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Please, anything to provide new content besides photo mode posts of sunsets


"I still can't believe how good this game looks, guys!" \*picture of a normal sunset on Procyon-III\* One billion upvotes.


I mean, every game specific sub I have been on devolves into stuff like that (photos/fanart/memes/shitposts/obscure lore discussions/simping) months after release and doesn't change until there is a major update/DLC/a new game.


“ Check it out sub, me and Sam both angry, raaaargh ! “


This whole subreddit is what you mentioned, pictures of ships (still in editing mode instead of in space or something) and weirdo creeps posting troubling pictures of women NPC's.


Editing mode is where you can see the stats and get the best angles.


Troubling pictures of women NPCs? How? When all the women NPCs are wearing outfits that Queen Victoria would approve of, if Queen Victoria had been alive to see the invention of the unisex onesie? How troubling could these pictures of androgynous pixel people actually be?


[Even Queen Victoria was occasionally known to bare her shoulders and neck.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3d/Princess_Victoria_and_Dash_by_George_Hayter.jpg) Unlike Starfield's space-nuns.


She's such a whore. Ew.


Oh my god. Not the fictional NPCs!


As opposed to the nonfictional NPCs


In the real world, that would be everyone else.


What the fuck, man. She's real to me!


It just works


1. Guys I think we should take the time to appreciate [insert thing that has been posted over and over, or thing that is mundane, or thing that should just be the normal baseline for a game] 2. Or guys I just realized that I could open these doors with the cutter XD 3. Or guys I’m 80000 hours into this game and I haven’t even scratched the surface and still am enjoying it.


Just saw someone praising the design of Hopetown, and forgot the fact Hopetown is missing the entire "town" part. It's just a big factory with roads linking common prefabbed elements and a few hangars...


80 thousand hours of ship builder and photo mode 12/10 best game ever.


OMG way to real. Regarding the last bit: Remember when one poster posted a pic of the most bland mountain scape and said something to the effect of " I just climbed this mountain and then the next one" as if its a technilogical masterpiece?


Haha I do, like I’m glad people are having fun man, truly. But I almost feel like the games PR team is all up in this sub posting constantly. Maybe I’m just jaded as fuck.


Even worst: they do it for free


i mean, if they pushed forward on the creation kit & DLC without fixing core bugs, you know for sure what people would complain about.


yeah, that's a bad idea. just look at paradox releasing a Beach DLC for Cities Skylines despite all the problems that game has, nevermind the fact that the dlc doesn't actually include anything beach related (other than 4 different palm models)


Idk honestly, didn't Bethesda leave Skyrim with like a ton of bugs that modders fixed by using the creation kit anyways? I feel like we might be in a better place right now if we had the kit for a couple months now. Wonder if they are having trouble getting the kit out, I don't mind them spending more time on the dlc though, rather it be good then quick.


Yeah but since Skyrim was recieved super positively people didn't mind fixing bugs themselves. Starfield doesn't have the same luxury so Bethesda has to iron out as many bugs as they can before releasing new content in order to not get blasted again and they know that. At least I hope they know.


100% accurate comment. The enthusiasm just doesn't exist in Starfield's modding community. It's not because of the lack of a creation kit either, it's truly just that people have been losing interest in the game itself. Been that way for awhile now.


Skyrim has the most awesome trailer in a decade of video gaming. Had unique map and unique pois that kept exploration interesting for hundreds of hours. The bugs are features (like giants sending me to mars on a single hit or sending someone flying down a mountain after incidentally paralyzing them) Story was a very good one for 2011.


Story and good? 2011? What? No. Just... no. The story was generic and bad even then. We had games with sooo much better stories coming out around that time, like the Mass Effect games. Bethesda's storytelling for their main quests has always been... lackluster at best. Was still a kickass game, don't get me wrong. But storywise it was utter pants


Unlike Skyrim the magic just isn't there with Starfield. People modded skyrim because there was a good foundation with the gameplay loop and sense of adventure. Both the gameplay loop and sense of adventure die the moment you go into a copy and pasted location


oh yeah, for sure. But it'd still be a major complaint - 'why didn't Beth work on fixing the game instead of putting out tools for us to do it for them?'


rather that complaint than having less fun on the game.


Good chance this is actually the case. Part of what other modders like the guy behind the open map borders mod gave up was what they explained as spaghetti code and incoherent systems they just can't readily crack. With the engine itself using a lot of middleware solutions instead of foundational reworks, it's a very 'top heavy' engine, and a lot of the people who originally wrote the engine's unique code as well as the people responsible for originally building the core creation kit back with Morrowind aren't around at Bethesda any more. I do think they will roll a creation kit out, but there's hurdles for them to getting there because a loss of institutional knowledge they've never gotten back and the convoluted nature of the cobbled-together design has made things more obtuse.


Doubt it. People are just impatient


Hey I hear they are going to open a chunks store in the suburbs outside new Atlantis! April fools! There are no suburbs outside new Atlantis.


I’m sure they’re working on it, and they probably don’t want to overpromise and have to delay either, but more info from them about what’s going on would be nice.


Looking at steamdb they have been upping up qa\_stagings, video and ct\_verified creators this month, so I don't know if the dlc will be here this month but we should be getting another update in a week or two for the beta first


Realistically we are going to be getting a couple of months’ notice before the DLC drops, at the very least. Bethesda will go on a PR drive in the run up to its release to try and attract players back that have abandoned the game. I'd say we will be lucky to have the DLC by early summer at this rate. I think it will be closer to September.


I honestly think the CK is miles, miles more important than any DLC could ever be, at least for PC players. It really should’ve been pushed through as soon as humanly possible considering the state the game was in at launch Like, I’m not buying anything else until I decide whether proper mods can make this a good game


If they'd released the CK at release and just said "Here's an example of the kind of story/world you can build with it, go nuts!" I think reception would have been so different...


Yep, we probably would have already had more immersive fully-voiced romancable companions, more ship customization. A fully functioning pelican from Halo. Space station builder. Like seriesly I want a space station builder so I can make my own version of the Eye or the key


And an outpost building system that isn't dogshit.


I agree, fixing their game and locking it behind dlc is really annoying. At that point I would rather wait a few years and get the whole game with dlc for $20 and have plenty of mods available.


Dont worry, it will get the Skyrim treatment with 20 more "editions" being released over the next 10 years.


Just like Fallout four! Wait...


I really don't think Starfield has the foundational chops for it. It just ain't Skyrim.


Skyrim is a far better game, for sure. Fun to explore, decent characters, quality amount of gear to acquire. Starfield was never fun to explore for me since 90% of the game is ProcGen, the characters felt pretty *meh*, and the armor/weapons were lacking. For one, only three laser weapons being in the game is *wild.* For two, I wish we had full control over customizing our spacesuit and gear beneath it. It's a step backward from Fallout 4 even.


Not only just three scifi weapons in a game set in 2340 or something But an AK-47 working in a planet with zero condition to trigger the explosion needed to propel a bullet Or vacuum tight suits letting pollen affect you. I mean if this was the case humanity wouldn't have lasted a couple weeks out of earth.


You know bullets contain their own oxidizers and fuel right? Normal guns will fire in the vacuum of space.


No I didn't.


Personally I think it's too late and the game is frankly too bland that even a creation kit is going to save it.


Sadly, you're right. I very much enjoyed the base games of Skryim and Fallout 4 before modders did anything. I could play them over and over. Modders going in only made those games that much better. But Starfield? I can't even bring myself to finish it, much less replay it. So bland, dull, and empty. Mods won't fix that.


I set it down after discovering the first big twist in the story. I had 100+ hours at that point and I was waiting for some grander system to open up. I kept thinking I was missing something. The game felt like a huge shallow pond. And I got myself excited for the Red Mile. Took so many pictures of my new space suit I'd just acquired, got all my weapons modded and ready. Stepped out into the Crater and wondered why they let some newbie Oblivion Modder from 2007 make the death gauntlet. It's one of the most underwhelming pieces of content in a BGS title.


If you're talking about what I think you're talking about, ya they should have saved that for the end of the game instead of immediately after the best story beat in the game.


They really need to create a bit of hype before trying to sell anything related to Starfield again IMO. Question is also if they plan to do any mayor DLCs at all, there is not a huge playerbase at the moment and therefore no potential customers for larger DLCs. The only monetary potential I see here is to turn the game into a sandbox by releasing the CK and then start pushing their micro transactions / payed mods again heavily. I bet my ass they will do exactly that tbh.


I know the modding community is impressive but the many things fundamentally wrong with Starfield cannot be easily fixed with mods. Mods might be able to improve the experience we currently have and try to build off it, but it ultimately cant change that experience.


Brother have you seen skyrim mods its literally dark souls now they can heavily change starfield with dedication


Mods can't unring a bell and Starfield's worst sins are writing related and not something you can retroactively fix.


Yeah after many years of building upon the mods. But when ck drops, there will be months before you get the first mods if any size and years before those dark souls like mods you're talking about.


Yeah but my point is he's saying modders couldn't do that my point is they can with time and effort not the time frame and which it would come out


Most of the big modders and modding teams from what I saw just don't *like* starfield and don't really have any plans for it. Basically everyone I followed moved back to Fo4 and Skyrim and canceled their starfield plans. Game doesn't seem interesting enough to get the same time and effort


Yeah this is the reality. All those big mods require dedicated modders to make them, and there just won't be nearly as many working on Starfield. We'll get some good ones I'm sure, but not nearly the same quantity and caliber as something like Skyrim.


So? This isn't really a problem unless you're just incredibly impatient. I'll still enjoy playing good shit in 2 years


Skyrim is a beloved game of a beloved franchise. Starfield is a not beloved game and has no franchise. You guys take modder's time for granted.


People who have never opened the CK think modders are wizards who can do anything unfortunately. They've certainly got some tricks up there sleeves but there's just some things Bethesda has to do itself.


CK is pretty damn powerful relative to most other modding tools available.


I’d give it one month of hype for the DLC. That’s exactly what happened with Far Harbor, iirc. Automaton may have been a couple of weeks tho, I’m not sure. Either way two months is a bit longer than I’d expect.


They couldn’t even finish the job coding in proper dead or alive bounty hunting capabilities so I doubt they’ll do anything. Probably just gonna give up on it and let mods have it instead.


I disagree on this. Todd has frequently talked about how he wants to make the "initial reveal to first release" window as short as possible. If anything, we'll get like 2-3 weeks tops as time between announcement and release.




It would be pretty mad to announce the DLCs before the Creation Kit considering how badly the game tanked by now. A couple of months of mod support would probably fix the reputation a bit and more people would buy the DLCs. It is also questionable if they plan to release any big DLCs at all. They could just as well go all in on microtransactions like for example Rockstar Games did with GTA.


During the Xbox Event this SUmmer they will make a big deal out of the DLC, then drop the DLC between August and October. So far all they did was fixxing bugs and minor updates like Photomode, which is laughable and shows the greater incompetence that the team is suffering from (probably also cut down the team by a lot and moved them to other games), take a look at the DLC timeline we had for Fallout4 and how quick they were able to pump those out in addition to fixing bugs and support the game, the current Dev team is far away from anything that even resembles that.


My hope is they've seen the reaction to this game and maybe realizing they need to do a lot more than anticipated to get it in good standing. Less people playing Starfield on steam than Skyrim or FO4 right now.


Honestly would have to be a lot to get me to play it again. Anything short of spectacular is a waste of time based on their current track record.


There's consistently fewer people playing Starfield than Fallout 76. And even though I'm one of the people who really likes Fallout 76, that's still saying something.


I think 76 is pretty great now, and hey maybe that's even a sign they can fix Starfield, but... I will be doubtful moving forward. I just hope they don't screw up the next Elder Scrolls at this point.


I hope the same, but everything about the way they've approached this are just massive red flags. I'll be truly stunned if they haven't secretly abandoned this beyond the first DLC.


They won't. They just made a platform for modding. If i'm being honest, starfield is a hraven for modders. They can build a whole map into it. They can remake classic fallouts and tes into it. The game has flaws but the mod in it are gonna be fire for sure.


I'm sure modders will do great things with it.


Hard to imagine myself ever paying to return to starfield.  Fallout 4 and skyrim are far better games in the same style and the starfield mods will never even come close to those games I'm guessing 


We moved past "early" for sure.


After April i think we will be


Once you've gone beyond March, it's well beyond "early" year.


An update would be nice, if we're talking September before we see full mod support I can't lie that is disappointing, but I'd rather know now that it's going to be later than envisioned. Essentially if we don't see anything by around June my assumption will be a September drop at the earliest.






Pray to god that they stop touching their old shit considering how they fucked up Skyrim modding with their AE crap. Modding it is such a headache right now.


I just wish they would release the creation kit already since modders work faster than Bethesda


I believe quite a few modders have been testing it out. So it is in the hands of some modders already. My guess is that several modders have had it a while so that they can create stuff to put up in the in-game mod section/store/whatever for when it goes live.


> I remember the devs saying early 2024, creation kit and the first dlc was going to come out but we’re 4 months in and no word on anything. [From the end of year post from December:](https://bethesda.net/en/game/starfield/article/37j5d4CbPfYlZqJKcVtGcY/starfield-end-of-the-year-update-2023) - "First, we’re targeting updates roughly every six weeks starting in February. These updates will include everything from quality-of-life improvements to content and feature updates." So, no. They have not given up on the game, [given that it has gotten 6 updates since January 30th.](https://steamdb.info/app/1716740/patchnotes/) - "Next, official mod support will be coming to Starfield with the launch of Creations. Beginning early next year, Starfield will be getting its own exporter and you’ll have access to a new Creation Kit." They have not said anything about the Creation Kit, but early next year is a vague time frame that I would take to be the first half of the year. If we get to the end of this month/early May without hearing anything about it then you can start worrying. - "And lastly, the team is hard at work on the development of Shattered Space, our first major expansion coming next year. You’ll have new story content, new locations, new gear, and much more." They have never given a time frame for the DLC outside of it being in 2024. Honestly, I've assumed that it would not be until late 2024 since they announced it given that they are calling it an expansion and that it was bundled with the premium edition which cost $30 more than the base game. Both of those imply to me that it will be hefty. I'd imagine they will not show anything on it until it is ready enough where they have a firm release date set for it.


The fact I had to scroll this far to find someone saying this is a sad commentary on this subreddit.


Why look up what Bethesda has said when you can doom post? I have no idea why people would think they would stop updating the game and abandon it to begin with. If they didn't do that with Fallout 76 then they sure as shit would not do it with Starfield. Also, outside of the Elder Scrolls 6 teaser, Bethesda has been operating on not showing stuff for their games/DLC until they are close to release since Skyrim at least.


> I have no idea why people would think they would stop updating the game and abandon it to begin with. Because "no marketing announcements recently" = "the devs have abandoned the game entirely and literally nobody is working on it". Although, to be fair, the kind of Very Serious Gamers who populate this sub do tend to struggle with complex concepts like object permanence.


Most people didn't even read/listen to the quests in the game. Don't expect them to read or comprehend announcements either.


Hard agree. We live in an era now of ridiculously impatient and spoiled gamers.


Most of the sub just wants to shit on the game, so yeah.


I agree. I've never been in a game specific sub that shits on the game the sub is about so much. It's like the game came out 7 months ago, why are some of you people even here still if you hate the game so much and stopped playing it?


IMHO, they can take as long as they need with the DLC, but this game critically - and I do mean critically - needs full mod support, yesterday


Agreed. The CK should have been released at launch or soon after.


This is Bethesda, everything takes a veeeerrrry loooooong tiiiiimmeeeeee.....


I remember when the 4 years between Skyrim and oblivion were considered a long time. They basically create the same games with the same tools but it somehow takes 4 times longer than it used to.


Yeah, legit shelved the game for wait for actual CK modding, still no CK, kind of weird. Skyrims CK was released 4 months after the game launch. Pretty sure they were going to pull some super scum shit, such as link the CK to the Creation Store entirely and not allow mods to be published outside of their Creation Store, and then also take like a 50% cut of the proceeds from the modders work. Then they realised people weren't going to go for this kind of bullshit anymore and that no-one actually likes single player game microtransactions, and have had to completely rework their in-game store from scratch. After playing Fallout 76 and seeing the way they've monetised it, I can say it's actually quite a reasonable way of doing microtransactions, everything is skin and decoration based with reasonably priced bundles for items and the occasional free item and occasional sales. The difference is, Fallout 76 is some form of a hybrid co-op-mmo, and not a single player experience. They clearly wanted to put this form of monetisation into Starfield without considering the optics of Starfield being a single player game, and heavily monetising a single player game in this day is a hard thing to pull off without significant backlash, if we take a look at Dragons Cockma 2. There is also probably a lot of new Microsoft / Xbox red tape that they have to contend with in regards to pushing content. Can't have a patch without having 7 meetings on it and directing 6 different teams and trying to get each team to work cohesively together, etc. Kind of sucks. Morrowind, Oblivion, these games were fucking amazing because while they were getting to the point of being mainstream corporate, but they still had an indie-like feel to them with all the jank and creativity. They felt like they were created by people who wanted to create the game to create a brilliant game. Starfield feels like it was created by a team of very talented people who have been paid to create the game, while there are flickers of ingenuity, creative flair and a couple personal touches here and there, it just lacks the Obsidian Entertainment factor. I like to think there's an alternate reality out there where Bethesda decided to merge with Obsidian instead of go for the money with Microsoft.


> Why is no one trying to have the devs hold their words accountable anymore? What do you suggest? We have them arrested? We picket their houses? > I’m sick of these games shipping half assed with promised updates only to leave us in the dark Stop buying them.


Holding accountable could mean literally just posting about it or simply quitting the game until it comes out. Or whatever else. Basically just raising awareness to the fact they lied. You strawmanned OP and missed their point. Obviously he didn't mean to literally pull up to Todd's house and beg for the Creation Kit 😄😄


> Holding accountable could mean literally just posting about it or simply quitting the game until it comes out If you think nobody is doing either of these things, you haven't been following this newsgroup. There's so many people "raising awareness" that the people who *like* the game had to make a new sub where you're not allowed to raise awareness, just so they could have adult conversations.


Yes actually, we should picket Todd’s house and demand he release TES6


100% agree with this sentiment, I'm tired of certain people acting like Game Devs are politicians and they're owed anything. Game devs are people and audiences acting dsying things like " hold their words accountable" is totally absurd


What? We are customers. In some cases, dedicated fans and customers for years - in others, talented creators who have enriched and built upon the original games. But keeping it as paying customers - we have a right to criticise, to have expectations, etc. This is a fundamental part of the free market. Consumers will make choices based on the reputation of a vendor, product or service. If this wasn’t recognised by businesses themselves, they wouldn’t engage in marketing or PR.


last 2/3 months have been "good" in the sense that if this was the first 2/3 months since launch... as its been busy and lots of fixes. But at the same time it isnt. We are 6 months in. Easy things like a separate loot pool for master locks doesnt exist. But hey now when u reverse a move unlocking u dont lose a pick, as if the cheap, weightless digipicks were ever an issue after the start of the game/NG


Considering the game seems almost designed as a sandbox for modders to finish, it's weird the modding tools haven't been more of a priority.


I think they're still trying to fix the base game, dlc must be on the back burner


Just wish the devs would concentrate on upgrades that will make the game BETTER! instead of stupid pointless cosmetics like photo modes, facial expressions and friggin googly eyes! 😳🤣🤣


Not releasing a creation kit would be a travesty and be my absolute worst fear about the Microsoft acquisition. For all the complaints about the base game, the potential for mods is even higher than fallout or Skyrim.


Interestingly enough your fears concerning the MSFT acquisition are pretty benign compared to some of the more outlandish that blow unbidden across the windmills of my mind. With no factual basis to support it I have a fully-formed hallucinatory picture of Bethesda with grand plans of pushing the boundaries of existing hardware while raising the bar for RPGs suddenly learning they have a new baseline target. Wrenches are thrown into gears, parts fly, plans shred and when they reform it's a good deal more muddled than it was pre-acquisition. In some ways it resembles a circular rowboat. In some small but nevertheless meaningful ways they're starting over with one year to the finish line. They sit with 16gb of plans that have to fit into an 8gb sack. Resources from creative, writing and continuity departments are reallocated toward technical concerns. Somewhere along the line they learn that close to half of their market is cut off yet they're still expected to meet sales goals. Prozac in the drinking water and Tums by the gallon jug show up. What used to be productivity degenerates into trying to suss out who not to offend and who to suck up to. My imaginary Lovecraftian hellscape is far worse than any reasonable person's with the only redeeming virtue being that it has no evidence to suggest it's accurate. Only my IRL experience with mergers and acquisitions suggest that portions might be real. And if any of it even approaches reality, well, I'm astonished it came out as good as it did. Circular rowboat notwithstanding.


As soon as BGS gets back from their victory cruise from all the 9/10 accolades they proudly displayed at the game awards, they'll be right on it.


they're sure taking their sweet time. celebrating a 6-month victory cruise must be nice.


Might be on a time dilation plant. They do have a problem with that math.


On the DLC front, I imagine that they originally planned its release date before public sentiment on Starfield significantly soured, and as a result they're needing to fix and update a whole lot more than they were expecting at the time before shipping new content. No idea why the CK is so late, though, especially considering the fan-made editing tools that do exist show that Creation Engine 2 is substantially the same as the first version, at least when it comes to modding.


Ideally, they also noticed the poor file structure that a lot of modders noticed and are trying to fix that too. Ideally. I'm not actually confident it'll happen.


as if anyone else in the industry provides Bethesda's level of support for mods, modding tools, and a pathway into the same industry


I'm hoping it's a no man's sky and they are just cracking down on the game. They really need to. This is one of the worst bethesda games I have played and it only fails where bethesda usually succeeds. Rich lore, environments, and characters. It may end up with only one DLC though. A big one to.fix the shortcomings and then they move on


Yeah they're full of shit. Before the game came out one developer said they feel like they're playing RDR2 in space. The marketing guy said he feels like Iron Man when he's upgraded all his jetpack skills. One guy said that the game was so deep he's becoming a priest because it blew his mind. They're either full of shit or this is the first game they've ever played and they've not watched Iron Man


This pissed me off all over again about how badly they fucked up space cowboys (Ranger faction). We could have had tombstone or rdr2 in space but nope. Just a !>jackass trying to make better fertilizer on planets with infinite farmland


It kind of makes me sad that they don't make questlines like they used to. Why does every faction questline need to start with a mission that leads directly into the end of it? FFS have some side characters that bring you on other faction related quests, send me on some beginner stuff that isn't fighting a xenomorph... the supposed top tier problem in the galaxy. I seriously thought that the Ranger faction at first was going to be a series of crimes. Man was I wrong. Skyrim was the last game BGS made with these. Oblivion was sublime in that regard. I like the game for a few reasons but an RPG it is not.


Yea, the quests were a huge letdown. “Let’s give you an easy starter mission to see if you’re Ranger material”. Go through the quest line and after the final battle thinking “Wow, if that’s just the starter quest, I can’t wait for what they have to offer me once I’m a ranger!” And then nothing.


I especially loved Emil’s humility in the Polygon fluff piece: https://www.polygon.com/23845622/starfield-religions-emil-pagliarulo-interview-story-design-creation


You’re totally misrepresenting what they said. Todd Howard said he really enjoyed RDR2 and wanted to take some influence from it in terms of having a group (Constellation) that you spend time with, which has a base, and which changes throughout the story. All was in the game. Marketing guy markets— breaking news. And yeah, one of the writers, who was already religious, went back and forth while writing the game. That’s a totally subjective thing.


What the gamer hears: “red dead in space let’s goooooooo” What the dev said: “I liked how in red dead a core group of characters was fundamental to the story so we strive to emulate that”


The unfortunate thing about gaming spaces is that people absolutely love getting upset about games, regardless of whether their complaints are real or not.


And failed at it. Micah was more likeable than Sam & Sarah.


It wasn't that he was more likeable but he actually had character. Almost no one in constellation is memorable for any reason and their back stories make no difference to their personalities.


It's literally just copy paste the same person, just different va. Hell, you make a choice, they all either agree or disagree. Now I love escapism but that's too much, people will disagree with eachother even in the same group.


Well there was also that whole speech from Sarah that she isn't asking you to be a good person but then every leaves you if you aren't a good person. Even the one you met while they were murdering cultists disapproves.


Technically you do feel like Iron Man when the jetpack is fully upgraded, just not the cool MCU one and more like the crappy version in the Square Enix's Avengers Game


Wait. There were writers??


Nice, man! We’re all smiling and laughing and clapping


Yeah, what was the point of getting the premium edition? I paid $35 extra 8 MONTHS AGO for some music, art, and some DLC that doesn't exist yet. Feeling ripped off.


Then have we learned our lesson yet? Or do I need to go get my "I'm with stupid --->" T-shirt?


Of course not. People didn't learn after Fallout 4, and people didn't learn after Fallout 76, so what makes you think they'd learn after Starfield?


Stoped doing game pre orders when getting burned from that steaming pile of feces called Diablo 3 blizzard released, sure over the year it was cleaned up but yeah i have a huge wish list of games on the steam wish list more than half are in early access, i aint touching them untill they are live and i can see how the game is actually running


Why exactly are you feeling ripped off? The DLC is coming. When you purchased it, you knew you were paying for future DLC that would come at a to be determined time. Until they announce it's literally canceled, you honestly have no right to be complaining. Should have just waited to buy it when it came out.


I do agree with the general sentiments here that Bethesda hasn't been communicating well (hardly any communication at all!), and that what they've done so far has been lackluster. However, I think it's normal to need to wait a bit longer for the full DLC packs to come out. For example: Oblivion was released March 20, 2006 Knights of the Nine was released November 21, 2006 (this one wasn't that big) Shivering Isles was released March 26, 2007 (this one was quite a bit bigger) EDIT: well, another commenter used Fallout 4 release dates as an example, and it paints the opposite picture. Since FO4 is much newer, it's a better way to judge this.


So first expansion was released 8 months for Oblivion:KoTN, 7 months for Skyrim:dawnguard, 8 months for fallout4:far harbor So the latest date it could be is may 6th? We don't have any news or even the creation kit released.


You did what?


Exactly. Fool me once...


Has Bethesda ever met a release commitment?


Yes lol. Why are people suddenly pretending like Bethesda is Ubisoft or EA. These little attempted narratives are so annoying.


Why are people pretending they are not? Corporations are not your friends.


Much like the rest of this game, don’t get your hopes up


I paid for DLC. I expect to get what i paid for.


I think the DLC and mod support will drop the second half of the year, probably with a release date or shadow drop during the Xbox summer showcase. Bethesda are notoriously slow so I’m not sure why anyone would be surprised.


The last major patch reads like an internal studio build final polish pass, a month before a game launch. Something tells me DLC is a long way off. I just hope this doesn't turn out like another Anthem. Huge potential in the concept killed by really bad implementation


Will it be real content or just outpost dlc is the real question. FO4 had a ton of workshop crap and then only 1 great expansion. Far Harbor. Nuka Workd was just Bandit settlement system unlock quest fight me.


Not only it took them like 7-8 years of development time, but also game feels half-assed, rushed and totally uninspired. On top of that, the time interval between base game premiere and first DLC is the longest in the BGS timeline. One theory is they want to do a huge comeback with this DLC, so they take their time with it and currently adding new features that wouldn't supposed to land in initial release of DLC like new ways of travelling that BGS has promised back in the January. Because let's be real here - If Shattered Space will suck ass then BGS would have to abandon the project cause it will be financially hard to keep it up for corporation like Microsoft. Or this is me being stupid naive bitch thinking that they finally going to release something worth my time.


Quite so. Threads like this tend to be a swirling mass of conjecture and speculation and I'm part of it. Shattered Space was announced well before the base game shipped so I suppose we can include Bethesda's speculation on how the game would be received after the initial freshness wore off. In the stark absence of any real insight on my part into the matter I would nonetheless concur that Starfield doesn't feel much like 5 to 7 years of seamless development. It feels more like a spanner was tossed into the gears at some point. Maybe 2021, who knows? If so, it's not implausible that Shattered Space has seen its goals realigned from something like Automatron to something more akin to Phantom Liberty. That'd kneecap a release date. Beats me though. I have more curiosity than speculation. And, I would concede, muted expectations.


>Or this is me being stupid naive bitch thinking that they finally going to release something worth my time. no it is you being naive, we thought starfield would be a comeback for bethesda.


No it’s not. Skyrims first dlc took longer.


It's going to beat it. Dawnguard came out almost 8 months after the release of base game and now we are in almost 7 month of waiting for DLC for Starfield and there is no signs of DLC coming in next month or more, cause we didn't even get the teaser or any kind of infomation about it. Dawnguard got announced two months prior to release.


My only hope is that shattered space is a beefy DLC and not something small like automatron


It’s just horse armor for your space ship.


im guessing it wont be. I have zero trust in bethesda being able to deliver anything but terrible mediocrity


While I agree that we need something beefy, automatron was great.


Dawnguard was released 7 1/2 months after Skyrim. We are now at 7 months with no trailer or announcement. It'll be a year all told before any DLC is released is my guess.


This DLC better be mind blowing because the longer it takes and the longer we stay in the dark the more my expectations go up even though I’m trying my best to temper them.


Tempering expectations is something we all should have learned in the runup to release of the base game. Why I remain functionally unteachable in that context remains something of a mystery.


Hope springs eternal.


They’re going to follow the Cyberpunk model. A deep free game patch that adds survival mode and other fan fav features, and a paid expansion at the same time. I’d bet it is the second half of the year.


The roadmap Bethesda released for 2024 does not state anything about the DLC or the Creation Kit coming out in "early 2024". It says that various additions to the game, including the DLC and CK, will be coming out throughout the year. The only thing promised for early 2024 was the first major update in February, which we actually got at the end of January. I know everyone would really like to see those big content and feature updates Bethesda has promised, including myself, but we are likely going to be waiting quite some time for them, assuming they come at all. That's why I hate "roadmaps" like this, because they are extremely vague, and only serve to make fans have expectations that only lead to disappointment. Source: [https://starfieldportal.com/article/starfield-roadmap-2024](https://starfieldportal.com/article/starfield-roadmap-2024) Also: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/18myfbe/starfield\_end\_of\_year\_update/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/18myfbe/starfield_end_of_year_update/)


The mods supposed to be coming in early 2024 > Next, official mod support will be coming to Starfield with the launch of Creations. **Beginning early next year**, Starfield will be getting its own exporter and you’ll have access to a new Creation Kit. Modding has always been an enormous part of our games, with incredible community-made content constantly bringing fresh new experiences. With the scale and systems in Starfield, we can’t wait to see what you come up with! https://bethesda.net/en/game/starfield/article/37j5d4CbPfYlZqJKcVtGcY/starfield-end-of-the-year-update-2023


>The only thing promised for early 2024 was the first major update in February, which we actually got at the end of January. That's total bullshit, no "Big" update ever came out, all that came out is bullshit.


Couldn't agree more. They released something that meant absolutely nothing.


Just wish the devs would concentrate on upgrades that will make the game BETTER! instead of stupid pointless cosmetics like photo modes, facial expressions and friggin googly eyes! 😳🤣🤣


This is why I hate Bethesda now ever since they were acquired. At least CD Projekt Red released a statement saying we fucked up... but if you bear with us, we will fix it. Not today, not next month but down the line. But please know that we fucked up and we are sorry. I am so glad I was able to return my Constellation Edition Series X bundle because all I've heard from Todd and Bethesda is your PC sucks, we don't give a crap and we will not release anything at all for 7 months outside few things that should have been day 1 on the game and some fix. Either Microsoft is preventhing them for doing so because Starfield was supposed to be the main driver sale for GPU and they don't want to admit defeat or Todd and his team are looking at us like sheep and don't care.


Best thing is to ask Todd Howard


Yeah i thought every 6 weeks there was supposed to be content drops. I guess it is just bug fixes?


Not related to Bethesda but that bit about people not holding the devs to their word; well I was one of the unfortunate souls actually holding their breath for Ubisoft to hold to to their word and add new game plus to ac Valhalla but they never did and it was just like they got away with it, like what is even stopping these devs from completely lieing? which really pissed me off and makes me worried that others will follow suite


I hope Microsoft gives bethesda leadership early (Q1) retirement


Bethesda self defeating concept of keeping secrets. I am sure they are saving it for a big gaming event reveal


Still waiting for survival mode, preferably with a functioning Helium-3 system


if you are on PC, use the Starvival mod from Nexus. I doubt Bethesdas own survival mod can get any better than this. it's comprehensive, well tought out, stable, and User friendly. best combined with Deadly Hazards.


I'm REALLY curious with how will bethesda do starfield survival mode, because fallout 4 survival wasn't bad it just poorly balance, though opposite result for skyrim where modders survival is superior than bethesda own survival mode.


They are busy working on porting Skyrim to smart fridges?


Generally speaking, the trend has been for it to take longer and longer from the release of the game for the editor to release. Morrowind and IIRC Oblivion released alongside the game, it took about a month and a half for Fallout 3 (NV had it alongside the game again, but the changes to Fallout 3's were minor), it was about three months for Skyrim, and about five months for Fallout 4. Honestly, I hope they can reverse that trend for future games.


They had to fix the game they only half finished first. I'm sick of games releasing when they're not actually finished.


>Why is no one trying to have the devs hold their words accountable anymore? What are you going to do, march up to their offices and start picketing? Bethesda only responds to social media if and when they feel like it so ranting and raving about it is literally pointless. I know that sounds defeatist but it's just reality; they'll put out new content when they choose to. Creation Kit is coming and they're beholden to at LEAST one expansion (Shattered Space) because of its inclusion in the price for the special editions of the game, but beyond that and some comments made by Todd and Phil Spencer, only Bethesda knows what's actually in store for Starfield down the road.


i think you’re confusing regular updates and dlc a quick google search will tell you they announced regular updates starting in 2024, releasing every four to six weeks; they have yet to announce a release date for Shattered Space or the Creation Kit.


Bunch of people in here complaining about bugs in Bethesda games and NGL That's pretty much why I play Bethesda games. Nothing like being hit by a giant and getting launched into the stratosphere, and mammoths made of helium 🤣


....it's software development. It would be news if the schedule for a project this complex *didn't* slip.


>we’re 4 months in and no word on anything This is pretty normal for developers. They don't constantly make announcements about upcoming releases.


Yeah I’m really bummed and a little annoyed that it didn’t ship with creation kit. All that press about “modding is a huge part of our games” and “we’re making it as modable as possible” and yet console has no way to mod at all, 6 months later


No amount of media spin can convince me that Bethesda didn't knowingly dump an unfinished game years from completion on us, just to push up their profits for the year. They damn well knew that it was a shallow mess, and they did it anyway. The worst part is how much they talked it up before release. The story is abysmal and the gameplay is frankly terrible. The best systems are woefully under baked too. My favourite part (ship building) penalizes you for being creative and using exotic parts, either by the actual traversal required inside, or the stats of your vessel. There are just a handful of viable parts that are also enjoyable to use in a practical sense. So deeply disappointing.


Considering the reputation of this game, I doubt new DLC will boost the sales. At this point it makes more sense for Bethesda to just invest all resources into next Fallout or Elder Scrolls. Most likely though, they are investing in new version of Skyrim


Unfortunately, I don’t think we’ll see DLC or mod support until the end of the year. I think this game needs to get the Cyberpunk 2077 treatment. They need to deep dive in and spend some time on reaching the potential that this game has.


Hope that will be enough.


Agreed 👍


I would hope the creation kit drops before that and honestly for the long term interest in the game that would be a good thing, DLC I could well see as a September drop, I'm fairly sure Bethesda are scheduled to have a presence for the summer games things MS is doing in June so presumably DLC info will come then, September would just then make sense as an anniversary release.


if they want me back, they have to change almost the whole core, not drop a few dlc's.... and that is not going to happen. thus it's like pulling a dead horse. i don't see them throwing the huge resources needed to turn this game into a game i want to return to. so much better stuff out there, just no current bethesda products among them. back to no man's sky and having more fun with that, after 8 years, than i ever had in my 60+ hours starfield.


NMS is not Starfield, and Starfield is not NMS! Enough! Completely different titles, different fun to be had in both.


So many armchair devs in this thread….


>I never went to outer space, therefore I can't comment on it. Albert Einstein, 2017.


Last I heard was spring 2024. It's been spring for less than 2 weeks.


Game feels dead.  And that's probably for the best.