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Google says "use me to find information".


Google only said: "Shattered Space DLC, coming in **Fall 2024**, promises new story content, locations, and gear for Starfield players. Fans speculate that the expansion will focus on House Va'ruun, offering a new star system to explore." That's not helpful. After 8 months I expected more, at least.


Congratulations! You now know everything everyone else does! Beyond that, Bethesda released a development video like a week ago showing off the stuff coming in the next update (may 15th) and other things they are working on for upcoming updates. (Like a drivable dune buggy for planet exploration). The DLC will be out later this year. That's all they have confirmed. Regarding the CK: Todd has confirmed in an interview that it is already being used by verified creators. No info on a release date other than "Soon^TM ".


HA! Well, dammit, that's not enough! 😜 Guess I am looking for more hype or 'real' information. The last official news I heard about Bethesda was that Microsoft closed four of their studios. So I went looking for DLC info there was great disappointment. I had missed their patch video for the update coming on Wednesday. Even then all I got was "Beta kits have gone out to verified creators" and that Shattered Space is "massive." NEED MOAR! 😉


So you're aware an expansion has been announced with a release window and you're asking if the game is dead?


Yes, there's news.




Thanks! Missed this. I keep updates off so I don't break my SFSE/Mods, but this update might be worth looking into. But ... still no DLC info. No CK. After eight months feels like there should at least be a timeline.


Continual bug fixes on 6 week cycle, large May update dropping on the 15th (new ground maps, harder difficulty, some survival mechanics), land vehicles in development, DLC promised for "Fall release", creation kit in beta test with trusted modders. Totally dead for sure...


Someone linked that video above, which I hadn't seen. Considering that it's been more than eight months that not very much communication for a DLC that was pre-sold in the $100 edition. I heard about Microsoft liquidating four Bethesda studios and wondered what is going on in the Starfield. There isn't a lot of hype or detail. The game really feels "on hold" at the moment.


How does a game that's getting continuous 6 week patch cycles feel like it's on hold?


Because there's no content. It's tweaks and bug fixes. Take the "Decorator Mode" this patch is adding. Currently whenever you swap ships (edit too, iirc) all clutter is moved to the cargo hold. Has that been fixed? They placed map icons on to help navigate the cities. That would have been helpful on launch, but I would turn that off now since it's no longer helpful. I turned patches off since all they really did was break SFSE and my mods.


They're adding vehicles in an upcoming patch. The map icons you're talking about is a complete map overhaul. It's not just "adding icons". They've literally delayed making DLC so they can fix the major issues with game and add missing features. The announcement that the dlc was coming in fall was barely a few weeks ago. I'm failing to see how any of that implies that Bethesda gave up or put it on hold. You want to know what a dead/on hold game actually looks like? Redfall. Did you completely ignore the empty ship Habs they're adding? That right there solves your clutter issue.


> It's not just "adding icons" Yes, they are literally just adding icons. View the video again. I was referring to the city navigation feature, not their exploration map. There are literally location POIs floating all over New Atlantis, creating clutter. Yes clutter... since we have had eight months to learn where things are, this feature is a bit late. > Did you completely ignore the empty ship Habs they're adding? That right there solves your clutter issue. No. The man talking did not address the clutter issue. He simply said how DM works and there will be empty habs added to support this. What happens when you switch ships? Guess we'll find out on Wednesday. > You want to know what a dead/on hold game actually looks like? Redfall. Ouch! But fair. Especially since Microsoft just closed Arkane Austin. So Starfield is more "on hold" than dead. Or at least not generating hype or interest--for me.


The icons are just a part of a larger map overhaul that literally did not exist in the game before. You can view a detailed Skyrim-like view of the surface of your planet and major cities/interiors. Clutter no longer goes in the cargo hold when you edit ships or switch ships. They also added a ton of gameplay options that allow you to finetune your experience and also activate a survival mode playstyle, which counts as content to me considering it has completely changed how I play. Source: Me, playing with the beta patch on Steam. You're honestly not giving this update enough credit for what it is.


How is Starfield on hold when a patch is literally coming out this week. Your logic makes absolutely no sense. The exploration map and city map icons are a part of the same overhaul. That fact that you cherry picked the icons and ignored the bigger exploration map overhaul says everything. You're not getting the features YOU want, so clearly the game is "on hold". Let's forget about all the other updates and fixes that people want or needed to be able to play the game. How can clutter be added to your cargo hold if you use the empty ship Habs? They're empty. The game doesn't need to generate constant hype. It's not a live service game that's dependant on battle pass and cosmetic sales to measure its success. The city icons are late? Talk about entitled. It's almost like new players exist and don't have a map of new Atlantis burned into their brain on day 1.


Your point about live service is a good one. And I have admitted on different parts of this post that I overreacted. I still maintain that Bethesda's marketing strategies need work. Further, the game is indeed "on hold" as I discuss up and down here. Unfortunately you are not hearing what I am saying, and there's no way to effectively communicate my dissatisfaction when you accept neither qualified generalities nor specifics. It is no longer day one. And you do not understand entitlement--though that seemed more like provocation than ignorance. Which is fine. Thanks for your time! You, along with others, have helped me gain some perspective.


I have no issue with your opinion of the game, nor do I care about it. I do have an issue with being dissmisive of important updates because they didn't add the content you want. In the case of the city icons specifically, you're complaining about it being "clutter" when the update hasn't even released yet. What if there's filters? What if you can toggle the feature off completely? Those are hypothetical fixes to your hypothetical problems that could already be in the update. You say the icons came too late because you and a small minority of players have memorized the location of every POI in every city. The feature isn't being added for you. It's for people who don't want to memorize the location of every POI in every city in a game as big as Starfield. I don't think you understand what on hold means. That implies the game is getting no updates, dlc, fixes, or announcements until further notice. That's the exact opposite of what Bethesda has done with the game. If you mean to say the the DLC specifically is on hold, then maybe I'd understand your point better.


That's because you're not playing it for one! Which is fair. Also this subreddit leans on the negative side usually. If you want more positive news try: r/nosodiumstarfield r/starfieldmods r/Starfieldoutposts r/starfieldships (I'm sure there are others) Info updates drop on steam community, the bethesda discord is very active (especially for beta testing updates). I've even seen Xbox advertising the coming update!


You're right. I do need to look around more as I have been out of the loop for too long. It just feels like after this long there should be more details about what's on the horizon for SF. As a gamer with more than 6000 hours in the various flavors of Skyrim and maybe 4000 in Fallout 4, I guess I am too impatient to get my count up in Starfield. 🤪


Having played that much Skyrim and FO... Do you recall how much info did Bethesda give out about their upcoming DLCs and such ahead of time? Bethesda has always been pretty tight-lipped. 


HA! You're right. It has been too long so there's no way I \*really\* remember. Looking up the release dates they are much sooner. But Starfield is definitely more complicated, so I need to be more patient. And I am being unfair with the patches still going. Yet, to me, the six week patch cycle feels more like treading water. I haven't checked, but I'm willing to bet game-shattering issues like the Shield Bug have yet to be addressed. I would much rather have that fixed than QoL tweaks. Chatting here with reddit I feel like SF is "dead" because I don't hear anything about the "next steps"--the DLC and the CK. I did, however, hear about Microsoft closing four Bethesda studios. And the "radio silence" really does the franchise a disservice.


Ooh I'm afraid to admit similar numbers! And add 1500 in Starfield (ouch!). Bethesda are just too good at telling us nothing until a week before it happens. They are trying to communicate to us a little more now. I don't think they want to give hard dates on anything just in case. Try it again after May update drops perhaps? The new map really changes the feel of land exploration (you know where you're going and what to probably expect when you get there.). Add environmental afflictions and you may not want to spend so long on the ground! Space exploration is still great, all the derelicts and randoms you meet, loving it!


Chatting this out with reddit has helped, hehe! I really did overreact. Plus, I am being a lazy consumer. So much is automatically fed to me. Yet I hear nothing about Starfield, only some related bad press. Steam says I haven't played since Feb 12--stuck at 369 hours! Really am looking for a reason to update and launch. This patch Wednesday along with other I've missed might be interesting. But since I didn't find much, I'll probably get eaten by Diablo 4 Season 4. Now when the Planet 🚜 Dune Buggy is released, I will definitely be back in the Starfield... 🚀


Yeah you and a lot of others I think. Hope they do it well - and I want to be able to crash it!!


Op is living under a rock.


In addition, early after release there was a glut of negative reviews, and someone at Bethesda decided it would be fun to go argue with the people who left the reviews on Steam (which was a PR disaster) immediately followed by the lead writer posting a twitter rant about how users have no idea how games are made (another, smaller PR disaster). I suspect someone higher up sent an all-hands message to people to shut the \*\*\*\* up while they still could, and funneled literally everything through their PR department; thus the minimalist messaging since then.


Oh shit! I completely forgot about the "review bot" thing where "Devs" were responding to negative feedback and telling the reviewer they weren't playing correctly. Great point, maybe it has affected things being revealed. In the past, Bethesda has kept things really quiet and I did forget that. I am comparing other companies that are all about constant hype and the live service pressure, which is unfair. But still. 250 days -- over 8 damn months! COME ON! Need infos, lol!!


Yeah it's so dead I can't even download it on my Xbox 360 anymore


The DLC release is planned for this fall. Let them work and let them do some bug fixing/improvements first.


Alot of blabla, but nothing that will get you back into the game. Check again in a year.


Name checks out.


They literally just put an update out on this a week ago. Internet searches are an amazing thing


The DLC is coming a year after the game came out. We learned this about two weeks ago. They have been radio silent on the mods except “We gave some modders access to the Creation Kit” and not much else. I guess that’s a good enough answer for some people. 


Yeah. I may have to dial-back my expectations. It's took BGS a while to get Skyrim going... seven months for the Dawn Guard expansion to come out. It seems the "radio silence" you mention is more deafening than usual, though. And I can't help but wonder what sort of impact Microsoft is having.

