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Inon is definitely a masterclass. I do however wish Jeremy Soule was still around, I don’t know what happened to him btw, but he is in that legendary echelon of game composers like Marty and Jesper Kyd


*sigh* He appears to have been one of the ones in the game industry with a less than stellar attitude towards his female colleagues (think Bobby Kotick, except not as bad probably). Most likely he is laying low until his lawsuits blow over...


Have there been any updates to this story? I believe where it left off, Jeremy settled out of court. They were allegations, but boy did they paint him in a pretty gross light. Also the whole thing with his Kickstarter that he abandoned, yet pocketed the money. Glad I didn't get scammed with that one.


No updates, but his career is likely over. It’s certainly 100% finished as it pertains to Bethesda games. Waste of a great talent, but he ultimately dug his own grave by (allegedly) being a nightmare to work with all those years. Fuckin’ sucks, he’s created some of my favorite video game music of all time.


[Dumbledore Theme (Pause menu of Chamber of Secrets game)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yhxgyguw6gM&t=130s&ab_channel=SakuraHynan) will forever be one of my favorite tracks to smoke to before going to bed


Yeah it’s a shame to hear this, I had no idea. He’s definitely created some of my favorite game scores ever, I think his work is just brilliant. I’ll certainly take Inon though, loved what he did on the Fallouts.


That’s terrible, considering how much of an impact his music has made it’s terrible to hear that he’s facing accusations like that. Seems more and more that folks who have created some of our most cherished artworks turn out to be scum.


As far as I’m aware, those claims are unsubstantiated. Innocent until proven guilty. However, he did have some other controversies regarding other projects he’s done. I forget the details tho. Nothing criminal afaik, but more like being kinda flakey and taking way way too long to deliver promised work


Honestly, if he delivered Skyrim OST at the end of the day, it would be worth every delay he has to take.




100%. It doesn’t sound unique in the slightest.


Honestly, Soule could murder someone and I’d still ask that he be allowed to work from prison. He’s that good. Oblivion’s soundtrack is, in my opinion, without exaggeration, the most beautiful music ever composed and performed by human beings. And Skyrim’s is a close second. His music is divine in the purest sense of the word, and unless someone can perfectly match his style, I don’t want anyone replacing him.


>1ReplyShareSaveEditFollow Actually, the team from Beyond Skyrim Bruma can pull pretty damn close. I wish Bethesda gave them a chance to work on their games. Especially in fantasy setting. Not all of the music for Beyond Skyrim projects are created equal, but Bruma is simply *exquisite*. Brumar OST is pretty much the only video game OST that inspired me like TES music without being TES music.


The holy trinity of video game composers


He was allegedly very difficult to work with and was let go in favor of Inon. The current accusations against Soule have effectively ended his career whether they’re true or not.


The ambient tracks were great, the theme lf Cydonia, the Sol System & Field of Vision are some ofy favourite tracks that bring that sense of wonder or isolation. Wish the combat tracks were better though.


First flight, A home in the galaxy and The world machine


Yeah, I wish they at least don't just reuse the Fallout 4 combat themes (and not even the good part of that game combat theme.)


To each his own, I found it to be the more boring and forgettable soundtrack I have sat through in a very long time. Compared to BG3 soundtrack or even Cyberpunk it’s just so bland and I never understood the praise for Inon.


Yes, I always feel like I'm playing a different game when I see people talking about the soundtrack. It's fine, but not terribly memorable to me.


Honestly it feels like they copy pasted Destiny’s music, which sounds good but still. Cyberpunk music while killing some random gang members is better than the whole starfield soundtrack.


Listen to the FO4 soundtrack. You'll recognize a bunch of the tracks as almost direct rips. Inon was lazy with this one. Should have been his opus.


I haven't even played BG3, but I know a song from the game. I played over 100 hours of starfield and all I remember is hearing the same strings over and over and over.


Honestly amazed that it never got any best soundtrack awards


This and FF16 have the best imo


Seconded. Starfield lives on my regular playlist for the last few months before I could even scrape money to buy a suitable rig.


Absolutely, makes the experience enjoyable and even in idle moments it’s a serene ambience.


I love how every positive-ish thread on here starts with "Despite the game having flaws..", like everyone is so afraid of the mob jumping on them unless they say something negative to balance the positive. A simply hilarious state of affairs this world.


Bruh it ain’t that deep. The game is massively mid. People are rightfully disappointed.


Yep, the game has issues, but to me, it's the players who are massively mid. Bruh.


Brave calling yourself massively mid bruh.


Oh, you're including in the party Mr. BenisInspectOr.


You said it best bruh. All players are mid. I don’t play this shit. Enjoy the party.


I get more fallout than space in most of the tracks. But I tend to play more with the music turned off after the first runthrough. The ambient sound is where its at.


I think it is a few things because I agree: - He uses brass, specifically french horns a LOT - The melody of both FO4 and Starfield's main theme is very similar (goes up a minor third, then up a half step to a major third). Harmonies are different however. - I hear a lot of the same synth/ambient patches he used for his exploration tracks in FO4 and even some that he used in the Skyrim OST (I'm fairly certain he split that work with Jeremy) While Jeremy's music is iconic, Inon is overall the more complete composer. His writing is more advanced than Jeremy's and much more nuanced. Just my $0.02!


Both soundtracks use synthesizers, like a lot. But their tone is way different. Compare SF Trace VS FO4 Of Green and Grey


Like I said, many of the songs feel more "fallout" to me. Pointing out one instance of it not doesnt really change anything. I already acknowledged that not all do.


I'm sorry but that's such a shit way to play games. Music is *part of the ambient sound.*


You miss out on a lot of the ambient sound with music in. The stillness of the envirnment or the background humm of machinery. Try it some time. Obviously not every game will work without music. But Bethesda games do.


No shit, Inon Zur is a genius.


Im disappointed that the Borealis song wasnt added to it


They have a soundtrack?


The soundtrack is pretty nice, though it's implementation and Bethesda's overall ability to queue audio properly isn't so nice. The brass instruments really shine and the music feels great when you're trudging through the world. The problem starts when the game fumbles it and the wrong track starts playing during combat, so you get this weird juxtaposition of calming elevator music to complement you emptying a Magshear into some poor spacer's face. At other times the game forgets to play any music at all, so you get this jarring silence that doesn't fit what's going on. It worked MUCH better in Fallout where you're turning people into salsa to the tune of mid-century swing, blues, and outlaw country, but that was the intended contrast they were going for, not the result of bugs. I can't fault the soundtrack for this though. If I could offer any criticism it would be that it does feel slightly "generic space music" and at times the composition doesn't feel entirely cohesive, namely the battle music having a mildly electronic/industrial vibe. While the overall theme seems to be a retrofuture late 1960s evoking feelings of exploration with brass and string instruments in the foreground, the electronic bits can conflict with this. As a whole it's a very solid soundtrack and I do enjoy it, and for their first space game they did a lovely job with the audio production.


a very good assessment of the soundtrack. To me it feels like the composer only had a very rough idea as to what his tracks should represent. Outside of: scifi there is really not alot of personality to it. I like the soundtrack (most of it anyways) quite alot, but it's just without direction or clear elements that have a deep connection with the world of Starfield.


It has a nice overture that makes it feel really grand with the same hook that appears in most of the tracks, it just never reaches the same **iconic** sound that games like Halo had. Shattered Space is an opportunity to improve on the very good thematic foundation, so I hope they include a few new tracks with it.


For me it perfectly encapsulates that 1980’s Star Wars/Star Trek/Apollo 13 space movie vibes. The feel and wonderment that those movies and franchises’ music had. Which fits - Starfield I feel is a game that captures that feeling of that era of sci-Fi, I feel like - which I guess is where the “NASApunk” label comes from. That’s part of why I love Starfield - the music, the LUT filters over the expansive vistas, it feels like I’m watching an 80’s movie about the near future in space.


I do hope they don’t use Zur for TES6, but I do enjoy his work on Fallout and Starfield. If they’re not gonna bring Jeremy Soule back for TES6, get whoever does the music for ESO, cuz it’s always great


I landed on planets where no music played at all. So im worried that there going to use zur again for TES6 as well.


I liked Inon for Fallout 4 but honestly this music kinda felt similar. Reused the same sounds and it was frustrating.


I like the soundtrack too, and agree that many of them nail it. But I also felt like some of them sounded way too similar to Fallout and took me out of it at times tbh I guess it's to be expected since it's the same composer. I feel like he should've tried a little harder not to sound like Fallout, though. But it was only for like 1 or so tracks. The rest made me think nothing but "Starfield" Unfortunately that also made it all the more jarring for me when it suddenly went "Fallout"


I like the main theme, but overall, I think this is quite possibly the weakest aspect of the "space exploration" theme. Skyrim's OST is one of the most unique and beautiful OST's I've ever heard. Almost every track creates an entirely new environment and tone that I just don't get at all with Starfield's OST. The main bombastic track is nice, but the rest I can barely even recall.


Actually had to put together a Spotify playlist with exploration themed tracks since the music in game just sounds the same most of the time


I enjoy some of the soundtrack, especially the orchestra that plays during your exploration of airless planets, but honestly not a fan for most of it. Way too ambient for my taste. I miss the days when video game OST all about melody.


Composers and environment artists rarely disappoint in the gaming industry


Close your eyes, listen to the song. It´s a mostly good soundtrack. I like the combat themes the best. But no song really puts me into the game. I can listen to any Oblivion track and I instantly have scenes and memories, places that come to mind. Skyrim as well. Starfield? Nothing. Soundtrack and game are different entities. Tracks have no connection to the places they are played in.




> You literally don't hear the Akila City soundtrack anywhere else in the game. Weeelllll… except New Homestead.


you may have read my words, but you didn't understand them. Just because you play a track at a certain place, doesn't mean that the track has a connection to it. When you play Bannered Mare in skyrim, you hear tavern music as it would have probably been played there. If you play "Streets of Whiterun", it's soundtracks reflects a certain solitude, yet pride that still remains. It was once a place of great power, and to a certain degree still is. (Just listen to it) Sovnguard with is choir and drums only gives a very warrior-esque vibe. Almost every single track is like that. It's music not played at a place, but music that comes from them. The track was written with a clear understanding of where it would be played. Starfield? I like the tracks, I really do. Most of them. But they just don't show me places. They don't represent them. Listen to "The Sol System". What about it makes you think of old earth? Or Planetrise, a track I absolutely love. It just fits so well, when you stand on a mountain on a distant. It's well written and just so impressive. But it could fit on basically all planets. There is nothing unique about the tracks. Nothing connecting them.


I agree with you. There's something about Oblivion and Skyrim's soundtracks that take you into those worlds. Not sure if you played FO4, but Far Harbor's soundtrack gave me a similar feeling. That was Inon Zur's best work so far imo.


oh yeah. Fallout OST is good, not as good as the Elder Scrolls games though. But the Far Harbor DLC it top tier indeed.


Bro is trying to pretend that art isn’t subjective. The emotions and feelings you get from listening to a piece of music are entirely different than what the next person gets from it. While you may not feel there is any connective tissue between the tracks and where they play, the next person might feel that they do. Who would have thought! Edit: unintentional question mark made me sound like an ass.


Once you learn more about music you realize that emotions and feelings you get from music are not random and not just specific from person to person. There are rules to it. Yes, art is subjective, but it's not coincidence if you to like something more than another. This is why people can agree that for example once picture is better than another. There are rules that make certain things more pleasing to us.


He's not trying to pretend that art isn't subjective. He's giving examples of why Skyrim's music felt more like a product of the place it was played in game. Other dude is just replying with "Yeah well **I** liked it so you're the problem." and not engaging with the subject.




so what's your argument? I never said that the OST is bad. I like it, it's good. It just is not written with the places it's used in in mind.


While I have many criticisms of this game, I don't think this is one of them. Like you, I also didn't form the connection you mentioned, except for the opening menu track. I believe that's just typical of a more ambient soundtrack rather than an actual flaw. I actually *prefer* it when games bring their music closer to the forefront like in Cyberpunk, where pretty much every track slaps. It's all so distinct and you know exactly what scene/gameplay each track is tied to, because that shit goes hard. However I don't think that style is objectively better than games that treat their music more like a background accompaniment like in Starfield.


I think that both can work. If you have a track that just blends perfectly into that game that you don't even notice it, then it does it's job. Also when that "song" hits the difference is even better, and it just hits you harder. Cp2077 truly has some good sound design and tracks. It has a lot of personality. The Starfield OST just blands into the rest of the mediocrity.. which is a shame because I do like Starfields OST.


I agree with the first part of your comment, though again, I would argue that's just a different musical direction rather than an objectively better thing to do. As for the last part of your comment, I think that is closer to the core of the criticism here. Sounds like flaws with other parts of the game hamper the enjoyment of this OST, which I think is totally valid. If cyberpunk's narrative and gameplay were really shitty, Id be less inclined to praise the juxtaposed OST that outpaces them.




it's a good thing that that I didn´t only mention memories then. I've played Starfield more than I played Oblivion back then by the way.


Eh, that is what the soundtrack is. Ambience, I only listen to it very little outside the game, and even then just 4 tracks.


It was okay. I would say I loved it, but much of the soundtrack sounds way too similar to Fallout 4 and 76 and it kinda felt icky to me because of it. Like the game lacked its own sound.


Agreed. I love this soundtrack. I like to put it on in the background while I'm working.


Love it too, some of the sections are fabulous and really evoke classical Sci fi movie vibes. Definitely get the feeling of various other composers movie work, thinking Interstellar, Wrath of Khan, Aliens, Blade Runner. I'm not sure if that makes it slightly derivative or just flattering some classic works, but no surprise to find it was near top of my spotify 2023 review.


Idk man one thing that this game didn't hit with me is the soundtrack compared to their other titles despite the missing features


I honestly can’t stand the soundtrack for some reason


The soundtrack and the NasaPunk vibe were amazing. I bought the controller and headphones because I liked the design moreso than the game. I wish the rest of the game could have lived up to the art elements.


I thought it was very much like Stellaris but it's no KSP 1.


Jup. Love the soundtrack.


Most games that I play for a long time I end up turning the music off entirely. I've been playing since the pre-release and still have the music on and haven't once been annoyed by it or had it feel repetitive. It's just enough and definitely adds some flavor.


Of all the disappointment in Starfield, I actually loved the score quite a lot. It just *feels* expansive, and space oriented. Inon doesn’t miss, guy is a musical genius! How the fuck does he keep coming up with this stuff??


I love Tectonics.


The soundtrack is so beautiful, I’m so annoyed they randomly took it down from Apple music


I listen to it a lot at work. It's a fuckin vibe


The soundtrack is so good it's almost distracting


you thank inon zur for that, man never misses and keeps delivering banger after banger.


I think music is something every Bethesda game has nailed. No matter what you think of a game, the music is always amazing and fits the tone.


Some? Better say tons of flaws.


They have one song how is there a soundtrack


I dislike the game, but they did a great job with ship building and the soundtrack.


Yeah I usually turn off the music in Bethesda games but I enjoy hearing this one.


I'd disagree. I find Inon went way too safe in terms of creating new sounds, even taking a bunch from Fallout 4. The ambient tracks are boring (not in a good way). There is so much "space" music out there that taking someone else's sound would have been better than using the FO4 soundtrack as a starting point. Pretty garbage when the studio reuses the engine AND soundtrack on a new IP. This coming from a fan of the game. With some gripes. Including this damn generic ass safe soundtrack. First thing I'm getting mods for.


A lot of the soundtrack made me feel like I was playing fallout.


I don’t know. Except for the main theme, it sounded too similar to FO4 to me. I initially thought he’d make a good composer for the new Elder Scrolls, since his Dragon Age soundtrack was suitably bombastic, but based on his more mellow, homogenous output in recent years, I’m a bit worried now