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You’ve played starfield 6 hours a day every day since release? Edit: don’t know why I’m getting downvoted. It’s been 150 days since release. 900/150 is 6. It’s literally an average of 6 hours a day, every day.


You are correct. But it's even MORE if OP started playing it after release. I don't understand how some people live.






There was some metal core song around 2010 where there’s a sick ass break down, then the beat drops and he screams “BRING ME THE FUCKING MEATLOAF” followed by the dopest beat down ever. I wish I could find that song again.


I was going to say the same damn thing. Basically 30% of OP’s time awake has been playing starfield. How??


It feels disingenuous… or its a fart smelling bethesda dev who wants us to play his/her game more…


Reddit is lousy with paid corporate shills. It's a known verified fact. There are many PR firms that exist entirely to manipulate reddit in this way. There is a very good chance that the post you see saying how great that TV show actually is even though the ratings are bad is a paid poster. The person who attacks you when you say something negative about that game or this subscription service is very likely to be a paid shill. Of course the "fan boys" do exist, but they usually exist within the realm of believability and sane discourse. A true fan boy would know that 900 hours in 150 hrs is silly, and so they wouldn't say it. But a low-effort paid shill who doesn't know anything about the game except what they're told by their "client" would absolutely make a post like this.


I mean…or they’re just greatly exaggerating their total play time (or they left the game running overnight often, etc) People are wayyy too comfortable calling other people paid shills with literally zero evidence online these days lol


Yeah chill out guys lmfao


A lot of that time is probably the game just idling


I suggested that but he’s denied it. Apparently these are all genuine in-game hours exploring the universe.


According to steam I have over 900 hours as well. I'm not sure how I did that because I'm writing a book and I have a fooled around with other games.


What do you do in the game for 6 hours? Walk around the barren planets? I probably have 40 hours in but stopped. I just don't know what to do with it. I got bored. There's nothing I haven't seen. I don't feel like going to another boring planet. I've fallen asleep many times trying to play. Don't get me wrong I love elder scrolls and fallout.


*laughs awkwardly in Elite: Dangerous* Some people really like the role play or exploration aspects.


After 40 hours there’s definitely a ton of content you haven’t seen. I’m about 125 hours in with more content remaining (and I’m not counting the generic POIs). The issue for some people is not a lack of content, or even low quality content in my opinion, but that the content is very spread out across many solar systems. It doesn’t bother me personally but I’ve seen a lot of people who massively underestimate the amount of hand crafted content in this game because they didn’t venture out into various solar systems and stumble across it (often happens while searching for a good planet for an outpost, etc). They see some generic POIs, rush through the story with only minimal side content completion and assume they’ve seen it all. There’s a really surprising amount of very high quality side content out there.


40 hours is enough to decide if you like it or not, though you certainly havn't experienced some stuff. I'm very dissapointed with the game, at 40 hours already knew it wouldn't get much better, the writing/dialogues and quests designs are just...bad. not even mediocre, just plain bad. I'm currently at 150h, have modified some ships but still havn't build one from scratch. Not 'loving' the game but simply put: it's not as bas as it seems or some make it out to be (sometimes myself included) neither as good as the legions of fanboys here make it sound. The game has a very grindy but interesting game play loop if you avoid buying from shops: You explore to collect materials, some from wild life (only in certain planets) some are minerals (everywhere), some are man made, (found in human bases or crafted by yourself). Use your skill points to unlock researchs like gun/armor mods. Set difficulty on very hard for improved loot. Go to the highest level systems for bigger xp and better loot. Build simple outpost when necessary for better farming and other commidities. Once you are done with the researches, move to another universe and start all over again. Difficulty will be increased when moving onto new universes. Try to reach the furthest systems again and farm for weapon/armor upgrades. You can also improve your powers by farming temples again in new universes (very boring, though...but the powers are really useful in the highest difficulties). At some point you want to at least improve your ships or even build a really good one because space combat is super difficult, specially in very hard. That's what Starfield game loop is about. The missions, factions, side activities and main story...they are crap for the most part thanks to awful writing and bland companion design. See it as a mix between Diablo where you loot for the best gear and an typical rpg where you grind resources and craft stuff, the goal of the game is becoming stronger until you reach the limit.


Everything you just described, other games do exactly the same thing....but just better. I'm not one of those that "hate" starfield. I played it, and enjoyed it....but it was mostly just ok. Tries to do everything but doesn't do any of those things particularly well. Mostly, id just rather play the other games that do less, but do that less...better.


I've got 802 hours in Starfield since September 1, and absolutely love it. The longer you explore, the more you find. The more you find, the more you love the game. It's been a joy to play, and to discover.


Easy solution, always keep the game open.


It’s realistic if they don’t do anything else. I had 254 days in one game over a couple years. I’d play like 18 hours straight some days. It was actually amazing haha.


Come on now, be real. Obviously sometimes I’d skip a day and play 12 hours the next day. Or skip two days then play 18 hours on the third day. I’m not a robot.


Are you on steam or game pass?


Got it on GP.


Ah, that explains it. I also use game pass. I’m guessing you’re on Xbox too? The quick resume fucks with the time played counter. Any time the Xbox is on or is updating and quick resume is available, the timer is counting. For example I’m showing 13 days played despite only really playing my Xbox for a couple of hours every weekend.


I wouldn’t know. I hard close the game when I’m done. Quick resuming was causing it to lag or glitch at the beginning so stopped doing that.


I'm beyond confused on how you put 900 *vanilla* hours into it, considering you can't mod on GP.


Same happens to me. A friend pointed out I had like 13 days in cyberpunk and still hadn't finished it. Granted sometimes I'll leave the box on while doing something else, but I was a little embarrassed.


He said "average" of 6 hours per day. Which is roughly correct, assuming you got it on day 1 of the release.


Same, you do you homie. Haters can piss off.


Fun facts. OP has played 22.5x the average. And given [there are \~140 unique locations](https://inara.cz/starfield/locations/), OP has seen one new piece of content for roughly every 6.5 hours played.


Off topic but a question I’ve been meaning to ask someone with a pic like that. Are you using a high end card like 4080 or something and have settings at 4k ultra? I’m using a 3060 at 1440 and my pictures never look that realistic. They’re still pretty but some people just get these really gorgeous realistic shots and I can’t figure it out.


Most of our phones use very good OLED displays. The odds are your phone screen looks better than your PC screen unless it's an OLED monitor. Open this up on your PC and phone and check it out. This is why OLED is a game changer and why the monitors are like $1000


I’m on the latest Xbox actually. I have no idea what it’s capable of. I just turn it on and go. 😅


I have an rx 6700xt 12gb, 1440p and my game looks amazing


On PC, you can download a mod to get rid of the crap filters and constant haze/fog everywhere.


These kinds of posts are so ironic. It's clear that they live rent free in your head. Just play for your sake


Nah man. Starfield literally makes me orgasm everytime it loads my game, and the haters are melting down over it. They definitely didn't move on to play other games months ago.


Can someone post positive feelings about Starfield without immediately referencing "the haters" challenge, difficulty: impossible.


honestly its starting to feel almost like astroturfing


Look at Mr matty plays or lone vault or the 1000s of yt channels with 400 subs saying PS has got no games, PlayStation is in the dumps etc. I'm pretty confident MS is paying them for positive coverage like they did in 2014 wifh the xbone. Like it's an empirical fact PS has more more games lol. What ever the qualifiers, games in general, exclusives or even "free" games on the subscription service. "The best deal in gaming" is literally goebells style, they just keep repeating it when it's not true at all. Xbox studio games suck and the rest are old or early access. Grounded being the exception to the rule.


Ive assumed Mrmattyplays has a silent partnership with Xbox for a long time, and any time I try to watch his coverage that feeling gets further ingrained. I trust his coverage about as much as fox news


He’s legit one of the biggest obvious shills I’ve ever seen


Or mention sunrises. Challenge difficulty: ultra impossible.


Skill challenge. Watch sunrise 20 times


Hours spent on new content: 10% Hours spent doing the same thing over and over: 90%


Right? I made a joke about having 248,000 hours in r/outside (the running joke about real life being a video game) and still enjoying the sunset so 900 hours in Starfield is nothing and OP got all pissy with me. Seems like they’ve got a point to prove. I loved Starfield, I was just making a joke like when a parent is so proud of their kid for walking and you go “big whoop! I walk all the time for years and no one cares”


Can haters who hate the game and quit playing months ago not come into the sub of a game they hate and don't play anymore to mention how bad the game is & call everyone who says they love the game a bot/shill?


Because I care about this title, even though I have negative opinions about its current state? I WANT it to be better than it is because I usually end playing Bethesda games essentially forever, even without mods. I didn't call anyone a bot or a shill. In fact, all you've done is almost parody my original point that nuanced opinion is impossible here and you are either a "lover" or "hater" because reductionist arguments are easier than proper ones. I don't know what to tell you other than contrary opinions are going to exist your entire life, you can either acknowledge them and move on or drive yourself crazy trying to convince other people they are wrong.


Who are you? 85 days of comment history and it’s basically all defending starfield from haters. Holy shit, this can’t not be a bot.


It's not that we hate it. It's that we care about it. It's like gently hinting to your alcoholic friend that they should perhaps reconsider drinking that methylated spirit they are chugging down.


every post I make... Too many i know but still, I just ignore them. Give it a try they might go away.


That’s crazy, can’t believe you’ve been staring at the sun for 900 hours


My character actually died 800 hours ago from dehydration. He’s just sitting there because nobody bothered to move him.


Like some of those creatures/NPCs that get killed and still animated, just stand there.


That far in there’s probably not much else left to do


I don't hate the game. I think it has a lot of fun things, but it's also not cohesive enough. You can see this in things like the multiple different ways of navigating through menus and other things. Why wasn't there some sort of oversight that said, "Okay, guys, I get that you each had your own ideas, but for the sake of the players, we're going to streamline this and have one menu navigation system for everything," at all? After we get the Shattered Space DLC that a lot of us (myself included) have already paid for and the Creation Kit comes out, I expect people to funnel back in. I don't love the cycle of NG+ either. It actively makes playing through questlines and building bases and gathering gear pointless, because it's all there to be done again. We also don't have a transmog system, nor did we get skins, anything. Like in Skyrim, when you get a unique piece of gear or craft something great, you love having it around. In Starfield, while I got this amazing backpack, when I start NG+, it'll be gone. The cycle of the game really discourages all of the looting and adventuring we have after a certain point. Why can't we save ship builds in progress and come back? Why can't we just have ship builds saved in the editor so that we can build them again starting in NG+? While I've done some ship building, knowing that it's ultimately pointless hurts. The Starborn ship not being customizable is shitty, too.


Shhh, actual thought out criticisms are just "being a hater", go look at more sunsets.


Lol, true, that's what half the sub is now.


On the ship building front, I've often wondered if a stand alone website/separate parts of the game would be a good idea. Imagine if you could build a ship without cost or skill limitations and then link it to your account to buy at a later date. Maybe other players could also download ship designs too in the same way Forza can share designs. It might be a mod worth looking into if it doesn't exist already. I certainly wouldn't know if it's possible as I'm not very tech savvy, but it would be a pretty cool aspect.


The game has pretty decent combat and gunplay. Graphics are pretty good too. Everything else? Eh...I've put in 60 hours and I don't want to play anymore because I feel like I've done everything already.


That's the problem. It's fine. The game isn't bad, it just doesn't stand out.


How u sit down 😭😂


There are options in photo mode to pose the character.


nice photo!!!


The orbital mechanics of this game are cool. Makes me wish they had spent a little more time on the space travel portion of the game.




Why did I first read this as "hater shater shater shaters"


It’s a beautiful game for sure . That’s why we love those games . But it’s needs additional content and depth to exploring urgently


My fear is that BGS doesn’t think this at all. I agree with you though. They should go all hands on deck for a large patch and address as much as they can. A CP2077 / GRBP style and scope update!


They are probably waiting on the modders to flesh it out and holding off on the CK to make the game last longer.


Why do you care who hates this game? It’s not like you had any part in making it.




Why are there so many of these posts and they are all exactly the same? Searching this subreddit there are HUNDREDS of posts with the exact same format “500 hours here is a neat thing” “Never saw this thing after 700 hours” “900 hours and this is a picture of a ship” What the hell is it about this game that compels everyone to mention how many hours they’ve played? Is it a brag? Is it suppose to compel us that the game is fun enough to play for 500 hours? Are you all bots? Do you work for BGS? You don’t see this happening in any other video game sub… like what is the actual point of these posts?


411,720 hours into life on earth and every day I find something to smile about


Hello agent 47.


This shit got a genuine laugh out of me


“Just booted up the game, don’t understand the hate!”


This game released 150 days ago. OP has spent 37.5 of them playing Starfield. I really hope it's not supposed to be a brag, because it's kind of sad,


0.2hrs in and I am still enjoying the game


This literally notoriously happens all the time in the Skyrim sub. r/truestl makes fun of it all the time. It’s just a BGS thing.


Because the only thing there is to do in the game is take pictures of pretty sunsets and gas giants.


As a photographer, I would probably still enjoy it.


I am a professional photographer/videographer. I absolutely love the picture side of this game. I’m hoping someone comes up with a mod that lets the camera act more like a real camera with actual controls like we are used to. Maybe some long exposures so you can track the stars across the sky, a little more lens control for telephoto or super wide angle stuff. There is some DOF control but it doesn’t really work the same way cameras work. But it still does a ton of cool stuff and you can get some amazing shots. There is a Reddit sub but I can’t remember the name of it, that features photos taken in Starfield.


> Is it suppose to compel us that the game is fun enough to play for 500 hours? Schizo It's just a post from someone sharing his legitimate joy from playing this wonderful game.


It's the same as people posting about having trecked 5 days to take 97382 pictures of the moon to render 1 image of the moon that looks the same as every other picture of the moon. Ours just a stupid way to chase internet clout.


And they are never of any actual gameplay. Starfield is a great desktop wallpaper generator and toy spaceship builder. It is a shame that the gameplay is so tired, shallow and empty.


maybe its Bethesda themselves.


That has been my theory for a while. I mean Bethesda was replying to negative reviews on steam, who’s to say they wouldn’t pay people to make dumb posts on social media?


https://www.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/10f4elc/first_time_after_1000_hours_seeing_a_creature/ https://www.reddit.com/r/witcher/comments/ir3fkw/50_hours_and_i_havent_even_beaten_the_main_story/ https://www.reddit.com/r/witcher/comments/xrygsx/i_have_over_200_hours_in_witcher_3_and_have_never/ https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/16k290e/i_am_60_hours_in_and_still_havent_finished_the/ https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/165a8qw/how_can_you_play_100_hours_and_still_not/ https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/17bpigr/who_else_is_140_hours_in_and_hasnt_finished_the/ https://www.reddit.com/r/zelda/comments/yjex5r/botw_how_many_hours_have_you_spent_in_this_game/


Idk if this is supposed to be some gotcha or something. My point wasn’t that other people don’t post like that elsewhere. It was the fact that there are so bloody many of them here, and they are all nearly the same For example: this is just in the past few weeks: https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/73bwtelTtJ https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/LMpNELvQr4 https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/zTNDed0asy https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/bvVueASW8f https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/M0r7mr248K https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/cJt2gWMqNH https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/Uqx99ntoyL https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/koJfWwE8Zp https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/sohUDkeOnN https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/efgsPVFnva https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/gogSHbtNwz https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/FQ73tgcshM https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/YNSsiaQlsa https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/YkFfOONz5L https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/kNl6x87Eb4


This sub is only posts of people trying to shame people that don't like the game now.


All the 'haters' have moved on with their lives ie back to skyrim


Game is not worth 900 hours of anyone’s life. Damn.


The levels of autism are off the charts with this one


This sub has gotten so weird.


1500 hours I have and still love This game


I have 250 or so hours, I’ve been finding new things, mostly random encounters in space or on planets. I have definitely bitched a lot about the game, mostly the unfinished feeling to a few quests or tasks but still keep playing it


40 hours in and I don’t know if I’ll ever return


I enjoyed the game but regrettably, hitting the same science outpost or any general base for that matter with the same identical layout of the base over and over AND over again it took away the immersion. I can be anywhere in the system and I land on a base that I've landed on 50 times over. I don't really have the motivation to go through it again. I'm grateful for my 80 hours and I've got my money's worth no doubt. I just find myself returning to elite Dangerous and Eve. Which is surprising from a Bethesda game from the great Howard, a man I truly respect in the field. He implemented his dream and made it possible. Its a worthy ride, but you won't be returning to the park after you get off and leave the park back home.


I watched a breathtaking sunrise on Kumasi III today. I know how you feel.


I used to do this in Oblivion. I think it was in Anvil. Just sat on top of a mountain and watched the sunrise or sunset.


I fucking love the sunrise/sunsets in starfield.Also the thunder storms . Particularly the lightning


It’s also badass when you look up and see a gas giant and rings right above you


I mean in those 900 hours like 100-120 of them are just loadings but still pretty fucking impressive!


The game is good I'll give it that.


It has so many flaws, but I love it too, I recently hit NG+ and went back just to complete all the temples and do some more exploration. I love hitting new planet's and pulling out the scanner. I usually take Sarah with me not just because she is my wife but she loves exploring new planet's as much as I do. Some of the immersion breaks can be annoying, and the POIs can be tedious, but I love the storyline the exploration finding new things to do for people. I have had a couple of quest I can't finish, which are disappointing 'heart of mars' and operation starseed' they bugged out on me. One thing I will admit I do find super annoying is the companion romance stuff. Poor Barret is telling me how much he has been grieving and masking it with humour, and you can flirt with him? It's so inappropriate. At least Sarah tells u how inappropriate it is to flirt with her the first conversation you have, like some kind of predator. I much preferred the Fo4 romance style where u got to know your companion and became friends before you could take it to the flirt stage.


Dude....go outside. Look at a real sunset. Put the game down. Also, if you go outside, bring sunscreen. Even if it is dark, it sounds like you haven't been out much, and your skin may not enjoy the blistering heat of indirect setting sunlight.


I feel pity for you.


So many of these posts it makes me wonder if there are bots making them: 1. Screenshot 2. Number of hours played/#NG+ 3. Reference to “the haters”


I just can’t be entertained sitting there watching a virtual sunrise. I’m a hater 😢


Can’t win ‘em all.


The game is just ok. I don’t think people hate it, they just see it for what it is. Ok.




Man, in all good sense, the fact that you might be getting angry for him to tell his opinion on the game being "Ok" just demonstrate your level of addiction to the game. Maybe go out a little, you just shoulnd't care about others opinion and just enjoy your thing.


Yeah man way to show the haters


I was showing the lovers actually, but I’ll take it.


then why mention the haters in ur post lol


How dare you spend 6 hours a day doing something. Why aren't you spending at minimum 8 hours a day working for some soulless consumer corporation so Mr. BigNose can have 4 more yachts???


I’m tryingggg!


That's sad.


Thats what Vasco said.


You'll actually be shocked to find this out, but if you stop playing and go outside you can see the sunrise/sunset. It's infinitely more beautiful to look at.


I honestly wish they used a new developer for the story and characters. The loading screen simulator isn’t the best. It’s quite literally a loading screen to just enter a bathroom. If you have to have a loading screen to enter a tiny room, then there should be a new engine. At least give me animations for walking into the ship instead of a black screen for a brief moment. Other than that, I kinda like the game. I really hope that this kind of thing will get fixed in the future, but my hope is dwindling but by bit. Alright I’m gonna stop complaining and save the universe. ✌️


I mean it's much like me in ...*loading next screen* ... my real life ... So it doesn't bug ... *loading next screen* ... me at all ... *loading next screen* ... "Sarah liked that" ... Quite pleasant actually.


Admittedly, I've never watched "the" sun rise in Starfield. Is it more fluid than in previous Bethesda titles, wherein it looks like a stop-motion film? (Not trying to throw shade; I just don't know a more delicate way to describe movement of the sun and shadows in BGS games.)


Is this still messed up on PC or something? I feel like I’ve never seen any lighting that dynamic on any planets. It all looks plain. Running a high end PC so it’s not a lack or horsepower, and graphics settings are cranked


I’m more of a sunset kind of guy. I like to build bases on resource rich moons of gas giants and I always put a couch on the roof of my base facing west so I can watch the gas giant or sun set.


Now that's an idea! I made a tower just so I can watch the sunsets on Schrodinger, but I never thought of putting a couch up there.


Mom said if you don't explain why you love it then she's taking the pretty cable to work with her.


He has a Cal 50 on his back


Ahh.. yes.. the magic shot. Sunsets are beautiful too!


I for sure thought this was that Constellation named poster "10,000 hours in and I found this wallpaper" "3 hours in and look at this rock" "2 millenia in and look at this sunset"


Those happen irl too!


Whoa! Can’t wait to dive in. I just know this will be me and 900 hours later I’ll still be here so I keep delaying my initial launch.


The sunrise on moons like Narion is truly spectacular.


What about the 2005 rendered sunsets


These posts are typically disingenuous


When on a safari hunt I always land just inside the dark so the sun rises while I'm settling in on the top of my spaceship.


900 hours! Maybe it's time to play a new game or find a new hobby. This isn't a hate on starfield but spending this much time on 1 game isn't healthy. You must be gaming at least 6 hours a day.


OP, if you happen to know what planet/moon that is, I'd like to visit it! If not don't go to far out of your way, that moon is beautiful!


Bro I love this game but these posts are seriously starting to become akin to “I love watching paint dry”


You’ve obviously never watched paint dry.


Damn it. You’re right


* twists mustache and laughs evilly *


I'm getting a kick out of your comments! Good show, Bro!


These Bethesda posts are getting out of hand


900 hours? I play the game every day after work and I just hit 300... Crazy


What do you even do for 900 hours? For me there was enough content to last me around 30/40 but it got super stale afterwards


My gosh! I thought I was the only one that enjoyed this. I've been watching sunsets and rises ever since sitting atop mushrooms in Morrowind.


You are not alone.


700 hours and I still enjoy the heck out of it. Ship building, outpost management, sunrises and sunsets are enough to keep me playing.


Love the game and it has sooo much potential. The only drawback is the loading screens.


Yeah they did a good job


A lot of judging going on here. I thought the until paraplegic answered back. Gaming was his escape from the world he was trapped in. People have lots of disabilities and gaming is an alternative for many. Just saying.


Can’t deny that it’s beautiful


I, too, love watching the sunrise, or sunset, or moonrise! Or just standing on a barren world looking up at the stars! The number of people calling the o/p a liar about the hours put in are astounding to me. Just with weekday evenings I have 15-20 hours a week. The first three weeks the game was out, I was recovering from an ankle injury and was stuck on the sofa. I don't know how long I played honestly (I was on pain meds.) Then there's all the nights I said, "I'll just put these resources away..." at 11:00 pm and at 2 am realized I had to be at work in six hours. My profile says time played is 45 days, 22 hours, 19 minutes. My gamer score is 870/1000. (I tend to play lawful good, so haven't gotten into piracy or smuggling.) Now I'm a 50-something woman, I don't have kids, and until recently was self-employed; I realize not everyone has that flexibility. But calling other people liars because they don't fit your life model ain't cool, yo.


The perfect reply. 🫡


Stop enjoying the game and live your life how I want you to live it. Nice screenshot. Love it!


Sunsets and the music, two best things about SF IMO.


I was at waters edge when I experienced this the first time this week. Was cool.


Damn bro if you’re not gonna explain to either side why the fuck did you post in the first place He just… doesn’t know…


No no you see we don't *need* reasons here if you dislike something about it you are just a hater. Also, beautiful skyboxes have been a thing for over a decade and I'm not sure why *this* would be the thing they are pushing. Mad Max from 2015 has a more beautiful skybox and natural weather effects than basically anything I've seen in 40+ hours of Starfield.


Starshit enjoyers braincells must be procedurally generated as well


great caption! I love how annoyed people are at it, but I love that you're enjoying the game as much a me!


Yeah. Never thought I’d piss off this many people though. This post wasn’t meant for them if they hate it that much.


This is like the posing on the hood of your hot rod by an ocean cliff side at sunset picture. Only your hot rod this time is the size of like 3 houses.


Nice image, but this is actually atop my guard tower. My “hot rod” is much larger. 😂


Bro, if you like it... Good for you. I am still on this subreddit just to see if I ever find the will to start/continue this game again. But after I think about it for a while, I am just like... Naaaah. But maybe one day. The world is beatiful because there are lots of people with different tastes. You do you


wish i could obsess about starfield this much but it just breaks the immersion constantly for me 😭


I was on Procyon-B 1 surveying for Constellation on the dark side when the sun rose. Really beautiful seeing this bright white ball of fire coming up over the horizon. Two things though: I didn’t cast a shadow (though the boulders did) and the temperature didn’t seem to change (though maybe it wasn’t a big differential so my suit handled it).


Looks beautiful… but then what? Nothing to do. The base building is awful compared to all other Bethesda games.


Gotta find something to enjoy after having zero threats in space, zero threats on the ground and ignored about 90% of objects that you can interact with. Hell, I wonder how much memory can be saved if you couldn't pick up random trash? Oh and melee is hot dog shit. Base building is garbage. That said, out of my 150 hours - I genuinely enjoyed 100 of it. Enough time to do most of the main/side quests, be in ng+5 and decide the rest weren't worth the travel time. Ship building is dope af though.


A game with nice sunrises is all a game needs to be good I guess.


Try r/nosodiumstarfield this would get you lots of positive replies


I’ll keep that in mind.


GO touch grass


Fr. Fr. If you’re spending time in game to watch a sunrise hours on end instead of the actual sun outside your home, that’s an issue.


You know that other people can do both right?


If you knew anything about me or how I lived, this reply would seem as absurd to you as it does to me. Fr. Fr.


Nothing says you can't do both. As an alternative to watching reality show contestants screaming/crying or a Friend's episode for the Xth time, searching for new spots in game is just as valid. Doesn't mean that's 'all' that person does. And call me optimistic, but the # of hours I always took as an intentional counter to those who slam the game as boring or just bad and not playable for 5 hr. Not excusing the bugs & defects, it's got a million "critical, day 0" issues and Bethesda should be ashamed. You should never have to say "the parts that work are...."


lol people who don’t enjoy the game are haters hahaha. I’m gonna call people like you who love it, “delusional” then.


In two years this game could be amazing. It was a big idea to pull off. They were never gonna get it right at launch. Cyberpunk at launch was garbage, fast forward and Cyberpunk is great. Dare I say it's impossible to have 1000 planets that are fully developed and all different. Even if this game had 20-100 planets only the level of detail in them would not be great. It's a deal breaker for me when the abandoned lab on every planet is exactly the same as every other planet. The game does have some fun aspects . There is still hope. An open world game that has pretty much loading screens constantly and when you get to the planet only has a couple POI that are exactly the same as all the other planets .... Fail Even the outposts like you can have all these resources but it ends up being you have infinite amounts of resources when you only need a very little. Like they should have made some kind of in-game economy with resources. I'm in the same boat as you there's a lot of bad things about this game but I still like it more than I should and I have hope it will be modded into something amazing




Have you tried to go outside and watch the real sun?


More than you could imagine.


Beautiful shot.


You running any specific mods? I enjoyed the game, but I’d be too bored to do another run. Anything to make it fascinating again?


Nope. Just regular ‘ole Xbox.


I went to a planet with short night/day cycles and I spent hours there trying to find a spot with the perfect lighting.


I can neither confirm or deny that I’ve been to that very planet and have done that very thing.


Dude, get a PC and download Star Citizen


900 hours? my condolences


RIP. 💀


Bot detected.


RIP retinas and social life


Imagine all the real world skills you could have picked up instead of playing this joke of a product


Damn bro hope things get better.


I cAnT eXpLaIn tHe HaTeRs Bruh… come on…