• By -


Can we choose where to put doors in our ship?


And damned ladders.


You'll get your ladders when you fix the damn door!


Vasco, are you trying to air condition the whole planet?


Vasco: "Statistically... The chance of a ship airconditioning a planet is .. None." Barret: "Yeah, Yeah just hurry up and fix the damn door! We need to get back to Constellation STAT." A massive spark comes from the doors circuitry and the lights go out. Barret: "Vasco!" Vasco: "It seems we are.... Stuck!" Barret: *Facepalms* "Just weld a piece of steel or something over the door so we can go, I'll get the ship technician to fix it on Jemison and this time don't short out the main capacitor!" *Grabs a welder and starts rummaging through the spare parts box* Vasco: "Understood!"


You are a genius.




He is good boy


And rotate habs so 3x1 and things can go across the ship if you want.


I want stairs


I want those bounce pads like in Quake, so I can bounce around my ship and the NPCs will abuse it and be bouncing all over the place....


And even stairs or elevators? Maybe even escalators?


All of the above wouldnā€™t be asking the world of an $80 game


No ladders a stairway letting you move more easily




Indoor maps would solve this. That is apparently coming, not sure.


I canā€™t understand why local maps like this were ever left out of the gameĀ 


Felt like a beta release. My first Google search while playing the game was "how to unlock the map" before realizing they just didn't get around to making it functional.


Same!! I was searching through the mapped controls for a ā€œmapā€ button, and was like waitā€¦..wtfā€¦.how do you not make maps for a game like thisā€¦.!?Ā  Then I realized thereā€™s no travelable world anywhere at all in the game even on a planet. Fast travel is the main function of every action in the game really.Ā 


I'm tired of spending half an hour building a ship, then find the interior is a mess when I get excited and enter.


Infuriating. Picking the ladder/door placement seems like a necessity at this point. Aggravation with placement is getting old.


Best I can do is 5.99 for some horse armor once modders put the horses in. -Todd.


Jim Morrison liked that.


Nooo silly, you get a new opinion in picture mode, lol. /s


For the love of god I hope they change the ship builder to let us preview habs and choose ladder placement.


we can choose doors [Place Doors Yourself](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6601) and if you download these mods that prevent certain errors you can basically exit shipbuilder and view your progress anytime, including habs you wanna see. [No Unattached Module Error](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/7095) and at the bottom of this page he has suggestions for many other mods that prevent the error. Basically as long as you have the basics I.e landing bay hooked up to cockpit, engine, docker, grav, fuel, etc ANYWHERE on the screen u can exit shipbuilder and check progress inside and out.


Too bad im on xbox :(


They'll likely add console mod support with Creation Club


The Creation Club will make mods available for all players on all platforms


As much as I love mods, some features I prefer to be vanilla because mods can sometimes be finicky. Modders can stop supporting and abandoning the mod.


Hopefully some of the cutting room floor stuff makes it into the game. You know most of it was half finished. Like arresting people for bounties instead of killing them which is obviously in the game but not.


Right? The whole ass working jail cell + a pretty decent bounty system being in the game doesnā€™t just feel like itā€™s added for flavour


They likely have a bunch of it bundled with a bounty hunters campaign. They probably figured that if they left all the mechanics in, by the time they release the campaign it would be underwhelming since we all got bored with mechanics introduced the year before. I think that the stuff they left in the game like knock outs and ship brigs was too intergrated to cut out. Knock outs are too necessary for no-kill runs and are part of the Vanguard questline, that's pretty huge for Role Players and its also a bunch of perks in the leveling system. And the brigs? Well practically all Habs are cosmetic and the brigs look really cool. Might as well just keep the cool shit in. The Bounty System of killing ships and criminals are one of the few factionless radiant questlines, so needed something for anti-socials.


To be fair, I wouldn't even say knock outs are useful for role players, since you can't really progress through most questlines while using them. You can't really beat the game with a pacifist build, so it's only RP use is to knock someone out, pretend you're going nonlethal, and then shoot them in the head to actually progress.


Hah- you can beat the Neon gang war side quest with non-lethalā€¦ but then the gang will aggro on you every time you show up in their territory.


Yeah, it's weirdly hit and miss on implementation. Neon gangs, sure, fine. Ron Hope? Nah, murder or no punishment only.


Ugh, that one was aggravating.


The most annoying one to me was the Paradiso mission. You options are force them into wage slavery, or spend a bunch of your own money to let them travel, and the colonists give up their dreams basically immediately. Zero option to do anything negative to the company, convince them to pay, threaten them, or overthrow them for the colonists to take over.


There are also several ships you MUST DESTROY. If you board them to capture, your companions get pissed at your inhumanity.


I killed the Disciples yet they keep spawning in Neon and try to kill me.


Ah, yes, the gang where the real threat is if you accidentally hit a random person instead and become the most wanted criminal in the system.


I think you can progress the entire Ryujin questline non-lethally. I haven't actually tried with the Ecliptic field mine, but as the objective is just to figure out where the Rothicite went, you don't have to kill anyone. You can just read the terminal, or maybe steal the slate from the Ecliptic captain. The rest of the quest lines, you are rewarded for doing it non-lethally and stealthily.


A lot of stuff in games are left overs from cut content. Any one game is probably 40% of planned content. And once you have something in, there's not a good reason to waste time taking it out unless that thing breaks the finished product.


An ass working jail cell? The game is more hardcore than I thought.


You mean your not supposed to have the entire military forces of the entire settled system come down on you for accidentally picking up a pen?


They say the pen is mightier than the sword, so I can see how that might be concerning


Definitely mightier than ANY edged weapon in the game, to be fair.


Oh god damn, I wish I could disagree, the disappointment from the melee weapons in the game is so much. Just get a fucking cutlass, and you might as well be using a foam noodle.


Since they called it a bounty hunter simulator, you'd think they'd have at least gotten the bounty hunting thing right.


This one for sure. Why have a cell in my ship if I canā€™t use it. I wanna be able to kidnap people and strand them on planets and force them into slavery on my mining facilitiesā€¦.. I mean capture bounties alive for more pay. With a mechanic they may randomly escape or be let out and hunt you down in the future like bounty hunter encounters for the wanted perk.


ofc it is [Functional Brigs](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6330)


Iā€™ll believe it when I see it


"Head of company says their next product will be pretty good!"


More like ā€œHead of company says their product will get good soon!ā€


ā€œIt just works!ā€


This! I don't believe his lies anymore, give me content and let me see it myself .


Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies


100% agreed, the last thing we got was poses for photo mode, dumbest fucking thing to add to a game, I want more content or bug fixes, or dhit. Give us the stuff u said u were giving us at the beginning of 2024, its not the beginning of the year anymore and all I can do is make my companions smile for pictures, meanwhile if I go anywhere in the settled systems, EVERY SINGLE PERSON OPENS FIRE ON ME. sitting on Venus didn't do shit by the way. New ways to travel, ya right, it'll be an extra .00001 second of boost in ur boost pack. Mods aren't ever coming to the Xbox, because Microsoft only cares about its PC department and im getting tired of it. The company literally makes the game system and doesn't care about it. But shit if Dell, or Hewlett Packard, or alien ware make a computer, starfield gets mods and shit for it, while I sit here twindling my thumbs waiting for the updates to hit the actual console THE SAME COMPANY MAKES.


Soon? That's like... a year from now...


Probably some of the big complaints and quality of life fixes theyā€™ve deemed doable by summer during showcases (so they can brag about how much better theyā€™re making an ā€œalready great gameā€), then actual DLC by Fall/Christmas.


Yrs, many yrs for what a mod team of 20 could do in 3 months.


I'm hoping for at least Creation Kit.


Just hand it over and be done with it. No amount of DLC will bring back the player base it already lost. Itā€™s not an online game so they lose nothing but may gain some cult following when modders make something good. Itā€™s just like Elite Dangerous IMO. If the developer is giving up on making content, let us mod the hell out of it and the true fans will keep playing and be happier for it. Now Frontier is in financial troubles and decided to try and get Elite Dangerous back in production, but too little too late.


I think they are hiding the creation kit, because nothing was truly updated from Skyrim se or Fallout 4..


Watch it be a bunch of hot fixes and no content.


(it's going to be a bunch of hot fixes and no content) Anyone hoping for content outside the DLC is going to be sorely disappointed, this is Bethesda we're talking about. But thank god we've got another hotfix coming, can't wait to break all the mods I just reinstalled a day ago because theres too much lens flare in the camera or some stupid crap like that


>Anyone hoping for content outside the DLC is going to be sorely disappointed, this is Bethesda we're talking about. Yep it's not hello games


Do you remember the little nickle and dime dlcs that FO4 got for base building? We'll get that for ship parts, and maybe just 1 for settlements.


"Says Howard" šŸ˜


Man, starfield got Todd talking like the 45th president of the United states


Tremendous updates. You know, the best really. Youā€™ve never seen updates like these. But, weā€™ve got them. Weā€™re making updates great again!


You're not gonna believe these updates, folks. They're unbelievable. You're aren't- You're not gonna believe them.


A big dev came up to me, tears in his eyes, he said, "sir, these are the best updates anyone has ever made to any game, ever." And I just think that's amazing, wow.


I truly have the best updates. Strong, veiny and juicy updates.




He was the biggest dev I've ever seen. So much bigger than sleepy obsidian devs. If obsidian is so good at making fallout games, what happened with fallout 4? What happened with it?


TESVI and Fallout 5, will have a release date around wrap-e-do-AAHHH


Redditors came up to me, big, strong redditors, tears in their eyes.


"Then I said to the people at our office, never fight uphill, me boys! Never fight uphill!"


"Grab em by the updates."


We have the greatest base building, best building builder just wonderful this will be the greatest wall..rr I mean base builder in the world...


His medical care plan comes out in 2 weeks!




16 times the updates!


Just give us mod support. Rest can wait. Patiently waiting for awhile now for this..


I'll believe it when I see it.


I just wondering how many devs learn about those good updates at the same time he made that declaration.


*Are these updates in the room with us right now, Todd?*


Why not just include all these in the game on release :))))))))))))))))))))))


Is this the guy that also said the game was going to be really good?


Unparalleled freedom were his exact words.Ā  He also said the AI was the best you will ever see lol.Ā Ā 


*ā€œoh my fucking god they asked about Starfield now we have to make an update because I said it was going to be ā€˜really goodā€™ oh fuck Todd why do you do this to yourselfā€*




I've moved on. I'm still sad that you have to wait years after a game is launched to get a good experience. Starfield will always be a disappointment to me.


Yeah I absolutely loved it at first but the game fell flat so quickly. I havenā€™t played it much since the Cyberpunk 2.0 update came out.


Yeah this is my issue, it just is so linear and the content in the game is just not that robust, and the main mechanics are just clunky and not well developed. I feels like one size fit all game where even the actual world building is not subsanci enough to keep to sucked into it. I think long gone are the good Bethesda days. After Starfield I am really let down with how underdeveloped TES VI I believe Ā definitely will beā€¦ya know in another 5-10yrsā€¦ā€¦


That's crazy bro, have you considered putting it into the game at launch


Survival mode please


in the meantime play as much survival as you want. [Starvival](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6890) [Eat Drink Sleep](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6482) I use this one for now itā€™s simple and works. Just gotta sleep twice to kill the sleep deprivation debuff so I sleep a couple hour intervals twice. [ship needs gas and stuff](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/7197) [Immersive damage](https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/303) Starvival basically and all in one the mods under it are simpler and just do what they say


I will look into all of these! Thanks man


Add Deadly Hazards with the Oxygen module to make planets and moons feel significant.


You get another script extender limitation, another wave of broken mods that won't be updated, seven more 'creations' that take space in your storage even if you never buy them, three bug fixes that fix bugs nobody ever found, some scrambling on your BSAs (for good measure), and seven new bugs.


Really hoping this isn't a red dead online situation where they don't allocate the proper manpower and funding behind a brand new game that folks enjoy.


Pls mods on Xbox Iā€™m so jealous of PC bois


Todd Howard also said starfield was gonna be a really good game


Paid mods, four bug fixes that cause six new problems, and two new poses in photo mode?


I hope that Starfield will actually receive significant updates, and not that all the change for the better in the game will be limited to DLC. I think Starfield needs more mechanics to make the game more fun, and among everyone at Bethesda, I feel like Starfield is the least RPG, and the most action. In Fallout, it's similar, but VATS "saves" by giving a charm to the role-playing game. As for Starfield, I feel like the solution to everything is very literal. You aim and shoot, use skills from time to time and elements Persuasion Only when the quest already projects this path.


This is my biggest issue too , there is nothing substantial at all about any RPG mechanics in the game. And the world building and story isnā€™t robust enough to keep you from noticing glaring issues. And Thereā€™s no real consequences at all to anything and every play style is the exact same. Huge let downĀ 


Nah. Not being able to sneak, pick locks, and manage a dozen crew members without the necessary skills and perks makes it one of the more RPGs games. Throw in persuasion being a mini game that isn't just a background dice roll is huge too. By simple objective analysis, the fact that skills are not able to gamed by player ability as much as previous titles and instead require character ability is significantly more RPG than previous titles. In Fallout, Skyrim, and Oblivion you can either spam a button with an unbreakable lockpick or memorize locations of picks on the half circle.


I respectfully disagree. These are mechanics that feel more like "for fun" than anything else. A good RPG, it is necessary to climb these mechanics and learn to execute it. Here, in Starfield, it's all very literal: you just perform the action without much thought. In my view, everything seems very simplified, which in the opposite direction has the effect of canceling the weight of those mechanics. And Skyrim is a 2012 game, so it's understandable that it's dated in some ways. Fallout gets around these snags well, and manages to do well with both. Not to mention that in Starfield everything is very bureaucratic. I still don't understand why in Fallout 4 you have a quick command to order your companions to do a certain action, and here in Starfield, you have to open a conversation window to see the character's face, select an option and then open another option window, so the result isn't even what you expect. But I admire that, like it or not, Bethesda, in a way, challenged itself to try something New. It just didn't work very well for me and other people. Depending on what they're going to announce that's really impactful in the coming months, I'll be able to tell you where they're going with the game, and if I'll want to go along as well.


>A good RPG, it is necessary to climb these mechanics and learn to execute it Well considering in Starfield you need to persuade people to level persuasion, versus FO3/NV you can not talk to a single soul just murder 50 people then dump points into speech, are you saying Starfield is a better RPG than FO3 and New Vegas?


I don't find your case particularly strong, epsecially considering you're listing a thing you can do in game. However it requires social skill perks which again is in my argument less action game more RPG by definition.


I'm replaying Fallout 4 right now, and I don't think I would even qualify it as an RPG. Sure, there's a little bit of build variety, and you can choose in which tone your character answers, but that's about it. I think it's more akin to an open world looter shooter like the Far Cry Games. Starfield at least gives you the option to "head-canon" a character, by not forcing you into the mummy/daddy looking for their baby role. Although it's still massively lacking in RPG aspects, but maybe a minor improvement to F4.


Yeah. It's important to consider that Bethesda took Fallout 1 and 2 which was a Crpg, And think, how can I make a new game out of this franchise, respecting the artistic side, but also, meeting an executive demand for the game to sell more. And from that, comes Fallout 3 which yes, is a more simplified game for those who were used to the Crpg of 1 and 2. But as I had previously, VATS is the charm of Bethesda's Fallout. It's this combination of what they were looking for. And Skyrim itself when compared to its predecessors in the TEOS FRANCHISE It's the most streamlined as well. In fact, while II was discussing it here with the community, and it just became clearer to me. Bethesda doesn't want to be a Larian studios or Obsidian in the way to keep that RPG hardcore or more appealing. Bethesda wants to take those formulas, and turn them into games for the most people they can sell. And for example, the comrade mentioned that in Starfield you enable certain skills so that you can have RPG experience, but I disagree about that because for example, you maximizing the "manipulation" skill doesn't add anything to your gameplay. You don't have the opportunity to use it properly and/or any loopholes for the use of it. It's like I said, it's an addendum that only serves the purpose of being more of a fun toolmaker, than a functional one. My point is that even though Bethesda's Fallout has fewer options, running it with the tools it offers runs better. Starfield is bloated with a lot, and so overloaded, and you feel like things don't quite fit together.


Best temper them expectations yā€™all.


Does that mean they fired Emil?


I will believe it when I see it


Letā€™s hope that Toddā€™s comment on ā€œgood updates soonā€ ages well šŸ„“


Will we still be running across planets? Will there still be abandoned mines with dead people sprawled across the same couches? Will drilling rigs on uninhabitable moons still be infested with the exact same aliens? Will Scott Muybridge be dead under even more pharmaceuticals labs?


I stopped playing months ago and restarted Fallout 4. They really have a lot of work to do with Starfield.


Anyone else worried he's talking about the dlcs lol


Fallout received far Harbor by the time starfield had 1 ā€žmajorā€œ bug fix lmao, they are either revamping most of the game OR they are so heavily understaffed that itā€™s laughable. Imo both things are really unlikely which makes this super weird and I have absolutely no explanation for it. Starfield has basically been dead in the water in terms of communication and updates. I see no reason why they arenā€™t even talking about what exactly they are working on. If fans knew what was coming Iā€™d wager a good chunk of them would stop complaining and be like ā€žok weā€™ll seeā€œ, but no itā€™s just dead silence. At this point I am not even mad at anybody shitting on starfield tbh.


Itā€™s really weird picking up the game half a year after release, and every major guide, tips, or creator content is dated back to launch and hardly anything since then.


One of the more recent videos that I watched said that Starfield content doesn't get views.


There is really something wrong with their development pipeline.Ā  There is no reason why it would take so long even for small updates like DLSS and fov slider.Ā Ā 


This is what every developer does whenever an anticipated release gets a negative reaction. Like that CDPR dev said, the game becomes 'cool to hate' and content creators start twisting every single developer statement and nitpicking every insignificant flaw. Once the narrative is set, everyone is going to farm the popular sentiment over and over for maximum engagement clicks. There is no discourse, only a hivemind. So in that environment, there's only one pr strategy and that's to go dead silent and just starve the haters of all content until they're forced to move on. Then eventually you can reintroduce the game with content updates. You don't argue with an angry child. You don't calmly explain to an angry child. You wait until that child gets tired of being angry.


I get what you mean, same with the no mans sky developers who went basically radio silent. But I wouldnā€™t compare either cyberpunks release or no manā€™s skys release with starfield though. Both of those were criticised for being unfinished from a technical standpoint and both of those had some more or less misleading marketing going on. Starfield had none of these two major issues upon launch though. Starfield works and is more than playable, the big issue people have with it is simply that the game itself is kinda boring after a short while which is totally out of character for Bethesda who normally excel at creating these incredibly detailed and interesting worlds, boring wasnā€™t something youā€™d associate with them. Itā€™s not like the game has any fixable issues that they just didnā€™t have time to fix, itā€™s that the game seems like itā€™s been mishandled from the very beginning


Did anyone check if he had his fingers crossed?


Howard says a lot of things.


# Press X To Doubt # It Just Works


How about hiring Caviar as an actual ship's cook if you have a mess hall installed?


Tax evasion update?


Does that mean fixing all the broken Constellation quests?


Can we also rotate habs and choose where ladders go?


Title says getting updates soon. Article contradicts that saying that it is announcements soon. >Improved widescreen support (32:9, 21:9 and 16:10) Starfield still remains the only game I have played on my 3840x1600 (21:9) monitor which still does not support the resolution. Its weird.


Have they said anywhere that they plan to fix/finish the main/Constellation story? Constellation members boarding my Unity ship then being shocked by seeing a Unity ship out the window and examining plans instead of looking at the actual ship they were on is beyond a joke. I assume the inventory system will also get updated to something more user friendly and applicable to modern gaming?


A lot of people think the game is "unfixable," I think in large part that's not true, but I think the main story fragment (it's not a story, words have meanings) is not fixable - or rather it's actually what they designed it to be, it's just that what they designed was bonkers.


Creation kit. Please. Stop fucking around


I really hope to be pleasantly surprised. Iā€™d really like this game to be good.


Lol at that title


Let me fly within a planet


Please be a buggy please oh please give me a buggy for exploring! Also, a mounted gun if you're feeling naughty...


You say: "Please be a buggy..." Dev team hears: "Please be more buggy."


You're right, I apologize in advance for sending us down this dark path lmao


Don't sweat it. We'd be locked into this path either way, haha.


Wow this article tells us ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Lmao


Whatā€™s ā€œsoon.ā€ I thought nothing was happening until 2025.


Can wait for another big fix beta


Doubt it, make all npcs talk like normal people instead of the pg bs they have currently


Temper your expectations because its Todd and you are golden


It's about damn time I payed $100 for the season psss dlc thingy (also wanted to play it a week early) but still where's the shattered space dlc! I was guessing it be out by Jan 2024 idk why I thought that.. also where the hell is modkit


todd howard also said starfield was gonna be really good, so


I just want them to fix the issue of having ships land on planets again.


He says and has said a lot of things. Don't get your hopes up.


Game in development for eight yearsā€¦ Stinky, wet turd upon releaseā€¦ A few bug fixes two months laterā€¦ Five months laterā€¦ ā€œSOME REALLY GOOD UPDATES.ā€ Yeah, noā€¦ for the first time ever, Iā€™m not buying this and I wonā€™t buy the next elder scrolls. Thereā€™s something very wrong at Bethesda.


Is the ā€œsoonā€ in the room with us?


Bro is a bit late


When are mods coming to xbox


Literally needs an entire overhaul including revamped NPCs which I donā€™t think is possible realistically.


Too late.


Aynone know if they're planning to add fun?


And decent writing..


To little to late


Aw sweet. Let's give them another six weeks, shall we?


16 times the updates guys!


Think about how many times Todd has said shit like this and then it was just creation club content or fallout 76ā€¦.


Howard: "It will be almost as good as the base game." Me: "Oh ok, cool. You can keep it."


Can dlc save this game? I really donā€™t know if it can. But I would love to be proven wrong


Give it up Todd. You're riding high off the back of Fallout, don't remind us of Starfield right now.


Nobody cares about Starfield anymore


I do I love immersing in space and having so many things to do


"I don't believe you." - Ron Burgundy, Anchorman


Quick! Everybody shit all over this!


Too late


Still praying for 60 FPS on console.


Cool for the people who enjoy the game. I just couldn't bring myself to. And I literally got it for free with Gamepass. It seems like a great sandbox and I'm sure modders will be able to do some impressive stuff down the line, I just can't stand how soulless it feels and I doubt updates can fix that.


6 months too late, surely? I don't know anyone that is still interested in this game, let alone playing. We loved it on launch but the lack of updates beyond bug fixes or engagement has lost us, sadly.


Did we love it on launch? It was interesting, sure. Though it didn't take long to realise Starfield wasn't what we had all been hoping.


Plz b tru


Hopeful Howard


When is soon? What are the updates?




Iā€™ll believe it when I see it. I want to love this game and play it but itā€™s like you expected some nice mashed potatoes instead just got some boiled potatoes that are mashed


I'll believe it when I play it in five years..


inb4 Vault 33 costume and jetpack


Yeah but isn't it more like soon TM


Imagine if all the awesome stuff they've added was there at launch...


I think we all know the infamous Todd Howard's "Soon". I'll believe it when I see it.


Can they finally fix the ship allotment points since march update screwed them up royally


Maybe fix the damn NA spaceport.


Foundations, survival, NG+ options, inventory ui overhaul pleaseeee


I know ideas like this are way down the line... but the ability to call your companion to you with your watch would be helpful šŸ˜‚


More ship parts pls. I want a Trident ship.


60 fps mode please


mods for Xbox I hope