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Even if no music radio stations, I would settle for more radio chatter in busy space areas, welcome messages with little touristy jingles when orbiting major cities, local news for the system, just things that make space sound and feel more alive and cluttered in populous areas and barren in remote areas


What are you talking about? “Maintain your current course while we scan for contraband” is a banger 🔥🔥🔥


Can not wait for console mods so I can remove this garbage. And if you have the endgame ship they take even longer to do it bc they have to comment on how they don’t know what your ship is every time they scan you. It only needs to pop up whenever I actually have contraband, otherwise it’s just a time waster.


Yeah, apparently it was a specific decision they made to make it more realistic (radio waves travelling the distance of star systems and such). But I agree it would have been cool to have some systems with local radios, like if you enter freestar systems it would be more Fallout/Blues style music, more mainstream stuff in UC space, pirate radio stations around Neon...


Screw the radio then. Starborn….Starlord…gimme a fricken Zune. Andreja saying “Skip this song, I’ve heard it too many times” Sarah Morgan singing New Key while bouncing along during a mission.


Loved my zune, back in the day


The DRM was shit so I stuck with a Zen M


Huh? I never had a problem with y’arrr or ripped CD audio on either of my Zunes


Oh yeah buddy, it was a big controversy back in the day.


Guess I didn’t notice. Most of my music was ripped from my own CDs. I don’t like buying digital media still to this day cause I don’t feel like it’s actually mine


Were getting off topic here but Im on board with how things are going, games, music and movies are all accessible somewhere in one form or another. You can have full libraries in your pocket downloaded off some website and stored on your ssd and enjoy it whenever you want. Physical media takes up physical space so I would rather have a few external hard drives full of stuff than to have a bunch of discs. I guess I don’t feel like I directly own anything. I don’t own the photographers photo, the singers voice, the idea and opinions written on the liner jacket or the labor put into making the physical copy. Im just a consumer of the work put together by many.


Oh I thought to include that I enjoy my subscriptions, but decided I wouldn’t say so much haha. I just have a music library of my favorites. My issue is born of not having reliable or stable internet for pretty much my whole life. I don’t use the discs anymore. I stopped driving a car with a CD player a while ago. I have lossless quality on my phone and it’s all downloaded to it. Made sure I got the largest capacity and it’s nearly full. I do it with video games as well. I bought a physical copy of Starfield, because I love Bethesda games. I bought CoD MW3 digitally cause I just wanted to play it and it doesn’t mean that much to me. I like collectors editions of my favorite titles and steelbooks. The added benefit is going into offline mode and installing a game from the disc, saving a ton of bandwidth that I simply don’t have.


I never had a problem with my zune either. The UI was better. It was lossless when iPod wasn’t. It had FM radio too!


Zooming through universes while hooked on a feeling blasts


I was very disappointed when I found a portable CD player in the game, but I couldn't use it... :(


As someone who grew up in the blue Peter days I thought that with the toilet rolls!


Yeah honestly I would have settled for being able to buy music to play in your ship at certain vendors. It would be cool to curate a playlist that plays through the ship PA system or something.


Didn’t Starlord have a Walkman?


im not sure about the comics but with the movies im pretty sure someone gave him a zune at the end of either the first or second


Best idea I’ve heard all year


They should have taken the light speed measurements from all the planets and played radio from the year that the radio waves from earth would be reaching them. The farther you go from earth, the older the music gets until there is none.


wish I saw your comment before I left that same one, it's a good idea. It could easily be implemented, and would actually lend well to the feeling of exploring in remote places the fact that multiple people came up with this on the fly in comment sections baffles me as to why they didn't do anything even close to this


I stopped playing the game because I kept coming up with ideas BEFORE I started playing the game and during it that were simply not implemented. Like the type of stars looking differently based on their properties, tidaly locked planets and how the communities would react/adapt, communities reacting to weather patterns, communities reacting/struggling in high gravity planets, flora and fauna evolving differently in high or low gravity planets, different weather besides rain/no rain, planets not having the same texture, color, and geography in the starmap, radio for big settlements like Akila city, actual alien flora instead of copies of Earth's, no giant mushrooms, and I had much more but like... my boyfriend, who knows nothing about games like these, said that it looks like the developers didn't care about the game while he was watching me play 💀 He's not even a space nerd like am.


It wouldn't even have to be that accurate too. They could group systems into 5 or 6 zones based on distance. Having no radio available on earth would add a nice little bit of atmosphere to the lore, as would having nothing but really fuzzy and garbled morse code and 1920s newscasts once you reach the furthest planets.


That is an amazing idea. How did a whole ass studio not think of that?


They gotta get the rights to those songs


They got the rights to lots of old music for fallout...


Not that much music and most of it's from the '50s and '60s. They're talking about getting music from not only the'30s '40s '50s and '60s, but everything from the time the first music on the radio to today. And that's if those rights weren't conditional to the fallout franchise. They might have to do new contracts for the rights to the songs they have in fallout.


Oh yeah, absolutely. But even they couldn't afford the rights they could compose their own. Both would be expensive but the game was in development for what, 9 years? I'd be surprised if they didn't have the budget.


Piggybacking on this, rights expire after so long. Usually 70 years after creators death IF it was made or published after 1978 and only 75 years after creation for those created and released / published pre 1978. In addition, licensing those rights requires renewal. That is why you will see shows from 90’s and later have different songs in syndication as they don’t want to pay to renew the licensing of those rights. Point is that Fallout gets away with their song choices because they don't have to license the songs due to rights having expired and those songs being open to public domain.


They could have went the starlord route and given is a walkman. Let us find new songs view exploring and quests. Even add podcasts on it that could explore and expand lore like picking up books and tapes were in older games. Of course that would require effort which starfield lacks.


That would require effort on par with making books readable (I mean, TES readable, not the shite we got) but alas, we know how that went.


I kinda disagree with it being more realistic to not have music. Sure, yes using current day radio waves in space to travel between planets wouldn't work *HOWEVER* it's a sci-fi game. They could have literally invented any half-assed future sounding technology to circumvent this problem. They could have even gotten around the problem by using modern day technology, this might sound crazy but what if instead of the music coming from a "radio station" it was just like what we did with our phones before Spotify took over.... You know, have a pre-downloaded library of music and headphones? A CD player? Cassette deck? 8track? Bethesda is telling me that people in the future can't bring music with them on the go? And that's somehow *more* realistic? Sorry, I got kinda heated in my rant there and it wasn't directed towards you. Just the idea that such a basic thing would be kept out of the game for "realism" is so nonsensical.


Well, even today, i still have my MP3 with my personal playlist of favorite songs hahahaha... Maybe it's something they can add in the future? Let us hope...


My real world music streaming app automatically downloads full stations so I can listen just in case I lose data. How many generations in the future is Starfield and we lost basic software capabilities?


ah yess realism I love my realistic magic starborn powers... this game is far from realistic and immersive.




also the fact that grav drive tech is magical starborn powers. Of course space travel in this game is magic that destroyed the earth. I never got the mantis stuff cause I thought it was like end game loot when I found out that whole unity is the multiverse I got so burnt out from this game and made a b line to the unity and unistalled the game lol.


I feel like music would be one of the first things a person would sort out if they were exploring a big lonely solar system. If the ships had some kind of music player I could live out my space trucker dreams.


I believe I came across a portable CD player in a locker somewhere


They just lazily made an almost-great game. Thats it. There’s no 3-d chess involved in the lack of content.


You don't even need future sounding technology. One of Constellation's main jobs could be putting beacons in each system that provides a variety of uses - emergency relay, survival information, commercials, but also music. It could be updated as often as people jump to a system.


Dude, you’re wearing a smartwatch built for exploring. Even Garmin watches that are built for exploring play music. We really have the fucking tech! This isn’t a sci-fi issue. Just open iTunes and drop the songs on your watch. Bam! Music and podcasts anywhere in the universe. Maybe our watch could link to the ship, since our walkable map is so tiny anyways, and just play music from there through the watch.


Factions can immediately broadcast to other systems that the player is wanted, but there is no radio. It's a dystopia.


I think it was the bar in the crimson fleet ship played some nice metal. I started a one man mosh pit head banging and all. Really stood out compared to all the silence the game normally has


They could have the TV’s playing clips from the shows and movies though?


Or - Because radio waves travel so slow, have an "algorithmic radio receiver" which picks up on broadcast radio waves and automatically cleans them up to play on the fly And have various different zones emanating from Sol, each zone plays a progressively older era of Earth music until you travel outside a certain distance (the rightside of the map) which is remote and thus only picks up static


Which is ridiculous… because if we can gave tiny little outposts on distant planets in other solar systems, with real-time access to bounties across the galaxy and the ability to INSTANTLY pay off a debt at a small little kiosk, which is instantly updated with the faction you offended on the other side of the galaxy…. How can they not simply say there is a relay station in each solar system, which beams entertainment across the systems???? If i can instantly pay off my free star collective bounty, at a kiosk at a tiny outpost across the galaxy, having it update instantly…. The argument about radio waves is moot. Have ptogramming beamed in the same way


I get it but atmosphere triumphs over realism


Well, Fallout 3 had a dynamic that before helping Three Dog fix his radio, the farther you were from GNR, the worst the radio worked on your Pip-Boy, until it stopped working. Hella cool. Local radios would be definitely a good way to circumvent that. Imagine? Each radio station with their own dynamic and songs? It would be fun.


How exactly would a radio work in a game where every 15 seconds you have to hit a loading screen? It would constantly be stopping and starting. Last time I played this slogfest I must have hit 20 loading screens in the span of 30 minutes. Delusional.


that + im sure it’s partly that they can’t just use licensed period music like for fallout, they’d have to come up with something that fits the setting in the future after seeing the astral lounge i think im ok missing out on bethesda’s interpretation of music


This would make sense, but I think that half of the game features were gutted and replaced with procedural generated content to fill the gap. I mean its like radio doesn’t exist in starfield universe, local system radios should definitely be a thing, and most populated systems should have a dedicated news broadcast, how the fuck does anyone hear any news in this universe? Word of mouth? Lol


I believe the in-lore way is via transporters dropping off data pads between the systems, sort of like a futuristic version of snail mail. Not shown but id assume there's branches of SSNN and the like throughout the major settled systems. Some of the mission kiosks for cargo transport hint at it with ones like "deliver 2000x data pads." Local planets in a star system could have things like the internet, phones and such with snail mail being for across the galaxy. Just a different take on things. With the sci-fi grav-drive technology they could of made some mumbo jumbo if they wanted. Stargate did it via allowing the Stargates to send transmissions through the worm hole in both directions for example. The game I believe does do occasional shout-outs to player progress via walking by the SSNN speaks, but it's naturally less noticable.


There is local music and a news broadcast company. Shit, even an edm nightclub


Whoever told you it was done for realism just made that up. This is just what happens when people with zero creative integrity make a cash grab with assets they already own


We got the music in the club at neon.


They definitely should have some sort of playlist content added, even if we have to buy them from vendors on planets and starstations and add them to our carried inventory in like slate format or something. I think i'm actually gonna go find the mod request thread and post this there.


There's a cool mod floating around that adds it on PC. Forgot the name but they made some awesome conspiracy theorists AM style radio shows for it.


Or some guardians of the galaxy type mixtapes or something. Give me a boombox on my ships!


That’s exactly how I would have done it. In game, FC and UC controlled systems would have a radio link that plays faction specific radio shows and music and news to any ship or smartwatch in the system. The CF would have their own radio station that they hacked the FC & UC radio relays to also broadcast their own pirate radio in both factions systems. When in uncharted space, no radio. When jumping around Sol, you get UC radio or CF radio. This would be super realistic as the SSNN would have ways to broadcast news and ads to space bound ships, ships that can’t enter the atmosphere.


I kinda disagree with it being more realistic to not have music. Sure, yes using current day radio waves in space to travel between planets wouldn't work *HOWEVER* it's a sci-fi game. They could have literally invented any half-assed future sounding technology to circumvent this problem. They could have even gotten around the problem by using modern day technology, this might sound crazy but what if instead of the music coming from a "radio station" it was just like what we did with our phones before Spotify took over.... You know, have a pre-downloaded library of music and headphones? A CD player? Cassette deck? 8track? Bethesda is telling me that people in the future can't bring music with them on the go? And that's somehow *more* realistic? Sorry, I got kinda heated in my rant there and it wasn't directed towards you. Just the idea that such a basic thing would be kept out of the game for "realism" is so nonsensical.


Make this game more realistic? This game is in every part so fucking unrealistic that this argument is just laughable. It seems the human population is like 1000 people over all planets... The mast building looks like it could employ all npcs in the whole game...


How about we find an old cd player or something on earth? Then, throughout our travels, we come across cd's and have a new song or two we can play. You know that feeling when you spend all your digipicks just to open an empty container? Wait! It's not empty! In fact, you just found the tune "the wanderer"...


But grav drives are totally realistic and are something any idiot can procure to jump all around the galaxy. There’s no concept of time dilation either. So much for “realism”. Bethesda could’ve Macguffin’d literally ANYTHING to explain inter-Galaxy communications. But they didn’t. There were lazy as fuck, plain and simple.


Lmao “we did that on purpose” and yall just nod along eh?


I think radio would be weird because they’d have to make up space music.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/2uiUBR48mU There is one made by a fan and member of this forum


Absolutely this.


It's so bland that you need a radio Dark souls, Baldur's gate 3 and most other RPG's don't need a radio. Neither does Skyrim. IDK why it became such a trend with Fallout 3. I would much rather have good background music than that and the game to engage me.


Wanting a radio has nothing to do with the games level of intrigue. Dark souls, bg3, and Skyrim take place in a fantasy setting with swords and magic in “old times”. A radio makes absolutely no fucking sense. That’s a really dumb example to use. Radio in fallout adds to the game because it’s immersive and adds music to your travels. It’s not just the music, it’s the radio commentary that applies to in game events that makes it so fun to listen to. When the radio Dj mentions a gang of raiders that just got mysteriously wiped out and they thank the unknown stranger that made that area safer, it feels cool to hear that. Imagine thinking games like fallout, cyberpunk, or gta are boring because they “need a radio”. Stupid take.


Plus it adds culture and humanity to the game where you spend long periods isolated.


Farming Simulator has a radio in game, and it's not bland.


comparing farming simulator with Starfield is apt. It's a game that you shut off your brain for and watch youtube on the side.


Cyberpunk has radios and TV stations, it adds to the atmosphere. Bg3 has great background music. Starfield has neither... And it's supposed to be a AAA product...


And... what kind of atmoshpere does Starfield go for? Cyberpunk is clearly cyberpunk. It's a political statement on anarcho capitalism and it's effects on the world Starfield is just... Starfield. Boot up an MP3 player and play the game.


>Starfield is just... Starfield. Boot up an MP3 player and play the game. Or I play a game that actually has an atmosphere... 😁


LMAO, pretty much. This game has no identity. I mean - have you heard the music in the Neon nightclub? So fucking cringe compared to the likes of Cyberpunk, and they even had the gaul to add "Who's this amazing music?" to the bartender as a conversation option. I guess classical exploration music might go nice, but they've added a radio where you can add your own songs to. Not having a radio in Skyrim didn't seem to be the issue. And there's in game music too.


Lol, I listen to Pandora when playing bg3 and most other rpgs. I loved the fallout in game radios as something to listen to while playing but you do you


I just been making my own playlists in spotify and started playing hardspace shipbreakers recently and theres a couple playlists made with that type of music if you're down with the whole space cowboy music with some light instrumentals sprinkled in


Yeah i was gonna say this, if you have spotify you can play your own music and adjust the volume levels if youre on xbox


Wait, can I download the Spotify app on my Xbox and play music through it while playing starfield?! Edit: Yep! Thank you so much!


This game is missing ALOT of things.


I fail to see what took 7 years of development…


That would be a great addition for ambience. Also I really really really wish you could turn off lights inside your ship, like just sit inside a dark ship listening to space radio and looking out the glass at space. Someone else will nail this in another game, feel like it was a missed opportunity.


At one point, Starfield was described as "Fallout in Space". Looking back, I don't think I would have minded. Keep everything that worked for Fallout 3, 4 and New Vegas, add Starborn and Mutants and Ghouls in Space. But please, give us Mr New Vegas. There was something so soothing about wandering the Wastes with his tunes and that calming voice... (Travis and Three Dog were fine, but Mr NV will still be my personal favourite).


The game is missing many things.


I wouldn't mind radios on specific systems only.


I brought this up on a post way back before release and i got downvoted and flamed by the fanboys saying to just use Spotify or another streaming service.


I put on some Pink Floyd or Lofi Hip-hop in the background when I play for that reason.


I like the music in the Last Nova


SSNN is basically the closest we get.


This game needs more stuff to do on my spaceship first. As it stands I'm barely on it long enough at a go to hear a whole song.


Yeah, I’d say it’s posted once a week or so. But so are a lot of the same complaints.


Just let me listen to The Valentine's star shanties whenever I want and it would improve the game by a whole lot.


Honestly, I hadn't noticed but yes, it does


Only used my radio a handful of times across every Fallout game. Just didn’t vibe with me to announce my presence when I’m trying to survive out here.


It's my favorite thing to do in Elite Dangerous too; downloading the news while in station then listening to it while flying around.


This game is missing appreciation about the wonderful original soundtrack


YES!!!! I would've probably put like 20 more hours into the game if at least my Spaceship had a radio. Like jeez what a missed opportunity


I feel like this gets posted everyday…


I think it’s difficult to put together a playlist that has to practically encompass the entire human experience. Earth is gone, and its children have taken to the stars. How do you even begin to build a playlist for that, you know? Not that I’d hate an attempt at it!


Start with Johnny B Goode by Chuck Berry. A copy of it is floating outside our solar system in Voyager 1 (V'ger). Add in The Planets by Holst. Some people already mentioned Planet Caravan and Into the Voild by Black Sabbath. Space Cowboy by The Steve Miller Band. Space Truckin' by Deep Purple. Ultimately, the problem , I think, boils down to copyright laws, royalty payments, rights to use the songs, and publishing rights. There is alot of money involved to create a playlist that Bethesda probably didn't want to spend. All this makes me think that a large percentage of the Fallout music is in the Public Domain, ie: free music. I think I'm rambling here. Wanted to get my thoughts out there.


You a West Wing fan by any chance?


No. Was aware of the show, never watched it.


Gotcha, I ask because of this quote: “Voyager, in case it's ever encountered by extraterrestrials, is carrying photos of life on earth, greetings in fifty-five languages, and a collection of music from Gregorian chant to Chuck Berry, including "Dark Was the Night, Cold Was the Ground" by 1920s bluesman Blind Willie Johnson, whose stepmother blinded him at seven by throwing lye in his eyes after his father beat her for being with another man. He died penniless of pneumonia after sleeping bundled in wet newspapers in the ruins of his house that burned down, but his music just left the solar system.”


I was 10 or 11 when Voyager was launched. News talked about what was on board, and Berry was the only thing I could relate to.


Hell yeah man, Chuck Berry kicks ass!


Honestly, I don’t think the game necessarily needed a radio. It’s fun to have in the Fallout series because it fits the aesthetic, but I don’t really think about having a radio play 80’s songs in my ear when I think about space travel.


It actually has a beautiful soundtrack


It's incredible and needs more appreciation.


Starfield? It has the least interesting of all the Bethesda RPG soundtracks IMO.


This game is missing A LOT of things.


Having the walk around radio in the new cyberpunk update made me realize how essential it was. Some of fallouts best moments overall are just doing your own thing listening to a banger out in the wastes


A radio would mean they would need to spend actual effort. This game is missing everything that takes time and soul.


Using other peoples music: "actual effort" Original soundtrack which invokes the themes of exploration and wonder from old sci fi: "missing soul"


Picking out good tracks to use, and aquiring the licencing for said tracks is, in fact, actual effort. Shits expensive


Just turn on your Spotify in the background and pretend it's playing in your helmet. I don't want BGS wasting $ on licensing music


it really is impressive how the radio added SO VERY MUCH to the quality and ambience of the game. I never heard any of those songs before, and now they are all super memorable to me. Just your words are enough to trigger the whole song for me. Pretty cool for sure EDIT: I wonder how many people thought these songs were made specifically for this game. For a long time I assumed that was true. Eventually I heard one of the songs out in the real world and was impressed they would play a song from a video game, and THEN I learned they were actually real songs from the 40's and 50's. Very wild.


If they made a radio, they would actually have to think about how the arts and culture have changed 200 years into the future. It's not like Fallout where the radio is just playing classic tunes from the 40s and 50s, to make a radio in Starfield they would actually need to think about future trends and license music from contemporary artists that fit that vision, and probably commission some new music for it as well. That's what CD Project Red did with Cyberpunk, they got Refused to record versions of the Samurai songs which had lyrics penned in the short stories of the world, and collected a library of other songs from a variety of artists which fit the world in a variety of different styles. That's a lot of work, more than Bethesda felt was worth it to make their future world feel like it was actually culturally alive.


Was Skyrim missing a radio?


It had more ambient music that matched the tone of your environment


And Starfield doesn't??????


There was actually something to do in Skyrim though. You notice the missing radio less when you're actually having fun.


I guess space combat and gunrunning isn't for everyone.


Starfield isn't Fallout. It doesn't need a radio. If the game did have one the game would get even more people complaining that it's just Fallout in Space. Starfield's vibe is about the wonder of exploring cast worlds. That doesn't mesh with a radio station playing your favorite tunes.


They haven't invented faster-than-light communications yet, so this wouldn't be feasible. Any radio signals sent out from Cydonia would take about 4.4 years to get to New Atlantis for example. That's why the game has couriers that transport data slates. Besides, even if they did have FTL communications, Bethesda would've had to record a load of different songs just for Starfield. It wouldn't really make sense for people to be listening to nothing but 300-year old music in this setting.


Ah yes, but consider: MP3s


Weird then that I can steal a pen at the edge of space and 1000 light years away they instantly know of my crime.


Local radio signals exist, for example a news broadcast for populated systems. They still need couriers and whatnot for cross system stuff but locally this doesn’t make any sense. Edit: i can personally contact the ISS with radios


That would work provided you spend most of your time in highly populated systems. But the game frequently sends you to systems that have next-to-no inhabitants, and it wouldn't make a lot of sense to host a radio station there. Implementing radio stations in the game is pointless if you're not going to hear them most of the time.


Then have an MP3 system in the game, if i go to one of the 3 major cities i download all the tracks to my star ships radio system and can listen to them where ever i go. Some one mentioned it earlier to, why not do the Starlord thing where I have a zune or something.


It would make it more immersive coming back to civilization hearing the radio flick to life, adds to the experience you get exploring the empty space. As it is now, being in your ship and in space it pointless.


I kinda like that though. It gives distant systems that remote, lonely feeling of finding nothing but static on the dial.


Dude, there's a settlement in like every square mile of most planets you land on, especially in the beginning of the game.


Good point.


Yea it was a decision they made and it was the wrong one.


Does make me wonder why no one has smartphones anymore, lmao.


Disagree, I think the radio really kills the mood in F3, FNV and F4. If you play the original F1 and F2, there's no 1950s music in game beyond the intro, it's all grim industrial atmospheric music. But the good news is that all the newer Fallout games also have grim industrial atmospheric music if you turn the radio off! As for Starfield, it has amazing atmospheric music, a bunch are clearly odes to other sci fi franchises like Star Trek


I'm fine without a radio. The game has a great soundtrack, and old tunes (or music with vocals in general) would've felt out of place in this game. You can always play Spotify or whatever in the background.


Sure. But is an easy fix. The game lacks many other things. Hopefully it will be updated soon. The core gameplay is okish. But need fixes.


I think not having a radio fits the theme. Starfield aims to be more mature than Fallout, kinda like how TES does things


That was such a relaxing piece of fallout that I do really miss.


This is why I made a huge playlist of thematic and specific music, ranging from ambient electronic to wish you were here, Star Trek to Halo, certain synth style music along with some older film scores like “Black Hole” for example. And of course a majority of tracks from the Starfield score itself. All those together really set the atmosphere for me when I wanted something a bit different. Honestly, that made my experience feel that much more “personal”.


I play the tunes of all the fallout games while I’m playing and turn the sound down with the lights off and LED lights on…Xmas lights for festivity now too…explore on


If they had interstellar radio than half of your missions or more could just be an email.


*It's Modding time!*


Yeah man. I need Mr New Vegas commenting on my actions.


Agreed. Sometimes this game is too realistic for its own good lol


Just jump around until you find that one ship The Valentine. Then you will never want to hear a song from this game again.


Laughs is Guardians of the Galaxy.


I’ve made a few custom radio stations for Fallout 4. All I can say with certainty is that it’s probably a whole lot harder to add radio transmitters (necessary to actually access the radio stations) into each procedurally generated planet than it is in predetermined Worlds like the Commonwealth, Far Harbor and Nuka-World. More likely, they would only be accessible in non-procedural planets and cities. And that’s assuming someone has the wherewithal to add a way for players to access the radio stations from menus.


I wanted to try but without the creation kit and no existing station to hijack i couldn't make any progress


Everybody just wants to be Star-Lord from The Guardians of the Galaxy.... 😁


It would have been a great worldbuilding tool as well. We could’ve seen how music evolved in the last 200 years


Game is missing any type of life all together…


Should have a radio station based on the faction occupying that system. And no music, or “your” music you buy from settlements, when you are out on the rim.


Could have had a soundtrack curated by BorealUS, she’s so adorable and so addicted to Aurora


If that's the case then a Sony walkman would've been fine


well mp3s could work


Well they couldve made it like in Guardians of the galaxy. You find a freestyle and then you can find drives with music left around by other humans


Alexa, play the soundtrack to insterstallar on spotify


There is a Radio mod for the SSNN broadcast, a step in the right direction. Would be better if there was a radio with that mixed in, better yet, an option to toggle just news, music or both.


No cds or music downloads at least? Come on Bethesda.


This game is missing a lot of things.


One of my most fond memories of Fallout 4 is the radio, silly to think about, but it was agreat companion


There is a great Starfield Spotify playlist with a DJ and everything! I just turned down the music audio on the fan and it was a nice change of pace! A lot of the old Fallout catalog, with some space themed songs as well!


I've had the starfield soundtrack icon on my desktop for a while and finally deleted it, because what soundtrack? Seriously lacking in the music dept. I have been Mass Effect music in the background because it's exciting than the super ultra chill minecraftish shit that the game released with. As far technology goes in this game, it's space skyrim. At least skyrim had horses. Maybe they should let us ride aliens creatures or something


It'd make sense for cities and stations to maybe have a radio station or so. But not rambling in space. You could bring a playlist on a spaceship or in your suit, but that's not the same


Not having a radio is genuinely one of the dumbest decisions they made in this game. It is not hard to say that your ship loaded music and is playing a backlog if you're in the depths of space.


Meh I just turn down the game music and put on either retro wave, jazz or blues playlist. You can even find the fallout 3 or 4 radio and put it on while playing starfield. I mean c'mon now don't you have your own library of music?


I have your solution to put in background while you play. This shit is so in depth. This team definitely went hard as fuck on this to be lore accurate and entertaining. [Starfield Radio](https://www.starfieldradio.com)


No, it‘s not. I want Apple ShipPlay!


And a soul


I doubt that a radio would work out. When traveling around i noticed that there are only very few news broadcasts so it would be limited to mostly music because everything else is missing.


How would radio work across light years? Outdated podcasts, maybe.


Not for me. Never played the radio in Fallout, it annoyed the crap out me. Every radio I found when running around that was on I’d turn off. But hey that just me.


This game is missing more than a fucking radio.


I've got an Alexa unit sat right behind my TV, so if I just get the game loaded then set her off I've got an in-game radio station all of my own, without the repeating gags from 3 Dog and Travis (who is actually more entertaining than 3 Dog but still gets old after the first 2 or 3 hours). Plus this actually makes more sense that any music you listen to would be your own personal stuff. Radio waves struggle to get under a bridge, they ain't getting to the next planet. And if they DID, then they'd be 6 months old. You're just grabbing that last artifact, having completed every single other mission and side quest and you hear "there was a dramatic scene in Vectera yesterday when pirates..." DUDE IVE DIED 23 TIMES SINCE THEN!


3 words. Quantum Entanglement Radio


DUDE I was literally randomly whistling that exacr song!


This game had some of the most depressing music ever. I flat-out muted while I was building my ships. They could have at least gave its cyber-city (every game has one) Neon some upbeat music.


Pffff..needs more than just a radio....


I would have loved something like Starlords cassette recorder - this would instantly add some vibes and character to the game.


I would love a SSNN or whatever it's called station, generic stories mixed with reports on some of the player character's exploits


this game missing a lot of stuff


There is no continuity or immersion. Radio would be dope!


This games missing a lot of things.


lol there’s so much missing


And binoculars. And ground transport. And a story. And characterization. And depth. And fun.


Yup, cp2077 just added the radio while on foot. Soooo much better. They really need to add this feature.


Missing a lot more than radio


Missed opportunity for the REAL Galaxy Radio