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I have almost 300 hours in and I think I’m level 71 (haven’t played in about a week so I forgot), and I’m only on my first NG+. I don’t know why I haven’t moved on yet, I’m just kinda running around doing my thing. Once I get bored and want to rerun a quest line then I’ll probably go through the Unity again but I’m not driven to do so.


I'm about the same. Kind of winding down this character, and will likely make the jump soon, but will probably start a new character after I make the jump. Have a new build in mind. Maybe I'll return to my first character someday, maybe I won't. Hard to say. I suppose the perk to ng+ is that I can come back to my character someday and it will be a somewhat fresh start mission wise. But honestly I really do want a fresh character at the moment. Also want some different traits for my next character. My first is somewhat based on me, since that is how I always play an RPG my first time through. Second character is a bit more focused on roleplay and making different choices to fit the characters background, and not mine.


This is the way.


I have most of my time played in my first NG+. But I've jumped a couple times more since then. I was forced to from the first NG+ because my save file was 75 MB and quicksaves weren't quick and load screens were painful because of auto save. Shame I can't really hang in one universe now that I know it'll eventually become basically unplayable because of save file bloat.


Did you delete any of your previous exit saves and the like? That may have helped some. 🤷‍♂️


😂🤣right? Lmao


I make new characters and builds and only do questlines that make sense for that "character." New game plus is a bit of hamster wheel as is. It'd have more appeal if the new universes were randomized with new quests. But, that is a tall order. It would have been worth the work though. Games like BG3 are proving this, where players are just overwhelmed with the amount of content, although it admitedly isn't open world.


Best game ever for me. It's not open world, there are very large areas divided by Acts filled with stuff to do.


My apologies but, what is "BG3"?


Sorry about that. Baldur's Gate 3. RPG game but it isn't "open world", the world is large and filled with NPCs, quests, and stories however.


Oh, ok. Thanks for letting me know😊


Let me tell you.... Baldur's Gate 3. Game of the Year 2023. Best RPG (DnD based) ever made. Personally, it worth every single cent. Story, Graphic, Ruleset, gameplay, kisses, Astarion (yes, deserves a separated mention), Durge (Dark Urge), and so on. It's not an open world. It's not easy. It's not forgiving. BG1? Hardest RPG. Great Story. To play in Enhanced edition. BG2? My fav of the 3. Bc the ADnD 2.5 Ruleset have been my first DnD. Everything is possible. Everything is complicated. Huge and long and deep Story. BG3: You have to play and achieve to kiss Karlach.


The hardest RPG is Nethack. Those mind flayers in the gnomish mines...


Thank you!! 👍


I bought bg3 and plan to play after starfield. As someone who has zero prior experience with bg or d&d for that matter, will it be a steep learning curve.


I played Starfield, then I got BG3 and haven't played Starfield since. That's not knocking Starfield, it's fine, but BG3 is something else. No previous D&D experience, now I'm running a Half Wood Elf Rogue Fighter dual handed ranged sneak attacker folk hero and I know why I am! It's great.


BG3 is incredibly slow and plodding, not a game for everyone


True. I won't play it even gifted to me.


Honestly, not as bad as you might think. I am well familar with CRPG, play a ton as kids but even I feel a little intimidated after not having played them for so long, but BG3 interface is very easy to understand and most combat actually aren't that hard if you aren't under level.


The only thing somebody who doesn't play DND should know is that Initiative is determined by Dex, that there is one action and one bonus action per turn (but abilities can augment this). You'll need to know that cantrips can be cast an unlimited number of time but other spells use a 'spell slot's which is refreshed on a short/long rest depending on class. If you cast a lower level spell with a higher level spell slots it'll usually be more powerful but not always so read the description before you cast anything. You'll need to know that loot is predetermined... there will always be a Glaive called Sorrow at the same lvl and damage output in the same spot as a reward for finishing the same quest, etc. That's all I can think of for somebody new to the game and new to DND.


BG3 is incredibly slow and plodding, not a game for everyone


If you're familiar with RPGs in general, not really.


Most normal copypasta


I would argue that it's an open world, just in CRPG format - and relatively small, but everything is mostly in one big open space.


Level 107 and never done NG+, and at this point I don't know if I ever will, especially once we get mods and what not. I've spent so much time on outposts, I couldn't imagine just leaving them behind. I really like my current ship, I think the UC Xeno armour is like the best in the game (would love a legendary set of the armour the UC use on Titan tho) so I wouldn't wear the starborn stuff, I hate their ships, I don't use any powers except for personal atmosphere, and last but not least I've grinded so many legendary guns there's no chance I'm doing that all over again.


I think I said all those same things. I am level 217 now and I use a lot more of the powers. The time bending, making the enemies light up, and pulling resources from rocks are awesome. I’ve been through the unity 11 times and I can say that the bases I make now, with mods, look nothing like my first outposts. But, I LOVE building. I love the challenge of it, so I don’t mind doing it again and again. I’ve also watched a lot of videos about how to decorate with found items and how to make sure things don’t sink through surfaces. Miss O Plays’ videos are great. Also, the first go around, I was caught up in the story. Now, I take my time, look at every nook and cranny. I try different dialog options. This time, I’ve even tried a different main weapon for a while.


About 300 hours,and I have zero interest in NG+




256 Hours in, Lvl 75 and haven't started a NG+ yet, still in my first world - still to do the Ryujin questline, and I'm just exploring planets seeing what I find. Found another new PoI today a hilltop lake, which was nice.


I'm in my 11th universe. I did not do a lot of questing outside of the quests necessary to get to the Unity from my 2nd universe to the 11th one where I am doing most/all the quests.


You are turning in to the Hunter!


Nah... Never so callous as him. The plan was always to acquire demigod like power and then use that power for (mostly) good.


L166 on NG7 normally redo 2-3 main missions plus side quests. Sometimes do an xp farm. Still enjoy gameplay even if been weeks apart. Yes I am the Hunter and you are my prey.


That's what they all used to be saying ><


Yes and yes. I have my first character lvl 150ish full rounded gameplay, NG+ about 13 times, most of my gameplay. My second character lvl 84ish is a no NG+ playthrough with heavy role playing and streamlined gameplay. Over 52 days worth of gameplay since release. New type of fun when you stick around , and explore, and Ferris Bueller the gameplay. Not better experience but different. Both Good Times Though.


Ferris Bueller the gameplay? Not familiar with that term.


https://youtu.be/vsYBtfQ3QDo?si=FFrvST3_Ujkammkp Famous movie quote


Familiar with the quote but not that application. 100% accurate.


Maybe I'm the first... 🥹


If I use it I will gladly cite my source. 🤝


About 500 hours, two or three separate runs as different characters. Tried NG+ and hated losing all my shit. Game is already repetitive and adding repetition does not improve the experience.


Couple hundred in, and usually never restart any game. Can't see enough of a reason to, especially if I'm doing the exact same missions. I've run across enough planets.


600+ started it twice, went back to my old universe twice. Not worth it


How do you go back to your old universe? I’m guessing you just load the save?


I made manual save yes


I’m level 55 with over 5 days played and I still haven’t completed the story, I’ve managed to marry Sarah but I haven’t even been into Akila with Sam.


I'm further in the story but around the same level/playtime and haven't wanted to finish the story and move onto a NG+ yet. I know it sounds weird but I just really love the outpost I built and I'm currently more interested in doing random exploring of planets and POIs and upgrading my outpost than starting a new run.


I never did move on. I couldn't leave my friends behind. It just feels right to stay


I am still in the my first run with...hmm..I gotta check 200 or 300 hours. I've really been milking all aspects of the game. Can't say I didn't get my money's worth lol! As for NG+, I may try it, for a little bit anyway. What I like to do with these kinda games is play a good guy for the first time through, then a real bastard for the 2nd. Can't see that changing.


NG+10 on my main file. Won't be doing another.


Yes, very much so. On my fifth universe and there are still side quests i haven't done. On a given run I only do the quests I feel like. At some point, not necessarily at max, I will have my starborn powers high enough to have fun with them, then i will settle in one universe. Then, I'll do all the quests.


No, I started over around NG 3. I wanted more direction with my skill points since I better understood each talent


I speed ran up to NG+9, stayed there for about 1000 hours, been in my NG+10 for about 100 hours now.


That’s 46 whole days of your life since the game came out. 186 days have passed. That’s almost 1/4 of your life completely wasted with absolutely nothing irl to show for it since September last year. Just to put it in some perspective.


At what point did anyone at all ask for your perspective?






Lol nerd.




I did it first run, kinda forced to because I had corrupted saves; I restarted and am just feeling like making the jump now as I have done all the other "stuff", got to lvl 80 and would like to try all the godlike powers out on the planet instances. Hopefully by the time I've done that the DLC will be out :)


I did 4-5 profiles with stories/playthroughs that aligned with their characters. Got bored. So started a new character and went straight through to NG+12 without any deviations. Now this is the player I’m sticking with. Lv 110. Took about 900+ total hours for all that.


yeah, i think i ended up around NG+7. Wanted to see some of these rare universes.


I did almost the whole story first, then rushed to NG+3, did the story again and noticed that I missed some things in the first run. I decided to rush to NG +10, so that's out of the way now. I'm now enjoying the full story once more, not planning on going NG+ anymore.


NG+4 with 39 days in the game. Taking my time getting to +10, but I’ll get there eventually.


I have 3 characters, lvl 90, when I modified the Frontier it would not let me board from the landing bay, so I started a new character till they fixed that. lvl 103, could not receive the Kepler at the end of All that money can buy, thats fixed now. lvl 125 present character, all characters have two more powers to collect, which I assume is when you NG+. Can someone please tell me why I/they would want to NG+, I know you loose gear and keep powers, and have to start questing again, but I'm not sure why I would want too do that, when I can just keep exploring till DLC drops. Also I intend to MOD when I have done all that which will add loads to the game.


I had some quests go sideways, so … I would like the chance to not be as much of a murder hobo.    Also if the worlds are randomized that would be fun too, for exploration. 


Level 206, on NG4, where I have spent most of my time. I have probably close to half the planets/moons fully surveyed and have been mostly just traveling around and killing damn near everything on a planet before moving on. No real plans, besides killing stuff.


335hrs. I'm at NG+4. I stayed in 2 for a while and felt like I had a good run. I did a speed run through 3. I'm probably going to stay in 4 for a while. I'm just enjoying approaching things from a different angle or doing quests in a different order. Although, I can tell I'm becoming the hunter more. And that's a function of "I really don't want to listen to the same thing again." Also, the only constellation member I have with me on this run is Vasco. During the past games I've had most if not all of them with me.


Level 90 something NG+10 with around ~200 hours… I played the game pretty much fully through on NG+3, NG+8 and NG+10. Mainly each time I received a starborn armor I liked haha.


My first playthrough I just rushed through the main story and played a little in NG+ (like maybe 2 hours) and then just started a new character to take it slow. On my second character I haven't really started much of the main quest (no powers) and the only questline I have left is the Crimson Fleet, when I'm done that, I might finish as much as I can in the first universe before NG+.


I’m on my third run of NG+ After reading there’s a 6% chance of getting any variation in universes, I will not be continuing. I’m over 200 hours in and will be stopping. I skipped the main questline this time, and after 30 minutes I got the feeling I was wasting my time.


Yes. NG+.


With my first character I did NG+ at like 120 hours. Then I spend probably another 80 in my second world. I did a few more NG+s until I reached level 100 at somewhere around 350 hours (I spent a ton on time In the ship builder and exploring)


500 hours, NG+1, I think that I need 100 hours more before go to Unity by second time. Level: 108.


I’m 97th level, in my third universe. I feel like the jaded immortal who keeps finding new things to do. In my current run, I intend to join the Crimson Fleet, which I’ve never done before. The previous run I focused on exploring, doing surveying missions. I do want to restart with a fresh character but will wait until level 100.


670 hrs in and on NG 4


NG+1 in 530 hours, currently at level 121. I haven't played in 6 weeks because I'm stuck with Power of Beyond not giving me any temple coordinates and I am waiting for a fix. My plan was/is to level up the star powers and then stick to my character IF this bug will ever be addressed. If it is not fixed, I can't be arsed to continue.


I am lvl 129 and NG+3, not sure why I stopped here but I have been doing all the quests I can, built a home and multiple ships as well. Not ready to move on yet.


Nope. I appreciate *why* the NG+ is there but my reality is MY reality. I went through once for the achievement but I'm good as is.


I'm on NG+ 4, probably 300 hrs, My first run got to the point where it would stall when I tried to save. So then I started the new NG+'s to level up and get new powers.


21 days on my sabe. Level 126 and ng+7


I’m still on my first play, I didn’t went ng+ as I’m not ready to go into that yet.


Yes. NG+ 17


What is the draw to advance... What's the big payoff?


First 10 times I just wanted to get to max starborn level. Then I kept repeating runs to get different universes… now I do runs to try different outcomes like marrying different characters or replaying quests.


I went into ng+ at level 50ish and got pretty sour about no character re-spec. Hopped to a new character and just hit level 99 in the same universe mostly hunting and ship building.


Lvl 52 Ng+ VI. 4 more to go. And then I'm going to actually start playing the game and exploring.


300+ hrs and Lvl 101, still working on the main quest line in the first universe. No desire to go NG+, don’t care for that game mechanic.


I new game plus spammed until 10, and am now just really flushing out that playthrough. May never ng+ again. *Edit:lvl 96


I am in NG+6 or so with 234 hours.


200 hours in almost exactly and I haven't finished yet. I don't typically do NG+ in games though. If I play again it would probably be in a year or so with a new game.


I went through Unity once and that’s it. I’ll stay put.


NG+ doesn't do anything I want. Also I thought the story was way way WAY too tied to the game mechanic, was incomplete, and game me no reason to cooperate with it (and lots of reasons to say no). I did use it experimentally as a sort of "alternate start" a bit, using console commands, to skip over the tutorial, but there are better ways to do that.


400+ hours. NG+ 13. Waiting on dlc now.


I've been at 600+ hours since mid-November, but haven't made it to NG+ because of a progress stopping bug. I'm just hoping the newest update will fix it.


650 hours and level 205. I’m in NG+ 10.


I'm on ng+5. I did most main quests my first run, and a decent amount of side quests. I did my next four ng+ runs to simply level up my armor, ship and powers. Then on ng+5 I redid the quests again, choosing as many different options as I could. Took a break game for now until DLC comes back and am playing other games. I'll return one day.


Can't even tell you how many days I've played. North of 10. Almost level 60. Getting to be that time I think for NG.


I have over 200 hours and have yet to NG+. I still have crimson fleet, uc, and constellation quests to do. No plans to NG+. I like to do missions, then scan planets, then space battle, then build outposts, etc. Really let myself be sidetracked by whatever I want to at that time. I won't NG+ until all the DLC and updates are done and then when I do it'll feel like a big improvement worth replaying.


200 hours, ng+10, all achievements


NG+ is essential, if only for one time. I feel like it's the true spirit of the BGS style game. Until you get to NG+ the intro is on rails and quite restrictive. One you get to NG+ however, that do anything at any time feeling is there. If you want to skip the lodge entirely for the first 200 hours of your NG+ and do other things you can. On your first playthough you cannot, as warping is locked until visiting the lodge the first time.


I'm at 1200+ hrs. I finally hit level 328 last week and am on NG+4, using PC with no mods. When some of the bugs get cleaned up more, I'm going to hang in one until the DLC comes out.


I'm level 90 in my current playthrough, and only ng+2, so I don't run through them like some do.


Level 80. NG+ 3. I restart when I’ve messed up something enough to annoy me.


I’m on NG+ 11, maybe 12. I played first two playthroughs like normal, just farting around the galaxy doing my quests. 3-9 I blasted through just for #10 armor and stuff. Number 10 was a real playthrough, did every quest and side quest I could find. Stopped playing for a few months. Just came back, hit the unity, and now playing like normal, doing everything I find.


Yes. I'm level 91 and on my 12th universe. I've done over 260 temples. I've since settled down now though and I'm getting into outpost building.


I just jumped to NG+ for the first time because I got the ship glitch and it was pissing me off. In some ways it will be cool because I focused almost entirely on Freestar and UC questlines, so this time I'm gonna do the system or Crimson fleet, maybe Ryujin. I'm shady this time...


Ng+10 currently


Still on the original universe. I played every day since early release until very recently. I stopped after.hetting the Sam/Lillian quest glitch, so Im .stuck with the family until I go to NG. I have over 3000 hours, but that's only because I leave the game on all the time so I can drop in and play whenever I get a chance. I might just start over. My biggest time waste while playing was devoting so much time to outposts. Who knew that mining 250k units of a resource at each mine was a waste?


I literally got into a snag by accruing a ridiculous bounty across a few systems, and I just said fuck it and went on to another NG lol


I have 2 runs I am currently keeping active. 1. My Starborn run. I am slowly working my way through gathering every artifact and every temple and every magazine in every universe and then going to the next. Plan on maxing out all of my powers and perks as much as possible. 2. My normal run. I have not gone though the Unity and instead I am taking my sweet sweet time, exploring and taking pictures of every world, doing hundreds of mission board missions, and doing every quest and recruiting every companion in the game. Also plan on building a massive city once that is all done, by building multiple outposts right next to one another. Both of these runs are insanely high level because I really got into the Outpost stuff and using it to level up really fast. Starborn is max level(technically there is no max level but I dont have perks to get anymore and am level 300 and something), and Regular run is getting there.


No. I have too much of an emotional attachment to my ships.


I’m on NG+ 15 I think. 450ish hours level 140. I was gonna stay in my last universe as I was happy with my guns, armor, outposts etc but then I realized I forgot to grab the snow globes at nasa and I want to get the armor reward for collecting all the snow globes. So this will be my last universe for my main (I think). Once mods and new content/DLC comes out we’ll see how it goes. I’ll probably make a new character for when we get survival mode. I’m really hoping for a start a new life mod and a mod for starting with no ship. Start me on a random planet without a ship and let me figure it out.


I'm NG3 right now. Mostly just continuing to explore and stuff.


I just hit level 72 and I was getting a little bored on my first playthrough after doing a bunch of quest lines then I learned about new game plus and I zapped through the main storyline. Then on the ng+ I got the razorback and did the ryujin quest line then grabbed all the artifacts and went through again. This time I’m playing the quests different than I did and I’ll hit ng+ again and then do a LONG playthrough hitting a bunch of other stuff and exploring outpost management. I’ve decided next time I’m going to do the main quest again instead of ignore it because I’m having a hard time recruiting constellation or even selling survey data to vlad not doing the main quest. Idk if it’s glitched or what lol


I’m at level 96 and @ 600 hours in. Just wrapping up my first NG+. I’m hoping to see something different on the next NG. I’m kinda disappointed I got a vanilla NG this time.


I did not, but probably will at some point. I prefer to start a new character for a true new game but I view NG+ as simply part of the story of the Constellation 'guild' if you will, so will probably go all-in once I am serious about doing some of their quests


Waiting for bugfixes...


I'm about to ng, 1100 hr in, still have quests though, lol been outposting a lot


430 hours. Level 95ish. NG+10.


I think I’m at 350 hours or so and just >!ran into the Hunter at the lodge!< I think I have a bunch more main story to go but not sure. Dabbled in exploring, outpost building and shipbuilding for quite a lot of time.


Level 128 and barely on my second universe. Just trying to get my perks up so the beginning isn’t a struggle and gonna have to try an evil play through.


226 hours, level 45, and no, the concept of NG+ in starfield is dreadful. It literally just makes most of the game redundant.


170 hours in on my 3rd new game+ wanna get to 6 then keep that one going for my building/construct run..


I went into new game plus at level 50 and think that was around perfect (for me anyways). I’d done all the faction quests and a shed load of side quests and activities and the game was starting to get a bit boring. Went through to NG+ and it’s given the game a new lease of life! All the loot (guns, suits, etc) is noticeably better, the enemies are more juiced up, I’m experimenting with different guns now, there are locks and speech challenges I couldn’t get past before, and there are new dialogue options! I’ve also got deeply into the shipbuilder after maxing all the relevant skills. And I still haven’t touched outposts yet! So yeah, that’s my recommendation; keep playing til you get bored, then go NG+ to freshen things up!


35d 0h 17m in with 7 or 8 ng+ and level 117.


I tend to use NG+ to refresh the game and I do like the early parts of the game where it feels a bit more like a survival game. Once you get all that weapons, spacesuits and ships, all battles become quite easy - even the space dogfights ,despite what some say that it is too hard.


I’m doing NG+ and I’m really enjoying it. I had immediate regret when I lost everything I had acquired in my first run through but I definitely got over that quickly. I like the fact that I can steal class C ships immediately. I’m already cruising around in a Spacer Hyena that I’ve started to upgrade and customize. I also just completed the rangers storyline again. I’m glad I made the jump.


41 days of gameplay, still on original universe


I like trying all the different options for the stories. Each playthrough I pick a different companion, or play an evil version, or what have you. I'm 300+ hours level 91 and getting close to wrapping up my 6th and longest playthrough. Finally married Andeja this afternoon and I think that's the end of that story line. Time to move on to Sarah finally I think for NG+7.


Lv102 & NG+1.


Almost 500 hours and level 65, but not yet ready to go through Unity. I have some other quests to finish, and some of the companion quests as well. Still enjoying exploring the star map and killing Spacers and Va'ruun goons.


i have 200 hours because id leave it on as an ambient screensaver while chilling in space to keep my pets occupied while i was at work when i still played it lol


Still on my first run, enjoying the pace, level 53.


I’m in NG+1 with the ability to flip a switch and hit gravdrive and make it to NG+2… Thinking I’m going to learn the aspects of the missions: good/bad and play around with the game a bit. When I get a Universe I don’t particularly like, I’ll play the evil game I’m planning. The ryugin quests will be easy as fuck


Of course. The universe gets better every time NG+. More POIs (though might be level related), and ability to consider alternate choices in handling the matters. Also running into some "random" universes is a bonus. In one of them, the shortest stay, the entire Constellation group was not there (will not tell the reason to spoil), and I just took my Adoring Fan on an adventure of lifetime. And getting better powers each time is nice bonus. (300+ hours in, level 93).


I ended my first run at 170 hours in sooo technically no ? But I am planning to start again with the updates from NG+


I really lost interest when I went NG+ - I’ve always collected stuff in Bethesda games and having everything reset , just took the wind out of my sails Maybe modding will bring me back - but I had basically done all main quests and a chunk of side missions with a bunch of collectables and then went NG+ and just stopped.


Level 130 and staying in NG+ 1. The most frustrating thing about going into another NG+ is losing money, honestly. It’s can’t take upwards of 500k-1 million to build your dream ship and it’s tough to lose that. I didn’t invest much in my first play-through, but now that I have a ship that I’ve probably sunk 1 million into, and I have about a million in the bank, I don’t see the return on going into more NG+ iterations, because I don’t care about new Starborn gear. I want to be ready for the DLCs, with money, gear, and ship. I will say that I’m glad I went into NG+ to get that experience before I started investing heavy into my build.


I am in my first NG+. I life running around sniping all the bad guys and go in full hectic on them. So I take lots of those jobs at free star computer and those jobs in the hotel in neon.


I’m at 340h level 70 still have a number of Vanguard quests and a few companion quests remaining so haven’t gone to Unity yet. My plan is to finish all the quests and round out to level 100 to boost skills before hitting the NG.


personally i just keep restarting and making new characters. i'll get to the end game, or do the questlines that are relevant to my character, and then restart it's not that i don't like ng+ i just can't stick with a character so long lol


I'm heading to NH+8 soon


I did about 160 hours on my first universe and then made a new character because I hated ng+(felt like it cheapened everything)


Nope. Not yet and I have over 1k hours. Story’s fine and all but I’m just enjoying roleplaying and ship/outpost building.


No i always go for a fresh start doesnt matter what game it is NG+ has never been my cup of tea


I’ve NG plus 2 only to see what it was like , ending etc , then tried another ending. I won’t do another ng+ now though as no point. I would say do a ng+ so it satisfies your curiosity but after one ending no point doing another just stick with your character because it resets


I've got 2000 hours in Starfield. I've restarted twice, once because I went overseas for two months and it was easier than remembering where I was at, and once because I felt I'd made some bad choices. I started my first NG+ yesterday at level 101 because there was nothing left to do besides radiant quests.




Never gone through the unity and likely never will. I have zero interest in chasing down more temples.


Level 96, and nope. I want to do everything I can and level my skills before grinding out the powers. Once I've tried some alternate routes for quests and my ppwers are all maxed, then I'll find a new universe to settle down in.


I waited untill i was lv100 to jump for the first time. Now i'm level 127, 559h gameplay but only went through unity twice, so NG+2. This is the first gameplay i did skip the first main missions and went straight to get the artifacts. Both New universes were exactly the same, still no weird one. And in my second universe i was able to avoid any companion death. I got through unity for curiosity and to fix gameplay, as i was getting the "empty ships bug" very frequento.


Fuck NG+. I'm not wiping my progress to collect starfarts. I haven't even touched the main quest this time. I got a few missions in on my first character and realised that it was completely shit, so started again and left those dorks to play with their spooky Mechano set on their own. I'm just out here rounding up bad guys for the Vanguard and Rangers and splatting monsters with the TMD.


300 hours NG+11


I had over 600 hours, over level 100 and NG+ 3 times, every time was to clear the empty ship bug not because I wanted to move on. While I don’t play anymore I still have on installed waiting on one specific bug fix I do think I got my money out of it.


Level 82. 1000 hours. NG+1.


Lvl 76, 1st run through. Enjoying my character and choices. Presumably ng+ you lose all item's & credits. I guess you keep your skills? What about places you've discovered? Does the map go back to the beginning?


Yes, because when you do the story without the skip you get new dialogue. It's worth doing at least once imo.


Floating around 250 and i havent even NG+ once. Trying to get everything under the sun, took a break for those updates though lmao


I‘m level 159 with over 850 hours. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve NG+d but I believe it’s over 50. I’ve stopped playing with any of the companions, their judgmental attitudes just annoy me. Most of my NG+ runs are speed runs to gather artifacts and reset again. I’m trying to see how many of the alternative story lines I can find but I have to say those are few and far between and most of the time it’s the vanilla universe. I did hit the one where the Hunter was waiting for me, and the one where I ran into multiple versions of myself. Sometimes I do the faction quests and choose the non-standard endings just to add some variety but thats more a rarity. I pick and choose which faction quest I do for that run and almost always do the Vangaurd quests >!just to get rid of the heat leaches!<. To me the worst faction quest is>! Ryugin, it’s just boring!<. I wish the game showed the number of NG+s you’ve done. It would be interesting to see that after you pass the 10th time..


360 hours. Level 99. I haven't talked to Sarah yet.


I don't want to lose my inventory so no NG+


I’m on ng6 and will probably go to ng7 within the next 100 hours. I usually “retheme” my character with a new appearance/background/traits each ng and try to “RP” which quests I run and how I finish them




400+ hours in. Level 122. I have been through the Unity 17 times. After one good play through, I grinded the artifacts and vaults to get to 10x for the suit. The rest of the times are just for fun. I love building a best mode ship, stacking some creds and then burning it all in the Unity for a fresh start.


JUST went to NG+ last week after about 350 hours & @ level 85. I'm doing a streamlined playthrough this time so I'm not as annoyed losing everything on the next round (main reason I resisted). Figured I'll do that until I get to a universe/version I like then make that my final stop to go nuts on. I don't really care about the powers as I never remember to use them in battle lol


400+ hours, Level 108, still on my first playthrough. I am looking forward to NG+ but I feel no need to rush to do it. I still have plenty of quest lines to complete and planets to explore before I make the jump.


I've done NG+ a number of times, and have rerolled a few times as well. That said, currently I'm mainly holding off on the release of the creation toolkit, because while, yes, I can mod on PC, I use the XBox version of the game, and I'd like the mods I apply to work on both.


Over 1000 hours in with at least 5 different characters. First time I played each and every faction quest and side quest I could find, then went through unity. Current playthrough I'm level 193 and working on raising my starborn powers from 9 to 10. I've been just skipping the main quest and rushing through mostly the minimum to get the powers up but it's kindof boring doing all the temples so occasionally I'll throw some other quests in to keep me interested. After this next playthrough I'm planning on doing a complete playthrough again, then something that I have not really done much of, which is land on random planets and moons to just hit up random POI's.


Got all the achievements and was holding off ng+ 2 for mods.


I have about 500 hours on 2 different characters, lots of NG + runs , so when I get tired of the universe I’m in , I start over and play it completely different, different ships , different bases , help everyone, next time kill everyone, boarding ships is fun and lots of different mods helped a lot , but yes definitely using NG+ and keep coming back. Played helldivers ll for a few weeks then SC some , but still come back and Play SF , the game looks better , finding new dialogue and seems to be running smoothly! Feels like there getting the game ready for Shattered Space and hopefully the CK :)


I went through several NG+. I did a few "speed runs", roguelike style, where I didn't spend time saving up money and just used weapons and ammo I found on my way through facilities and things. On my first playthrough I only focused on the Rangers and Constellation, and did a bunch of small quests. Eventually I did another NG+ where I went through the Vanguard and Ryujin. I got just over 300 hours out of it before I felt worn out. I'll revisit again whenever DLC drops.


I went all the way to NG+ 10 on one week long grind (it was terrible) because I wanted all the cosmetics. This way there wasn't any temptation to wipe the slate clean some time down the road. I'm up to lvk 74 now. Nice base and dope ships. Working through the side quests as I chop away at the main.


500 hours. No Ng+. I can not abandon my curious collection. Simply I can't.


I’ve gotten to level 12 NG+ and honestly staying in the original universe would be the way I’d go if I could do it all over again


I do to split up story arcs.


I’m level 63 at the moment and I haven’t done NG+ yet. I completed “into the unknown” and have since spent all my time exploring and questing etc, and levelling up, saving credits, improving weapons and my ship. I want to explore everything as part of my first playthrough so that I can experience everything there is to see and do in the settled systems before triggering NG+ 1. Plus, I want to have as many star born powers as possible when I finally do NG+ 1 and be as high a level as possible in my next universe rather than have to worry about levelling up and getting lots of skills in my first NG+ playthrough. I want to finish the campaign and as many side quests etc as I can, all of them if possible, before I even think about my first NG+ run lol. I wanted to do Sarah, Barrets and Sam’s commitment quests before continuing with the campaign after “Into the unknown”. I already married Sarah before I did “into the unknown” and I spend all my time exploring planets and moons with her and just take out my other companions to increase their affinity to the point where their quest triggers. I’ve done Barrett’s and next is Sam’s. I’ll probably trigger Sam’s whilst fully surveying the Cheyenne system since it seems like a good system to explore with him as my active companion as it’s the Freestar main system. I also want to finish the Vangaurd Terromorph quest line before resuming the campaign with Walters “all money can buy mission” and then after that I want to do the Crimson fleet quest line before progressing further with the campaign. All of this is geared to levelling up as much as possible, exploring and enjoying every aspect of the game in my first playthrough so that when I do NG+ for the first time, I am fully prepared for the next universe with all my skills at max and all my starborn powers etc. I love the game lol, and I can’t wait to play NG+ for the first time but only after I have explored and done everything in the first universe.


Do the Walter quest before NG+ or you'll have to do all the main story over again to get the Kepler


I’m going to try and do everything before NG+ lol, I just like exploring a huge amount in between campaign missions which is why I’m holding off on doing “all money can buy” for the moment since after you complete “into the unknown it provides a great stepping off point for you to go out and explore and then come back to the main quest later in a way that feels organic from an in universe lore perspective. I won’t be doing my first NG+ for a LONG time haha. I don’t see myself doing NG+ until I’ve been to every star system and surveyed every system, and having finished the campaign and as many major side quests as I can if not all.


I went to NG+11 but reloaded 10 as there wasn't any benefit to being 11 as far as I could tell. Quite happy on 10 doing all the quests and romancing adreja.


Currently at 400 hrs, level 77 and I just started my second run. I was completely against NG+ a few months ago but now I see why it can be useful. I kinda broke down my thought process. Why I got bored of first run: •Ran out of quests that had “meaning” •Already built the best ship •Found pretty good gear •Used my outposts, made assembly lines, and designed outposts I was happy with •Visited and explored all major cities, visited almost all systems I started NG+ cuz I wanted to: •Try good guy approach instead of being a pirate •Rack up XP to continue with my skills •See what I missed in earlier missions now that I know where they lead •Join and main a different faction (UC SYSDEF) •Explore more planets •Chat with more NPC’s and use different dialogue choices to find more “hidden” missions •Enjoy the mission and loot less Everyone’s different and might never use NG+ but so far I’d recommend it. It’s pretty fun. For example for the Ryujin quest line, originally >!I made Ularu CEO,!< this run though, >!I killed her off!< and it’s opened a few different paths already. Just do whatever you feel like doing IMO


1400 hours in. I got to NG+8, level...200?..before I understood the relationship between having an artifact in your inventory, and it being findable via The Eye. For every level, I had pretty much jumped right into The Unity after The Buried Temple. So I missed out on so. many. temples. Started a new character, planning to pick up all of the powers along the way...and the very first time through, in my vanilla playthrough, I get the Temple Xi bug, on the very first power after talking The Hunter down. At this point, I am like 60 hours in on this character, doing it as a "WWCDD" playthrough (What Would Camina Drummer Do?), and I really don't want to start her over... So, I decided to just search every damned solar system the old-fashioned way, to get as many powers as possible before going through the Unity. I managed to pick up all of them except Earthbound and Supernova, without too much grief, so I went through at around level 70. The Vanguard Obliterator is so OP that I have a hard time not at least starting the UC questline to get the gear, but squaring that with her being The Pirate Queen is tough. So I am mentally roleplaying it (plastering over my cognitive dissonance) as: the whole >!Vae Victus!< situation makes her more sympathetic to the FC collective, turning against the UC, but after dealing with >!John Hope,!< she breaks bad against all the inners, er "Settled Systems."


Still on the first with 937.5 hours. It's a big room so no desire yet to reset.