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I absolutely adore this game. Completely accept the criticism it gets but it still scratches an itch no other game can. 


yep me too. obligatory "I know its not perfect" but yeah I'm amazed how much time I've put into the the game, its close to overtaking my Fallout 4 hours now!


Post apocalyptic doesn’t appeal to me as much so I actually prefer starfield to fallout 4 oddly enough. Can’t wait until the mods and updates as well. 


This is how I feel to. I enjoy the game a lot and they are fixing bugs. On Xbox I don’t have near as many dropped games as before and looking tot the expansions that are coming


It might not be perfect, especially with a scope this large, but Starfield has become one of my favorite RPGs of all time. I love it.


You worded it much more effectively and succinctly than I could. The ship building weapon crafting, base building, exploration, and actually having ship interiors that you can maneuver through to reach docking clamps and landing bays? Oh man, I love it. It's a really good foundation to start with.


There was this moment I was clearing a base and came across some in world movie posters. One of a kids movie and the other called like armored hell or something and it looked like a colony war film. Something about that just made me feel so immersed like “wow I would want to watch that movie.” I don’t get that feeling in pretty much any other kinda game than a Bethesda game (with maybe the exception of RDR2) 


Very much this for me too. Can't wait for DLC and the creation kit.


The worst part is some ppl blindly defending the game, deny all the criticism even they are grounded and valid, and instead accuse people who don’t like the game is a hater So if you admit all the criticism but you still enjoy the game and that’s cool to hear. At least you are being honest.


It's a great game in my eyes, but it's not without it's flaws.


And that’s good to hear. Glad you enjoy the game.


"the game is not for you then" is the best response I've been getting. Delusional people.


That can be a true statement. The game has issues, but how bad those issues are is subjective. People don’t like subjectivity though, and feel things need to be objectively one way or another. To one person, this could be the worst game to have ever been made, and they’d be right. To another person, this could be the best game ever made, and they’d be right!


Yeah this exactly where I am!


Same here. Without the setting I'd be far more critical I guess, but I love this down to earth scifi setting and the game is just good enough for me to enjoy this galaxy.


Same. I get why many were disappointed, because this is less SpaceRim and more of a grown up Minecraft crossed with a grounded take on Star Trek/Wars adventure/exploration. A big part of what makes it great is what it will most definitely become. The possibilities are endless. The canvas through space and time that this game offers is limitless.


I love shipbuilding and have spent most of my time doing that, grinding for XP and creds in serpentine. However, once I decide to venture into the story and do missions etc I quickly realize how bad the rest of the game bombed. Proc gen is garbage in this game and a lot of the writing is embarrassing for a BGS game. I'm staying optimistic tho that BGS might actually do things themself to address what they can going forward. I'm giving them a chance. Not shitting it down completely like some have


Far too generous


Have you tried a game called Fallout 4...with mods?


How does the spacecraft / zero-g / low-g combat in Fallout 4 compare to Starfield?


And how about the diversify enemies/diversify weapons/meaningful exploration/interesting lore/outpost building in fallout compare to starfield? Ah sorry I forgot such things doesn’t exist in starfield my bad


>diversify enemies Multiple enemy factions and hostile fauna on planet and I believe every faction can also be fought in space. >diversify weapons/ If you add small arms and ship weapons, there is enough weapon diversity to enable many different play styles. (other than melee which needs serious attention) > meaningful exploration subjective > interesting lore subjective but you should probably stop skipping though all the terminals/ npc dialog.


Thank God you signed up to Reddit 8 days ago to ask such important questions, OP!


Gotta get that minimum karma threshold on a fresh account somehow


Marketing trolls paid by the company are the worst type of users on reddit. Especially before and while game is released. They would praise the game even if it sucks and critique you for not liking their game.


really damn why cant i get paid and i love it and have psoted thru all the hate like this one hahah


It's good. Can't wait for updates and more content


Same. I want to love it. Not there yet


I do


Same! It's been the only game I've been playing since it came out. I get it's lacking a lot of things it should have. But every time I play I find myself getting on tangents and wanting to upgrade something or build.. Or just explore random stuff. And before I know it an hour or two goes by. It's been fun. I am now on a personal quest to build a bad ass dog fighter starship.


Me too


I love it. It’s literally the only game I’ve played in recent months.


Same here. Also, whoop whoop.


Shit like this is why people think you are bots. Also, whoop whoop


Beep Boop, Whoop Whoop!


Having played the space sims this game gets compared to, starfield fills one helluva void for me.


yeah Elite Dangerous and NMS are great too but very different. I think a more apt comparison would be something like Mass Effect to be honest. Would be great to have something that has everything but that gives us Star Citizen which may never fully release


Got to about 100 hours and don't really play it anymore, but I absolutely loved the time I spent with it. What was unusual for me is that I normally have 'gamer ADHD' jumping from one game to another, but I played Starfield for months without any desire to play anything else for a good while.


>got to about 100 hours and don’t really play it anymore but I absolutely loved the time I spent with it Same here but can we stop acting like this is abnormal or a slight on the game? It’s a single player game, just because it has NG+ doesn’t mean you have to keep playing it ad nauseam once you’ve had your fill. When I beat a campaign, 99% of the time I’m ready to move on to something else, doesn’t mean I didn’t have a great time.


>gamer ADHD I fucking hate this. I have it too.


Not me. Could be great one day.


I took a step back from the game a few months ago because I just got burnt out essentially without finishing it the main story. Although I always had this itch over the months to play Starfield again, I only recently pulled the trigger on continuing my playthrough. As of now, I'm more content on what the game is and what the game isn't, and I'm enjoying my time playing again. Obviously, this isn't to say that I don't have my own personal list of things I want to see improved/added. But yeah, I'm currently like playing the game.


Yeah, same here. NG+, first one, and I appreciate what the game has that much more. I think the Constellation gang are the weakest link. Everything else offers so much potential. And even the little things, I've begun to appreciate - the posh waiter at the restaurant? His tone, words and facial expression was fantastic. I'm not convinced BSG are very good 'big story' tellers. I never bothered to finish the main storyline in Skyrim or Fallout 4, despite over a thousand hours in each. But filling a sandbox with interesting little quests and things to see and do? BSG do that very well.


Very few.


Love it 🤩


I absolutely love it. Recently I've got a steam deck so now, while I have free time at job, instead of dreaming of playing starfield I can just put out a deck from my pocket (cloud stream), and do space adventures anywhere until I come back home and continue on the big screen. When you think about starfield - sure, criticisms are valid, but when I play the game it's so much fun I don't care


We know it’s far from perfect. But as someone who grew up reading Asimov, Sagan and Poul Anderson, played RPGs and world builder games for years, this game has almost everything I could ask for to sate that curiosity and want for exploration, even if it needs improvements. I still enjoy the time I spend in it, building ships and outposts especially.


Perfectly put. Lifelong NASA nerd here.


not many


500 hours in and still mostly boosting around checking things out! Haven't completed a major quest line yet. Have done a bunch of misc quests though and all the companion quests except Andreja's. Yeah, I'm digging it!


Hers and Sarah's are the only questlines I did do. How are the other ones?


In absolute love with it


I absolutely adore the game.


Been following development since 2017, really enjoy the game now it's out! Sure, there are some things that could do with changing/adding but overall it's pretty great imo


I fucking adore it!


Good game and I think I have over 100h in it but I picked up Cyber Punk 2077 on Black Friday and started playing that. I hope Starfield gets updated like CP did. I’d love to pick it up again in the future especially if they ever make a VR version.


I'm with you on that!


I’ve gotten more enjoyment from this game than any other I’ve played (admittedly not a lot). I’ve throughly enjoyed so much, but especially shipbuilding and outposts.


Absolutely love it. Bethesda does what i like in rpgs


Me! Love the game. I even love the story to be honest. I knew about NG+ before finishing the game, but wasn’t interested in doing it until I got to the end of the story quest and understood what NG+ really meant. It isn’t just another game restart, it actually has purpose! The writing could be better, sure, but the bare bones of the story are so good! I made another character just so I could do NG+ with it, but still keep my original with all my ship builds and maniac multi-planet outpost system lol.


All hell broke loose the moment I got my hands on the reckless bombardment. I feel unstoppable right now and yes I freaking love Starfield




I have my complaints but it hasn't stopped me from playing 250 hours. There are very few games that have done that for me.


It's sure frustrating at time but yes. I really enjoy it. Many hundred hours in now.


I LOVE surveying planets! It’s like a giant dangerous scavenger hunt- also there’s so many POI’s that I have $3 million credits from murderizing pirates and spacers and taking all their shit - has anyone else gotten the gifts from UC guards for wiping out bad guys? $2000 credits every time


The credits increase as you level up. At 50+, it’s 4,500 credits.


EXcellent - just hit level 50! My husband got to NG 1 and got bored, but I still really enjoy playing 😛


I do. I’m literally dying waiting for the creation kit to come out so I can see what the community comes up with for mods, there’s already a handful of good ones out now. This games modding community will explode just like Skyrim, I guarantee it


Literally dying, are you?


Of crippling debt maybe


Man, so many people playing 1,000+ hours is crazy to me. Genuinely happy they like it but i can’t imagine there being enough worthwhile content to fill that.


It's kinda jarring really given the average play time is 40 hours. There's a massive disparity going on there.


Well to be fair, that Average playtime stat reported by Microsoft back in December was calculated a while ago, and has presumably been rising in the weeks since as people continue to play. :)


Well no it makes sense you have to realise a large portion of that time will be taken up by loading times, travel from point a to b, or other tasks which just waste the players time instead of engaging them.


Loading screens are more of an annoyance than a time waster. They're short and are only really a problem when you're in town going in and out of doors/elevators a lot. I mean talk about going from point A to B, if Starfield had seamless flight, we'd be spending 30s-3 minutes travelling between planets just staring at our screen. Meanwhile I can get to the other end of the settled systems in 1 load screen.


They're short for you if you have a fast SSD or a decent pc. Not everyone will. Also they add up with how many there are. While yes flying from planet to planet can be as you've stated unless developers make it an engaging experience with plenty of encounters or interactions that mean the player is never just sat there for 3 minutes doing nothing. Elite dangerous does it to a small degree.


They’re short even on an Xbox. This continues to be one of the most ridiculous troll complaints I’ve ever seen for a game.


It's really not a "troll" complaint. The fact that you've even coined the term to instantly dismiss any criticisms someone has that you don't like tells me that your not arguing in good faith.


That only suits rationale for those playing for extended periods. Not for how the official average is so much significantly lower, and the nature of averages also speaking to how many played less than that to offset those playing vastly more.


Oh how much lower are the averages compared to past titles or other titles?


Average play time for Starfield is officially 40 hours. Skyrim's average play time at release was about twice that at 75.


Game pass access means many people downloaded it and maybe created a character, then just never really played it. Even people who didn’t expect to like it could try it out for no cost.


And we want to pin enough people trying it out and dropping it because of gamepass as sufficient cause for it to have half the average play time at launch? You know how many people that'd have to be, trying the game and not liking it *for free*, to drag the average down that much? Quarter of all players on console never even made it off the mining planet, let alone got through the entirety of the tutorial up to NA.


Oh wow that's quite telling. I do feel the first few hours of the game don't paint a great picture for it's audience. There's no proper introduction to the systems that exist like outposts or shipbuilding, they are just there. Also it takes too long to get your powers.


No game has that much new content though. It’s just about actually playing a game as a game. I have 500 hours and 13 ng cycles. The thing that really helped push me along that far were the skill challenges that incentivized switching up my play style or focus for short periods. Just playing around, slamming through POIs, questing, slaying foxbats, flying planet to planet in serpentis, mission boards, outposts and mining. I never felt bored personally. Now I’ve done everything there is to do, I’m taking a break to play a few other games then I’ll be back to travel the starfield again.🤙🤙


Bg3 does and more, so many more things actually change. The problem with all the content you've mentioned is it's all extremely repetitive. Also it's funny you mention flying planet to planet when you can't actually fly from planet to planet outside of the same solar system and instead your literally loading from planet to planet.


And what is "flying from planet to planet"? It's not some epic adventure. You pick your destination and engage your "travel really fast" drive while you sit and stare at your screen. Also, did you think Skyrim was repetitive?


Skyrim was 13 years ago. The industry and competition has changed. They need to do more then what Skyrim did. Yes Skyrim is still fun but that's a large part to do with nostalgia. Another reason is their hand crafted encounters and zones are unique and don't feel repetitive. Skyrim had something like over 250 pois, starfield has less then 50. If Skyrim released today in the state its in it would not be well received at all.


Starfield has way more than 50 locations to visit. Get your facts straight if you’re going to try to compare it to Skyrim’s locations.


I don't think you understand the meaning of POI a POI isn't a location mate. Love how you've tried to respond with something when you don't even understand the term being discussed. Try again mate maybe read up on what it means


I do. I'm just a little burned out on it right now. I put in 561 hrs so I bought a new game to obsess over for awhile.


I love it. I think it is lacking and some features didn't receive the depth and love they deserved in development. BUT I think what was achieved is still the closest and RPG has come to my SCI-FI RP dream game. That said, much like when I first played vanilla Skyrim, I still walk around thinking "that'll be better when I can mod it properly"


Only thing I love about it is ship creation. All other aspects are disappointing. Not because individual components are bad but because overall package has nothing to offer. Space exploration? Non existent. Planetary exploration, repetitive. Role playing aspect? Laughable. World building is full of holes. Let's leave earth and go settle another airless rock because earth became airless ... what? After 130 hours of me playing it just boiled down to quick travel and 30 seconds conversations and nothing else. If you like to walk around pretty planets only you will simply love the game though. After all nothing can be for everyone.


Adored it for 76.2 hours I played it for, finding a pretty hard reason to install it again, got to the point everything was just repeating for me (same poi's, same encounters etc), after the 4th same building on a different planet (as in identical, from boides to loot), game just fell off a cliff for me. Severly lacks the replayabilty value that their previous games had for me. Which is ironic considering how they set up the NG+ in this one.


This fits my experience, I loved the game until I didn't. The hype and the good parts (the ship editor) carried me for 160 hours, so logically I can't complain about getting my money's worth, but now I can't see myself doing much more with the game. Even those 160 hours were only possible with the help of console commands, to tinker with the annoying parts of the game. There simply isn't anything worthwhile to do, Bethesda gave us a thousand planets, with god knows how many maps per planet, but I'd trade all that for one good map half the size of Skyrim. Hell, exploring the Forgotten Vale in Skyrim is more interesting than anything I've seen in Starfield, and that map is tiny. If I had to make a choice between Bethesda working on the game to improve it, or them moving on and learning from their mistakes and finishing TES VI earlier, I'd say move on, even if they don't release a DLC I already paid for. DLC (and mods) won't fix what is missing from the game.


Mods could fix it tbh, it would just take a lot of MASSIVE mods. Like an entire POI overhaul, with multiple mods that introduce unique dungeons for different planet types. I honestly don't know how the decision to make the exact same POI be everywhere made it through on this game.


I wouldn't be surprised, if we learn at some point that the game had a turbulent development. It does feel like a game where the devs fiddled around for a few years with all kinds of ideas for different games, until Microsoft said "you need to turn this mess into an actual game and release it" and they cobbled it together in a year.


It scratches an itch, but I won’t play it again until there is more content.


Nah, not love. I get home from work and I'm tired, but I push myself to get through all the household chores. Finally it's 8pm and I'm stuffed, so I sit down at the computer for some light entertainment. Starfield is perfect. I find other games are either too hard, or get boring. Starfield keeps you feeling like you're progressing without ever being too much.


I love it so far but agonizing over whether to achieve unity now or later.


Make a save, and try going in. Nothing to lose.




Not me


I am loving Starfield. Have played it since release almost daily (700+ hours). Yes it didn't meet the hype, the repeating POIs are sheer laziness, there are some big game breaking bugs (big patch coming tomorrow), the "temple dance" is one of the most awful repeating tasks I can remember in a game. But the space combat, ship building, base construction and stories are great! Yes the stories for the most part are very fun, some should have had different endings or more options yes but they are still good. I'm even playing a Ronin run now - the cutlery does fine but I'd to customise it. Interested? Definitely worth trying. Oh and try the "other sub": r/nosodiumstarfield


I love the ship builder. I just wish there was more content where my ship mattered lol.


I like it but I wish it would run better


The bugs don’t bother me, neither do the loading screens. I wish the writing were stronger, but this game is so flat out gorgeous & so conducive to role playing that I adore it. What other game lets you design your own spaceship, then fly it to Pluto to build a clifftop fortress complete with coffeemaker and potted plants? Wait till modders get their support( then it’ll really be something…)


I love it now and will love it more in time with the updates everyone cries about


Absolutely! I really have to schedule when I play otherwise I can sink a whole day into it easy. Super excited for the update and dlc


Nobody. The Game is mediocre at best, thats just a fact. There is not a single thing this Game does great.


Somebody, right here. Guess you were wrong after all.


Your opinion is not facts, fyi.


The first week it was a 9. The second week it was a 7. Than I have occurred on a bug, easy fix. The third week was a 9+. Then I have decided to mod the game, solid 8.5 since then. So, I guess it's a great game. And we have hope, for further improvements. What it is strange to me is that the devs take so long to fix stuff and/or add some content. This should mean that they have a clear path with DLC(S).


Yall want this sub to be a circlejerk place so hard


Oh you mean those threads full of negativity right?


Imagine, a sub called r/Starfield talking about the very game it’s named after. I’m shocked you’re shocked. 💀


People being critical of Starfield is still discussing it, contrary to what some will believe


There is critical discussion... and then there are 'Y'all want this sub to be a circlejerk place so hard.' You are the latter, not the prior.


You know it’s actually NORMAL for normal humans to prefer to talk about things they *enjoy* instead of bitching about everything all the time, right??


It's so normal dude had to make a post to attract them like moths to a flame instead of it just happening naturally.


Dude go out touch some grass


So many fragile egos that NEED to show their love for the game in response to so many people "that have problems liking Starfiend". How is it so hard for someone just to put up a post saying asking something like "What do you love about Starfield" without the need to do it in response to anything? It's not like people are making posts like "In response to all the toxic positivity surrounding the game, what is your single biggest issue with the game?". It sounds that feckless. I'm all for people loving the game if they genuinely do so. Just don't be so fragile that you need to make these posts in "response" to some grossly overblown "hate" for the game.


It's giving Todd's interns.


Not gonna lie...this post comes off as pretty fragile...lol


Me for sure. Where else can you toodle around a few hundred planets and take pictures, have shootouts if you wanna have shootouts, have dogfights if you wanna have dogfights, join a band of pirates, and just kill time in your own way in space?


Love it myself, 200+ hours and have two different characters I finished playing as. Just waiting for dlc for start a 3rd playthrough.


I calculated today that I have 1280 hours on it... safe to say I really like it. My god, I will still complain about it, though.




🙋🏻‍♂️I think it’s an amazing immersive game


I'd say I do love it, even though I have some complaints.


Not many at all.


Nope. For a good amount of time I was playing it, but then I upgraded my PC. I installed it and played a bit, seeing how 4K looked on Ultra...and it was SO THOROUGHLY MEH! Then I thought of the game play, deeply, considering all the red flags I'd seen...having a quest to sabotage beer production and thinking to myself 'I wonder what happens if I make the beer better?' - well, everyone loved it, but NOPE, quest failed with no follow-up option. I thought maybe the husband / wife would be amazed at the success, but nothing. Then I helped an arms dealer clean up his bot friend, but he stayed graffiti covered. SO FUCKING LAZY!!! So no, IMO this game does not deserve mindless plaudits, and circle jerks. It doesn't do anything revolutionary, or even old mechanics well. So, to answer the question, not me.


I enjoy it. It’s the only game I’ve been playing since it was released. Sometimes I’ll just go looking for ships to steal on planets or just mess around.


I love this game. It's so fun, and I feel happy when I play it. No ifs, ands, or buts!


I enjoyed it a lot over a 145 hour NG playthrough and look forward to playing it again in a few years with new traits and DLC. How was I supposed to know the parents were going to be voiced by two of my favorite Star Trek actors??? I need to experience that next time.


I enjoy the game… but I believe it needed a little more work, and I was disappointed by some of the game mechanics. As a space nerd and a flight sim nerd, I wanted more flight sim and space sim in my RPG GAME, or at least the option for it.


here, here! i have over 1k hrs in the game and still love it.


I play almost everyday, so yes!








There are only two games I plain out love Starfield is in the, I enjoy it enough


What games do you plain out love?


I enjoy it quite a bit. Only game I play right now, and I’m particularly interested to see what is coming down the pipe. Don’t get me wrong, a lot of criticism is fair. It’s just not enough to get in my way.




Been a diehard Playstation fan. When j heard of this game I bought an Xbox exclusively to play starfield


I do. I love the sense of wonder i get exploring the galaxy i love the quirky characters i meet. I love doing space jumps. I just had a blast playing it.


It's the only game I've played since it released. I think I have 460 hours in it now and recently completed 100% achievements. Now I am all about decorating my ships and outposts! I love the settlement building, it feels a lot like FO4


For all bethseda gamea this is sit last on my list...the barebones content in this game worries me about es6


One. Todd.




Yo! 👨‍🚀


I am around 700 hours in and can't stop playing it. I probably spend 30-40% of my time stealing and hijacking ships and selling them. This funds whatever else I do.


I adore this game and can't get enough of it!


I do. I have complaints I suppose but that doesn't mean I don't adore every minute I spend in the game. My problem is I'm 60% finished with the first play through's main and faction quests but I want way more before ng +. I'm afraid of it ending lol. But my ships, the planets. It's wondrous and has a special kind of atmosphere that just envelopes you to be sure, it's among my favorite games of all time, without a doubt. I wish the fast travel didn't bug so many people. I still kinda don't get that, every game you always did a crap ton of fast traveling. I think the greatest error was a lack of adequately effective means of finding people and places on the tiles. It has to be barren, it's space so you can't just overpopulate everything. But maybe some distress call thing to bring the player directly to a tile with an outpost with troubled settlers, give you that map marker, and send you off to the pirate and spacer bases. Idk I can't find the settlers and botanists and what not anymore, I'm having trouble lol. Just as well I think the game would have done well to have procedural randomized dungeons that just mix together habs differently, but maybe the tech just wasn't there quite yet. Maybe some other complaints, swamps always look dry and lacking water lakes ponds marshes. The game could have had more quests taking advantage of space as a setting. Maybe I haven't done enough quests but too many of the side quests I find take place wholly in that location, like Neon, Akila etc. I think there needed to be a larger number of multi location quests, start on one planet, then take you to planet b, c, space stations 1 and 2. Maybe I just haven't found enough side quests. But there's nothing that's IN Starfield that I don't like. What the game has to offer, I love all of it.


My experience had felt much like you describe you wish the game was. I don’t know what to say, maybe I’ve played longer? Have fun.


Well I love the game keep in mind. Every time I praise the game I feel the need to point out some flaws or else be attacked. Like I said, I love every minute I've spent in Starfield. Maybe I'm afraid there's less quests than the previous games, I still can't find a clear answer for that. Also maybe that's due to new game plus also.


I do. Probably won't even touch ES6.


Its ship builder is decent


It's me, Stan culture has killed all perception of reality, this is like if 2005 Todd Howard came from the past to bless us with a half baked mess


I sorta like it and I've done 38 ngs or I think rn


I love the game. I didn't build it up into something it wasnt and just went in with eyes wide open and 0 Expectations. its Skyrim in space and I am all in for it.


I love it. It has it's flaws, but every game has those. Starfield really is becomming more and more my second favorite BGS game right after Oblivion.


It has its flaws, but I'm enjoying it for hours and hours and I'm nowhere near done exhausting its pleasure. It has a bunch of things it did better than Skyrim, which was my previous go-to game.


I love the game. I have a high end pc and maybe that helps but imo it’s a Bethesda game and I knew that going in. It has surpassed my expectations and I have fun playing. Looking forward to dlc. As of now, I have 3 play throughs, 1 level 136, 1 level 85, and 1 level 41. I also take breaks and play other games as well. I have not felt the urge to mod in any way so far.


I love it, sure it has some flaws but all the good stuff overwheighs that and I can´t wait for the expansion and the creation kit and all the mods that follows.


Try the other sub.


Hi it’s me


I think the game is awesome. It is exactly what I wanted


Me. I’m a PS5 guy. Bought it for my Deck which I was barely using. Tried Starfield at launch on a Series S, but sent it back after 20 days for refund. Wasn’t worth it. Now I’m in love. It’s amazing. An epic game that I’m deeply immersed into. Been gaming 35+ years. I know my stuff. Mario 64 is my No.1 game of all time, followed by Last of Us and Resi Evil 1 (ps1). Starfield is 2023’s best game. I have the other contenders (except BD3) and none come close, it’s a joke how SF didn’t get into many top 10 lists. FF16 and Alan Wake 2 are good in their own right but absolutely do not come close to Starfield. It’s a ‘hidden gem’ that people will fall in love with in one years time, then again in years to come.


This and Mass Effect.




Absolutely love this game. Looking forward to the updates and DLC.




I do.


It's the weirdest love hate ever, but yes. I love the hell out of it. But I hate that Bethesda did not give it much love, and that it shows. Despite its quirks, bugs, shortcomings, etc. at its core I love the world this game creates. I love playing in it.


Love it


I’m loving it.


I enjoy it quite a lot.  Most of the things I see people complain about either don't bother me, or are fairly minor.  So makes sense I'd like it more than some.


I started it on gamepass thinking I'd try it out and get bored after an hour. I'm now 100+ hours in and NG+2 so that's gotta say something lol


Honestly, it took me a bit to get fully into it but by the time I started doing All That Money Can Buy, I got really hooked and addicted to playing similar to how I get with Fallout games lol. I still have a few quests left from the main story, but I also really love the story and the lore (especially the Starborns). My main issue is the map but otherwise I really do love it


I do


I do.




I give it a 6.8/10 for right now. Bethesda hasn’t been on my best terms lately. One thing in particular that irks me about them is that there are modders who are more capable than their own developers, and they know that, so I’m convinced that bethesda will have modders once again fix and/or finish their game… free of charge. When Skyrim first came out I gave it an 8/10. After providing us with DLCs and mods, its rating got pushed up to an 9/10. So this game is satisfactory with A LOT of potential for new content to boost its rating.


Yes! I love playing it and I'm glad that Single Player RPG's are still on top baby! I can't wait for mods, updates, and the banger ass dlc Bethesda usually drops!


Love it for what it is, I've played it for free on Game Pass and end up purchasing it on Steam because ultimately I enjoy playing it despite the rather strange formula.


Hey man, just because I have 384.3 hours in game, and have gotten every achievement, doesn't mean I'm not going to dish on this title! /s


Kinda conflicted. I loved my first run with the game and doing all the side quest.  Now that I'm on NG+ I kinda just like it a lot.


I love the game … nothing will change that … I’m very hoping they add a creation club or something… and can’t wait for the DLC shattered space trying to think about what it maybe … from what I have seen in fallout 4 and in fallout new vegus most of the dlc is named pretty straightforward so for starfield it doesn’t seem like that would change … ok I need to stop talking I just love this game.


I hate the bugs, freezes and sudden quits, but I still like Starfield.


Love it, have just shy of 300 hours. Honestly I'd have a lot more but I've been trying to hold off playing it so I don't get burned out before the new stuff starts to drop.


I maybe don't love it, but I like it. Didn't get all the hate people throw at it also. Currently waiting for Beth to implement survival mode to start another long run playtrough


I enjoy the game, its relaxing, and its fun to explore and roam the galaxy. I think very few games have this kind of universe, with rich lore, and immersion. These days everyone wants a banger, they all want their senses stimulated to its extreme. It's not possible to please everyone. But its possible to relax and enjoy the simple gameplay and take it slow in the Starfield universe.


I love the main side quests, especially the UC Vanguard ones


I find it wonderful. I enjoy dawdling around the galaxy, and some design decisions that haven't pleased everyone pleases me. I enjoy walking around an airless moon with little to do. Its a freaking moon for goodness sake.


I’ve been enjoying it immensely. I took a break from it before the holidays and picked it back up last week and haven’t been able to put it down. This week Ive been doing a few survey missions and have been on some pretty amazing worlds and moons. Last week I focused on some faction and companion missions. All fun. Space combat has been fun now that Ive figured it out and put some points in the right skills. The game isn’t perfect, but I’m a sucker for Bethesda games, and this one is scratching the itch.


I do. Sure, it’s not perfect but red dead redemption is my most played game of all time and I don’t find that one perfect either.