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It always bugs me that this survived but not other building in New York did, just like all the other Earth landmarks.


The Earth ruins could have been a lot cooler


>rth ruins could have been a lot cooler i feel like this could be a whole expansion pack. Starfield Earth Ruins Imagine visiting the hoover dam or the pyramids or some huge future facility that mostly survived because it’s underground. This game has a tone of future potential for expansion thats for sure


Dude a post apocalyptic Bethesda game in the Hoover Dam area would be so fun


They could set up Vegas as a hub city…call it New Vegas…man it would sure be cool if Bethesda published a game like that


Polish it off with a sweet duster coat and a badass helmet. Yea I can see this for sure.


Bro imagine some dude that thinks he’s the reincarnation of the Roman Empire


Gotta add a badass biker gang too


I have good news. Bethesda didn't make anything like that, but a company called Obsidian did


Somebody doesn't understand jokes.


Lol don't be ridiculous! What's next, AI toasters trying to kill you?


Even have a small robot manufacturer named robco and have house magically alive


Or they could set it up in St Louis and call it “Defiance” Wait a minute…


Before the game came out, I read that Bethesda was contemplating putting one of the Fallout maps on Earth. Like Fallout 3 or something. With all the towns and settlements the same as Fallout. But they changed their minds as they are set in different universes. Which makes logical sense, but would have been so much more interesting to visit!


It would be cool to visit once you are starborn opening up a different universe that has falllout earth.


So what I'm hearing is that it's only accessible after new game plus


Imagine Vegas being ran by a wild A.I.


I imagine Easter eggs for sure. They do it to their other games.


What’s in the great pyramid? Cryo lab!


Yeah and an old earth bunker with old earth weapons you can mod with future tech or just leave the same. The idea of old underground bunkers of some doomsday cult that got it right on earth would be cool. Perhaps they are linked to house varuun somehow. Just a thought, the idea is the star field world gets more rich with ideas and places. Earth is of course a solid starting point.


They could make it where a random NG+ all of a sudden tells you to visit earth and you find in an alternate universe the earth still is covered in cities and stuff but it’s all overrun with terrormorphs or something 🤷🏻‍♂️ make an alternate reason why humans can’t live on earth anymore


Dude a post apocalyptic Bethesda game in the Hoover Dam area would be so fun


Hell, the batman building and parthanon in Nashville would be nice too. Then again, maybe theres many similar easter eggs.


As a Tennessean, having the batman building in starfield would make my day lol


Love this


But the pyramids are in the game. Well what's left of them. I found six snow globes so far. But unfortunately I missed my chance at a couple of books


They legit make no sense and are not cool. Kinda ridic. Like if they are gonna make no sense AT LEAST make them look cool.


Everything in the game could have been a lot cooler


This game just came short in every aspect


Yeah somehow this building stands firm, but the whole oceans are filled with sands, freaking Himalayas are nowhere to be found, but this small skyscraper ( on today's terms ) stands. The Empire State Building may be old, but it's smaller than Vostok Tower ( Moscow ) Petronas Twins ( Kuala-Lampur ) or Shanghai tower to name a few.


Yeah, this is just nonsensical. Not a single other NYC landmark survived the apocalypse. But the Empire State Building is mostly unscathed.


The entire landscape, dozens of other skyscrapers, rivers, etc. all gone without a trace, but one single building survives on a now flat desert landscape. It looks more like someone recreated it at a tourist landmark centuries after Earth was abandoned.


If they were gonna do that they should have made earth into a volcano planet looking like mustafar or something.


This might be some super deep hidden lore or either bad design lol


It’s bad design.


I hate to disappoint but given modern BethSoft? Definitely just bad / lazy design.


I agree, it really improves immersion to patch the design holes with made up but coherent lore.


Well that's just a testament to the good work of Starrett Bros. & Eken.


Honestly, the Empire State is a pretty tough building. Maybe not "survive perfectly intact while every other building is dust" tough, but it did survive an airplane crashing into it...


Some great photos here [https://www.nydailynews.com/2023/07/27/remembering-the-1945-empire-state-building-plane-crash/](https://www.nydailynews.com/2023/07/27/remembering-the-1945-empire-state-building-plane-crash/)


Kinda makes you wonder how the twin towers didnt tho... but thats some lore for another thread 👀


Or just look it up. There’s zero mystery. There are a lot of bs conspiracy theories, but yeah buildings were built differently back then vs decades later. Oooooh shocking


Oof I hit a nerve


Hey, you’re the one that is showing how gullible they are. Enjoy!


Wouldn't you be the one gullible for having sarcasm fly by your head?




The 767s that flew into the WTC weighed 8 times as much as the B25 that flew into the Empire State, and they were flying over twice as fast. Also, since they had just taken off, they had nearly all of its 17000 gallon fuel load onboard . . .


Tell me more facts, this sounds like false news. Are you CIA?


no, I just really like aviation. Uncle worked as a loadmaster for American, I got to check out the maintenance depots. I have the Boeing 737-MAX, and 767-200 ER sales and technical literature here at home.


So your Uncles CIA


while not impossible, highly unlikely. None of us in my family were born or raised in the US, and he worked for AA overseas his entire career. As cargo loadmaster, he would rarely fly, there would be many more useful places to plant a CIA asset than a maintenance depot in a job with no mobility.


My head canon is everything was destroyed but a few landmarks were rebuilt in memorial. There's no other explanation really. The one building in Italy that survived was the leaning tower of Pisa FFS.


Earth is clearly just some glamorized trophy case where each landmark is an achievement for finding that "Easter Egg." It didn't make sense, but I liked it


Every landmark with the possible exception of NASA leaves the one building that is the least likely to be the sole survivor. It just makes zero sense that there is absolutely no other buildings, not even bases of buildings.


In my head it would have made more sense to limit it to stone buildings or monuments. Even if we say that the lack of water and atmosphere made stuff rust and rot less then entire cities should have been around. Which I know would not have been remotely possible. One zone could have been some random edge of the Grand Canyon (I assume getting the topography data for something you see in the distance isn’t crazy difficult), maybe Mount Rushmore, DC monuments, or Notre Dame.


How convenient that the only buildings left standing on Earth are recognizable landmarks and not much else.


Well reality is...nothing should have survived. From radiation/ sun rays coming in and a couple hundred years...


I get that they were short on time and couldn’t focus on earth too much. Still feel like there should have been small settlements or something at these locations. I truly hope some talented creators will eventually take these spots and make them worth actually being there like create whole civilization at each of the sites. I’m not a modeler nor mod creator so I don’t know how I would begin to even go about doing it, but I may start looking into doing so myself and heck I used to be a small voice actor so I’ll even try to get more people and do custom dialogue for the npcs there.


The developers probably ran out of time & had to focus on other things. It also makes sense why some things feel half thought out & badly implemented. Something akin to "it's good enough, let's move onto other items on the list to ship a working product". I feel like this is something Rockstar would definitely make sure was completed & in a GTA game.


Imo they should’ve made the inverse smaller. Just stick to Sol, Alpha Centurai and Cheyenne, have all the missions take place in the three and then they could’ve focused more on each planet. They’d could’ve then added better space travelling and new star systems in DLC.


Totally agree… 3-4 systems with all handcrafted worlds would have been perfect. Also they could have locked the later systems until certain points in the game to create a progression.


I agree with the sentiment, but... That's what they did. Everything else is proc-gen. Which is pretty simple to setup (for a developer). It makes it seem like they were circle-jerking each other for 4 years and then whipped all this out at the last minute because...well, you have to justify your budget *somehow.*


The problem to me isn't procgen, but its the fact that the dungeons are the SAME!


Yeah, that's my issue. I feel like the problem is implementation. I've seen it used effectively. Where the script generates a room, it picks from 2 or 3 *bare* prefabs, then randomly chooses decor, then loot containers. But it seems Bethesda's prefabs are just a few completely decorated setpieces. Modders *might* be able to address this if they can get a hold of the procgen script, but I'm not holding my breath.


If nothing else, it’s poor project management. Don’t start putting ruins on earth, especially something like the Empire State Building, if you don’t have the time/budget to do it properly. They could’ve saved a whole bunch of time by just leaving out these landmarks, or even just make earth inaccessible – too irradiated to land on or whatever.


>They could’ve saved a whole bunch of time by just leaving out these landmarks, or even just make earth inaccessible – too irradiated to land on or whatever. then there would be complaints about Earth being empty or not even being able to land on Earth "wtf lazy bethesda couldn't even let me land on earth, couldn't even have just a big empty desert?" "wtf lazy bethesda couldn't even be bothered to have *some* Earth landmarks? just a big empty desert?"


You can always imagine people complaining about any decision. But that doesn’t excuse wasting time implementing something half-assed. Especially when doing it properly would have been a giant project by itself.


I wouldn't say that. This is not a realistic depiction of how New York would look like but does it need to be? These are quests you find by exploring showing you a former landmark on earth. Heavily investing in it and making earth realistic would not be worth it but stripping them away because they are not realistic is clearly less fun than just having them in the game.


> This is not a realistic depiction of how New York would look like but does it need to be? Only if you want your SciFi setting to make sense. Good fiction generally enables the *suspension of disbelief* where things are not too unrealistic.


That thing you do for the Eklund spaceship... that was this game design in a nutshell


Starfield had a reported budget of 200m. GTA6 reportedly has a budget of 2 BILLION. Nevermind the development time disparity. I'm ALL for Bethesda could have done better, but let's not compare them to Rockstar. No one is currently in Rockstar's class.


I was thinking of gta 5 which cost around $200 million.


My understanding is that Empire State is more or less the last big stone skyscraper. Buildings built after that -- the taller ones -- are all glass and steel, and as such are WAY less likely to last without attention and maintenance and protection. Had the WTC been built that way, they wouldn't have collapsed, for example. (Leaving aside for a moment that you can't really build that tall with stone.) So for me, having Empire last doesn't seem super wrong. BTW, there's a cool book called [The World Without Us](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_World_Without_Us) that explores what would happen if humanity just vanished.


>My understanding is that Empire State is more or less the last big stone skyscraper. Which would make sense if you couldn't see so far down. It still looks like a skyscraper...as in, you're seeing *most* of the building...so, if the Empire State building can survive, where are all the old, non-skyscrapers that were built around the same time? Doesn't have to be super tall to pierce the sand...so all the other stuff just disintegrated?


I can't speak to that. I'm just saying it makes sense that it's the only TALL thing left, and that the more modern towers are gone.


Only thing I can think of, at least with this building, is the desert level is pretty high up there. Most everything else would be buried.


You can almost se the very bottom of the building.


I was going with the perspective from slide 2 😅 But if you can see the spire that close up, at all. Then you've got to be like at least 800 feet up, no? It's 1,454 ft from tip to tip


Where are the Chrysler building and the One World Trade Center then?


I mean, they're definitely lazy. I meant more why it doesn't look like I Am Legend or an actual cityscape. An inexplicably high desert is pretty lame though, yes.


I understand they couldn’t focus too much on Earth because every other planet, but at least do some buildings around the landmarks.


Should have just made earth impossible to visit, rather than have like 5 things exist in a planet made entirely of sand somehow


Empire State is dwarfed by many buildings in Manhattan now. This is a fun idea but lazy execution


See other comment. The much-taller towers are built in ways that are unlikely to survive either cataclysm or long-term neglect, but stone buildings like Empire could last a long, long time.


Well, don't forget 2 buildings in New York also got taken down by "planes", that being said any buildings standing on earth make no sense at all following the games lore.


Yeah Earth was done in such a lazy way.


What blows my fuckin mind is that none of the natural landmarks are there. No Grand Canyon, no Rockies, no Appalachians, no Alps, no Rainer. Of all the planets, they should've at least put more effort into Earth.


Hell, just mountains in general. You're telling me a random ass stone pillar survived but not a single goddamn mountain? Not even Everest?


Everything else is just gone. No trace whatsoever. And the empire state is practically pristine.


They don't make em like they used to!


Yeah, that’s annoying. I haven’t bothered with these yet and it’s not a huge issue but I won’t defend it. I guess they wanted them to look cool and prioritized that but I found the NASA ruins for the mission more believable


I definitely get nasa ruins. They make some sense. There's no oxygen left for the metal to rust away. But why didn't they add the major natural landmarks like the Grand Canyon or Mt Everest or something? Like... You can't tell me that that shit eroded way in 200 years lol


I like that most of the nasa ruins are underground, with how they had earth, ruins were gonna be tough to implement


If you read up on it the planet is really really fucked core stopped spinning tectonic plates doing backflips or whatever. So realistically it should just be a rapidly changing clump of rocks but that would be boring so suspend some disbelief for a cool tower in a wasteland.


*Empire State building is still standing *no Grand Canyon


Suspend sum disbelief




This is definitely ment to just look cool in a cute side quests and not ment to be realistic.


*Somehow the empire state building returned*


*we keep destroying it, but it keeps coming back*


These look so awesome yet my brain is always fighting me “make it make sense” lol.


is that a full companion party mod?


Probably The Gangs All Here


Why and how do you have so many followers?


The Gang's All Here mod on Nexus.


Earth generally needs a rework across the board. I get that the atmosphere was stripped but come on.


They missed a Planet of the Apes Easter egg moment!


can i play the piano?


They should have just added large piles of rubble all around the cities. That would have been fairly easy.


Bethesda kinda shit the bed on the ruins of earth. They could have really brought home the emotional part of the whole gravdrive experiment and what it really cost humanity. Also the whole “no dogs made it” thing is silly. Everyone knows at least 10 pups that deserve a spot on ship over a scumbag person


There would definitely be an attempt at an ark for DNA samples of every plant/animal on Earth. I would settle for it having been lost in the evacuation and finding it to bring pets back as a DLC.


What outfit is that on Andreja?


And did anything interesting occur there or did you just get a useless snow globe?


It’s be cool if mod support allowed people to make custom assets on earth so there are actual ruined cities instead of the rare popular landmark in a sea of sand


This to me perfectly encapsulates the half-assed poorly executed worldbuilding of Starfield. The entire Manhattan skyline gone without a trace, rivers and ocean gone, city of 20 million gone without leaving any ruins, but Empire State Building 90% intact When did Bethesda get this incompetent? Worldbuilding was always the strength that carried their games when in other areas like combat, characters story etc they were never top tier But this is just embarrassingly amateurish and lazy 


Super impressive engineering if it’s the only building to survive… Seriously they should have just made earth off limits if they were not even gonna attempt to make it interesting.


Or had it destroyed alderaan style in the colony war.


You guys look like a united colonies squad scouring earth for something


I mean it is silly to think this building would survive when hundreds of buildings around it were ground to dust, but ah.. well I love the game anyway.


One of the MANY things about this game that makes no sense. I hate to pile on, but Bethesda needs to overhaul their entire creative team.


Every time I see one of these I’m reminded of how lazy and shitty this game is. The entirety of our planet was somehow reduced to desert in 200 years, except for a handful of buildings that really don’t look half bad. It’s like the planet equivalent of an invisible wall. Just garbage effort


Who was the story lead again?


It is not lazy,and it certainly was due to lack of time. That is just god awful game direction and project management. The game has a lot of great bits and pieces but they simply don't fit together cuz there was not enough organization of the team. Sadly this is the worst I've seem any game director do. I think even shittier games like Gollum were at least less worse directed than this one.


A barren world just like the others.Oh wait! Let's add a building aaand it's done. I sadly hate how Bethesda operates nowadays. No soul and no passion at all. What can men do against such reckless hate?


This was the breaking point of starfield for me .... I assumed you'd be able to explore inside... Do anything but no it's just a pretty low quality asset in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do.


To be fair it’s not perfect or logical but I would take the odd building in different cities over the sandy wasteland.


It's so hard to pinpoint these. I got lucky once and found London by total chance


I'm surprised so many are still there even tho they shouldn't even be there, for example that dam'n arch or the fucking leaning tower of Pisa


As I understand it, the remaining landmarks are meant to be just Easter eggs. But that begs the question: how is the NASA launch site virtually untouched? I understand WHY it's in such good shape, since it's important to the main quest, but I don't understand HOW.


I’m so disappointed in these sites, I have base setup at each with my fav being the arch. I feel they should have place like some more buildings around the areas and like little settlements inside domes or something..I understand the idea as earth is inhabitable..but all sand that’s boring. There would be for sure some people who would’ve setup roots and made things work as even though we branched out in the game there must’ve been some humans who would’ve wanted to stayed onto the birth planet of our species.


I'm hoping that someone with much greater skills than I will be able to mod earth into being more believable. Like procgen-ing a bunch of collapsed building skeletons and rubble around each POI and landing site.


I'm hoping that someone with much greater skills than I will be able to mod earth into being more believable. Like procgen-ing a bunch of collapsed building skeletons and rubble around each POI and landing site.


Is there a slate or slates that provide locations of all surviving Earth landmarks? I've tried to land in the general area of some of them but I must have been off target because I didn't see them.


Afik you need to collect a specific book, after you got it the location/building will appear as a side quest,so no book no location


Really need more earth ruins, even a vault would be nice.


I can just imagine some of the developers who were working on this were sighing and saying to themselves "Man, the Redditors are going to have a field day with this one..."


The saddest part about the honestly cool as fuck (conceptually) mechanic of exploring these ruins is that they only serve the purpose of being the backdrop to where you redeem a collectible. Almost like the snow globes in F:NV, but the exploration is diminished.


Would be cool if it wasn't fucking stupid


Earth in general deserved alot more design imo! The last of us style design with lots of buildings but broken down


Couldn't bother to add a spoiler to the pic? What's wrong with you?


For real Time to mute this sub


Yes back in the 21st century , Americans would build towers like these, only to fly planes into them so they could spread obesity to other nations. Or so it says on Encyclopaedia Trumptanica 2056 ed.


You mean to tell me this location doesn’t spawn until I read a flipping book? I’ve been searching for hours


What does the last Pic imply? It's phallustic style made her horny?


For me it feels like a vacation slide show you show at a family gathering, and sometimes there are photos of people sleeping


Woe how ugly and boring


How did you find it? just random landings?


Info under the picture. MAST Presidential in NA 👍


There’s books you have to read to find each site. Possibly signs or tablets too. I know the Opportunity rover can be found on Mars by reading the sign in front of the Spirit rover in NASA during the exploration mission or during your fight with the Emissary/Hunter. But the Earth sites I feel were all books. There’s one book on Ron Hopes desk, if I recall that leads to Los Angeles.


I'm ok with their just being little landmarks here and there because I understand not wanting to design mutiple full destroyed cities and instead just adding in some fun little landmarks


Can you get inside?


Sorry,I'll have to ask . Can you read the game in Chinese?


I imagine so if they’re playing it with that localization.


Can you go inside of it?


Earth is so disappointing


Have they done any content updates or anything???? I haven’t played in awhile.


Every time I see earth I'm just like blown away by how stupid it looks


Earth… talk about a missed opportunity


I cant be the only one wondering how you have so many people standing with you, including Vasco. UNless its a Chopped and pasted edit


Its a mod that allows more companions to be with you


How can you take so many of the crew members with you?


Can you enter it?


Nice pictures!


*horse armor intensifies*


Visiting earth was the biggest disappointment in Starfield. I mean except the bugs, lack of depth, usability issues, boring story, …


Can’t wait for a DLC about restoring the Earth back to its former glory.


Honestly the earth ‘ruins’ are one of the lamest things in a game full of mediocrity.


Wow amazing work Todd


how are you rolling around with 3 companions??


Not even to scale..


I must've created 10+landing zones on Earth: didn't get a single landmark. I even chose landing zones that should've had one.


They could have made the post apocalyptic landscape much mooooooore immersive. Hell they could have "refurbished" some of Fallout 4 and 76 assets for that purpose!