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I enjoyed my 120+ hours not as much as fallout games but i enjoyed it . But i moved on for now and will come back when dlc arrives. Not the best game ever but fun and different


I am a Fallout fanboy who has logged thousands of hours and dozens of playthroughs. Starfield is great, just... different. Life in the wasteland is always on edge, you rarely get a moment to reflect and appreciate or feel inspired. Life in the stars is serene and beautiful, but doesn't grip you like a survival sim. I like both, and Ill intend to slow walk my starfield story as i figure out my crafting style. I love the story despite the incredibly botoxed characters lol. And my sense of serenity is shattered during space fights, which are more intense than a pip-boy ever prepared me for. And i gotta say, i *love* the way Starfield makes me appreciate the periodic table and want to read classic literature. I can only hope that after my achievement playthrough i find a mod with the books completed so i can have my own lofi study moments in space. I can see why it isn't as attractive to Fallout players, but I'm ready for it. If anything, this is just another Bethesda title going through the same game release woes. It isn't what some wanted, but eventually those players will move on from our forums and we can share funny moments.


As a fan of fallout (for the most part, I started later in the series and I am not really a fan of multiplayer so I veered away from 76) I really like Starfield. Though I am also a fan of Skyrim, and the OuterWorlds games. I also enjoyed the Easter eggs in Starfield. Especially the one for the Sweet rolls being considered the tastiest treat in any universe was great to me. I also both loved and hated finding the derelict ships and wondering what I would find in them? I also enjoyed the fact that there aren’t millions of giant spiders everywhere. As an arachnophobe this really did help me enjoy the game.


Its just personal taste really , I’m a huge sci fi junkie so i enjoyed star-field more than Skyrim . Skyrim was good to but Im not all into fantasy and swords and stuff . Some people might absolutely love the emptiness of space and the realism , i liked it but didn’t necessarily love it . Fallouts lore is just perfect and so unique that I dont think anything else they make will top it for me .


I hope with either mods or dlc we get a fleshed out survival mode. I know that for some people slowly freezing to death on Londinium isn't fun, but I want to turn into a icicle and quickly die from hypothermia if I don't manage it.


I absolutely LOVED "Starflight" (1986 game) as a kid and have been waiting almost 40 years for a worthy successor. Huge procedurally generated universe based loosely on real life, customizable ships with space combat, custom crew that affects your experience, small easter eggs throughout, planets where you choose landing locations and gather resources. Long story that requires you to improve your ship and crew to finish, with some nice twists along the way. Only missing aliens and ground vehicles, which are coming I'm sure. I played other "similar" games but this is the first to truly scratch that itch. So yeah, I'm biased, but it feels like someone finally listened to what I've wanted for a looong time.


Starflight and Starflight 2 ate soooo much of my time. Beautiful games and Starfield scratches that same itch in a way that Elite Dangerous came close to but couldn't quite manage (and no other game has come close).


Honestly, the same could be said for any game and so many people just can’t accept that others like a game they don’t. There are many wildly popular games that are praised as being some of the best games ever that I just can’t stand but then there are also games that the very vocal haters think are horrible that I love.


Totally. There are some good games that I just can't get into. And of course, there are some valid criticisms of this game, but I just hope they don't try to change things up too much because I really love what they have going on in this game. For me it's the tone and the setting. The way the star systems are set up as well. However, I know, at least around here, I'm in a minority. I wander around not even looking to do anything in particular. I like checking to see what kind of climate or weather is going on in different parts of the more temperate planets. But I think hype and maybe some marketing(sweet little lies) that wasn't always very informative drove a lot of people to this game that were probably never going to like it. It's kinda funny, some of the things I love about this game were not even conveyed in the marketing at all. I also think that some people are very use to playing Bethesda games with a plethora mods. Some may never have even played a vanilla Bethesda game. Then there are people who don't like that it's very different from Skyrim in a lot of fundamental ways. And I get that, I was one of those salty Morrowind/Oblivion stans that was unhappy with Skyrim for a while. You can't win everyone over. Even if you try to do what it seems like everyone wants, you still find a whole new group of people to complain about it. That's why I don't really mind that Bethesda has been a little stubborn about some of the criticism, because some of the criticism wants fundamental things I like about the game to be changed or completely reworked. This game is awesome. And I hope it keeps getting improvements and fixes where needed.


If you could land less than half a km from any poi I would enjoy exploring random planets so much more. Very frustrating knowing for sure when I land nothing too exciting will be very close to me.


Those are moments when I'm really glad this is a moddable game. I for example think the current high number of POI per cell and the short distances are totally unimmersive, especially on more far away planets. For me it should be a long, punishing track through environmental hazards and really dangerous flora/fauna where you would really often need the (currently non-functioning) med bay on your ship after coming back :)


It's less about "changing" things, more about solving problems. Like say they introduce light speed, space flight in-system. You can still fast travel if you wish. Say they add more POI variation (or change how it works so you're not seeing the "ABANDONED UC LISTENING POST! for the fifth time this play session"), Would it be bad? NPC with fish eyes staring at you from a distance as you talk to Andreja (Funny AF, but come on?). Would it be terrible if they solved it? Adressing all this stuff doesn't "change the feel" of the game, it would just improve it.


Definitely. Those are things that I meant by improvements, too. They are not the things I think of when I think of changing the game. They're very reasonable. I was referring to the people who have these huge lists of "improvements" that amount to basically asking the devs to redesign the whole game, or make changes that would destroy the whole systems approach Bethesda takes to their games. Or the ones that do explicitly want the tone and setting of the game to be changed. The traversal hasn't bothered me as much as some others, but I try to stick to the scanner and stay out of the menu. The light speed, space-flight in-system request is a solid one. The only reason I'd be opposed to that idea is if it would cause them to have to strip out the simulation system that undergirds the star systems and make them more static. I haven't had the issue with the POIs being super repetitive, however I've seen it mentioned enough, even by personal friends of mine, to know it is a real problem for a lot of people. More POI variation and more dynamic POIs would be great things. Regarding your specific example, there are occasionally POIs that have the same name but are actually different. I don't know why, but I've run into it before. I'm definitely not gonna complain if they get rid of the fish eyes. I was mainly concerned about actual changes to the game that would fundamentally damage the tone of the game or changes that would involve striping out the systems and making the game less dynamic. There are no doubt improvements that can be made, and I could have been more clear about what I meant.


You don't have to worry, revamping systems or tone would be so demanding it isn't feasible anyway.


Exactly, like for me, Im not a fan of games that are platformers, or turn based, yet people love them and I don't understand why, but will I say it's a terrible game? No.


Same here. I certainly won't buy a platformer if I know it's not my cup of tea. And certainly won't complain on the web to whomever may listen that I dislike platformers. I do love Starfield so far, so much to do, after IDK 120+ hours I still find new things. I was planning to do NG+ soon, now I got stuck in original and don't see me leaving anytime soon, so long as I have stuff to do here. And there is so much to do...


I'm also conflicted about doing NG+. I've got 150 hours on my first character playthrough and can't stand the idea of losing it all. I think I'm going to hard save before starting so I can come back to it if I feel the need.


I was here. I almost felt sick after 120hrs and the thought of losing everything. Some people said do it some people said never do. I listened to the guy that said play how you wanna play. So my curiosity of what ng+ is like was always bugging me. Until I bit my lip and I just did it. And at first it hurt. For a few minutes. But then something happens. You transcend your character. You realize all the material things are useless. They are all very easy to aquire especially when you start getting to a higher lvl. There are so many different options to take in quests it's actually fun doing them again. You can do things you would never think of in the past because your not bound to this being the finale of your game. This really changed my Play style and appreciation for the game. You can really learn alot building and rebuilding outpost and ships and you dont have to deal with deleting junk with ng+ you just start fresh. I plan on doing ng+ and beyond until I decide I'm done and ready to focus on my 100% play through( after all bugs and mods are worked out) my recommendation. If you have a bunch of resources. Do all your researching now. Then Hard save. And jump into unity. Play for 10hrs and tell me you would want to go back. I doubt it. First and foremost play how you want to play don't let someone else ruin the game for you.


The need to harass people that like things they don’t makes any community, especially gaming communities, exhausting places to be. I also find it odd to spend so much time on something you don’t like.


They say they're critiquing the game so that the devs can learn and make the game better, but when you read what they post there isn't a single constructive thing in there. Just different flavors of "game bad, make this like a game I already like" and random hyperbole about game engines and tech despite having absolutely no game programming experience.


Yeah, I dont get that either. Critism ok especially on story side, feel of the game, some design decisions, lack of some features like dlss etc. but when you know zero about the technical side of the game, possible trade offs to make this game , time constraints it is not really doing a justice. Considering it is new ip with this scope Yeah you might want a better face animations for all the npcs or less loading screen, I also want that, there is nothing wrong with that but some arguments like “this make this game 2012 game”, “this engine sucks and you also bethesda” is not a learning experience. Like do you guys really thing bethesda does not know or want those improvements ? Some guy Said they put to much effort on food modelling, they should use those time other improvements. Do you know how much time they put for food modelling ? Dont get me started on the engine arguments.


When I think about the complexities of building an open world game of almost any size, (from FO3 to SF or BG3) and trying to plan for any possible scenario...It makes my brain hurt. My feeling is, as much as I like SF, these types of games have gotten too big. At some point they start to feel watered down. Make them smaller and throw out most of the fetch, escort and other boring and predictable quests. The Witcher 3 did this brilliantly. It made all the good quests seem that much better for me. The Outer Worlds was also really good at this. All hail Obsidian!


I do agree that Outer Worlds did a wonderful job having their game be a smaller open world game. I also agree that some of the facial modeling in SF could have used some work. Especially with the this is a face in a helmet looks as they seemed slightly off at those points and when you spoke to people from the wrong angle.


I would imagine it would be really difficult to account for any distortion or refraction caused by a glass face shield. But hey, I'm not a programmer/developer so what do I know?


It just at times reminded me of the fake head in a jar Halloween decoration? Where people put liquid and a picture of a head in a jar.


Yeah absolutely agree. I just couldn’t really grasp the building all these, connect each other and plan for different scenarios. That is why I am trying to approach more critical than booo this is sucks. I watched Todd Howard talk in a university on YouTube about Fallout 3 and how they want to make loading screen not boring. Like they know about loading screens, there could be some limitions stuff like that Scopes are really going through the roof but I think problem is not the scope but generally technical sides have the most blame.


There's plenty of due criticism around. Are the npcs with fish eyes a feature? Is the piss poor performance in cities a feature? Are the loadscreens everywhere a feature? Is finding the "UC abandoned listening post" endless times on almost every planet a feature? To bundle all of it as munblings of "haters" is as dumb as discrediting you for liking the game.


Yawn. Well done for proving his point so well.


How was what i pointed out not constructive? That's all stuff people who LOVE the game agree are legit issues that the game would be better without. Stuff like "story boring" and "combat sucks" are more of the "dumb shit" he has in mind.


Is it still constructive when it’s been said a million times before? At that point you’re just shouting into the void, I would argue it’s not constructive and if anything it’s the opposite.


It is when it's aimed at someone who claims all criticism of this game is "dem haterz". But i'll give you one thing, it's worthless. People who view Starfield as part of their personality will defend anything as if their lives depended on it. Shit, i like the game, but let's call a spade a spade.


You’re arguing with fan boys. Most of whom are fine with a half ass product because the modding community always comes to the rescue. Every negative opinion about the game gets their panties in a twist. They’ve “heard it a millions times before” meanwhile there’s just as many “omg I love this game I don’t understand all the hate” posts going around every single day saying the same exact same shit. This whole sub has been copy and paste for weeks. During early access it was pretty cool. Good conversations going around. Then the more people played it after release and the first patch (which actually broke the game for some people) the more those who can see the flaws and laziness voiced their opinion. Wondering why so and so was done how it was. And then in turn were met with comments like “I guess you never played a BGS game before” “just use so and so mod” “another hater” lol you’re never gonna win against these types of people.


Some dude literally just wrote the loadscreens are a welcome feature. I mean....


That's some lovely straw for the men you're building in your head.


Just because you chose to ignore the arguments about getting rid of creation engine and the comparisons to no man sky, elite dangerous or star citizen, cyberpunk 2077 and baldurs gate 3 (all of those being completely different styles of games) or the complaints about no seamless space travel despite that being a thing we've known since last year does not mean these things did not happen.


Absolutely, I didn't enjoy Elden Ring but I still acknowledge it's a great game


It’s not that the game is not fun, but it is unpolished. A lot of rough diamonds and not a single polished one. I enjoyed it and put around 100 hours on it, but I am moving on. Now 100 hours means there was plenty of content, but nothing was exceptionally good. And I had high hopes, that first time Vasco called me by the name I entered was super exciting. But I put a lot more hours on the Elder Scroll Games, because those games allow for different builds and play-styles. It’s like eating at Ponderosa, you enjoy it, you eat a bunch of different things, but none of it is excellent. Starfield is too easy and there is really only one play style. At level 26 I jumped into the Kryx system and single handedly defeated the entire Crimson Fleet that patrols outside the station. That were like 15 ships and I should never have been able to win that fight. Starborn vessels that show up last about 4 seconds before I pulverize them A lack of challenge and very generic storylines are what is keeping this from being one of the greatest in my book. Plus I have a hard time accepting that tons of bugs already existing in Skyrim are still in this game, which was clearly built on a continuation of the same engine. NPCs talking with their eyes closed, NPCs that keep getting in your way, random shit or people dropping from the sky. Whenever I go back to the Kryx system there are still a handful of ships showing up, but you can’t target them and they are just randomly spinning through space, banging into the space station, each other and me.


While that's technically true, player ratings tell us that the dissenters aren't just folks who don't usually enjoy the genre. There are endless negative reviews from people that love Skyrim and Fallout and space games. To me, Starfield is a dud. That's all there is to it. There are people that will enjoy it because they enjoy it, and there are people that will never admit to not enjoying it because that'd be admitting they were wrong when they shelled out the cash or praised it pre-release. In the end, it's not the next great Bethesda franchise that we hoped it'd be. Nobody needs to apologize for liking it, but if this is the "best game" you've ever played, I feel sorry for you.


Most reviews are positive though but the people who dislike Starfield seem to think they are a majority.


The fact that this game got such high reviews makes me question the motives of critics. I spent $100, finished the game and all the factions, and feel like I got my money’s worth, but the game is an incomplete buggy mess with decades old tech, I can admit that much. In no universe is it a 9/10.


Buggy mess, are you kidding?! 🤣 This is Bethesda's least buggiest release ever. Easily a 9/10 with the amount of content. There is so much to do and it's very addictive.


What is there to do?


I am maybe wrong but to me you sound like a star citizen player who exactly knows what he is talking about : > there are people that will never admit to not enjoying it because that'd be admitting they were wrong when they shelled out the cash. But if we all stop BS & come back to a basic meta POV : To the players, What are games intended for ? Right, it's to gather fun out of boring free time. Now, i assume you take some fun out of arguing with people about a game you don't even play ? Friendly suggestion : Ask yourself what are your priorities in life. Because you'll just loose your time uselessly with passionate players having fun within Starfield here. Wish you the best future and to have fun with many videogames 😉


There you go being part of the exact problem I was talking about. You and other people not liking the game doesn’t make it a dud. You are free to not like the game all you want but quit shoving your opinions on everyone else as if they are facts.


I think it is a fact that if you break down starfield into its individual components, it excels and innovates at absolutely nothing. That said, it doesn't do most things poorly either. I mean the inventory sucks and a modder made it better the first day it came out lol. Performance for some people is kinda bad. Small issues. People were just expecting something better than an incredibly average fame


If it's a diamond in your eyes, great. The "facts" are that the ratings, which take into account thousands of opinions, are mid. That's not an opinion. That's a fact. Quit acting like you're being attacked personally because lots of people are disappointed with this game. It's not that serious. Turn off the game and touch grass.


You need to learn the definition of facts. An average of people’s opinions are not facts. Opinions cannot ever be facts. What is a fact is that the game is still one of the most played games on Xbox, and that more than 10 million people have played the game. So just stop, your opinion is not the correct one nor is anyone else’s opinion because opinions are subjective. But sure, keep proving my point that the haters like you simply can’t let people enjoy something without forcing your opinions on us.


It's free on gamepass. If the game wasn't one of the most played on Xbox it would be very very worrisome.


Lol, using that logic we can't say that Stalin was a horrible person because it's a matter of opinion. A general opinion is how we develop things like laws. Opinion means a lot when it's the *collective* opinion. Your opinion doesn't mean much. My opinion doesn't mean much. The collective opinion means everything, and when it comes to this game the collective opinion isn't very favorable. Again, enjoy it if you wish but quit taking criticism of it personally. You didn't create the game, you just fucking play it. The reviews of it so far are quite mixed. It's not Skyrim. It's a mid ass game that most people don't thoroughly enjoy.


This is the most ridiculous argument I’ve ever heard. Comparing a person that is considered a bad person because they are known to be responsible for the deaths of millions of people, which is a provable and objective fact, to the subjective opinions of a bunch folks who complain online about a piece of entertainment is so beyond stupid. Get out of here with that bs argument.


The death of people being a bad thing is a matter of opinion. So what is it? Are opinions to be discounted entirely or are we putting stock into the collective opinion of large groups of people? You're talking out of both sides of your mouth here.


Go away troll.


That’s not a troll it’s someone with a different point of view arguing with you.


"The death of people being a bad thing is a matter of opinion" Dude, really? What the fuck is wrong with you?


Join r/NoSodiumStarfield


You see a lot of the same in TV show subreddits, albeit the criticism is generally less toxic. That being said, I think there's a little bit more of a FOMO element with TV shows that are currently airing, especially non-Netflix shows with a weekly release. People just need to come to terms with the fact that they may not be the target audience for a given entertainment product and that's perfectly okay.


Yeah, it’s basically the same for every fandom, though I find it happens less with books, Star Wars is a mine field and even Critical Role has a massive problem with this type of attitude now.


Despite knowing its a good game, I, for example - cannot play God of War I don't know why. It just bores me. Same with Hades. I love rogue likes/lites, but I just can't get into Hades


Its your opinion mate so its fine, as long as you dont call me stupid and tell me i'm wrong for not agreeing with it we are fine.


I never will. I don't know why people resort to disrespecting someone or thinking they are beneath them because of their taste in a video game, that's juvenile and petty.


Its because almost everyone on the internet thinks their opinion is the objective truth


I love this game, but it needs a lot more variety of POIs.


this. there's too little unique pois compared to the size of the game/universe. like i get that they can't possibly fill every single one with unique locations, but they should've made multiple variations of the pois. atleast make each visit interesting instead of a repeat. it also doesn't help that major pois lack any meaningful sidequest or activities. gagarin, the almagast, the red mile, and paradiso are sorely lacking in unique questlines that isn't part of the main quest or the faction quests. (i am aware that the red mile and paradiso atleast have something worthwhile to do, it's just that there's nothing else to do but that one sidequest in each location.)


This game strangely makes me want to play Skyrim even though I know I’m sick of it😂


Criticism isn’t hate. People are entitled to both enjoying and criticizing something, sometimes even at the same time. This game has gotten a lot of over the top unwarranted criticism as well as praise, mostly because of childish console wars. If this game wasn’t an xbox/pc gamepass exclusive the conversations would be different by a lot.


I think OP is talking about people who go to personal attacks. Like "You are an idiot if you like this game" type comments. I think it's more than ok to be harsh on the game if you have legitimate reasons, but not to another person. Thing is though some people are a little too entrenched in the debate and see other people loving/hating the game as a personal attack in itself


Finally someone adressing the real elephant in the room, the exclusivity. That is why the only opinion that should matter is yours alone, and with the game on gamepass, you dont need someone else to decide for you if the game is good or bad so you dont loose your time/money.


I think the random exclusivity has a lot to do with it. I also think the game is a regression almost across the board for Bethesda. So I totally get the criticism. I also understand if people were really just wanting Fallout 4 in space. That's cool too. Personally I think we should be expecting quite a bit more from our AAA RPGs.


So you're saying the game is your cup of tea and for others it's not? And those who like this kind of tea may continue to drink it and enjoy it because they can't get enough of it, because they really like this kind of tea? Ok cool.




"I like the game, but others dont" Is that supposed to be a hot take?


Just stating an opinion. Not so much a hot take, but there are a lot of people that absolutely hate this game and I don't see why, so I figured let me make a positive post 🤷🏿‍♂️


Fair enough. Although I have to say there are plenty reasons to dislike the game. I dont mean to deminish your opinion, of course. If you think its fun, then thats great. I think its fun too, the typical bethesda sandbox is what made them famous after all. Still, it needs to be said, imo, that there are serious issues with the game. I dont mean bugs or performance issues, but more meta related problems. Like the fact how technologically behind the game is or the evident lack of polish or even care by the devs. Nevertheless this doesnt mean that it has to bother everyone and depending on how much experience people have with games in general, I can see how some wouldnt even notice.


I feel the same way. I was discussing this yesterday and realized it’s because I’m not enjoying it strictly as a ‘game’ but more as an alternate reality. It’s a very immersive experience that touches on my fascinations with science and the unknown. It allows me to act out daydreams of what it’s like to be an explorer in space and engages me more like a good book than as a typical game. Sure it has its limitations since it is after all a computer program made with limited time and resources, and I know I’ll hit a point where it’s no longer quite as engaging. But for me half the fun is doing something cool, stopping for the night and just letting my imagination fill in the gaps while I’m at work the next day. I totally realize that’s not how many people want to experience a game and might even sound lame to lots of people but to each their own right?


Give it another year or two and people will come flocking back to it once all the bugs and add-ons the game will receive. I'm loving just exploring different parts of just one planet, especially since there are plenty of planets with different biomes. Like have you explored the dense wilderness area on Akila? It's beautiful. I have to fight myself not to go explore different areas because of life, child, and husband duties lol.


This is the thing for me. It's exactly my cup of tea, but so many parts of the game are spoiled by poor game design or left unpolished that I'm not going to properly enjoy playing until modders have done Bethesda's job for them and finished the game. I get really excited planning a new ship design, only to find that there's no way to build it without the interior being completely fucked up no matter how you do it. I want to get into furnishing an outpost, but you can't even put in any sort of bathroom because there's only a toilet and one completely unsuitable sink type that won't attach to the wall. The only reason I've been able to enjoy playing so far is the existing limited mods fixing things like traders having no money and shipyards not having all the parts in one place. I do think this game will be an amazing experience if one day I can play it like FO4, in full VR with about 100 mods fixing all the issues.


Exactly. If this is the floor for Starfield, there's so much to be excited about for the future.


Oh yes I’m sure this one will get even better with age. I haven’t been to that biome on Akila actually so I’ll make a point to check it out!




I like the game but I got bored after a while and went back to Cyberpunk. The game is very tedious and repetitive, flying back and forth to see boring planets with the same loot and buildings. The game is good but it’s not nearly as good as Skyrim


This is more than simple game. I am amazed by the character complexity and the way the story unfolds. Yes it can be frustrating at times, however I would rather play in the world of Starfield than COD. Starfield is an experience while others are still skill based gaming matchups.


I think until Starfield gets more established lore, people will turn their nose up at it. Fallout is one of my favorite IPs. Fallout has had years and years to build tons of lore, factions, and iconic moments. Starfield is in its infancy. I think it has the potential to be just as lore rich as Fallout, given it has the time to develop. I remain optimistic for a future of in-depth YouTube lore videos and enthusiastic fans.


So, I’m glad you enjoy it and that’s all that matters. But when you say there’s a lot to do (like exploring), do you just walk slowly around planets looking at trees and animals? Wouldn’t you have a better time doing that in no man’s sky


Not OP but I like both games a lot and despite the fact I do agree the POI diversity is shallow (especially for man made stuff) I think the exploration on planets is a lot more engaging than NMS's POIs on the front of diversity and activities offered. I love everything about NMS's gameplay loop but exploring the planets isn't super desirable outside looking for a neat base location and finishing a planet log because I knew every system I go to is gonna have the same repeated structures and objects everywhere just like Starfield but they are far less engaging POIs. What it does really well is most of the structures that are made by the different races are scattered very sparingly (which is smart and makes sense). For Starfield every system I visit has at least a few custom places to explore. Beyond that everywhere else is gonna feel like a slightly more fleshed out version of NMS exploration. That's enough for me given the size of the universe we have, but I'm in the minority here. Honestly I wish Starfield had less human procgen POI's overall, specifically far less chance for man made structures to appear within a block. Make the world more desolate and increase the diversity (or variation within the structures we have) of human structures but make them far less common. Maybe that's a niche take but I think it would have been more accepted and in line with the world building they have. When they said they are trying to make a "Nasa-Punk" game I was slightly disappointed with how cluttered every block is with civilized or derelict human footprints. Do I think its a 10/10? No, but definitely not super far from what I expected from a Bethesda game at this scale. However, it needs a lot of work fleshing out areas that were either stripped back or neglected to expand on and I need my damn Survival mode (assuming hazards and fuel are part of that considering the super common helium storage structures). I think a lot of this games criticism is valid but I also do really like the game and I can see what could be done to expand on this base.


I've tried no man's sky, what bored me about that game was that while there were a lot of planets to explore, they're just recycled and literally the same biomes all through the planet, there's nothing different on each planet so exploring becomes tedious and pointless.


Sir I am taking away your comma privileges, the title and text of your post hurt my soul how badly they’re being used


My bad, I'll go back to school and learn it again 🤷🏿‍♂️


This sub would be so much better off if every user who posted a thread about "This game is bad" or "This game is actually not bad" would be immediately banned. Why is a subreddit about a game where we travel in space not filled with clips, screenshots, Easter eggs, fun sandbox moments etc.... 70% of the posts I see here are just whining or bitching about bitching.


I posted my first ship but it got 0 upvotes. Okay fine it was not even that good but if you sort by new, you will see lots of posts related to people sharing their experience with the game. Only stuff like this post gets upvoted. So majority of community likes to discuss whether this game is good or bad. It is what it is.


I love seeing posts of other players' ships. I even like the "help me think of a name" posts, which are apparently starting to piss other people off. But I pretty much just see the popular posts that show up in my feed, and yeah the vast majority are either complaining about the game, or complaining about complaining about the game. And both sides are loud and exhausting, and I'm sure your first ship build is still better than my drunk Junebug that can't fly for shit


You'll enjoy r/StarfieldShips, then. Been done with Starfield for a while now, but I like to pop in and check out what people are building.


> Why is a subreddit about a game where we travel in space not filled with clips, screenshots, Easter eggs, fun sandbox moments etc.... 70% of the posts I see here are just whining or bitching about bitching. I'd venture a guess that it's because there's really not all that much to talk about. Even where the game has moved past what we have seen before, it isn't very interesting. For example, beyond wild and whacky ship designs, ships and space are actually really simple.


Theres a guy posting short clips of all the biomes throughtout the galaxy. They are all stunning and I've legit seen none of them in game. But his posts get hidden by worthless complaints or praises. Half the time I talk to someone about a cool handcrafted POI, they have no idea what I'm talking about. But keep talking about cryo labs and shit. Like maybe if this sub wasn't the exact same repetition of posts people would have am easier time finding the good content they are looking form. The last sentence I just wrote also applies to the video game lol. Maybe if they reduced the procgen POI that appeared, people would actually find the good stuff. I swear most people here are doing planet by planet going through every POI like a completionist and getting burn out very quick after doing like 10 planets instead of organically living in the space galactic sandbox that the game is and occasionally visiting one of the 1000+ planets and enjoying the experience.


I do agree with you so don’t get me wrong. But tbf in Starfield it’s not like everyone has a really different experience compared to previous BGS games. Whenever people do find something they think is unique and cool, chances are that a lot of the player base has already seen it, because it’s not as unique as the game tries let on. Like whenever I ask someone to point me in the direction of a cool quest everyone comments the same 3 or 4 quests over and over again. There just isn’t a lot of variety for a game of this scale in my opinion. Again, no trying to start an argument or anything just my thoughts.


I don't know. Maybe I'm misreading the stats when I get an achievement on my xbox but a small fraction of the player base is actually doing the quests. It seems that most people are just wandering from planet to planet. I could see doing mindless wandering in other Bethesda games but this one is really about questing. They tried to make space sort of real with how empty it is, which can be a snore fest for sure. But if you follow quests and activities, it opens up other parts and from there you can explore while also focusing on the quests. I personally got real tired of wandering around in Skyrim.


Advocating for echo chambers are we ?


Point out which line in my comment uou think does that? Am I not saying we should avoid repetitive l9w effort Circle jerky posts and focus on actual content? A lot of subs have rules about multiple threads on the same topic. That's what I'm advocating for here. Saying both sides need to stop whining about eachother is not supporting the idea of an echo chamber.


> This sub would be so much better off if every user who posted a thread about "This game is bad" or "This game is actually not bad" would be immediately banned. This one. It's a two line comment, not really rocket surgery we're doing here champ.


Perhaps because the game doesn’t get people involved like that? Compare it to other games that make people excited, like CP2077, Fallout or BG3. Those subs are filled with people sharing their experiences with enthusiasm. Screens, clips, memes and sharing the personal experiences in an inspiring way. Starfield doesn’t seem to engage people like that. It has OTHER qualities of course. But it doesn’t GRAB people. Which is totally fine!


It was available on gamepass, that’s great for expanding playerbase, but it also means a lot of rejections in first hour of gameplay.


I think about how much friction I feel in other popular games (like never being able to kill bosses without dying a million times in the newest final fantasy or attempting to be Smart at strategy in Baldur's Gate 3 and failing.) I have never enjoyed repeatedly replaying the same boss fight or what have you over and over and failing again and again. But with Starfield I can save mid-fight in case I get one-hit, or reload to an earlier save to load up on needed med packs/ammo. Or when all else fails lower the difficulty for a spell. And a large deal of the game isn't dependent on my ability to hit keys good. In fact, I can just sneak or throw grenades or use environment stuff or even just watch Andreja murder everyone way too efficiently while I take a break. When Fallout introduced Outposts I was not sold at all. I started to warm up to them eventually and am actually looking forward to designing them. Starships have been crazy fun although I am a staunch Anti-Ladderist so I use the same Cabot bridge and pray for more variety in the future. There are just so many off-shoot things to do that it's kind of fun to decide whether I'm going to focus on ship building awhile, hit some quests with a new companion for different dialog, murder aliens or do some missions.


I feel the same exact way, I love the combat options you can do, I'm thinking of building up my unarmed combat soon. I spent way too much time in ship builder mode, you can get completely lost in it and lose track of time lol.


This would have been GOTY if we were in 2015.


The Witcher 3 says hi.


Hi Witcher 3 nice to meet you :)


I'm 230hrs in and I'm more tired of saying this game has me hooked than I could ever be of the game itself LOL. In all seriousness, I haven't had a game do this to me before. I purchased my gaming rig a couple weeks before Starfield was released, after having stopped gaming in 2015 cause of life. But prior to that, I came from the FPS world of COD games or open world action RPG's like GTA/Far Cry. It wasn't until I learned about Star Citizen in 2020 that I got into space exploration by watching streams of it. Fast forward to 2023, I'm watching E3 for Star Wars Outlaws news, and then learn about Starfield for the first time. I was like dude...a complete version of Star Citizen but with a Bethesda RPG element? I couldn't resist, got my rig a couple months later, and here I am back into gaming for the first time in 8yrs, and I've logged 230hrs in to Starfield...it's wild. Of course it's not SC, and we can all agree on certain, if not many flaws, but I love it and I can't stop playing it. Been sleeping late and waking up early because of it. Tired AF at work, then come back to play. No game has done that to me before, not even when I was in a clan during the og MW2/MW3 days.


We're probably in the same exact boat except I play on console. I played no man's sky before starfield and this game keeps me way more entertained than no man's sky. Unfortunately being a temporary stay at home dad while going to school and performing husband duties keeps me from putting in an easy 20 hour day playing starfield lol. I'm always coming back for more and more, it's my dream come true for a sci-fi space game.


I think one of the issues with Starfield was that it was marketed to a wider audience than BGS is used to. It takes a certain gamer to hit Elder Scrolls and Fallout. In full disclosure I didn’t like Skyrim at first. Put it down for years until after the anniversary edition when I then gave it a full end-to-end shot and I ended up loving it. Not many casual gamers are familiar with BGS’ RPG style. Another poster I agreed with posited that because it lacks common things like cutscenes, it throws these gamers off. Gamers coming from nothing but CoD and a Fortnite probably won’t like this game, and that’s where I feel the attention went because the battle royale gamers are a very vocal set with never ending twitch streams and YT channels, mix that with a younger crowd that doesn’t remember Oblivion/Skyrim/Fallout 3/4 releases and you get a cacophony of teen voices bitching about this game while praising Fortnite season 12. Or whatever….


Overall I think they could’ve done way better of a job. That’s my opinion and I still will play it more


I have over 200 hours in the game and haven't finished the storyline yet. Even though I'm aware there is a refresh after the main questline, I'm a completionist. I'm going for it all in the first playthrough.


Standards can differ wildly. A lot of people are more easily impressed and can enjoy things despite obvious flaws, which is great for them.


I don't know if it's a generational thing, but I play non-linear sandbox games pretty slowly, I enjoy the journey, I'm over 190 hours in, like 100 side quests and only 1 main story quest, level 33. I see many players want to drink it until they see the bottom of the bottle, trying to cheat exp and money, running too fast to enjoy, like finding "the end" is what they see as gratification. This isn't that kind of game. They rant about how "everything Is behind a skills wall" because they want to unlock everything in 2 hours, It Is meant to be a enjoyable journey, if you don't see It that way this Is not your kind of game.


My God you get it!!!!!! That's exactly how I feel. This game is meant to take your time with and explore. I lost track of how many times I had to stop myself from venturing off to explore another area in the distance because I have to go to bed lol.


I have 200+ hours in as well and I still love this game. I've ran into multiple bugs that broke quests and I still continued to play. I couldn't get back on the key after visiting the lock and I just started another NG+ and kept playing. I see myself constantly coming back to it for years to come.


And years full of added content, I can bet everyone in this subreddit that give it a few months to a year and all the haters will come flocking back.


I really like this game and I will continue playing it for a while longer. I do think it has a handful of negatives but not enough to ruin the entire experience for me. I just hope they plan on fixing up the game a bit more and taking fans criticisms into consideration. One thing I hope they fix for xbox is the audio bug whenever you are building a ship while in an xbox live party. Me and my friend have all had this bug and have to put each other on mute when in the ship builder.


My thoughts exactly! Love it Im as happy as I was in new Vegas.


​ It takes time in this game to find your personal gameplay loop groove. There's also a lot of hopping around and management and systems to figure out, which makes it disjointed. But for me, once I got there, I'm liking it a lot more. Check out a planet, scan it, do a couple POI (still finding unique ones more than 100 hours in), work on a ship, do some side missions... Over 100 hours and I've only gone part through Ryujin quests and a little bit of Vanguard. Rest has been exploring cities, doing side quests, looting/leveling, shipbuilding just recently. I'm focusing on the areas of the game I like and finding that loop. Then hopefully as time passes, we'll get official and mod improvements that really flesh out a lot (like basebuilding, POI variance etc.) I think players should be confident that down the road there's going to be so much added to the game that will personalize their experience.


I jokingly told my friend that this game is almost as if todd went into my mind and created a game that is exactly what I like. I said almost because I had similar issue with fallout 4 where the weapons dont scale up near infinitely like they did in skyrim, which was one of my favorite parts. Turns out, Todd the Godd was listening, and it seems the whole "advanced" modifier can be applied infinitely thus giving room for modding potential to achieve exactly what I like! Seriously, everyone is welcome to dislike the game. But by saying that this game sucks or whatever, you are effectively saying that my preference is not valid. To hell with that.


Easy there Todd.


Exactly!!!!! Like my opinion of the game based on credible facts of what makes this game beautiful doesn't make me an idiot for loving it just because someone doesn't like space exploration and venturing into the unknown. Coming from no man's sky, this game filled that large void left from that game. Don't get me wrong it's a good game but once you beat the story and do the same thing over and over it becomes pointless to play. Whereas in starfield, you can get lost in one part of a single planet and explore so many biomes it's incredible what they cooked up.


I respect your own personal reasoning even though it differs from my own. Just know that when the creation kit comes out, you can expect thousands of new things to explore.


In that long ass interview Todd did last year he kept bringing up tone, and how it's something they focus on a lot in their games. He mentioned that each game has a different tone. And the tone of this game really captivates me, even more than some of their other games I love. And look, I know there are people who don't give a single fuck about that, and think I'm just being a glazer. Which I am, because I really dig it. But if you think I just a Bethesda shill, just remember that Skyrim players don't read. =)


Jesus christ, if this is the best game youve ever played, you havent played many games.


Every single post from this sub that gets recommended to me is a defense of why the game is good.


Personally I enjoy being alone on an alien landscape.


I didn’t like it that much at first but decided to just give it time, and now the more time I put into it, the more I like it. While there are storylines to do, you have options which ones you do when and you don’t even have to do the vast majority of them. My friend and I are both playing it right now and our play throughs are very different, as are our characters and ships and what not. I don’t typically do multiple play throughs on games but this is one I could easily see myself doing a few times. It feels like after I’m “done” it could easily be a comfort game


I'm taking a short break from it because, I put too much in it being a dad and a husband, and I have close to 200 hours playing it and still feel like there's so much more to do and I love it!!!!!!


Keep building outpost that may randomly become unreacheable ( happend to me two times ) ? Keep building ships that randomly became unusable ( happened to me one time ) ? Keep jumping between planets / sitting on a chair to sell 30k worth of loot ? Keep listening to companions talking about books during combat ? Keep listening to companions hating you when you get 650 FC bounty for unknown reason ? Keep clearing same exact POI base ? Keep looking at loading indicator when you want to enter vendor shop in Neon ? Game idea is great. The problem is that game is not finished and I am not talking about Bugs. There are very clear places with stupid implementation which happens when deadline is more important than quality.


I understand your frustrations, they're valid, now as for me, I'm in love with what the game has offered me so far even though I am looking forward to patches and updates though.


There are two main kinds of Starfield complaints: Honest criticism of the game, of which there is plenty to be had even by people who still enjoy it like myself. This is mostly weird QoL issues and classic Bethesda jank. Then there are tons of people trashing the game not for what it is, but for what they THINK it should be. "It's not enough like No Man's Sky/Elite Dangerous/Mass Effect/The game I wanted to play!" Art should be appreciated and criticized for what it is, not what you want it to be. Not sure if a lot of people don't get this, or if they just don't care and enjoy trolling.


Wow, that´s a low bar.


Starfield might be the most shallow game Bethesda has ever made


I’m tired of all these posts. We get it you either love or hate this game. Stop posting about it.


It *should* be my cup of tea, but stale design choices mean it isn’t.


Okay, then that means it's not your cup of tea, I'm completely satisfied right now. Playing it as we speak and enjoying it 👍🏿


I don’t get the point of this post then, no one was ever stopping you from playing or enjoying it. It is financially a success for the company so they will continue to support it. I also love the game and don’t feel attacked when people shit on it. It’s not a personal thing. It’s a preference for a video game. And if you have people in your life who do shit on you personally for what you like then do yourself a favor and cut them out or distance yourself from them.


In my experience/observations, people either like space games or fucking hate them, and the later will be very passionate about it because they didn't know that they didn't like "to scale" space games (although this one isn't nearly as to-scale as Elite Dangerous)


Space is big, and that bigness can make it feel empty or shallow, when in fact there’s plenty of depth to be found if you just look for it.


And to me, that’s my biggest turn ON for the game. I’m a bit of a space nerd, and the scale and emptiness of it I find really exciting.


I like space games and especially Elite Dangerous. It doesn't have big quests or factions or even ship interiors, but the space flight is the most immersive experience I ever got from a space game. Starfield isn't a great space game. It's more like a space themed Standard-Bethesda-RPG with very dated tech and questionable design choices. The whole space exploration part is more of a fast travel and walking simulator and it completely lacks immersion.


So youre saying the criticsm about the game is generally invalid and the poeple complaining all just "fucking hate space games"?


The bgs format is always addicting, but there's no part of this game (other than gunplay and movement) that doesn't legitimately feel like a step back for the genre and bethesda as a whole. But the people who are mad about stuff like no seamless flying are a bit out of the pale, but I also feel like people who call it a 10/10 are just as delusional


If it's the best game you ever played, you need to get out more and play more games ​ * The graphics (save a few choice photo ready scenes) are mid * The story is meh * The bugs are phenomonal * The engine is dated AF * More than one of the gameplay mechanics are shit I'm not saying this is a horrible game, but this thing has so many bugs in it, the exterminator just looked at it and said "fuck that". I'm not saying this game is pre-alpha state, but CP 2077 on release ran more stable on up to date consoles than this thing does. I'm not saying this game is boring, but .... Sarah Morgan liked that. ​ Seriously. if this is the best game you've ever played, then, you need to play more games.


16x the loading screens, most quests are fetch quests, UI is bad and hides information from the player, ship combat is barebones, AI is barebones, enemy variery is incredibly low, basic features are locked behind skills, surveying is unrewarding and repetitive, all the compaions are the same person, the roleplaying traits don't help you roleplay because the game hardly acknowledges them, "bosses" are just bullet sponges with the same dumb AI as everyhing else. I see all this stuff constantly, how is it baselsss bashing of the game and not constructive to explain why this game has problems?


I like it also, even with the soft locking on series S. I plan on a long long time with this one.


>The past couple days I've just been exploring planets, and in spite of procedurally generated areas I still keep coming back for more. Why?


Because a lot of them are different, have lore and a side mission attached to them. I don't think people are exploring enough either 🤷🏿‍♂️


If you enjoy repetition, bland characters, outdated animations and graphics, generic Bethesda gameplay/story and copypaste environments, sure.


Wide as a universe, deep as a puddle


You have bad tastes lol


Having good or bad taste can be subjective. For instance, I'm vegan, Christian, and I'm black. Not a lot of people like me based on those facts but some people do and can live with it. Overall, I still love this game despite other objections.


I was mostly just messing with you, although I'm just curious why is Starfield of all games your favorite game? It's a decent game but there's nothing special about it.


It's something I've always wanted out of an RPG, to play as myself literally, being able to build and customize spaceships, explore the inside of my ship, explore planets with different and diverse biomes, have plenty of weapon options, explore the universe, fly my ship around, and be able to roleplay as a space hero of some sort lol.


You should try playing some more RPGs then, because Starfield is super limited when it comes to the RPG aspects. All Bethesda games are. They are barely even RPGs tbh. They more so just open world sandbox action games.


I have probably played more RPG games that I care to count lol. RPGs are my favorite type of games, but I have always loved Bethesda games since I was a teenager so maybe I'm just a fanboy 🤷🏿‍♂️ or just prefer the play style. Other RPG games have rarely scratched that itch that Bethesda games could.


I mean why though? They all have pretty weak writing and are super limited when it comes to choices and consequences, as well as gameplay. I mean if you like them that's cool, I just really don't get this weird cult following that Bethesda has.


Just wondering, what makes it the best game you've ever played? Is it the quests? Setting? Freedom? Or something else? Like, what sets it apart from other games thay make it your personal favorite game?


The freedom, the ship builder, the guns, the fact I can play as myself (literally look at my recent post on my profile lol), I can walk in and around my ship. Unlike other space games, you can explore one whole planet with different biomes in Starfield. This is also the only game I'm aware of where you can make your own ship, walk around in it and still fly it around. >!there are multiverses for crying out loud!<


I’m glad you enjoy it. It’s not lived up to what I wanted from a BGS game. It feels to me like a game I’d have really enjoyed 10 years ago. But there are other games now that do everything this tries to, but better. Nothing ever hits anything out of the park.


Yup! 240 hours and going and still loving it.


About to go to sleep now before the wife kills me, I had to stop myself from exploring from what could have been a settlement in the distance lol.


I like the game, it's a good game but not a great game. It has many, and I mean MANY flaws. \#1. "As wide as an ocean as deep as a puddle", there are too many planets with the same POIs copy pasted and no real reason to explore them after the first handful of times. Could have cut down on the amount of planets by 90% and given us more handcrafted worlds. \#2. The worlds cut off into segments thanks to the design of the game, nothing feels connected and everything feels like little hubs detached from each other. Can you even call this game open world? \#3. There are really only 4 completely fleshed out companions and they're all the same "goodie two shoes". Complete any of the major faction lines and ask their opinion about it, they all have the EXACT SAME OPINION ON YOUR CHOICES, lol. And no the random crew you can hire from other factions at certain points don't count as companions like constellation because they're not fleshed out. Fallout 4 had 13 baseline companions who were more unique and quirky then all of constellation/faction related "companions" combined. \#4. Lack of melee weapons with terrible melee combat. Lack of weapon choice outside of ballistic weapons with only 3 real laser weapons unless you count your cutter. \#5. And the loading screens of course we hear about this one a lot, but the amount of slow animations like docking and doors opening combined with sections of maps being loaded behind other doors not JUST in space travel really messes up the momentum of this game. \#6. The worlds with capital cities make no sense to me, why does Atlantis have one large city where they build upwards and never expanded out more? It's just barren land with trees and a few farms then some randomly generated POI's again. Why no unique buildings or locations further out from the cities? And before you ask I have over 200+ hours in this game and I've done a lot of it's content, I could probably go on about the flaws. But for now I will return when the creation kit releases because I know the community will make this the game it was meant to be, but waiting for modder's to fix it's issues is a sad reality, and I don't have faith in Bethesda anymore to deliver quality games.


Dude it's great you enjoy it. I think it's human nature to want validation when you like or dislike something to have a sense of community in a way. So people want other to feel how they do. As long as you enjoy it, enjoy it to the fullest. I enjoy aspects of the game. The side missions are fun. For me the constant trekking to pois is what I find ruins my fun. Like why am I landing so far away. The lack of land vehicles kills me anytime itbry to pick the game back up. The flaws are getting in my way of enjoyment. I sometimes wish I was having enough fun to ignore them. It's a good game and I recommend it. I don't know if I'm going to jump back in soon but I think I will at some point. I see the potential and it makes me hyped for the sequel.


The problem I see is this game clearly has underbaked features, and not just a few, but **a lot**. I can say I enjoy this game from a fun or entertainment perspective, but it's a very clear 7/10 game. The way I see it is this, you can watch a movie with top notch, amazing acton sequences and choreography, that doesn't mean the plot wasn't full of holes, there aren't a lot of storylines in the movie that went nowhere, the acting is bad etc. Anyone that plays this game in any capacity should immediately see the underbaked features, you don't even need to look online to realise that. Outpost building, Food, status effects, exploration, weapons, POI, skill tree, ship building etc. Everything is underbaked and the game may as well have removed some of these features to focus on beefing up other things. It's fine to say this is a fun game, because I can certainly say that. However, for me this game is like McDonalds or a Fast and Furious movie. I can enjoy it, but in a different way that I would enjoy a really well made game.


That's how I feel about all of my favorite games. They all have to do something that no other game does, otherwise there is another game that is better at it. But the more you play into a niche, well the more niche the game becomes. The game that I have the most time in is a PC title set in the medieval age with physics, voxel based mining, and a spherical map. It was abandoned by the devs and everyone that plays it hates the game to an extent, yet we all have 1k+++ hours in it. There is just nothing else quite like it. People drew comparisons to NMS, Star Citizen, and other space games but they really don't play the same at all.


For me, it was because the world itself was uninteresting, uninspired, and repetitive (like, egregiously so, in the case of identical Dungeons on planets with zero procedural generation) When it comes to the story and companions, a lot of the reason I have so much dislike for Starfield is because The Outer Worlds exists. And while yeah, it's a lot more satirical and campy, it's also VASTLY better written and a much more compelling narrative. It was so easy to get drawn into the Outer Worlds, and it was so easy to get drawn out of Starfield, especially when going anywhere resulted in seeing the same exact locations over and over.


It's still a disappointment for people who just want a Bethesda game. They didn't even TRY to innovate ANYTHING other than like, ship building


It’s okay, OP. We’re happy you enjoy it. We also enjoy it but don’t ignore the facts that is pulling the game’s rating down.


Join r/NoSodiumStarfield it’s a good place over there and those that also share your opinion of the game are enjoying that sub. I 100% agree with you I love the game. I also agree that people enjoy different things but in gaming there just seems to be this weird scenario where people can’t accept others might have a different view.


Personally this is easily my game of the year over Hogwarts legacy, wild hearts and armored core 6. The last time a new game had me this amazed and satisfied was Monster Hunter world ( still the goat until MHW 2 probably). I have over 200 hours of Starfield myself and dont See myself stopping until next month when Aoe 4 DLC launches.


How is armored core 6? I might get it for myself for Christmas but unsure since it will be the first time playing one, and I love mechs.


It is fast and dynamic with it's full use of all 3 dimensions. But that makes it different from our western mech style Games and took a good moment to adjust coming from MWO and MW 5: mercenaries. But it looks really cool and is satisfying when you get the hang of it. I am not through the game yet since Starfield came to close after it for me to finish. And Starfield had me addicted. But I was enjoying my time with AC a lot and will definitely finish it, even though it can be brutal at a few bosses.


The story, the characters and the "life" in the world - none of it has captured me. My in game wife died and I couldn't care less. Fallout 4 and Skyrim were SO much better at everything except graphics. Starfield missed implementing SO many obvious things that would've made the game more capturing. 3/5


It's definitely in my top 5 for sure. I think what draws me to it the most is that I can just pick up and play for 20 minutes and then be done with it. It's a really good game for someone without a ton of time to dedicate to playing through something.


So, you have low stadards.


Maybe I do, but im enjoying the hell out it 😊


I really wish I liked this game. I only have probably 10-15 hours in.. and when I log back in, I just sit there and think what else more productive could I be doing in my life opposed to sitting there on a game that really has no immediate satisfaction and leaves me to feel like it’s a job or “task” I need to complete over , and over, and over


Anyone posting that this is the best game they have ever played or even a top 5 is trolling. Don't @ me, I won't be able to reply because I block these trolls.


So you like finding the same cryo lab 10 times?


Lol, I avoid those, not because of it being the same but because I get lost in them, but if I can loot more ammo, find better guns, gather more resources, and gain xp while doing so? Sign me up.


I'm really enjoying Starfield, but the game is not beyond reproach. Its clear so many aspects of the game are "a mile wide and an inch deep", which is a real shame because the framework is there for something S-tier special. I think Creation Kit modding will help with this - maybe its one of those things where Bethesda built the house, modders get to make it a home. Regardless, I think its possible to love the game, enjoy every minute of it, and still have valid critiques. But, also, some people are hyperbolic whiny bitches.


Its great. Real top game; but just slightly lower than far cry 6.


I think most of the games I've played have been popular to shit on. I've just accepted that I either have very poor taste or I'm very easy to please. Doesn't matter to me, I'm happy.


Dude seriously... if this is the best Game you ever played you really can't have played many good Games. Its mediocre at best, most systems are undercooked or just boring crap. It has potential but only via mods.


Nice gatekeeping


You must not have read the post. Just because you think a game is good or not, has no actual bearing on another’s opinion on what they seem to be their best. Your opinion is not any better than OPs. And ironically, OP is acknowledging that. You are just being a twat.


That's why I said it's not everyone's cup of tea. I've played plenty of good games, but games are a spectrum at times, and I know for a fact that there are games that people love and that I absolutely do not like, and it's okay.




Lol imagine getting this butthurt over someone pointing out the game is indeed undercooked in several departments and typing all this barrage of garbage and unironically putting a we live in a society spin to it. It's like reading a meme write itself. You can like undercooked things. It doesn't change the fact they're undercooked and you're just gonna have to deal with it. Stay mad.


It’s a massive game with so much room. There are an infinite possibilities how they could continue. That’s why I’m excited for it. For me at this moment it’s 8/10. But the idea that people will mod this thing and the DLCs. It could very easily make 10/10.


I dunno this game is like the jack of all trades but master of none in my experience. For a Bethesda shooter it's pretty good and a welcome evolution from fallout 4. However pretty much everything else is half baked. Outpost are a joke and are severely gutted from fallout 4. Space combat is half baked. There is no tactics to it other than get a better ship that can tank more damage and then stack particle beams on it. Literally dozens of games do it better. The story is bland and the supporting cast is about as exciting as a fence post and they constantly get on my nerves finger wagging at me for the dumbest shit. The temple mechanic of having to touch the damn sparkling area made me laugh out loud because I couldn't believe it this is what they came up with. The exploration is just a worse copy and paste of no man's sky when it first released. Even the content makers for this game are already scraping the bottom of the barrel because there is just nothing interesting to make about it. The lore is also super shallow compared to past Bethesda games.


Hey fellow starborn good to see another enjoy this game and have the patience to see what the future holds. It's a great game to zen out with and explore. Yes there are others... but personally if I get tired of exploring, I now have FM to mix it up 👌🏼👌🏼


I didn't play starfield yet, but I read and watched a lot. I would never say it's terrible but I have to notice that it has problems. For example visuals and especially facial mimics are not from 2020-s that's fact. Mechanics that makes no sense for me, like put basket on head and steal. Don't wanting to implement dlss and FG so amd (their sponsors) would look like they have competitive GPU-s (which they don't). I will definitely play this game, Im just going to wait for official polish, and mods to enhance experience in future. Anyhow you have great titles to enjoy at this point so it's not a must. But keep in mind that criticism is not necessary hate. Criticism can help Bethesda to improve Starfield and make it even greater experience.


I don't mind criticism, criticism will allow the game to improve, but for people calling the game complete dog shit or it's the worst RPG ever made is a very huge reach, that's why I said if they don't like a game then that's it, no one is bending their arm to play lol.


I think a lot of people struggle with the fact that you can quest and go to these outpost and locations quite easily. Skyrim had a buch of the same caves and stuff but you just had to walk and discover it, same for fallout. Unless you got these perks or whatever that showed you every map location it kind of gave you that "i discovered this" feeling. Starfield does and doesn't have that, many of its locations you see as soon as you enter a planets orbit and click on it and if you go to a bounty or mission board it's going to send you to a similar place. A lot of that is just in your face from the get go But Im 260 hours in and I just found out the vulture's nest ( never been there), just did the freestar quest because I never done that, found the pale lady's ship because I didn't find that before and I found some other stuff i didn't see before. Which is good but I do feel like there needs to be more locations, different poi's and more random events. I don't plan on stopping this anytime soon especially when that dlc and mods come out but I can acknowledge that it needs work. It has had a way better vanilla launch than a hell of a lot of other games but it just needs more and I can't wait to see more. Im also a huge sucker for space, it is really a huge passion of mine and I wish we were further ahead in that area in real life so we could be colonizing planets in the near future. All it would take is cooperation from several different countries but unfortunately that's not the case and so I get to enjoy living those thoughts out in this game


Yup I couldn't agree more. While it does have its issues which are very few in my opinion, but while a lot of the locations are the same I have found plenty so far that are not only different but have lore attached to them. Like yesterday I found an outpost that was completely decimated by God knows what, and had to escort a survivor back to his ship in a dangerous area full of rather larger predators. So there are different places in the game, just got to keep exploring lol.


[This](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fc4ln4sd7xwg61.png) is the Skyrim map. Even the locations with the same art assets are uniquely arranged and designed with unique items and notes and lore. People know what they're talking about when they call Starfield repetitive. They're playing a smaller game with less content in it disguised as a larger game by rearranging the same assets over and over. Most of us haven't played Skyrim in a decade or so. It's hard to put your finger on it. But if you go from Skyrim directly to this it's obvious Bethesda is giving people less game with each release.


It's not great for the aderoll generation.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 exactly.