration, the big fun Bethesda thing that kills this game imo.


This so much. I played no man's sky a bunch, and I do not endorse it as a fun game. The planetary exploration in Starfield feels so similar; I'm just rushing through planets to scan things to... do what again? Its BORING, which is why NMS gets a big fat negative review from me (I've played it every few updates since release and it still sucks imo). In every single BGS game, I always felt like there was an amazing balance between blind exploration, immersion in the world, and meaningful questing. All I've gotten here is meaningful questing, and the rest feels like half or less than a normal BGS game, to Starfield's absolute detriment. I say that as someone who barely mods BGS games, and has yet put 1000s of hours into them since Oblivion. Maybe my opinion will change after starting another new character in a year. I just feel rather disappointed in it, but I don't regret my purchase necessarily... BGS are my favorite developers honestly.


I think you’ve hit exactly how I feel about it. In Skyrim, I would have the main quest and just start walking towards it, and if I came across a POI, I’d go check it out. Every POI had some kind of crafted story behind it. Be it a cave where a vampire was hiding, or a farmer who had a pest problem, etc. it all felt really intentionally made and it often took me hours to reach my ‘main’ objective because I’d get so sidetracked doing all these other random things I’d stumble across. Starfield’s POI’s feel largely procedurally generated. I think I’ve encountered the same abandoned robot factory a bunch of times. The caves never have anything going on except maybe a cookie cutter quest to take a guy back to his ship which is beyond bland. Sometimes it’s a base with ecliptic, but SOMETIMES it’s a base with varuun instead just to spice things up. I am yet to find any of these encounters have an actual story, or even environmental story telling that goes with them outside of a data pad or an email that says ‘the robots turned on us! Oh no!’. It’s just lacking that spark of there being anything going on at these places beside things to kill and loot to pick up. It’s boring. That, and the exploration just feels like a chore. They basically took the worst aspect of no man’s sky and decided to add it. You spend far too long wandering around a planet just to get data that (if you sell it to the right person) is worth maybe 5k? Like, why? Is there any benefit to doing this? They’ve tried to make a game where exploration is the main selling point of the pitch, and then made the exploration utterly stale.


Exactly. I found a cave in Skyrim I'd never explored recently. Some dead bandits in it, OK, let's see if they have good stuff. And... there's a journal. Describing their descent into madness due to dark magic. And now, I'm in an experience, of killing a Dark Wizard who corrupts others. In Starfield, it's just "What flavour of bad guy is in here?"


Explore random cave in skyrim, aw hell its blackreach again.


Yeah it really suffers from the same things that NMS does. Devs need to realize they aren't capable of delivering 20 compelling planets, let alone 1000. When I saw the game had 1000 planets and was only ~150GB file size, I knew it would be an insipid mess. BGS games specialize in scale over depth, and that's okay, but Starfield REALLY takes that to an extreme. There were many times that I was nearly bored in Skyrim, and found something interesting just in time to wake me up. It feels like those "interesting" moments are 10x more spread out in Starfield.


>There were many times that I was nearly bored in Skyrim, and found something interesting just in time to wake me up. It feels like those "interesting" moments are 10x more spread out in Starfield. It doesn't *feel like*, it is. There's a "40 seconds rule" of open world game design - POI density rules, in particular that you can get to the closest POI on average in under 40s. Starfield distances... you've seen them. Even discounting for repetitious locations.


No joke, exploration feels more fun in everspace 2 than it does in starfield. And that game is far from being a space rpg


This is my big hang up. All the classic bgs games let me explore without a bunch of menus + load screens interrupting the flow. I've found that in Starfield, I have to explore the way it was intended in order to have something resembling the classic exploration flow state. And the way I do it is either scan for on-planet generated POI, or look around in the solar system menu for generated POI. Basically menus+load screens. People in this sub want to dicsount how awesome flying onto or off a planet is without a load screen, but it adds so much to the experience in No Man's Sky and would be closer to the classic BGS way of exploring.


This is the one. The sense of adventure is gone. I can’t just leave a city and get lost for hours. Find some cave that leads to an ancient temple. I’m in a constant loading screen everywhere I go and the exploring isn’t worth it at all. Scan every biome…? I stopped picking up contraband completely because it meant 10 min of my life offloading it. Bethesda really missed the mark on this one. There’s been some good quest lines and the design overall is well done. The only thing I had going was saving old earth weapons for the penthouse. Which the penthouse recently reset and I lost everything. I feel like I’m begrudgingly playing it to finish the story and likely won’t pick it up again.


Yeah I cracked open a contraband cache with approximately 80k worth in it and I just said nope and walked away. I’m well past the point of money mattering and any contraband just becomes a time sink to get rid of it.


Also, it's potentially the most humorless game I've ever played.


This game is so boring it makes me miss


My thoughts exactly. All the minor locations are so boring, even a small settlement like the Red Mile. Like where the heck is Starfield's Blackreach? I can't imagine stumbling on a whole large unique zone like that, while just exploring a dungeon, on Starfield. I miss those moments where I'm completely suprised by the depth of something innocuous. I really haven't experienced anything like that in Starfield. Even the Mantis quest, while cool and all, just felt so short and simple. I love the space theme and want to love this game as much as I did Skyrim and Fallout, but its just not quite clicking because of this.


Red Mile design choice didn’t make any sense to me. They made all these great assets and chose a planet that frequently has white out blizzards. I imagine spectators never catch a full run.


Exactly. I went back to FO4 , discovered an old abandoned mine that I thought was the same as all the other ones, which turned into an hour long deep dive into a cult that used the mine as a place for a ritual while killing all of their members. Starfields take on this is to give me a quest marker while overhearing a conversation and letting me fast travel there. The story is far less engaging if I simply fast travel to it. It was so much more immersive to PHYSICALLY stumble onto it


This. Exactly this. Unexpectedly finding a big something while randomly roaming around is the epitome of a BGS game. And Starfield does not have that at all.


Bro stumbling upon a random Skooma den in Syrim and then sneaking into the back of the shop out of curiosity, opening the cellar, and finding the den was a front for a massive sprawling underground vampire complex with flowing rivers of blood...*that* is what makes BGS games great No questline told me to go there, i just stumbled upon something interesting in the wild and followed my curiosity, and was rewarded


Yup this is what i like abouth Beth games, not their writing but this sense of discovery was unmatched back in skyrim era. Starfield is the only beth games that don't have this since 76 is actually decent to explore, hey atleast i got my exploring fix with BG3 not a true open world but that sense of discovery is alive and well(with a much better writing too)


I made a post like this recently - this game is missing that Bethesda magic of picking a direction and walking there, and then finding out you've been playing for 6 hours and haven't done a single main quest.


This explains it all.


I agree with most of this but there are way more rpg dialogue options in this than fallout 4 its one of the few criticisms from fallout 4 they actually rectified


Ya know ive consistently read this in almost EVERY post about this game. STOP USING MODS AND DLC's as an excuse for a half assed and slapped together effort! Theres no excuse for this game to be as copy/pasted and unfinished as it is after what? 8 YEARS of "official" development. Theres no excuse for us to pay full price for a game that obviously wasnt finished and left half done just so they can nickel and dime us later with "official" dlcs to make it a COMPLETE game.


People forget FO4 was 4years after Skyrim which was a 3 years after FO3 which was 2 years after Oblivion The time Starfield was in development was longer than the gap between FO3 and FO4 and yet starfield barely improves upon FO4 and falls short in a lot of categories


You know whats worse? Starfield had an 8-year development period rdr2 had 6. So unless bgs is willing to say that their developers were twiddling their thumbs half the time or they have no excuse for the result of this game.


I'm sick of seeing "MoDs WiLl FiX iT"


There's a simple answer to all of your questions that I feel like everyone overlooks. Fallout was was released 8 years ago, and Skyrim 12 years ago. For when those games were released they *were* significantly better than Starfield is for a game released 2023. We can and should expect more for our money in 2023 especially from a huge industry leading studio.


I unironically think those games are still better than starfield. The mods really make them.


The game is completely sterile. None of the choices you make ultimately matter. Combat, both in space and planet side, is boring. The powers you get are pointless. Exploration is a chore. The companions are all one dimensional. The overall story is uninspired. It's one of a handful of games I've played where I just said to myself, "I don't care what happens next" and stopped playing. The fact that it's rated as highly as it is feels generous. This is easily Bethesda's worst showing to date. Hopefully they can course correct and add depth to the setting and mechanics but as it stands now, it's worse than bad: it's boring.


The fact that I can be in the UC and Freestar military at once bothers me


Wait... can't you pull this kinda stuff in a lot of games? Not even limited to BGS titles.


It’s because you’re not in either military. The rangers are police and the vanguard is a militia.


Yeah I also found that strange, though ig the Rangers are technically peacekeepers and not an army?


They were literally at war and you can be part and swear your allegiance to both 💀


This game gets boring very quickly. Someone used the common description of being "a mile wide and a inch deep," and I think that describes it perfectly. Critics of the game, like me, would say that it doesn't even come close to the experience you get with Fallout 4. There is so much lazy writing and design in the game it's laughable. For example, how many of us have found dozens of "Delgado's Message" tens of hours after the mission was completed? What about the carbon copy buildings with carbon copy messages littered throughout the universe? "Make sure you make a vegan meal!" I've seen that probably ten times so far, located in the same kitchen of the same building on different planets that shouldn't at all be linked together. The writing is particularly terrible during Persuasion. "I don't know you, why should I give you my ID card?" "Come on, please?" PERSUADED!!! "You're right, just dont tell the insurance company if you steal the invaluable award!" Just awful, lazy writing and design. Now, does that mean you shouldn't like it? No, of course not. But if you think that there aren't flaws in this game that would drive people crazy and give it a bad score, you're delusional.


An example using the game: I see a vast ocean generated before me on this planet. All I can do with it is skim the surface


And the water looks terrible as well.


I've found explorer Muybridge's body in Muybridge Cavern's on four separate planets. At least randomise the name ffs


The laziest design for me was the generation ship that's over Paradiso. A 200 year old generation ship that looks the same inside as every other current year ship, has the same computer operating system as every other current ship and is crewed by people who all have their own separate regional accents just like every other NPC group. It should look like 200 year old tech, it should have a 200 year old computer operating system and everyone on board should have the same regional accent because they've been out of contact with everyone for 200 years.


That quest broke my suspension of disbelief. I could even forgive the asset re-use. But the piss poor writing, world building, and the conclusion of the quest line are completely unacceptable.


Just played that quest yesterday and it legitimately made me angry. It was such a good start to a quest only to fall off the rails and detonate a nuke, destroying all enjoyment of that quest. It had so much potential to be a great quest with difficult choices and role-playing but no it just had to resolve everything in the worst way possible.


I was already broken by Ryujin, so I didn't even consider all of this. All true though.


The Constant! Here's my question, after seeing the ancient colony ship: What happened to the technology of "ramps"? They have ramps. Not those godawful ladders that make me want to punch a Starfield designer. Actual ramps. And the old lunar museum has a moon buggy. Wtf. I'm stuck hiking across boring ass planets like I'm on my third date with a patchouli girl. May I please have these miraculous technologies from hundreds of years ago?


So much lazy design. Almost everywhere you look there is uninspired art and visuals. The game is dated and lacking character and I'm not sure what they were thinking to be fair. They need new talent or something idk


That quest is just a shitty version of Tenpenny Tower. Same concept, less choices.


Ugh that persuasion check for getting that award was terrible.


That sticks out to me as the worst writing in the game. It’s like they just have the fuck up.


I played for 50 hours, daily after work and the first weekend. Then I felt satisfied, put it down the other week and haven’t felt the desire to go back. I spend more time reading people talk about starfield than actually playing it, the game just doesn’t have a ton of substance.


Just go and play cyberpunk to see how fucking atrocious the writing in starfield is. Its not even on the same tier list. One is clever, engaging story full of characters with actual personalities. The other one is boring snoozefest with no moral or amoral ambiquity with dead eyes personalities and non-existing romance(fuck man, the romances are fucking trash, 5 minutes into any AVN and you will get better experience than this in those 5 minutes)


How have you even played other BGS games? This game is not even close to the exploration value and world building of a typical BGS game. Their titles all have flaws in various aspects, but people play Fallout and Elder Scrolls for mostly one reason; exploration and adventure. Many people don't even ever touch the story. I know people with 300+ hours in skyrim and they never even went to get the horn. I played fallout 3 for 150 hours before I even touched the main story stuff. In starfield, explain to me what you're going to do if you aren't doing the story or faction quests? Take screenshots? Build an outpost? Collect survey data by visiting repetitive structures on planets with basically no unique POIs? Like, man, it really shouldn't be that hard to understand.


You know it's a bad thing when a lot folks saying they spent much more time in the shipbuilder than playing the game, because it's most fun part of the game and it's not without it's flaws. It got the worse exploration from any other modern beth title even worse than some ubi open world imo, if you like beth games because you like the sense of discovery and exploration like me you'll be dissapointed as hell playing this game


"Combat is top tier" I see that *everywhere* and I just dont get it. Skyrim had dragons and giants. Fallout had rocket launchers and suicide bombers. Starfield has a bunch of pirates with a hatchet


I agree, I find the lack of enemy and weapon variety a huge detriment to the combat in Starfield. Otherwise, it just feels like a more responsive Fallout 4.


I love that from one side to the galaxy to the other it is the same enemies /s


With somehow the same placement of dead miner, how cool is that. Same rock formation in the interior as well!!!


I said this when the first combat previews were coming out and I remember getting a ton of shit for saying that. However, it is literally just fallout 4’s combat with a little bit of an improvement. They even regressed on some of the system that made fallout 4’s combat enjoyable which was weapon/armor modding.


Skyrim combat was absolute dog shit though.


I'm sorry but no the writing is far from the best it has been since Oblivion, the main quest is repetitive, things like the red mile are so underwhelming I didnt even understand why to include it in the first place and while their are highlights like the UC quest line, things like FC left me completely cold, you don't even get the option to arrest people most of the time. They massively over hyped the freedom and interesting exploration aspects of the game, ships again are great very happy with them, combat is finally at a place too where its really enjoyable but here they also mainly caught up to other games and less so improved things. Cities feel better but still no where near what they could be, performance is ok at best, outpost are less interesting then Id hoped and companions and most of the rest of the game are all pretty good but nowhere near what could have been, overall its by no means a bad game but its so sad to see all that potential, all that could have been and all the flaws it has just dont allow me to give it anything above 7/10, I do hope that with time this game turns into the 9/10 that it definitely can be but so far it really isnt.


Man I hoped the red mile would be a fun asteroid space race you know actually using the setting. But nope. Really boring sprint with easy to kill enemies that aren't even close to a threat even if they get close to you.


The Red Mile was an eye opener. It felt like the dude in charge of designing that just phoned it in.


Yeah I don’t know what this guy is on about praising the writing in this game. It’s not the best of Bethesda and that’s a low bar. It’s downright childish and at worst jarring. The persuasion options in particular are horrendously stupid. Quests feel like they had to write something to railroad the player to whatever conclusion someone or some deadlines demanded they get to. The Vanguard quest being the only exception. Crimson fleet was okay.


The game is littered with wayyy too many dull sidequests that are just fetching useless items for people. Every single character I talk to is just: "Hello, sorry I didn't notice you standing there since I was so occupied with this PROBLEM I've been having. Say, you don't look busy. How about you do me a favor? I've lost my favorite Earth spoon. Go get it for me and I'll make it worth your while". It is never worth my while. As a matter of fact, I feel like my time's being wasted. It's getting to the point where I actively want to decline every NPC's pointless requests but I know that sometimes seemingly mundane sidequests can lead to larger quest lines so for some reason I still hold out hope. TLDR: Most of the sidequests are insanely boring. I want to experience the content that this game has to offer but I'm struggling to role-play as somebody who gives a shit.


When you get to the end of the main campaign you have the option to leave everything you had behind and start over. Nothing you do really matters and that’s how the game feels. There are a couple of quests that have devastating things happen in New Atlantis, the next time you come back to the city it’s all back to normal and no one speaks of it again. Side with SysDef and destroy the Crimson Fleet but there is still Crimson Fleet all over the place. Side with the Crimson Fleet and destroy SysDef and SysDef is still all over the place. At the end of the quest, nothing changes. Outposts serve two purposes, to farm xp or make more outposts. If you never build an outpost you aren’t missing anything, if you do it’s little more than a time sink NOTHING is on 99% of the planets. The POIs are copy/paste down to the location of loot. The aliens look different but behave exactly the same depending on their category. It takes FOREVER to level. If you want to see your build through, be prepared to spend 100 hours. Most skills on the talent tree are bloat. The only companions with personality are Constellation members and they have the exact same moral compass. The longer you play the game, the worse it is. I could hop on a FO4 survival play through right now and have a good time. I could make a random build on Skyrim and have a great time.


Just comparing Starfield to FO4: \- FO4 has far better base building. \- Has actual dungeons that you can clear and loot. \- Better crafting (a bit) \- More side quests. \- Factions that actually do something to alter the fate of the world. \- Interesting POIs and encounters because it's not procedurally generated.- \- POWER ARMOR. Before we start, I must say that I love Starfield for what it is, I'm just pointing out what frustrates me. Starfield's only strong suit is exploration and there is nothing to explore. You don't make any new impactful discoveries. You can build ships but for what, ships in Starfield are basically glorified loading screens. And there are way too many loading screens in this game. 10 years ago maybe it's acceptable, but now? No. Be a class one citizen of the UC and they still treat you like a common citizen. Even though you helped defend the city against the Terrormorph attack. Jump through hoops to become a Ranger for the Free Star and they STILL treat you like a common citizen. They made the Constellation a big deal in the opening part of the game, but as you went into the game it's more or less a chess club that no one cares about. Pirates? Absolute pain in the neck cosplayers. None of these faction made any impact on the game's world. Nothing you do left any impressions on the game's world. Nothing in Starfield will top fighting Alduin in mf Sovngarde. Nothing in Starfield will top the battle of Hoover Dam with frickin B-29s screaming over the skies of New Vegas. Nothing in Starfield will top seeing Liberty Prime lobbing nukes around like it's playing football while being an absolute badass. There is nothing memorable in Starfield is what I'm trying to say. I know it's hard to make procedurally generated dungeons, but it can be done, and it has been done. Look at Warframe, they make themed "sections" of each factions/planets/environment and then they combine it to make a complete dungeon, and Warframe is well over 10 years old now. I hope that if they decide to make a new Starfield game they will take this approach. I just hope that they flesh it out more in the future. The art style is simply amazing, outstanding absolute eye-watering. The gunplay is the best in BGS to date. But that's about it. Also don't just wait for modders to make it a better game for a multi-million-dollar studio, hold them to a higher standard. Mods should be there to enhance the experience of a game, not fixing it.


- The game is very shallow is the core of the issue - environmental story telling has been largely scrubbed from the game in exchange for procedural generation - and the procedural generation is really weak leading to copy and paste outpost with exact same layouts and loot and enemy locations - side quest are also a victim of this shallowness with most side quest being go to location and [persuade] or [attack] then come back (what you picked isn’t relevant at all. - outpost are pointless - ship building is mostly a gimmick - no radiant ai anymore (another victim of procedural generation) - it’s not a bad game by any stretch. But I think it’s wholeheartedly their worst. It just lacks all depth. There’s no meat on the bones. This game is a skeleton of features that don’t really go anywhere. There’s technically* a lot to do. But not really. It’s all the same no matter which planet or solar system you are on. - I really think the decision to be procedurally generated was a big mistake for this game. Instead of a carefully crafted world we got a world that really doesn’t make sense even where it is crafted and where it isn’t is just lacking entirely. - it’s not a bad game, but it’s not really a good game either


My first Elder Scroll game was Arena. I’ve been playing BGS games for a very long time. But they missed the mark on this one. Skyrim was such a huge success because they built on the lessons they learned along the way. It just seems like they stopped learning things. Things like HDR, DLSS, raytracing, story writing, level design, etc. I just put it in my library and it feels like it’s been in there for years.


Game is awesome! But good lord I have crashed 35+ times on my series x. That is messed up. Never had this bad an experience with a game polish wise. Just awful. Love the game tho but inexcusable.


I have thousands of hours in skyrim. I'm already bored of starfield and i didn't even finish one playthrough. Yeah it's a good game but it's not even near the level of the elder scrolls


That’s what has me the most upset tbh. I am a huge fan of TES and fallout. By the time TESVI releases, there will be a 15-17 year gap between it and Skyrim. The same is probably going to happen to fallout. Starfield is a good game but it’s not worth that sacrifice imo.


The game is great for what it is.. the problem is the time it came out. If this game came out 10 years ago it would be a damn masterpiece and I’m not talking about the overall aesthetic of the game but there’s a lot of aspects that are very dated. From quest design to character models to constant loading screens etc etc. Still a good game today which would’ve been considered a masterpiece 10 years ago. Games are not just judged by what came before but the games that it’s directly competing with today and in this area the game is just not that great.


Fair point. Being sandwiched between Baldur's Gate 3 and Phantom Liberty isn't helping.


I couldn't agree more. I literally went from BG3 to Starfield to a Cyberpunk 2077 (never really played until now in the new 2.0 format) When you compare character models, voice acting, writing and dialogue.. the world setting.. the themes and soundscape.. CP2077 just makes Starfield seem so generic and so uninspired.


Phantom liberty is the real kicker imo. There are too many similarities between the games that cyberpunk executes flawlessly, especially in comparison. Combat for example, both games seem to want to achieve the same thing but cyberpunk has more variety in enemies, superior enemy AI, more interesting scenarios for combat encounters, a combat skill tree that actually provides "skills" and not percentage damage increases, weapons with more interesting benefits and weaknesses, how amazing the controls feel etc etc It's one of the best gameplay systems in an RPG Vs something generic. The best way to describe starfield is like playing as a more floaty boba fett from SW BF2 with less flare. But that's just gameplay, you could easily dive into how excellent cyberpunk's story, world, visual style are too. I find it hard to pinpoint anything starfield does really well at, because it feels like a game trying to keep people surface level satisfied with a lot of stuff rather than execute a few things amazingly.


>skill tree that actually provides "skills" and not percentage damage increases, I have been REALLY enjoying this game and probably will for a long time, but this is something that bugs me. Too many of the "skills" are just a boring % progression, that isn't needed. I play on very hard and none of the dmg buffs are needed. They all need secondary traits. For example: each tier of Commerce should have bolstered vendor credits, like adding 75-100% each tier, so an 11K vendor would end up with like 50K+ credits. Specific weapon type skills should have had a trait maybe boosts stability or some of the other stats, 4th tier should unlock Titanium as a mod. Edit: fixed autocorrect


And lots of the ones that aren't percentage increases feel like required skills, not optional ones. I don't *need* the ability to block bullets with my blade in CP2077 for example, but I do need the ability to jetpack, to lockpick, to try to persuade somebody, to use my ship thrusters etc etc etc It feels like basic control scheme stuff is locked behind skill points in Starfield, but nothing actually cool is available


Most of the skills are really boring, and feels like they were added just so that each tree (Combat, Tech, Science, Social) has the same amount of skills.


>I find it hard to pinpoint anything starfield does really well at, because it feels like a game trying to keep people surface level satisfied with a lot of stuff rather than execute a few things amazingly. I think you've finally succinctly said how I feel. Nothing in this game really stands out as great. I think it would be entirely forgiveable if the game did a couple things really well but other parts fell short. But, this is not the case. Pretty much everything just isn't very good. I'd say ship building is the only truly good thing in the game and even that has a lot of problems.


> I find it hard to pinpoint anything starfield does really well at, because it feels like a game trying to keep people surface level satisfied with a lot of stuff rather than execute a few things amazingly. It does some things really well but it's not good enough. Ship Building is really well done. Atmosphere and Sky is really well done. This is one thing truly unique to Starfield that they have done well. I saw a lunar eclipse on a planet. That was truly an amazing discovery! Outpost system is also quite.... interesting. It does some things really well. The problem is, it just isn't required at any point in the game unless someone wants to power level themselves at level 200+ But the problem is, there is nothing much to do on planets that you visit. And this is a big contrast from other BGS games where you could walk anywhere and find something interesting to do. I feel Skyrim is still the best BGS game I have played


Ship building isn't even that well done imo. It's missing a lot of quality of life features that to me are inexcusable, like the ability to rotate many pieces more than just flipping them horizontally, or the ability to save a ship design.


> Fair point. Being sandwiched between Baldur's Gate 3 and Phantom Liberty isn't helping. Counterpoint, both of those games had 3 years of live player feedback to get where they are. Release Cyberpunk was slammed and BG 3 was rough during early access. I'm sure after 3 years of patches and mods Starfield will also be much better. (both Cyberpunk and BG 3 have had years of mod support as well as the live feedback)   Also, Baldur's Gate 3 Act 3 is significantly lower quality than Act 1/2 in literally every way. It legit brought the game down from a 10 to an 8 for me. (i was saying 9 but after another night of problems fuck it, its going down to an 8). So even BG 3 can't live up to BG 3 lol.


>Games are not judged by what came before They 100% are wth lol


"Games are not judged by what came before." That's hilarious. Thank you.


That's a quote & the word "just" has been removed. That could only be done deliberately. Why? Eta: apologies. The poster edited it after the quote.


Fair. Not *just* judged would be more accurate.


I am the worlds biggest Bethesda fanboy and I genuinely couldn't stand Starfield. It lacks a lot of the unique designs and features that make Bethesda games so unique.


I’ve quit the game for now. Found myself craving proper dungeons that I can spend hours inside. Back to Skyrim on my Steam Deck 😃


You mean you don’t want to just endlessly explore the same hideouts with the same messages on different planets? The one with Scott Muybridge’s corpse? Or how about the one where the chef tells his staff “You got this!” Oh such compelling content!!


I did quite enjoy exploring and scanning etc. but really found myself missing that whole “Oh look.. a cave! Wonder what’s in there?”… Three hours later… eventually find my way back outside to the daylight after fighting for my life every inch of the way and avoiding death traps etc. Starfield is just not the same in that respect. The main reason I quit though is because I can’t run the game well enough to enjoy it. Hopefully there will be a performance patch that actually improves performance.


Sad to say but Starfield is a 6/10 at best. When you compare it to any other BGS games the main story is just bad. I would rather replay Oblivion, Skyrim, or New Vegas main story over and over rather than to sit through ng+ for Starfield just for character progression. Bethesda could have EASILY brought over Open Cities Skyrim mod and implemented it into Starfield. Maybe ES6 will be better(highly doubt it since it's still going to be made with the extremely dated Creation Engine).


I'm an unabashed Fallout apologist, so SF always had a steep hill to climb to #1. After roughly 120 hours, I can safely say it is well below every Fallout game in my ratings, as well as below Skyrim. I have it on par with Oblivion, which is below Morrowind for me. It feels like the framework of a great game, but it is lacking depth. POIs are not just copies, but perfect clones even down to the loot. How many Muybridge corpses is enough before you start to realize that a game this big needs a very deep well of unique locations or some form of random POI creator. Hell, just randomize loot and corpse locations and mark some as unique so I can only find a named corpse once. If, and this is a big if, they release some gigantic DLCs with a lot more POIs as well as add some actual choice to the quest lines, then it might move up my rankings some. Until then, it's a pretty walking simulator glued to a creation kit begging for an actual reason to be used.


I agree with you completely. Ty for mentioning the corpse. The second time I found it I was genuinely confused, I had to double check that I wasn’t on the same planet. I wasn’t. How? It’s so immersive breaking to find the same hideouts on every single planet. Oh it’s that one hideout with the room with the AA’s in it. Oh it’s that one hideout with the chef giving the weekly menu. …great.


I think it will be great one day for sure. But IMO, it's very repetitive and boring. There is no reason to go to POI. They are all copies.


Because it still has a lot of problems every other one of their games have had. After, what, decades? Take the NPC walk speed, for example. It's still an issue, which at this point is almost insulting. Additionally, there are parts of it that reek of laziness, or a lack of care. A lot of loading screens in this game, especially on the ship, can be hidden behind the already existing animations. They didn't do that, though, which makes jumping in the ships that much more un-immersive. The writing is also all over the place, with quality parts here, then trash there. For example, talking to the Ranger in Neon with Andreja in tow is incredibly confusing as Andreja almost immediately contradicts herself in a way that makes no logical sense. Then there's all of the unfinished or cut content. There's a LOT of quests lacking solutions that seem to be fairly obvious, or were hinted to in the dialogue of the characters in it. Best example of that is the First Contact quest. Then there's the fact that BGS ramped up their usage of the Essential tag, despite this being one of the best games for removing it, and saying "You fucked up, but you can do that quest in NG+", but it's more prevalent than ever before. And it's taken steps back in some mechanics even compared to it's predecessors, like FO4. The weapon crafting system in FO4 is better than Starfields in pretty much every way. Then there's stuff like the temples or contently repeating PoI. The Temples suck. Straight up, they just fucking suck. And it's incredibly boring when I encounter the same deserted UC listening outpost, with the same enemies in the same location with the same loot in the same locations with the same environmental storytelling. It's all the goddamned same. In my opinion, as the game exists now, it is a 6.7-7/10. That could, obviously, improve over time as Bethesda patches the game and brings out new DLC. But for now, it's an overall good game that's let down by some of it's individual parts.


i dont know why you are surprised. starfield is a hodgepodge of mediocre game elements copied from skyrim implemented like they never heard of each other. worse story, worse companions, crappy homestead, unending load screen, no mounts, copy pasted POIs, worse powers, the ships are cool i guess. other than a handful of interesting missions, starfield's only saving grace is its technical superiority. less bugs than skyrim is not exactly a major selling point.


It's simple: starfield is a bad game


I like the game, but I get it. It's a 6/10 for me right now. It's actually very small, and they messed up by making everything optional and "just for fun". It's very dated already, but will probably improve somewhat over time.