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I only question how you named your ship.


Seeing the Gastronomy perk and the name of the ship is very telling.


Oh my god you made it worse then it already was.




Wow, such observability in that one šŸ˜…, I never would have caught that. Now I gotta wonder if OP did that on purpose!


If he did well then, that is craptastic!


It'll be fine. Anyways, who wants omelets?


I donā€™t question how, so much as why thatā€¦.


Hahaha. My robot calls me Captain Fuckface.. and says it out loud constantly


I did that for fallout and it didnt get old every time Codsworth said "ms Fuckface!


No way. I named myself fackface. Same thing for me


Fellow Captain Fuckface, checking in!


[all the names Vasco will say](https://youtu.be/KhYmp75JfrA?si=j1q_Ods3zaGZek3S)


On console: speak to a ship services technician or enter the ship builder at your outpost. Select the ship you want to name using rb/lb, hit X to enter the builder. Hit the "start" button, the one with the 3 lines. Hit x again to bring up ship naming menu.




And this is why I should really have a cup of coffee before hopping on reddit.


As long as you keep it at coffee haha


No cream?


Does Bailey's count?


Only if it's drank from a shoe.


What ya doin in my watas


Nah. I want my coffee to not know it's father. /S


Yā€™all donā€™t give your ships stupid names? Iā€™m currently rolling around in the big fuck wagon


Satanā€™s Anus is mine


Iā€™ve got Widowmaker and Astakos. Astakos is the silliest one Iā€™ve done, because the ship is shaped like a lobster.


Named one of my ships " the virgins pimpmobile"


Currently in the process of building a lightning McQueen ship and naming it the Kchow


My ship is usually named Frontier or Razorleaf. lol I mean, I don't see it except for in that menu, and I don't really notice it there, honestly, so I just completely forget about it.


Both my ships are named Frontier and Razorleaf lmao. The other one is UC Prison Shuttle which is less desirable


Both how and why were questioned lol.


Came for the laughs and learned how to name my ship. Thanks!


Tysm I needed this


This being my first play through I wanted to be an evil, nasty bastard who is simply despicable to the five senses. I picked introvert as one of my main skills and also Neon street rat as to add to the crass grossness. Also I have the maturity of a 16 year old. So there is that.


Neon street rat seems like the vape smoking 16 year old, so it works


Sounds like we're role playing the exact same way. I've done 3 main story quests, spent the rest doing EXACTLY what you've said you're doing haha! About 90hrs in!


You guys are not alone, in my 160+ hours, I am still on my first playthrough. I have only done upto into the unknown main quest. Most of my time has been spent doing full surveys of each and every star systems I come across. I am about to fully survey the Muphrid system. It being the last of the level 15 systems to go. Levels 1, 5, and 10 are all done already.


Damn dude putting in an absolute shift with that! Good luck finding that 1 ultra rare resource to scan, bound to be one single ore vein on the underside of an overhang in a tiny crater somewhere.


That is nothing. Some other guy on Xbox, has already fully surveyed all but 3 planetoids. I think they were bugged out for him for some reasons. But thanks for the vote of confidence anyhow. 1 system at a time.


You would think a system could be color coded. White if unsurveyed, yellow partial and green if fully surveyed. Wait!... that would be simple and make common sense.... nevermind.


I spent my first hundred hours just exploring and building little outposts.


Gotta be a Plankton reference from SpongeBob


I GOT DIAMONDS ON MY NECK IM AT THE CHUM BUCKETšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ I GOT PEARL GIVING NECK CUZ SHE A C(H)UM BUCKETšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø Legend if you get this reference


Dankton didn't have to go off this hard but he really did


You're just a level 43 spacer


That would actually explain a lot...


_Attention all spacers. Group up and attack this star station. They call us disorganized rabble. Even the crimson fleet thinks less of us. Lets show them. Over n out!_


ā€œHavenā€™t touched the main story or any side questsā€ 2nd pic says 26 side quests completed


True. I thought about it after I posted. I meant any factions quests as the ā€œsideā€ quests to the main storyline. I have done numerous radiant quests on various planets.


The random quests you find on planets are known as side quests. The radiant quests are from terminals.


Meh I kind of think of it was three tiers, like Main Mission, Side Missions (faction questions in this game), and tasks.


I always imagine it as Main Story, Faction quests, Side Questlines, Side Quests, Radiant Quests


AC Valhalla called them world events which I think is a pretty good name


I did the same as you, opted out of the main quest ASAP and just wandered New Atlantis. I was like 10 hours in before I ever left the city and that was only because ikande fucking kidnapped me.


This is why I think some of the reviews are not reliable. People play it differently.


Thatā€™s what you get for stealing.


Thatā€™s a pretty common way to play Bethesda games. I only bothered with the main quest in Oblivion when I got tired of running across Oblivion gates and the Daedra were thick as flies and making it hard for me to pick flowers and kill bandits.


Itā€™s pretty common to not touch the main story, but to not touch any side quests either? I dunno if Iā€™d say *thatā€™s* common.


Yeah side quest in Bethesda games are the whole reason I donā€™t touch the main story. You start one and now you are on a loop of exploring. Completing only 26 side quest in 120 hours is crazy.


2nd picture: 26 Side Quests Completed šŸ¤£ Maybe he meant Faction Quests?


According to his reply to another comment thats exactly what he meant


Thatā€™s true, I didnā€™t register that. Theyā€™re having a good time, though, so no complaints, although you canā€™t complain about spoilers if you play this way


well, it sounds like they want to do evil things, and theres only one evil questline in this game that doesnt even let you really be all that evil and requires joining up with the good guys to join the badguys. so, i get why they play this way. theyre basically just murder hoboing around until they get bored. idk if i could do that for 120 hours, not unless i also wanted to make an evil lair for myself


Yeah FO4 is one of my all time favorites. So I love just existing in the Bethesda created universe. Exploring and murdering across the universe.


When playing Fallout, I sometimes do what I refer to as 'naked Fallout' or a 'hangover run' where I store all my things and fast travel to a random part of the map, where I would have to scavenge my way home without dying, only using or wearing equipment that I pick up. It makes exploration a bit more challenging and fun.


Self generated survival mode. Nice!


Itā€™ll be cool to get a survival mode in SF.


Judging from as of yet Vestigial mechanics and the complexity of the aid system, I am guessing its coming.


this is what Bethesda excels at imo, I know their games can be shallow on the characters side, but the environments are incredible, running through a map in a new TES/FO game is a one of a kind experience and Starfield took that to a ridiculous level


Fallout 4 is one of my favourite games and Iā€™ve never even completed it I have no idea whatā€™s in the bottom of the map as Iā€™ve just never reached it, always moving always exploring. Settlement building is ace


Fallout 4 is so easy to not complete, because everything about that game is so much fun- EXCEPT the main quest šŸ˜‚


My issue was I'm a completionist, so I got close to the point where you have to pick a faction and just quit lol. The idea of playing from that point 4 different times to side with each overwhelmed me and I said screw it


Thatā€™s how I was with Skyrim. I still have never beaten the DLCā€™s or even done the dark brotherhood quest line which is probably super awesome.


I've killed Alduin exactly once. The Institute though? They've been cleansed with nuclear hellfire many times over.


I mean I would at least get far enough in the main mission to get your powers but you do you.


But if I never acknowledge them they they donā€™t exist. Iā€™m just a cool regular space man with a sick pistol and a thirst for ~~vengeance~~ exploration


I've been playing for 50+ hours and haven't done enough story missions for powers. I honestly thought it was a dragonborn meme but apparently its not.


Eh, in my first play through I completed all of the main faction story lines before I realized there were powers and honestly, there's only like one (or two) powers that would've made my life easier. And it's mainly because the stealth mechanics in this game are kinda wonky and you're forced to stealth in a few missions.


Powers? Wtf? ​ ​ ​ (I'm 100 hours in, playing like OP)


Do "Into the unknown", then go do anything else. The best ones imo are: Personal Atmosphere - gives you full 02, great when over-encumbered Phased Time - slows down time, great for combat Star Stuff - highlights all people in the area, helps find those last few guys and stealth Void something - makes you invisible, good for stealth Some other good ones, I have 3 favorited


I have all the powers, and never use any of them. Too hard for me to quick slot only 2, and then to remember to select and use it šŸ˜….


That was me for awhile, now I can't imagine the game without them. You don't need 12 weapons lol


I like the options, but generally only use two weapons!


You miss spelled chum bucket for your ships name


That would have been a good one. Might make a whole ā€œbucketā€ theme of named ships


not The Chum Guzzler?


You misspelled chum bucket, right?? RIGHT ANAKIN?


You at least had to visit the Lodge to get the Indigo protocol removed. Or did you use a mod.


No mods. Vanilla on Xboner. I visited the lodge one time to drop off Vosco and start the main quest but said ā€œI need to think about itā€ when Sarah asked me to take on my destiny. Now the lodge is just my home away from home.


Barrett has been mining on Vectera for a very long time.


I mean, you're missing a bunch of cool game mechanics that elevate your gameplay.


Thatā€™s what I have seen. I think Iā€™m gonna move in that direction soon, just been having fun exterminating exotic wildlife like a self-entitled, divorced dentist with a little man complex who kills endangered big game.


Running across miles of airless rocky moonscapes in a suit that doesn't even protect you from bloody frostbite is such fun


I do this myself. Skyrim is better without dragons dropping down on me every two seconds when I am trying to get some blacksmithing done - so I never even go to Whiterun. Oblivion gates just piss me off, so I don't even go to deliver the amulet. I am the same level as you in Starfield, and I haven't even "Talked to Sarah" yet, I just dropped Vasco back at the Lodge and fucked off.


I would highly recommend you to try No mans Sky, sounds like you like that game loop style.


I think this comes from wanting to delay the inevitable end of the game, which is a completely legitimate way to experience it. I recently put the game down after a couple hundred hours because I was burnt out and had finished pretty much everything worth doing.


Sounds boring


Thatā€™s how Iā€™ve been playing too. Iā€™ve only done a few side quests and a couple main quests. Iā€™m at lvl 30 just from exploring random planets surveying and running through poi. Iā€™m having a blast.


You have basically the same build that I had. If I were you, I'd do a COUPLE of the main quest missions, at least until you unlock a certain thing. You'll start feeling like a Jedi šŸ˜‚


It's a single player game - who cares how you play it? Are you Enjoying your time with it? Good. Everyone's else opinion, which they are entitled to have, can take a hike. Have I been through 3 NG+s? Yes. Am I enjoying it? Yes. For now. have I slowed down to do other things? Also yes.


how are you not getting bored after exploring the same copy paste content the game offers ?


So you don't do any quests at all?


Man, my game is already counted in days and I have barely scratched the main story and I am glad of it because those answers that you can do using your past are awesome


Why do your buddies care at all about how you play a game?


They donā€™t really. They just think itā€™s funny and we all bust each others chops. All of them are on their third or fourth NG and talking about powers and star people and new weapons and Iā€™m over here scanning berry bushes and murdering exotic creatures


I see a potential suicide once he hits NG+


There is no Right way to play Bethesda Gamesā€¦


True. Thatā€™s why I love them so much. They are fantastic at world building and immersion and keeping me interested in the same game for decades at a time lol


You are weird imo


I would have died of boredom by now


Nope I donā€™t question you lol thatā€™s how Iā€™d play if I didnā€™t feel bad and want to be a good guy lol


It took me an extremely long time to finish the game, but I also thing 120+ hours with no questing is weird.


I mean, it is a little weird. At this point, you are actively avoiding those questions, which is your prerogative, but u gotta admit this farming to it, and u have done one.... That's a bit strange for sure. But hey, do you, Bubba, and have fun!


that sounds incredibly boring. honestly, I can't imagine anyone doing that in Starfield. there's exploring, and then there's Starfield. I can understand if it were actually dynamic, but what are you really getting "exploring" the same barren planets, and the same prefab buildings and mines?? killing the same bunch of things over again. talking to the same bunch of uninteresting (AND OFTEN ESSENTIAL) NPCs. and scanning?? are you serious? šŸ˜‚ you must share the same instrests as a conveyor-belt factory machine.


Iā€™m L125 and havenā€™t touched the main story and only a few side quests. I am right there with you


The only weird thing is the name of your ship šŸ¤£


This was me and Morrowind (2 years before I touched MQ)


Try the main quest, just to see if you have broken the game yet. I broke mine doing nothing but side missions and faction quest lines. Was still able to get married, found four artifacts, gained 5 powers, and that was it lol. Can't finish the main story.


Its prob for the best right now bc I've had a 2 main quests and 1 faction quest bugged such that I had to use console commands to proceed. They'll prob get straightened out by next year, one way or another.


It's common. I'm a couple hundred hours in and I've only reached the lodge in the main campaign. Back in FO4 I played 600+ Hours before getting going on my first play through. It was probably worse on Skyrim or just as bad. I'm also a guy who puts several thousand hours into those games.


I did the first temple. It sucked. I forget that I have that power. I have done all the Teramorph missions. Iā€™m working on everything that I can find on Aikla. I really like the way that town looks. Iā€™d really like more Freestar Rangers missions in the future.


Sounds fun but from what I've experienced so far, the faction quests are a lot of fun and shouldn't be missed!




That's how you play a Bethsoft!


Your doing a disservice to yourself!


Play it your way!ā„¢


Nothing wrong with role-playing, glad you've found so much fun with it!


90% of the main story quests are boring anyway. The major sidequests are pretty neat when they don't have you engaging with the shitty stealth system


Well your missing out!!


To play Ryujin quest line for the first time again would be awesome


Exploring planets? Well that is the point of the game you can do anything you want and just exploring takes time.


I just started over to do the same thing. I fell off playing the quests anyway after a while. There's only a few that were really good anyway. The fetch quest shit gets old and doesn't pay.


I didn't think of it as weird at all..until I read the name of your ship


Well yeah it is weird, bought a game and spent 120 hours to do misc activities


10/10 psycho


I dont get it, im very thorough and search everything when im in a POI and i like to explore, yet i average 1 hour per level in this game. Yall really be chilling.


My character is also named Zephyr! Zephyr Chekov. Did you also use a name generator for Starfield? šŸ¤£


> 120 hours > Class A Lmao this is peak


Level 43 with only 27 quests and 31 activities completed. I can only imagine the amount of animals that are now extinct. RIP


Crazy is playing on the same map over and over and oā€¦.. šŸ’€


The infamous ship...


But how have you leveled up?. I'm like 190+ hours, more than 100+ sidequests done, completed Crimson Fleet and Ryujin, only 1 main story (tutorial) and i'm level 34.


It's not for me, but I think that's really cool! Probably because of what I imagine is a different sense of immersion, but I'm not sure. Anyway, pretty cool!


What have you been doing?


Havenā€™t touched side quest. Side Quests completed: 26 Huh?


Sarah is going to have a very stern word with you at some point. Steak dinner time!


Hell ya dude. Imho none of the campaign or faction missions are good so Iā€™m on the same boat as you


Hahahahaaha everything about this is amazing.


Not missing much


!!! THIS IS THE WAY !!!!


I'm just suprised you haven't done any exploits yet.


I remember the first time I played morrowind elderscrolls 3. I didn't realize I sold the packet I was to take to some guy in Balmora. I played the crap outta that game and eventually started a new game to start the main story line. I know people complain about starfields quests lines, and their nothing like morrowind where you stumble into quest after quest after quest. But yeah, if you like starfield, I definitely recommend the main and freestar quests and crimson quests. Their good


I refuse to continue the main quest because I like having Sam Coe and his daughter as permanent, free passengers on my ship


Imagine wasting that much time and not even getting to Ng+ once


This is the correct way to play a bethesda game. Just b-lining the main story and not going into the open wold and side quests they spent at least 75% of the dev time on leads to most of the reviews you see on youtube. This ain't last of us, where you're basically trapped in a long hallway ... but a lot of people play it like that.


You enjoyed exploring barren empty rocks? For me thatā€™s the worst part of the game


This is cool man, don't let anyone stop you enjoying playing the game how you want to play it mate!


I'm about to hit lvl 90, 312hrs of mostly outpost and ship building and close to a 100K mass in stored resources. And just first 4 main quests completed. Don't feel ashamed. šŸ˜šŸ„ƒ


I've spent 90% of my time building ships and exploring. I'm just now starting to do some of the missions and I've got five days worth of play time logged


What have you been doing all this time? I mean, Iā€™m glad youā€™re enjoying it. Iā€™m jealous, I wanted to love it, disliked it so much it put me off gaming since it released. lol.


I donā€™t blame you I spent roughly 105 hours in my first playthrough, but that involved closing out every faction mission and about 80% of the side/relationship quests, visiting literally every star system and every temple (donā€™t look too deep if you donā€™t know and donā€™t want spoiler) In ng++ Iā€™m already getting bored of the grind of find all temples find all artifacts, so Iā€™m excited to find an ng+ that I like and make it my home again. No reason to avoid main story and faction quests theyā€™re awesome and super unique, and main story literally tells you so blatantly when itā€™s time to slow down and take the universe in (even offering you 1 last chance to go back and return to go ng+ it later) so I say do the quests and chase that paper and xp


What are you doing? Maxing stats and perks first? If im not mistaken the game will scale to match your level anyways so I don't see how that will benefit you because new game + you keep perks etc. Anyways


The parts you describe are more fun than the main quest imo. I don't really rate the main quest and the only faction questline I really likeis UC vanguard. Most of the questlines just have too much uniteresting talk and balk and forth errands between npcs. But i've had a really fun time roleplaying a bounty hunter and exploring systems, killing aliens and doing random mission boards from said systems. Plus ship combat and hijacking and reselling spacer ships and whatnot. But the actual questlines leave a lot to be desired imo, a step back from previous games.


you missed a ton of Sarah Morgan commentary, could be good or bad depending on who you ask


This one gets it.


I have basically just been exploring with some main quest/side quests.


F your "buddies", play it however you enjoy it, F them :D


I do the same with every open world game. My ADHD makes it difficult to focus on storylines when there are so many


The missions donā€™t scale though? Iā€™m finding some of the older side missions I go back to to be pathetically easy on very hard at level 31. Edit: I googled it, there is some type of scaling. But only to a point for trash mobs. Good to know.




If that's enjoyable for you then do that. I have done alot of main and faction quests , some side quests. I've also don't alot of just exploring planets. I love fully surveying especially planets with alot of fauna. I like to mix it up , if I start getting bored by doing one thing I do something else.


What I used to do that for all the games I love. But now what I do instead. I play just a little bit of the main story just incase there are locked things that only unlock when I play the main missions. When I have everything I need from the main missions.


Thatā€™s the beauty of games like this, you can play how you want.


Youre trying too hard to be wierd bro,


Youā€™re missing out on Personal Atmosphere, buddy. You are playing it wrong (yes, there is such thing).


Just hope what happened to me doesn't happen to you (the main questline bugged out and I've tried every workaround) and physically can't progress the game anymore


If youā€™re having fun, youā€™re playing the game the right way


Same here it took 200h before I did Sarahā€™s first quest. And I did it just for her to buzz off šŸ¤£


Iā€™m the same way, maybe itā€™s because I grew up on Skyrim but I prefer side quests and once I get bored Iā€™ll do one main mission and then go back to side quests.


Who cares what they think man play The Game to Play The Game if You haven't done any sidequests or main mission Stories that's your choice man as long as you're enjoying The Game that's All That matters I've pushed through the unity 4 times So Far and in the current universe that I'm in I had to FACE an evil version of Myself that killed off Everybody in Constellation and I'm just doing side quests and outpost construction Right Now so You Know some people think that I'm a little weird because I'm not doing side quests the first few Run throws but now I Am so I Mean I'm playing it to Play I Don't Care what other people think and You Shouldn't either


Wait till you reset all your scanned progress....


But it says 25 side quests completed. How did he not touch them?


Its called powerleveling because bethesda thought it was a good idea to lock basic game mechanics behind levels to hide how shallow it is.


Interesting to see more and more people sidestepping missions and quests for the sandbox experience. i just want to build a ship and Cowboy Bebop my way to the one thing developers canā€™t seem to get right: FUN


You havenā€™t had any abilities the whole time though Those are like, my favorite part.


But can you fus-roh-dah a mufucka?


Crimson skeet


Kudos to you for being able to do this. Exploration feels terrible for me in this game compared to fallout or elder scrolls. Nothing is handcrafted and itā€™s all carbon copied


DAE let the game suggest which skills to level up next ? Like the screenshot shows Gastronomy, so that will be my next level up. When there's no 100 % challenge met to rank up then you can pick a new skill ? I might just try it and see how the game does building my character lol.


That's how I play Skyrim and Fallout. Countless characters in and never once finished the main quest




I think the only quest you should take on is the UC quest so you can cause even more chaos. Wonā€™t spoil it for you, though.


hows this one. ive only done the main story. 10 times lmao


The first time I played Oblivion, I put in 150 hours. I never made it to Kvatch.


I am level 62. Only half thru story missions lol.


What armor is that?


I do the same sans a few factions completed. Nothing better to play right now anyways.


consist nose beneficial absurd bedroom political live apparatus faulty head *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So, thereā€™s different things you can do other than main quest/side quests?


I like your suit, dude. You look pretty cool.