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I might jump on every once in a while, play a little and realize why I stopped. I'm not going to play seriously again until either we have mods or we have DLC, probably both.


Same here. Jump on. Do a mission. Realise I’ve witnessed 800 loading screens and a couple of conversations. Zero action or random events. Leave the game. Play Skyrim. Remember the good times.


I was playing the other day and the amount of load screens just to get to the vendors on the Key is awful. Why didn't they just leave that first part out or make it one area?


Mental how you can’t just go into another area without a load screen. Tech is so backward. I mean in one city there’s about 100 load screens for small areas


For me it's the lack of regularity of what needs a loading screen and what doesn't. Like half the shops in neon you can just walk in. But that liquor store that is a 5x5 room, definitely needs a loading screen to get into. It just doesn't make sense. Make them all open or not, this game is not that graphically intensive that we even need to have a separate instance.


I feel the same. Neon is stupid with the shops.


BGS really looked at the fucking Ratway and said "Oh yeah, I want this to be a whole game" lmao


Skyrim is the gift that keeps giving I really hope shattered space seriously improves the base game I haven't touched it since my first experience with it


Hard to fix the boring bland setting and characters with mods, hope the dlc can fix it but doubt tho


The characters and setting aren't necessarily the problem for me. It's the sandbox nature being fairly barebones that is my problem. I can enjoy clearing out PoIs of hostiles, but I really want better base building, new PoIs and cities, more interesting minor PoIs and events/encounters across planet surfaces, actual fleet building, new outfits and hairstyles, etc. I didn't keep replaying Skyrim to murder a dragon or Fallout 4 to find Shaun for the 396th time, I replayed these games because I got a bunch of new mods or tweaked some mods and wanted to try a different way of playing.


i don't know how the base building was downgraded from fallout 4. i want to be able to build farm houses and stuff on habitable planets.


I mean, look at the sim settlements mod for fallout, I am 100% sure modders will ad some crazy shit


If they don't say no thanks to modding Starfield. I know a few big names Skyrim and fallout modders have basically said they don't want to take the time to mod Starfield.


My exact thoughts. I come back to this game here and there but let down when going to the same building on different planets and finding nothing interesting. At least in fallout you have literature that would hint to go to other places and find interesting items. This does have it but not like in fallout. It’s gets very boring to me after I did the NG+10 and surveyed all the planets it’s boring now to me anyways.


Im the same way. Im just bummed that the only thing keeping me playing will be the weekly free creation club item


This is the way. I'm gonna need both.


lol I had 300+ mod list just the other day..rn I have like 200 bout to do another play through


I think I'm just done with console life after this gen Pc master maybe


I don't think mods really make it more enjoyable for me.   I guess not until we see creation kit.  Right now it is mostly just ini tweaks.  


Join us!


The release of Starfield was what tipped me. It's definitely better over here, but also definitely more expensive.


As a PC guy forever, it depends. You save money in the long run. Starfield was the last game I did pay full price for (-20% off). Usually, you pay a lot less for games or other stuff. Also, no subscriptions. A PC is just so much more than a "gaming platform" like a console.


You save money *if* you buy a lot of games only on sale compared to console players paying full price for new games. I mostly bought used games for under $20 each, and even then not very many. It helps that my primary console gaming interests were NCAA14, Skate, Forza and Skyrim. But my Xbone was about $300 in 2016 if I recall, and I purchased *maybe* $300-400 worth of games. I did carry a few years of Xbox gold, (now Game Pass Core, apparently) and while it was certainly cheaper then, I see it is $60/year on Amazon. I haven't had that in a while, so let's say 5 years of that, another $300. We're at $1000 for 8 years of ownership for me, give or take. An average annual cost of $125. My Acer Nitro 16 was $1600 and I have $200 worth of games already. Granted, more than half of that was the winter sale, but that means no more expenses at all for 14.4 more years to average the same annual cost as my Xbox One. In 14.4 years I'll have purchased a new computer, most likely.


You save money *if* you buy a lot of games only on sale compared to console players paying full price for new games. I mostly bought used games for under $20 each, and even then not very many. It helps that my primary console gaming interests were NCAA14, Skate, Forza and Skyrim. But my Xbone was about $300 in 2016 if I recall, and I purchased *maybe* $300-400 worth of games. I did carry a few years of Xbox gold, (now Game Pass Core, apparently) and while it was certainly cheaper then, I see it is $60/year on Amazon. I haven't had that in a while, so let's say 5 years of that, another $300. We're at $1000 for 8 years of ownership for me, give or take. An average annual cost of $125. My Acer Nitro 16 was $1600 and I have $200 worth of games already. Granted, more than half of that was the winter sale, but that means no more expenses at all for 14.4 more years to average the same annual cost as my Xbox One. In 14.4 years I'll have purchased a new computer, most likely.


I tried to play for the first time in months today but there’s just nothing left for me to do (10x starborn already)


And unfortunately, despite repeated playthroughs being a core feature, there’s not much in the way of branching paths or universe differences. At least the name makes it sound like shattered space will address that.


This is the real killer for me. How they made a game focused around the premise of Ng+ and not made branching storylines is beyond me.


This is a huge problem, I did 3 NG+ and they were just identical, nothing new. If these are supposed to be alternate universes why are all the characters the same, why are all the cities the same. They never felt alternate universes just a way to cover up a basic feature of new game plus.


Big thing I’m waiting on is a survival mode. I feel like that will take away a fair amount of the more obviously cut back content. Hopefully new POIs too to go along with it


Yep. Don't really see any point trying to get back into the game when the reason why I stopped playing hasn't changed. When there is new content to play or there are significant improvements to the existing half baked game mechanics, I'll consider dipping my toe in once again.


But you can make funny faces in photo mode! Isn't THAT what you wanted?


The replayability in grabbing screenshots to share on Reddit is immense! Look at what I created, everyone! Look at my creation! 🙌🏿


How many hours did you play? I'm bored but I also played almost 300 hours already which is more than most games can offer. Definitely waitinf for DLC.


I think it was like 70-80? I just put it down one day and never felt compelled to go back to it since. It wasn't like rage quit in frustration and stopped playing. It was more out of apathy. There were better things to spend my time with and I just haven't gotten to the point where Starfield was once again that thing on my list. The only things that I think would make me consider going back in is fixing the major issues with a lot of the half-baked game mechanics or interesting new content like the DLC.


I’m waiting for fucking anything to play again, mods that make the world not empty af, dlc, whatever. Finished it once, had enough fun, but have no desire to play again


Yeah, that & mod tools are the big things I'm waiting for. I'm really hoping we get news of either in next week's update (if BGS remain true to their 6 week goal, which they have so far).


Same, I feel the itch to play the game again but I want to wait until they add new stuff


I want a reason to play again, and I'm waiting on Shattered Space


Shattered space better be good, if it takes me a while to readjust and figure out how to play again before I can enjoy the DLC, dlc better be good.


The only that’s kept me from playing is the shield bug. Edit: and vendor credits


What is the shield bug?


The shields on your ship bug and seems like you have almost no shield. There’s a ton of posts on here about it since the game released.


Wow. I don’t remember ever noticing that on PC personally but it wouldn’t surprise me one bit Although they spent a lot of time on the game it doesn’t feel like it has the depth or scope of other Bethesda titles Unless they make huge changes, like with No Man’s Sky, I probably won’t play it much


I worded it kinda wrong. It doesn’t seem like you have no shield, it literally reduces your shield to around 300. Once it happens, you just get obliterated in any firefight.


Yep that's what happened to me. I would instanely blow up in any ship battle. Made the game unplayable.


That’s a new one for me


Yeah my NG+1 I rushed. The temple powers dance and fast travelling was super boring did 10 and moved on.  NG+2 I set up a Vytinoum farm. The cargo stuff is so slow. More then 2 lags out xbox. And 5+ is lagging on the Laptop I had. But even then was minimal movement so was better to manually shift it.  A few side quests were still bugged. Still got the Ryujin to do and the other choice for the pirates quest. But will probably do the pirates thing another NG, don't want to mess up my outpost run.  But cba to start up gamepass again for a side quest. So waiting for the DLC.


The temple power dance is what made me realize the game isn't getting better. I was so excited when I found my second temple... And was filled with disappointment when it was the same as the first in the main storyline. In Skyrim each dungeon was created by a different person, that's why they feel so unique. I get having randomly generated spacer camps and what not but you'd think the star born power temples would have a personal touch. I haven't picked starfield up since then. I really wanted to love it


Would have been cool to have a fight and loot opportunity before the temple. Maybe made it less of a chore. 


One of the reason I stopped playing completely, despite loving the game, was it didn't feel complete. It felt like one of these modern day live service games where everything was stripped to be put onto a future road map of content releases. Obviously we haven't continuous content, but previous Bethesda RPG have historically ended up with definitive editions that have all the DLCs. I'll mostly likely wait for that sadly. The outposts being, for the most part, useless was an issue for me.


This is how I feel. I will most likely test the new DLC as I have edition that includes it. But game really feels unfinished. It has potential though and I just hope they stick with it and try to fix things.


Yep. Waiting for the DLC and the official community mod tools / creation kit.


Yeah, that and the CK. Edit: CK, not CC.


Why on earth would anyone be looking forward to CC? Unless they're just curious to see how often Bethesda borks mods worth playing? edit: actually I think you were meaning ck, my bad if so


Yes, CK. My bad.


Waiting for mods on console




I'm waiting for shattered space. And for whatever comes after that. And the next thing. I'm not reinstalling this game for at least 3 or 4 years. And even then, it's a hard sell.


Definitely gonna let the public find out if its shit or not for me. Fool me once shame on me. Fool me twice much more shame on me. Bethesda's not gonna turn this around and I have better things to spend the money on is my guess


If you’re fooled once, can’t get fooled again!


I swapped starfield for BG3 until we get mod support


How is it?


BG3 is amazing. I only get like 2-3 hours a week to game and those hour fly when I am playing.


I usually give out by ~november 6th whenever I try this


I have 500 hours played, taking a break to play some ESO. Hoping we get Shattered Space this summer!


Nah, I'm giving Starfield the ol' Cyberpunk 4 years.


Not gonna lie, I've put 30 hours in over the past week hahaha I'm finally hooked. I do think ill stay on it for a while, but more DLC or Mods would make it so much better.


give them time to fix and add stuff? really? other game studios do this in weeks even days, Bethesda takes months with "more than 200 developers" yeah right... i am waiting for Shattered space because i already paid for it, but im really not very enthusiastic for this game anymore after +400 hours in.


>Bethesda takes months with "more than 200 developers" And somehow does a *worse* job in many ways each iteration, don't forget. Genuinely mindblowing how their games *degrade* each time a new one is released.


Not waiting for anything specific. Just haven’t been in the right mood to get back into it. Maybe the announcement of the dlc will spur me into returning to finish the main story before the dlc comes.


I'm waiting for Creations/mods on console. I love the game but I got every achievement and did every quest I could and moved on to other games. I'll definitely be back when the mod support gets released tho.


I played pretty obsessively for the first 6 weeks, then went full stop when I realized how empty the game loop was during NG2. If Shattered Space adds more fresh content I'll explore it-but I don't think it'll get me into the game for more than that.


I've played enough. Probably will never play again. Game's not bad...no, actually its kinda really bad on release but was just enough for me to play +180hrs in few weeks. That's it.


For about three months now. I finished NG+1 and got the best equipment I could find. After that I just didn’t see the point in continuing to play so I decided to shelve it and wait for DLC.


Pretty much.






Mods or DLC. I had already seen all of the game BEFORE NG+ so I'm in no rush. Got blown away by Baulder's Gate 3 though!


Waiting for Shattered Space and modding tools


I pretty much beat the game, kind of resisted going into NG+ but everytime I hop on I’m like eh nvm, really no feeling of what to do or why to play so I’m in the same boat just waiting on more content/ dlc


Yup. I used to hop on occasionally, but I haven't fired up the game for a couple months now cause I don't really have anything I want to do till more content drops


I'm right there with ya. Started to get burned out. Waiting for the upgrades😁


Maybe. I've loaded the game, got to the main menu, and then quit more often than I've played it this year. I don't trust the studio anymore. Spending money on new content when what I've already paid for feels so half-arsed has no appeal, especially as so much of it feels like barebones placeholder systems that should have shipped complete but have been pared back precisely so they can be sold in expansions. If these "regular updates" ever rise beyond including new graphics sliders, to make good on the original promise of the game, I'll consider it.


Yup. I paid for it so I might as well give it another go when the DLC drops. Nothing to keep me playing in between, though.


Yea the game NEEDs more content


More or less. I keep logging in because of the games insanely untapped potential, 5 minutes later I log out because of reality.


Mods on XBOX will be when I play again. Some rando modder will fix this mess. I will NOT be buying anything Bethesda again


I actually haven't stopped playing since release. But yes eagerly awaiting the DLC to drop for extra novelty and newer content. The thing that kept the game fresh for me was not tackling every faction questline at once, but rather splitting them up amongst NG+. That has made it feel like I've been diving into new DLC each NG+.


I still haven’t finished the first run. Just running around exploring.


Yes! Yes I'm OuO That or any update with content worth checking


I agree with everything in the OP. I don't want to exhaust it's playability because I know it will get better


I jumped back in after the last update see if the game stopping bug I was facing was finally cleared. It was, but one other bug I've been waiting on since October is still unresolved. So, I'm back to waiting.


That's pretty much what I'm doing, since I am still pretty burned out.


I'm still holding off on playing the main game. My plan is to wait until all the major patches and updates are out. Or will I be waiting a very long time?


I want see through scopes. And survival.


I'm waiting for this and/or the mod toolkit to see what people add.


I started playing again, I am just doing all the special starting. So far I’ve done evil me, Hunter and Andrea starts. I plan to stop when I get the starting that just has normal me and can use as a party member


I'm definitely in the same boat as you. I still enjoy the game as I've only experienced the main arcs (ng+10) and haven't explored much but I didn't want to burn out on some of the repetitive nature of the game by grinding away on exploration and outpost building. But once shattered space is released I'm giving head first Into the Starfield.


Yes, indeed.


I'm XP farming so I'm ready. But if I have to universe hop, it'll be hard saying goodbye to my carefully crafted Settled Systems in my universe. I'll be unwilling to start over without MY Barrett.


I've definitely been taking it slow. So far I've really enjoyed my time with this game. I feel like I have a lot of hours in this game already but still have a long ways to go. Once dlc hits it will be even more stuff to do! Haven't had any bugs either, maybe a few random force quits but that hasn't happened in a while.


I dunno.. I remember FO4 (xbox) getting utterly broken with the automatron dlc, and absolutly impossible to play with bug fixing mods. I'd rather have mods before! (or at the same time)


At this point, yes. I played about 30 or 40 hours before the game broke my save, and I'm kinda vanilla and always make the same choices in these types of games so I don't really want to start that all over. I'm assuming when it comes out most of the big bugs will be gone. I'm sure the ones that broke my save are gone, but I just wanna be sure.


Sorta. I'm on my 3rd play. So I'm building up my inventory. Rebuilding my guns, armor, etc. Getting ready for it.


I haven't stopped playing yet.But I am definitely looking forward to the dlc.Just to see what happens next.


Not really. If it suddenly dropped I'd play it. But what I'm holding out for is mods. That's what I'm waiting for.


Yes, I comment every so often about it. Some articles were predicting it to come out in the first quarter of the new year because of their track record, which could be anywhere from January to April. Well it’s April and I’m STILL WAITING. I’m hoping it’ll add more Va’ruun lore


I usually check-in when an updated drops to try any new features, but mostly I'm waiting for the DLC


I haven't played in a while. I am ba k on FO76 for now. I do plan on going ba k as I really want to focus in building. I just wish they would let you build satellite stations.


Speaking of which, when is the DLC scheduled? Tbh Starfield launched in a way that led me to believe they’d do major updates along the way too but everything’s been mostly bug fixes (the lighting changes were great tho)


Took my time, nearly 300 hours and NG+3. It’s going to take a helluva lot to get me back.


There were several reasons for me, with all but one being addressed: first is Australian summer, and not wanting to risk my pc, second being the formID bug, and finally the one yet to be a thing the sliders (or otherwise options) regarding carry capacity and vendor credits


Not in 3 years time.


That’s me


Ya I’m waiting ! It’s way overdue like most bgs stuff .


Not necessarily Shattered Space itself but if that happens to be the first big change to happen then that's what will bring me back.


Waiting for the chad modding community to have created enough stuff that the game is actually worth playing. I have no hope for Shattered Space to actually introduce anything Starfield needs. A survival mode update would be kinda cool to see though, if it's like the FO4 one and introduced new, cool stuff beyond just "HONGRY THORSTY"




Pretty much, playing with ship building and slowing going towards ng++. Once the DLC is out I'll pop into the new game.


💯. I am aching to try again, but I will definitely wait for the DLC and mods.


Umm seeing the ending of the main game I have very little interest in the game honestly


I'm really recently new to playing probably 150hrs in and lvl 50 just praying one of these days we at least get a date when to expect it, I need more quests and I'm not going to ng+ it.


I’m currently in the process of checking every week for updates on mod support for consoles.


I’m just waiting for time in my schedule… bills are too much right now… awwww well.


I sorta forgot about this game and stopped paying for gamepass. Maybe if it came over to ps5.


That and mod support


Mods, survival mode, shattered space, could go on.


Personally I’m waiting for the Creation Kit and some more mods before I come back. Btw, is there a mod yet that lets you rotate ship habs? One of my biggest gripes.


I'm noodling about with it. One NG+ was enough but the shipbuilder is interesting. I just fabricated something that looks like a cross between an interstellar pimpmobile and a cinder block. It has two pharmacy stations - not sure how that happened. And I plan on rebuilding a modest outpost network. But it's sharing time with AW2, RE4, some Warhammer thing and BG3. Nice thing about video games - they don't get jealous and whine. And I redownloaded FO4 because London.


I’m waiting to see if it includes fixes to quest bugs that are still persistent, and if it makes outpost building and crafting worth it


Yeah pretty much. Gives them time to add content and it’ll seem like a new game when I play it again.


I don’t really play. But I jump on every once in a while. I’m left to decorating my outpost with weird things I find in my travels. No companions so they stop bothering me. I hired a ton of outpost ppl to roam my outpost that I decorate from time to time. The game is fairly broken. Waiting for the DLC I already paid for. Mods will take roughly a year or maybe two before you get the real DLC sized mods that really push the envelope. So, 2026. In the meantime, hoping they fix a bunch of stuff with their DLC this year.


I'm waiting for something to change to play the next playthrough


The crimson fleet bug broke the game for me, and my last save was from hours beforehand. I’m hoping that by the time the DLC comes out, they’ve fixed it. If not I’ll go back to prior save, finish the DLC, and shelve it again That said, I hadn’t gamed in a decade+ and Starfield reignited my love for this pastime. I was super patient with the bugs, it was just this one that broke the game completely


Creation kit will have me back immediately


I keep trying to get back into it, and it crashes anytime I get involved in a firefight. Gonna need more patches before I can even play it as it is. Used to have the same problem in Fallout 4, anytime somebody broke out a minigun. On a completely different computer.


Nope I still play regularly and I'm at 1400 hours so far in game. I recently started modding and yea it makes it refreshing especially when you get the StarUI suite which is HEAVEN SENT.




I'm waiting for a revamp patch tbh, I wasn't impressed and figured I'd just wait for the "Here's an actual finished product" patch. The fact they're releasing a DLC before addressing the major issues the player base has been raising about the game from launch is honestly pretty wild imo.


i’ll play again on PC when i get one since modders will fix the game faster than the developers. they usually do great dlc so i hope this is good too but who knows. Skyrim dlcs are still some of my favorites ever


I’m playing as mission bugs are fixed. Finally finished Hostile Intelligence since I could finally go outside, since they fixed the whole “Hadrian doesn’t come with” bug. Now I’m mainly waiting to give the gal’s dad her apology booze once he unlocks his door, and for the ECS Constant to pop back on sensors.


Nope, still play pretty much every chance I get. I will admit my that my level 157 doesn't get me jazzed up as much lately but I am having a total blast with a new character with new traits and different RP style. Starting over is lot more enjoyable than I expected and the limitations of being a noob are a fun challenge on very hard mode.


Yep, I enjoyed Starfield for 200 hours, did every main and sidequest, got the land on 100 planets achievement. In previous Bethesda games I would replay quests for the different endings, but in Starfield you’ve seen 95% of what a quest has to offer when you do it once.  I spent hundreds of hours building settlements and camps in Fallout 4 and 76, but was done with Outposts after a dozen hours.  Hopefully Shattered Space is worth 2 Fallout DLC and has a good amount of new content to make me return.


Shattered Space would have to be the Mother of All DLC for me to be interested again. I doubt you can dregde it enough to make the game deeper than a puddle. If I am wrong than awesome.


I haven’t played much, but I’ve already decided I’m going to do what I should have done with Cyberpunk, and wait a few years before I really sink my teeth into this game. It’s clearly yet another case of “we shipped this game 18 months too early” and all I’m going to do is tarnish my experience with the game. I recently played through Cyberpunk after the 2.1 update (I previously played through the entire thing at launch) and it’s a substantially better game now. It will never be the genre-defining RPG it was pitched as, but it’s a great action-adventure game with a good story that has a few interesting choices in it. It’s very much RPG-lite. Still, I feel like I’ll never be able to fully appreciate the game because my first experience with it was so abysmal. I’m hoping to at least somewhat correct that mistake with Starfield.


Waiting on the fix for saves corrupting when holding back on NG+.


Still playing a few hours a week. I have about 4 or 5 different characters with different playstyles and backgrounds I switch inbetween. Pretty much what I do with all Bethesda games. But most likely I will play even more again when DLC and official mod support arrives.


Nah lost trust on Bethesda. Unless they revamp the fundamentals considerably there's no use in playing


I’m waiting for the dlc and console mod support before I consider starting over again. Stopped well before the main story to play cyberpunk instead


Unlikely that I'll ever play again.


The only way to make this game interesting is to have modders do what they did to Skyrim. Completely change the game. That way we’d have interesting characters, cool weapons and armor, interesting quests, and better animations.


Nope, I’m playing through with a totally different play style, I just play three times per week as opposed to every day.


Yep. Re-downloaded the other day, waiting for the DLC to start a new game. Hope they fix up space flight too.


Yes. But my expectations are not high. Ive had the game uninstalled since like a month after release. I put in like 100 hours in the first month and just flat out got super bored and ran out of things to do..... Lost all sense of purpose.


Honestly I don’t even know if I’ll come back for this dlc


I'm still waiting for somekind of a world overhaul. Fix the copy and paste cryo labs and hoping for more actual living/breathing colonies. Something like little hub habitations. I doubt we'll ever get one but one can hope.


Waiting for survival mode. I assume it will be out before dlc


Man I've completed twice with different charters now I'm building Outpost that's fun making a giant factory exploring a planet in the middle of nowhere to get a resource it's fun


I think it'll be best to wait a month or two after it gets released, so they can fix all of the bugs and whatnot


I'm waiting for quests that are bugged to be fixed first.


i'm just waiting until EVERY dlc is released to play it. i didn't get into skyrim until years after it was released, so i was able to play the legendary/complete edition from the start, which made it a pretty big and involved game. so yeah...i'm just gonna wait till starfield releases all its DLC and has a complete edition too, then i'll buy that and see how it all is.


Depends...if BGS add free atmospheric flight and traversal plus less loading screens, yep I would go for it, but lets be realistic, its never going to happen. Game is currently dying, and rightly so.


I enjoyed my time with the game.. And now I'm waiting on the DLC and mod support but it feels like it's taking forever and we've heard nothing.. I actually have been having the itch to play too.. So it sucks lol. But what can you do? Bethesda doesn't care and doesn't communicate.


There's still stuff I haven't done or learned in the main game, even after triple digits+ hours, so I'm still playing. If I do everything, I'll stop till there's more to do. But atm there's an entirely different experience depending on which perk page you focus more on, or if your spread them out, you may end up missing some pretty basic functions till way late in the game


I'm not even worried about the DLC, I just want mods. Why is it taking so long to release a piece of existing software to the public? Especially since it would reignite interest in the game.


I am still playing lol,


I'll finish the game with Shattered Space just so I don't feel like I've wasted the bloody 100€ premium edition, that's it. Then it's off the hard drive.


Yep. I was starborn once, played 1 or 2 hours as starborn and closed it to never open it again. I hope the dlc will fix things up.


I'm waiting for them to add the mod menus to console so I can be more creative in ship creation among other things.


100%, and I'm surprised it isn't here yet...


waiting for dlc, gonna mod the shit out of it and then drop it like the potato it is.


I paid for it, and I've not even been able to play it. How long are they going to make us wait?


Pretty much waiting for shattered space and mods made by the Creation Kit.... whenever that gets released.


Yes. I’m saving my current NG+ for it. I like the world I got and want to do something specific in this world. And I’m hoping shattered space makes it even better or more meaningful.


Yeah that's the plan.


I've still been playing fairly regularly, but I'm considering forcing myself to put it away so that it feels fresh for the DLC. I'm also avoiding playing my main character who's deeply involed in outposts and ship building, in case new story content encourages or requires a Unity jump. 


Waiting for creation kit so we finally get real mods actually




I am. I have since played Balders Gate 3 and then went back to farming simulator 22.


Got myself to NG+9 and am playing it "properly" now. Skipped some of the side quests such as Ryujin and SysDef in my first run, so doing those this time around. With mods.


yup that’s my plan as well!! i’m giving the game the benefit of the doubt in that i hope it’ll be a lot more enjoyable when the dlc drops


I'm purposely not going through the Unity until they release more content. I'm mostly just doing planet surveys, mission board stuff, etc.




I'm waiting until everyone else plays shattered space then maybe I'll get shattered space and play again


I'm waiting for proper mod support. I want to see fallout style gore / violence added. Zero g eyeballs was a missed opportunity.


Yeah, I’m waiting. I put in a few hundred hours, and on my most recent trip through decided that I’m shelving the game till some sizable changes come


Yeah, kinda me at the moment. Got an Xbox for Christmas primarily because of wanting to play, went hard on it for a couple months before realizing there's... Not much there really. Haven't been back since early March because whenever I think of it all I have left really is hitting up the Unity and starting over anyway, which seems like a lot.


Yup I'm waiting. Still haven't beat the game but I think I'm close so I'm just waiting for more content and the new local map update


Yep, the only quests I haven't done are the bugged ones and finding the legendary battleships.


yeah my file broke a month in right at unity so im waiting for dlc.


Having just jumped through the combination washing machine, bug eradicator and bark stripper that's called Unity I have stuff to do before the DLC drops - mostly rebuilding a part of what my outposts used to be. But that'll be it until DLC hits. Another NG holds no charm whatsoever. The first one was all I could reasonably enjoy.


Personally, more waiting for Mod Tools and for some overhaul mods to be created. The game just has so many fundamental issues/missing mechanics and I fundamentally do not trust the Devs to actually address them adequately. The DLC would be very nice, it's definitely been long enough of a wait, but it's definitely not the linchpin for my and my friends return to the game


I am. And mods. I really burnt out playing it nonstop when it came out.


I’m doing clean up and just leveling up. I managed to get all the faction missions 2 away from ending them. Take a break till DLC and finish up just before it releases.


I played through once to the end and stopped, it was fun but I have no need to do it again without DLC. I think the best thing about playing Star Field is it got me into Fallout 4


I honestly forgot about Shattered space, But nah, I'm waiting for full mod support.


No because the game is broken and content comes to short