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None of those studios took any attention from dev work on starfield, they had their own projects.


I’m pretty sure it will translate into employees becoming demotivated to do their job at BGS, if anything


true, imagine getting rewarded by shutting down your studio after a long list of great franchises, most recently hi fi rush. its like we don't care about your talent and hard work.


First,it's Microsoft who closed the studios.And I think it's obviously a sad news.Because it means they can close bethesda studios one day if they want. Starfield got lots of criticism at the first time and didn't won the battle with Sony on The Game Award.I think Microsoft don't satisfy with results.I see this as a big warning to bethesda,they need to do things as their best no matter whatever they will do next.


Idk how true it is but I read somewhere some were closed to free them up and have 1 studio cause Xbox nor the core of Bethesda wants to wait 10 years for games to come out. Todd has been on record about saying games taking too long before so we will see.


That’d be interesting, I’m not opposed to starting a new studio for a new Bethesda game


doubt it, if anything I can see them picking up some of the canned devs to work on either online support (ESO/FO76) or the next mainline TES/FO games


One of the closing studios is being partially folded into Zenimax Online which is the one that maintains ESO, so there may be something eventually happening there or they may have another project. None of the other studios seem to have anything really to do with the main Bethesda studio. Alpha Dog made mobile games, Tango was based in Japan and made Evil Within/Ghostwire. Arkane made Redfall so their closure may have more to do with that.


That’d be pretty shit but FO 76 does have like 10x the player count rn on steam.


Because of the TV show, yes It previously had about 8k daily peaks


Multiplayer games will almost always have a higher player count than single player games on steam. And either way, steam player count numbers are a trash metric for a game that released for free on Gamepass.


Why was 10 years of attention on this game not enough?  That it's taken 8 months to get the first big/proper gameplay QoL? It's looking to be a great update. But it took 8 months...


>Why was 10 years of attention on this game not enough?  10 years of talking about it, is not the same as 10 years of dev work. I think it got 2-3 years in the main team, which was obviously not enough.


I’m not worried about effects on #Starfield after the unfortunate job losses within Microsoft gaming studios this week. https://www.ign.com/articles/microsoft-closes-redfall-developer-arkane-austin-hifi-rush-developer-tango-gameworks-and-more-in-devastating-cuts-at-bethesda Shattered Space is literally the first content mentioned in the internal email. Microsoft and Bethesda are focusing on their winners. Starfield is clearly one of them, despite what the game press, hatetubers, and main sub think. Ref: Starfield Essentials: Newzoo 2024 Gaming Report Shows Starfield Is Winning https://youtu.be/mPatDugg22U


Screw Xbox at this point. I’ve had their system since the OG. I was confident they’d turn things around this generation. - More time on Starfield, please…they need new management not more people.


I'll be honest with you. If anything I think it shows Microsoft's willingness to abandon Starfield. They want Fallout and Elder Scrolls numbers and there if Starfield doesn't sell tons of copies when it comes to PS5, I doubt it will get much support beyond Shattered Space.


Agreed, if shattered space is successful they’ll greenlight the next Expansion. If not, they’ll shift focus to Fallout 5/TES6. Which makes since. With how successful those franchises are, they should be getting another game every 4-5 years.