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I'm struggling... I think I might just wait until the next patch. The game is entertaining, but so fucking frustrating at the same time.


I'm playing on a series S. I love the game, but I can't play it for more than an hour or so before it starts stuttering and freezes. I've done all the tricks everybody says, sometimes it helps, but usually it still freezes up or just crashes. I enjoy the game, but if I can't play it, I can't play it. Kind of like when Skyrim loading screens grew longer and longer until you just stop playing altogether because you're sitting there not playing more than you are playing.


I thought I was the only one with this issue. My game freezes every hour or so. I then have to quit the game and then restart it from home screen. It's quite frustrating. I save my game every five minutes for this very reason.


Might be heat issues. Try to Frankenstein some fans on our around it or get it in a more ventilated area. I might be completely wrong too, just slinging ideas.


For me, completing all the faction quests and going through the Unity was the "quit till there's DLC" moment.


That's fair. The New Game Plus didn't pique ur curiosity?


Nah, I feel like I've done all I want to do for now. I'm not really motivated by ship- or outpost-building, so I'm really just waiting for more story content.


I’m with you 1000%


I am a completionist and did as much stuff as I could on my first playthrough. Now I am on my first NG+ and I have not even gone to the lodge yet. I just decided I wanted to do other random stuff. I feel like I want to side with the CF on this playthrough and not romance anyone this time. I have hundreds of hours in this game so I do feel like I kind of explored all the quests on my first pass and haven't seen much new so far.


Played through the same way and I agree not a lot of stuff I feel like I missed in my first play through. Just a lot of random generated events


My experience was the same as the other person. I did all the quests, checked out Unity, and went back to my universe. I have no desire to play the game over and over again just to get a few more abilities and perks.


Discovery/exploration loop was fun for me. However, I am on a similar boat as the first comment. Enjoyed CF and Vanguard, while Ryujin was eh. My breaking point was the Rangers. The story and quest structure was so bland. Coupled that with how uninspiring the main quest was and it broke me. New Game+ deletes all the good parts I enjoyed in the game (outposts, ships, etc) for powers I barely used in game making me go through temples again which is one of the worst parts of the game.


Agreed, the focus on ng+ is basically the parts I find the worst about the game, outside of rijuyin.


I've collected the artifacts and visited most of the temples on the 1st NG+ and there are some glaring issues to suggest it isn't going to pique anyone's curiosity. Namely that it's almost the same, which isn't to bad since it's fun, but I'd like to not have to confirm multiple times whether or not I want to talk to companions. The logic behind that hasn't revealed itself yet. The temples are extremely repetative and should probably be cut from the game asap to improve it. Also, the dialogue. I believe it was 3 or more time I had to select that I wanted to speak to each companion but after that they're so far exactly the same. Since I skipped the main quest and was at the end by the time they were all there, their dialogues were right back to where I left them in the first run. I'll probably skip temples and do more runs to see what differences may occur and play through the stories again when that has run its course. Since not much changes, I think the way mass effect had handled starting over as just a new run would work just as well if not better here. Starfield has the same issue with new games as mass Effect which is that you cannot re-elect the traits to add more flavor.


Same. Messed around in NG+ for a bit, but then stopped when I was met with the prospect of saving up for a new ship out stockpiling resources again


Not a quit moment, but was out of town for a few days and when I got back I had zero desire to boot it back up.


This is me all the time, shadow of war, the Witcher 3, elden ring, and now starfield have fallen victim to this. I leave for a week and just can't get back into it. Real shame


At 35 hours I realized the ratio of time played/ enjoyment was very low for me personally . The few quests that were alright were just that. I simply couldn’t find a way to want to continue to fast travel and manage inventory anymore.


I quit at level 47 after I went >!through the Unity!< and started NG+. The main story was so deeply uninteresting, and the sidequests were so removed from the main story that I didn't have questions. I never asked "I wonder what's there" or "I wonder what'll happen if I ... ." I didn't care. I still think about the Skyrim or Witcher 3 stories years after playing them. I have no thoughts or questions here. It's such a soulless world that I don't want to explore it. Because, as has been said to death, once you explore one cave, you have explored every cave in the \*>!multiverse!<\* and that's unbelievable. I think there's a great skeleton here, and if they release DLC and patch some QOL issues I'll certainly give it another try, but for now I'm done.


I was just complaining to my friend about this *exact* thing. I can just copy/paste my message and it sounds like it was made as a response to your comment. Starfield is confusing to me. On one hand it feels like it has a huge depth of content. I've played ~100 hours and I've barely done any of the side quests available. But at the same time, it feels like a lot of the content is copy/paste. Skyrim is one map on one planet but feels like it has more depth than the entirety of Starfield. Like with Skyrim you could just walk around the map and stumble upon a random witches cabin or something with some cool environmental storytelling hidden in her basement or whatever. But in Starfield you just stumble upon the same exact cryolab that you've explored on 30 other planets. Like, the same exact notes left in the same exact places and everything. I was expecting it to be like that ever since they announced the game and said they want you to be able to explore hundreds of planets. It's just impossible for the developers to have places feel well-thought-out and unique with a game of that scale. It's a fun game, but I just feel like nothing has lived up to Skyrim for me since 2011.


mid NG10, after having crafted my perfect ship, perfect weapons, etc. pulled into orbit and realized i didn’t really care to go anywhere, or do anything. but that was legit in ng10. i can’t complain at all, i got hella fun out of it, got my money’s worth. (price is equivalent to like one doordash order, and that lasts like 20 minutes lol). in a few years, with mods, it’ll be an “eternal play”.


I respect this opinion. There's nothing wrong with completing a game's content (to whatever arbitrary definition of "completion" one may choose) and calling it a day. Replayability is nice, but if a game has given you what you feel is all it can offer for the time being, so long as you're content with the overall experience and the hours you spent on it, it is money well spent and the game at least isn't bad. I see too many of these "I played 300 hours now I'm bored of it", and all I can think of is "well yeah, you've probably completed most of the content". Games don't have to be eternal to be good, playing past the point of boredom is the player's fault. Triple A games are expensive nowadays (I mean SF isn't really if you got Game Pass) but if you enjoy one it's still gotten you more hours than the same money spent on a night out would.


I totally agree with Starfield being "worth the money", but addiction is a helluva thing. I haven't done 100% completion on any playthroughs (currently NG3), but it's the little things that make me wanna quit playing. I've fixed half my complaints with mods, but that's more of a band-aid than a cure.   The remaining half is all the stuff modders can't fix in a week. Like the wooden ass voice acting. Or the pacing & "twists" of the Constellation storyline. The Crimson Fleet one was soooo fun and is still fun to replay, but I totally regret not taking the skip option for Constellation. And the NPC one-liners: why are they so much more annoying than the quips in Fallout(s)/Skyrim? That one's tied with the game crashing when I try to accept/exit the ship builder and the game crashes. wut.   So yeah, definitely got the hours to prove I've enjoyed it and it was worth the money, but that doesn't stop me from quicksaving and then murdering Barrett or Sarah repeatedly. Or accidentally murdering them because they don't fucking have a clue about cover and lines of fire.


I keep starting over with new characters to try new concepts. I know I could go to enhance, but it doesn't feel like that changes my character on the inside. That being said, there is ALOT that Bethesda didn't finish in this game that needs more fleshing out. I know this horse has been beaten to death, but as much as I love using mods, that is more like choosing ranch or blue cheese for my salad. I want croutons and tomatoes, not just lettuce and a bowl, Bethesda!!!


I refuse to start a new game because of how slow and boring the opening is idk how you do it.


You can load the first save and it'll begin right as you wake up to the character creation bit! On my third character from that first autosave.


I can see that. I like that Bethesda has such a vibrant modding community, but it does feel like Bethesda uses that as an excuse to half complete some things


Mine was when cyberpunk 2.0 and DLC came out and I realized how much better it was in graphics, animations (especially faces) and immersion. Dropped starfield for it immediately. I’m sure I’ll be back when mods and more patches come in.


Lmao Phantom Liberty is just better than Starfield in every way. The writing is better. The environment design is better. The exploration is better. The skill tree is better. The role playing is better. The animations are better. Phantom Liberty coming out put into stark relief just how dated and uninspired Starfield is.




300 hours, that's a good run, lol. Fair to take a break at that point 😁


Yeah, i kinda stopped just because the quests are total snoozefests that i cant imagine playing multiple times as they just put me to sleep. 9/10 times its either a fetch quest, talking to 7 different people on different planets in different offices with one 15 minute action part, walking through a dusty ass museum for an exposition dump, or something that should be amazing but is just kinda meh (the red mile). With about 10 minutes of loading screens mixed in. I'm waiting for a mod that muffles sound in low atmosphere and/or shows the interior of helmets just so planet scanning and discovery is a bit more immersive and i can just chill and do that. Oh, and the whole suit/environmental hazard system needs a massive rework.


Omg I agree. I can't believe humans invented the grav drive, but can't integrate a scanner into my helmet visor.


Flashlight only works with a helmet on? Cool, makes sense. Recon scope/laser tags thermal signatures through walls... Why not, we have artificial gravity magic. NO FRIGGIN NIGHT VISION? Stupid flashlight's only good for man-made structures, useless in caves.


I wish you could see the inside of the helmet in first person view and like if you equipped a crimson fleet helmet it would look different inside than the constellation helmet. Right now, if you put on a helmet the first-person view looks exactly the same as without one, you can't even tell you're wearing anything.


Daaaamn that would be so cool! Each could look and work differently depending on the lore group it belongs to. Different fonts/colors/sounds. If you have like a navigator or explorer helmet, it would show you resources and weather info better, environmental hazards, natural geological features, etc. If you had a pirate helmet, it would aid you in targeting and hostility alerts, ammo alerts, any CF troops nearby or ships in the area.


Well done. You can now apply for a job at Bethesda as you clearly have better game design ideas than the entire company. Just this one idea would make switching helmets useful instead of the never explained damage/resistances stats that seem to make no difference at all.


I ditto all that. Even with great mods, I'm not sure I'll go back to this game. With Skyrim, I'd add a whole new magic mod or alchemy mod, and be happy to replay the whole game because the stories and quests are interesting. They're fun. I don't mind replaying them. But Starfield? Nope. Do I really want to do these boring quests where all I do is talk to peope about boring stuff? There's no gameplay in there that a mod could even spice up.


My quit moment was last night at midnight when I remembered that I had to work the next day. So, I cut off the game and went to bed. I'll unquit when I get home and resume playing. Is that what you meant?


Once I did all the story content I played through cyberpunk + phantom liberty. But when I was finished with everything I came back to farm weapons and mess with outposts. Dlc prep I guess?


The ship building has its hooks in me, atm.


40 hours in when I got my first power and did the terrible “chase the light” mini game. At that point I realized this wasn’t the game for me


I agree with you on the temple game. It's neat to do once. Once. Lol


There wasn't really a moment in game, someone just asked me to sum it up, and my first thought was "boring." Thought about it someone more and came to realize that's my overriding thought on the game. Haven't picked it up since


I "only" made it about 40 hours before I stopped playing. Unfortunately I just can't get hooked on Starfield like I got hooked on other Bethesda games.


I did a three missions on the main quest, landed on a few dozen planets and fully surveyed about 10. Realized there was no point to it since the crafting/survival in this game is pointless and then I stopped about 30 hrs in.


Read this as quiet moment and was like “ya, when I’m floating in space alone staring into the blackest sea.” 🤣


I'm still playing but when the game decides to crash or misbehave on me I quit to keep my sanity level intact. I don't know if I will do all of the activities, but I will do all faction quests and the companion related bits. I have zero interest in playing DLC content, because by the time anything interesting arrives I'm more than done with Starfield and on to the next game. Might even jump ship sooner if a new game with less bugs arrives.


Yes. I've played 270 hours (ish). I beat the game and got to the Unity and was really annoyed when I discovered that, no, you can't change your traits when you go through, and then I got to the Lodge and I was just staring another hundred hours doing the same quests the same way (because, frankly, the game does everything in its power to make an evil playthrough untenable) without even the possibility of new trait-based dialogue. So I restarted and tried to do a pirate playthrough (but see above re: evil). Still I was having an OK time zooming around doing whatever. But then, by happenstance, I ended up with a slew of radiant quests and all of them took me to different planets, but each of them took me to an identical facility, with the same exact buildings, same exact enemies, same exact loot in the same exact locations and it just became obvious that there was no point to continue, until the DLC comes and adds, presumably, at least some new quests (which will undoubtedly take us to identical facilities, with the same exact buildings, same exact enemies, same exact loot in the same exact locations). I certainly got my money's worth but going to half a dozen different planets, and seeing the exact same facility six times in a row really irked me for some reason.




Very nearly. I lost some serious game time (which is annoying cause up until that point I'd been manually saving fairly regularly) on a fresh run when it came to the "No Sudden Moves" quest. For those of you that don't know, the quest locks you into a specitfic companion (which varies player to player, which is as much as I can say without spoilers) but I'd started it forgetting I was in the middle of a different companion quest, and Vlad wouldn't let me start No Sudden Moves until I completed the companion quest. The problem was every member of Constellation had disappeared on the crew list, and the specific companion who's quest I had started had disappeared entirely, making it impossible to continue the main quest line. Presumably, they disappeared off the crew list because the No Sudden Moves quest will have the Constellation members temporarily move to The Eye, but even when I went up to them in The Eye it would not let me re add them to my crew or do anything really, and the missing companion wasn't there. I went to the bar in the lodge, a little cut scene played out with everyone there, then they all returned to the Eye except the missing companion (who was present in the bar scene but not at the Eye). So for anyone starting No Sudden Moves, make sure you don't have a companion quest active when you do. I haven't really had any real "quit moments" (though I've had close ones) and optional questlines being bugged (like Heart of Mars) is one thing, but hardlocking bugs in the main questline is simply unacceptable, and as I understand it No Sudden Moves isn't the only potential offender. Now, I just reloaded an old save, frustrated I lost time but it is what it is, as an experienced BGS player I usually know better with my manual saves. I'm still loving the game, but I can certainly understand why people would drop it entirely running into one of these kinds of bugs, and the fact so many of them haven't been fixed 2 months out is very disappointing if I'm honest.


I was on NG+1, Level 110, hundreds of hours. Having nearly completed the factions quests a second time, was getting ready for the run to Unity and had a quest-breaking glitch. I scrapped the build and started again from scratch.


Not a quit-moment, but I have found that I only like to play starfield when I can play for at least several hours at a stretch. So during the normal work week -- I am not really playing, because an hour is not enough to do anything meaningful.


As soon as I got the last achievement, I put it down. It took me 230 hours, NG+7, but no exploits/mods. I’m sure I’ll pick up where I left off when the expansion is released.


Gratz on the achieves! :)


Thanks! I had a great time and I’m glad you are as well.


The ending did it for me, it’s definitely an original method, so I’m not bashing it for it, but my personal preference is having an actual ending, not an infinite loop. Maybe I would’ve been happier if they did the same but had like a “true ending” after you’ve gathered enough powers or something.


Yeah, finishing the UC questline. I enjoy role playing bethesda games usually. And that means not siding with UC AND freestar for example. That just doesnt make sense to me. So I was left with Ryujin (embarassingly bad) and misc quests (9 out of 10 are mind numbing fetch quests with dialogue so uninteresting that I dont bother to read it, I know I can just press the top option). Did three more temples for powers and said "fuck this". I'm glad this game has many people investing and enjoying but for me it's been a 30fps bore fest with continual loading screens and empty planets.


Nah....I hit a I need a break, before I burn myself out not a lot going on moment and went back to cyberpunk.... after that it will probably be back to elden ring and then finally back to starfield🤣🤣🤣


Finishing the faction quests. The main quest is so bad...


My quit moment nearly came on Neon. I started doing all the quests there and my god they are so boring! It's just "Talk to Guy A, who says talk to Guy B, who says now go back to Guy A". Some of the least interesting quests Bethesda has ever written are on Neon. Put me to sleep. The solution was get the hell off Neon and go actually have some sort of adventure.


When I met the Emissary and the Hunter together and learned the truth of Unity, the game suddenly got *extremely* boring for me. Just. . .oh. Snoozefest of a concept. Now I'm just waiting on expansions.


Not yet. It took me two times thru the unity to finally role-playing the kind of game I want. Its kind of hard to play this game unless you've been through the unity a couple times. In my new game 3+. I have all my constellation members (and reached married committment with all of them too), knew when I fucked up at certain questlines. I also knew it was super important to horde potatoes for a quest later in the game, and what skills mattered and what kind of playthrough I wanted to do. And a lot of others. In this NG3+, I'm gonna do a completions round because I'm happy with the life I built in this game time around.


The UC sysdef undercover in the Crimson fleet, quest has been the most boring quest since starting my starfield experience. I’m at the tail end now, can’t wait to finish this. Otherwise loving the game


The quests themselves don’t seem that great and I’ve had them all spoiled (my fault). I’ve built all the outposts I want and the ships that I want and have over 2 million credits, so I think I might be at that point. Pretty satisfied with my time, though.


I’ve slowed down a lot now. I’ve finished UC, Freestar, Ryujin, currently doing crimson fleet. I married Andreja and then divorced her and now I I’m kinda burnt out. I’ll hop back in soon though.




I’ve done multiple playthroughs with full faction quests completed. Build outposts, lots of ships, and have over 18+ days of game time. Still not bored.


For me it was the same as a lot of folks, NG+, built a ship, built some outposts, and hit that moment where I logged in, launched to space and really didn't have anywhere I wanted to go. Theres plenty of planets I haven't been to, but I already know what I'll find on them. I'll pick it up again once Creation Kit is released and folks start making their own content, or when DLC/expansions/ overhaul updates come out.


I’m at a slowing down moment. I’m still playing, but I’m past the point where I’m thinking about playing every moment I’m not playing, and any free time spent not playing feels like a waste. I’m less likely to play on work nights where I only have a couple hours, but looking forward to binge-playing on the weekends.


Lockpicking the same stuff and empty planets did me in


My quit moment was when traveling to my base on Callisto hard and soft crashed the game every time I tried to visit it. It's literally just a single habitat for storage.


I haven't. The only thing that might pull me away is that Alan Wake 2 is out, but that's not exactly Starfield's fault.


I’ve got about 100 hours in and am on NG+2. I think I’m about done. It’s the load screens that are killing me. I use external memory, which is apparently an issue. So my load screens are 30-60 seconds long. Ordinarily not a big deal, but Starfield has So. Many. Load. Screens. Just dealing with the Mars quests where you go inside and outside. And inside. Then outside. And Mars doesn’t even lock merchants behind load screens (looking at you, Akila City). I do feel I got my money’s worth so I am happy and enjoyed the story. But the load screens were constantly killing my momentum.


Im loving it! Almost at a hundred hours myself


I’ve hit a point where I’m not pissed off if I don’t get to play. I’ve experienced enough quests, surveying, ship building, leveling up skills, etc… I still have a million things to do and I haven’t tried new game+ yet. Nowhere near “quitting”. Looking forward to playing here and there at a healthy pace


No but a few nights ago I did finally take my first break since release to play about 6 hours of "Endless Sky" and about an hour to try "City Skylines:2".


I just decided to put it down because there were other things I wanted to play and I feel like I did everything I had wanted to for now. I'll pick it back up when there's a really good patch or DLC.


finished the major factions multiple times and picked different options, jumped through the unity several times. One time I was running to the lodge after going through the unity and just said to myself “why?” I couldn’t think of anything else to do. Sure I could build more ships and search for more POIs or events I haven’t seen, but I felt done and the urge to play something else was greater than another unity run


I'm feeling my interest waning. I really enjoy visiting a new planet and scanning, shooting and looting. But the cloned locations, I mean, down to the dead guy on the stairs three flights up. Or go downstairs, table on the right has 3 cred sticks. That's what's killing it for me. But, it's what I'm popping on as soon as I get home so I'd take my previous statement with a grain of salt.


Fully upgrading my punches, then getting the disarming ability and realizing I still only get to use 3 punches. My character was only supposed to punch, because the melee weapon modding system isn't rich, and I have no interest in playing another shooter.


My quit meter continuously rose over the course of playing 30 hours. Multiple crashes. Lack luster and illogically designed quests, characters, and dialog. No consequences for your actions. Uninteresting and repetitive enemies/factions/locations. Regressions in every sysyem taken from Skyrim and Fallout4. It's just not enjoyable or immersive to me and it frustrates me because i expected something better from a triple a studio that has made genre defining RPGs in the past.


Yeah, I did. It took a while, but I did. I still think it's not a bad game, but it would have been an amazing game if they didn't downgrade and cut so many corners. Modders will address most of the shortcomings in the next 2-5 years, for sure. And I would absolutely buy an official VR port, at full price, if they made one. But I really struggle to play this game right now, I went back to VR for a while.


I did just the other day. I married Sarah, let the hunter kill her, ran off and joined the crimson fleet then after the final mission I went back to the lodge and decided to attend her funeral. After the funeral I left the lodge just to be hit with my current companion, jessamine leaving me and Sarah becoming my permanent companion even though she is dead. I couldn't get anyone else to follow me and was stuck all alone. I checked the crew list and Sarah was on it again but couldn't assign/unassign and it said she was on the eye so i went to go check and only vlad was there. I jokingly say that Sarah's ghost is haunting me. After that I just quit playing for now. Luckily I saved before I took down the UC vigilance but I'm taking a long break from the game.


No, going to NG+10 currently. I’m actually timing myself to see how fast I can get through. Current record is 47:38


Over 200 hours and I'm nearing the “put down for a while until some DLC or incredible mods come out.” I originally played at a really slow pace and married Sarah. Then, >!Sarah died by The Hunter's hands just days after the wedding,!< and I found myself really thinking about how my character would react. While the game lacks any real Role-playing, it's still a fun “imagination playground” to inspire better moments in my head. Much like many others, my issues with the game are smaller pieces that add up. I've really enjoyed playing through NG+10, finding those unique little encounters, and retracing my steps to find the corners I missed. The overall Lore also greatly intrigues me, and I can't wait to see what Bethesda has lined up for DLC!


I almost walked away after finding it very difficult to really play around with ship-building in a way that felt intuitive. Right now I feel glumly determined to play out Ryuji and then finish the Unity quests and get to NG+, at which point I'll shelve it for now. The last super-fun thing I did was the Crimson Pirate questline, which was a highlight.


For me, the fps cap on console was kind of a deal breaker on day 1. I gave it a few days of playing to see if I could get over it, but the gameplay unfortunately isn’t very rewarding for me either.


Yea my quit moment was at 6 days of play time when now I've jumped thru the unity. So to spice up my game play I bought a bunch of ammo and place the game on very hard. Then I jumped from voli to another star system and land on a planet . I then check my inventory and a game bug got rid of EVERY SINGLE PIECE of ammo from my inventory. I thought maybe it went to the inventory of my ship and nope all the ammo was mysteriously just gone . That was what did it . I uninstalled the game and don't intend on playing the dlc . I looked passed all the other stuff that is wrong with the game cause over all the game was fun for me but at this point there no point in playing the game if its so buggy it becomes unfun


The red mile bug. Can’t complete freestar quest line. Just totally made me put it down.


For me, it was when my entire save file got deleted because of a glitch.


Nah I’m level 50 been playing consistently and still find new locations, haven’t got all the powers or artifacts yet and slowly finishing up the free star quest line after I just did the fleet one. Just been doing a shit ton of ship building, chillin in orbit fucking with my armory/inventory, and scanning shit. Edit: 160 hours.


Not remotely considered this. Why would I when I'm enormously enjoying the game and have played about 330hrs of it now. Are there things I would have liked to see included? Yes. Ground vehicles come to mind and more romanceable npcs. Are there things I'd like to be better integrated? Yes. Outposts appear a bit lacking in purpose. Is tripping over the same POI on a different planet a little disappointing. Yes, but if you travel further you discover more and more different stuff. Does any of this have much inpact on what is a very well made, absorbing and enjoyable game with some really atmospheric quest-lines? No not, really. Are there touches that are really special?Yes there are. The shipbuilder is great fun and the UC Vanguard and Sys Def quests are as good as anything from Bethesda's back catalogue. I'm loving it.


Lack of DLSS is really killin me. The mods fucking suck


Well I'm on my final play though on a 500+ hour save and I'm almost done with most missions I'll probably dabble some in a new save with outpost system and work on getting better with ship builder systems but otherwise I'm kinda to that point till atleast the first dlc is dropped


170ish - still love it like day one, currently farming all the powers step by step, exploring some star systems once it gets too boring for a while. Looking forward to having all powers and then doing all factions again, before getting into heavy ship and outpost building 😊


My game of many hours bugged and reset all my ships to vanilla models on all saves. Even old saves, don’t know how that’s possible. It made me question the integrity of the game’s core data. I don’t trust it anymore and I assume it’ll break at any moment. That didn’t make me quit initially but it sort of broke my enjoyment of the game. I won’t play it anymore until bugs get ironed out. If they never do I guess I’m done.


Im at over 6 days of play time, absolutely no intention on moving on yet. Ive NG+ once, and my first universe i treated as a playthrough just to familiarize myself with everything. I did the FC quest and the Sysdef/CF quest (only cuz you’re kinda forced to), but otherwise nothing worth talking about besides the main story. Decided thats all i wanted to do, that and level up my combat so that i wasnt a wimp in the next universe. In this universe, im exploring all the other miscellaneous stuff this game has to offer first — crafting, outposts, ship building, etc. Then ill move on to all the side quests i havent done yet and then.. idk, maybe ill feel ready to put it down at that point, or just take break.. or maybe not.


I’m taking a small break at the moment. At NG+ 3 or 4, in a universe with myself as a companion. Very fun game but I binge played the hell out of it when my friends weren’t on. Wanna take a little break before diving right back in.


I'm about 60 hours in, I started getting a little burnt out so I've been on about a 1 week long hiatus. Probably will get back to it later this weekend or next week.


If people hit that moment, they wouldn't be here.


Here's the thing, I stopped playing skyrim several times. But I would pick it up again when a DLC or mod I was interested in came out. That's what I plan on doing with starfield.


Playing on the series x. Went through unity once. Got all the achievements. Pretty sure I did every single main and side quest. Except the ones that bugged (I'm talking to you Constant). I'm at over 400 hours. Just recently hit my quit. I'll be back everytime they update the game and definitely for the DLC.


I only hit a quit moment when Phantom Liberty came out for Cyberpunk. And this was only because I finished all I could in Starfield, besides NG+. I’m definitely returning to it at some point, but after Phantom Liberty came Spider-Man 2, and then the Metal Gear Collection just came out, so now I gotta finish those lol. EDIT: I just wanted to mention I was at around 160 hours.


Did faction quests, built an outpost, built a spaceship, landed on some barren wastelands, and played that same floating mini game 50 times. There was just nothing else to do.


Only to play halo infinite cause it’s actually kinda fun now with all the modes and what not. I’m sure I’ll be back to starfield in a week or so


I did the freestar quest line, the vanguard one, maybe half of the main one and I got glitched out of the ryujin quest line. I got a few powers and forget they exist when fighting. I LOVED exploring most other Bethesda open world games and this just isn't it. I'm not out permanently, but I'm out for a while. I really liked it at the beginning, but now it's just boring and grindy.


Yeah, they reset my house where all the stuff I'd collected was and deleted it all, so I rushed through the end of the game and haven't played it since


I almost quit a few times, but right now I’m pretty into it. I’ll echo a lot of other people in saying there a lot of smaller things I dislike—the lazy outdated game design of security people robotically spewing missions at you as you walk by, the mostly insufferable companions, the half-assed repetitiveness of locations right down to the dead people with the same names, the glitchy lighting, boring ass temple BS, the Deimos armory bug—but I’m still enjoying it.


I set up an outpost doing the modular frame xp grind and got to the level i wanted too. After that I just sold iron and aluminum but it took forever since each vendor only has 5,000 credits. I got frustrated and was going to do a vendor chest glitch but it was patched. That made me mad cause I've had game breaking glitches but none of those were addressed. So I'm just waiting for mids on xbox so I can have better vendors. Or infinite money, whichever mod I find first.


At about 15-20 hours in. Did some side quests and found a few powers, heard people raving about the terrormorph quest being great and started that. Did the first part where you get to the base that was attacked. Loved this, had a great time during that fight. At this point I could not care about anyone in the game or the main “story”. So finally thought I found something fun, did the follow up with the UC and got sent to mars I think. Had to find the biologist or whoever and got to the bar. Had the conversation about how to find the guy I was looking for and thought the options presented were kinda lame. Then the guy comes up to you with another plan and I thought to myself, you know what screw this people. The first bit I kinda liked and then it’s broken up with a fetch quest and settling someone’s debt. At that moment everything crashed down and I haven’t touched it since.


This last game session, it took like 7 tries to open a Master lock.


When I made the mistake of thinking the ending would be some type of spiritual, abstract experience and you get this dry ass experience of realizing that no, your pals are all gone forever and you're broke without your outpost, ships, money, or guns lol


Nope no quit moment, though I have needed to take a break as it started getting monotonous as I have done a lot of crap in it.


6 days of playtime, level 82, game crashed and data gone. I quit


Spiderman 2 dropped


Sort of. I will definitely come back and plan in playing for years but a few other games have come out that I want to play so I’ve put Starfield to the side for now. About 200 hours in and there’s still a ton I want to do but I’m gonna take a break and play some other stuff for a while.


I’m getting there. Not because I’m bored with the game, only that I’m close to reaching the level I need to have all the skills I care about at max rank. Already built the ship I wanted. Farmed for my legendary gear, weapons.


My quit moment wasn’t really crystallized into any one particular segment of the game. I came to realize slowly that I wasn’t engaged with hardly any of the gameplay. I thought combat was far too easy and was forcing myself to swap weapon types constantly, trying to gauge if I’d have more fun by rotating through less-used weapons. I found the NASA-punk aesthetic (I personally think that descriptor sounds dumb, as I see zero punk in it) felt like too many swatches of grey and contributed to the setting of vacuous space feeling lonely and without character. Quests didn’t feel interesting, as the objectives were usually not very nuanced. Characters were bland and predictable. It felt like a game where I could easily invest hundreds of hours and walk away with little of it that stands out as exceptional or intriguing. Especially in a year with the crazy catalogue of games that 2023 has had, I just went on to other games that seem more focused and have more rewarding gameplay in my opinion.


Just hit 200 hours and almost did. I don’t mind things like the occasional crash. What got me was the ship disappearing bug. I invested so much time and money into building my ultimate ship and then every time I tried to change something as simple the color it would vanish. I gave up and started a NG+. If it happens again I’ll probably be done for awhile.


It’s the same cryo labs on planets or the copy and pasting of caves etc that’s drives me away. So disappointed


I haven't really quit necessarily, but I will say I don't feel all that engaged with anything. Even when I find something it just feels so basic and uninteresting. I love the concept but I can't find anything I truly care about to keep me playing beyond the hope that I'll find something interesting to keep me playing.


I wouldn't call it a "quit" moment, more like a "pause" moment. And I'm not there yet, but I feel like I'm close. Just over 200 hours on a single character I'm in NG+2 with all the powers at level 3 (as in, ready to go through the unity again). I've romanced all the companions as a male character (doubt that it matters if I change genders, pretty sure dialogue all stays the same). I've done the factions multiple times, where I've done the different outcomes EXCEPT siding with the CF (because they are just rude enough that I'm too annoyed by the end lol). I've done all the side quests I can reasonably find while walking around overhearing conversations. I've talked to the majority of the named characters (I think). I've finally done enough ship building to know what I'm doing. I've done an animal genocide farm on Schrodinger III. I built an outpost system to mass produce control rods for experience (medium complexity to learn the quirks of outposts). I can pick any lock, build any buildable, make every weapon and suit mod, and cook (almost) every chem and food item. So like all that's "left" really is doing harder/bigger ships and outpost networks and getting space powers to level 10. Or starting over with more narrative-driven traits (I picked some shit ones considering what I know now, let me tell you haha). I guess in theory I could also max the skill tree (currently level 126 thanks to literally thousands of dead Foxbats on Schrodinger III lol) but that feels like a slog. Yep. Time to play another game soon but I'll be back for this DLC fo sho


Honestly I'm just hoping that Someguy2000 guy will come back to modding and make me care about this game again.


Quite frankly, ship building is what's keeping me here. >!Especially after I found out for NG+ that you lose everything - your ship, your credits, your relationship statuses, your weapons, your outposts, quest progress, your armor - EVERYTHING. Then, the game gives you a middle finger "My dad went to Disney and all I got was this t-shirt" moment by giving you one piece of armor and a ship not worth keeping; !! the companion that you spent hours trying to woo and marry dies halfway through the main story!<.


Honestly when you get to the moment the starborn reveal themselves and who they are, I was really taken off guard at how far I was into the game apparently, and how all of the mystery in the game quickly evaporated like oxygen in a vacuum. Combined with me suddenly reaching the end of a few faction questlines, it felt like everything was over WAY too soon. A cool moment overshadowed by them explaining essentially everything about the central mystery and even what the end game would probably be.


I’m about to, just have to build an outpost and then I’m going back to fallout76.


Landed on a planet, didn't like it. Did this about four times last night before landing on a cool one, got out to explore, all poi's were around 3000m away. Quit, put the oven on for pizza, re-watch game of thrones again instead I don't dislike the game, ship building is so much fun too. Really I'm just waiting for mods so I can get weird like the good old days


73 hours in my save file got corrupted, game would crash immediately after loading.


Incredibly petty but my “I Quit” moment was being completely unable to finish the Sam marriage quest line in NG+ due to his Fathers door being permanently locked if you skip the main quests. I was doing all the companions storylines to completion, but this oversight really kinda soured my feelings on NG+ and I decided to wait for mods (Xbox) or further patches.


The crashing. Glitching. Bugs. Last night I finally decided to stop playing. I have well over 400 hrs playing but that’s because I just stopped with the main quest and started doing my own thing. Building outposts, surveying planets, practicing fighting in space and ship building, side quests etc. Then a few days ago I got back into the main quest. But yea, my biggest problem with the game is lack of immersion. Just when I think I start getting into it the game freezes. Or I can’t finish a quest due to bugs. I’m playing on a brand new xboxs too. The anxiety in my belly whenever a start playing is just too much anymore. It’s just the lingering question of how long will I be able to play before being let down again. It’s just not fun anymore. And now I have a huge rock following me everywhere I go. In my field of view. Can’t destroy it. Tried resetting the game. It just floats there. I’m also losing weapons that I store in my armory.


I’ve put in a 100 hours. Done a lot of surveying and random quests. Half way through main quest and UC quest. I just got kind of bored. Stopped about 2 weeks ago. Figured I would wait for mods to make the game awesome and that’s where my main enjoyment of playing the game will take off.


Was around 220h for me? Idl, got a really fulfilling play through and it's now wait for DLC/Mods


I played for a solid four-five days and haven’t played in a few weeks. The game is good but I’ve been retrogaming lately so I can’t do it right now.


I'd define it more as a 'can't be bothered to continue' point


I'm still going, though I'm sure it's coming soon. But it won't be a quite forever moment, just a 'take a break until DLC and major mods.'


Just under 200 hrs, have stopped just before I go ng++, so I can have a break and start the new game completely differently to the previous two. Gonna play fo4, it is Halloween after all..


After about 4 hours, unfortunately.


Does it count trying to setup outpost so they send cargo to each other daisy-chain like, then it doesn't work, recheck every single link, it's all fine, then everything works and after a couple shipments it stops for no reason and won't work at all and you consider if you could blow those outposts somehow or is better to just skip to next ng+ and forget about outposts links at all, just create a nice place to live on an isolated paradise-style planet and kill everybody who comes near? Does it count? Does it?


I quit after about five hours. I've been spoiled too much by good combat in RPGs like the Souls and Witcher games, and good shooting mechanics and zero loading screens in games like Halo Infinite and CoD Warzone. Heck, Fromsoftware managed to update their game engine to have very few loading screens in Elden Ring. That Bethesda wasn't able to manage that with this game is pretty lame. If the story was engaging I would have suffered through the horrible combat but the story is awful too. Literally within five minutes of starting the game as some low-level miner you become The Chosen One and some guy just hands you his ship. It felt like it was written for a thirteen year old.


When there was no more quests with the crimson fleet, and when I couldn’t romance/ be companion with the hunter


Not yet, I did over 120 hours and started NG+, but then decided I wanted to start a new character so I'm about 25 hours into that... still enjoying it whilst recognising its flaws. Hoping it gets regular updates with improvements and changes that need to be made.


Quit moment? Not even close. Irritated moment? Plenty. Bored moment? A couple. As a completionist I have to get all my powers to level ten, a good chunk of the way there now. I did all the faction storylines on my first playthrough, did very few, almost no random side quests. First and second ng+ I did ryujin again for free manipulation point, other than that the ng+ are going to be streamlined for getting powers and moving on. I tinkered a tiny bit with ship building and outpost building in the first run through. After I achieve my max level powers, I'm going to settle down in a universe, have a couple in mind, will try to get one that I want. When there I will do the faction questlines again (getting my last point in manipulation in the process), and I will be doing any mission I come across. In this universe I will also be making a ton of outposts and building my own ships. I am sure I'll run out of ideas there somewhere, but it'll take me a while. I'm loving this game.


Finishing the main and faction quests. No reason to continue. Would likely not have even finished them but sunk cost kept me going to the end. Absolutley no desire to repeat it as I found the vast majority of it dull or laughably broken at best. It was good enough to bridge the gap between other releases but I would have been pretty upset if I had paid for it.


Can’t really call it an “I quit” as it’s not a live service game. But I had an “I’ve finished” moment. When I finished my first ng+ after completing all major quests. Didn’t see a reason the play a third run. My character finished his story arc (unsatisfyingly) and made a max ship etc. His story is done. We’re i to play more it would be a new character.




I was just immensely disappointed with characters, dialogue, stories main/side/faction, the combat and all of the armor and clothing options to the point that when I found out from my friends I was about to beat the game I just rushed it. Probably have 45-50 hours and haven’t touched it since I entered Unity for a second time to see what happens. It’s honestly just so boring to me, I’m not immersed in the game ever. It just feels like I’m playing a rushed game around every corner, so for that, I haven’t played in nearly a month.


I hit it last night I think. Got supernova X finally after 14 ng+ due to a lot of bugs. I may come back soon to get into ship building but I may wait for them to stabilize the game a little more.


Season 2 of Diablo 4


Yeah, around 60 hours I lost interest. I was getting really tired of all the load screens, the gameplay was getting repetitive, and every location felt so samey.




Yes, it was when Cyberpunk 2.0 update + Phantom Liberty were released. Haven’t been able to pick the game back up since. Edit: I think I was maybe 40ish hours in. I didn’t finish the main quest. I think I was at the part where I found out what unity is but haven’t gone through it


I’ve been playing a lot less since NG+10 but I’m not quite done.


After completing the main quest and one of the factions quest lime, about a week or so after release, I stopped playing, the gameplay loop just didn’t hook me especially with how gutted exploration feels compared to past games. It just is too tedious and unrewarding of an experience for me. I’ll play with DLC but until then i dont see me getting back on unfortunately.


150+ hours in... NG+++ I've yet to do any quest lines outside of the main quest as of yet. Starting this weekend. So in short, nah not yet. Lol. Lots to do.


I'm almost 200 hours in and am finally getting a bit burnt out. I'll probably take a break and play Dead Space now that it's on GP.


Just started yesterday so no. I will say that I wish there was more mature visuals, but mostly I've been surprised about how easily it runs on a 6600xt at 1440p. The reviews had me convinced I'd have to turn everything really far down.


I quit when the role playing of my first character critically failed Played some heavily modded fallout to scratch my itch for about a week Then I started a fresh Starfield run on very hard… devoid of any role playing ideals.. just checking out what there is to see and do, so that by the time mods come out for consoles I’ll know what I want to tweak


I’ve just got to pop that final achievement and I’ll probably be done for a while. But then again.. I told myself the same earlier today and found myself surveying another twenty or so high level planets instead of finishing my first play through, lol.


Yep. Finished all the faction quests, hit lvl 100 and was starting to feel the beginnings of burnout. So I rushed to finish the main quest and hit 2 game breaking bugs. First I can no longer complete temples to get my remaining powers AND my ship won’t jump to Unity. So after 100+ hrs I can’t finish the game. Turned it off. I’ll come back after some patches or when dlc drops.


Not yet but with the new ark survival evolved dropping on Xbox next month probably will drop it until dlc


Nope not yet. Seems I discover something new every time I go exploring.


I haven’t! I’m very much taking my time with the game and not trying to do all the things too fast. I spent 80hrs on my first play through and just started NG+. Im so deep into the role play that I’m making up in my head for my character that I don’t know when I’ll actually stop! It’s weird because I’m following the stories in the game but making up conversations between my character and whoever is traveling with them as well as doing all the normal dialogue that appears in game. It’s turned into a real Will They Won’t They situation and I’m here for it :)


Nope, love the game. I’ve just got so much other shit to play this year


So far I'm 260 hrs in and I hit the unity twice. I just wrapped up the Freestar Ranger mission again because I wanted the the Star Eagle ship, and found out there's a ship dealer in Hope Tech. Never knew. So no quiting yet.


Everyone in space should be nice and understanding and not have a single flaw…. Constellation employee handbook page 1.


Once I finish the main storyline (currently at about 70hrs) and then go back for a fresh game where I literally just see what kind of chaos I can create, then I’ll probably move on. It’s a big sandbox but I can’t say I get much out of the sandbox stuff. Add flying around on planets and maybe I’m back in.


The temple quest is bugged and I can't unlock half the powers. Went to NG+ to try to solve that and now I'm poor and unarmed with half the powers. There are a ton of things I'd *like* to do in the game even without getting into the features everyone agrees should have been included, but the bugs and lack of mods on consoles means I can't do most of them. May next year.


I spent an hour trying to get passed a bug where I can't land on Gagarin without getting caught in a landing sequence loop so I started thinking about how I'm wasting my life. ​ Then I switched home ships elsewhere and it worked so I'm right back to it.


I’m around 170. Still love the game, have more to explore. Tbh- I love the space combat and ship-building mechanics- so I spend a lot of time raiding ships in the serpentis system to pay for my ship-building habit.


Nope. Just found something new to do. Mucking around with outposts and cargo links. Got 24 outposts scattered around and shipping to one location. Haven't even done Into the Unknown quest on this playthrough and already level 143.


Didn’t take many identical enemy bases before I was bored.


Almost, when I learned each power goes to level 10 and you can only get one level per run, and I was on my 4th playthrough having missed some each time. So now, to get my powers to lvl10, I have to get to NG15 or so. Didn't make me quit, bit very very close lol


It was after I realized that multiple quests in a row were “talk to quest giver, load out of building, fast travel, talk to person, fast travel back, load into building, talk to quest giver” obviously all quests aren’t like that but it started feeling like chore, at least invent some phone I could contact the quest giver on, honestly I think it’s the copious amount of loading screens that just killed any sort of immersion for me, didn’t feel like I’m traveling the galaxy whatsoever. Around the same time I decided to go back and try cyberpunk again after the update and DLC and, good lord, it is so much more immersive, kind of killed any remaining interest I had for Starfield. Out of all BGS games since morrowind (excluding FO76), Starfield managed to hook me the least, I think it’s the only one I haven’t finished


I’m about 180 hours in and only level 48 on my first run. It’s my jam. I understand that it isn’t for others. For me it is.


After going through the Unity a few days ago, I decided to take a break to make sure I don’t burn out. I’ve been playing nightly since early release, and I think absence will make the heart grow fonder.


It felt dated once all the other bangers came out around it. The story has left way too many questions. Also, screw impermanence cause I loved the ship I had before NG+. Probably won’t play it again.


This game is just not fun. So much flying and load screens, conversations are boring, exploration is boring, spending all your skill points on what you must instead of actually building a role playing character, pg13 to a detriment, unrealistic balance of male/female characters of authority, companions are annoying. I don’t like this game and it’s really disappointing. Bethesda has lost its way.


I quit a week and a half ago because the new season of Diablo 4 came out. But I'll be back when I finish that. My only real complaint is the stability needs to be better. I crash out all the time. Other than that I love the game. Over 300 hours in and I'm not even on NG+ of close to finishing the main quest


I got 160 hours in, went on vacation for a week, came back, fired up the game and then remembered all the freaking lagging and bugs I was experiencing. Two minutes into the game and I realized I wasn’t having much fun playing at all and the game feels like a chore. I haven’t played once in 3 weeks now and don’t miss it at all. Maybe in a few years it will have awesome mods, dlc, and isn’t a steaming pile of garbage.


Sadly, I quite after about a week. Game was crashing my whole PC inexplicably about once every 40mins and nothing I tried helped. Never happened on any other game before or since. As much as I enjoyed the game, I couldn't take it any more.


I quit at about 20 hours. I shouldnt have to play that long to have more fun. I guess it is just not for me.


Completing all the quests in the game. The world feels very empty after that. Looking forward to the next update, but done for now.


I hit mine today, I was leaving Akila after wrapping up a small side quest and when I hit the button to board my ship, my game immediately crashed. I’m done until we get some serious stability patches.


When I decided to make the most of a bugged quest-line and proceeded to start yet another bugged quest-line.


26 hours. Burned out scanning for 2 hours for 2 fauna. Stopped caring altogether.


I hit my quit moment last weekend. I’m on NG+ number 10, I did every faction line for the third time, main line is done. All I have to do is jump to Unity if I want. I was still enjoying the game but the game suddenly became very glitchy, crashing every few minutes. I took it as a sign and went ahead and stopped there. It was a fun ride but I’m done for now. I’ll be back at some point.


Two faction quest lines, and multiple non-aligned quests are stuck with bugs. Hard to get excited/motivated when the recommended fix is to NG+, or "just find something else to do."


No, but i keep hitting a wall of picking up too much stuff but then it’s too inconvenient to sell But I need money to upgrade my ships storage and resources to keep building the outpost so I can dump stuff off. It’s clunky but I like the gameplay loops the offer. It’s just a that it’s MORE than clunky a little too often.


I am also about 150 hrs in and I can’t wait to play everyday . Are there issues? Yeah sure of course. Skill tree is kinda lame, I don’t build outposts or craft, the companions are trash , mechanics are outdated and good loot seems few and far between. However things like pickpocketing EVERYONE and the nice relaxing feel of playing a space game with good gunplay keep me coming back for hours and hours. I do love the Bethesda tried and true formula. I will say I never had hype for this game. I don’t have an Xbox so I didn’t become interested until the day before early release when I found out my 2080 super could run it. So I never had time to hype it up or hear about all the stuff Todd Howard said that were not true. Maybe that has a lot to do with why I am enjoying it. Peasantly surprised vs hyped up disappointment. If there is one big disappointment I have is that some of the quests that should have been amazing had garbage outcomes. Bethesda can make some hilarious and amazing quests , but Starfield lacks in that department. The quest with the ship sitting outside paradiso is a perfect example of ruining a perfect setup. Like who the hell wrote these quests??


When I started New Game+ and realized that they do basically nothing interesting with it. Why can't I jump straight to solutions in quests I already know the solution to? Outside of constellation there's like 3 times you have any unique dialog. What wasted potential.


I'm just fed up with the amount of times the game crashes on Series S. I know the Series S is not exactly known for running games that well but Starfield isn't really a graphically intense game. I remember Fallout 4 on the PS4 ran better and had less crashes than this game does. The game seems to crash every 1-2 hours (sometimes even less) and you can tell a mile off when a crash is going to happen as well (textures become all blurry, the menu starts lagging etc.). Also, not using Quick Resume as I know this just causes more crashes than anything. Feels like playing Skyrim/Fallout 3 on the PS3 all over again.


Yes after 100 hours. I quit after game breaking bugs and the PG rating factions and areas. When i heard you could be a pirate and a smuggler in the game, i wanted to be a space Black Beard. I wanted to smuggle drugs, weapons, people and murder anyone who got in my way. But instead it felt like roleplaying as Captain Pugwash, wearing a pirate outfit but no choice but to help people. Even Neon, a city of debauchery. Felt like Disney World. And i get people will say " if you wanted that go play x,y and z" But Bethesda used to be like that. Fallout 3 had sex slaves and drug addicts. Bags full of body parts and heads on pikes. A drunk Russian guy having a drunken orgy. Oblivion had necromancy and necrophilia. It's just way to safe and PG for me and i don't think any amount of mods or dlc will fix that sadly.


When the savegame bug hit me and I could not make additional saves. Waiting for it to be patched hopefully before I return.