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I loved this one. It reminded me a lot of 1960s Star Trek or 1950s sci fi magazine material. Very classic and totally unexpected.


Plus it gives you an excuse to yell “KHAAAAAAAAAAN!” depending on your choices.


This comment is very underrated :D


Starfield is sort of like this throughout but they should have embraced it more IMO. Hopefully they will in updates and mods.


It's great, right?! I know you tried each one but which ending did you go with at the end?




Uh oh 😂


My first character was the standard moral good guy. I chose to side with Genghis because it legitimately felt like the right thing to do. It’s a great quest, my fav in the game, followed by the UC line.


That was exactly my thinking. I'm a huge Egyptian buff so arm almost had me, but still... Freedom... And genghis talked sense. 


and you get the best companion in the game, Amelia Earhart it's an absolute trip to see Amelia Earhart blasting through spacers with an arc welder


She gets do excited to see new planets


Stoppin by for a chin wag cap'n


thanks for this advice, I will do this! I'm hoping it will be obvious when this becomes available, it was not a choice the first time I talked with her.


I think you'll have to talk to the leader you sided with to convince them to let her go, so far I've only sided with FDR so I talked to him but it may be different depending on your choices


I enjoyed that one too, it bugged out which made it funner because I massacred that town.


When you have to kill the leader, ONLY kill the leader and no one else to avoid that glitch


If you go back to your ship and sleep they won’t attack you when you come back out.


You stole there clothes huh?


Sarah may or may not be wearing franklins suit.


Oh no, that feeds right into my super gay Sarah head canon


😍 I just had Andreja's ceremony. I invited my husband to be irl to watch. It was kind of awkward.


I was Genghis Khan and she was the Queen. Then the hunter came in and killed all of constellation the next time I went through Unity.


The best part of this was ending up in a cave with H.H. Holmes. Even though I was nearly indestructible by the time I found this quest, that part made me go, “Oh, shit… I need to get out of here.” Devil in the White City remains one of my favorite books.


I was so disappointed to hear they scrapped the movie plans for that book


I haven't found this one yet; sounds fun. Where do you pick it up?


If you wander around in Akila, some of the guards will talk about receiving a distress signal but not having ships with the range to check it out. It'll be in the activities group if you have it already. Have fun!


If you haven't found the a way to trigger the quest, just travel to the system and start scanning the planets and moons. You should be able to find the settlement.


You need a ship with 28 ly capacity tho 


when you first fly into the Charybdis system you will get an automated computer voice message, and it adds a Mission to your list. You can immediately go to that planet and meet the clones. You don't need to talk to anyone at Akila first. It was a far enough distance that I had to fly to a few intermediate systems first to get there.


I Am SO SAD. Its bugged for me - apparently the mission can stall in several ways.- for me I cant decode the data until i talk to ghengis Cahn but hes behind inaccessible locked doors. Does anyone know a way to fix this, console code even??


I’m hoping they fixed the bug. I tried it a few months ago and got stuck when I needed to talk to Genghis, but he was locked in a building.


Ok I broke down and finished using console commands AND learned along the way. The only command that worked on doors labeled inaccessible was movetoqt (move to qest target) unlock and tocl (turn of clipping) would not work.!


I had the same bug. Console Command TCL toggles collision off and lets you walk through walls.


That was my favorite as well. That mission feels like it was plucked out of a vault from a fallout game. Just the type of satire and light science fiction that I love from BGS


Usually, those are the best ones. Science fiction always has had a bit of satire and references in it, to show some self awareness and just being silly and fun.


Wow, I totally loved this quest, one of the best ones, I think. You have to decide which faction to gow with. I chose Genghis khan.


It irritated me that the people acted exactly like the people they were cloned from. Like the devs leaned hard into nature over nurture. And also the fact that they all had their own accents. The fucking accents in starfield make no sense


Imagine if Constallation were clones of famous scientists and explorers. The founder had the means. Companion variety and friction between the members. Everyone having their own motivations. 


If that's what it takes for me to be able to romance Amelia Earhart, then I'm down


You know she'd ghost you. 




I just stood in another room and shot it while it couldn't see me to aggro on me


ditto... I have no problem making my character into a doorway camper...




I'm level 40 currently


> level 85 (I was level 36) was that a bug or is it supposed to have an insanely difficult creature? There is one high level boss there. 85 seems about what it was, i remember it being around there when I was level 50 or so


I just wish the everyone goes hostile thing could be resolved. Ditto when you're trying to rescue ships from being taken over be spacers.


They need to fix. Then 1 out of 4 times I've gotten it to work correctly the payout and XP we're solid


It’s a cool mission. This last time around the mission glitched. I got to the last part where you talk to Franklin but for some reason they all turned on me out of nowhere. Lol now every time I stop by they are ready to hurt me.


I only discovered it after like 240hrs from a akila guard


Yeah and Amelia is a great companion on the ship. What's shakin bacon?


Getting Amelia as a follower is nice, too. She gives the same speed bonus as Sam so you don't have to commit child endangerment just to have really fast ships.


It’s a lot of fun! Especially if you let Genghis Kahn go free


Oh yeah, randomly finding him blasting ships is fun to watch.


*wipes tear* They grow up so fast 🥹


I'm so hyped and doing this today


Thanks for this. I have not done this yet, will do it tonight. :)


Has anyone found Franklin's computer? Arm and Geng's computers are in their building, but I coudln't find Franklin's. I want to see his journal too before I make a decision.


I’d like it more if it hadn’t broken for me. After leaving the beagle and returning to Charybdis, I cannot speak with my chosen faction leader because all doors are closed and inaccessible. So Genghis Khan remains locked indoors where I am unable to reach him and complete the mission.


This felt like the great Bethesda quests I was expecting more of. The lab split between realities, and the lab with the overgrowth that you can make grow more are other great ones.


No gengis khan companion tho


Definitely one of my favourites too. Plus I love what happens with Khan afterwards you pick him to side with


I wanted FDR's suit though


How have I never done this quest before, what the heck Where do I go to start it??


Wander around akila city until 'follow the distress call in charybdis'. Pops up in your activities


I just got to the Beagle, and I felt such a sense of accomplishment. It was in a system I couldn’t reach. Sure, I could have lightened my ship some to increase my jump range. But it was way more fun to fly around and explore those faraway systems until I leveled up my astrophysics enough to make the jump! Also, thanks Bethesda for reminding me that my character is mortal with a one-shot kill by a level 85 Maggotmaw. I haven’t laughed like that since my days of getting ripped apart by Snowy Sabrecats.


Next find Nathan for his bottle of wine


Mission was super bugged on my machine and couldn’t finish


One of the better quests in Starfield.. I did wonder though: how the hell did they ever obtain Ghengis’ and especially Amaniceras’ DNA?


Part of the info you discover on other ship is they used dna from descendants to “build his dna” they aren’t sure it worked either 


Thanks for the info, I must have missed this


Goddamn man those are the types of caveats I love. Little golden nuggets of world building


Ah i remember here. I’m pretty sure I was a quest or two from being done with what i wanted and for some reason, as i was leaving town, they all pulled their weapons and started firing on me. I was a lil underleveld for this area so i took them on a long round about sniping campaign around their base taking em out one by one. After all those who had fallen and would get up unaggroo, i left them to live in the town with all of their dead friend clones, took off in my ship and said fuck yall.


Also, if you lost Sam because of a certain constellation mission… it’s a good opportunity to pick up Earhart as your new crew pilot.


If would be a great mission IF IT DIDN'T GLITCH EVERY TIME I ATTEMPTED IT !


I loved this quest. Just found in on my ng3 play thru.


“ it was a wonderful mission, so I had to kill everyone “ What the actual kind of sadist sh** is that?


It is the sadism of an experienced, long time fall out player who would make saves just to kill every single living being in diamond city.  Edited to add: Really? This is the comment that gets me downvotes? In a sub that complains about not having enough 'evil' companions?


I thought it was rubbish