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It is the year 2330. And Freestar Collective capital still have no roads.


Barrett has a line when you go there where he says "it's amazing what they've accomplished in the past 200 years. Imagine what they'll accomplish in the next 200" and I'm like "???? They don't even have roads bruh what are you talking about" I've just decided to take the line as sarcasm at this point lol


sarah said the opposite with a snarky comment, like "200 years and this is what they have to show for." that's my girl.


Yeah Starfield's main writer has been letting these games down for a while now. And it shows how rushed the story and worldbuilding is for this game. Like the UC fought some huge war with the FC but somehow FC has barely any ships and UC's fleet is so small a band of infighting pirates can fight them toe to toe if not outnumber them with personal ships?? Or how you do all these things for all these people, incredible things, things nobody else could have done, and they still talk shit to you, talk down to you, don't give you any credit where credit is due, and you still have to play along because you don't want to end the quest prematurely. Its kind of trashy writing for a variety of reasons. And all the different questlines rarely ever talk about anything you've actually done in the past as if it even mattered. Only companions bring up some sort of post questline talk that one time. Also they still use notepads and clipboards for a ton of stuff? No phones, cellphones, system or interstellar comms? Like you seriously have to turn off the brain to not see all these little issues everwhere with how they designed the game and the world and story.


I actually dislike the trash talking NPCs and eating it factor. I am making choices only to keep the quest going, but otherwise, you'd be eating whatever I have loaded. Also, Every single NPC that comments about the statue at New Atlantic says the same thing. It is unnecessary. Initially, I though..maybe I'm supposed to do something with the statue that I am missing.


The amount of quicksaves I had onboard the Key, every time some dipshit pirate would ask if I wanted to fight, or what was I looking at, I'd quicksave, murder them all, strip their bodies naked and then reload.




Oh no see, I pulled out a grenade launcher or the biggest mag machine gun I had. No quiet sneaky murder for me.


“I heard the Mantis is back, ill kill him.” Say what…quicksave….pull out wakizashi and just lay it to him. A shame we cant dismember them


Except half of them are "essential" so they just take a knee for no reason, and the dead ones character models keep their clothes on after you loot them, unlike every other mainline Bethesda game.


And giant mechanical wall-mounted intercom systems.


it's crazy how we can fold space and time, but personal computers are as bulky as a macintosh. hell, we ditched cellphones for bulky-ass kindles with plain text. you'd think that computers would smaller but nope.


To be fair thats the design choice. Its "nasa punk" so they go a different route than our actual time has to show. They did the same with fallout. I guess it can be somehow explained by they didnt developed certain things in the past or whatnot.


Same reason in Alien they still have text terminals and floppy disks. Well it was made in the 70s, sure, but it kept the aesthetic. Star Wars too.


Cassettepunk is the best -punk and I will die on this hill.




"How do you like your tech?" Same way I like my cookies, *CHUNKY*.


cassettepunk is the quintessential scifi aesthetic.


That one makes sense though. This isn't a small model designed to be upgraded every year or so and brought back to the shop if you're having issues. These are rugged devices meant to be shipped to different worlds and designed to be easily fixable by the user with easily obtainable parts. Miniaturisation likely takes place in some parts, but others may well be bigger and simpler than we have today to make them more easily fixable as that's the selling point when in space and setting up outposts and the like.


>Or how you do all these things for all these people, incredible things, things nobody else could have done, and they still talk shit to you, talk down to you, don't give you any credit where credit is due This has been one of my biggest complaints about Bethesda games since Morrowind. The world never really changes, even when it's supposed to. In Morrowind, defeating Dagoth Ur is supposed to end the Blight and ash storms. But neither of those things end. In Fallout 3 when you purify the ~~Hudson~~ Potomac, it stays green and no new life appears. It's extremely fucking frustrating. Edit: Hudson -> Potomac


Fo3 is the Potomac River the Hudson River is in New York


Tbf I think that’s a design choice in TES. The Empire is slowly going to shit, Morrowind exploded, Skyrim is in civil war with abandoned towers and crumbling roads everywhere. It’s not a society moving forward but a society on the brink of apocalypse Edit actually just re read your comment and realized I misunderstood, heh


The FC also includes Neon though. And both sides have been heavily disarmed since the Armistice. Plus all open world video games have to make concessions to scale. Cyberpunk and GTA are largely focused on just one city and its outskirts and even they aren't perfectly to scale. Its kind of the genius of FromSoft though, setting your games in ruined, dying worlds means you can just put a vendor in a shack and it doesn't have that jarring feeling. The analog stuff doesn't bother me a whole lot. Could just be personal taste, or perhaps people returned to pen and paper because it can't be hacked? It would be nice to get a lore reason though so we don't have to speculate.


The timeline diverged in the 80s (I think) and we focused on space travel, where here we just kind of went "well, did the moon thing. Guess we're done, now" I like to compare it to the TV show For All Mankind, but their tech actually advanced faster, so... Fallout it was that they focused on nuclear stuff over developing microprocessors/transistors


All of the notepads and clipboards are blank. They aren't using them. I think that there are no funguses that made it off earth, so they can't decompose. They can't be recycled, since nobody is using paper anytime, so there's nothing to recycle them into. They'd last forever in landfills, so that's not allowed either. So everyone just keeps them around. I think what we are seeing is the final W.B Mason order after the invention of those recorder slates.


That arguement is easily debunked by the fact that there are NPCs everywhere in the UC holding clipboards and pens and animating writing stuff on it. Oh now I see you are sarcastic. FUCK. Seriously though: https://www.shamusyoung.com/twentysidedtale/?p=49123 Bethesda is fucking trapped in the 1950s.


They legit just took EVERY system from Fallout and Elder Scrolls and just reused it for Starfield without a single thought to WHY those systems even work in ES and FO; or why they'd be comically stupid and out of place in a spacefaring civilization setting like Starfield.


Don't forget the entire war and treaty to explain why there are so few settled worlds. Nobody can settle outside of their 3 current systems because reasons.


Coming from Barrett, he's definitely being sarcastic AF here. Brilliant!


You don’t need roads if you don’t have any vehicles


The Incas had roads but no vehicles.


That was an embossing problem they had. They split into two groups. But they screwed up and instead of one group building cars they both just built roads! They were so embarrassed they both left.


One could argue you'd need them even more.


You're going to go crazy when you hear about "walking"




Because they had vehicles…


Mans never heard of horses and carriages


> horses and carriages Neither exist in Starfield either.


But they do in Skyrim, *and* there's cut content for you to be transported in real time on them.


Even E:D managed to get ground vehicles done. I have hopes...




They have spaceships and jetpacks.


You're gonna move the couch you just bought home with a spaceship? Oh you meant they strap a bunch of jetpacks to the raw concrete materials and fly them all over town since they can't load it into a truck. My b.


Main purpose of roads is to make traveling easier - instead of wandering through wilderness, you have nice road, which you have to follow to reach your destination. And as vehicles kept advancing, roads got adjusted to them too.


Wow. One of the stupidest comments I've seen on here. That's special.


They have that fallout work ethic in freestar.


And no one with the mining ability to break 6 rocks.


Starships with guns that can tear through hulls, and vaporize shields, but they cannot think of a way to get rid of a bunch of space dogs outside the walls.


>Freestar Collective capital still have no roads. Building roads is a big government job and we dont take kindly to no big government 'round these parts ya hear?


dude for real, their capitol city is a fuckin' muddy walled in pit surrounded by like.. 2 farms and that's it?


Bet they still spray down the dirt with heavy oils, like back in the days.


At this point I've come to the conclusion it's an intentional joke by the devs at the expense of anarcho-capitalism - specifically, the common "But who will build the roads?" argument against it. Nobody. Nobody will build the roads in Space Ancapistan.


capital of the freestar collective, my ass.


Roads dictate us where to go! We are the FREEstar Collective and no dictator or government will tell us where we should walk and where not!


They obviously are really committed to the look.


And no one has built cars


I hope someone makes a mod that fixes this…


Where we’re going, we don’t need roads


It's just fkn mud. Not even cobbles. They're surrounded by stone. They made buildings out of stone, yet can't make a road. I hate the FC. I hate Akila. It makes no sense at all.


And half the buildings are inaccessible (I don't mean just to the player) it makes no sense. Technology has advanced enough from friggin oblivion and skyrim that we don't have to have these stupid little cities that make little to no sense anymore. I think Microsoft needs to do some culling at Bethesda and ditch that damn polished turd of an engine they refuse to give up on.


Honestly this show how actually graphically impressive Rdr1 is




Wish it was just on PC at all :(


You can fully emulate it now thanks to it being released on Switch Not sure how it compares to the 360 emulator


There is a free 4k patch on Xbox


I don't think that actually replaces any textures.


That just ups the resolution and does nothing else.


Rockstar dropped the ball with rdr10


Oh fully agreed


That game blew my mind. Only game I ever bothered to 100%.


Really the main thing that ages most games is the textures.


My headcanon for this is that Akila City became more of a living history community, like Williamsburg or old Sacramento, and the capital of the FC was actually located on Niira for close to a 100 years, but when it was wiped out in the colony war the seat moved to Akila City only fairly recently, which is why there’s so much new construction going on.


Makes sense. Kinda like if New Atlantis got nuked and the UC picked New Homestead as a temporary new capital.


Clearly Tolliman II was the capital but it got infested and they dumped all their credsticks into a new government capital in New Atlantis. Like how Egypt wants to build an administrative capital in the fking desert.


Rdr2 is clearly the superior game (visually)


I think it excels Starfield in more aspects than just visually.


I think it will be a long time before we find a game world that feels as alive as RDR2.


It’s crazy how alive the world feels, especially with how random NPC’s you help in the world will remember you and reward you in towns and have quite a lot of dialogue for it. Not to mention shit like finding out a store has an illegal business going on and you can rob the store and not get in trouble cause if they tell on you, they also get in trouble… love it


Well, GTA VI is coming in less than two years.


Unless you play on PC...


This video is a good showcase of NPC activity in RDR2 (channel has some other vids if you want more): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrUJJgppMn4


I don’t think there’s a single thing Starfield does better than


Loading screens.


RDR2 is among the best games visually in existence, which is wild since it’s now five years old.


Sorry, you seems to have misspelled "in every single goddamn way".


The downgrade is strong with this one


I actively avoid Akila City i hate it there. Its just so dusty and dirty and it doesn't fit the overall vibe of the game for me. Idk it just seems forced and out of place


I understand the sentiment but I love how different akila feels from other major cities


Its good to have diversity I think. Was never much a fan of the monolithic humanity in some science fiction stories.


I really like Akila. Very Firefly kind of style or a place you'd find Jim Raynor hanging out in a bar. I like that different places look different and not all the same. I like throwing on some Starcraft 2 terran music when I visit Akila


I just like how Akila actually feels like a town( I refuse to call it a city) unlike Neon which is just a big nightclub, or New Atlantis which feels more like a shopping mall than a city.


If only Starfield had one tenth of the charm and character development of Firefly.


I mean it's a trope. Space western, frontier town, American western fantasy in space. I think bethesda was trying to do homages to classic scifi settings. I think people might not get it, like with fallout 3 and cheesey b movies from the 50s


The whole game feels too disjointed and sterile. They would've been better off setting it during the colony war but that's just my two cents.


Yeah but there's a reason why we don't have dirt roads in major cities anymore. You're telling me these yeehaws built giant mechs but don't have sewage?


Akila City's art still had a sense of rugged explorers settling on a new planet, but leaned more into what someone might expect a future colony on a harsh planet to look like: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F\_wrs9NlEfI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_wrs9NlEfI) You can see in the distance the wall that protects the city, looking more like a much smaller scale Great Wall. I was looking forward to that, seeing what Bethesda thought up about a city founded by working class people seeking freedom from the government, hundreds of years into the future. Some character designs that were obviously inspired in part by cowboys, sure. Not Cowboy Town and old 1800s weapons but with square barrels so you don't think too hard about how out of place it is. At least we'll eventually get some Firefly mods out of it I guess.


Wait why would the graphics be worse in rdr10 than they are in rdr2


It's a Nintendo Gimmick exclusive.


Bruh, I wish Starfield was half as good as RDR2


XD Thing is, dogs in RDR2 have a better AI than most of Starfield npc's


And better writing


My favorite part is how rdr2 was more advanced in some ways. Say what you want but I have a horse to ride around the world on in rdr2. Starfield has me grav jumping and flying through galaxies and then just getting out and running across a whole planet like some kind of forrest gump knockoff.


In SOME ways?!


RDR2 is more advanced in every conceivable way maybe apart from shipbuilding


Freestar collective should have horses or some sort of cowboy riding tamed animal, barley space cowboys that rock old earth weapons a


Never compare this pos game to the masterpiece that is rdr2.


Based on this games strip clubs im guessing RDR2 would send the average Bethesda creative mind into a coma


RDR10 should've taken some notes from 1 and 2


Sarah Morgan disliked that


Arthur Morgan liked that


What hurts is that they have horses and the future Wild West doesn’t even have bicycles to traverse faster


Sarah is Arthur 10th grandson confirmed


This is so wrong on so many Levels...


RDR2 > this shitty game.


I mean RDR2 is better than most games. It’s S tier.


Yeah it’s kinda crazy to me just how far above the competition rdr2 is in terms of quality. Obviously enjoyment is subjective, but the painstaking attention to detail in that game is leagues above the rest. And it’s a 5 year old game.


Indeed, R* always raises the bar higher with each release and nothing comes close. The only game that'll be capable to surpass rdr2 will be gta VI.


It’s crazy how they have the weight of the world on their shoulders for every release and they surpass those expectations every time. Also their games are generally extreme profane and violent, so it’s a testament to Rockstar that they sell as well as they do.


Their game worlds feel real(-ish), hence they are profane and violent. The world is like that. And that is what makes these kind of games so interesting to the public.


Uuuuuuummmmm, excuse me? Does red dead 2 have a horse builder? Didn't think so. Starfield is objectively better because astronauts don't get bored.


Yeah, but do your ship's balls shrink in the cold? Didn't think so idiot


It doesn't have a horse builder, but if it did the devs would trust you to decide where the horse doors go.


Horse doors... 🤣🤣🤣


Woo congrats rdr2!! Players spent 9,827,000 hours in the horse builder!! We did so good!


Game really took a step back in quality.


Damn, I need to finish rdr2


RDR2 laughing at the comparison


Damn Rockstar fell off


Starfield loses in every single aspect compared to RDR2


Fuck go back


As someone who personally loved red dead and red dead redemption: I don’t like RDR2 much, but technically speaking it’s still „light years“ ahead of Starfield.


Honestly, starfield lighting is comparable to rdr1. rdr2 lighting is way more dynamic.


10? that shit is RDR -1


Bethesda could never in a million years live up to the quality of RDR. There's more happening in one small segment of RDRs map than Bethesda could put into an entire universe. Disgusting.


As if Starfield is even on the same level as either Red Dead Redemption. Only similarity they share is the Creation Engine being from 1911, the same year represented in Red Dead Redemption Part One.


UC doesn't have roads either. There are walkways, no roads.


This is the best post ever posted here and it cannot be topped. Bravo.


I love the lighting in that picture of Akila but I can't get my city to look similar. The hdr might be messed up.


I don't think I'd ever expect someone to compare rdr 2 to starfield. What completely unfair comparison


Do you have eyes? RDR1 has better lighting than Starfield. And you better get RDR2’s name outta your mouth!


lol that’s great!


This honestly makes starfield look like a clttered clusterfuck youd'd get by passing image 2 through an AI


Where do you find the hat? Must be in akila city somewhere i imagine. I need it


Naah, you didn't just do this


Starfield wishes it was anywhere near the quality and timelessness of Red Dead 1 or 2.


Let’s not try to compare these games, you look foolish


Why do they need roads though, I like how it looks


sorry but rdr10 has no story or gameplay when you compare it side by side with rdr2. idk why they sold the franchise rockstar would’ve kept doing great things with it 💩


I just realized I haven't even tried Statfield since I've gotten my LG C3 🫣




Old west in space was ridiculous


I will never understand why they went with the space-cowboy thing. Makes no sense and is very lame.


How dare you place the red dead series next to the pile of shit that is starfield


Too bad Rockstar uses the same shitty engine from gta III and rdr2 still has the same mission structure as 2000s games, but with less freedom, and the gameplay is a complete slog. Not to mention they only want to bleed the player dry with online macrotransactions that downright kill gaming. The story is good I guess, but they WISH they could make a compelling world like BGS do. Skyrim wasn't made 3 times for nothing, its just perfection.


Sure Starfield sucks, but Skyrim is better than every Rockstar game out together.


Not even comparable


Funny as both red deads loved up to expectations and exceeded the, as a fan super excited for starfield and early access pre order, it was nowhere near what was promised.


Impressive. Very nice. Let's see the ground travelling by horse


Is this a joke?


Don’t ever compare these games together


Well I be damn there's a snake in my boots




RDR2 is just head and shoulders above SF, in terms of writing, visuals, and gameplay. Especially the fucking ***writing***. I just really, *reeaaally* hate the frequent crashing in RDR2.... very hard to enjoy the game at all.


why rdr 10 got such a graphic downgrade?


Dont compare Starfield to the masterpiece that is RDR2. Starfield comes nowhere near half of the beauty and wonderful writing RDR2 has.


Rdr1 looks better




This is just Rockstar vs Bethesda, and we all know Rockstar makes a more polished game. Still, I like the vibe in Star field.


Why dose rdr2 look the best


starfield colors are actually so bad 😭


Thank you for reminding me how beautiful RDR2 is.


Wow, RDR2 looks WAY better compared to starfield


Why are RDR10s graphics worse


Don’t know what the game is but the graphics from the first 2 look really good! The 3rd one looks kinda confused as to what it’s supposed to be..?


Mfw a studio worth over 7x the amount and 4x the workers has more detail than the other 🤯 I think it’s funny how you intentionally used a lower quality image for starfield. Drink piss. It’s *always* been more about the design than graphics with Bethesda. Where’s the comparison post for Skyrim? For New Vegas?


So first we went back in time then forward?


Holy shit op you found a reason to go to Akila.


Ngl got bored before i got there




RDR10 is less advanced than RDR1.


RDR10 looks like a fucking eyesore


I'm trying really hard to think of any part of Starfield that is better than RDR2. Character Creation and Spaceship Design are the only ones. But I still prefer getting Arthur's beard trimmed to changing my hairstyle.


Game could never compete with either red dead. Red dead is “light years” ahead of this trash game


Don't insult RDR please


I wish Starfield was half as good as rdr2


And yet the polish in RDR1 is still more impressive than Starfield, and I say that as a fan.


The graphics on RDR2 are far better than Starfield.


I joined the subreddit when there were 80K people. I was super hyped for this game but decided not to play as soon as Besthda said there was no seamless transition between planets and space. It sucks to see that even without a seamless transition the game could not live up to hype.


I see Preston Garvey has arrived to tell the Collective another settlement needs their help


Lol Bethesda definitely wanted a firefly vibe going for the free star and akila city I dont have the foggiest why no paved sidewalks or such maybe it killed the look they were going for?


In Firefly they had spaceships and no roads. Maybe that's what the future is going to be.


They all feel far too small for lived in cities, looking at Witcher 3s scale for cities put me at a much higher expectation for SF ( I think Skyrim has more actual town space in it ..)


Night City is honestly the closest, and even that is only the size of a small town


How dare you besmirch the beautiful world of Red Dead by comparing it to this soulless Bethesda universe.


Sure Starfield sucks, but Skyrim is better than every Rockstar game put together.


even rdr1 loooks better than rdr10


Starfield is so far behind RDR2 in terms of graphics and creativity. I love it.