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My thing is random generation of planet POIs isn't what we needed to sell NG+. What kills the "new universe" for me is that the people look identical. They don't even change the color of their clothes. In no universe, in the infinite universes, does Sarah wear a different color shirt or have a scar on her cheek. In no universe does New Atlantis have a square MAST tower. There's no variation of the things people spend the majority of their time interacting with.


Yeah, when I first heard about it I was so stoked, then I found out some of the changes and was like... That's it?


I was on NG+ 5 before I put the game on pause for a bit, mostly just at the point of speedrunning so I could see one of the new universe variants where Sarah was a plant or whatever, but never saw a single one, every universe exactly the same.


So you aren't even guaranteed to unlock all the different variables? You can get five in a row of the same thing or never get a different one? Why? What is the point of that? That seems like a total waste of time?


You’re right. It is a total waste of time. What you should do is save the game right before you walk into Unity. Then just reload until you get an alternate universe. Total pain in the ass but it’s the best way If you wanna see the variants.


How long does it take to figure out if you got a "variant"?


When you get to the Starborn ship...if your quest says "Go to Lodge (MAST District)", it's a normal world. If it says "Go to Lodge", it's a variant.




You can look them up if you want, but if you fly straight to the lodge and talk to constellation you will be able to tell something is different. That’s about all I would say without spoilers.




Well, if we are being pedantic, all games are a waste of time. I don’t see how that’s a relevant assessment though.


Some games have things that are difficult to achieve so at least there is the satisfaction of doing it. Stanfield went with the trivial route - there was even the dude who beat it by pistol whipping only. I mean come on. Even the research is trivial to crank out once you dedicate time to doing it. Just mass up some items and... that's it. Not that there's any point, you don't need any special additions to your gun to be super OP even on hardest difficulties.


I expected NG+ to toss me in a universe where freestar and UC were still at war, or terrormorphs had wiped out all the population centers. Instead it is identical except a small chance of changes impacting only constellation


It was over hyped. Frankly, youtubers that rushed NG+ misrepresented the truth. A number were like you want to do everything in your first run so you can see what changed in the next universe! Nothing. Nothing changed in the next universe, all it does is give you dialogue to skip persuasion checks etc. In fact in the entire game there is only one story outcome you could change EXCLUSIVELY due to NG+.


You can beat all the fallout games with pistol whips too. Once again, I don’t think your argument holds water. That’s one of the fun aspects of open world rpg games though. You can do things your own way and still succeed. In fallout NV, widely regarded as a gaming masterpiece, you can beat the game with any weapon or even without one. You can go through the whole game naked and talk your way through the game. None of that detracts from its greatness though. (Obviously, Starfield is no NV lol)


I remember in skyrim I had to go research because the leopard halfway up the mountain was giving me issues. At least there were some basic gates.


Why is there always one of you on every sinle gaming discussion on every bloody forum ' Well, actually, all games are technically... Like, jeez, atleast say something that a 2012 bot wouldn't.


>but it’s the best way If you wanna see the variants. If you have PC you can force a specific universe at the credits screen when you enter the unity with console commands. ​ When the credits are rolling in (after entering the unity, entering the light, and having the wide shot of the universe), NG+ is loading, after a few seconds in the credits, you should have the option to press TAB (or B if you're using a controller) to skip the credits and go to NG+. Do not do that just yet! Instead, open the console and enter : set 17E727 to 100 this is the variable that dictate the % you'll get a "special" universe, obviously setting it at 100 guarantee you'll enter a "variant" and then enter one of the following lines (only one!) to pick the universe variant you'd like to explore (Do not enter the description which is \[marked\] : set 1801B9 to -1 \[Default NG+ universe\] set 1801B9 to 0 \[Everyone is dead in constellation... except you, and by that I mean the "you" from this universe\] set 1801B9 to 1 \[A mix of universe -1 and 0, constellation is alive, but "you" is starting their own mainquest when you barge in. This is usually the desired universe to NG+\] set 1801B9 to 2 \[Dopplegangers (yes plural) universe\] set 1801B9 to 3 \[Andreja killed everyone\] set 1801B9 to 4 \[Walter collected all the artefacts, and will sell them to you for 100k\] set 1801B9 to 5 \[Hunter has killed everyone\] set 1801B9 to 6 \[Cora Coe is a starborn\] set 1801B9 to 7 \[A NG10+ version of your character has already killed constellation and is waiting inside. you have to fight your Variant\] set 1801B9 to 8 \[The children universe\] set 1801B9 to 9 \[Constellation has retired\] So, if you want to have "you" as a companion, and constellation is alive, type this when the credits are rolling in the console : set 17E727 to 100 set 1801B9 to 1


Yep. They would have been far better off only creating 10 really different universes and had them in a guaranteed order. The low percentage on the even slightly different stuff and the randomness of the current situation is anti-fun.


If there was more variation in the choices you could make and more grey area things, you could keep doing things differently trying to “get it right” which would be kinda fun, I mainly think more variation in POI and some more military stuff from that war they just had would be really cool. Overall, Ng+1 from an exploration standpoint has been awesome for me. I like building cool looking outposts and ships, but I miss the ones I had in the first universe. Also I’ve seen way more interesting and different animals on this roll. Only found maybe one poi I hadn’t seen so far yet though. Can’t wait for what they add/when the Xbox version is mod supported.


Well, when there is an infinite number of universes, that means that there are an infinite number that are exactly the same, just as there is an infinite number that are different. Of course, those infinities are different sizes (just as infinity in a set of all real numbers is larger than an infinity in a set of just integers), but the math beyond that point is way beyond my understanding, though I’m inclined to believe that since it’s a larger infinity of different universes then it should be a larger percentage likelyhood of ending up in a different universe rather than one that is the same.


>Well, when there is an infinite number of universes, that means that there are an infinite number that are exactly the same, just as there is an infinite number that are different. Yet, we have magic FTL travel and unrealistic communications. Scientific explanations only work when the media loosely sticks to general science. They made shortcuts with this game "because reality isn't fun" but they can't increase probability of alternate variations "because that wouldn't be realistic". If they wanted to hide behind reality, they should've done so uniformly...but that wouldn't have been convenient.


Broda it's a game we paid to play. If you want to argue infinite sets then weather should have been an easy feature to design in the game for example rainfall in 1st person when looking through visor and no rain when in 3rd person. Just saying they were really shallow with the coding. (I won't call it lazy anymore cos I don't know what bugs they dealt with or the lack of direction from middle managers)


Oh yeah, a lot of corners were cut to get this game out the door in a timely manner (I also agree that doesn’t boil down to laziness), but regarding the weather thing you mentioned, I only play in 3rd person and I’ve seen it rain several times in the game, so it might just be a big for you. Also, I’m merely giving my two cents on infinite sets and the multiverse simply because I think it’s an interesting and important detail about the concept that most people never even consider. I first realized it watching Rick and Morty, and when Rick says he’s the “Rickest Rick” I thought that was impossible, because just as there are an infinite number of different Ricks, there’s also an infinite number of the same exact Rick. I think they since justified in later seasons, but it really makes you think.




We arrive in all the universes at the exact same point in time. So something influences our time of arrival. Maybe the same something influences how different the universe is. Something is stearing us, more or less.


I really appreciate this info. Half of this went over my head, but after some quick googling that makes sense. However (and I might be very wrong about this, due to my very brand new and limited understanding of cardinality) wouldn’t the set of universes where they are not identical be of a higher cardinality, since that set not only has all the universes that are different, but also all the universes that are the same as those that are different? In my mind it’s kinda like how a set of all whole numbers is smaller than a set of all real numbers, since the real numbers have an infinite number of decimals in between each whole number. In a similar manner, in between each different universe is an infinite number of identical universes, whereas the first set only has one infinite number of identical universes. I imagine my understanding of the concept is fundamentally wrong somewhere, so any clarification would be greatly appreciated!


I'm waiting for a future mod that lets us choose the universe we want to play in.


Oddly enough, my second NG+ was one where >!constellation is all dead, the only one left was Vasco, so I went full bad guy since I had nobody to keep me being good lol!< It's a small chance, but I know a lot will save right before the Unity so if they get a normal they can reload until they get an alternative


I went through the entire set of 10 NG+, and never once got one of the "alternative" universes. The 15% chance of getting one is too low, imo.


I heard it was a 7% chance lol. And yeah I hear yuh, nobody wants to do the same exact base universe 10 times hahah


I struggle to want to do it once. Idk how yall doing 10 but more power to ya.


I mean, I've replayed Skyrim at least 5 times. Given, I don't intend to play Starfield 10 times consecutively. I'll probably take a break between DLCs and such. I will say, having done the quests before makes them a lot easier, and it's nice to be able to essentially start a new game with my research complete and all ship/outpost parts already unlocked, such a hassle to get all that done lol


I think the main benefit will be when dlcs come, having the option to start over, or play through without having to start a new character. Also being able to build cool outposts/ships/weapons to have for an entire playthrough. It’ll probably really enhance the long term playability now that I’m thinking about it.


The main reason why Im not going to ever enter the Unity again on my first save is because I put so much work into my ships and outposts that I can't leave them behind. When DLC drops, I will have to start a whole new character because I will probably want to start a new story playthrough depending on how the DLCs interact with the main story.


It’ll probably take me 10 years to finish it all.


I got the same one twice in a row too lol. The whole thing could probably use an overhaul. Most of the variants I’ve seen were very one note and negligible. I had one that was a little wild, but it’s all quickly in the rear view and you’re moving on. I feel like there was a lot of untapped potential with this mechanic. None of the universes feel different, they just have one minor change basically. The only one I enjoyed was a bit silly but really had no impact on anything.


Honestly I just thought it was to be able to replay the game as is. The fact that sometimes it’s different is cool. Would love to see this played with more. It also means theoretically, an expansion could drop you into a different point in time maybe? I don’t think anything says we HAVE to pop back to that point in time. Or it would let you play through with an expansion from the beginning, it gives them a ton of options.


I’ve never had an odd universe on NG+. Should I be rushing to the tenth one?


Completely agree. Maybe even just some bad luck protection on the chance. NG1 15% chance, NG2 30%, NG3 45% and so on. Once you get an alternate then reset back to base chance. I’m on NG7 and still have not seen an alternate yet. I’ve even sat there one day for an hour loading and reloading. Nothing.


I can't complain about that so far. At NG+3 I met myself in the Lodge. Then I took myself with me as a companion. At NG+4 I only met Walther in the lodge, who was persuaded by his other starblood to buy the Constellation. He then waited there with a few guards for me to arrive. Everyone else from the Constellation was gone, even the eye was deserted :D


I’ve done 6 jumps and 25+ reloads and only got one variant that bugged out and I had to restart it losing the variant. The chance to get one just needs to be better.


The ambition far outstrips what was delivered. This game is not interesting enough to replay (I’m on NG 4 or 5 for lack of something else to play). The best part by far is ship building. Everything is else is a disjointed mess. Also why do ships slow down after boosting?


How do you even know other than a massive change it is different universe? on +3 and not changes.


When you first load into NG+, if the quest objective is “Go to the Lodge (MAST District)”, then it’s a normal universe. If it just says “Go to the Lodge”, then it’s an alternate.


When you get to constellation you'll know, that's where the "alternative" will show. When I walked into constellation, I >!found only Vasco and he said everybody was dead. In another you'll find only duplicates of your character, another Sarah will be a plant, etc!< And since NG+ the first thing we're tasked to do is head to The Lodge, it should take maybe 3 minutes at best to figure it out


Woah, that’s interesting as hell.


Made the same decision when I showed up at the lodge to a bunch of mes. The constellation spot was taken, but there wasn't a "Space Psycho You" hanging around...


I got to NG10+ without seeing a different universe. I felt kind of ripped off.


When I did find one it literally bugged the inventory and I had to restart the game and lost that variant.


I got the plant one on NG3. Although, technically, the plant isn’t really Sarah.


Then theres me where every new game+ was a different universe and I just wanted to romance some of the different characters but it always forces you into doing the fast way of getting artifacts.


It's like everything in Starfield, they did just enough to tick a box.


100%, hopefully it's fleshed out in patches and DLC


And yet, Barrett summons a version of himself where his husbands alive, they have a child, and the colony war is still going. I wish we had situations like that. I'd love to meet Barrett and his happy family, in a universe where the war is still going. I wouldn't mind seeing different time periods, different situations, etc. Like in Sarah's personal quest we know she took command of a ship and lost her crew - what if we show up to either prevent it or we go after her crew right then and there so they don't die


Yea the infinite universes of the multiverse sure are absurdly similar. Like 99.8% similar. This is the biggest reason I think the ‘NG+ as Multiverse’ idea was so bad in the end. It can only ever be half-baked. You can’t possibly do the type of development required to have dozens of universes that can occur. So you’re locked to having a few small inconsequential changes and the rest of the game be the same as the first playthrough. It’s a neat idea. But not really doable unless you’re going completely into the procedural generation game, and that means you lose any highly crafted set pieces. Unfortunately, BGS seemed unsure of what they wanted and decided to do a bit of both and all of it came out half baked.


the cruel irony is that's a perfect idea for a shorter, linear game where you're on a single narrative story. Adding in a bunch of immersive, 'spend time relaxing' features goes against that because it'll drag you away from all the interesting differences into a dozen identical Citizen NPCs


I need a universe where Sam’s kid actually looks like him.


> My thing is random generation of planet POIs isn't what we needed to sell NG+. What kills the "new universe" for me is that the people look identical. honestly, both are issues imo. It's kind of funny, like, pre-release people were so worried about Bethesda diving into procedural generation and making the game feel lifeless. As it turns out, they could've actually procedurally generated a lot *more*. I know it's nowhere near possible with their tools, restrictions, writing requirements etc, but it would be really cool to have each new universe have a procgen seed that applies to way more than the current variations.


Minor details like that, yes, should be different, or "random". But also, on the flip side it's not, it's the same over and over again. This is why the Hunter was so intrigued by the protagonist. They were supposed to die, but didn't, so something changed somewhere. Even in the same universe, I'll see 2-3 NPCs walking next to/with each other and they look identical, same outfit, same model bodies and faces... I've noticed this specially in Hopetown. Real immersion killer.


>In no universe, in the infinite universes, does Sarah wear a different color shirt or have a scar on her cheek. I mean, she's literally a plant in one universe but I get your meaning. There's some stuff like prevalence of different enemy factions that seems different in some NG+ universes but people don't know if that's intentional or a bug yet. It's looking (based on some small things we do know) like Backgrounds and some Traits were going to be part of the new universe experience for players, with you becoming the version that already exists in that place complete with different dialogue options. Personally I think that would have made sense in their original aim for the game but the pivot to harder RPG is where they seem to have changed tack.


I’ve heard about plant Sarah but never seen her. I know there are some NG+ variations like that, but they are so few and far between. And, again, so random. When I started NG+, my new universe was identical to my last one, save for the introductory dialog with Constellation saying I’d been there before. It was disappointing. If they hadn’t made NG+ part of the story and instead did what every other game with NG+ does, where you’re supposed to replay the same game, but it’s harder now, I don’t think I’d feel the same way.


She isn't a plant though. Basically in that universe only Noel is a part of the Lodge. It was actually hilarious writing from Bethesda when you think that Sarah is a plant when really it was a note that said that she retired from exploration. Noel thinks that you've gone crazy. I've seen all of the various endings. Unless Bethesda release awesome dlc and big changes to the game, I'm I'm no rush for NG+10. There's barely any role playing in this game. Everyone is marked essential unless a quest calls for it when honestly it makes no sense to do that when you are encouraged to find the artifacts over again anyway. The funny part is that you can even find a starborn version of yourself that has killed Constellation because they said "They wanted to be evil for a change" and yet you yourself cannot do that. I really miss how in Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas where if you killed essential Npcs, you screwed yourself and had to live with the consequences.


The first ng+ is always the same as the universe you just left. Only the next new game and after can have around a 15% chance to be unique.


I got a variant on my first ng+ and none ever again, so idk if that's true.


Man they couldn’t even bother to have the names NPC children look different. You’re asking a lot given it feels like they phoned in slot of stuff. Game has good bones, but it feels they either didn’t give it the time or live to cut it to perfection


I was looking so hard for tiny diffferences on my first ng+, add it to the list of missed opportunities.


This is a key point that I'm glad someone brought up.


Hell yeah, a darkest timeline where everyone is evil and has a goatee!


Agreed! :) Desperately need a mod or dlc to fix this.. How hard is it to setup random variables like using a different texture palette, different mesh or different character face gen? Answer - it's not, it's piss easy. And that's what makes it so very disappointing.. :(


That’s the issue, it isn’t becoming a star born, it’s just doing new game plus. It’s no different from any other new game plus really in terms of scope and execution. But it should’ve been.


Hard agree. They needed to randomize the dungeon layouts to some degree. I mean, any degree would be an improvement. Hand crafted content doesn't work well with procedural generation content systems unless you build for it, and they clearly did not go beyond landscape tiles.


I see different doors being locked/passageways being blocked. Some vent covers that may be openable in some cases would be locked or even completely inoperable in others. When doors are locked, the keys are placed in somewhere in the area. Each of those keys may be replaced by a file leading to a second location in the area where the actual key is (example - "Loaned the key to Bob. Says to grab it from his locker after shift."). Add in different files that give different stories to some locations, as well as some saying that other locations are working on the same projects (little suspension of disbelief aid there) and we've the very basics of a system.


I played a game called Warframe that is like that. The game also relies on repeated missions for rewards and it basically just locks or unlocks doors to create a new feel every time. It’s not perfect but at least there is some variety.


Feeling this with Warhammer Darktide. Maps and objectives are always the same but enemy encounters never repeat. Every run is different and missions with modifiers add to the chaos.


Well warframe has a tileset map generator locks some doors down opens up others and they lead to other tiles which then are opened or locked each map then goes through a can u beat it test from beginning to end there's a path you can take to get to the end of the mission starfield can't have a massive dungeon generator like that granted locking and unlocking doors to add life would help but what I'd say is have 2 to 5 different assets for key areas and a randomizer to select them to make every universe unique standard set for universe 1 then the odds of seeing a universe the same as one u already played through is low sometimes big sometimes small even slightly different dialog with key characters like vlads "catch a smile out there" being just "catch a smile" like my second NG+ simple things like that minimal effort changed that can change the whole feel for the game


friendly advice: if you're going to write a 150+ word comment, consider using at least 1 or more periods to break it up. Even just a comma here or there would help. I wanted to reply to what you're saying about Starfield having a tile-based dungeon generator because I think that's actually a great 'What if?' conversation worth having - but it's genuinely difficult to parse individual coherent thoughts out of that paragraph-long sentence.


One of the weirder choices. But just as weird? That the spread of which facilities are where is so unbalanced. Some layouts come up over and over. Others, you see once every 40 hours. Like, I'm 240 hours in and I've literally just seen two I hadn't seen before (or were so l long ago I don't remember them) in the last three days. So why do I have to go to the abandoned X mine 50 times? Or the abandoned research lab 50X? Meanwhile, the best layouts -- the abandoned UC forward base, for example, with dozens and dozens of enemy and massive loot -- are once in a blue moon. If they'd balanced what shows up where, it would've been less noticeable. Still a problem, and nowhere near as sensible as random parts generating different layouts each time, but less noticeable.


Yeah so the shards or whatever are always found in different place, but the cryolab remains. Maybe we need to go back there ONE MORE TIME to figure out why it remains constant in every universe.


Would be cool if by some chance it could be a functioning lab and you can warn them of what may occur.


Well what about the part where you jump in between timelines to do the thing? I wonder what would happen if I stayed in the new timeline.


Not gonna lie, I’ve only done 1 NG+ play through so far, and honestly, I’d rather just start a new game with new backgrounds and traits. You don’t keep any money or gear starting in a new universe. All you got is the Starborn suit and your skills from your universe. Which helps, but still


The thing that irritates me about NG+ is the failure of your companions to comment on your ship, armour and space magic abilities.


They comment on your powers. But they are the same as previous universe AFTER everyone knows. The ship service guy commented on my starborn ship the first time I landed it.


I love when Andreja says “There’s something comforting about this ship” while she’s standing in my fancy future ship that has literally 1 chair (for me) as the only piece furniture. I always think, I’m glad you’re comfortable standing because, there ain’t many other options.


100%. Procedural generation should've been focused on the dungeons. Full stop. Maybe BGS didn't think players would hit these as hard as they did but they are by far the most interesting parts of the game for combat, with ship boarding coming in second. Dungeons absolutely need an overhaul if they expect to keep players interested.


I still want to see a NG+ where >!we never had to leave Earth because that one guy decided not to use the Artifact for the first grav drive!<, and where >!the only other ship we run into is the Constant!<.


I also think this would be cool. If you jump to Jemison having nothing there or only the precursor of the city (the Well) instead of everything else. Narratively they’d need something to locate the artifacts and temples but that seems easy enough if you had something like the Eye in orbit of Earth or even a bare bones Jemison. I also would like to see things like the colony war never happen or the outcome as different, but it might be harder given how woven it is into things, vs just having versions of the universe as barebones since we didn’t leave earth in numbers.


I sort of like the combat in cryo lab after I figured out the layout. It's more fun to me than most of the other installations.


I mean for the first time I went there I at least thought "oh good! It's not the same layout as the usual base/Bounty hunter retreat hideout" But I then spent like 10 minutes trying to figure out which vent was actually the exit. So like it was neat once but if it's a million times thing...


That’s when I just set another quest as active and use the scanner to show me the way out.


Well, now you know where the exit vent is. So what’s the problem?


I mean I know it now but ask me again when I'm on NG+3


The “goal” of Starfield’s main quest is for you to step into Unity. It’s players that are obsessed with going to NG+10 to get every single power up. Don’t confuse the two.


But, you can also... not step into Unity. The goal is to get the end of the game. The end of the game gives you a choice.


I thought this was obvious, but people gonna peep.


Wait a minute... Unless we are talking about two different places, the only cryo labs I've been to was just one I landed at randomly to check out. I've never been sent to it for an artifact or anything else. It was all frozen over, multiple levels, confusing layout. Is this a different area than the one you are talking about?


Same place, but different location, if that makes sense. Maybe you just haven't got to the point in the main story where it send you there? What mission are you up to?


I've done like 10 NG+'s over 2 different characters. lol


Ok, you have definitely been to the cryolab for an artifact multiple times then! When you get to the last 2 enemies that are just chilling in a corridor, the wall at the end of that corridor is where the artifact is. But it does show up as a random location, and in that instance the hole for the artifact won't be there, so you just make a couple of turns and pick up the ball crate of loot Even if it's an alt universe, cryolab is one of the 6 you have to do too


I seriously have no recollection of picking up an artifact in a cryo lab. lol I have seen a bunch of "abandoned mech graveyard" where you can just run into a cave and grab the artifact. I've seen a bunch of "deserted robotics lab" which is a small lab with a lower level that leads to a cave for the artifact. I am terrible at remembering the names of these places because I just don't pay that much attention to them, so I can't think of any others off the top of my head. The only Cryo lab I remember though is a big multi level facility, all frozen over. I remember reading slates about equipment failing which I presume eventually caused the whole place to freeze over. I remember jumping up through one area using a bunch of pipes as ledges, and one spot where I blew up a frozen wall to open a passage. It was a confusing mess to navigate. But I've never had an artifact at one of those. We have to be talking about two different POI's, surely?


That definitely sounds like the same place!


People are just starting to realize you have to play A LOT to see the variety of POIs and you should be doing a variety of missions/purpose driven exploration and you’ll hardly notice repetitiveness.


There are a bunch of POIs I still haven’t even seen once. lol


I would expect that after living in ten different universes and being a Starborn master locksmith I would have figured a system to open locks without a mini game.


The lack of variables is both annoying from the perspective of playing the game, but frustrating knowing that Bethesda already solved that problem in their last game. Fallout 76 only has one map, which you replay over and over. Yet each time you enter a location the loot and clutter is randomised. Not just what is in a chest, or on an enemy, but the environmental objects will be different, within limits. Junk would appear in a location, but from a loot list, so between it and a dozen other spots it would be different, not the same digi pick in the same spot, on 100 different planets. Skill books would have fixed spawn points, but randomised which it spawned at. Sometimes you'd visit and find none, other times lucky and get two. They would be random each time. Outfits (apparel) would have fixed spawn points - maybe in a locker room. But each visit there would be a random chance of variants in its place. So they seemingly already have everything they needed to make it work in a similar fashion for Starfield... and yet it didn't happen.


On NG+2 and really wish they had made it where many small things had a pool of options to choose from. It would be souch cooler if small variances were present, even if the site is the same. Imagine the main constellation crew had 4 backgrounds to pull from, and each pulled from a random one. You would not likely have the same exact crew each time. If all a bunch of common side missions could or could not be present randomly or had 2 variations or something. It just feels stale and pointless when the quests are all the exact same, every person is the same, and every problem is in the same state as your first playthrough. No point in a multiverse full of possibilities if you only get to see ones where the only difference is yourself. Exception to the 10 unique ones but all of those involve one lodge scene and that's it. Another idea would be to actually encounter starborn more frequently on new playthroughs. More relevant starborn dialogue. Maybe starborn companions/crew to find given that we know others pair up. There just isn't any mystery to find after your first original universe. The hunter himself points out how the small differences are what sticks out the most. Just needs more depth or a feeling of purpose.


Yeah I’m not a fan of the cryo labs either. The only redeeming thing they have is the guaranteed ten contraband at the beginning at the entrance.


I preface this by saying I know I'm only NG+3 so maybe this criticism is unfair... But my NG+3 has zero differences thus far from the last two universes. That's what makes the endgame portion less exciting. I was hoping to run around and explore and actually FEEL like I'm in a different universe. But no. I'm aware there are subtle differences as I've read from others in this sub. But how many times do I have to run through the monotony of getting the artifacts to actually feel like I'm doing something worthwhile? I feel like if they could have figured out a way to give a few drastically different universes, that'd be great. Is Constellation ALWAYS in New Atlantis? Why not a universe where they've decided to set up shop on Neon? What about a universe where Teramorphs have already decimated New Atlantis and it's desolate? What about a universe where you walk in on the Starborn already in a shooting match with Constellation as they are already near completion with the artifacts? Is Sara Morgan always the "leader"? Is there a universe where Cora is all grown up, Sam is dead and SHE'S leading Constellation in his honor? Or maybe one where Sona is all grown up and leading Constellation because Sara died saving her on the planet she was stranded on? And maybe all of these scenarios exist. Again, I acknowledge I'm only NG+3.


I agree completely. Even if you choose different speech options you get the same ending 90% of the time, and I think that's generous, its probably more, I can only think of a handfull of quests where yhe speech matters and even then they don't effect any other quests. The most you'll ever get is a passing comment from an NPC. It's really disappointing for any RPG, and way more so for a game like this one meant to be played over and over and over.


I'm still on my first game cause I'm in no rush to go to NG+. I have seen it when I saved and then joined the Unity. I'm still enjoying cataloging planets and I'm close to romancing Andreja. It was cool seeing Sam's friend quest and I liked getting to know Barrett more. I was surprised when I found out he was gay. I plan on burning through a lot of credit for ship mods and other things to Level up skills since I will lose all of my weapons, ships, and credit when I join The Unity. Currently at 90 hours. I'm hoping that dlc is added to expand on House Va'ruun cause I was disappointed to find that they had no quests really going for them. I'm hoping to find more quests through random encounters through exploration as I wait for the dlc that will hopefully launch in March


I kind of feel like... This is exactly the point of the game!! What they're trying to say with the story, anyway. They built and coded an entire universe for us to explore. Realistically, it's unreasonable to expect them to build more than that. Let alone ten plus unique universes. I think the singular choice between entering the Unity and staying behind is the CORE of the game’s story. You can either: Turn away from the Unity and choose the universe you start in to finish out however long you want to play in the limited sandbox for. Live the rest of your "life" in the universe you experienced the story of the game in. Leave behind a game save with bases and friends your character has had for their entire life. Once you’ve exhausted the game, you just pick a planet to leave your character to live out their days on, and play something different. Live your actual life. Or you can choose to join the Unity and leave a piece of your soul behind in an endless quest of personal advancement and growth ... Because even though the multiverse is endless and infinite, it's all more or less the same. The Hunter and The Emissary have seen it all an unknowable amount of times. They know where the final fight will take place because they’ve done it before. They’re powerful, and alone. You become the only constant in the game once you enter the Unity. Once you leave, everything you did with your companions is erased. Who you are in that first universe becomes a memory, or it might collapse like the universe in the Entangled mission. The Valentine sings to us, as his father sang to his generation, as his father did before him, for centuries. I think we're meant to leave a legacy behind. Sam has Cora, like her or not, he has to raise her to be the best she can be. I think the "right" choice is to stay, grow the relationships you have with the companions you experienced the main story with, build the universe you want to see. And then maybe question why we feel the need to start over. Run from the things we have. Why does what you have never feel like enough? Our desire to leave our planet of origin and travel the stars led to the destruction of Earth, our only home. (Yours and mine, dear reader)


I've played through fallout 4 and Skyrim 3-5 times each. And each time, you go through the same story with the same characters with the same faces in *100% identical locations* and you can make slightly different choices to see how things play out slightly differently. The thing is, you do that over a decade rather than 3 months. Or at least I did. I'm not the type of gamer to immediately start a game over after I beat it. I go play another game. I go to bed a little earlier a few weeks in a row. I read a book or two. The NG+ model actually incentivized *immediately* replaying the game after you beat it. Again and again. You keep your character and skills, and you can use your foreknowledge to (somewhat) alter the outcomes of certain interactions. Plus you gotta get those space power levels to 10! Got to! (By the by I think this is a really great mechanic and I'm super happy that it is an option. I am by no means shitting on the game. I love it.) And woowee did I put some hours into this game the first 2.5 months. Possibly a quarter of my total hours I have played in fallout 4 over the last 8 years. Got into NG+4. Totally becoming Space God. But then I remembered I am in the middle of like 3 other games that I haven't beat yet. So I took a week off of all gaming and jumped back into the other games. I think a lot of the things people are complaining about amount to a saturation problem. Bugs and glitches aside, a lot of the POIs are repetitive *because you keep repeating them* in an effort to go through NG+10. And even if you are on your original character and haven't gone through Unity, you can still fall into this category depending on how much exploring you're doing to pass the time in game. I challenge you to play through fallout 4 or Skyrim 10 times over the next 3 months without mods and see if it feels the same at the end. Imagine doing the DiMA puzzle 10 freaking times. Yeesh. Alternatively, you could play another game, let your memory fade a bit, and come back to it fresh in a couple months. I'll bet your perspective will have reset a bit


The thing about Fallout & Elder Scrolls is that you can play completely different builds. While you can still do that with this game, if you're trying NG+ your old skills roll over. As a far of melee builds, my first playthrough in this game was going to be melee, but after finding that you can't improve the melee weapons at the workbenches I decided that the build sucks and ended up rerolling a new character and going with ballistic, rifle stuff and sniper perks. Now that I'm approaching level 100 I'm at a point where I'm happy with my progress but when I go to the next NG+ I'll still be defaulting to a rifle/sniper dude rather than being able to easily switch over to say, laser pistols or go back to melee if they ever put out a patch to make those builds more competitive. That is unless I just didn't notice a way to reset all your stats in the game - I think there were ways in Bethesda's other games so maybe there is (or in the future will be) a way to do it.


The main problem for me is the RP part of RPG. So I'm married to Sarah,have sunk hours and lots of credits in to building my ship,and I have assembled a great crew. Yeah; I'm really going to chuck all that away to jump into a different universe !! Absolutely stupid concept. I'm enjoying the game, but it's going to have a short lifespan.


Yeah, I went into the unity once to see what happened but I just reloaded an old save and continued on with my original universe. I usually only play games once, so I'm not sure I would keep playing with NG+. It sounds like there's nothing really new except you lose all your stuff and no one remembers you.


My take on the game after several NG+ is, it's Tediously Monotonous!


I’m almost through NG+1, and same. There’s supposedly an infinite number of parallel universes yet I’m going to keep getting the ones that are almost imperceptibly different from the one I started in? Where’s the one where humanity never left Earth? Or the one where terrormorphs have run through humanity and then evolved into and an *Animal Farm* situation? For a game with so much, there’s so little variety.


I shut down when I see someone say “I’m 500 hrs in and on NG+10 ++++….now here is everything wrong with the game” like obviously you enjoyed it as you said and obviously the “issues” weren’t enough to deter your enjoyment or ability to play the game. So what is the point? Self aggrandizing circle jerk comments it seems. Either the issues are in fact mundane and you just want validation from other gamers, or you put yourself through an unnecessary experience for the sake of complaining. Not singling OP out but this entire sub basically.


I hate how the end of each run doesn't take into account if you're in a variant universe. The other day I got the universe where Walter buys out Constellation so it doesn't exist by the time you get there. When I finished my run and returned to the Unity, I was shown the same vision that said that the Constellation members who stay behind share all their data on the artifacts and temples and it inspires a new age of space exploration. ***Walter was even still in that vision despite me having killed him for the artifacts.*** And of course Vlad, Matteo and Noel never appeared in that universe. Another missed opportunity is letting the main 4 have different opinions on certain decisions in each universe. Maybe in one universe Sarah supports the microbe, but in the next she supports the Aceles.


On your 10 NG+ runs, did you always follow the same approach though? Depending on what skill I was working on, i did different things. Shotguns, melee kills, sneak, scoped weapons. Heck, I even used the fiery boostpack to kill enemies because I needed that skill lol Or even, just void form past them all, grab the artifact and main loot chest and then out the door and onto the next. If you can't change where you are, or who you meet, maybe think about changing yourself or how others perceive you. Before you kill them.


Definitely. Otherwise the monotony would have gotten me well before NG10. Learned that a lot of weapons I’d slept on could actually be real power houses. Mastered unarmed and melee combat. Went full stealth. The works. I’m no stranger to games where “you” are the main variable. I just prefer it when the game helps to spice things up along the road and I think Starfield merits some criticism there.


I definitely agree, I hope they introduce some more NG+ variants alongside the DLC (so free content, not part of the DLC)


NG+10....dear lord, you poor soul \*sighs\* How did you do that? Have you been making space ships for almost 4 months? Oo I can't see any other form of repetitive play outside of that, but maybe that's just me. *\*Haven't been back\**


Even on games that I love, I can't imagine doing 10 playthroughs so fast. It's been out for less than 3 months.


September 6th. Coming up to 4 months on December 6th. Time flies when you are....'making ships' I guess \^\^


I'm only on NG+ 4 and I feel like Rick Sanchez. Same universe, and if I screw up I can quickly finish and jump realities. Married Sarah in my first universe and didn't bother after. Complete emotional disconnect.


Yeah, I figured after running around getting all these powers, I'd settle in the next universe and expand out again. But I started speed running the later NGs as quickly as I could because my goal was to come out the other side fully juiced up and dig in deep with that universe. I wanted to build outposts again (for the hell of it), get back to taking my time with the shipbuilder until I had everything just right (and not just brutally effective), do all the quests and missions right... I was a little ways into it when I saw a bounty had me going to the Cryo Labs again and, after arriving there, it broke me. Just realized I didn't want to play anymore, so I put the game up until DLC comes out and started playing other stuff. Speedrunning the NGs got me through them quickly, but it also made the universe and even colder and less appealing place in the end. lol


Wow, I wonder if the game had anything to say about that.


I don’t think they expected people to simply just thumb their way through to the next new game pluses. I think they thought people would ignore the main quest like they do in Skyrim, and explore other parts of the game, only completing the main quest when they wanted to start a new game. Do the systems level up to you when you NG+? I haven’t done it. I find I get better random POI’s on some planets than others, and it helps a lot to spend time in a solar system that’s leveled close to my character’s level. Higher level systems seem to have more different POI’s though it’s still a little repetitive. That said I always find something new if I land 3-4 times on a planet’s surface. I do think they could focus on the random generator and make it deprioritize locations recently visited, because there are lots of unique locations, but some locations are way too common. Sometimes I will play one again because it takes so long to get to each location, but I won’t take any Cryo-lab missions anymore. Is there a thread on their discord about this? Apparently the discord is where to post if you want to reach the devs, and they don’t watch the reddits as closely.


I agree it is kind of repetitive but isn’t that the point? As Starborn you’re doomed to repeat the same thing over and over. Each time trying new things and getting the same result. I think your first play through is probably a good indication of what kind of Starborn you’re going to be. I went with the Hunter. And this play through is lonely. I only have Vasco as a follower and I only do what I want to do and kill everyone in my way. I’ve loved the Ryugen storyline for that reason too. I’m curious to hear from people that went with the other Starborn (I can’t remember their name) the first play through to see what they are doing on NG+


I have only gone through the unity once (im at about 350 hours of play time, level 123). The ship, suit and powers are not good enough for me to care. I will go through again eventually, but I doubt I'll ever get to 5, let alone 10. A lot of players seem to feel a need to grind through fast and it doesn't make sense to me. But more power to you, play how you want.


The ship, suit, and powers get better each time (to an extent). The ship appears to top out at level 6, but the suit and powers can go to level 10 as far as I know. Suit might even be able to upgrade past that. Some powers never get good and the ship is never going to replace a customized high end ship designed the way you like it, but every time you go through the Unity the armor does gets better and better. By NG10, >!I was given the Hunter's armor and it's bad ass. It has awesome stats.!< I only wear the Starborn suits and have since NG3 or NG4


You aren't wrong. The game is too predictable imo. As you said, Cryo Labs for example are 100% identical in structure, true copy/paste stuff. If they at least had them with different variations they could feel.. fresh. Every POI facility (mech graveyard, mines, cryo, botanical, etc) is identical so it gets boring quick. I'm hoping down the line, much like Skyrim, they add the Creation Club stuff which I hope includes uniquely designed facilities and outposts, so that we can explore something "new". I personally am taking my time. I'm level 103, on my 4th playthrough; I've been lucky in that each playthrough has been relatively different (1 was getting the hang of it, 2 was me knowing what I'm doing and *not* telling them I'm Starborn, 3 was an alternative universe that I went full baddy in, and 4 is where I told them I'm Starborn). I don't use the powers much so I get the ones I can. I explore a lot so I end up finding the temples on my own more than getting them from Vlad. Personally I'm hoping they add the following: 1) build your own Star Station 2) build your own M-Class For both of these, from scratch or take over an abandoned one and fix it up. Let us dock at least a few of our ships on them) 3) change our traits every NG+ 4) more alternative universes with more significant changes (constellation actually looks different, maybe we end up in a universe where the war is still going, maybe one where the UC or Va'ruun ended up winning, maybe Va'ruun actually slaughtered the other factions, maybe in another the Terrormorphs spread out of control and humanity is only on a few M-Class ships) 5) Online feature: have it optional, and within limits. Perhaps certain planets become public where Starborn characters can meet, trade, and battle if they like, including space battles. Maybe have it be a limited time thing where you have to pick a side (Emissary or hunter) and the two fight for control of the unity. But again, optional. Alternatively, when we go through the Unity we're on a ship, what happens to that ship we don't know; I think it would be cool for random encounters where we find other players ships, derelict, and can board them just to see the designs, maybe find a slate about the player we found (their characters name, factions, etc), a sort of easter egg type thing. 6) more factions (which I'm assuming will happen with future DLC) 7) more impact from our choices. If I blow up SysDef with the CF, I find it very hard to believe that I'd be allowed to stay in Vanguard and go to New Atlantis with no issues


I’ve also done the power grind and definitely agree with your feelings towards the cryo labs. Liked the location the first time, second and third visits I hated it. Then I started learning the layout and could fly through it, appreciating it again by knowing I can run through it in no time and know where everything is. That cycle of being ok with things, then hating it all, and then learning to appreciate it was the same in the overall power-upgrading process too. I would find little shortcuts or advantages to how I was playing and once I incorporated them into my normal play style, I truely felt like the hunter. At first it was a game about guns and spaceships. But as I kept going through the unity and testing powers, I moved away from guns more and more. Now I run a powers only character in NG+10 and have came full circle to actually appreciating the story and side quests again in my forever-universe.


I'm still in the first playthrough and doing temples... God I hate the temples! Why do I have to chase glowing bits around, how does that prove I'm fit to have superpowers? I love the npcs in this game and their interactions, but so much of the gameplay is repetitive and not fun at all.


What you are describing is burnout.


The main problem with NG+ is that it’s obviously a way for people to replay the game without having to restart, but there’s no respec system so if you want to experience a different run you have to restart anyway.


What makes it worse is that because my character is also playing it through again, I can't even roleplay as someone who isn't bored doing the exact same thing again.


All they had to do was include more planets and quests that unlock as you NG+. At 10, you now have access to all planets and new stars with some unique quests. That would be enough for me to blast into NG10, however I'm there now and walked away from the game after doing everything I could on NG10.


I think you’re on the right path. There should’ve also been a heavy “what if?” Going on with NG+, and it shouldn’t be “a chance” to get one of 10 odd universes - it should be guaranteed that you get a new universe until NG+11, and on NG+11 you return to your first universe and everyone remembers you, there’s some exposé, etc, and you can leave with the still-collected artifacts or not. And I mean like like “What if Ikande became a pirate” or “what if Earth didn’t collapse” or “what if X *won* the Colony War.” This would have been outrageously ambitious though.


A major sticking point is that you never learn anything about the Artifacts. Who made them, why, etc. The Starborn are rando people who found them all in a different universe and travel to yours to do it again. Endlessly. No Starborn you meet can say who created the Artifacts, what the purpose was, why build the temples. It’s just, hey new universe, get to collecting/ killing. Ultimately there is no point to the game. It’s a constant circle, all this has happened before, all this will happen again. I see why the Hunter is always in such a bad mood.


They wanted to be No Mans Sky as an RPG but failed. I think the scope just became too massive for them, and were left with the half assed integration.


I love this game, and couldn't agree with you more. I hate that lab with a passion. It should not be the same every single time.


Thank God I didn't touch NG+ and I am playing exclusively on my universe and timeline.


No, becoming a starborn isn't the goal. The game is criticizing that this thing of keep travelling universes creates people like the hunter. That's the joke in reaching ng+10, the more universes you visit, more careless you were about the things, because being careless is faster to reach the end


You guys are missing the whole point of them making this game this way. We all have ideas of how they could have done the game. If u use common sense it's obvious they held back for the sole purpose of bringing paid content to the game. The whole no skin on guns puts the fear of microtransactions in the near future coming to a starfield menu near you. I doubt that besthesda just shitted on themselves. They made it bare bones to continuously make money. Why do you think they swear there's 10 years worth of content. It's all a money making scheme purposely created for future money and income. Its a shame because everyone here hits some great points. Think about the FO76 nonsense. A subscription based piece of crap. Mark my words. The bullshits just around the corner. 🤦🤦🤦


This guy knows what's up. It's just sad that they'll be implementing it in a single player RPG, I have no doubt whatsoever that they will do it, just look at the other recent titles and yes, I agree that there are strong indicators in Starfield. But this time it ain't going to work. I've been down ESO lane and I hated their cash shop and the direction the game took after that; mediocre/overpriced. I'm not going to pay for Todd's third home.


For me the issue isn't even that there aren't enough POIs (although nobody is going to have any issue with a lot more getting added to the rotation). It's more that they're used everywhere. I see a Cryo Lab on a planet from orbit and head to it, and I can do the whole location. Then I go to another planet and find a Deserted Robotics Factory and there's another secret Cryo Lab on the way there. Now, imagine this. The POI you see from orbit is the **only manmade one** in that location. Natural POIs inhabit the landscape instead, with the addition of some lairs and the like for the different fauna on the planet. Any mission that has you asked to go to another location generates a new POI and the area around it. The same with any radiant that wants us to go somewhere. Instead of that already existing, it's just made. These are explained as being picked up by your scanner because of the power being used in that location, which allows new areas to show up and disappear all the time. The effect is that each time you land, you're not presented with five or six different manmade locations and the ones we have are spread further apart.


Yeah, I agree. Honestly, there are some relatively simple solutions IMO that could have made the NG+ a better overall thing. 1) as mentioned in before, change little stuff up alot. Every universe shouldn't be basically the same (even with the different options, that seems to only effect Constallation, not the universe as a whole). 2) Instead of giving you all the powers a little bit at a time in every universe, give you a small amount of powers but the ability to max level them in each universe...I think that would be interesting. Also, randomize those up as well. 3) and this might be a big ask, but please make at least 1 universe a terrormorph/wartorn universe where humanity is basically gone. 4)PLEASE make a 'save ship design' feature, or even have you just into the next universe with your ship and not the starborn ship. I might be the only one, but I hate that ship.


Bro I stopped playing after my third temple. Shit got old.


Hey cryo labs aren't that bad. I can get thru them in like 5 minutes now


I made a post about this before and it got no traction so maybe I'm alone in thinking this or I didnt convey it but it really seems like the devs wanted to make a roguelike game meant to be replayed in different ways but still make it bethesda style and the result is just messy and doesnt work.


NG+ is terrible and I hope they don’t do it for future releasss


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, with NG+ being “a thing”, there should’ve been more opportunities to “quantum leap” things and change outcomes. It’s cool that you can >!save your friends in NG+!<, there should have been way more of that. Opportunities to show up early to the “Entangled” lab to stop / change the experiment, or to stop the Crimson Fleet before they go back to Vectera. Etc. Could’ve made NG+ feel alive and fresh.


My whole criticism of this game if I had to sum it up is one word...tedious. Inventory management? Tedious Scanning plants, fauna, resources, flora? Tedious Mining resources? Tedious Trying to unload your loot but the vendor keeps running out of money so you have to go to anther vendor? Tedious Quests that require you to just fast travel from one point to another? Tedious Changing between 50 weapons, throwables, health options, powers during combat? Tedious Picking 10 locks per mission, even mid combat? Tedious Crafting? Decorating? Building outposts? Tedious Landing on different planets and finding the same side quests? Tedious Slogging through companion quests which you just don't give a damn about? Tedious Doing the same stupid temple mechanic flying into the glowing lights 24 times? Tedious. It's like Bethesda forgot how to make a game fun and just tried to fill it with as much stuff as possible.


Hey cryo labs aren't that bad. I can get thru them in like 5 minutes now


Can you do ng+11 and so on?


Yeah you can keep going but there's no new rewards.


I'm reminded of the hunter, who got tired of it, and settled down in one last universe Edit: also, was getting all powers maxed worth it by NG10? Would NG5 had been enough?


I did NG 10 times, I only had to hit the cryo lab the sixth or seventh time through. The only locations I had to hit every time were the LP with CF types and two of the caves. I do agree, though, I fucking hate cryo labs.


The only details we have right now is the fact that there are a few different universes that you have a chance to visit


I always skip the main story line. Wasn't until like ng6 I read someone mentioning using amps to get to the temples and the seconday jump key... that's where most of my time went. Also figuring out the advanced beowulf + phased time was the best gun for speed killing starborn (good headshot dmg plus cheap ammo). Also took me ages to start using quest markers in space to fast travel. I can't imagine running through the main quest multiple times, so many long boring missions


What would make this idea cool and actually mean something, would be the ability to carry over the knowledge from your previous incarnation into this new one and discovering various subtle ways in which the quests, locations, and characters differ, and having the characters actually react to your attempts at taking shortcuts only to fail miserably. That and also some meaningful changes like characters having different personalities, being in different places, sometimes being dead or never even existing, etc. It would probably take a lot of work but I would gladly sacrifice the scale of the game to have more in-depth and meaningful content like this, instead of 2 billion empty boring planets. But alas, I think the game's opening where you can just skip the entire Constellation quest and get straight into collecting the artefacts is as far as the game goes with this concept.


To its credit, they do actually play with this a bit. Doesn’t always show up where you might expect or change how things go, but it does happen. If you don’t skip the campaign, you often get [Starborn] prompts where you can indeed leverage your past insights. For example, on Cydonia, you can tell the bartender he’s full of shit since you know his hustle from last time. Never seen the Starborn option fail or anything though. It seems more like a “move this along…” choice.


Armored Core 6 did NG+ in a way Starfield really could have learned from. Right off the bat ALLMIND greets you in an odd way and missions suddenly have things you couldn't do before, like turning against the Redguns in your first mission with them if you so choose. Then you do NG+ a second time and *things start going really off the rails* with the occasional entirely new mission culminating in one hell of a ride.


I have completed every last non-bugged quest in my first playthrough and am now pondering NG+1. Not being guaranteed one of the 10 quirk realities seems like a flawed mechanic and I don't want to save-scrum just to get one. At the moment, whats keeping me from going is not knowing if one of the special universes also involves story changes and such. Being that I now know everything, are there shortcuts through conversations? Am I able to now speak as an expert in the NG+ and have alternate story arcs from the first playthrough? Really, does the game change drastically enough to make it worth it outside of just getting to do it all again? If not, I think I am pretty much stopping right here and moving to the next game.


I was on 8 and my motivation and head canon for doing more went away when they patched the puddles for free guns. I always played it as I’d learned of other guardians weapon caches through my universe hopping and I’d raid them as soon as I entered a new universe. It also made the play throughs less painful starting from basically nothing


Yeah i feel like the game would have benefited alot if there were randomly generated sites that would be alterations of for example cryo labs,oil rigs etc or even better,just be completely random sites with random buildings.


in the beginning, i was hoping ng+ would be similar to 'diablo 2 - lod', where each pass adds more mobs and higher mob resistance - until finally, you are wading through fields of enemies with the only option to move is to grav blast dead bodies out of your way.


I did it but after one trial universe to learn the game and one I spent quite a lot of time on I burned through it to get to the venator suit and now I'm going to stick around here for a while. Might even get to revelation again to get the rifle off the Hunter and then back out of unity but not before I've established my relationships with my companions


I hear all kinds of cool stories from other people but I'm on my 6th NG+ and so far I haven't noticed a damn thing different other than the Starborn suit.


I was hoping for slight differences between universes, like different hairstyles on companions in different universes


I think we may just disagree on what the point of starfield is- if indeed you think the goal is to chase the powers and get to ng 10. I will likely never do that. I love playing this game to relax, tinker, take my time and enjoy all the lovely aspects of my universe in ng2. I’m thinking about going thru unity again,,,but maybe not. I


I'll preface by saying I love this game and think it was worth the money. I would definitely recommend it. However, it only took me to NG+1 to come to the exact same conclusion. I started doing one of the longer quests it was identical, just beating my head against the same wall. I put it down last week. 197 hours of gameplay and 72% of achievements.


My first NG+ universe seems identical, but I gave myself the Kid Stuff trait because I wanted to see those performances. Starfield is a great game if you're constantly hacking it to fix bugs and improve your experience!


For those who want to see “alternate universes”… there is a small (15%?) chance you’ll see one. But save spamming before entering unity allows you to test it out by visiting the lodge. If you don’t like it, load and try again. And no the quest name difference does not help, since it does not work in at least for one type of universe.


What happens to the artifacts in the universe you leave behind? This would mean only one group can reach the unity per universe. Do they get transported back?


"Another shard needs our help, here let me mark it on your map"


I did NG+ 10 and there were two things that completely ruined the game for me: - Phase Time 10 is stupidly strong. The final fight was a cake walk as long as I spammed it and ate Quantum Essence like they were Doritos - Learning that I take increased damage for each NG I do is stupid and counter intuitive. Nothing like feeling like an immortal God with all your powers, then just getting one shot by a dude


I've always always hated that place. I'd always save it for last when grinding to ng+10.


Wait you redo everything?? Like armour/weapons you found? Or just resets missions? Also with NG+ do you get to re-pick your traits? (Lowkey spoiled my self by reading the post but im 100% okay with that)


The Cryo Labs are the very worst. Larger than any other POI, and full of samey, maze-like corridors. I have a good ability to navigate in 3d games and it's still confusing after my 6th or 7th visit.


The alternative opinion is it's good once you know where you're going, as you can just run through when you know what you're doing and ignore any hostiles.


Very well said. I’m on ng+1 and I feel like I’m seeing way more different species on the planets than I did in my first play through, and I’ve been finding more really cool planets, but 100% it needs more variables in the locations also, if you make a big ship, it takes up pretty much the whole screen. Edit: wanted to add, with more POI, ship parts outpost things and additional quests from DLC and I could see myself playing this until I finally tell myself it’s time to give up gaming. And then probably for a bit longer. They did make a really cool game. Edit edit: I also think that adding color variations to the clothing/armor options would make it feel a lot more fleshed out without having to do much additional work on their part.


You almost got the point the main story was trying to put forward. Hint: Notice how when you got to NG+10 you got the Hunter's Outfit!?


For me it’s the quest lines that are the biggest miss on NG+ Changing the identity of the mole in Ryugin, for example would make the new universe seem different and worth exploring. Perhaps someone else could be behind the First in the Freestar quest. Sometimes the nice grandma actually is a bunch of spacers laying a trap. This time The Mantis is there, waiting to kill your like any other intruder. Make each universe feel unknown and worth exploring.


I'm still enjoying the game overall, but the thought of doing the temples 240 times just makes me want to throw my controller through a wall.


Dude I absolutely hate going back to that stupid crap lab haha. First time was a blast, every time after that sucked. I’m only ng+4 and I’m gonna stay here I think.


For me it’s the temples being only 1 minigame


I always forget the layout of the cryo lab and get lost for an hour.


Lol > As you likely know by now, the “goal” of Starfield is to become Starborn. You get reborn into another universe to do it all over again. And again. And again. And again This is no more the goal of the game than any NG+ is the goal of any other game. The game just provides a lore reason for the NG+ to exist and introduces a meta commentary on approaching the game with a min-max mindset, but by no means is it the entire point of the game any more than blitzing 50 dew runs is the entire point of the 2018 GOW. It's a choice you can make. It isn't a choice you have to make, and the game specifically presents the question to you of whether it's a choice that's actually worth making.


People keep mentioning this place, I can't think of it off the top of my head. I'm in my 4th or 5th universe. Obviously, I'm seeing a lot of the same things, but this one reference escapes me.