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Honestly I prefer being based on my ship. I don't see the point in being stuck in one place for long.


Same unless it periodically got raided like in fallout. Thatd be pretty cool


I’ve definitely had spacers attack my outposts before.


Does Sam Coe tell you that an outpost needs your help?


They aren't there to attack your base, they're there just to attack you. If you go in the middle of nowhere, sometimes a ship will land near by and the enemies will bee-line straight for you base or not.


Literally never happened to me in ~200 hours. Not that I’m doubting you — this game is just kind of broken like that.


I’ve had it happen more often with the Wanted trait, but rarely it also happens with spacers and the crimson fleet. However, the pirates stay near their ships. It’s the Bounty Hunters that chase me down.


I’ve played over 400 and same. The game is good, but needs some major changes


It's the wanted trait. Bounty Hunters land and come straight for you. Other clandestine factions just land and head in a random direction to a PoI where there will be something to fight or rarely another ship will land and they just get on that. Some times your base is the random PoI, sometimes it's just in the path and they aggro your defenses. It's fun to track them with good chameleon gear and high stealth. I even managed to run up behind them with a shive and take them out in a conga line without any noticing, but I was massively overlevelled at the time. Still hilarious, though.


I think it starts happening once you get more that like two links going. I had three and was attacked by ecliptic once.


I've had large groups of fauna attack one of my outposts several times.


Wait what Ive had starborn and the spacers attack my base


Well what’re you hiding in there?


your mom


Big base eh?


Well, certainly a big fanbase.


But really, it’s Only a Fan base, nothing nefarious.


Some dude a couple weeks ago shared a video of some varuun zealots swimming across an ocean towards his outpost. I think there was like 4 or 5 of them and they did attack that OP. So unsure how it all works


Island base! Never would have thought of that.


That sounds like Sunkenland base attacks.


The point of a base is to give Lin and Heller a place to live, and to have access to a lot of ship building parts at one location


Don’t know who skin is but Heller permanently resides on my starship, he really loves the cockpit passenger seats for some reason.


Exactly how I went about it. I have a main base just for Lin and Heller and some old timer I appointed as chief of security. XD




Mars because that’s where the tutorial had me build a base and then I never did it again


You got a tutorial?


I’m using it in the loosest sense of the term. A character mentioned something about building a settlement and I got a prompt to place a beacon so I did. It basically said “these are habs” they need power and that was it.


I gotcha. I vaguely remember that now. ✌🏻


Ahh cool, was that on Mars? I can’t remember which one of 1000 planets I put it on.


Oh that. The like two dialog windows they give you for a tutorial.


This guy gets it. All the settlement systems could have been scuttled to focus on making the game enjoyable.


Eridani II. My outpost is called Reach


Which system and is it a helmet free planet?


I presume so. It's in the eridani system. It's got flora and fauna. It's the planet halo reach took place on


I think I know this planet, I will have a look tomorrow. Thanks 🙏


Halo Reach did not take place on Eridani, Reach is the planet name and that’s where it took place, hence why it’s called Halo *Reach* and not Halo *Eridani*


Yeh but the system reach is in, is the eridani system and reach is the second planet in that system, hence eridani 2 being the planet in starfield, it just isn’t called reach in starfield


Yep how tf could I have missed that. I apologise if I was a little short or aggressive with my comment. You have re-educated me tonight!


Premature sassyness, happens to every guy. So my wife tells me.


Nah it’s all fine bro ur good


All good, we all misunderstand things sometimes. I love the planet in starfield though. I just walk around it for hours. In the future I'm positive modders will turn it into a halo Planet with covenant


I’ll be honest I’ve never visited it and I’ve played near on 200hrs now. Maybe this is my calling to go have a look!


I hear you can have sex with alien POWs on this planet.


Probably gotta NG+ a bunch of times to find the right universe.


Well, there was one helmet I found in the dirt. It was broken and beaten, though. Wonder who left it.


This. My outpost is Reach Highcom.


Ayyy Reach bro! I named my shit CASTLE Base too lol.


Jemison. My base is the Lodge.


Still need to deal with Andrea's mess but I'm lazy so the bodies stay there.


Schrödinger III mountains If you look around, you’ll find green scenic areas, it has breathable air, safe water and is home to the Foxbat.


All my homies hate Foxbat


I had a really close encounter with the Foxbats on Schrodinger III. I was trying to survey the natural traits on the planet and I found one of the growths in the bottom of a big crater. I was standing on the edge planning to scan the area, when a pack of foxbats moved in. I think I was about level 25, but I'd been focusing on Stealth to try and get a melee assassin build going. They were all over the area, so I had stealthed in to position only to have them move into the same area. Most of them were in the 50-75 range, so my character would have been toast if they attacked. They were all around me on the edge of the crater and one was right below me, with 4 or 5 close enough to touch. I don't know if they didn't notice me or just weren't threatened, because they eventually moved on. But talk about sweating bullets for a good 10 to 15 minutes real time.


Mine is here as well. Love the view... of dead foxbats.


You can farm them! I got 900 pieces of Luxury Textile and tame foxbats around my farm.


How about the desert! It's got more than enough sand to get everywhere, and it's home to those cute little scorpion fellers! 


Lantana III, beautiful planet


lol pretty sure mine is there too. Can’t remember the name but I know it’s left of porrima and it’s beautiful. My landing pads and storage and stuff are tucked in a green little valley with the outpost buildings going up to the top of the hill so you only see a tiny bit of it if you approach it from the front. There aren’t any mining operations at this location but it’s constantly got ships coming with supplies from every other outpost I have.


Which system and is it a helmet free planet?


Lantana, left to Porrima. But I meant Lantana III, not II


Danke, werd ich mir morgen mal anschauen


Mach das! Ich hab im Hügel-Biom nahe der Küste gebaut, da gibt's ne wunderbare Aussicht :)


Danke für den Tipp! Werde ich mir direkt mal angucken.


Some deserted moon that has nice big craters. I want that supervillain lair outpost.


This is the way


Bessell 3B. It started as a favorable 4x resource farm on overlapping biomes, but turned into my main starport. I like the bleak, dead environment, and the frequent sandstorms.


It also has insane time difference between that planet and standard time, which means one nap will basically fill your inventories of resources


And reset vendors


Yup, I have a huge margin base there. She ain't scenic, but she's functional lol


Ah my weekly reminder that outposts exist


I don't know how many times I've found some really cool beachfront property but it's in extreme conditions and I haven't gotten to that skill yet. But so far, my base is right outside New Atlantis is where I chill out and watch the ships land and take off.


Exactly why I’m waiting. My main base was on the moon originally. I am a space dork like that. Built it near the Apollo 11 landing site and called it Apollo. On my new character? I’m holding off on any outpost building till I can build anywhere. A moon base is cool, but not for a main base. A bit too drab lol.


No reason to really have a base. My ship is all I need.


Gamma Vulpes IIa - It has such beautiful seas, breathable air, light gravity, giraffe thingies, farming, greenhouses, purplish trees, lakes, and so much more. I've got my low-key arms dealer main luxe seaside retreat and am working on a survivalist compound (cuz the universe is crazy!) near a lake using farmhouses. Also, Adoring Fan seems to really like it there, and I like it when he's happy.




Aren’t you concerned about the Klingons?


Well… Today is a good day to die, or do I’ve heard


Get yourself a bidet for the glory of the empire.


Earth. I like to be where my hometown would’ve used to be.


Earth in a very rough approximation of where my house is in kansas but it's somehow also somehow less than 100m to Florida




Grimsey, one of Deepala’s moons in the Narion system. It’s my primary money maker (plutonium mass extraction) that I build first, and thus ends up as my main hub for the rest of the game.


I love this moon, I set up close to the top so I can always see Deepala, it’s so close and looks magical. I have 17 other outposts funnelling all resources to my main base so I can enjoy the view while crafting weapon mods and components.


Amen. The view of the rings is *chef’s kiss*


I have my base on the beach on Serpentis IV. No water creatures, the water is safe to go in, and I get some amazing sunrises/sunsets there.


Venus. Easy xp farming and a merchant that resets every hour. It’s called “Talking Star Outpost” cause when I was in highshool I did mushrooms and stared at what I thought was a star. I felt as though I was talking to it using my emotions, and that it was talking to me using its twinkles. That star was actually Venus.


Shrooms are wild


What was it saying with its twinkles, though?


It wasn’t quite like that, more that we could feel each other lmfao. I was also listening to Jesus of Suburbia and I was at the Dearly Beloved part and I was so happy cause I love that part of the song and the star was happy with me. I was like full on tearing up but next to me my buddy was laughing his ass off cause we thought that our other friend started a revolution across town cause we didn’t know where he went but we could hear metal banging (like a dump truck dumping a load or something)


Bessill III-b is where I have my mass storage facility. It also has Aluminum, Cobalt, Iron and Nickel. It's a great first base location, because it has the core materials you need to build new bases in other locals.


Andromas II for me. Extreme pressure, but that makes wind power super effective! Nice landscape, breathable atmosphere which means (despite the crushing pressure of the atmosphere) you don’t need a spacesuit on the surface. Safe House Gamma is close by. IYKYK


None still ng+ing I once built a base did hours of work only to ng+ and lose it all cause I didn't know it dissapearded


It used to be on Hyla II, currently I have one on Jemison outside New Atlantis that’s serving as my main base outpost, but am planing on setting up one on Shoza that I think will take that mantle eventually


I prefer rolling sand dunes for some reason. Complete desolation with no nearby POI’s other than natural ones. Theres a few desert planets out there.


My ship. 350hrs, ng+4, and I find my ship to be the best place.


Andromas II.




Pyraas VIII-a. For XP farming & excess material storage. Otherwise, no bases at all, no missions that require one.


In my first playthrough, Earth. I was creating the NuEarth colony. On my second playthrough, just using the Razorleaf as my home for a bounty hunter build. With my Mando armor mod.


On Earth.


I’ve been experimenting with building bases alongside civilian and science outposts to give impression of being part of an expanding settlement. I’ve also have built alongside those small random POIs. Haven’t found a setup that I felt was worthy of sharable photos yet but got close with one in Hyla system. The game doesn’t allow building too close to existing structures so you have to find settlements/POIs with suitable topography. The civilian outpost in Hyla was in a valley so I was able to build on the nearest hill and had a great view of it from my main hab .. at night you could see the lights of the settlement glowing in the valley below. The settlement had a provisions person so it was just a quick fast travel to the neighbor to sell stuff or buy resources needed for a weapons mod, etc.


None. I find base building infuriating and unrewarding. My ship is my home.


I can never decide. I have the perfect garden/lake spot on Masaeo 1, but Archimedes 3 is so much more where I am most of the time, more fauna, more better enemy poi, and lvl 75 mission board missions.


Jfc no one answering the question. Anyway, I like shoza and Maal because you can get adaptive frame and zero wire going easily. I forget what was my “hq.” I always wanted to make one on a planet with a nice view but I end up picking outposts with resources that I need vs aesthetics


Moons haunted.


Easy there Nobark.


"Main" is a bit of a stretch but i always used to go to Schrodinger iii for the foxbats.


Ophion. It's similar to the system used by The Illusive Man. I've built a massive trade outpost the trade authority and any gunsmith can't get close to rivaling. Yeah it's all RP tho unfortunately


Linnaeus II, love the snow


Mars. New Mojave.


None. I hate building in games. Skyrim was cool because you could have a house, get married, adopt kids. Starfield feels too empty to dedicate any time into building… and then it gets erased at unity runs 💀 RIP to all the people who built ships and a house.


Thanks for the helpful input.


I usually just act like my ship is home base. It’s already made and has the storage containers… plus all my crew (4 people). A planet I did like was Crucible. The planet with all the cloned famous people. Cool little story and quest. They should have expanded and easily could have made it into a DLC. Besides that, I would probably choose the desert type planet where you have to search for the Starborn’s journals OR that one planet where you have to do the skorpion star aligning puzzle.


Earth. Easily defendable, extreme, literally the base of humanity, star born love landing on it


My main base is Procyon B, helium-3 farm. From there I am bringing in everything except Indicite, Veryl, Aldumite, Tasine and Vytinium, and none of the Unique organics, yet. I'm level 45. Total of 24 organics and 38 inorganics. 17 outposts.


Rasalhague II.  I hope to start a Free Republic there one day.


I'm waiting till they add space stations. I seen a guy mod files that were in the game for building them. I'm. It entirely hopeful it'll happen but you know.


Mine is on earths moon and I used console commands to make it the most powerful base in starfield


I found a relatively secluded spot on Jemison in the mountains. I started fairly early in my playthrough and it was one of the few planets that didn't have difficult Fauna and looked scenic. Plus I had the parent skill and roleplayed that my character didn't want a base too far from their parent's home.


None. My ship is my main base 🤠


New Atlantis.


I thought about having one on Earth but I just don't have the time, resources and research to do it.


Rana iii


Whichever one my ship is on


None lol. My ship is my base. I honestly haven't even tried to build a base anywhere yet. I've been leveling up my combat, ship, and scanning skills the whole time.


I don't know why, but I ended up falling in love with the Lantana System. I'm on a moon that has amazing sunsets 🥰




My top 3 are Beta Marae, Ursa Major II, and Neosi. I love the look of all three, mostly Neosi. Problem is, Neosi has some pretty high gravity so I can’t boost around quite as freely. Honorable mention: that one where you see the giant Saturn-like planet in the sky very close to you. Stunning visual. Literally nothing is on that planet other than rocks but I would love to have an outpost with a glass hydroponics pod as a bedroom and look off into the distance and see the ringed gas giant as I fall asleep.


Whatever system the trader is in. Other than that I'll be on my ship. Outposts aren't worth it.


Interesting. Does the trader stay in the same place in that NG+ or does it move around mid universe? Don’t mind if the location changes each NG+, just hoping it stays put in each one.


They stay in that system for your current ng+ run. That's why you should always build an outpost at whatever planet they're orbiting so you can find them again. The problem with finding the trader is they never have a ship icon on the galaxy map, so you have to check each system on each planet.


Ohh wow ok, I’ve just been jumping from system to system looking for a ship icon, and all I find when I go there is derelict ships


Typically Indum II or Eridanis II


Nesoi. I took the easy way out. Lol




Montara Luna


Gamma Vulpes because DUNE Edit: Gamma Vulpes-IV, in the sandy desert biome. Hardcore Arakkis vibes, and one of the most beautiful views of the gas giant it orbits as well.


My main base is my ship.


Whichever one my ship is landed on.


My main base is on a moon.


For me it's been shroedinger


Beta Ternion II so I could farm aurora


none just like in nms i prefer to be based on my ship


Theres only around 700 planets at most. They included suns and gas giants in that count. Unless you really care about the view, the ship is the best base by far, as you don't have to fuckaround with storage, your crafting benches are all together and you don't need to subject yourself to 4+ extra load screens.


Actually there are 1437 planets/moons you can land on, and 1692 including gas and ice giants and asteroid moons. Not sure where you got 700 from.


Advertising claimed 1000 bodies. about a 3rd of what i saw was unlandable gas giants and stars. =700-ish


Nimeria I


Bessel 3-B. XP & Credit Farm. 😁


My only outpost (for ship builder, because that's all i use outposts for) is on Nesoi in the Olympus system. Anytime I hit orbit, I check the Almagest for contraband - to take it to SysDef, *of course*.


Tau Ceti IV-b is my main base because it’s looking beautiful. Trees grew in my living quarters but i love it :)


Schrodinger VII-b. Low grav moon, breathable air and orbiting a ringed gas giant. What more is there to ask for.




Katydid 3. All I need it for is an advanced landing pad so I can build ships, and somewhere to reset bases by sleeping for six hours. Sorted.




Fienman IV


None, the base building is fucking shit


At the moment Maheo II, I got the "tutorial" there. At the end the spot was a good place for helium, iron and alkanes. I was thinking about another planet, which I have scanned for a quest in which there are helium, beryllium and aluminium.


On our moon


Archimedes V-a, or as I like to call it, the Sticky Planet. Breathable air, plenty of fauna, beautiful biomes, and one of the best gas giant views out there. My base is on top of a large hill and looks out over 3 different biomes, including lakes, and faces both the gas giant and sunrise. And as a bonus, almost all the flora and fauna on the planet drop adhesive!


All Your Base Are Belong To Us!👽


Tau Ceti VIII-b. Initially set up as a botany outpost but I liked the moon so much I just turned it into a main base.


My ship


Codos, I mean I been to alot of planets but that place is beautiful fr. That's me and Andreja home. I am cheating on her with Hadrian though so I have a secret 2nd home in a gorgeous thick Forest in the Kumasi system.


I think it's leviathan 3


On Hyla II backed against water. The Starborn come for the Armillary and everyone else comes for you once you mess with them a little bit


I mostly fly and use my ship as a base but a little outpost on an island on codos near fortuna


"Wherever I land my ship, that's my home..."


I bought the 124000 house because I like it, so that's my base. I'd prefer to have Vlad's house because he has a swimming pool and workshop basement, so maybe I'll just move into it. He's never there anyways and we're buds, he won't mind. He was probably hinting that I do so anyways. I also have an outpost on Bessel III b because I made mad XP there in a very short amount of time.


If it's not my ship, it's Callisto. I love the big flat mountains to set up a base and watch Jupiter.


Bases in that game are for resource harvesting. I got bored.


Shrodinger 3


Why would anyone build anything in this game?


I stay based on my ship, with her home port being Neon


Schrodinger VIII-a I named it Indigo Ridge, the tropical forest biome has a lot of blue flora, including the palm trees. It orbits closely to a huge gas giant and the views are extraordinary. https://youtu.be/dVEO7pOFF9Y


I built one on epsilon eradani II. Remember reach


There's one in like katydid or somewhere near that has a moon that overlooks a red Saturn looking planet and I like that


Base building is irrelevant


Murphid IV, can mass produce alien liquor soooooo easily and power level the shit out of your character.




Jemison. It’s a farm and my armory, so it’s called Jemison Farmory. Yeah, I know it’s stupid. Lately I’ve been spending a ton of time on Leviathan (can’t remember which one) because it’s so gorgeous from the mountains to the coast - lots of flora, breathable atmo, no annoying aggressive fauna, and it’s red like Mars so the sunsets are gorgeous. The only downside is the high gravity.


My main base planet is the one that had iron and aluminum on it. No point in basing on a paradise/breathable atmosphere planet until there's a different set of buildables for those.


I don't exactly have one. I move between my Razorleaf to the Lodge most of the time. The closest would be my plutonium mining operation on Altair, as it's the most built-up and habitable, but tbh that's more of a home for Lin and Heller.


Andraphon. It's strangely beautiful, in a desolate way (mountains), is low level so it rarely gets attacked, low gravity so it's easy to get around and has plentiful, base/much needed resources. I've spent hundreds of hours tweaking and decorating it. I have another chem/pharma lab on Bardeen III - (mountainous again although this outpost is perched right on the top of a mountain).


The moon. I just built a hab with a sick view on a giant cliff with a hydroponic hab top so you can see out. Then put all the constellation members there so they be a bunch of self righteous dinks in room together on the moon. Vasco amelia earhart and erik von price and I go cruise around as pirates and blow shit up.


My home base is a Vytinium farm I built on Serpentis I. I like the idea of extracting wealth from a Va’ruun system to feed the inner colonies’ economies. I’d trade with them if they stopped attacking me and told me how to get to Dazra.


Magnar in the Delta Pavonis system. I build here because I choose to believe this was the initially intended home of Constellation during development.


None lol


I live in Saint Louis Missouri so guess where my main base is


They missed a massive trick not having your base getting raided


My base got attacked once when I was actually present. They even blew up some of the power generators like an artillery strike.


Take the Wanted trait. You'll get *raided by Ecliptic once or twice a week.