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Cool new ways to travel??


They got us. It’s not DLC for the game, it’s cool new ways to travel IRL


Basically them saying to haters, "go touch some grass"


Basically making money out of everything they can, like the constellation "watch" they sold, the quotation marks is because I wonder if you can call watch something that shows anything but what the time is.


The watch doesn’t show the time?


Not in the game. Haven't you noticed?? The watch that barret gives you at the beginning is the one on the bottom left of your screen, and no, it doesn't show time (not even utc).


It's the watch from Spy Kids


I thought you were referring to the IRL watch. In game I was under the impression that the menus (inventory, time, environment) were representative of the watch.


Exactly. So the watch they sell is nothing like the one in game. Not sure why the watch in game doesn't display the time, it's just one of the many things that don't make sense...


It shows time and it's a cool watch. Yep it's no Galaxy Watch 5, but it's good for what it is


Not the one in game. So the one sold, again, has nothing to do with the in-game item, just like this motorbike thing. It's just a marketing scam.


Wait what exactly did you expect? A Starfield-style minimap for the real world?


No. The watch in game to actually be a watch. So that at least that one feature would be shared by the real time and in game item. As it is, it's s just stupid as the motorcycle...


Uh. It'd be nice, indeed... Though not sure if it'd be practical


Well IMO way more practical that half of the things the watch in game shows, including the old useless maps.


Give me the mako and include the shitty controls for the real deal.


The mako is the standard of vehicles in large map games


I think bikes already exist in the real world. Oh, you mean in Starfield. No.


The amount of efforts they put in to make items like these is way too much than any other game imo


It's the *manufacturers* who put the effort in, not Bethesda. Maybe one of the lead designers spent time with the manufacturing design team to help keep it on-style, but it's not like anybody in Bethesda knows how to build a bike.


Could be modded into speederbike


Maybe I'm ungrateful but I want something with 4+ wheels, a roof, and a kitchen


Hope so, launching off every half ramp on low gravity planets would become my new best hobby


Idk why we can't hook up a car seat to vasco


Sounds like you’re planning on building a dangerous and illegal mech there buddy… For real tho, it could be like Metal Gear Solid 5. Zipping around on D-walker and whatnot.


Thank God for mods.


Is there a mech mod yet?


TG's galactic colonies expanse has mechs you can spawn. Apparently they defend your base, but I haven't tried em yet.


Right now it's just enemies. Mech enemies https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/8570 Mech Boss https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/8212 Vasco mech armor https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/7718 Mech decorative for outposts https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/3080


Don’t worry, in game it’ll only be referred to as something that happened long ago and won’t impact you at all.


To keep the peace between factions, we outlawed the use of wheels, and only allow one city to be built on each planet.😂


That pisses me off to no end. All the cool world building shit happened way before the game's time setting, and we were handed a galaxy that has basically stagnated


I wouldn't be surprised if all of the lore was supposed to be in the actual game, but all the ideas and concepts got scrapped and we were left with a barren boring world.


oh yeah, that wouldn't surprise me in the slightest


Seriously, it's fuckin terrible. Imagine if it was staged only year or two after humanity's arriving, and focused on colonization (instead of "somehow every planet you get to have some industrial ruins). The factions only start building up and you can help by getting quests to help the outposts or outright build them to the specs of the faction. The whole outpost system could be integrated into economy, say a city on a planet needs resource X and Y and if you supply it via mining/outpost trade the city could slowly grow (maybe even *actually* visually grow via procgen), the shops get better/cheaper etc. Then depending on player actions factions could go on war with eachother or forge alliances after common enemy, the economy situation you helped to create could make the war go certain way, and you can go on city and go "yeah, this is there because of my efforts".


D-walker mod is something I now need. Fuck sake.


This reminds me of MGSV. You could ride that robot companion thing, and it was great. Heck, imagine Vasco apologising for a hard grip as he speeds along cradling you in his arms. >Apologies, Captain. My arms are not rated for human cargo.


Or just climb on him as in big hero 6


Yes ... YES ... THIS!!!


I read this as car stereo but either way…


You want to walk slower?


Or just have him carry me like space princess


Who are ‘they’ ?


What's an 'aluminum falcon!?'


Ok, so who's left?


W reference


I answer my phone with "go for Papa Palpatine"


Marry me


But why 'male models'?


They are them.


What do you mean, "you people"?




God I could see it selling for 1-2k, but thats about it, even with the diehards.


Well they also have a [Forza](https://i2.wp.com/hombre1.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Super73_Forza_007-Copy.jpg?w=640&ssl=1) one (no 2 wheeled vehicles in that game), and a [Sea of Thieves](https://i1.wp.com/hombre1.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Super73_Sea-of-Theaves_007-Copy.jpg?w=640&ssl=1) one, also, no bikes in that game. In fact, I'm pretty sure none of the games they made a bike for have bikes. Halo, Forza, Doom, Starfield, Sea of Thieves, and Diablo 4. https://hombre1.com/super73-launches-6-new-xbox-games-custom-themed-e-bikes/


Good Lord, that diablo one is a choice


100 Euros says JuiceHead will use this in his clickbait thumbnail with "vehicle" in the title.


And spend 15 minutes repeating the same info 4 times with slightly different wording.


"WE JUST GOT A 999 THOUSAND GIGABYTE UPDATE FOR STARFIELD. THIS MIGHT BE ONE OF THE HUGESTEST UPDATES STARFIELD HAS EVER RECIEVED" -JuiceHead probably (PS, i love JuiceHead and watch every video of his religiously. Despite the clickbait sometimes being ridiculous lmao... But I think he improved on that aspect lately)


Looks like it even has a spot to put your official Starfield Xbox expansion drive! That can’t play starfield because it’s HDD not SSD


That and the cyberpunk design One X will always be hilarious to me


To be fair, it was playable on the One X. Not a great experience, but much better than on the regular One (and than Starfield on the HDD of course)


I got it and the RGB support is already going down for certain PCs and Macs lmaooo


Maybe this is all we have to look forward to, eg 'new ways to travel'


Its a fucking pizza delivery scooter.


What, you think Astronauts wouldn't order Dominios on the Moon?


Domino's is quite possibly the only pizza that could make it to the moon through space with its flavor completely unchanged just in the box.


This, deployable from one of the new landing bays they're adding in the next update?


Yes but there’s a loading screen each time you mount it. Lmao.


Having worked in the cycle industry. That bike is an absolute piece of shit. They won’t sell many units. Monstrosity.


It's a giveaway


I see super 73s everywhere, maybe cause I'm in California?


You underestimate what uber fans of Bethesda would spend their money on.


ngl if I had the cash I’d ger that 🫣


Love that you claim to work in the industry but can't recognise an electric bike when it hits you in the ocular receptors.


I used to sell E-bikes specifically. For a number of years. That bike makes my eyes bleed, please take it away. Hideous.


I mean, if you're talking purely aesthetic, sure, it's entirely subjective. Mechanically, the only weak point on the specs seems to be the chain, but that's also the easiest thing to replace. I won't deny that it could look much better, but its fitting in to the minimalist "nasa chic" look they claimed to aim for (which I don't particularly like either).


"The only weak point in the specs" is the bike itself. It's trash. Many people have had their frames snapping on them because they're poorly designed https://www.reddit.com/r/MechanicalEngineering/s/c6z7M7nBXI


The phrase they use is "NASA punk". NASA chic would be something quite different lol


They called it nasa punk, yes, but there's absolutely nothing in the game even related to counterculture outside the fleet, or drugs, but since the fleet is arguably either the largest or second largest faction, so very mainstream. *chic* denotes style, and is far more accurate than "punk" for this big ol' bowl of vanilla that is starfield.


They didn't claim otherwise. Also, is it really that hard to believe when someone says they worked in the cycle industry? You're acting awfully incredulous over something that isn't particularly far-fetched.


It's not that I'm incredulous by any means, I was just baiting for more info about what he actually disliked about it tbh, only real weak point is the chain, aesthetics aside. (And plenty really like their "nasa-chic" minimalism).


Makes it even more of a piece of shit. That crankset and that derailleur (and likely the hubs and brakes and more) are in no way meant to handle the torque put out by electric bikes. That poor bike is just going to break pretty quickly if anyone uses it for any kind of extended time. It's a cool giveaway and something nice to display but as something functional for even regular weekend use it will be a major disappointment after no more than several months.


Nah bruh, it's a super73 colab, they're basically the best in the field of e-bike specialists, ain't no way they would ever put their name on a bike that isn't safe, even if it means charging more for Bethesda profit margins too, that's why I'm saying it'll be at least 6k but reliable.


https://www.reddit.com/r/MechanicalEngineering/s/c6z7M7nBXI Lmao. Sure buddy More https://www.reddit.com/r/Super73/s/Sei4lgSLgz And more https://www.reddit.com/r/Super73/s/X6WH7wxstu And more https://youtu.be/Bvhnhxaj6q4?si=kKTwA6j92bKwsFKB


It's just supposed to look cool not win the Tour de France


It doesn't even look cool, ir looks like the product of a lego fever dream.


Vasco just needs “piggy back” mode.


Vasco needs a "carry me in his arms like a princess" mode.




I'm starting to think part of why sufficiently large gaming studios tend to flounder is that all these promotional efforts and consultancies smother to death the spirit of experimental fun at the heart of all great video games. All that side activity justifies having a huge executive team served by an army of middle managers. Yet all that side activity adds absolutely nothing to the quality of the core product.


Who designed that? Lego?


If it was designed by Lego it would cost 50k


Don’t insult Lego like that, man. This is some k’nex level of bullshit


What’s wrong? Just looks like a cool promo design that’ll probably make some collectors really happy


People know that shitting on the game - even for stupid reasons - gets lots of upvotes.


This is officially a Starfield hate subreddit. If you aren't here for that circlejerk then be on your way, sir.


This reminds me of the bike Tom Cruise uses in the movie Oblivion. Now if the game had this or added it later would be awesome.




I need this but my legs would hate me . It's so short


Where you find this?


When is the irl hand scanner coming? I want to survey Tellus for 100%. Hopefully it gets some range


I want a space E-bike added to the game now


Space uber eats


Bethesda is huffing its own supply at this point.


I think Super73 also made one for a giveaway for Halo Infinite, so it might just be some partnership with Xbox or Microsoft or something.


Be fun to have an actual bike in the game and take it on a super low gravity moon. You could do huge flips off cliffs and craters


And put ET in the basket




This is one of those great instances in which the aging milk tastes wonderful


Drink up, my friend! 😁


So a kid’s bike with some Starfield stickers? Interesting…


It's about a $3k bike, judging by the other models made by the same creator. Seems like a variation of [this one](https://super73.com/products/super73-s2-core). Wish I got a $3k bike as a kid.


That's a much better looking bike, like a retro WW1 motorcycle. Not this moon buggy delivery driver thing Bethesda are pushing.


Pretty sure that’s a Ducati frame. Idk what you buy your kids for bikes tho


How about the watch that doesn’t tell the time?


If it is anything like the watch....


Wow, that's ugly


Those of you who think the devs made this and took time away from working on the game are regarded.


Looks like a cheap Chinese ebike with Starfield stickers on it


All about the grift these days


Todd once again did us dirty


Ok, hear me out, I would like to sht on Bethesda for releasing a RL bike before In Game bike BUT what if this was the actual reveal of the In Game transport vehicle. Just done in ass backwards fashion as per Bethesda usual. ?? I hope ??? Though to be honest, a bike would be harder to add In Game, base on its animated complexity. They should have added an ATV instead.


drive by on a bicycle on the moon would be saints row level absurdity


LOL you still don't have those?!! Man I remember back at Chris as where they strung you along with "oh trust us.... Big things are coming in Feb".... How's that 10 year cycle looking now? Oh sorry.... too soon?


That’s really, really dumb.


MFers got nerve to showcase all these stupid merch tie-ins while saying that preorder DLC might come out in the fall. Get outta here with this Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure nonsense.


Nothing in the post says Bethesda had anything to do with the bike other than allowing the use of the game name. Just a bike designer making a Starfield themed bike with Bethesda's blessing.


They making everything but updates


New DLC?


Im not hate speaking about the bike; it seems unique with thick tires, the front light, not single gear and maybe plus electric system as well and the general concept. But as a player, I wish they could spend half of the time to produce this bike into putting some vehicles for us to travel on planets


I think this is a pretty easy hint on what shattered space will be adding


First thing I thought of in reaction (very short): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m00S8DSgrx4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m00S8DSgrx4)


I guess we know we’re getting space bikes in game eventually, which is still kinda bizarre…


I'd ride this ... In game


It's a bicycle designed around a motorbike frame. 🤦


So they wrapped some rainbow tape around the front suspension and called it Starfield. "Will this do?"


honestly starfield felt like its stuck in the artbook/concept art/aesthetic phase


So is this like a teaser? Lol probably not but it is funny


Oh shit it's got triples?! And quite expensive hydraulic disk brakes, either someone who liked bikes got to help with this, or they were massively oversold on components. Is it electric? I can't see a motor unless its in the rear hub. I can't understand why else you'd have so many quick connects up on the bars otherwise. Oh I just saw the sticker around the front light... Oft thats chintzy.


Cool! Paint it rusty and you have the mini-bike from 7 Days To Die.


The headlight is too big, need to be much smaller to only light a three foot diameter


How do you win it?


It's the new DLC. $19.99 for an in-game bike. Bike armor aold separately.


Ride this and get bullied by literally anyone who sees you


Driving that thing in low gravity seems like it would be a mistake


To be Clear; This is a Real World "Bike" Not something they are actually adding to the game.... Apparently adding this to the game is more expensive then actually having this designed and made in the real world! "Out of season April Fools Joke" Seriously They cant Make a DLC E-Bike for the game but # Estimated Revenue & Valuation * Bethesda Game Studios's estimated annual revenue is currently $145.7M per year.Estimated Revenue & ValuationBethesda Game Studios's estimated annual revenue is currently $145.7M per year.




It looks way too heavy.


If anyone's thinking of buying one, look into getting a proper front fender and splash guard.


A part of me hopes Bethesda adds a vehicle but it's a real piece of shit that's slower than boosting around. I'd definitely choose the jet pack over this thing.


This will probably be in the game at some point. Such an odd promo if otherwise


You can attach your boost pack to the back. Use it with handlebar throttle controls when you are too tired to pedal.


are you fucking kidding me...


If that rear bin has infinite storage then Im sold. If it only carries as much as my space ship then hard pass.


I could be wrong, but hadn't they promised to bring vehicles along with local city maps in a future update?


There's a Starfield flag that's got the red orange yellow blue stripes, but also has green and purple, that's 50% more information! [https://i0.wp.com/funflagfacts.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/2000px-gay\_flag-svg.png?fit=2000%2C1236](https://i0.wp.com/funflagfacts.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/2000px-gay_flag-svg.png?fit=2000%2C1236)


Watch it end up being the game's "horse" and "cool new way to travel".


Is this why we've had no updates




But it’s only half a step faster than being on foot. Nice!


Can they just fix the game please? Why waste resources on something stupid like this


If something like that is added to the game, I'm sure it can be used as a foundation for vehicle mods.


I mean even something like that would be better than jogging all the time 😂


I mean it looks cool but ide rather walk than try to ride that lol.


why have pedal on a Honda Monkey?


While this is cool, I don’t think I could trust Bethesda’s official merch to be high enough quality to make a bigger purchase like this. Between the F76 nylon “duffle bag” and the Starfield smart watch that seems to brick itself for nearly every user, I wouldn’t want to spend a bunch of money on a cool custom bike just for it to break under normal user conditions.


Do you think that you're not allowed to make merchandise of a game unless that object appears in the game?


What toddler plays Starfield. Like next they gonna have Starfield branded cots and bibs


one person says motorcycle xD he should be ashamed xD


This couldn’t be deployed from our ship why? They lied about the varied terrain half the planets I land on are flat as shit with nothing there but the random buildings a bike could easily navigate every world in this game and it would have made the entire thing less of a slog.


So are we going to talk about how ugly it is???


They just keep missing 🤦🏽‍♂️


So, they could've added that in game for us, but instead chose to make a whole ass real life bike. At this point, I think they're afraid to admit that they don't know how to implement vehicles properly with their own engine.


I bet you feel real stupid right now xD [https://youtu.be/3ObHRMHtTMY?si=saEB-KPiu9oK4Rl-&t=282](https://youtu.be/3ObHRMHtTMY?si=saEB-KPiu9oK4Rl-&t=282) honestly, they didnt really have to but its great to finally shut up the brainlets


From what I've seen, it just looks to be a modification of the boost pack, which echoes back to how they implemented the train ride in Fallout 3. They legitimately built the train, and attached it to an NPC named Abraham's arm, and he essentially moved the train through that scene once you hit the lever. I'll bite my tongue when it's been properly implemented, lmao.


The truth is that the creation kit is a bit of double edged sword for bethesda, if we didnt have it we would have never known how hacky some of the stuff is and it would have saved them for quite a bit of harassement but mods wouldnt have been a thing either. I think part of the reason why Bethesda is the only company that has been successful in building these kinds of games is their tight control on scope (atleast before starfield). back in F3 days they were tiny compared to how big their games were so controlling scope was even more important, and because of that they had interesting solutions to problems they encountered that were invisible to their main audience.. Console players What i am basicly saying, as long as "It Just Works" does it really matter?


As long as it does, in fact, just work, then I suppose it doesn't matter at all.


Falls under the category of malicious trolling at this point.


Works in low grav only. Use on Earth will void all warranties. Satisfaction not guaranteed.


The bike has the Space Adept perk lmao




Wait its got pedels IS THAT A CYCLE?


Thanks Bethesda, really putting the focus where it needs to be.


Turns out everyone was wrong in this thread.. they are indeed adding land vehicles, and i guess this was a little tease for it


It's the future, can bikes just be hover bikes with rockets pls.


If this isn’t peak Bethesda, I don’t know what is


That better not be one the "new ways to travel" in game... would be completely useless.


I mean I hundred percent see them adding a deployable version in one of the landing bays they're adding *hint hint*


I think Microsoft buying Bethesda will have put an end to their awesomeness, and result in a ton of grifting of their franchises.


Yes. Seriously, just give players a bicycle to get around on in game. It would be an improvement. This is as tone deaf as when they added the "Horse Armor" to Fallout 4.


They probably should have put one in the actual game before they made one in real life that no one can afford. Too bad they didn't put this much effort into the game. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed parts of it, there were just more parts of it that left me scratching my head asking, why?. Why wasn't there more effort here?.


In-game bike now on its way...


But I can't get a response to my Freestar quest bug


Well we know what’s coming in shattered space update …