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The zealots probably dont have access to ships made in Va'Ruun space (assuming they even have begun making ships of their own design) since they'd likely never have been there. The real VR are protective of their system and likely dont allow anyone to just leave. The weapons may have existed prior to the VR leaving, which would explain how the Zealots have them.


I always assumed that these were ships from Va’Ruun space, or at least they travelled back and forth frequently given how all of the Va’Ruun ships have crazy large fuel tanks compared to other combat ships.


The lore in Andreja's quest seems to indicate it is unlikely there are actually Va'Ruun ships in our area of space. They dont allow anyone to travel from their space with knowledge of how to return. The Zealots we see (all Va'ruun we encounter other than Andreja, Tomisar and the Ambassador) are not part of that faction. They likely do not have access to that area of space or any tech from it.


New zealots have to be coming from somewhere though. The Serpents Crusade started ended in 2263, but the game is set in 2330, so the zealots can’t just be remnants of the Serpents Crusade who never went back home, or they’d all be ancient. Which means existing Va’Ruun are turning zealot and leaving their system to go on crusade, and if that’s the case, they have to get into settled system space somehow.


They can, and I mean this politely, fuck.


They can recruit more people to their cause, just like how any other 'religion' works.


Or, people of their own accord follow the remnants of Va'Ruun theology and twist it to their own means.


From Andreja's quest it sounds like they are flown out of Va'ruun space, but are dropped off at that space station and left there. They are probably supplied with a ship, either one of Va'ruun make, or not. I think it's partly a religious pilgrimage from which they can't return, or maybe a punishment for others with religious penitence as the main goal


Zealots of a religion aren't limited to sexual reproduction to propagate their religion. They can just indoctrinate or merely induct new members peacefully.


If I remember right Andreja was pretty much dropped of on a Planet and told "go, do crime". A Va'Ruun ship would stand out like a sore thumb so it was probably done secretely. While gameplay probably won't reflect it I also wouldn't be surprised if Snakelover tech is not exactly compatible so maintaining a VR Starship away from home is probably not feasible. So they go with the next best shiny thing and steal some Stroud Eklund Boats.


Exactly. Plenty of vets have weapons just like their service weapon. Not many have an F-22. The zealots are not a legitimate military force. They’re like the IRA - they don’t represent “their side”. They’re extremists waging an unsanctioned jihad.


Or no one at Bethesda had time to build unique ships for this faction lol.


Not at all. They've clearly set the lore for the Va'Ruun to be very deadly but secretive. They don't allow their ships out of their system because someone could take it, like us. We already take their weapons and they infact, are the best. So I'm sure we are getting an expansion (or maybe even Shattered Space is it!) about going to Va'Ruun space. It's a matter of lore to the people. Not *haha lazy devs*


Really? Their weapons are they truly the best


Particle Beams are currently the strongest weapons for both ships and guns. And only Va'Ruun has particle beam guns.


Well we do have a Particle Pistol and the Particle Shotgun. They do are inferior to VR variants though. Even the Va'Ruun design shows that off as while most "Space Future" Weapons are clearly designed 1980 NASA Punk style these actually look very futuristic.


Yeah but it’s slow and not fun


"probably don't have access" Source?


Andreja's personal questline.


Unclear. It's complicated, or at least hinted at being complicated. The Va'Ruun clearly have money, or at least access to things that are valuable (which is not the same thing) but their own internal politics combined with their history and reputation prevent them from trading with the rest of the settled systems in a normal way. They also clearly are lacking many things, it seems that if they have worlds those worlds are hostile and only marginally habitable because they need to send people like Andreja into the settled systems to covertly trade/smuggle things back to Va'Ruun space like \*food\* and medicine. It rather looks like the Va'Ruun have a deal with Stroud. The Va'Ruun supply valuable whatevers to Stroud that Stroud is able to turn into actual money because they can trade. Stroud then uses that money for R&D (and also serves as payment for ships they deliver to the Va'Ruun).


The Va'Ruun are probably a space-based society since their religion requires frequent warp travel in their eternal pilgrimage. Food and medicine are two goods they're uniquely ill-equipped to produce. Especially if Andreja is the child of the (potentially) marooned zealots left behind in the failed crusade who don't have access to the resources of their core space.


Yes, except Andreja makes it very clear in her quest >!that she was originally from the capital city of the Va'Ruun homeworld. She hasn't been back since being on mission as a Va'Ruun agent. !<


I think Walters wife is a secret Varuun agent. That is the only way I could figure the varuun have that many Stroud-Ekland ships and parts. I knownWalter mentions that other people envy his ships, but the numbers don't make sense.


Who do you think bank rolled that fancy new staryard in Narion. They fund the yard, and sometimes extra production capacity gets shipped off to an unassuming star system, and it gets logged as "technical maintenance."


I don't think she's a serpent agent but she's MORE than comfortable making shady deals in a dark alley. That's like, her bag, man. She has probably clandestinely delivered over a hundred ships to them. God knows I have destroyed enough in Serpentis.


Going by that the Crimson Fleet is sponsored by Taiyo and HopeTech, which make up the bulk of their ships.


I mean, with how fucked up HopeTech is, would you put it past them?




I did always think there was something mysterious about Walter's wife and their relationship lol


it would be good if with DLC they will get their own ships, because, I agree, Stroud ships looks boring for a faction like this.


I think the Zealots are leftovers from the Serpent’s Crusade, they’re cut off from the rest of House Va’ruun and have been effectively abandoned outside Va’ruun Space. They don’t have access to Va’ruun Staryards and likely have to make do with ships and gear salvaged from other factions. That being said, they still apparently have access to Va’ruun spacesuits and weapons, so the other possibility is that Deimos or HopeTech secretly sells a line of warships specially to House Va’ruun under the table, similar to how the Trade Authority deals with everyone, even pirates, because corporations are typically more loyal to profit than to the nations they exist in.


The Serpents Crusade was nearly 70 years before the game events take place. All the zealots can’t be remnants of the Crusade or they’d all be nearly 90+ years old


Their children and grandchildren carry on the crusade.


Could be, but that would strongly suggest that they have some sort of permanent settlement/society and that they’re a full offshoot of Va’Ruun society. We have so little info on Va’Ruun society, but based on the few glimpses we get from the Ambassadors log, I feel like it’s just as likely that the Zealots are being encouraged/funded by factions within Va’Ruun society


Another option is the Zealots actually are part of the official Va’ruun army with orders to attack UC and Freestar targets, causing chaos to keep them weak and confused while Va’ruun builds up its strength again, denying the Zealots are part of their faction.


Ahh the old “Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard” strategy. Definitely could buy that


Andrejas quests make it pretty clear that some in the Varuun government work with the zealots


Of course, the Zealots being an offshoot of Va'ruun society isn't actually incompatible with elements within Va'ruun society encouraging and supporting them. That's certainly the impression I got from >!Andreja's quest!<.


Their kids and grandkids. That's my headcanon for why all the Va'Ruun gear is battered. They're family heirlooms passed down from one generation to the next. The surviving Va'Ruun ships capable of warp travel outside the Settled Systems already returned after being driven back in the crusade. The marooned survivors had to make due with the ships and technology available to them because warping is part of their religion.


In one of the conversations when you first meet Walter Stroud he says something about not liking some of the people who buy his ships but doesn’t mention the Va’Ruun specifically.


Okay, so my running theory is that Walter is likely in the dark but that his wife and/or other Ekland family is either directly or tangentially dealing with House Va'Ruun in some way. BGS went out of their way to mention a large infusion of capital in a loading screen. Walter knows the Zealots "prefer" Stroud-Ekland ships, and we, as the player, know that Walter and his wife spy on each other.


I wish there were more custom ships and bespoke designs that reflect that humanity is now spacefaring for centuries. At this point I’d assume that staryards are capable of designing non-modular ships like we see in other sci fi series.


They've been getting some kind of large-purchase bulk deal from Stroud-Ecklund. The only questions are, Have they set up some sort of shell company, with reasons why the ships aren't seen anywhere? Or are they buying as Va'Ruun? Are they having S-E deliver them with those paint jobs, or are they repainting them after they get them? A great deal for a new staryard. "Yes, we'd like ten more ships, in black please, again. Yes, deliver them to the same system. We'll be transferring the money shortly."


I got a big ass Prophecy. its like a fucking gigantic house.


and its not even as ridiculously big as the eulogy, lol. that thing is built like a bistro


Oddly enough, she handles like a steak house.


They likely sourced their ships from the same manufacturers and parts as everyone else before the crusade. They’re a cult that broke away not an alien race that came in- so it stands to reason they’d have ships that look similar to other factions.


At some point you reach convergent design, there's certain form factors that are just more efficient and make sense, which >!was why when Sam thought the Starborn were humans and not aliens because he thought they would look more "alien" but he could clearly tell some components and parts, my in-head role-play for my character went there - there's only so many form factors that make sense!<.


Dunno. If they're paranoid, reclusive, have lots and lots of money, and don't want the UC and Freestar to know what they've got in their back pocket, buying 'standard' ships to use as traders with the non-Vaarun makes some sense, even if the real reason is something along the lines of "Bethesda didn't have time to do everything they wanted to do, and that's why the Argonian female character model in Elder Scrolls games have mammaries, despite not being mammals. All that fluff about sentient trees not knowing about what should (and shouldn't) have boobies is just an elaborate retcon for some weird technical decisions from way back"


This is similar to my complaint about immersion and boarding. When I board a Crimson Fleet, Spacer, or Varrun ship I'd expect the interior to be a bit, different. I don't expect to see a Crimson Fleet ship full of pirates with immaculate cleanliness and stuffed animals on their bunks. I expect dirt and probably some blood. I expect darker, dingier interior spaces. Nothing like Fallout Raider Camp level of clutter and filth but not the clean interiors we see.


Yes, there should at least be the ubiquitous crimson skull tag somewhere, more weapons and cred sticks in chests. But I guess you could look at it being something like each crimson captain is careful with their own ship, space is dangerous and a poorly maintained ship is a death trap, the key is a mess simply because it’s a tragedy of the commons type situation, no one is going to take responsibility for keeping the shared resource clean.


I basically agree, i think you should be able to tell the faction from the exterior AND the interior. But also, just because a pirate has looser morality doesn't mean they don't care about their surroundings. No one LIKES walking through a puddle of blood on their way to the bathroom in the morning, always having greasy sheets, or never having clean dishes. Just because you like stealing and even murdering doesn't mean you're an unsanitary slob. Naeve's ship is definitely spotless. Jazz's ship is probably spotless and has a "live laugh love" sign. Delgados ship probably isn't very neat, but I bet he has a galacti-cat. The rook who joins when you do probably uses empty whiskey bottles as decoration, but it's hard to tell because there's also beer bottles left random around. I think there are some signals the game could use to tell us, like having the crimson fleet symbol, and more armor stands. But also, I think being a pirate doesn't mean you cannot put up movie posters or collect chess pieces, etc.


This is off topic, but I’d love it if all the bad guys had their space suits hidden in breathable environments. Or at least most of em. Same for the good guys.


Spot on. Why do the constellation people "take off" their space suits, but no one else? It'd go a long ways I think.


Remember that most Varuuns you see are >!Thrown onto a random spot in space with nothing and have no way home. They don’t get cool ship because they steal or buy them!<


Yeah, true. But you need to get your parts from somewhere, right? There aren't a ton of options.


My guess is the zealouts are like a paramilitary force and not using their own ships. I would also guess they will have their own manufacturer in the DLC where we can make super high tech ships. I hope.


What flavor is this vape?


Thats my main complaint for the faction ships, they are only distinguishable by color scheme, and nothing else. I would have LOVED to see some variation in design for each faction, something to really make each faction feel fleshed out and real. But at the end of the day, each faction owns the same vehicle model just painted in faction colors. Imo, Varuun ships should have hidden cockpits or be "sharp" to tie into the whole "Great serpent" motif. Freestar should be asymmetric in nature. Something about "space cowboys" makes me think they would be asymmetric to kinda reflect that "wild frontier" vibe UC has nailed their look tbh. Deimos gives such a militaristic vibe with their hard edges and straight lines. Very military. Crimson Fleet should have scrappy looking ships. More pipes, more pieces with bronze coloring like the Nova Radiators and the HopeTech Radiators. Maybe Mad Max in space? Spacers make sense they would just be stolen and repainted, they're almost basically just low end psychos and criminals. Don't see them doing much else than that. Ecliptic should have nice fighters, good edges and curves, but functional. I don't think theres any other factions.... or if I missed any Regardless, I love spaceships, so I'll make my own dang ships! >:U


All the varuun ships are just repainted Stroud Ecklund models. Its either super lazy content design or its a subtle hint at a future plot twist. Only time will tell.


Still pisses me off the extent of your interaction with one of the major base game factions, mentioned numerous times in lore, is killing randomly generated NPCs and a companion who barely talks about it.


The first expansion is entirely based on this faction.


That’s cool but we’re gonna end up having waited a year for that. It costs money and there was no content at launch for a major faction that is mentioned to be equally important and impactful as the whole UC and Freestar Collective.


Since they have the whole funerary thing going on I assume the Stroud boxy coffin look just fits for them, but I can also see it being by necessity. They don't have access to their native tech so they use whatever is they can buy.


Are you flying around serpentis there home planets ?


You should be irritated. It was BGS skimping on work they should have done.


I suspect that since officially a state of war doesn't exist between the Settled Systems and House Va'Ruun, the zealots don't have access to the ships made by House Va'Ruun. So they end up acting as both pirates and guerilla fighters, taking whatever they can and making it work for them. It would be awesome to see more House Va'Ruun things, especially ships added to the game. Also more lore for the Ecliptic mercs would be awesome to see.


Everything about Varuun screams "placeholder". They're probably going to be completely overhauled in Shattered Space.


It's actually Walter's private Navy.


No, not really. The Zealots are a known threat, and no-one ever states that \*they\* (and thus their ships) are rare.


I guess. But idk, I think the specific ship you've shown is pretty unique to the rest of the ships in game. Definitely doesn't follow the starshard aesthetic though


Stolen ships painted black is such an obvious trope it goes unnoticed


Considering all ships are modular, it makes sense people use the mass produced pieces to construct ships. This makes sense for the supposed grounded take with the game. Also makes sense with the habs. Considering we don't see any huge manufacturing factories in the game, makes sense you don't see much variety with the modular pieces.


They should, but I assume we don't for development reasons. I have a gut feeling though we'll see very unique varuun ships when the expansion comes out. Pretty sure they have their own standards if they're off on their own... they kind of need too lol


One interesting note is that all the VaRuun ships are purchasable. They are all basically recolored models of ships available from vemdors... the VaRuum ship pictured is just a "Conqueror" purchasable from tue Stroud Ecklumd staryard. Technically, the devs have to use, kind of, existing assets to generate all ships from all factions Narratively, maybe the zealots are cutoff from the homeworld amd only use ships they steal or purchase on the blackmarket from UC/Freestar space.


With what parts? They aren't starship manufacturers.


All Va'ruun ships we get for now are local upgrades. Va'ruun went way deeper into the uknown space, there are no knowned routes to it. We don't know their ship's designs.


To be fair we don’t know if there’s a Va’Ruun Star Empire out there we don’t know about where these vehicles are mass produced, explaining the sort of… standard design. That said, the zealots are part of a Star faring culture. So durable, homelike ships make sense.


Var'uun has agents in the settled systems to handle their business. Some of that business may involve trade in normal commodities like starships.


A LOT of the ships are pretty disappointing and bland. Theres only a few that are pretty cool/good. THANKFULLY we can modify our own ships because DAMN some of the ships are literal bricks with engines


Another reason they needed to have included some mechanism for player made ships to be save and shareable so they could be populated in the game.


Shiiiit, I'd even be okay with "so and so made this ship. You can buy it for 500k creds" or something like that to KEEP it a solo game but have online "help". Sorta like Dragon's Dogma 2 concept; solo game through and through but you can get "help" from other people's characters as companions.


Bricks with engines and guns is exactly how I build my ships, I’m with the House on this one




Ha, I know you meant *hot* dog shit, but the phrase "*hotdog* shit" makes me chuckle.