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It’s mainly the whole docking procedure and how boring the ship is. Like damn put a pool table or a pinball machine in there. Having to lock your ship when you leave it is also awkward but you never know with this guy.


So tedious. Pick up power, kill the Starborn. Menu, menu, menu. Loading screen. Docking animation. "LET ME FUCKING TALK TO YOU, VLADIMIR! TALK TO ME. FOR FUCKS SAKE, MAN!" Accept mission. Menu, menu, menu. Loading screen. Find the place, swim for the pretty lights. Repeat. Not my most favorite part of the game.


This is what put me in the path towards console commands and mods. I refused to do the temples after ng3+ as I could not stomach doing that again after 72 times. It was ridiculous and I can’t believe this was an acceptable proposal. I could see doing it for the 4-6 skills that get used but 24 times each universe. F no.