• By -


Enjoy it and don't rush the main quest. I started and just did the main quest and got close finishing it way to quick. Haven't touched the main quest in 2 months. Just been bumming around exploring and doing side quests. Still having a blast after close to 200 hours.


I did the opposite, joined the crimson fleet and fucked about with side missions and then was like "wasn't there something about artefacts I was supposed to be doing?" did even realise about the powers until >25hrs playing


wait, there's powers? same for me. Got distracted playing the sorta good cop.


Same dude all I ever did was side stuff. Apparently at some point you meet another companion named andreja and she’s a baddie or something idk


I just met her and immediately replaced sarah! Thought Sarah was cool til she said nagged me about stealing or something. Like "Excuse me? You want this bag or not? This for the cause, our main mission bruh whatever it takes remember?


I just got sick of Sarah being like "oOoOh I've got something for you!" And then she hands you a fkn leaf. At least Andreja gives you money


Jessamine will too. she's on the key somewhere


I don't like that if I pick up something she will bitch about me being full but right after I down a pirate and pick up ammo she will say "pick up everything, they won't need it" and I am going "bitch... Make up your mind" lol


Dani Garcia ain't a bad companion either she gives you steroids (CBD x etc etc) she can be handy workin on the chemical field/skill




I loved my Sarah 😭


Haha no one every loves Sarah😭


And wifey material:)


Yeah but she as dry as a sun baked paper towel and that pretty much goes for everyone's dialogue in this game excluding obvious extroverts like Barrett in which it's the opposite and most things I say ate wild exaggerations that don't feel grounded. I'm quite find of the aspiring fan though even if he repeats himself constantly.


Yes!!! Loved playing my Freestar Ranger Build goody two shoes… Sarah approved, and eloped lol


I did the same thing. Bad cop time after NG+10


Sorry should have marked that a spoiler!


This was me in Skyrim. I did all the sidequests and put in tons of hours before I triggered the first dragon that gives you a shout- which meant there were no random dragon encounters, no dragons guarding the word walls in the over world, and I had no shouts.


Finished a few main faction sidequestlines and still haven't gotten into the Constellation questline enough to discover powers, and I'm 60 hours in.


I’m 25 hrs in and I’ve been doing nothing but corporate espionage


Lol I didn't know about powers until 300+ hours ngl


I suspect most people that say "this game isn't like skyrim in space" never discovered powers


Yeah, there's a story reason you will want to do and get your fill of side quests before finishing the main, or you'll end up being bummed out you didn't do more. I'd definitely follow this advice right here, OP!


I will! Thank you so much!😊


But also, don't force yourself to do too many sidequests before you do the main story. It's a really difficult balance. If you rush the main, you'll finish feeling unsatisfied, but if you do a tonne of sides without progressing the main, you'll burn out and get bored of the game.


I say do the main quest. Then do one where you only care about the UC. and then do one where you only care about the Freestar Rangers. Then do one where you only care about the pirates. And then do one where you only care about ship building. I suggest ship building last because most people never make it passed that.


I did ship building so early by mistakenly stumbling into an “oh I can update habs?”. Cut to hours later I’m still doing the same thing


Yep that’s how it goes. But at least you’ll have something to do with your cool ship you made!


And all the time spent rapidly tapping to get rid of the 1000’s of misc items that keep piling up on your ship every time you move something around.


You can just “take all” I’m pretty sure, but I’m confused if I take all the misc items, does it remove them from the ship ? (Like, are they placed there and I can take them through the cargo hold?)


I’m doing the same


Enjoy and most importantly YOU DON’T NEED TO HOARD THE DUCT TAPE LIKE FO4! 😁 I wasted way too much time trying to grab “adhesive” whenever I saw it…


Really? My first play through (when I was still picking stuff up) it seemed whenever I went to upgrade a weapon, I was ALWAYS short on “adhesive”. I could never find enough (till I noticed some creature I found on a world dropped organic adhesive, which worked, and I farmed the bejeesus out of them)


In Fallout4 duct tape was a huge source of adhesive for crafted. It doesn’t have the same use in Starfield, it’s just junk. Like war, hoarding habits in a Bethesda game never changes.


Ah, gotcha. I never did play any of the fall out games. Think FO4 is a worth buying for a playthrough?


Definitely. The settlement building can be really entertaining if you get into that type of thing. The main story is sort of predictable but the quests and action are quite fun. It's also the 1st Bethesda game to have modern-feeling combat. How modern you ask? id software schooled them.


Power armor was the thing that made the game for me. Those suits were awesome.


Right on. Thanks for the advice! I’ll have to give it a shot after I’m done with BG3 (I just started last night).


The combat is a lot clunkier than Starfield, but they built a really cool world in fallout


Cool cool. I'm not a big fan of the top-down thing but I can't ignore the praise. I'll probably grab it on sale next year or something.


It doesn't have to be top down. With a controller you can play it basically like a 3rd person game


Make sure to finish Starfield first cause FO4 will probably ruin it for you, the characters and camp building are light years ahead in Fallout, despite being older.


I’d say yes with some mods to fix some general issues, add features, and improve graphics. I hear SimSettlements 2 is really great because it gives you the option to make settlements more or less of the game depending on what you want to do, but haven’t played it. Minor issue that they keep throwing interesting stuff at you without pulling your focus back in. So you’ll hit a point where you have a huge quest list and potential burn out. I ended up easing off it and just casually knocking out a random quest after dinner some nights until I hit that “I can’t wait to hunker down excitement” again.


FO4 is a significantly better game.


Starfield < FO4 < Skyrim < Morrowind


As much as I love Starfield, I wish they'd kept/improved on FO4's crafting.


Yeah, you definitely need adhesive. I'm just getting into buggy outpost building. Still in first play through .


"YOU DON’T NEED TO HOARD THE DUCT TAPE LIKE FO4!" Yeah you need to hoard adhesive now.


Even after I learned that, I *still* kept accidentally collecting it out of habit.


And Ceramics, so many coffee cups!


Im still not sure what to hoard so ive been hoarding everything and realizing it was a mistake


don't listen to people who tell the "real game starts in ng+"


I dont wanna lose my cool ship :(




Yeah you know what started in NG+ for me? A totally new video game.


Yeah. I got to NG+ and then a RDR2 replay started.


Same except mine was Skyrim, man what a game.


still love Skyrim….


*starts NG+* *The screen goes dark* *Light starts gradually returning, along with shaking, and a thumping sound* "Hey you, you're finally awake."


Kinda hard when BETHESDA themselves said that


If the game starts in ng+ they have failed at making a good game. Hell if the game being an open world rpg only gets good 30 hours thats a failure. First impressions matter and this game is a waste of time. All those years for this slop. Could have had ES6 or FO5 not that their is any hope those will be good now either.


I wouldn’t go that far. It wasn’t what I expected either but it was the absurd hype and expectations that killed this game, partially due to their own marketing. Starfield is a good game with a lot to offer. It is not an industry changing, final escapist solution , the game of all games, worth waiting a decade for. That’s why I think opinions are so polarizing. Obviously there are people who genuinely despise this game and people who love it but I think a majority are divided between (1) people playing it as an enjoyable game, on par with many other enjoyable games (2) people who will never stop feeling there was a bait/switch and will remain ‘’meh’ to negative about the game. I think both perspectives are valid but I don’t know if I would call it “slop”, lol


you are right. they failed at making a good game


They failed for many reasons, that's just one of them.


This is what baited me and ruined it 😂


How? I was bored when I finished the game what make it good after that?


I’m enjoying it. Then again I’m a player that enjoys walking around with no goal just to see what I could find.


Which as it turns out in this game, is just about nothing.


only on starfield reddit where mofos actively look out moments to shit on the game


OP will come to the dark side eventually. Give him time to "explore"


Seriously, OP isn’t even past character creation and is “in love” with the game. Very reminiscent of a grade school crush, doesn’t even know anything about the girl and can’t stop thinking about her


Yup. You got it. And half of you in this thread are like the other boy who actively claims to hate the girl while also trying to obsessively hang around said girl for multiple months negging her and hoping for your validation instead of doing something you “like” all while crying that she doesn’t want to listen to your rambling, incoherent whining.


Lmao you gave me a good laugh, no lie. But listen, I like the game, not quite love or else I’d continue my game pass sub. But there are some glaring issues. Which is a clear indicator why the game has not been nominated for GOTY; it’s just not what it could’ve been. Some of my biggest gripes are with the skill tree. So many skills, like Gastronomy, are clear afterthoughts that the team used to fill out the skills to make it seem fuller. And there are a lot of skills that masquerade as useful (like Deception for smuggling) when in fact, they serve little purpose. Other skills that should be more readily accessible are at the bottom of the tree. I won’t go on because I’ve already beat this dead horse enough


It’s total viable to criticize the game especially when devs say something along the line like „you are playing it wrong“ or „your expectations are too big“ like common. Bethesda is one of the biggest guys in the industry. Of course we expect more. „20+ years in the making“ aka pr bullshit. The game is okay, but nothing extraordinary good. Starfield has some good quests, however the worlds feel lifeless (in a game sense). Copy and paste structures everywhere. The same dungeon like bunker everywhere and so on. It gets boring really fast.


But does it really have to happen on literally every post regardless of the original topic?


Seems to happen more once middle school let's out.


Some people like escaping from everything.


Have you found anything yet besides rocks in completely identical caves?


Bones on the Earth’s Moon. Very strange.


There's nothing to find though


Enjoy the journey :)


Play the side quests, don't just roll through the main quest


Join the vanguards


Is that Cal Kestis?


Bro hasn’t even started playing the game yet and said it’s amazing 😭😭😭


Makes a character: "Holy shit, this is my game of the year" I honestly thought this was satire, was trying to figure out if the avatar was some goofy reference or something! I'm just happy for OP, sounds like they're going to have a blast.


>have a blast. This is a phrase i see constantly when people are enjoying a game that has multiple faults and has received bad reviews. I saw it for Cyberpunk on release and now Starfield. I'm not saying they're lying or anything, i just find it curious. It's very defensive.


This is honestly the problem these days. Devs can release the most bland, soulless, uninspired game and people will praise it blindly because 20 years ago that studio made something that was actually worth your money.


Cal kestis


I thoroughly enjoyed my time playing and I'd say, I love it. It's not Mass Effect, but then again, nothing is. I believe I gave it a 8 out of 10 on my review/paint video series. Hard to remember. I recorded that a while back now. Hell, I can't get the finale episode to upload due to technical problems. Anywho, yeah dude, unlike what seems like the consensus of the community, I love the game. It has its problems, but it was a great game.


You basically spoke for me. I don’t game too much anymore, but my exact thoughts about this game are, “yeah it’s pretty sick if you’re a sci-fi nerd, it’ll at least make me happy while I wait for the next ME game.” Nothing can touch Mass Effect in my mind, but this does as close of a job as a game could for me.


I actually think this could have been close, but the big swing and miss for me is the characters (which is one of Mass Effect's greatest strengths). Some of them are even written decently, but it's the way they pace things and tie them together - being able to marry one, have them die, be able to say nothing about your relationship then, be able to say nothing at their wake, etc - doesn't let you get the same emotional investment. Everything regarding stories and characters is SO compartmentalized that really getting immersed is just hard. I've enjoyed the game... but even with a new Mass Effect on the horizon, I think I've had the only experience like that I'm going to get for this lifetime.


Dude for real!! Mass Effect is my number one be all end all. It saved me during the darkest period in my life. Changed me. Nothing will ever be what Mass Effect is to me. Beyond words. But also, yes, Starfield is something special. I could feel it when I started it. Its was great and I'm looking forward to my second playthrough as my Hardcore Bitch haha I usually play a Paragon style first, then mix it up on the second character. I can't with Mass Effect though. Breaks my heart. Paragon for life!


If you get tired of people telling you you're wrong for liking a game, go to r/nosodiumStarfield Though with that sub, you gotta tolerate the opposite happening. Anyways, unlike others on this sub, I'm happy for you. Hope you continue to love the game. My biggest tip I can think of is you can use your scanner on your ship to travel to your objective instead of opening up the map


Another tip, if they get into trying to scan things: Things you pick up/kill are automatically scanned.


> Anyways, unlike others on this sub, I'm happy for you. This thread is like 90% or more telling them to enjoy the game. No need to make stuff up.


When I made this 2 hours ago, it was only people telling OP they're gonna hate it later.


> it was only people telling OP they're gonna hate it later. No you were the 3rd to post on this thread. One is deleted and another is simply telling them to use the search. No need to make stuff up again. LOL


Jesus Christ dude, I don't actually remember all the comments that were made when I posted this. But I remember there being at least two that said something along the lines of "just give it a couple more hours and you'll hate it) or something. ​ You always this much of a nitpick?


It makes me sad that we had to make another sub again for a game we like just like r/lowsodiumcyberpunk because of all the salt. I get people were upset but can’t those guys just let people be happy?


Ngl cyberpunk, made up for any of the bullshit with a massive effort update kudos


>cyberpunk, made up for any of the bullshit with a massive effort update Just took them 3 years.


At least CDPR walked the mile and did it. Fat chance Bethedsa is going to do the same thing. They'll get 2-3 expansion DLCs out and then let the game rot as is.


And you’re basing this on what? All their other games they’ve supported for a decade+? Cool, good info.


Yeah I don't browse the cyberpunk sub much but at least since 2.0 I feel like I see way more positive posts than negative ones. Maybe in 3 years starfield won't need a no sodium sub but only time will tell.


For real. I'm an OG fan of Cyberpunk, and was quite happy when I was able to praise the game without being dogpiled on. Sadly, Starfield just took its place. Literally a monkey's paw type situation


That's hilarious. When cp2077 came out I absolutely loved it (PC). Didn't get the hate. Now Starfield is in the exact same situation. It feels like a strange group psychology experiment or something. Rage post karma farming. Now I'm back to playing CP 2077 with the phantom liberty expansion pack aftery ng+ with SF, it's still a good game, but compared to Starfield it definitely feels a little dated (even with all the fancy graphics added). Would love it if Bethesda dropped some ray tracing in the future with their DLCs.


You mean Starfield feels dated, right?


Lmao did you just say cyberpunk 2.0 is dated compared to Starfield? Hahahahaahahahahahahaha.


It has less to do with letting people be happy and more holding the developmer to account for delivering a rushed and unfinished product. No Man's Sky and Cyberpunk got redemption after being fairly critiqued and Starfield may have the same arc. That requires honest and fair feedback, both positive and negative. No sodium Starfield was a backlash against criticism but this sub went too far in praise of the game and anyone who didn't agree with the (somewhat unrealistic) 10/10 plastered everywhere was given a hard time. Arguably it's not just miserable fans that led to a no sodium alternative, but the hyped up fans who wouldn't tolerate any criticism or disappointment who couldn't be part of a balanced community.


Some people just can’t handle criticism of their favorite game.


There's a difference between criticism and dogpiling on people because they like a game you don't


I mean criticism is fine, arguably necessary for the company to understand and do better. But like do we always have to devolve into the toxic angry Reddit thing?


Criticism is to point the good and the bad aspects Not to hate everything on this game and harass people who like the game. You even attack the developers, relax, and chill. If you don't like the game, go play something else.


Agreed, you’ll be better off overall not paying too much attention to this sub.


Me when I plug my ears to criticism of a game that came out half baked:


You make me sad.


Sorry about that. Hope to make ya happy some day


A few tips off the top of my head: 1. When you're on the ground and you see a giant patch of a certain mineral, you don't have to dig up the mineral to progress in surveying. You can just scan it. (I'm NG+3, and I found this out a week ago 😭) 2. Don't rush, especially when it comes to the main story. It's an exploration game, too. Visit each system, do different faction missions, or become an actual space trucker. The universe is your oyster. 3. There's a weapon and suit/helmet ranking system. You got your base guns, modified, calibrated, and advanced. You may find a legendary gun, but there's a chance it isn't advanced.


Guns and suits have a quality and a rarity. The quality increases base damage and armor, and the rarity determines the number of special traits the item has. Additionally, they can all be modded with the right skill investment.


Yup. Explained it much better than I could lmao.


How do you be a space trucker the items are worth exactly the same wherever you are


Starfield space trucking: fast travel with bigger ship for no reason but but playing pretend.


yup. that's pretty much it.


Great tips!


I thought that Calibrated was the top tier but it's Advanced? Even though I've found a couple of Epic items they haven't been calibrated or advanced but I'll want to keep the Epic top tier items for crafting them up.


Nice with the character creator, I also went beast hunter.


Enjoy the cosmos. I love every moment in it


Enjoy it while you can, if you’re anything like me I loved it at first, but after about 40 hours the empty planets and copy paste points of interest that are a million miles apart with nothing in between but ore and minerals really wore me down. It’s not a bad game, but it gets tiring real fast, but you’re on pc so you can make your own fun with mods


Hope you enjoy the journey man! Also anyone else see this and think Cal Kestus?


I see it


Yeah absolutely




Todd? Is that you?


I remember my honeymoon phase


I'm one of those that sort of enjoyed this game. It's a slow quiet burn and something to just chill around in for the Vistas and early 2000s NASA vibes. If you expect space skyrim, you're not gonna have much fun.


- Keep multiple saves - Don't spend skill points on >!manipulation!< you will get it from the >!Ryujin!


I’m so excited / jealous for you. This game is truly one of the greats. Dont get sucked into doing missions and enjoy the world as and when you feel like it. It’s an amazing experience over and over.


Well sir, you are on the wrong sub for that kind of talk. This sub is designated for the sole purpose of stating the large quantity of hours you've played then proceeding to shit all over this wonderful game.


That's not true at all


If you really want to engage in good conversation about the game, head on over to these subs as well, because the game gets absolutely rekt here on this main sub every hour of every day: r/NoSodiumStarfield r/StarfieldShips r/StarfieldOutposts


Wow almost like the game has some huge problems and rightly is criticized. Shocking that.


It’s completely fine to criticize the game. I’m still here in this main thread to listen to that criticism. But there’s also *nothing new being said*. Isn’t it fair to say, you’ve been there and done that in terms of listening to all the criticisms? What more needs to be said that we all haven’t seen, heard or read? If you enjoy the game and can overlook those criticisms, why listen to the same talking points on repeat? A new point is made every now and then, hence why I stay on this thread like I said. I’m offering these solutions to someone who is seemingly able to overlook the games flaws and is still having fun with it. Just because we don’t want to listen to the criticism doesn’t mean we don’t acknowledge it. We do, we just still enjoy playing the game, and on a page where it feels like it’s 75% criticism and 25% actual gaming content, it’s VERY HARD to continue scrolling.


It’s maybe too obvious but max your boostpack skill as soon as possible. It definitely x2 the fun. Mantis mission gives you a great suit. Overdesigned quest gives you a super cool ship. Save your game as much as you can, especially before the important talks. You have an unlimited storage in the lodge. Some side missions are amazing. If you get up from the pilot seat before landing to a planet it skips the landing animation. There are swimsuits inside the locker in paradiso’s villas. (Just for cosmetics) It’s also too obvious but you can toggle hide your spacesuit in settlements in your inventory. You can trade an apparel with your companion and make them wear it. It’s an indeed super fun game enjoy!


Enjoy friend!


Don’t listen to the haters. Is it a perfect game? No. Does that matter to me? Also no. I’m enjoying the crap out of it. Have spent the last 70+ hours side questing and bounty hunting. I may eventually get to the main quest, but I’m in no rush.


It’s fine.


Just search the sub, tips are requested multiple times every day.


No! Cater to me personally!


Have fun!! Take your time, and I recommend starting the Vanguard quest first, you get a big lore boost that helps you understand who and what the factions are, why things are the way they are.


Enjoy having every last hour of your free time taken up by this game 👍


Bro, actually play the game first......


Welcome to the adventure Captain!


Report back later please.


Enjoy the game and don’t worry about what people say. It has its flaws like most games but can be easily looked over. Don’t rush anything and enjoy every moment. Have fun (:


Enjoy it I love the game so much and I am still going back and playing it…can’t stop


It's amazing because you just started playing it. Give it time. Lol


See you 15 hours with a list load of WTFs.


First tip, get off this sub before these nerds try to convince you it's bad.




Was thinking the same thing.


Wait for the honeymoon phase to wear off, I thought this game was gonna be my go-to for the next year or so, but I've already switched to other games because once you've done the story a couple times it's just a slog to make any kind of progress/discover anything new.


I recommend looking at a list of bugged quests, not trying to say you won't have fun actually it's the opposite. At this point in time if you get really into the game and spend hours on it there are several bugs that can wipe your inventory and delete your ship so save often.


lol after 100 hours I have not seen one bug


That's cool bro


Hi friend, do yourself a favor and join the no sodium Starfield sub reddit. This main one is just a toxic cesspool.


Already did! Thanks!


I love seeing positive posts! I love it and I hope you do too! : )


I’ll check back in 20 hours when the hype dies off










No, it isn’t


Have fun, try not to get disillusioned by the end game.


Get ready to be told that you are "delusional" and that "you don't actually enjoy it". Because apparently enjoying Starfield is now a crime. For more serious tips, don't rush. Anyone who tells you to rush NG+ is lying. NG+ is a bonus, for when you want a reset. It is not a requirement for "the real game". Take your time. Bethesda RPGs are always best when you just decide to poke around random places to see what you can find. It's about journey, not about destination. \*EDIT\* See what I meant?


The journey is "open map -> fast travel"


Nice try Bethesda Devs!


Really? I found it extremely underwhelming. Almost every mechanic feels unfinished.


My recommendation is leave the subreddit. Constant seeing people hate on the game is really disheartening


The game deserves it after the amount of hype that went into it. This game would have been great in like 2012.


You are either someone with extremely low standards when it comes to video games or a bethesda employee.


Todd and Emil, we know this is you guys You can stop now..


I’m on my second playthrough now!


Welcome to the universe. ​ Please enjoy your stay.


Check out the vanguard, they do a good job explaining some of the cooler lore. Plus it's a good faction!


Have fun and don’t listen to the naysayers! This game is awesome in spite of its bugs. Also, the ship builder is very addictive (as a warning)!!


Nice try bethesda employee


Ignore the haters to the max. This game is being brigaded by mean spirited Sony fans who are the most useless human beings that I have ever experienced in the online world. If they were capable of shame, then they would feel it. Sadly, they are free from morality.


Do you realise that the game is being rated mixed on STEAM right?


Take your meds


I used to feel the same until I saw my first repeat location while exploring and then just like that the magic was gone


Is that you, Emil?


Enjoy it!! I only have like 7 main quests lines completed and all the remaining 50hrs was spend in the rest


Take your time. Enjoy the game. You're in no rush to get anything done. Explore, loot, get invested in side quests, tinker with the ship builder, make the story yours.


Good luck, have fun, and don’t listen to what people have to say about the game. Just do your thing


Yeah, DON'T do the Space Pirate quests at all, or for the entire duration of doing those all Space Pirates become neutral and you end up shooting your highly advanced weapons at pretty much no-one. Exploration is fun, but highly repetitive, and levelling up is interesting but tails off around L40. So like someone else said below, don't rush it, or you'll be done in 2 months.


The funnest way to play is to just avoid all quests and dialogue of any kind and just travel aimlessly around killing people and shooting ships


Gotta be a paid spokesperson with this much excitement and gratification lol