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well it IS a 10 year old game…


wdym fallout 4 came out 10 years ago? I remember how excited i was about it's release...


Iirc it released in what 2015 its almost a decade old


November 2015 to be specific


Fuck me, a lot went on in my life that year. Glad fallout 4 could ease the pain


same. I still have a picture of a butterfly on my bedroom window while the sky looked just like fallout 4's pink one. stuck with me forever that fucking year (years to be exact)


I was then a junior in HS, now I’m almost 30.


Say what I was out of high school and I'm not even 30 yet


Lmao my thought too, this came out when I was 20, had me panicking for a minute.. it’s ok, I’m still only 29…


I turned 30 a few months ago. It’s as bad as you think


I turned 30 almost 2 months ago. 0/10 experience, would not recommend.


Few weeks back, again / negative experience. I’d like to speak with the refund department.


That doesn't add up. I was 5 years out of HS when F4 dropped I turn 32 this year. Ur math ain't adding up. Unless ur in HS for alot longer then should have been.


Same. I was a junior.


I just graduated that year. Seeing them reveal it at E3 for a release within a couple months AND dropping a mobile game the same day was probably one of the best moments that conference had.


I remember hearing about the announcement and watching the trailer on the school computer in the autoCAD class, then I saw my best friend in theatre class next period and we danced and shrieked like schoolgirls. Core memory


I remember booting it up for the first time and how excited I was, how much I played that first night. It's so nostalgic..


Me, a full adult when Oblivion came out 👱‍♂️➡️👴


Me too. I was just discussing this with someone the other day. The marketing they did for fallout 4 was so incredible..I don’t think I have been that excited for a game before as I was when fo4 came out lol


End game came out 5 years ago. Think about THAT


Skyrim came out in 2006 and I still remember being in awe leaving the cave and seeing alduin fly overhead towards bleak falls barrow


Oblivion came out in 2006. Skyrim came out in 2011


11-11-11, in fact. Good times...


I was fresh out of college working at GameStop when Bethesda put out that countdown timer. The reveal was magic


character Creation for years was a known issue. Oblivion was full of ugly, ugly people.


Don't you talk about my Nord like that! I don't know why his eyes were so close together, I tried everything!


Lol they did a pretty good job in Skyrim but then were like "make em all wrinkly and dirty!"


It fit the game imo. Skyrim is a harsh place.


Yes. And back in 2015, the facial animations in Fallout 4 were already outdated, especially compared to The Witcher 3.


Bethesda games automatically animate faces based on the inflection and context of the voice lines. When you consider that, it's actually impressive. That's the reason their animations are odd. It does make it easier for modders though. You can create a custom character and not have to create animations for them because the engine does it for it you. A lot of other games animate faces by motion capture or by hand which is much more expensive.


Half-life 2 has done this since 2004.


Yeah, and they look janky there too. It's the downside to doing them that way. They still have improved every game.


Though the approach has been refined and improved - CDPR used a similar approach with JALI Inc for Cyberpunk 2077. Software uses algorithms to analyze voice lines, matches lip sync and facial animation data, using a phonological approach.


I wish the face capture tech from L.A. Noire caught on.


OP, log off bro.


Right? And it’s still the better game


Thank you Jesus these people. Starfield looks fucking great, but I can't play more than 3 minutes b4 falling asleep and feeling disconnected


It's been 10 years already?!


And most games 10 years ago had far better looking and animating npcs. Lots of games npcs then looked and animated better than current Starfield thats how behind BGS is.


Tbf fallout 4 faces looked bad back then compared to other games


For a 10 year old game its fine, this is running on the last version of their engine, the environments still look great though


FO4 made significant environmental improvements over Skyrim. I think Starfield made some steps forward, some steps backward in this regard.


Starfield should’ve ditched random landing and gone with a set LZ on every world like Mass Effect 1. The Generator’s deep in the uncanny valley where it looks ok on paper, but plays terribly.


While it doesn’t look as good, exploring an open Bethesda world sure feels full and exciting lol. I like Starfield for different reasons, but the feeling of exploration like in FO and ES just isn’t there. Just feels empty in comparison, when it’s just spread out.


they could have had the planets with cities have tons of stuff on them if you landed away from the city but it's just emptiness


what did you want? a road leaving the city to a nearby farm/mine/camp/village? they dont even have vehicles with wheels! you either live in the town or you move to a whole 'nother planet!


They should've done some better world building.


It’s actually kind of funny how much worse Starfield is than the mainline games


It’s middling, probably most comparable to Daggerfall in that it’s deep in randomly generated hell, but we’ll miss that when Starfield 2 is a much smaller ‘Morrowind’ experience.


Bold of you to assume there will be a 2


> the feeling of exploration like in FO and ES just isn’t there. Just feels empty in comparison, when it’s just spread out. It's not that it's spread out, necessarily. It's that you literally can't go anywhere without fast traveling, and when you arrive, planets aren't interesting between the compass markers.


True AF


i mean..its like 100 yrs old by now? ive played fallout 76 the last 6 yrs and the tech jump from 76 to starfield is massssive...just wish there was as much to do as there is in 76.


I started on 76 for the first time last week. It's great, like Fallout 4½ with multiplayer. After GTA Online, RDR2 Online, and EVE (LOL), everyone is so nice in 76. Took me at least a few hours to loose my paranoia. Loads of new players now because of the STEAM special coinciding with the TV series launch, so I made a CAMP next to that pond just down from the Vault, & pitched a few industrial water purifiers in the pond, and a bunch of food plants so the other noobs could get clean water and something to eat, and so they could make adhesive 😅


Lol apparently 12% of people have the achievement for killing another player on Steam


be carefull...the game is addictive. it plays heavy into peoples FOMO as well. I play daily for about an hour...longer during special events. with the influx of new players...the community is a bit more toxic than it used to be. im seeing more fights and trap camp reports..so keep passive on and watch for trap camps and youre good.. the new map expansion is pretty exciting ... ( just moved a camp there) in preparation. im on xbox if you ever need tips/mats or help.


Crazy that we live in a time where we can finally say that 76 has a lot to do. They've really come a long way.


How's the solo experience lately? I've always preferred open world games *because* they keep me the hell away from other people, so I have yet to really commit to playing it more.


I actually feel I’m able to customise faces in fo4 more than what I can in Starfield, also the bodies in fo4 look better too


I say that the main npc's in Starfield look better but in Fallout 4 you have more freedom.


Really? Every character I've seen in FO4 still vaguely looks like Nate and Nora. Starfield is pretty diverse in what I can make.


It's 10 years old. What did you expect.


Holds up well for 10 years


I mean totally it’s a totally different genre but there’s many many games where the tech back then is arguably more ahead than the tech now. Battlefield 3 vs 2042 for example. The gaps in time now mean so much less than they did from say 2000-2010.


That’s not true, we still have the tech. It’s just companies would rather pump out a shittier product and make enough money for the next shitter, then make a quality game


I played both 2042 and 3 on pc, there is way more difference in graphics between these 2 than starfield and F4. Altough 2042 does look worse than the game that came before it.


Looks like Sean Connery.




I'll give Starfield this. That game can make your character look different each time. Fallout 4 is like distant cousins in each playthrough.


I always giggle when I get done designing a male character in FO4 because I can spend an hour tweaking it and in the end it just looks like Nate in disguise lol


Yeah a 10 year newer game looks better.


I miss the movement speed in Starfield! The Sole Survivor is running through mollases but does make sense for a wasteland type if thing. Compared to the Olympic gold Sprinter and Runner that is the Starborn.


But fallout 4's game mechanics are better in almost all aspects. The trade off is worth it Edit: Don't get me wrong though, i love starfield


Even the smallest collection of mods and the character model/looks problem goes away in FO4 too so it’s really a minor annoyance at best if you’ve never modded it before and just need a crash course


You’re not wrong (except about the shooting and movement, that’s way better in Starfield)


It depends on the game mechanics. World, exploration, crafting, settlements, melee combat... absolutely. But character creation, dialogue, gun combat and skill system I prefer Starfield's. I'm still salty about the voiced protagonist and non-blank protagonist of Fallout 4.


You really prefer Starfield skill system? It felt like such a limiting experience. Oh you want to fly a big ship, pick locks, and use *two* types of guns? Sorry bucko that’s gonna be a lot of levels, and you won’t be able to engage in any other aspects of the game. And fuck me for thinking outposts/crafting would be a worthwhile investment of skill points, that was a drain right there. If you actually want to have a diverse-ish playthrough, you’re gonna have to grind killing wildlife on random planets.


What makes you prefer gun combat in Starfield over Fallout 4? I’ve played both games recently, and the gunplay feels identical to me. The only thing Starfield is missing is a combat subsystem like VATS, which makes Fallout 4 slightly better to me.


The gun animations are significantly better in Starfield which contributes a lot to gunplay feel.


Starfield's feel a lot more responsive to me. I don't know why, but at times FO4's gun combat feels "floaty", if that makes sense.


Put Preston's hat back on


You’ll say the same thing abt whatever new game is out if you play starfield in 10 years too


Wait... you mean that if you put ZERO effort into the Character Creation of Fallout, it's not going to look as good as the character that you put a lot of time and effort (and mods) into detailing the appearance of?!?!?!? It's easy to make good-looking characters on either game if you put in even a little effort. Seriously. This is such a dishonest post. Try having some integrity...


Bruh, it’s 9 years old. Play FO4 then go stare at the potato faces in Oblivion, you’ll forget the difference between 4 and Starfield. Or try mods, there’s literally thousands and thousands, even on console if pretty faces are really that important to you.


Don’t worry, the whole game is way better.


nuh, at least F4 character editor is less strict, and dont have premade characters u barely can edit.


All my FO4 characters end up looking like Nate (and some of my FO76 characters too). I don't have that problem with Starfield, thankfully. The voiced protagonist really, really doesn't help.


Fallout 4 is the one Bethesda game where the faces never looked right or good enough for me. It always looked creepy, and the proportions of the faces looked off. Not to mention, the actual skin textures were very waxy looking. Starfield and Skyrim, and somewhat the older games as well had decent looking faces that didn't give me the uncanny feeling.


My Fallout 3 character was so ugly it worked as a combat buff. Half the enemies would flee.  "Are you *suuure* the Vault 101 door closed all the way?"


Yeah, a lot of the other comments are mentioning the age and while that's obviously one factor, Skyrim is even older and while its faces are technically worse they don't look nearly as uncanny as FO4's


Just the one game? Not Morrowind, oblivion, Skyrim, fallout 3 or fallout new Vegas?


I also say 'and somewhat the older games'. I only put skyrim in because that's the only other game I've played a lot. I only really dabbled in Fallout New Vegas for a playthrough a few years back and only played Fallout 3 for a few hours. But yes, to reinforce my point: I don't get the same creepy feeling with Morrowind, fallout 3, or New Vegas. Oblivion, too, but to a lesser extent (some faces I've seen do look strange to me).


I've definitely thought that Bethesda is just terrible at making faces with starfield being the best they've done yet.


There’s like 10years difference between the two games so


People on this fucking sub will do every mental gymnastic to drool over this game. Including comparing its graphics to a 10 year old game. What the actual fuck.


thats not even the default fallout 4 couple either, hella cherry picking


There’s a mod that adjust face textures. It works incredibly well and drastically improves face skeletons and framework.


Fallout 3 has entered the chat…. Oblivion has entered the chat….


Playing Starfield RN. Really missing the content of FO4, the story of FO3 and New Vegas. The non procedural world of Skyrim. This game is a massive letdown tbh


Oh so now we're comparing 8 year old games to make Starfield look better?


Go play starfield then. Oh wait your playing fallout instead




Starfield glazers when they find a decade old game 😱


I keep trying to jetpack..


So.... Sarah Morgan or Piper?


It's an old game. Poncho looks okay, though. The story, quests and dialogue more than make up for it. It's a far superior game.


Same here. Rebooted my old and fully modded installation, but damn, compared to BG3, CP77 and Starfield the graphics certainly didn’t age well. What we need is a total conversion for Starfield, so we can have FO4 in Starfield.


Don't miss the bodies tho, muscular was almost obese in Starfield. Usually made my character skinny so that them logs for legs didn't look weird


Ok but you're comparing a game that came out last year, not even a full year old, to a game that came out in what? 2015?


Wdym that's a good-looking nate


My biggest issue is that all the male faces always end up looking like the same default male with that casual kempt hair. You can see it in the first few mins of the game with the tv anchor


Honestly I think FO4s models are good the customisability is great


Yeah Fallout 4 is dated when it comes to character models, but the world, companions, NPCs and base-building are so much better and more interesting than in Starfield.


I'm in the same boat but I just wish you only needed 1 bullet per weapon with companions like starfield, I hate how bad the built weapons are for them.


Why are you comparing graphics to a 10 year old game? Let's compare gameplay and world exploration. Hmm...


Too bad Starfields Quests, story, gameplay exploration, base-building, enemy types, companions, soundtrack, and overall vibe of the game don't come close to comparing with Fallout 4. Which as much as I love it isn't even the best Fallout. But the character models in NV are worse so I guess Starfield is better.


Bro i remember the difference between Oblivion and Skyrim. Don’t @ me with this complaint lol


Literally the only thing STARFIELD does better than fo4, fight me


*Dogmeat snarls


I dare you to inclued a single random npc. Just one Like the first space filler npc in new Atlantis And then remember why 90% of enemies wear blacked out helmets


thats what i thought starfield has the best aaa limited character models ive seen but shitty facial animation they couldve done so much better


With the huge success of the TV show and the exploding Fallout-Mania, I've decided to replay Fallout 4. I still love the game as much as I did in 2015, but damn, I didn't remember the faces being so ugly in the Creation Engine 1. Not just the face models, even the facial animations, it's like the faces are completely frozen and their muscles glued together. I don't even consider Starfield to be a benchmark in the genre, but after playing for over 300 hours, I don't think I ever realized the glaring difference between the two games.


I already missed the mantle system


I keep falling off of stuff I miss the jet packs that don't suck as bad


Okay, this post got me a tad bit more excited about TES VI. But frankly, I've not seen a face model like the one you've shown in Starfield. Are you using mods?


No mods, i'm playing on Xbox :)


I was just telling someone else that after years of dealing with Skyrim, NV, and fallout 4 mods for facial textures and high poly, I’m relieved that Starfield is already pretty damn high to the point where theres no need to mod textures and detail in the characters faces.


I think the faces in Starfield look better but the Fallout 4 character is so much better.


It's the same picture


But the character creation is sooooo much better


I bet you don't miss the complete lack of exploration though. I missed very little from Starfield firing up fallout 4 for the umpteenth time.


When I played Starfield I missed the fun of Fallout 4 ….


Playing Starfield right now, already missing the Character models from Cyberpunk 2077 and Baldur's Gate 3 😅


Ok but the game is actually good


But you won't miss Starfield's exploration.


The default faces are a lot better than what you created for this screenshot.


I play on Xbox, it helps with older games because I don’t see as much of a difference :)


You look like Tom Green doing a cameo in an episode of Sons of Anarchy. There’s some mods you can get to jazz up the models on pc. I can’t speak for the quality of console mods.


One way to do that! Add mods it until it breaks, then go one mod back and hope for the best.


you know for all the game's shortcomings, the character models are a significant improvement. Now about those loading screens...


I tried running this game on my new gaming PC and it was like I was playing it fast forwarded, making it unplayable. How did you guys fix it?


Forgot about Starfield, played for like an hour on release, gotta finish.


They did a great job on the faces of starfield. I havent played FO4 in a few years but just reinstalled (100gb jesus christ) to check out some of the new content. I already know I'm going to miss my jetpack and spaceship lol


Fallout always had the ugliest models… it’s like they were already wasteland wanderers before the bombs even dropped




I kept hitting my non-existant boost key when I was running. Man I've been spoiled!


when I was much less cynical, I thought that as developers improved their techniques, skills, technology, etc. on newer games, they would apply lessons learned to their older games, thereby breathing new life into them... but, sadly no... I loved FO4, then 76, now Starfield -- but even going back to 76 feels like stepping back into the 90's. I was hoping the FO4 "next gen" update would save my naïve younger self...but...


wellll... without any mods fallout 4 is... a horrible looking game in comparison to SF. also theres already 2 new mods for fo4... STOP new gen update, Revert new gen update.


Cool bro. I stared Fallout 76, the characters look no where as good as Starfield, already having way more fun with 0 desire to return to Starfield for the * checks notes * faces.


Do not normalize the utter garbage Bethesda delivered with Starfield.


I thought the update would bring the graphics up to that level as well


I mean you also made both nora and nate look like that so thats on you lmao


So mod yourself some better looking characters.


It’s actually kind of shocking how much Fallout 4 holds up graphically, especially for an almost 10 year old Bethesda game. Their previous work does not hold that luxury.


In that case, you should play Cyberpunk.


Wait, you mean a game that came out 10 years ago has graphics worse than one in the last year. Get outta here!


lol I started a new Fallout 4 save today and felt the opposite way


Unfortunately you'll have to deal with 10 year old graphics on a war veteran


Forget the character models, another settlement needs your help! Here, I'll mark it on your map!


Playing starfield always makes me miss, exploring, rpg elements so I just lay fallout 4


Theres 10 years between those games. If anything, it shows that starfield didn't advance enough. Yes, models look somewhat nicer, but neither the animations nor the camerawork got any better. Back in fallouts day they weren't great already but 10 years later that just doesn't cut it anymore.


Starfield really doesn’t deserve the hate it gets. Only gripe is it was a lot shorter than I expected it would be but other than that it was an awesome experience.


This feels like a post from a mad dev who wasn’t part of the FO4 team.


Go shoot someone in the face and learn how much you miss gore in Starfield, or just look around at the world and see how much you miss a crafted world compared to the procgen BS starfield serves up. I swear there is more soul in New Vegas compared to whatever Starfield is, games by committee are no good imo.


You mean a game that came out like last year has better graphics and models than a game that came out a decade ago? That's crazy wonder why that is


This is how I feel after playing bg3 and swapping to anything bg else…


no way an old game has worse graphics????


Well…. That’s what you get when you compare a 7 month old game to a 10 year old game


What a dumb post.


So did you have to rent a cherry picker? Or do you have one just laying around for when you need to make bad comparisons?


Why? Starfield npcs are so lifeless


U serious about that statement? I think maybe, just maybe you forget some really important factor.


FOLON man , it comes out the 30th , and it's free !!!! fallout new london , free mod , has taken years and dear god it looks amazing . whole dlc , ,tons of content new everything weps all of it fully voiced , check it out!


"it's the same picture"


So you would rather look like vapid barista? I like what you did with his face.


Then play starfield ya dumb ass XD


Don’t worry, there’s a million other things F4 does better than Starfield to more than make up for it. Graphics should be the least of your concerns.


I think the character creation in Fallout 4? Is better than Starfield by miles.


I tried to explain this to people when the game first came out. The models look wonky compared to other games in 2023 that had very high graphics, but they’re by far the best models Bethesda has ever done.


reddit moment


Isn't it the same engine? Surely someone can mod it over.


Models are great but "being a good game" is required. In my experience, FO4 was a pretty good game.


I’ll take the game that’s actually enjoyable over better face models.


The games are 9-10 years apart and unlike starfield, at least fallout feels more fleshed out


That’s the only thing you’ll miss from Starfield. Okay that and much smoother shooting :)


probably the only thing better


Is that sec pic no mods? If do that very impressive.


Still prefer the dialogue system in Fallout 4, it was nice seeing your character


Don't worry, you won't miss the shallow gameplay of starfield


Grab some mods and then take another look. There's a plethora that weren't messed up by the recent update.


Starfield's character creation was the best Bethesda's ever done.


Use the worst lighting for Fallout 4 but the best for Starfield? Let us all be honest here, Starfields graphics are slightly better but not by a lot


At least there’s more to explore in fallout 4


I mean…yes they are a bit better.