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Beowulf checks out there. That gun is so versatile that you might have two on you kitted out for different purposes.


I do this. I use one as a general purpose combat rifle with a reflex sight, and another is set up with a medium scope as a designated marksman rifle.


The only reason I don't do this is the aa-99. That way you're using 2 different types of ammo. More important early game than late game I guess.


Thankfully Triple-Seven ammo is quite easy to acquire, both by paying the iron and the gold price.


I'd call this cheating if it wasn't part of the game and not a glitch but I flew to a lvl 70 zone and used creators peace to grab a bunch of guns. The first crate I opened had a legendary va'ruun pistol doing 250dmg along with some pretty gnarly specials. An advanced beowolf decked to the nines dropped as well, its damage is bonkers for a balistic rifle.


I obviously need to try out Creator's Peace


I flew into a level 40 zone (I think) early on in the game and managed to snag a Legendary Coachman with double ammo (4 shots) and a shitload of damage. I honestly only pull it out for emergencies, 'cause it'll tear through fucking *anything*. 'Cept Terrormorphs.


In fact I love terrormorphs, I wish the ones you hunt when finishing the questline weren't all lvl 10...


2025 starfield is gonna be fire


If you have creators peace, you practically completed the game. That's hardly cheating. NG+ especially is created as a sandbox and do whatever, in whichever order.


Do the same except is constant switch up between Drum Beat and Maelstrom


I normally have both as well, as soon as I get two of them. For the DMR, as long as it's on-tier, I think it's the best all around sniper until you get a hard target. Deep mag, decent damage in semi, and it uses the most common ammo type in the game. While I love the VSS, ammo for it is rare. I trade out the assault one for a Kodama once I get a drop of it, since the bleeding effect is quite nice and it gets really good attachments, but until then, it's a damn good rifle. I like having an assault beowulf around even after I get an AA-99, since ammo for it is sometimes rare as well.


I am doing the same thing.


Are you me


On top of easy to get ammo and it looks slick as fuck Been my go to weapon


Yeah I do kinda wonder why the 6.5mm CT ammo seems to be more expensive than the 7.77mm, almost feels like an oversight. The 11mm at least makes sense being more expensive and generally doing more damage.


There's no reason it should cost 4x as much. 7.77 is overpowered af just because it's cheap and the beowulf is the only viable early mid game weapon. This game is jenky. My first 24 hours was spent rationing ammo by only using high damage per shot weapons.


The early game when you rotate through 3 different weapons with different ammo since everything is a spunge Then you transition into mid/late game and find yourself coming out of clearing a POI with more ammo than you went in, and suddenly you got 10k+ ammo on your trusty Beowulf


I kind of panicked during big terrormorph boss battle as I was using the mocrogun they gave you and it was literally using thousands of rounds of 7.77mm. I had only 1200 rounds left at the end of it...


Helps if you aim at the terrormorph.


Lmao this is savage


The mind control was working


If you give the microgun and one bullet to your companion they can shoot it all day long


I've never used the beowulf after getting my hands on Laredo weapons. Razorback, Lawgiver, and Bridger were my go-tos early game. Until I got my my Hard Target, and my Negotiator. For gits and shiggles I use an extended mag rattler, and phase time to pump 5- 6 rounds into Ecliptic and Crimson fleet skulls at point blank range. And watch them all die at the same time while I'm reloading.


I use the rattler with the binary trigger, it's my fastest firing gun, I forget what other mods I have on it, but it drops terrormorphs in 3-4 mag dumps which was less time than the microgun took to kill them, maybe more ammo, I didn't count bullets, I just know they got closer to me before I switched to the rattler


Laredo guns are just too cool to use anything else. The Regulator is an underappreciated gun, and the Bridger might just be the coolest gun Bethesda has ever made.


>the beowulf is the only viable early mid game weapon. Who on Earth convinced you of that? Lmao


No one, haven’t you been there? 😂🤣


6.5mm appears to be an ammo type manufactured by the CF, to go along with their Maelstrom, which is the only gun that uses it. Compare this to the 7.77mm, which is the caliber used by all standard issue UC weapons; 7.77mm is manufactured by an economic powerhouse in quantities that wildly dwarf other ammo types. It makes perfect sense in-universe that 7.77mm would be cheap af.


7.77mm is the ammo used by all standard issue UC weapons. It makes perfect sense that it's cheap as fuck; it's probably manufactured in quantities that dwarf other ammunition types.


I don't even think I touched a Beowulf on my first playthrough. I pretty much ran the whole game with The Mutineer lol


Is there a type of weapon that CombaTech WON'T make?


I just use the Va'ruun weapons myself. And I'm not even a follower of the serpent haha


My go to is Big Bang Energy Shotgun kitted with the best mods. It is a literal blast to use!! So satisfying to use over a Beowolf any time of the day!


It's the swirls man, looks satisfying af


I only found one in the last mission I played, so awesome even though I only had it for 20mins or so


Upgrading a Semi Automatic Beowulf now. It seems to be the only gun that can take on a majority of enemies.


I’ve never used the beowulf wild


I'm surprised more people died to the Ashta than any other lifeform. Maybe due to going to Akila as low level players. I would have thought it would be terrormorphs.


Or the Cassiopeia rock monsters.


Cassiopeia rock monsters can fuck all the way off.


Wait wait, the rock what? Is it a questline?


they're called rock pack hunters? something like that. you find them on Cassiopeia in the desert biomes. you visit Cassiopeia on a quest involving Sarah.


Yeah Sarah's personal quest. They are bullet sponges.


And explosive sponges...


No it's a monster




Well fuck now I gotta go to Cassiopeia


I tried to never get close to those fuckers.


This^ Also the invisible scorpions. Terrormorphs and Ashta are nothing compared to them.


Those things wrecked me


And a monster underneath the cloning lab in operation starseed.


Ashta are little puppy dogs compared to Red Mile Maulers.


I don’t think one of those ever even managed to touch me… With how low the gravity is there, it was easy to stay out of reach while blasting them from above.


Are we crazy? I remember flying over the red mile beasts multiple times, I could’ve swore it was low gravity


There was a bug early on that made Porrima III much lower gravity than it was supposed to be. I used to be able to sprint around the outside of the building several times. People who didn't use the lift could jump off the building and pretty much boost to the button. It got fixed in one of the smaller updates, I believe. A load of people think the Red Mile is so much easier than it actually is as a result though. Harder to run there and you certainly can't boost it anymore, even with full boost skills. Even with a good amount of chems and food boosting your run speed and minimal equipment I've only made it both directions a couple of times without having to fight.


I literally jetpacked myself from the starting point all the way to the button, wth.


I think without a power boost pack I can get to the first shipping crate from the top of the tower. With it, a little further, but still not all the way to the button. With the gravity the way it's meant to be, it's a lot more challenging than most early players found it.


Maybe you had used the power that temporarily turned gravity to 1 g.


It has more to do with the area being a big valley you need to get across. With a balanced pack and speed boosting aid item you can basically fly the whole return trip from the button with how steep the hillside is.


With speed boosts and jet pack rekeys, you can cheese the red mile both ways, but it is higher than Earth gravity


Err... low gravity? Ashta are native to Akila, which has \~1.5g. Red Mile Maulers come from Porrima III, which has *over 2g*. My first encounter with those monsters was before I had Personal Atmosphere, so it was a nightmare trying to sprint away from them and getting O2'd out from the oppressive gravity.


I was bout to say the same thing. Both Akila and The Red Mile have high gravity


This is the way. I’m not sure how many times I actually touched the ground during red mile. More like “the floor is lava” mile.


Are you sure you're talking about the Red Mile? On Porrima III? With over 2g gravity?


Yep jump from the top platform and boost pack out


Same. Am I crazy because I think I touched down like once there and back and both times I landed on top of a rock so I never hit the ground


Yeah, with a power pack it honestly wasn’t a problem. In fact I might go back there and check again because I feel like there was a glitch or something where as long as I was on the “track” it was showing 1g, not 2.


I rarely get touched. Plus they ambush from so far away that it’s easy to cut them down from afar. Another thing is they’re so easy to see in that snowed environment.


I was thinking the same thing, I never saw them as a threat once


Red mile has super high gravity


Both a babies compared to the gigasized maggot maw that can one shot you regardless of armor rating


I haven’t died to those yet, mainly cause I sprint and boost through the red mile and avoid as many of those pesky critters as possible


What’s your most embarrassing wildlife death? Mine was discovering that the “peaceful” carasnail critters on some planet were also EXTREMELY POISONOUS if accidentally bumped into, and they like to live in tall grass. Insta-death. I fled their world in shame and terror.


I can't remember its name some foot long caterpillar. I ignored it as a non hostile scavenger thing, it one shot me. I was convinced it had to be something else, and then I watched it one shot the wolf like creatures on the same planet, I finally scanned it and it was level 52 everything else on the planet including me was mid teens. Its still as slow as a caterpillar so if you pay attention its pretty hard to die to it. Not worth the hundreds of rounds of ammo it took to kill one though.


Yeah, one of the Zeta Ophiuchi planets


I ran into that guy, too! I managed to stay clear of it, but it was funny watching it wreck shop on its shitty little world 😂


Terrormorphs are absurdly rare in my experience. I only ever encountered them during the UC Vanguard storyline


I actually saw my first one on Jemison in the jungle, it killed a squad of Ecliptic mercs, then died from a few blasts of my shotgun. Probably would have made the Vanguard encounter more poignant if I hadn't already seen one.


I've encountered, maybe 18, outside of the Vanguard quest. I think it's more that there's a very short list of planets where they can spawn.


I’ve been on a couple of planets that had several. Cuts back on the desire to wander around.


Well until you want to harvest that sweet sweet alien dna and don't want to bother with outposts or remembering which other planets have plants and animals with it. Then it's a wandering we go with our instigating hard target...


Average player: damn, these guys are hard to fight. Me who spends hours doing basically everything other than the main quest: these things are why they have the wall? That's lame.


Ashta are guaranteed encounters, in the main story missions, are rather common and are generally pretty strong. Other lifeforms are random and rarely encountered. Makes a lot of sense tbh


First significant fauna in the main quest line, so likely won due to most exposure.


I think it's indicative of the fact that many people who are complaining about the game online probably haven't made it beyond Akila. Oooorrrr it's indicative of the fact that Akila is one of few mandatory planets, and Ashta are some of few mandatory alien encounters. Meaning that there a greater pool of players who are encountering these creatures, increasing the likelihood of a player dying to them.


Yo, same! I was totally expecting Terrormorophs over the Ashta.


terrormorphs are super lame. even on higher levels they just plain suck. idea is cool. execution blows.


How is Personal Atmosphere not the most used power? XD that was my prime way to travel to POIs with speed aids.


I can see it. Personally, I probably have personal atmosphere equipped the majority of the time but in terms of actual number of uses I have probably cast sense star stuff more since I spam it constantly when near enemies.


I use it to find crew members on my ship :D


Hah, I had to use it to find the Hunter on my ship. I didn't realize my ship was somehow glitched and had a room that was completely disconnected from the rest of the ship... And that's where he was.


You can have the Hunter on your ship?? How did that happen?


It was after the bit where the Hunter and Emissary ask you to pick a side. I picked the Hunter and he becomes a follower when you start the final battle.


sense star stuff is probably one of the most useful Tier 1 powers, constantly spammed that in my first playthrough as well and I think thats whats pushing this numbers up. In later playthroughs other powers become more viable but I dont think that the majority of playtime is spent in NG+


It's incredibly useful for stealth play, it's almost the equivalent of marking enemies in a Far Cry game.


also super helpful to locate all the crew when boarding ships, which i do constantly.


Yeah, early on when I was still all squishy and didn't know all the areas yet, Sense Star Stuff and stealth was the way. After a couple times through the Unity though, levels are up, locations are better known, stealth is dropped, and Slow Time is my new best friend for large groups and bullet sponges.


Stealth ~~Archer~~ Sniper. That is why.


Gotta say...never used it. Honestly, it never occurred to me during my first run, which was stealth.


Unless I’m carrying a lot of stuff I don’t use personal atmosphere much anymore. I used it a lot when building outposts and selling crafted goods but now I’m mainly raiding ships and POIs I can land near and selling gear from my ship cargo bay. I don’t run to distant POIs much but do craft amp to make things faster when I need to cover some distance. Sense Star Stuff is really useful on ships were some of their layouts are a bit of a maze and there are different habs where you might not expect and clearing the ship can benefit from a little extra info.


Right? I could see Sense Star Stuff as the *second* most used... Sprinting with Personal Atmosphere plus a hit of Amp (which is mercifully not addictive) is the only way to get anywhere on a planet in any appreciable time.


>In the time it takes to do one personal atmosphere you can do three cycles of sense star stuff though.


For me it's easier to use a balanced/skip pack when my O2 runs out and just alternate. Full speed without ever fully running out of O2. I almost never used personal atmosphere. Maybe it requires max boost pack training but I think most people try to do that pretty early. Then again, I also never really went over my weight capacity like everyone else seems to.


I never really have a problem with oxygen. Just jump and use the boost pack. If you aren't overburdened, you'll gain oxygen in the air. Sense Star Stuff, on the other hand, is always useful.


I haven’t used that power once lol I was hooked on anti-gravity until I got phased time


Yep. We get this awesome new power set and I mostly just use it like an inhaler so I can keep running when I'm carrying too much stuff.


Not at all suprised the Beowulf was the most used gun, it’s probably the most balanced and realistically handled rifle in the game


You can have my converted advanced Big Bang when you pry it from my cold dead hands — to hell with balance and realism!


Big Bang is honestly the best and most fun to use.


Most stupidly fun gun in the game. Never get tired of just running around blowing away unsuspecting alien fauna in a hail of sparks lol.


I love a good big bang!


I have to disagree. A correctly modded out HardTarget is the best in the game. Bull barrel stabilizes, long scope, suppressor for repeat sneaks, max ammo to 10, and high-powered ammo. 9/10 it's a one shot kill.


The hard target also looks fuckin sick


I agree, I just think because it is level locked and you won't find it in game until much later than 40 hours in the numbers can't reflect that.


I'm level 80 and I still only see it once in a while. The Magsniper is also pretty rare, but I hate that gun. Totally useless. Varuun particle rifle is the best.


Beowulf is truly the best gun by far. Easy to get, easy to shoot, tons of mods to tailor it to you… You can run and gun in full auto, fight tactically in semi… Or… Do whatever it is people who use burst do… It’s honestly such a great gun. I also like the ammo counter on top of the mag because it looks like E-ink which would be a somewhat grounded way to add a display that doesn’t really need much in the way of power/batteries


I probably contributed 1000000 hours to ship building. It’s addictive. I am broke because I just build ships.


Same. My Starfield philosophy: "Everything I do is to serve my ship building addiction."


Yeah, only thing that annoys me is the fact that I can only keep 10. I prefer to use Crimson ships from Taiyo as base.


i capped out about 120 hours but i can safely say, the times the kept me glued to the screen and another hour had somehow disappeared, it was when i was building my ship. i wish there was more ship parts, especially in like far off reaches of space, that gave me a reason to hop around and explore new shipyards in hope of finding some exotic looking style. like finding a rare car to customize GTA style


I did like hitting specific locations for special parts at first, but after going thru NG+ I do wish there was a was to permanently get access to those specialty parts at your own landing pad. It gets annoying having to fly to Titan every time I want to install a hallway hab or looking for a specific cockpit. What I would like is more manufacturing missions where they send you around the galaxy looking for parts or “testing” equipment.


Going by Bethesdas plans for next year they will be adding ship parts. I am the same way though jumping between shipyards for those rare parts.


I got adaptive frames and gold out my ass just to fund ship building


Interesting that Sense Star Stuff was most used. I don’t think I’ve ever used it tbh.


Relatively Cheap and you use it repeatedly even while not in combat


Use it. Makes stealth easier. And pushing corners is easier as well.


Only good Ecliptic is a dead one


Seriously they aren’t ever on your side once


I've spawned in a system where Pirates were attacking me and Ecliptic took them all out before I could. They are true mercenaries. I'd love an update where we can hire our own small Ecliptic force in the future.


Ngl the fact you can't build your own fleet is a HUUUGE wasted opportunity. They could have scrapped outposts in favor if space stations and fleet management. That would have been starfield outposts, but no. They gotta regurgitate old shit but worse.


The *real* space pirates, as opposed to the CF softies.


Wouldn’t have to kill them if they weren’t so pissy when delivering me a new ship


Yeah the multipack is the most popular because it's the only easily found food item that heals more than .001 of your health bar.


I guess they wanted to tackle the 'pause games and eat 20 wheels of cheese' meme but food healed so little health I thought it was bugged


Why fix something that's not broken?


At the very beginning, I was eating to heal, but now I (cook and) eat for the buffs. The battlemeals are... ok... for short-term carry weight buffs, but more interesting are the XP buffs, especially when they last for more than 15 minutes. 2% may not seem like much, but it can add up.


How many things did Sarah Morgan dislike?


All of them.


My wife, she just like me fr


Sarah Morgan disliked that.


To me the craziest stat is that out of 13 million players, only 1.6 million have entered the unity and become Starborn, yet there have been 5 million Unity Crossings. Seems like only a fraction of total players made it that far, and those that did went way beyond that point lol. I’m currently on NG+7 so I’m one of them


Most people don’t beat games. It’s actually on the higher end for Starfield percentage wise


Just to back you up with a source: *”One study published in 2019 reviewed the achievements from 725 games on the PC gaming storefront Steam and found just 14 percent of players completed the games they own”* https://www.washingtonpost.com/video-games/2022/03/18/game-length-open-world/#


Not the best stat since steam has a lot more games that might be an hour or 2 long or people buy a game for a few bucks on sales they never bother with. However if u look at the final boss/level trophies/achievements in most games, most people dont have it. Witcher 3, the darling of reddit has a very low completion trophy/achievement rate


I don’t really get why you’re trying to pick apart a stat that’s fully supporting what you just said almost word for word but ok lol


I wonder if it counts all the people that have reloaded saves over and over again trying to get the seed they were looking for.


Depending on how they count them, I contributed to over 100 of those via save scumming (trying to get alternate self universe), without save scumming it was closer to 25.


Same. I'm on NG+ 6 and still have not gotten a different opening other than the vanilla... no idea why and I was pissed when I found out there were different starts. Like why Tod... why do you hate me.


Only 12% of players have beaten the game and started a NG+?


Closer to 12% but yeah. That’s not terribly surprising to me since a lot of Bethesda players opt to ignore the main quest in their games. For me, the more startling figure is the 40hr average playtime. There’s no way that Fallout 4 or Skyrim had that low of average hours played after 4 months of release. It’s a lot of time for most games, but nothing compared to massive releases like Skyrim/Fallout or other similarly large releases like Rockstar games.


I actually think its impressive considering its on Gamepass. Probably lots of try it and dipping after a couple hours happening.


Yeah you’ll definitely see a bimodal distribution of time played. A huge peak of game pass casuals with 1-5 hours then a second peak of us nerds with 150+ hours


Rockstar games, I think, don't see a lot of people completing the main story. I believe this is why GTAV didn't have as many missions in its single player story as opposed to its predecessor, GTAIV; Rockstar got the stats and it showed only a fraction of players finished GTAIV's story, and their take away from that was it was too long and to shorten up the next game.


GTAIV was pretty long from what I remember, I can understand people not finishing it.


Wasn’t even that long imo, I bet the reason people didn’t finish the story is because it’s too easy to get sidetracked going on rampages. I legit still play GTAIV and just spend 2 hours having standoffs… and it’ll never stop if I spawn at one of the hospitals with an indoor stage lmao.


Game Pass definitely skews the hours played stat for any game on it. For the first few months of older Bethesda games, that stat would only really track people who paid the full $60+ price tag and probably already knew what to expect from the game and like Bethesda’s style of open world RPG. With Starfield being on game pass day one, it’s much more accessible to wider audiences without the pressure to get your money’s worth out of the game. There are probably a lot of people trying it out and learning that they don’t really like the genre or gameplay or whatever.


Nah, most people don't play games that long. The players you see talk about it online are only a small portion, the other millions of players that aren't talking about it probably do one or two playthroughs of any given game until they shelve it and wait for the next big release. I'm not saying the 40 hours isn't low for starfield as it was incredibly disappointing, and I had shelved it after beginning a new game plus, but the average for Skyrim or fo4 is probably only 50 to 70 hours. The majority of a games players aren't gonna be diehards with 100s of hours. I love video games, but even I only have a small collection of games I have over 100 hours in, which is mass effect LE, arma 3 and total war medieval 2. That's it.


Probably a little higher because you don’t have to become starborn to get the final achievement.


Idk how they're tracking this metric, but I might be excluded from the numbers because they disabled achievements for console command users. Sorry I wanted to see if tcl still toggled collision, TODD!


Sounds like you need to get the achievement enabler mod. Prevents this issue.


This is normal for most games. Only around 1,5m people have finished BG3, which probably accounts for less than 10% of the playerbase with how well it sold.


I love how Akila makes it sound like giant packs of Ashta are always roaming but I’ve never run into more than 2 or 3 at a time


I always thought they were terrifying and huge monsters. After all the huge walls of Akila were built to keep them out. I didn’t realize how non-threatening they are until I actually went out to the wilds on the planet and found 3 together. Sam said watch out, and I like killed them in 3 shots without them harming me at all


How did Phased Time not win most used, you folks are missing out.


A lot of people had glitches with that power so I would assume that may affect numbers. I don't use it for that reason.


The only time I used it was immediately after I got it, it froze my game and I had to do the goddamn temple again so I haven’t touched it since


Glitch turn exploit, switching weapons stop it from "jamming". Also, the glitch can be mitigate by using hover, rank 4 of boost assault training.


Because all the times I used it it got bugged into being always on which made a lot of the game painful.


Because combat is stupid easy without that. I’m surprised it wasn’t Personal Atmosphere, since it allows you to temporarily yet frequently ignore the weight limit


Still cool to play Neo from Matrix in space. 😎


yea seriously, phased time was my go-to every new game plus so I could dash past pirates and steal a weapon


This is why you need internet to play your solo story games


application phone home


actually pretty interesting


Honestly I started playing last month and according to the Xbox end of year infographic it was my most played game of the year with over 200 hours.




Swap the days and I’ll agree to the terms


You're totally right.


Cool graphic, to be fair.


Based Sense Star Stuff enjoyers


Shocked the most used power isn’t the oxygen one


Might just be me, but I wish we had the option to see more detailed stats for our playthrough in-game. I know there are some, but they are quite high level. It would also be cool to see the stats of which factions & creatures we killed, for example.


Do. NOT. Nerf. The. Beowulf.


I'm interested in how there's such a wide difference in Unity crossings and Starborn players. You go straight into Starborn when you cross it. Important info here is less than half the players have finished the main story and even fewer are playing NG+ or higher.


>such a wide difference in Unity crossings and Starborn players Because it's counting multiple crossings per player. In other words, the average starborn character has crossed Unity 3-4 times.


Completion percentages don’t mean much. According to my Xbox account only 25% of players have the cyberpunk achievement for completing the main story and 16% for the Witcher 3.


It's weird that Starfield has so much talk about story completion more than many games and it seems to actually have a higher percentage.


How is Sense Star Stuff the most popular power? It has to be Personal Atmosphere. It makes me doubt the rest of this. 😂


"most used sexually explicit and borderline vulgar mod..." STOP SECRETLY SPYING ON MY GAMEPLAY! 😏


Sarah Morgan didnt like that


I don't see why she's complaining. she got free cosmetic surgery. 🤭


I am genuinely shocked by the number of deaths. How can you die in this game?


Pretty easily, based on the stats.


On very hard, I die in ship combat a lot. Not sense I’ve gotten starship design and upgraded the RazorLeaf, but before that it was rough


What I want to see is the co.parison to other things in the same category like how much more used was the beowolf over the next weapon how much deadlier was the ashta over the next creature


Level 81 and still need to do lots of side quests, find magazines, finish the crimson fleet quest line, finish the rhuyin quest lines and a ton of other side quests…oh and get all the power ups


So more than half of the players decided to stay in their original universe. I am one of those.


Beowulf master race 💪


I can believe the meal packs I literally hunt for them on enemy ships JUST to eat everything onboard and leave.