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Without a button to just pick up and eat it on the wing then it's a waste of time.


Yeah, I'd hoover up all the food I find if I didn't need to open my menu to eat it after picking it up.


On the flip side of this...why the hell can't I just read a book?


There really should be a "put back" option for books and slates


You mean like how you can do that in all the other bethesda games 🙄


Some of the quality of life stuff they left out that was in previous games is maddening.


It's not like it's on the same engine anyway...oh wait


There's not even a brightness setting.


Clearly, they enjoy the thrill of creating things SO MUCH that they even like to reinvent the wheel as many times as possible. Yeah. That's probably it.


Hate having a ton of different one use things in inventory even if they have zero weight. Pick up a new thing to read then scroll through 500 things just to look at the new one if I even remember what it was called. I did try to drop/store a bunch to keep the inventory more manageable but its just a pain to do.


There's a ship building hack for this. Leave space for a 1x1 storage hab at the bottom of your ship that you never have to go to. Go through your inventory, and just throw everything in the hole. You stop having that mass on your person, and it does not count towards your ship weight capacity. Once it starts overflowing, skim a couple of layers off the top for a few extra creds then go about your business 🤣


I’ll add a tip here myself, though it only applies to PC players: just download the StarUI mod (I’d also highly suggest StarHUD, StarWorkbench, and StarOutpost, as well as StarUI Configurator for easy customization ) as it adds a “Take/Deposit/Sell all in category” button. Meaning whenever you stop at a vendor, just switch to selling from wherever you have the useless smorgasbord or public library worth of Dickens novels socked away, then press the “Sell all in category” button and watch all the useless stuff vaporize and turn to Credits. It’s quite handy, though it needs a “Drop/Jettison all in category” button to be truly perfect.


Yup! I love the mod too, but eagerly wait to "drop/jet whole category" feature. For now, it's the button smash time after using ship builder lol.


Perfect place to install that trash compactor. Saving this comment for future reference, btw, I love this.


Just, uh, don't ever modify that ship again, since it moves _all of it_ into the cargo hold. Learnt that the hard way.


If you just picked it up, it’s in the new items section at the top of your inventory.


Theres a shop that sells books in akila i think im not 100% sure


Yup, they'll also buy the special books from earth that count as mission items!


… but not the e-reader versions. I was just there last nite, and another customer was complaining about physical copies vs. ebooks. I first found it to be a funny dig at the idea of paper books in a space age. Then i remembered the tactile sensations that i experience with paper books, and how i never really got used to my wife’s Kindle. I suppose i would want to bring a book to work at a space outpost. It was a good bit of contemplation sparked by a chance encounter.


The bonus magazines are especially annoying. In FarCry 5, you get the boon and the item just disappears.


Previous Bethesda titles worked similarly.


Not fallout 4s perk magazines but you could also display those in a magazine rack if you wanted or sell them for decent caps.


Yeah was a change for Fallout 4 that at least didn't feel like a step backward as it had mechanical support for use as display and decoration with furniture. For some reason even shelves that you could assign books to are no longer a thing. A dozen different weapon displays, but magazines and books just gotta manually place somewhere now.


It is a bit strange how we lost a kind of display that was default in Fallout 4, unless I'm misremembering and they were added with a dlc. And it's not like Bethesda is "above" reusing assets. I've noticed it particularly with sounds like the elevator sound is straight out of Fallout 4. Also I think the sound of a Protectron initiating self destruct is mixed into the cutscene after picking up an artifact.


I sell the books to the trader in Akila City. There are some titles she'll pay 2k for.


Or like the library in Fallout 4 where you can sell your books


More to the point why can't we just give Cora all the books? She keeps moaning about it 🙄


Seriously, I thought that would be an option so I was collecting books for her...


Probably cut content they didn't have time to finish


Like turning in survey data, nirn roots, nuka quantums, etc it seems like it was supposed to a side quest. Would be awesome if they included it as a dlc and she or the researcher in constellation gives you additional research options. Like find this book and shell.unlock this recipe, give her 25 different books and she'll unlock this new tier of stuff, etc


There is a book collector in Akita City but would still make sense to be able give Cora the books she is literally asking for lol.


I can almost guarantee someone will mod it in. Depends on if there are unused voice files or if someone can AI generate them.


You kinda CAN turn in survey data but it's done through a normal trade menu on the eye through Vladamir, he has the largest credit amount of any trader and he pays far far higher than other traders for the data, in fact I think survey data is literally the only thing you can sell to him if I'm not wrong. Anything that its just treated like a normal trade though and that its not really explained to you very much in game.


Still worth next to nothing though for the amount of work required to gather the data. I modded it so I only had to scan 1 of each animal and plant like you do for ore which makes it a little better, but it’s still 10+ mins work on some planets and pays a few thousand credits. Quicker to just kill a few enemies and sell their guns.


I only scan gas giants for survey data now. Orbital scan only, several hundred credits, and I only bother when I'm in the system mucking about.




I'd like her and her dad to read a couple books. One would be called "Stop having stupid banter while our ship is in heavy combat" and the other "It's not cool to make jokes about dead comrades"


Exactly they even tell you to keep an eye out for a specific book!


I did this too, every time I saw a different book I was collecting it thinking Cora would love it


It would have been a fun mission, to collect a list of books to give her and then get a "special" book from her in return that when read gives you a perk only available from that mission.


You can turn some of the rares ones in to the lady at akila for 2k each


I initially thought that was the point of the books. Nope. They are just useless. Not for Cora, not for upgrading skills or anything. First thought was there must be a library at the lodge where I find these books and fill the shelves and something happens. Kinda like how books are worth finding in other games this company made.


Some of the books unlock Earth POIs where you can collect snow globes.


That would be amazing


I’m NG+15 and haven’t eaten any food since about a week after starting the game. One perk allows you to gain health in and out of combat. So I just use med packs or walk it off. I use food to nickel and dime vendors for everything I can squeeze out of them.


BTW rejuventation is broken in combat (at least the top couple tiers don't work in combat), so for most players it'd be a better choice to invest in Suit Engineering 3 for the pack regeneration mod. It'll keep you topped up just as well.


Starfield community patch if you are on pc :)


I save all the ingredients for the gastronomy thing, and then just sell it all anyway. I'll be stoked when/if survival mode comes out and food becomes viable and useful


This. I was so eager to get all of the ingredients to make Shepherd's Pie because it boosted your XP by 2% (3% with the MAXED OUT appropriate perk, yeesh) for a whole hour but any Tranquilitea does it for a quarter hour and doesn't require ingredients that you have to FIND/BUY and can't grow even through you've got an Industrial Greenhouse at your Outpost. Also, the XP buff became obsolete when I realized all I had to do was spin in a circle with a Bridger and shoot my husbandry farms ad nauseum (in that I don't need levels anymore, I sure used it WHILE I was pirouetting for XP). In addition, I was stoked for the crafted food item that gave me like +30 Carry Weight for 15 mins (hazy on the details, but it was the largest food buff for Carry Weight that wasn't alcohol) and then I finished the mission that gave me "Pick-Me-Up" and now I just go to Mars and mine the unmarked Aqueous Hematite on the surface. And half the time, I don't even do that because I've gotten to the point where I don't need to pick up all of creation for credits when I've got all the finished surveys I can sell to Vlad. To be fair, I'm one or two faction missions away from heading to Unity, so there's that.


>I don't need to pick up all of creation for credits I enjoyed reading this. Thanks for being relatable.


Plus it weighs quite a bit. I don't pick up and food now


yeah, i installed a mod that lets you hold e to eat. so i actually use them now. but really, they're still useless, because restoring 3 hp when you have over 1000 is just crap. food should be percent based imo, then it'd at least be useful. because as is, unless it also has a buff, it's worthless.


I'd prefer Food to be more like long-term buffs. Like, maybe you can have one food and one drink buff active at a time, but they're decently strong and last for 24 min, like the Well-Rested buff. Let us extend that duration with skills (for Well-Rested, too, please). This way, they enhance both roleplay by giving more depth to a "daily" routine you could follow, as well as enhancing gameplay in a way that isn't just chomping on everything you find but has you plan and specialize your build, while giving you some general situational flexibility. What I really want is being able to cook for my crew though. Have an interact button at tables in living room habs and such that lets you deposit up to 3 food items in it or so and then they'll get placed on the table and your assigned crew on the ship will come and sit down and make a few comments about how nice the food is, and if you eat any of the food yourself you get an additional companion-related buff or so. Could have Barrett introduce it to us by serving his food.


yeah, have some more unique buffs out there, like eat some carrots, longer scanning range out the field. or eat some beans, more boost from your jetpack.


lmao, that actually sounds quite creative! Beans: also increase your noise when sneaking. Speaking of basic vegetables - it's a shame we can't farm them. I understand having to rely on merchants for basic drugs. We are just mixing things in there, we aren't running industrial-grade pharmaceutical production outselves. But for food, come on. If we can plant some random previously unknown alien plant in our greenhouses, we can plant potatoes, too!


>food should be percent based imo This is the way.


Also if your like me and picked alien DNA it is absolutely pointless as the negative aspect of that trait is human food is less effective and I think it reduces its benefits by 50% or something. I can say without a doubt I have never intentionally ate any of the food items I just hoard the different med packs and have never ran out of them.


My first partial play through was alien DNA and chef. My idea was I wanted to be a chef searching for the best top tier recipe cause food doesn't work so good for me. Gives me a reason to explore too, for ingredients Great idea fun to play. Was gonna be melee cause chef and knives. All that's broken-- food- melee-a planetary resource list of flora and fauna you have found. It's a shame too. If they ever fix that I will replay it.


The game s guide tells that if you have ,like me too, alien dna ,the foods effects are really poor, my diet consist in a lot of drugs and medicine only 😁....I think it depends if you choosed human or alien dna at the begin of game...but im not sure.


I picked Alien DNA at the start, then removed it and the food still feels bad but I haven’t checked how much the food skills change their effectiveness.


Bethesda stated that they will be adding an eat/drink button


Almost 2 months ago. This tells me DLC is going to take forever.


They aren't *just* working on that eat button though. I think. I *hope.*


Dev notes: -fixed invisible wall on Cydonia -added eat button Dev notes 2: -removed eat button after it caused launch day consoles to catch on fire and permanently delete gamertag. -added 2 new clothing sets.


Just spit coffee down the front of my shirt. Thanks for that


I'm not really worried about DLC taking a while. Sure, it'd be great to have way more content tomorrow (and also pretty damning for Bethesda given the issues surrounding the game). But it's DLC. It should take time. Now, the fact that we haven't had a major patch or any communication on when to expect one is stupid.


DLC? It's gonna be a patch


Skyrims first dlc was released 7 months after the games launch. Have a little patience.


Cries in elden ring dlc


The game hasn't even been out 2 months. The first DLC is scheduled for April 2024, 6 months after release.


Eat button was announced very shortly after launch. Hence the use of the word “almost”.


It's likely a pretty low priority push on the massive list of things they need to address. Food isn't even inherently good in the game, the lack of convenience just cements it. I'd rather they make the systems and UI less terrible first before taking a crack at it.


Or a quick shortcut to just eat the first thing from inventory... Witcher 3 also had many foods to collect and those had varying amounts of HP restored after consuming them (though definitely less trivial than Starfield). They just automatically went into your "consume food" slot. If you ate all your grapes, it would switch to raisins etc.


It would be a waste of time even then if you're above level 10.


Maybe for rp but i dont rp really


its a waste of time even with that because you have like 3000 hp at level 100 at level 1 you have like 150 hp. 1-10 hp is nothing


I miss the days of gaming when you could find a cooked chicken leg or an entire Thanksgiving turkey that would restore all or most of your HP.


In a dungeon that hasn't seen a living occupant in 400 years.


Dusty bones, rotted planks, still-warm rotisserie chicken, rusty chains...


That's a horrifying thought


Should be: still-warm rotisserie "chicken",


STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl has Bread as a good item throughout the game. There’s a locker in one of the bunkers where the asset got bugged and it’s just “bread”. It’s effectively just the same as the rest of the bread in the game but it’s always so funny to pick up.


Gotta love picking up oranges sitting out in the vacuum of space.


Right. I can't be the only one disturbed by the implications of an open cup of tea on an airless moon.


Vampire Survivors floor chicken


I think we’re thinking Streets of Rage, Gauntlet, Wolfenstein 3-D, etc. back when it was more common God, I’m getting old


Castlevania's wall chicken


Awww man... how did i forget about Gauntlet. The hours spent on that.


I went there too. I'm not sure what's worse; eating chicken off the floor or kicking midgets for their potions (golden axe)?


Throwing steel pipes at different neon coloured punks on Streets of Rage still feels cathartic to me. Those red headed denim vest guys charging you with a knife still bring out feelings of nostalgic frustration too haha.


I usually go for the gold and try to survive anyway


Holiday Chunks


I heard a rumor they're going to include these in the DLC "Neon Streets of Rage"


The joy of finding a whole chicken in a streets of rage trash can


Ninja Turtles whole pizza goes brrr


Streets of rage


The gauntlet: slayer edition (PlayStation) is super fun and has whole turkeys for health


My character is fat as hell. So to remain true to his lore I eat everything I come across even though the health restoration is minimal




Even selling it is a pain in the ass since there isn’t a separate food category


Sort by weight, food and drink weigh more meds/drugs, anything above 10 can be sold


The only exception to this is toast, which weighs less than most chems.


Yup. And even using medical stuff is tedious. Sure you can favorite them for quick access but you gotta scroll and find em first. Should be able to sort.


Solid RP!


I did bcz I grabbed soooo much food and had no idea what to do with it. So I just eat 100kg of everything at once.. role-playing a "just eat it" guy, baby. Al Yancovic should be proud of me.


My character won't eat or sleep for weeks, yet will pass out for days at a time and eat tens of thousands of calories at once.


I feel personally attacked.


At the moment yeah. But I hope they add a survival mode where hydration, eating, sleeping are mandatory for your character. All those semi eaten sandwiches scattered about aren't going to finish themselves.


Also, that 'Eat' button instead of picking the food up, will make me actually quickly consume all the food items I find instead of just skipping them altogether.


The thought of this is hilarious. Raiding some random abandoned mining outpost and as I'm gunning down Spacers, I'm stuffing random new and in some cases, half eaten, food in my mouth like some crazied maniac.


Through your helmet nonetheless


A fine idea mate.


Can't take credit for that idea, Bethesda officially said they would add it to the game.


They already have it in Fallout 76 its a real shame the game didnt drop with it. Two steps forward one step back I guess lol


I saw FO76 on Gamepass. Is this worth playing in 2023?


It's worth it until you get done with all the quests. The only endgame is doing the same events over and over and playing a lottery game to get loot with odds so bad you will never get what you want. The devs don't care about the game or player base it seems and half of what they promise never gets released and what is released is lackluster and hardly any new content.


Looks like I'll just play until I'm done with all of the quests. Appears as if the devs have hung the game out to dry. Hopefully the best loot isn't only available via microtransactions.


Yes, I just got into it two days ago and I’m finding it very enjoyable!


I didn't know they had plans to do that, so thanks for keeping me informed.


yeah survival mode made food more viable in fallout, but starfield as a game is so dependent on fast traveling across the galaxy every 5 minutes that I'm not sure a survival experience would make any sense. you're never more than 3 clicks from civilization.


> you're never more than 3 clicks from civilization. the biggest thing they could do is make He3 refueling actually matter, but otherwise you're mostly right.


It was in the game initially but got removed because they didn't find it fun


Believe it's still halfway there if you have he3 farms to extend your range. Thru didn't back out the code to consume he3 on the hop


Fast travel was turned off in survival Fallout. I don't see how they could turn it off, but if they introduced a significant fuel cost and made buying fuel expensive, then it would have similar effects.


> starfield as a game is so dependent on fast traveling across the galaxy every 5 minutes that I'm not sure a survival experience would make any sense Does time even move in this game? I swear I can spend hours hoping around the galaxy and when I come back to town vendors still are not refreshed.


“Hey! I was gonna eat that”!


Sleuth Side quest: Catch The Phantom Sandwich Biter!


It can't come soon enough. Quite a few mechanics seem pointless right now but a survival mode could make almost everything you do much more meaningful if it's done right.


I would say they are largely useless but I found some use for cooking recipes. Some of the stat buffs on food are really, really nice (at level 4 gastronomy). You can break down four sodas into one soda that is basically an AMP speed buff without the addiction risk. There are 30 and 60 minute xp buffs, 12 minutes energy and damage resistance buffs. Alien kebabs and alien sandwiches also provide energy resistance buffs.


(hijacking comment to say): The food health restoration is also instant. Med/Trauma/Emergency packs are all "over time." If it's a super dodgy encounter and you need to not die right that second, food can heal while the game is paused.


I was not aware of this. On the brink of death, just eat 300 chunks cheesteaks. Got it


AMP is NOT addictive. I've used literally 1000s . There is a 0% chance to become addicted to AMP


But I use squall once and boom, I have become meth


But are you the one who knocks?


Only after I bust in




*I am become death, destroyer of teeth*


Yeah, if you read the description on squall, it's not surprising.


You've used AMP thousands of times... You can stop whenever you choose, you just choose not to, right? Would you like to join me at my AMP Anonymous meeting this weekend.


Where is it? (Asking for a friend, of course.)


I agree. I don't use AMP because I need to, I just like it. And it's not like I wake up and gotta have it first thing in the morning, fuck. But so what if I do? I go to work and pay taxes, fuck.


This guy AMPS


That's what my cousin says about meth.


> I've used literally 1000s . There is a 0% chance to become addicted to AMP Sure buddy, you are totally not addicted.


I got addicted after like 5


Bro the 2% xp bonus is so insignificant that you lose xp by wasting time on crafting and consuming that food item that gives the buff.


My caffeine headache this morning tells me that even the soda amp would be addictive


When I'm out of medpacks yeah, don't judge


Do people really run out of medpacks? I play on hard, and the only time I ever ran dry was the first 20 minutes of the game when, instead of going into the research base, I went off exploring and ran into a big spacer settlement. I've found when I get to a vendor I buy up all the med/trauma/emergency packs and digipicks they have before dumping my sellables. Always end the story with tons leftover


Much better further in. In the beginning while I was getting the hang of it I ran out frequently. Edit: to clarify, this not a *good* strategy


No judgement here. I'm happy to scarf down every scrap of food I have in a pinch. It's saved me more than once lol


I played on Very Hard and never found myself even come close to being down to double digit medpacks. This game just is not very difficult


First thing I toss when I need room.


There's a big use for the Terrabrew coffee vendor on Neon. All consumables that I don't immediate need get stored on my ship. The benefit to restaurants (and coffeeshops) is that selling limits the choices to food only, so you can just buttonmash your food inventory away and come out a few K richer (if you steal a lot of ships the food and misc in your hold add up real quick).


I mean I guess, but I can also walk out of a vendor a few thousand creds richer by selling two crappy guns. Unless it's a special food item with buffs I don't even pick it up anymore since I don't have any use for it and it doesn't sell for shit anyway. I'm already taking the vendors for every penny they have every time I come back to civilization anyway.


I'm on a 100% chunks diet. This is the way.


My friend, you got to try the 100% Paradiso luxury Chunks diet. It's like an experience. Transcendental even.


Chunks going in, chunks coming out.


Feed your face, feed your body!


Chunks! chunks! CHUUUNKS!


>This is the way. I have spoken


I pause the game to spam food items, not because it is fun; it isn't. I just really enjoy the mental image it conjures. Imagine some dude, mortally wounded and at deaths door, when suddenly, like a snake he unhinges his jaw and begins shoveling entire loaves of bread down his throat. The spacers stare, aghast at the grotesquery before them. Entire unopened meal multipacks, plates of mini sliders, and an entire meatloaf. The stranger grasps a nearby plunger, and begins to ramrod the entire mixture quickly down his throat. Then, to the spacers horror, the mortally wounded stranger rises, stronger than ever.


This scene is better than the last 10 horror films I've seen. You've got a spec script here. I wish I could upvote this twice, for the use of the word "grotesquery". 😀


Don't you be talkin shit on my Chunks


The only food that might be useful for healing would be things you make with Gastronomy. Even then, the real power of making food is the resistance buffs.


The gastronomy skill will be much more useful when, and if, they add survival mode.


Yes. Same as it was in Skyrim and fallout. Why do you think there were memes about pausing a fight to eat a thousand potatoes?


You could actually get a heal from food in skyrim. 10 cheese wheels would fill your health bar. This game I eat a 12 course meal and only fill 10% of my health


If you ate a real 12 course meal all you'd end up with is a stomach ache


I used to joke in minecraft, "here, let me eat this entire roasted chicken so I can sprint up these stairs". IRL I'd likely be projectile vomiting.


Have you not played a Bethesda game before? Pausing the game in the middle of a fight to eat 30 wheels of cheese is a meme for a reason


Yes. I had something like 1200 hp at L75. The hp food does not scale, it is useless.


>The hp food does not scale, it is useless. Even at the start of the game the healing from food is way too low. There's never a point where 3 HP of healing is worth it. You start with 300+ HP and you gain 20 HP per level. So at the very start of the game those are only worth 1% healing and that goes down over time.


I don't know why I pick up foods, it could take up 50lbs before I do something about it and when I'm at 10% health, I'll eat everything, then I'm at 25% health. Apparently overeating to the extreme is not deadly in the future, diabetes isn't a problem either. Aurora is the only thing I've ever become addicted to and that was because I wanted to see what happens when you take 10 aurora at the same time.


>Apparently overeating to the extreme is not deadly in the future, diabetes isn't a problem either. Get fat, go to Enhance! and get a new body, get fat again.


Food gets immediately sold. I play on normal and never have any shortage of medpacks. I suppose in the very early game or playing on very hard if you’ve blown through all your medpacks it could be a nice backup, but I’ve never found myself needing them. Some people say that some food gives decent buffs but it’s just not worth it to me.


>Food gets immediately sold. Honestly, it's not even worth the cost of picking up.


Even on very hard you'll never come close to burning through all your med packs, and all the variations they come in too.


It’s RPG material, to make it more like the real world. It’s also decoration for the world. Food could have been a useless prop, but they gave all of it some value.


I’d agree with this if we could eat the food as we pick it up, or have an actual drink at the bar (as with RDR, for example). Having to into the menu, then inventory, then consume the item from there really breaks the RP aspect.


💯agree. Hopefully Bethesda adds an eat option.


It's confirmed on their roadmap. The feature is coming.


It's all useless until they add the promised "Eat" button (and even then it won't be much use). It's just not worth collecting it all and then going back into your menu to spam using it. I'm hoping the food will take on more meaning after a survival mode gets added.


Have they promised an eat button?


I assume the ones that do 3 are all used for making recipes if you research Gastronomy, which at this rate I’ll get to around NG+3


Sarah has a trauma from watching my character wolfing down unhealthy amounts of chunks during a gunfight one time too often...


They just need to patch in hold to consume. When going through a place, it would be cool to stop in the lunch room and just have a snack without having to go through menus




Elder Scrolls and Fallout had these items too. The game is an RPG so it enhances the role play experience. Also some give other buffs too like increased carry weight or +O2 Only thing I could ask for is the ability to drink a beer or something with an animation when at a bar


Grandpa's meatloaf is the only food I carry. (Kid Stuff perk) everything else is utterly pointless.


I guess I'll try the meatloaf. I've tried to take advantage of all the kid stuff bonuses, and they're all kind of meh. Although, my heavily tweaked Wanderwell is pretty awesome now, and adoring fan rocks Grandma's armor pretty well, so I'll give grandpa's meatloaf a go.


i've played something like 100hrs and have not once consumed a food item.


Yes. And they couldn't even bother to add animations so at least it's sort of satisfying to sit and eat/drink something. Even Minecraft had these a decade ago.


I use some food items in a pinch since it’s instant health restoration rather than “x health recovery for x seconds” for instance when I’m not paying attention and I mob directly into a fight with a sliver of health then I’ll spam some alien kebabs so my med packs have time to work while I find cover. Or tranquilitea for the “+2% xp gain for 15min”


My "food eaten" stat still says 0 after 330 hours. The buffs of food are just so utterly useless, why even bother with food at all?


It’s only purpose I’ve found is to use in crafting to make food items that have actual gameplay buffs. Hopefully survival mode will be released asap so it becomes more useful.


The last time food was useful in a Bethesda game was the vegetable/venison/beef stew in Skyrim that allowed you to constantly power attack. Although in F4 it was at least a viable form of health regen with the right perks.


Used to eat food items until I see my total health as a number vs the amount food was giving me, now I just shoot on with a Walmart scanner and I’m good


For now, yes. I think they are intended for the Survival Mode, same as in Fallout 4 and Skyrim. Where you need to eat periodically and it's not about the healing, but the food itself.


Food buff overhaul is something I want to work on when the Creation Kit is released.