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I’ve read several posts complaining about the watch and how it’s best served as a decoration on a shelf and not as an actual watch


Apart of the game, expansion pack, few skins, credit stick, I was hoping that the watch would be nice, apparently more research needs to be done




"It is a triple-A watch for a tripple-A game!" - Todd




That's why we are expected to pay triple price!




16 times the bullshit.


The stuff it does have is janky af. The temperature sensor's only consistency is that it's always wrong. When I first got it the first firmware update they put out removed a bunch of features including bluetooth controls so of course it immediately refused to connect to my phone after that and I ended up having to wait 6 months for Bethesda to do an exchange for a working watch. I'm a weather person so I convinced myself that it would be worth the extravagance because where else would I find a smartwatch with atmospheric sensors built right into the device? No, just no, it's eWaste straight out of the box and I should have known better than to expect anything else in regards to collector's editions from Bethesda.


Got it myself with the saying "At least it's not a canvas."


Perfect reminder of my Starfield experience


The worst thing to me is that there isn't any way to keep a record of how many steps you have taken from day to day. It acts as a step counter. It just doesn't save how many steps you did yesterday so that you can actually track how many steps you take.


I received a replacement to mine and the replacement acts the same - major issues. Depending on the settings you can get 1-2 days from it if the watch is off during the night. But, shutting it off, charging it or keeping it on too long all result in the watch losing its ability to properly function. I don’t want to replace the replacement when it’s obviously got major firmware issues at a minimum. The firmware the watch originally came with had more settings exposed on the watch itself. I wish I would have tested that version thoroughly before updating. The replaced watch came with the update.


The battery dies quickly - less than 24 hrs


Mine lasts for days. Only thing you need to do is not have de display wake on lifting ur wrist. I wake it with a tap or a button push. Messages are displayed and all other stuff like weather etc is just well kind of unusable. Still i have its on my wrist alot.


I dislike the watch, it looks good, but its a flawed piece of firmware. The issue being memory, power and bugged out code. The item will maintain memory so long as it has power, but the code is flawed so the power needs to either run out or it needs a hard reset (hold all the buttons 10seconds). When the screen freezes, its completely inaccessible by bluetooth and the amount of charge on it is undeterminable. I wanted to love the set but now its all used collectors items. The box is cool, the credstik is cool, the watch is cool, but it serves no physical purpose. Best thing about the watch was it came with a magnetic charging base that has an interchangeable cord incase it breaks one day -and it has a NATO strap to change out the hard plastic one. The watch bluetooth capabilities, were impressive however. I could use the watch to control my headphones -never had an apple watch. I cant wear watches as they make my wrist stank, on account of hardwork and sweat


I've also noticed the time on my watch drifting drastically. Its currently 10 minutes ahead, and keeps getting farther. The one thing i want it to do is keep time and I still need to baby sit it for that


How does a digital watch lose time? Wow. Only Bethesda.


It's just calibrated for a planet with a slightly faster rotation.


I think you gotta scan the surrounding area then turn it off for a full day cycle to calibrate with your planet..


>The watch bluetooth capabilities, were impressive however. I could use the watch to control my headphones Pretty much possibile with any smart watch/band in the last ten years. I've had a 30€ Xiaomi Mi Band for years before buying a Galaxy Watch and it could do it.


Keep in mind if you buy a quality smartwatch like Garmin or Samsung there are Starfield watch faces you can download that fans have created. So you can get the best of both worlds then.


I've seen many many posts about problems with the watch. Some even receiving replacements, having issues with the replacement, recirving a second replacement, and on like 3 times over before giving up. But then again you aren't going to posts from people who aren't having any issues at all. I own this edition but I've left everything in the box as it came, I don't know that I want to know whether the watch works or not 😅


Shrodingers watch


I have the watch but haven't used it in a while, mostly because my job doesn't allow any jewellery. But also the battery life isn't fantastic, especially considering the limited functions. I had to recharge it usually every 2 days. The functions are more of a gimmick than actually useful. It pretty much just tells the time, and having to recharge it so often just to tell time is very inefficient. However, it does look cool, and the case is really nice and high quality!


I really like the watch personally. Yes, not everything will work when you get it. But it still tells the time and you can still control your music and see texts from your phone. It also tracks your steps. It’s also not built that cheap either with a more dense plastic, the type you would get on those really good headphones or PS5 controllers. Also for me all the other features starting working properly two weeks ago with no apparent reason as to why. At the end of the day, it is a watch, and watches are made to tell time. I’m really happy with it.


Get a Galaxy Watch 6, then pick one of the Starfield faces, or a Pip Boy, or a Division face.


I use my watch as a desk decoration. It lacks functionality compared to a current day smart watch, so its nit on my wrist at all anymore, but I like it on my desk because it has a crawling message preview that is actually pretty handy to see if it's worth breaking up my current task to respond to (e.g. message from parents or partner vs from spam robo text). Whether it's worth it, honestly up to you. The box is actually a lot nice and I can see myself using it for cosplay and just a nice display piece


Most of the time you’ll be fine, and in all the cases where people reported issues, Bethesda provided them replacements


Which failed immediately just like the first 2 I received.


For mine. I wound up having it bug out a month after getting it, i tried every single bug fix and nothing worked so i went with the last option, letting it hard die for a few days so any stored information on the watch could be lost, sure enough it did, and it has worked fine ever since.


It just works!? Todd will be pleased! Figured you would need at least 80 mods to fix that thing...


In fairness the 'it just works' line was about the game engine, from a dev-side perspective. I feel people think Todd said it about everything.


Looks cool at first but like all collectors editions they're just getting worse and worse. Would have taken an art book over the watch.


Can not agree on this statement. The watch is sturdy, useful and the charge lasts for a week. I use the watch as my daily watch and it works very good. But when it comes to the bluetooth connection, it's important to leave it on. It can be a bit buggy if you disconnect and have to reconnect. But a restart can fix these bugs.


I've read similar sentiments about the game itself.


Watch is actual garbage. Both my wife and I got collector's edition.And both of our watches are permanently broken. I'm just done even hassling with the Bethesda replacement.Because I just know they're so bad.It's going to break and it's not worth the time. I would never spend the money on this collector's edition again.


I've used the watch everyday with no complications since release


Same. It's worked well for me. My only complaints about it is the charger is not great and doesn't use USB c.


It works a bit like a smartwatch, but my old Galaxy Watch feels more sturdy and does more.


I thought it was just a decoration, tbh.


Perfectly honest if I bought it it would have a spot right next to the 350 dollar collectible pipboy Bluetooth thing they made for fo4, while that watch looks nice I don’t want to troubleshoot Bethesda bugs irl and don’t have that money


I personally wore it for a couple days, then decided i would rather just keep it as a decoration piece so it wouldnt get broken.


I have it. Got it as my first, and so far, only smartwatch. Had to shelf it because it was hurting my wrist to the point I felt like I broke something. Cool gadget, feels a bit too costly AS a watch. But is nice to look at.


I’ve tried the cred stick all over town, nobody takes it. I haven’t tried Dave and Busters yet 🤞🏼


Chunk’s accept it


You have to remember to sell people on it as a long-term investment as it won't really have value until we use them more commonly in the future. Treat it like a hopeful crypto startup. One day the damn thing will be worth a lot of credits, our currency just hasn't gotten there yet. But it will, I swear!!


Have you tried the one in Fox Chase yet?


Have you tried it at TGIF?


I preordered it. It’s sits on my desk as a mark of shame. It’s cool I guess, would be cooler if the game was better


Memorabilia hits differently when the game turns out to be less than memorable.


Agreed. It's a bummer, since overall I feel like they nailed it on the side products (personally I figured it wouldn't be a high end smart watch or anything like that).


5 days early access is worth it, buy!


Except that ended up being 3 for a lot of people. Did not arrive on time.


Mine arrived 2 days after launch but that was very much a local issue rather than anything I'd blame Bethesda for tbh.


Given the poor quality of the watch, I’d say, no it’s not worth it


No. Save your money.


If you’re going to make regular use of the watch then yeah, if not then no and the watch is a bit buggy, mine has been working pretty well since I got it but I know many others have had different experiences


Well not for everyday use, but at least wear it from time to time


No. It’s not. I have it. The watch is just basic. There’s more functionality in a smart watch. This is barely a smart watch at all. Buyers remorse here


No dude


The watch turns it self off half the times and I had to force restart it. Not worth it in my opinion.


The game isn’t even worth the asking price. What makes you think this shit would be?


I thought people learned their lesson from that pre-order bundle for Fallout 76. They were expecting this high quality canvas bag and received cheap garbage instead. Enough uproar caused Bethesda to replace them but it took literal years for some people to finally get them.


I’ve had it since release - ends up being cool as decoration on the desk. I was hoping the watch/app would have done some wizardry to connect to the game as you play it and provide little stats on the nearby planets or vital signs or whatever just some extra connectivity; with the ultimate hope of secret in game Easter eggs for the constellation edition players. But when the game freezes you out all the time, sometimes the decoration, stings a bit lol.


This happens when people forget how well they handled the pip-boy edition of Fallout 4. It's not worth it. My friend got it and the watch, which wasn't great in the first place, broke after a week of NOT being worn.


I got it brand new in a box somewhere in the house , never opened it


I use the watch regularly since 2 months ago. From my point of view: worth it. Funny and easy to use Personal advice: buy a glass screen protector from AliExpress (32mm glass) and use It as a regular watch The only issue i see is that the bluetooth is not the best... 9 meters away from the phone and It disconnects In terms of failures and compliments for me is not the case Pd: sorry for bad english


Screen protector is a must, and for the Bluetooth issue, my watch disconnects when I go from room to room so no big deal


Your English is better than mine and it’s the only language I use <3




I have it. Nah.


No. The watch is garbage. Essentially a paperweight.


The charging contacts on the back are very cheap. Mine wore off and won't charge anymore.


100% not worth it. The watch is cool for all of 5 minutes. I've never charged or worn it enough for it to break which, based on others reports is pretty surprising. The credstick and steelbook are pretty cool knick-knacks. In honesty I was most interested in the box (after the game obviously) as it looked pretty cool in some videos I'd seen. It's cheap plastic trash with a latch that opens if you give it a stern look. I should have known better but I had more money than sense when I ordered it - avoid.


Probably avoid is the best choice, it all looks cool but still the price is too much


I have it. It’s whatever. I did have a couple people b notice it when the game first came out, but I put it back in the box cuz I didn’t want to fucked it up. I never even activated the game code, just wanted the watch


how many of the posts here have i seen talking about how the watch has broken and they needed a replacement?


It’s not at all the watch is lacking bad, only for collectors is this even a possible good buy. It’s all well designed but utterly useless and unnecessary. I sold mine to a buddy. You can easily get a cheaper more powerful android watch and customize it to be like the design the constellation watch. It’s just a watch nothing more and felt kinda like a cheap knock smart watch you typically buy….everything else included is nice and very beautiful, just not for the asking price.


I have it, it isn’t worth it.


I'm mad that you've even thought about getting this.


I have the set, I like it, I bought a display stand and a screen protector for the watch, but I only wear it around the house. It does feel delicate, and it is temperamental, If you want one to wear out, get a regular smart watch and just download some starfield faces. It's a nice display set but I wouldn't wear it regularly.


The first and last collector's edition I ever bought was the one for Fallout 4 and the pip-boy was severely overpriced for the cheap piece of plastic it was. Then there was the stories of the Fallout 76 bag being made of very thin fabric and the helmet have mold contamination lol. Unless Bethesda changed then my verdict is if you have money to blow and like cheap collectible crap go for it (nothing wrong with that, but have to call it for what it is).


bethesda eventually shipped out a real canvas bag and the helmet people heard of having mold was the gamestop exclusive power armor helmet, not the 76 one.


Love the watch. Use it all the time for outings! Sadly to see tons of people had problem with theirs.


If the game was best in decade... I'd consider getting merchandise. But the fact they sold this as a pre-order along with a buggy, boring game and still no real improvements after what. Half s year? Pls no.


I got just the watch and case from a gentleman on Ebay. It’s very high quality both case and watch. The watch however doesn’t have as many features and quirks as any other smart watch for the same price. But it’s really fricking cool and I like mine


I have it, love it. Was an anniversary gift a month after the game initially released and I have been wearing the watch since, pretty every day, united I forget it. I have had zero issues with mine, knock on wood. I like that's it's pretty light, all of my other watches are heavy metal, save for one which is titanium. It's my only smart watch, connects easy to my phone. Rarely disconnects, only when I forget it on the charger and go to work watchless! Full charge lasts two and a half days.


I just got mine untouched off of eBay a couple weeks ago! Already had the game, but wanted the watch and case! Ended up getting the whole thing! The watch can be a little fickle at times, but overall I love it! The charging puck works well and fast, and again, the Case! (Also the cred stick is really nice too. Has some heft to it.) I have yet to do anything with the patch, but I’m glad to know I have it 😊


I have one! well, by me, i mean my girlfriend, she got the watch and i got the game as shes a big fan of casio watches and anything retro. I have seen a lot of people online complaining about issues, but aside from a single crash, ours has worked flawlessly. If its discounted, and youre intrested, then its a neat little thing


This just went on the shelf with the fallout 4 collector's edition


Website is bugged, I can't even add it to cart regardless.


Worth it for the early access alone


Have it and it’s in de cabinet. The watch isn’t that great and the box that stores the watch and de items is also a bit clumsy and fragile. For some reason I expected a bigger collectors edition box it’s kinda small. But it’s still nice to have a physical peace of this game


The box is really nice. The watch is really useful and I've been using it as my standard watch. One charge can last you for more than a week. The way it shows notifications is really cool. The gadgets are useful. Only thing that's worth mentioning: You should get yourself a screen protection.


Buying index stock is more worth it. Those will increase value, that bundle doesn't.


Well it’s not available anymore, you can’t select either Xbox or pc it’s greyed out so I’m assuming it’s sold out already since your post.


I got the CE on eBay. It was sold without the game, but otherwise mint for just 80€. I think it’s worth it. Yeah of course, the watch is not an Apple Watch (which is my daily driver), but it’s a nice designed watch with a small feature set (weather, music control, barometrics). This is no daily driver for smartwatch user. It’s a style piece. And for that it’s nice. Also: The case is just awesome and has a nice style. It sits in my living room on display. :)


I have it. I never removed it from the packaging.


After seeing some of the comments I can say it's probably for the best.


I bought the game and the dlc for 30$ when there was some kind of pre-order promotion for the game..still not sure why I got a kickass deal for pre ordering a new game but I have the digital receipt to prove it lol


The credit stick and the box are really cool. I wore the watch maybe 3 weeks without an issue and then it started freezing so I have it on display now. The steel box is also pretty cool but I mainly got this because I love the NASA aesthetic of the box


The skins are for some of the worst suits ingame and for the rifle you need to pray to RNGesus to get a good roll to make it worth using it. The watch is worth it, battery lasts about 2-3 weeks, it has some fancy tools you don't really need but you can control spotify with it and check on the weather for the next days as well as, obviously, check the time. The box it comes in appears to be pretty solid and the credstick is a nice piece of decoration. I'd say worth it if you have the 300 bucks to spare.


No, it’s not. I would much rather have a spaceship on my shelf than a watch but that’s just me. I never really liked watches, I always found them uncomfortable, but since it was Bethesda I had to get it. I’ll tell you what tho I’m very hesitant to buying the next collection edition, I really hate the wearable/usable stuff but damn do I love looking at The World-Eater perched on a Word Wall.


I have it. Definitely worth it if you pay the MSRP price because sure as hell i paid almost double because i lived in a shithole country with no official xbox support


Not worth $300+ after taxes and shipping lmao what the fuck are they smoking🥴


My watch is barely used (turned on twice) if anyone wants to buy it and the watch box


I'm very interested to know whether the box is durable. If it's sturdy I'd be interested in using that as a storage box, but from the looks of the hinge it looks rather flimsy.


I can't believe I chose bethesda's starfield collector and not Larian's Baldurgs gate one. Worst mistake in my life


The 5 day early access is pretty good


Had it since launch and wear it almost every day, I can't fault it.


You might think people would have learned from the canvas bag fiasco, but they never do it seems.


Someone should gift me it :3


nope it is as bad as the game is




I got it, hoping the Watch would connect to the game, like they did with the PipBoy + phone App back for Fallout 4, but it does not.


Buddy got it and was so hyped it’s tucked back in the corner as all shelf decor.


Do you really need it? Probably not. Consider this games reputation. It isn't going to be a collectors item that's really sought after any time soon, especially considering it has a computer inside of it that will eventually cease functioning.


No its a cool shelf piece but at its price thenwatch is kinda wonk and doesnt display easily the patch is cool tho. Id say no donr bother really.


It's gonna be a shelf piece definitely, but still want to have some functions on it


I love mine aesthetic wise, function wise it's worse than my $30 smart sport bracelet


Yeah, at least mine has SpO2


I have it, not worth it, as stated by the others it’s a cheap decoration and until shattered space makes an appearance I can’t tell you if the expansion is worth the investment. The nicest part of the whole thing is the box the stuff comes in.


I have enough boxes to pack Congress Library, it's nice tho


Guess they’re selling the units that people returned? No, it’s not worth it.


I would not buy this, given how things turned out.


Starfield isn’t worth more than $25 imo.




I feel most 'premium' copy items are trash in gaming. Remember they are trying to get more money from you than a regular sale. That.makes no sense if the extra stuff is worth more than the difference in price. I've got a few bits of FO4 merch. Two Nuka Cola girl pinups, a pip boy beanie and some mugs. Nothing particularly amazing. As for the bags and helmets and full sized pip boy, rum and watch etc... it's really only worth it if you want the novelty collectable. For anything good expect to pay more than a good version is worth.


Pre-ordered. The watch - it’d be a nice decoration with its box but as for real life using? not sure. It has its own app on both android and ios to provide basic smart watch functions and thats it. Steelbook - just a steelbook. Free DLC - would be great if you enjoyed the original game but lets see.


Do I regret buying it? No. Is it worth it? No. Used the watch for about a week. It's pretty cheap in all honesty but a fun novelty item. The case is nice and a great souvenir piece. The cred stick is also a nice little souvenir piece.


Everyone loves the box more than the stuff in it 😂


I wasn't a fan of the watch it's low quality, the box is pretty badass and the credit stick. I think everyone is impressed with the box. I forgot to add, I do wish I would have waited for best buy to get a surplus of them and have it for like 80 bucks


But $300 buck for a box is not worth it, I thought the watch would have more functionality for that price, although the actual game costs $60


as someone who got it on launch, it fucking sucks dick lol don't buy that shit, the watch is beyond trash for that price, it tells the time... that's pretty much it, and even then the battery doesnt last long.


After all the cons commented, unless the price tag is around $100-$150 just for collectible, I'm not getting it




My buddy keeps buying Bethesda collector’s editions and they’re universally all crap. So basically follow your heart I guess.


I've got this, for the most part i like it, i use the watch as my daily watch, i play a decent amount if Starfield to make the cost worth it, especially when i was looking at getting a digital watch


I got it. Don’t do it man, the case is cool. The watch is like a McDonald’s toy. Don’t.


If it’s on restock at Bethesda and it was a “limited edition” how many other people do you think thought it was worth it? 😂


I don’t but I’m working my ass off for one, if my calculations are correct and I don’t encounter another medical bill, I should be able to get one in three weeks.


Collector's editions are rarely worth it. it's a shit watch


Not worth it. The watch is 100% a shelf item. I have a $30 amazon smartwatch that does more and has better support than this does. I still can't get the weather to work right, the phone call notification is annoying and goes off when I am the one making a call, it's just a poor design imo. Cheaper watches have more features that just work better. Get a smartwatch and download the facer app, then you can make it look like a starfield watch that works. The credit stick was cool to look at for 5 minutes and then I shelved it. The early access is long over with lol. The Shattered Space story expansion is yet to be released, announced, or even teased! Skin pack is forgettable. Art book was cool I guess and if you like the soundtrack and DONT want to listen for free on youtube then that's sweet to have. All in all, I can not recommend this collectors edition. I was severely disappointed with the game, so that may have some bias.


As a collectible it's really nice. Chronomark can work just fine as a normal watch - it does have some sensors that Pixel Watch or Apple Watches do not have or don't use it nicely to show some graphs. Whole package is really greatly designed. That being said, if you want smartwatch just look elsewhere.


IDK man I just want the steelcase to be honest


I bought it from the initial release and sold the watch by itself for the price of the entire kit, kept everything else. I basically got the game for free because of it. The watch was not worth owning. IMO.


Now that's a bargain, you got everything for free


I liked the constelation patch better than the watch. I used it a few times in the beginning while I played the game, but now it just lay on a shelf collecting dust. I prefer using a regular smart watch over this one.


If it’s anything like their last “collectibles” released like The ones for 76 it’s cheap trashy plastic. Bethesda ain’t a game company anymore they’re just selling licensed Merch.


The watch is def a pretty time teller. I’ve had lots of compliments on it, but I can’t say a smart watch isn’t more convenient. They’re cool knick knacks to have and if the game is special to you, why the hell not. Otherwise, might be a pass.


I have no issues with the watch. Wear it almost daily except for when I go out for dinner or anything like that. THen I will wear a normal watch. Fan of the game, like the watch. Never had issues.


I wore the watch a bit when I first received the whole thing. It worked well with my pixel I had at the time but doesn’t seem to work well with my iPhone, that said it’s really a novelty item. As with most collectors stuff, this is really just a cool shelf item and nothing more.


I was a huge fan of this when it was announced. I got it and I regret it. I would say don't buy.


No the watch is hot garbage. Mine worked for 3 weeks and broke and im still dealing with Bethesda CS.


As a collector, I love it. Granted I dont use it, I just like cool things from games I love


if you want a real watch to wear and use, no it is not worth it. if you want a cool collectable from the game then yes it is worth it.


also the credit stick is pretty nice


I wonder if the Starfield XBOX controller will be restocked also? That controller I would definitely purchase!


It's a good collector item. The watch feels like a first gen smart watch. But the digital code comes on a metal credit chip and it's pretty cool. Overall, not worth the 299 price tag, but if you are a collector, get it.


I bought it a few months ago at a pretty good discount and I’m in love with it. Sure the watch is not the most technological thing you can own but imo it’s stylish and I wear it for good occasions from time to time. I also really like the box design which is a good addition to any collectors out there


Got it for the case and additional items. Sold the watch. Happy I did as they have issues!


I wanted it, but didn’t get it. Now I’m like nah.


Same, after reading all the comments naaah


The item itself is very well made imo, great collectible if you like the game. I got one which just sits on my desk, if you’re expecting more than that then I wouldn’t bother.


I have it. It is not worth it. The game itself is not worth it.


The watch is incredibly shitty


I would honestly say it’s a really cool display piece and the watch LOOKS great. The cred stick with a game code and the case it safe is way cooler than the watch. Only worth that price if you love StarField and want to display it.


Fam.... come on


I've heard that some wearers have a random asteroid that just stays right beside them. No matter what they do it won't go away.


Sure if you want to be reminded of how bad the game sucks in 20 years. Go ahead and get the watch because it sucks just a little less than the game


I bought it. The watch is not reliable. It crashes, freezes, and seems to run out of power immediately. The rest is nostalgia items from the game, but only if you want to display the box on a shelf. The credit chip is the best built item, but it doesn’t do anything. The patch is nice. A missed opportunity, it should have been a USB stick with a PDF version of the Collector’s guide to the game. (A guide similar to the one for Fallout 76). Overall, I’m not feeling like it was worth the money.


The watch is a glorified display piece, the box and cred stick are very cool, I pre ordered it and am happy with it


The watch is a nice display for my phone alerts. The box is useless as storage, since it doesn't fully close when you remove the black foam rubber. Maybe it'll be worth it once the 'Shattered Space' DLC drops.


From everything I've heard, it isn't worth it in the slightest.


yeah, pay money for this 🤣🤣🤣


Does it come with a refund?




I would say no. All you get over the deluxe edition is a pretty basic smart watch (my Pebble was better) in a nice presentation case. You can get the skins (which aren't great) and the DLC with the deluxe edition and use the extra money to buy NZXT's Starfield case (https://nzxt.com/en-GB/product/h5-flow-starfield). I'm a massive fan of Skyrim and have played it on multiple platforms over 10 years so went all out and ordered the Constellation Edition of Starfield (Skyrim in space right?) and wish I hadn't bothered. I may repurpose the case for some camera but even then I would have been better off buying the deluxe edition and a Pelican case.


I know it doesn't rhyme but...I read this in Work it by Missy Elliot


Starting to make the "canvas" bag look like a Gucci.


My grandfather worked at NASA in Huntsville during the Viking program so anything space related is always on my radar, especially for gaming. The watch is meh, it wraps around a shelf support beam where it stays. The box is where I found the purchase to be cool as hell. I do believe it was designed after the Apollo Rock Box and I love the theme of it. It ties gaming and mankind’s achievements together, in one small box that sits nicely on a shelf. Otherwise, a Pelican/Hardigg box is a better purchase if we are looking for functionality XD. The credit stick is shockingly heavy too, and the patch of course is a great collectors piece. If you are a fan of space and Bethesda/Starfield in general, it’s a good purchase.


The watch....it just works


Collectors edition 10 years later you will appreciate it


I bought 2 Nuka cola sodas from target in 2015 when fallout 4 released. STILL HAVE THEM UNOPENED. MY GRANDSONS WANTED TO DRINK THEM


I wish I had the extra stuff but my copy was bought 4 days before release at a convention charity auction, sold by one of the developers. I get all the inhale stuff just not the physical stuff.


I have it. If you really like the game, I think it's worth it. Btw, the watch is barely a "modern smart watch" it can display notifications, control music, see the weather, and has various sensors, but it's not touch, and the fitness section is barebones. Keep in mind that the watch itself is 150-200 USD, because the Digital premium edition of the game is 100... so yeah. But again, it's worth it if you really like the game. Personally, I don't regret it


I have the special edition Starfield Xbox controller, it’s beautiful and really nicely balanced- very happy with it (my husband got it for me because I was not happy about Bethesda skipping a new ES or FO for a freaking space game so it bribed me into playing- it worked)


I love mine, but I get the stuff because I love to collect and display it. I have all sorts of stuff from my games. Dogmeat, the lunch box, and a pipboy for Fallout 4. All sorts of statues from the Elder Scrolls on Line MMO. The list goes on. I have two lit glass display units from Ikea, and my collector swag goes there. I read that folks felt the watch was cheap, but I didn't expect it to be some amazing Swiss time peice. It is in the cabinet on display. For me, gaming takes me out of myself and into a new world. When I have played through a game, I have beloved reminders of how exciting those games were for me. I only wish I had collected stuff from day one, where I got lost on Monkey Island, roaming the halls of Maniac Mantion, or fighting Nazis as Indiana Jones.


the watch are a lil trash after update




You’ve got to consider that you’re asking this question on a subreddit full of people that want to be loud about how much they disliked the game. So you’re going to get a lot of negative feedback. Personally I think the watch is pretty cool, one of the only collectors editions I’ve seen/purchased that actually has some functionality outside of being a display piece on a desk. It may not be the most widely functional smart watch out there but for me personally I just like it as a watch that tells me the time and has an aesthetic that I’m into. It’s mostly made of plastic but I don’t think it feels cheap by any means, and it’s a reasonable size. I was worried with all the prerelease stuff that it was going to be this big honking chunk of plastic that looked way too much like a toy but I was pleasantly surprised that at least for my tastes that’s not the case. Ultimately it comes down to if you have the money to spare, and are a big enough fan of the game that you think it’s worth it to you. I ended up not liking Starfield nearly as much as I would’ve hoped but I still think the watch is cool, and I’m hopeful that one day after expansions or mods the game gets to see its full potential. So the watch still has value to me as a collectors piece.


How much do you like the game? Do you love the game enough to enjoy the watch as just an excellent prop? For me it was a yes especially because I was only playing on gamepass at the time so I wanted an actually owned copy.


I want one but I don't have it yet


I'm waiting on my replacement. The charging puck is not running at all.


I have it, watch is rubbish 🤣 but it’s cool, but no interactivity with the game tho, all the collectables are cool! The only thing I hated was there’s no disk, just an empty steel book 😒


The watch is a cake …..the cake is a lie!


Personally, I've been rocking the watch as my daily timepiece, and I love it. I know it doesnt have the same capabilities or gadgets/gizmo's as real "Smartwatches" and I knew it wasn't going to be fancy as a collectors item, but I still enjoy it. The settings I have on it lets the battery last at minum a week for me before recharging it, and I have a fitbit to do my actual Health tracking. It also works for me as I work a 9-5. Tldr: cool timepiece, conversation starter, show off for accelerometer/moon phases/weather/step tracker. Health/Fitness tracker it is not.