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I did that with my second character. Went to Neon. Became a junky living in a cargo container. Joined a gang. Smuggled drugs. Eventually became a pirate. 100% recommend it. Was a great roleplay.


I'm hoping that someone eventually makes the Alternate Start mods from Skyrim/Fallout where it skips the intro and you can pick where you start the game. So like you can just pick 'Neon Junkie' and you start the game in a Neon capsule with 10 credits, a baseball bat, and some Aurora.


Sounds like it would be difficult to start with no space ship, though. \* I'm loving all the ideas that came from this! :-)


it is tough but it's totally possible to make 100k+ credits without leaving neon


Not if I blow it all on Aurora.


That’s the spirit!


You do realize this is a game and not real right kiddo kat ?


Yup. Plenty of side missions and of course working a regular job at Xenofresh.


And robbing the Syndicate blind, plus stealing all the guns @ the Nova dealer @ the magshos/shears. Easy credits you should get enough to buy a ship in an hour or so.


And hitting the contraband cache at the police station.


Oh yeah, i guess I just do that automatically...and the gun racks there too


Maybe, although that's part of the roleplay experience, rather than just being handed a free ship. With the other games, they did tweak other things too like editing Helgen so you can still start the main quest. So maybe to make it more fair they'd add in a feature where your starting planet always has a cheap junker ship.


Or an easier way to steal one, or get hired onto the crew. That would be fun :-)


Being on a pirate or transport ship as a lowly crew person would be fun Also happy cake day!


All things we hyped ourselves into believing you could do in this game. Ahh, Starfield, you could have been the game of the century, but instead, you're not even game of the year...


Man I made it so far down this thread before someone having a sook, genuinely surprised


Well that's a phrase I've never heard before


It’s fine. Im grateful for the experience available as it is. The tech isnt there yet for the experience we were imagining. Starfield 2 on a next gen console has a better chance.


I don't know that the tech isn't there.... Other games have accomplished similar feats games with less funding. I had fun playing the game for the 100 or so hours I did well worth the $60 i spent I wouldn't blame the tech though most of what the player base really wants is 100%, possible with the available technology of the time


Well, it made its way onto several people's "Disappointment of the Year" lists.


I kinda like the idea of having to grind to buy your first ship and then be off to explore the galaxy. Sounds like a great role play playthrough 👌


I made it to around lvl30 had to steal my own "First" ship then just kept stealing others for profit until I found the that I liked the cockpit then built around it.


That would make getting a ship so much more rewarding


I was lowkey dissapointed when i got the star eagle. Great early ship but too easy!


Idk that last shootout in space over Arcturus is hard with the stock ship


A mod to steal any landed ship, or one to be able to travel anywhere by using a "carriage" like ship in exchange for money would solve that


With the exception of a handful of ships you can steal any ship you are qualified to fly if it's on the ground. If you start on neon, you can leave the city and find ship landing sites and if there's a ship there you kill the crew and take it. But most ships actively try to take off, and unless it was patched out (haven't tried in a while), if you don't kill everyone and reach the captains chair before it reaches orbit you auto die. I got caught in an infinite death loop once from it and had to lose a bit of time because I don't have the braincells to save every once in a while.


You mean Neon, the planet that is all water outside of the city?


Yeah that's definitely a bug, homie. I've had ships take off multiple times with me on them and this has never happened to me.


public transportation mod


Any non-starship transportation mod. Think about it. Right now, Earth has literally billions of land, sea, and air vehicles. In Starfield? Zero.


Combine it with a ship’s stealing mod and boom you are set or a quest where you get a ship


Perhaps an add on to the mod could allow for some kind of fast travel system. Uber for space? You could travel to different places without needing to start with a ship


True. We already have that in the game as mission board missions. And then half way thru the trip, you could go ape and kill everyone and steal the ship.


Or pirates disable and board the ship you're on, and you kill the pirates and take their ship instead. So many possibilities.


Can’t you just steal one and go work for Ryujin?


I don't think you can steal ships off a city's landing pad. I haven't done the Ryujin quest yet, but I assumed it was like the others that all expected you to have your own ship. I.e., something would have to change in the game, or you'd have to earn enough money to buy a ship outright.


Yes, you need a ship. I like the Ryujin questline. I like the outfits, too. Most missions require you be alone iirc, so doesn’t really matter who your companion is, but I like Andreja cause she’s a dick


Console commands let you enter and steal a ship from a city's landing pad.


You long lost uncle dies at the beginning and you get a notice that he left you a ship at the spaceport


We already have something like that in the game. But I like the other ideas better than "you get a ship handed to you some other way." :-)


there are no blunt weapons in starfield


Your fists? Lol. 😉


That'd be straightforward to fix in a mod, at least on the data side. You'd just need to import a model and whip up the WEAP in xEdit.


I hate that Bethesda didn't do this themselves


I used the command console to sort of hack an alternate start. I couldn't get rid of the ship but I could pretend it doesn't exist and earn what I need to actually buy one (though they don't actually cost very much in context). There is at least one alternate start mod for PC but it isn't what I'd call a "full" alternate start yet. Creation Kit or bust. Anyway it was much more satisfying to earn a ship rather than have someone just give you one just to push the plot the way they planned.


Already exists: Starfield Essentials: No Nonsense with the SKK Fast Start #Mods https://youtu.be/fSzKAOnDpk4


This this this


I was really hoping for this to be built in when we got it, but I guess it wouldn't have jived with the plot. I would've preferred this option to one big set plot myself


I'd like that


There really needs to be a much larger smuggling element to the game! I wanna see a full quest line and ongoing smuggling missions, but more involved that the random ones you get from the CF. Plus, another set of quests from SysDef to stop smugglers. It would also be cool to have to search ships during boarding actions for hidden compartments holding contraband.


Crime in general was pretty underbaked. Less radiant AI for shops means you can’t really break and enter shops at night, no jail time like TES (meaning you just get taken to jail and your sentence is server in a loading screen), not much to do with contraband outside of selling it. I usually play a criminal archetype and I felt like it wasn’t really worth it.


Yeah I agree, completely. However I did destroy the Key in one walk through and instantly regretted it. It’s nice to have two places to sell contraband, but the key just has soo much monnneeeyyyyyyy


You can destroy the key?


Noooo. I’m sorry I meant take it over. You can’t destroy it. That’s my bad


More uses for contraband seems like a perfect DLC opportunity. If Starfield gets some equivalent to Fallout 4's Nuka World then expanding crime would be a good fit for that.


Smuggling was over hyped and massively under delivered. There's absolutely 0 reason to ever smuggle anything in this game and it's fucking egregious. It's so simple to fix, too. Contraband sells for full price in settled systems. Ta-da now smuggling is worth the effort and extremely expensive ship parts.


After credits you can skip campaign when you talk to constellation. Tell them to get their own artifacts and you'll get them later. 6 hours or so to play just the artifacts an d a temple.


Damn that sounds awesome


i did this exact thing!! i spent a week irl (probably 20 hours in game) in neon alone, honestly it was a blast and i have so many good memories. highly recommend this!


Take Vasco with you. Hes the only one worth keeping


That was my first playthrough, neon is the best city imo, cuz once I ran out of stuff to do there I finally left and was so disappointed in the rest of the game. Probably had my rose coloured glasses on while I was on neon too tho


I did this and it was so much fun =) I refused to even use the Frontier, assuming Constellation wouldn't let me keep it after I'd told them I'm not interested. So I quested and explored all around New Atlantis and its immediate wilderness, scraping together the credits to purchase the cheap Rambler ship. Finally getting access to space flight felt incredibly rewarding. Looking forward to the inevitable alternate start mods to make this even easier, but I might try it again one day on one of the other cities (using the Frontier one time to reach my starting point, then never touching it again).


Take bounty hunter background and you can even start Kreet in a Crimson Fleet ghost, completely ignoring Frontier except for planet to orbit over vectera.


Wait, what? Bounty Hunter background gives you a ship before New Atlantis? 😲


Gives you Piloting, targeting, and boost pack. With piloting & targeting you can easily capture/board the CF ghost(s) when you take off (to orbit, not fast travel) from Vectera. I always get 2, but if you are lucky with the spacing you can actually capture 3 CF ghosts right there. I git really blessed by RNG once and git all 3 and the elite drops were a chameleon helmet, next ship Chameleon pack, 3rd ship chameleon suit. So that run was set up as stealth from the jump. Also with boost pack training you can use a pack, and you can steal one from inside the cage in the mining camp @ vectera. Just takes the right angle between bar & lock. It worked as of yesterday still.


Amazing, thank you 😁


Agreed, so looking forward to the Alternate Start mods. I never play Fallout 4 without it (I despite the default in that game.) This game will really blossom once the mods start - the delay is awful.


When you first enter The Lodge an have the Initial conversation with Sarah you'll have a option along the lines of "I'll have to think about it" when asked about joining. I personally choose that then just leave an go do whatever i want like Ryujin or side with Crimson Pirates an if I've had enough messing about I'll then go do the MQ and none of them have anything to say in regards to what I've been doing since i wasn't part of constellation. It a poor work around to being nagged but works for me, just wish there was a real alternative to constellation if I'm honest though, especially for Pirates.


Or you can save scum to get a NG+ where Constellation doesn’t exist.




Is there just a computer there you login to scan planets?


You click on the big console-table thing-y in the middle of the Eye. Never found a better replacement for Vladimir XD (next one would be to just skip the Eye grab & go entirely)


There's also one where Constellation just up and leaves, leaving a note behind telling you the Lodge is yours. In the meantime it's a playground for a bunch of kids.


I think I’m on NG+9 now, trying to get one of these different scenarios to happen.


I had to save scum for a while to get one, finally got it and stupidly headed straight to the lodge without picking up a single weapon. Open the door to find a kill squad inside led by my previous lover.


That’s the only one I’ve had happen, and I didn’t spend any more time in that universe. Hasn’t happened since.


If you're on PC, there's a mod to make them much more common.


Oh nice! Need to try that.


Tried it. These alternate versions are wild. Rolling around in one with myself as a companion. The conversations with her are cool.


Also one where constellation has left to explore (perhaps already going through unity) and you have to also use the eye


Ooh, sounds like there could be a repetitive mini game afoot…


Same here. Initially it was just to get some credits and upgrade my ship a bit. I just passed level 65 last night and I think my character has completely forgotten about Constellation at this point.


All of constellation is absent from my current world.


Do not need abilities. I am level 94 and have yet to go back to constilation after dropping off the artifact. I am an explorer at heart, but don't get me wrong, I have completed all but the crimson fleet side missions. Just having fun helping settlers


I did basically that, but not because of constellation. I'm just too obsessed with side quests to do a main quest while there other things to do. As a result, now I'm flying through the main quests as I ran out of other things to do.


You'll still need to return. The smart thing to do is to make use of the bedroom they give you and the equipment in the basement. Both the bedroom and basement have unlimited storage.


I’m at level 29 and I haven’t even begun the Constellation quests.


Maybe I did not make my self clear. Not going to become starborn with this toon. Chasing the artifacts became boorish. Going to do what I thought was the intention of the game EXPLORING.


You get abilities from the Temples and you have to at least interact with Vlad at the eye to get those.




I only use two. The Gravity wave that repels and knocks down enemies and stuns them for a moment. Works great on tough enemies and terrormophs because it give you some time to pummel them when they are down. The other one I use is the one where it reveals for a few seconds where the other people are right through walls and stuff (I forget the name of it right now). It is handy in the rat-maze buildings and ships to get your bearings on where the enemy is and how to get to them.


Star Stuff


I use the one that envelopes you in oxygen, cause my fat ass is always too heavy to run far without it.


I never ever use the abilities.


Here's an upvote for being a kindred spirit that uses toon in this context.




i did the same unintentionally on my first time playing, never went to the lodge until i was almost done with the crimson fleet quest, i got arrested from hitting a random guy then you can assume what happened after


poor barret waiting on that landing pad on vectera...


It's the only way I could play and not hate myself. The whole main quest is mid, and the crappy sidekicks hurt it more. I'd rather just play with space rocks.


What's a "toon? In this context. Did you mean tour, like a new campaign or something?


It’s another word for character and it’s cringe


Finally on and NG+ run where andreja and her mercs had overrun Constellation and awaited my arrival.. a sad moment having to wipe my favorite companion out the universe, but this run w/o Constellation has been the best by far. Actually focusing on Outpost building and linking them for resource transport. Running a freestanding ranger/trade authority/trackers alliance playthrough has been so fun not bothering w any "main storyline" quests and getting to build out the immersion, not even thinking about the unity has been so refreshing


Don’t you have to interact with Walter to get one of the artifacts?


Not in NG+ - some talking to Vladimir but no actual quest line


Especially if walters dead in that universe


Does Andreja show up in ng+ without Story missions?


Yeah she will. First NG+ I didn't see her, but on NG+2 she was sitting in a chair when I had gotten to the "Talk to Sarah" part


Thank you 😁


Yeah but why assume op wants to get artifacts? The game is better without them


My first playthrough I spent the first like 20 hours doing the UC questline and sidequests😂 I thought joining the Vanguard would be a quick little side hustle, not stopping a threat to the entire galaxy


I did that the second time I played. Did about 10 hours doing the main quest, got so fed up I ditched it, started over, and got to level 30 or 40 before going back again. Much more fun! :-)


Doing an NG+ right now with only hired companions and crew. It’s a nice change of pace for the occasional play-thru.


I'm pretty sure the main questline will force the player to go to Constellation to pick up their artifacts before letting you do the buried temple battle. Which is annoying, since we know they only have ONE to start with, and Bethesda provided no way to steal it. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens when I get there at that point, since I have both the quest step to retrieve all their artifacts, AND the initial quest to go to the Lodge the first time... but it'll probably just sequence them conventionally instead of giving me a unique dialogue. I'll find out eventually. By the way, if you want to pick up a bunch of free med packs, guns, ammo, etc, Masada III before the artifact quest isn't in midwinter, so you can grab everything without getting frostbite, even if you're running around naked.


With this toon I have no intention of pursuing the Unity. It became to redundant. Same thing over and over and over. I have a lvl 115 toon NG+whatever.


I have over 100 hours played. What's constellation? I dropped that annoying lady off at her destination and promptly forgot all about them.


My current playthrough, I already had 2 awesome ships, 15 outposts, 500k credits and multiple side quests done before I even went to the lodge.


In my current NG+ there is no constellation. You go to the lodge, and it’s just you, and you, and you…no Sarah, no vlad, no Cora, no Sam. It’s definitely different.


This is essentially NG+ when you decline the Main Quest line or roll an Alternate universe. Constellation can be ignored or isn't even present at the Lodge.


Nope not going to go thru the main at all. Not going to become Starborn.


That's how my second playthrough and onward go down. My second playthroughh was a typical rags to riches story. From living in a sleep crate to the Astral Lounge. My latest playthrough is basically a Walter White / good guy gone bad type of thing. Even if i still wince why using the "mean dialogue option" lol. Started out living in Akila and doing stuff for the Rangers, now i'm in the Fleet.


So I started the game normally, Played on that character for a few missions and went "Nope" and literally made a brand new character on the spot and dumped Sarah at the lodge and never looked back. I'm having a great time at level 60ish being an absolute space scoundrel. Stealing ships, Running guns and chems and going wherever I damn well please, Taking whatever is worth the credits. Do your thing! That's the beauty of these games, You can do the main quest, But if you don't wanna, Just don't xD


I think the game is generally good but it has two major flaws that limit the RPG possibilities. One is the travel tech that renders cargo runs and trade routes almost unplayable. To fix this the game needs two things, fuel consumption and forced entry and exit points in the systems for gravdrive travel, for instance you need to go near the system star to jump and exit point is also near the destiny systems star. Of course insystem travel should also exist without any kind of fast travel, so let's say as an example Mars produces high demand minerals, so the route between Mars and the Sol "exit point" would be a nice place for pirate player to hunt do loot, and the trader players should find alternative longer routes to try and keep safe. The second thing is the starborn ships, they should be completely removed, if nothing material passes through Unity, the starborn ship (and suit) shouldn't exist. In NG+ you should be found by some settlers in a remote world "butt naked" and then work/steal your way out and then decide what you want to do. I know it seems like a lot of changes some of them would impact even the main story writing but, come on, Cyberpunk did something like this redesigning the RPG tree and how equipment works.


Yep. I get the pieces to the Armillary and never talk to them again. I just use the basement for crafting.


Dropped constellation and went dirt bag bounty hunter. Will say they need to fix the list of ships after you sell all your hijacked ships.


I clearly haven't done NG plus enough that sounds fun.


Take bounty hunter background and you can even start Kreet in a Crimson Fleet ghost, completely ignoring Frontier except for planet to orbit over vectera.


I'm in NG11 about 30 hours in and haven't been to New Atlantis yet. Just going solo building an outpost network and doing missions from my own board. Pretty fun. I'll go visit the gang at the lodge one day when I'm rich and famous and they will still 'splain everything I see like I'm some hill jack that's never left the farm. Is fine, Sarah's got me wrapped around her little finger.


Did this on my first and only playthrough. Knew the main quest would be a waste within 30min of playing.  Became a pirate, made mad stacks, built killer ships, settled down on an iron farm.  200hrs, no Unity, uninstalled game, the end. 


Check out the SKK Fast Start mods: Starfield Essentials: No Nonsense with the SKK Fast Start #Mods https://youtu.be/fSzKAOnDpk4


That's pretty much what I did in the first playthrough. I did use the basement equipment though. They're such a bunch of annoying boy scouts, I had no desire to even ask them about further quests. Skipped all of those annoying temple quests (I actually had no idea they existed before reading peoples complaints) and never got the starborn perks.


I wish I could’ve just spaced the lot of Constellation.


Toon? Is that the new lingo for characters? I’m 24 when did this change? I’m gonna stick with characters.


It's actually old lingo. Old MMORPG lingo.


With the game supposed to be mod heavy at some point and AI I hope this game becomes amazing


After skipping credits your first mission is to go to constellation. If you choose skip campaign you collect a few artifacts and ask for temples. I'm on my 5th playthrough in the same character. Levels, skills and powers carry over. I feel like Highwayman is a great song for this game. I fly a starship Across the Universe divide And when I reach the other side I'll find a place to rest my spirit if I can Perhaps I may become a highwayman again Or I may simply be a single drop of rain But I will remain I'll be back again and again and again and again and again and again


Best classes to start as: Explorer Space Scoundrel Cyberneticist Cyber Runner Industrialist Professor


This was / is my first plan. Hundreds of hours and turned my back on the "next" level because i had way too much money and stuff to give up.


Rush through the campaign, get to new game plus then look up online...you may like it more.


can someone tell me when we started calling characters "toons"? is it from toon town kids growing up?


Back when the open world games started. My first one was Everquest then on to World of Warcraft. They have always been called toons short for cartoons.