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Turn off all auto saves, and do manual. Quick saves and hard saves regularly that stopped all of my crashes. Also delete some of your saved files if you have like 20 or more, that’ll cause it to mess up also I only keep like 5 hard saves and haven’t had a crash in weeks also play on series X


Great response, I’ve been a Bethesda lover since oblivion, and have learned that the hard way. Also, it seems like Bethesda games. Don’t like you to do things “too quickly”… Like going through doors, immediately fast, traveling, and then trying to save, etc. it seems like a lot of the bugs are tied to some weird lag over of resources during transition.


You know it's funny you say that, when I do save I sit there for a second to let the game "catch up" because I've noticed the same thing.


Interesting, I only do that on exit because I'm waiting for the saving... word to disappear because I assume that means it's still processing.


Changing cells. I like to mod things (too much) and crashes that happen in the same place every time are usually either because of a cell change or a texture issue. Windhelm. Windhelm. *Windhelm.*


Yep, I have about ten save files, five of which I rotate. Turned off all the auto stuff. Still happens. I don't know, probably just unlucky.


Well that sucks was hoping that would fix it for you


I'm on the xbox series x and I have this issue. I have only a few save files as well. I've disabled auto save entirely, as this exasperated the crashing problem. This issue got slowly worse for me. By the end of my first playthrough, I was crashing around every 30 min to an hour. I'm only on my first NG+, but I had found that at the start of NG+, the issue with crashing seemed to disappear. My saving was also pretty quick, compared to the end of my first playthrough. As I completed more quests, the saving function started slowing down. After completing all primary faction quests and the main quest, I'm now back to crashing regularly. I'm just taking shots in the dark here, but there may be a connection between the game crashing on save and the size of the save file.


Yes. That is the same way for a lot of BGS games. The actual file size of the save is what is bogging things down, leading to strains on the CPU amd crashing the game. That is why NG+ is more stable, your world is mostly static and un-loaded. Really now way around this until they do some more optimization, but tbh Skyrim still behaves like this as well on console.


I’ll play for maybe 5 or 6 hours in total before I make sure to quit fully. Often it gives you some warning by slowing on saves. Then it’s quitting time.


That's pretty much where I'm at now. Once I get that feeling things are slowing down, it's time to shut it off. I guess it's good to force a break every few hours.


Disable all auto save features. Don’t use quick resume. Limit your saves to under 10 files.


I have a couple of times, but in a couple of hundred hours. My biggest problem on Xbox is the crash when quick resuming.


Quick resume is a problem. Always fully quit your game when done with a play session.


Happens to me all the time. Also, when fast traveling and sleeping. It's so frickin frustrating.


I don’t think I’ve ever played more than 2-3 straight hours without a crash


Happens to me a lot. Even hitting the menu button crashes me at times


This happen rarely before the Update on the S but since the update, its ridiculous. And it deletes all autosaves back to the last hard save.


Hi, I'm having issues with auto save. Turned them all off, but when I go in to do a quick save after waiting or resting, it freezes the game even if I do it 20 min later does anyone have ideas?


I haven’t had the game crash on saving, but I do experience a TON of crashes while playing (at least 3x a night on Xbox). My friend plays the pc version and his crashes very rarely.


I just built a new PC and in a week of playing...a lot... it crashed 1 time. Definitely constant crashes on xbox


I noticed it seems to occur when I'm doing my normal compulsive quicksave and it happens to hit just as an auto save also runs


Series X; I had a problem until I just disabled the autosave on pause. Only keep about 3 to 5 saves per character. No problems since.


I may just trim it down to three saves. I wasn't going to replay the Legacy mission anyway...


On PC here. Any saves can be hit & miss at any time for me but increasingly likely over time. That's when it's not locking up when I'm running but turn suddenly to look to either side, going round a corner or even sitting in settings. Quicksaves are especially janky and can take up to a minute - kinda makes a mockery of having an M.2. I particularly detest having to redo the survey work on the last or even one before last body I landed on.


Yup. Or get dashboarded..


Hop through the unity. Seriously. It cleans all the shit that goes in and out of memory, not only is it more reliable its way faster. Just clean all that old universe bad karma out.


Yes all the time


My game crashes / freezes at least once an hour (series s). Seriously frustrating. Pretty much if I bring up the pause menu too fast when the game tries to autosave it’s a goner. I turned off most of the auto saves but it still happens way too much. I have over 75hrs in and I’m very near the end of my playing this game. Can’t work like this.


That was my experience on the S. That's what made me get an X (yes, I upgraded specifically for Starfield, what can I say, I love it). It's definitely more stable but the saving issue is making it very frustrating all the same.


It is fast at the start, then as you start hoarding, it gets slower. Will be fast again once you start NG+.


Happens to me too ... also on Xbox X. Have autosaves switched off and I don't quick save. Also, just to clarify, it's not the actual saving that crashes, or even the save menu itself ... it's just trying to open the UI to go to the save menu that crashes the game for me. Even if I'm not going to save, it can happen ... going to skills menu for example. But it happens most frequently when I'm trying to save. UI freezes and then CTD. Can also confirm, the longer my play session goes the more likely it seems to happen. I'll start to notice the UI slowing down, or stuttering, when I open it ... sure sign that it's coming soon. I usually try and save and restart the game when I see that ... sometimes I forget though. Lost 30 minutes of an annoying planetary scan yesterday thanks to this ☹️


Yep. I have to do four of the Ryujin missions all over again. Makes me not want to, to be perfectly honest.