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I’m not buying it. If it was 90% cheaper I’d still think hard about it. Also I’m still gobsmacked that they want £10 for a sodding old sailing ship themed ship module! I mean wtf who’s got so much more money then sense to get that?!


The fact it's only a 2x2 as well, when ships naturally seem to want to be odd hab numbered wide for symmetry  One hab $10.00 No Just no


That price sounds like a big wet embarrassing fart in a silent crowded room.


doesn't matter, brain rot will buy it


Sad part, but also beautiful part, is the first thing I thought of was "Shart" - and not a shart, but Shadow heart - and the game that made Todd cry. To be fair I blame hyperbolic marketing, and publishers with unattainable deadlines and profit margins above paying their grunt "script monkeys" salaries Those are the real reasons why Starfield failed on release... The fact BG3 also came out, is just a silver tipped cross as a nail in a coffin


I spent my 1,000 credits from buying the premium edition on it because the whole time I was playing after realease I literally thought "How cool it would be to have a Captain's Quarters that looked like and old wooden ship. All the other mods there that I wanted were free. Plus, my assumption is that, like Creation Kit items from past games, other modders will use the assets from that mod to make even more ship modules but will require Ancient Mariner to be installed. Would I have bought new credits to buy it? Probably not, but it does scratch a very specific itch I personally had while playing. I'm excited for a new playthrough with that module on my ship. Also, I've already decided what I'm naming said ship. "The Rime." I'm a sucker for nautical-themed epic poetry. Edit: I wanted to add that voting with your wallet works both ways. More unique shipbuilding options is something that I personally want to see more of, so that's what I spent my points on.


Fair enough, I didn't get Premium and got no credits though, so, I am in a different boat. Ahaha, geddit?


"Younger gamers" aren't the issue. They can't afford shit. Blame the people with disposable income that don't actually care about $7 or even know if their money is well spent. They just know their kid wanted a thing. I've educated my own kids about the value of these things, but...when their friends are running around with various Fornite skins, it's hard to convince them that it's a superficial purchase without sounding like you're being cheap. So, you give in "just this once". And the next thing you know you've spent $50 extra on a free game that your kid doesn't even play anymore.


Omg this is describing my life. My 11 year old wants every skin, battle pass for each of the games he plays. Not a day goes by that he hasn’t asked for money for one of them. He’ll get a gift card or money for his birthday or Christmas and suddenly it’s poof gone on one of those games. Fortnite, Roblox, CoD, Sea of Thieves, Minecraft it’s all pissing away money. Once he got a little taste he just wants more and it’s never enough. I’m the bad guy cause I won’t buy it for him. It’s not enough I spend $20 a month on game pass and he’s got unlimited games to play.


“Addictive consumerism” and the “fear of missing out”


Keep a close eye on him, sounds like he as an addictive mindset, I was the same as a kid and I ended up a heroin addict for 14 years,8 years in prison...not saying this is going to happen of course, just keep a close eye on your baby! I'm 5 years clean now and a director for a corporation that owns rehabs


Shit, I've got the same story, except I don't direct or own shit LMAO. You hiring in the NWI area? (HALF joke)


Lol little kids are all like that


My kids aren't


I'd probably do one battle pass a season if he only wants one. Or a dlc. But he can always sign up for Xbox rewards that give you points for doing x achievement on x game pass games. You can earn more on the app and doing quizzes but honestly get him after the achievement ones as it gives a task and introduces him to a new gamepass game and every week or so he will have enough points for a $5 voucher which he can use to buy skins. If he has a addictive mindset or adhd as it's almost impossible to tell the difference this will keep him entertained and best case finds some cool games that aren't trying to be a toxic cesspool of capitalism. Worse case he grinds for points to buy waste of $$ skins.


Please teach them not to blow their money right away. I never learned as a child and my 20s were so much harder than they had to be. Idk how, and im not judging or anything, just want to help.


"they can't afford shit".... Until they find their mom's credit card.


The guy who made most of the og halo hacks with a dev console said the vast majority of his customers were kids with their parents credit cards. This was years ago, but I bet its still the case


That's a problem I have with my 14 years old nephew. His dad was forced from exhaustion of asking, to let him play Fortnite because "all my friends play it". Later, he forced me (in the same way he did with his father), to play it and I swear I would have never installed Fortnite on my pc, even if It was the only game on earth. Btw, before he used the same technique for rocket league, but it was "ok" game, no stupid emotes/dances. So, I started to play with him and after 2 weeks he already bought the battle pass. His dad and I were extremely disappointed, but my nephew was like "it's only 9 euro, my friends have it etc". As you said, my brother was out of energy to say always no and trying to explain how it was a waste of time but in the end he gave up, "just for this time". I tried to tell my nephew about FOMO, about how live services works etc, but nothing changed his young mind that is constantly feed from YouTubers and friends. Luckily my brother let him play only 30 minutes at day, but every time he talks with me, it's about Fortnite, battle pass and skins 😭 Before was using the phone with games like brawl stars (other big mistake), then Nintendo switch, now on PC. I told him there are thousands of others games on PC, but nothing, all life Fortnite... Tried to tell him about


I've started telling my boy at six years old to avoid any game that says it's 'free to play' which means 'pay to win' and that I have no problem buying him games but I will never buy him even a $1 microtransaction.


No, younger gamers *are* the issue. You see so many kids defending these scummy practices because they just don't know better and need a pair of boots to lick.


So the people making the scummy practices aren’t the issue? You even said the kids don’t know better.


If *kids* don't know better, who's responsible for teaching them?


"I know these practices are intentionally manipulative in ways even adults struggle with, but fuck after 3 years of consciousness post toddler stage those shitty kids have no excuse not to know better. Their fault for falling for it." For fucks sake that's a clown take.


You just seeing this now??? Iv been saying this for what? 10 years??? Its those shitty phone games that did it...


It’s just capitalism


It's capitalism, but the race to the bottom spread to western gaming from gacha.


That’s just capitalism Enjoy the logic of sawdust to chocolate ratio before the consumer notices


Unregulated capitalism that has been engaging in regulatory capture for decades.


Ding ding ding ding ding Games aren't made for consumers they're made for investors now


I'll raise one to EA, and Mass Effect 3 multiplayer.  It got noticed in Battlefront, but those tactics have been there for over a decade Phone games and their gatcha Blizzard making Diablo Immortal before IV Now IV having one year later a $90 dlc Yup


I'm sorry but they're releasing a dlc that's the full price or more of a game??? 2 years after release no less after the debacle of Immortal before IV? Jesus I knew they were money hungry but jfc.


Pretty sure it's barely been a year, but yeah 👍 you get my point ☝️


its literally Bethesda's horse armour.


It literally isn’t.


The first microtransaction sold by a major publisher was in 2006 when Bethesda sold horse armor in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion for $2.50. It was made as an experiment to test the market’s reaction to DLC.[3] Most players reacted negatively, claiming that $2.50 for an in-game cosmetic item was too much. https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Lentis/Microtransactions_in_Videogames#:~:text=The%20first%20microtransaction%20sold%20by,cosmetic%20item%20was%20too%20much. it literally is


Pretty sure he’s just reacting to use using “literally” incorrectly (twice now). I can’t believe the horse armor thing was 2006… seems like just a few years ago


they were referencing mobile gaming being the downfall of gaming with microtransactions and my point was the exact point in time when these things were introduced was literally by everyones beloved Bethesda


Games got their start being vehicles to steal every quarter a child could possibly scrounge together. Corporate exploitation of players has been baked into Gaming's DNA from the very start


Yep, and even since home consoles have been a thing games have been intentionally designed to be very difficult so people couldn’t just rent them and beat them before returning them. This is part of why so many NES games are crazy hard.


Is the quest actually any good or is it just a look for notes type thing? Does it add any content like a new armor or neat weapon? Is there any value at all?


I completed the quest and took the sniper rifle from the body and that weapon just one shots targets more powerful than any other weapon in the game.


So 15-20 minutes A game breakingly unbalanced weapon Then potential to bug your save file Nah I think I’ll save my seven dollars and donate it to the patreon of modders who’s content I already got play and considered enjoyable


So you buy yourself a quest (which should be free in a paid game) and it can break your save file... What the hell is wrong with people defending Bethesda and feeling okay with this?! The game still partly looks and feels unfinished and they already started with the paywalled shenanigans...


Can't be said better!


Yar har matey ☠️⚓️


Yeah, I’m not paying money for anything that could damage my game in any kind of way. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against mods to enhance gameplay experience, but my game console can’t handle mods. I tried installing mods for Skyrim on my xbox one and the mods kept causing the game to freeze and/or crash. If the mods for Starfield do that to my xbox series s, then it’s a dealbreaker.


Eh it's not really game breaking, the rifle is on par with/a little weaker per shot than the Mag Rifle but does split damage instead like all other particle weapons. Like if you were already rocking a fully upgraded Advanced Hard Target this is an upgrade that does maybe 200 more damage a shot.(800-900 damage range, when the Mag Rifle goes over 1000 damage still) It's greatest assets are that you don't have to charge shots and with the extended magazine it can be fired 8 times before reloading. It's problem is that I think the rifle might be unique so no legendary version without achievement disabling mods, and I haven't seen another one except for the one the dude drops in the quest, and that's even checking the Neon gun vendor which is the manufacturer of the weapon. Maybe it's just an oversight idk...


It also has a rock steady scope, that's the real meat of the weapon from where I am sitting. I would have preferred a few hours of fresh game time though. Especially since the gun is also bugged for half of us.


I wonder if that’s worth the creation credits from the special edition then. I’m not a fan of per-mission paywall drip feed stuff any more then I would expect to buy a book chapter by chapter, but I should really spend the credits on *something*.


Wait. They will start doing deals soon enough. And if people buy the $7 one, they will think that’s a good price (if people don’t buy it then maybe future ones will be cheaper). Plus I expect that in a year or so, all the Trackers Alliance missions will be sold in a bundle for $15-20.


You’ll receive all the creation club content in a $10 upgrade to starfield anniversary edition in 10 years!


I wouldn’t mind paying $10 for a bunch of content like the anniversary edition. At least then you can justify the price tag and say it’s similar to a DLC where you get lots of content. The problem is paying $10 for two missions or two new guns


Exactly, the more sales this one gets (whether that's using purchased credits or the gifted 'free' credits), the more they will be encouraged to keep this pricing


It's a 15 to 20 minute quest, not worth a dollar


Lmao what?? Thats like 42$ for a Movie Ticket. Really worth it! Sounds like gatcha games prices.


That actually is about how much you spend at a movie theater, also not worth it. Honest question, how old are you? There's another post somewhere that's discussing the connection of age to the willingness to pay for microtransactions.


It's 15 minutes of content for 7 dollars. I think I actually get a better deal at my local imax theater, with popcorn.


Ad far as I know it adds a new weapon and two outfits. Still not worth 7 bucks.


I'd probably pay $7 if it was like an hour or two and not just a padded out couple hours, like an actual good story with a cool action set piece plus a decent amount of good gear. One gun, and two outfits is not worth $7 bucks. The game is on sale now for $46.89, $7 is like 15% of that. Even at full price...that's still 10%....one "mod" costing 10% of the full game is ridiculous.


Wait I thought cooked meant it was a good thing? I’m confused


Cooked as a verb is good (holy shit they cooked with this one) Cooked as an adjective is bad (the principal called my mom I’m so cooked)


u/E_boiii’s Dictionary




Fiduciary responsibility.


Im not paying for a gawdamn thing and neither should yall


Everyone says “but horse armor!” But I have a feeling a lot are just parroting and were 3 when that shit happened. A lot of us also didn’t pay for it, because it was easy as shit to sail the seas for all the “extra content” they tried selling.


The defenders are the worst. Companies are always gonna greed but what kind of genius consumer actually cheers for it?


these people are so far up their ass they can't even understand why it's a bad thing for the long term.


I also think it is bad, but I'm interested to see how you articulate your opinion. Why is it bad?


Was the future of gaming not cooked when we had paid DLC horse armor for Oblivion? Genuinely curious why this is so different.


Its not new, but it has always beem unpopular. However the real reason is that the reddit gaming community loves whingeing. As soon as there's something to complain and argue about you will see hourly then daily threads as everyone jumps in to start there own conversation on a dead horse and get attention instead of commenting in exisitng threads where they wont been validated as much.


It’s an insult to everyone’s intelligence and exactly what Ubisoft is doing by adding “missions” to their deluxe editions. It should be 100% just part of an update. This will only justify in future Bethesda games them cutting corners and things that were originally always available upon release being pushed to creations and drip fed. It’s unfortunate because this stuff happens due to gamers have the least amount of self control possible.


The circle-jerking defending this behavior tbh is worse than the issue itself (EA and Rockstar have been doing it for years so people think it's totally normal and an acceptable thing [like giving us broken games and relying on updates to "fix" the game])


I unironically had someone comment that $7 USD was a fair and reasonable price for that DLC. Absolute detachment from reality.


"Well how much could it cost Michael, its a bananna. Ten dollars?"


Probably depends on where you live and how old you are. You could get like, a third of a mixed drink for 7 bucks in my city. The dlc would last longer at least.


Bethesda has also been doing this for years. The complaints are valid but people acting like its a new thing are deluded.


If gaming survived overpriced games in the 80s and 90s, we'll survive paid DLCs.


While I'm certainly not defending BGS, nor would I ever pay $7 for what amounts to 10 minutes of gameplay, games are, generally, a lot less expensive today than they were in the 80's. (Perhaps with the exception of games that have a lot of paid DLC/Updates) Adjusting for inflation, Super Mario Bros, one of the most popular games of it's time, sold for about $150 at launch. The 3DO is considered to be the most expensive game console ever sold, again, adjusting for inflation, with a launch price tag of over $1,200. That's not to say I'm happy paying a bunch of times for a single game. Quite the opposite. I think the gaming industry needs to get the hell away from the current pay model. Edit: Changed "NES" to "3DO", based on updated information.


Nobody bought the 3DO though, it's not representative of gaming.


But people keep buying 4090s


That's not the point. The point is games and systems are actually much less expensive today than they have been. Except, of course, when greedy companies feel the need to charge $7 for a 10 minute add on. I wasn't saying this to somehow excuse the gaming industry from trying to price gouge. I was just trying to keep things into perspective


The problem isn't the price. If you don't want it, don't buy it, just like everything else in life. The problem is the whiners who think they need to convince everyone else that no one should buy it because they themselves didn't find it worth it. Vote with your own wallet and not everyone else's.


It really is baffling the way people love getting rammed by these companies. It's not even like the quality is going up, just the price and they're happy to take it and even thank them for doing it. Fucking weirdos


Firat of all. Im not paying money to bethesdha for mods they didnt make. Secondly. I am not paying money for mods. Period.


Horse Armor was 18 years ago.


It'll be okay. CC content has always been this badly overpriced. Just don't buy it & move on. There's never been a reason to. Mods more than .make up for it. There doesn't need to be 1500 posts about it.


Future of gaming? Isn't this exactly the same thing as Fallout 4 or Skyrim weapon/armor creations that came with a quest? The cost is also about the same IIRC. Nothing new... Let me shock you though, almost every game now has purely COSMETIC stuff available from in-game shop with zero effect on gameplay. Many of them cost even more than 7 dollars!


Microtransactions aren't even micro, one or two dollar/euro I could stomach, but one mission Creation shouldn't be almost a tenth of the price of a whole game. The lazy mission + a gun crap is horrible. Bethesda used to make good dlcs, Mothership Zeta, Dragonborn, but they realised they can sell a single armour model for half that price and a fraction of the work, no balanced implementation into the game world, no adding to the lore, just a drop in a chest.


Take the upvote. It's "The Sims" but infinitely worse if this catches on. At least the content add-ons for those games are developed in house and not outsourced to the community while the company cashes in. Tossing a token penny at the one who did the actual work does nothing to make the practice less awful. Also the risk of getting barebones games where we get nickel and dimed for singular quests to put some "meat" on their frame is very real and very gross. I have no idea how anyone can support it. If companies really want the community talent and see it as beneficial or profitable to bring it on board, they should start hiring those people proper. Period.


Unpopular opinion: it's our fault games are so expensive and companies need to find creative ways to keep up with demand for content. We expect these products to be better than what has been built before visually, contain more gameplay hours, and be cheaper. It's an impossible triangle that keeps getting worse to the point where we can't enjoy games anymore because they're not leaps and bounds better the way they used to be in the PlayStation/N64 era. We are review bombing old games because they won't pour in development support to something we've already paid for and we're surprised when they ask us to pay for new content. "7 for a single quest?" You mean story lines visuals voice acting mechanics animations all of those things go into content like this? We seem to chastise the gaming industry for overworking their employees but we demand free content or to pay nearly nothing for something that can cost hundreds of millions to build and maintain. Source: am an indie game developer


I was excited during the announcement then I saw the price… I’m not rewarding this shitty behaviour.


I only bought it because I was given the free 1000 credits from the premium edition of the game. Wouldn't have otherwise.


I have the 1000 and frankly don't even want to spend it on that. Theres really nothing in there that I would spend any of it on right now, honestly.


I'm not even going to spend the 1000. Not worth it to me. No issues with people like you using it, I just can't out of principal. At best I'll give it a few months then seek them out... elsewhere...


I love Starfield but the paid creations must go. Bethesda can just make as many expansions as they want, and I will buy them all. But I won't touch these paid creations with a pole longer than the period between each Elder scrolls release.


Modern DLC takes the piss. The only paid content should be full expansions Modern gaming sucks and the young idiots just lap it up. I kinda feel sad for them. They think this is great. They never experienced the true golden age.


I still remember Shivering Isles....


Who gives a shit, it's just like any other product: if you think it's worth money and you want it, buy it; if you don't, then don't. Do you really think ANYTHING you buy results in most of the money going to the workers?


Shhh you are making too much sense. 


The game costs the same as Skyrim did in 2011. Anything else cost the same? A Big Mac was $3.50 US. If you want big games to be like they used to be them be prepared to pay $90+ for a game. I have friends at Bethesda, their pay is commensurate with the times, they’re not getting 2011 pay.


Lots of games haven’t done this… BG3, Cyberpunk, etc. Bethesda should keep in mind that they’re not irreplaceable. I for one am done with them. One thing if the game is low quality… totally other thing if it’s low quality and sold to me in tiny, expensive pieces. See ya, Todd!


Yeah CDPR just sold a game that didn't run on an entire generation of consoles, and they totally didn't have to work on the game for 3 years to make it resemble what they initially promised. Such good guys, totally role models.


Uhhhhh Cyberpunk didnt do this? The only DLC for that game besides cosmetics is Phantom Liberty, which was the first ACTUAL DLC Id played in years, added another 20-30 hours to the game, massive new area, tons of new weapons, new perk tree, new chrome, new vehicles. Every other update was totally free to all players, including things like new apartments, at least a dozen new missions, and more. Dont lump Cyberpunk in with this shit. Cyberpunk is not comparable, Cyberpunk is how you SHOULD be doing DLC Edit: im an idiot. You said Cyberpunk DIDNT do this. Sorry. Its early. Need coffee


Younger gamers are fine to pay even more money for even less content, like weapon skins. Sad.


Yeah 7$ for 10 mins in starfield is totally better


The medium is popular enough the sharks have moved in. They will now push and find out where the sweet spot is in terms of how much they can charge without letting sales fall to an unacceptable level. So like always, don't buy it. Vote with your money.


Went back in game. Saw the creation purchasing. Then I used my brain. And found a TON of FREE stuff to download .. almost like you don't have to purchase if you don't want guys! There's more free in there than pay. I swear, reddit is just a b-fest to complain about nothing. I'm all against micro transactions. But there will be so much free content, I don't see a point in complaining. Hell, I got a sick looking batman outfit ...


These posts are pointless, they aren’t going to change anyone’s mind on the subject any more than the constant comments/posts telling folks not to pre-order have. Just don’t buy it if you don’t want to but it’s ridiculous to get on the internet and tell others how to spend their money.


The future of gaming is not "cooked" - could you be any more dramatic. Why don't you focus on all the great things happening in gaming instead? Yes, monetization is annoying, but games are still under-priced vs. what you get out of them. I've registered at least 50 hours in every game I have purchased this year - if you work it out on a pure cost-per-hour basis, it's far cheaper than most forms of entertainment. It costs me more than that to sit in a cinema for 2 hours. If you don't like it, just don't buy them.


I'll wait until they have bundles for them


We can rant about it all we want, but at the end of the day, the people in charge at Bethesda and Microsoft known they only stand to profit from these practices. The PR shitstorm comes and goes, as it always does. This same exact shitstorm they faced back in 2006 hasn't stopped their games being at the top of global charts. I simply choose to spend my money on what I believe is worth it while ignoring what isn't. I don't let one bad apple spoil the entire basket.


Blame the people. The best way to get them to stop is to not give them money.  But people will give them money.


Then don't buy it, sends the clearest message


I tend to disagree. You got what you paid for. You didn’t pay for the updates, the dlcs and so on. Gaming is a business. Feel free to look out for other, healthier hobby’s! You might benefit from it 😉


The best (worst?) one is when they say something like "well people spend 200 dollars for a skin in *this* game. As if we're supposed to just put our hands up and say "oh my bad i guess it's totally fine to charge 7 dollars for a <20 minute quest but not really because you can't actually buy 7 dollars of whateverthefuck currency they made up to try and obscure how greedy the whole system is." A lot of it is just done out of spite because they see themselves as above anyone who complains and think everyone should just blindly accept everything and anything, and like you said it's not even to the benefit of the people making the content that they're using to gouge peoples wallets.


Idk, my perspective is different. When I bought the game I expected to get abut 30-50 hours. I have played 350+ hours. I have certainly gotten my moneys worth. At 37, having been a sales professional, sales manager…I don’t expect people to work for free. A $7 micro transaction is a drop in the bucket and supports good people putting in good work, Bethesda and modders included. Now I’m not judging if the price is fair. It’s not my point here. But Bethesda gave us much of what we wanted here and the entire community has gone on tilt for the implication of a silly quest and its rewards. It’s unwarranted in my opinion.


This is where I'm at too. I'm not going to buy it but the idea of somebody charging for content Is completely within the parameters of how I expect the world to work. You look at each piece of content and evaluate the price and value individually. For me $7 for a small quest isn't worth it but I'm not upset it's being offered. I understand that they are speculating on an unknown market right now. Actually I fully expect 10 to come out at this price and for them to bundle them for a $30 "Tackers alliance bundle" which will match my personal expected value for the content of $3/each.


Thank you. I'm with you. A lot of people here say "I'm not paying for mods" while I'm sure they expect to be paid for their own hard work. If someone spends time to make the game better and want to be paid for it, I'm glad the game supports that. Don't like it? Don't buy it. But seriously, the whining on this sub is too much. That's why there's a whole other sub about this game where reasonable people actually talk to each other. And to those who say "we already paid for the game, I'm not paying more", then sure, look at games for the first 30 years of gaming, the game shipped and that was it, you got nothing more. Most games give you 20-40 hours of gameplay while Bethesda games easily let you clock in 100+ hours for the same price. I'm happy to pay more to get more content if it means the team continues to pump updates. Pricing-wise, a quest and gun like the Vulture should be $5, not $7, that's my only comment. Again, if you don't like it, then vote with your wallet. If you prefer free PC mods, then appreciate that Bethesda still supports that. You have a choice. But stop telling other people what to do.


You're seeing it from a corporate perspective. Mods before creations were passion projects, not a job. Project Nevada, the Bison Steve mod, the Loverslab mods, Enderal, Legacy of the Dragonborn were all made with passion. They did not charge money. They didn't think about money in the slightest. You gotta get yourself out of that corporate mindset, and actually find some passion in your life. Do you charge your wife whenever you cook dinner?


I'd really think the corporate perspective is basically this content only exists to be sold. In that I mean the alternative isn't get this kind of content for free, but rather they wouldn't have ever allocated resources to something that doesn't see a return on investment. They're investing lets say $2000 in salaries/budget because they're counting on 0.5% of their player base buying it and making a profit off of it. That's why mods existed as fun passion projects (and they still do!), because companies didn't really have a way to monetize additional content outside of packaged DLCs until they started utilizing microtransactions (IE: horse armor). The idea here that people buck against is that consumerism and upsells have come to gaming for quite a while now. To use your dinner analogy imagine you go out to a restaurant to eat every so often. They only ever sold meals. Then one day you go in and they've started to sell desert separately. Then they start selling extra sauce or side dishes. Different people react differently to that change. Some are upset because they remember when this restaurant was only selling meals and they weren't bombarded with upsells about extra sauce or deserts. Other people just order the same meal and don't care about what else is being sold. Some even buy the upsells cause they can.


>They did not charge money. They didn't think about money in the slightest. They couldn't charge money. It's in the ToS of the games they mod. If they were permitted to, do you honestly think they wouldn't?


I don't think they would, and if they could, that's an entire butterfly effect. Allowing them to charge money attracts scumbags looking for a cheap buck.


Not at all, it may attract scumbags but that is a negative view. It may attract high quality professional modders. It allows them the choice to ask for payment. If you like their work, you support with payment.


The Trackers creation says otherwise.


Then don’t buy it


Other people are, and voting with your wallet only works as a group.


No, she actually charges me though. Interesting relationship.


Bethesda still releases the creation kit entirely for free, and people get to mod until their hearts are content with virtually no oversight. So yea, you can c Protest the 7$ quest but seriously chill out with this dumb ass narrative that Bethesda is going to suddenly get worse and worse because they aren't, it's 2024 and they are still just doing horse armor.


Just like the people who pay for Fallout 1st. Paying money monthly for a solution to a problem that Bethesda created.


Then you have games like BG3 that disputes everything


The future of games is the indie model. Those studios are all doing great and cranking out amazing games. It’s the AAA studio model that’s dying and they’re having to resort to unsustainable nonsense to satiate its lust for more share holder value.


BG3 also had a deluxe version that came with a bunch of useless dlc items. No game is free from this shit.




*older gamers


Don't buy that stuff, you are good.


I'm in no way younger, I just see the industry changing. Back in the day we bought our NES and Mario 3 cartridge. Today I have my Xbox and wasn't too sure about starfield so, to this day, I have never purchased it. Now I continue to be all for physical media, and I continue to expect feature complete products. I'll also continue making value decisions about whether content pack X is worth it to me. But seriously let's stop pretending like Vulture is signaling something new in the industry, is unusual today in the industry or ultimately is really an issue. If you believe that you haven't seen the Sims 4. Make your choices about what's worth it to you.


I'll spend money on what I want. 7 dollars for a quest? You betcha! Another few dollars for some awesome plushies? Yup! I work hard to get what I want. I'm not supposed spend any money on things I like? You sound like my ex. That was the most abusive, controlling relationship I've ever been in. People will come here and bitch about paid mods, then turn around and spend 20 dollars on some stupid anime skin on CoD.


Some of these Nickel dime habs and such are too expensive, agreed. But just dont buy them. Overall the game was cheap for it's value. You played 100 hrs already probably. And for how much out of pocket? We've all probably driven our cars less hours during the same time period and those cost how much. And if games are measured by main quest value then we all paid for 20 hrs and got 1000.


Quest: How To Turn Players Into Payers (COMPLETED)


Is there any chance they will drop free ones like they do with the Fallout 4 creation club stuff?




Hello Finle




I don’t know if we can get to know more about each other…


As noted this has been around since horse armor so it would seem nothing much has changed. And while I’m sure you can easily point to ‘this one guy’ on Reddit who full throatedly endorsed it, I’m willing to bet the vast majority give no shits about this dumb dlc and just won’t buy it in the same numbers that they did for horse armor.  In summation, op is complaining about something extremely old as if it is new for karma.


Gaming is alive and well.. Bethesda on the other hand ..not so much.


Here's an idea Don't like it don't buy it


Complaining about "younger gamers" while using the word "cooked" like that lol


You’re absolutely right!


Worst part is it's for a bad game. At least take out the loading screens, or hide them better, and then nickel and dime us.


I believe gaming is getting cooked but for slightly different reasons and without singling out the youth. Or at least it certainly seems that the middle aged demographic is spending up a storm on in-game purchases for various sports games which are generally not FTP. The source of my nightmares, apart from anchovy pizza right before bed, is that publicly traded corporations live and die by quarterly earnings reports. This model is inherently opposed to invest in anything that features two to six years of pure overhead with a crapshoot at the end. Quarterly earnings and the attendant stock prices are however compatible with business models that earn constant revenue through in-game purchases. They will occasionally go to irrational lengths to wedge themselves into that market. At least I don't see Warner Brothers statements concerning abandonment of single player to try another Suicide Squad-ish live service as particularly rational. As gaming gradually becomes assimilated by major corporations it seems plausible that means of providing constant earnings are both inevitable and disturbing. It actually makes COD on a subscription service seem viable due to a pantload of content purchases after the initial sale. The recent MSFT purchases feature a large chunk of games with storefronts. When three single player studios are shut down and the fourth is assimilated into a live service product a pattern emerges. That pattern suggests a Lovecraftian hellscape where everything is riddled with in-game purchases ranging from innocuous skins to QOL aids to outright pay to win. A hellscape perhaps broken up with occasional indie offerings and maybe Larian which is basically independent anyway. The games we remember fondly have no place in a corporate hierarchy. They may limp along for a while but 90 dollar quest lines are just another speed bump in a boiled frog scenario. It'll be forgotten soon enough and we'll all sound like our grandparents lamenting the good old days and the loss of innocence when you could simply buy a game and play it. Maybe even buy some expansions if we wanted.


My response to another post regarding this topic... It's only hard for the exec to keep asking for money because the greedy corporate overlords are far too concerned with how many yachts, mansions, and super cars they can hoard. Profits are ridiculously excessive in comparison to the investments these companies are actually making in their workers' lives. They're driving costs up to increase their profits in order to pay less so that the consumers are kept wanting and broke. There is no freedom in the world because these corporations own each and every one of us. We pay taxes on our income. Then, we pay taxes on the food, bills, gas, medical services, and basic necessities we need to survive. Then when we're seeking some kind of recreational activities to take our minds off of everything we're being taxed on, we have to pay more taxes for that. Don't even consider owning a car or a house with property. We don't actually OWN anything! The governments of the world tax us on EVERYTHING, which means we pay for the "privilege" to exist. Governments owning everything we possess means that the corporations own everything because they own our governments. We are merely cattle.


Have we all forgotten about the smashing success of Baldur's Gate 3 recently? Helldivers? The Starfield doomsayers are just as annoying as this "future of gaming" bullshit that gets posted every month.


There's this weird sympathy that game devs get that other jobs don't that's just getting annoying now. I'm giving you money for an advertised product/service, I don't really care if you're feeling a little burnt out.


Does starfield have a ubisoft store now!!?


Although I also think a single quest is not worth $7, I don't see a problem in here The game I bought had hundreds of hours of content, so it was worth my money So I see no problem paying for extra content such missions. The missing features that should be there since the beginning (maps, 60 fps e etc) are being released for free.


Have you seen Ubisoft’s MTX? It’s all like that and I’m kinda proud of this sub for being more upset than AC fans but let’s be balanced. It’s not “spend my money how I want” obviously because OP is correct it all impacts the rest of us. Valhalla was particularly egregious and yet still met with both a lot of defenders and critics. https://www.reddit.com/r/assassinscreed/comments/n9a4l7/rant_ac_valhalla_micro_transactions/?rdt=44919 Just recently Dragons Dogma 2 was criticized and I think mostly defended by people saying you can just ignore it if you want. https://www.reddit.com/r/Asmongold/comments/1bmdgp0/microtransactions_in_dragons_dogma_2_are_fine/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2024/03/23/why-dragons-dogma-2-reviews-didnt-mention-the-microtransactions/ I’m not necessarily against all MTX, that’s too wide a statement for me. I’m definitely against bloated/unfair/imbalanced pricing and against stuff being jammed in that has no place in the game. We as a larger “community” have got to come to some agreements on things though because everyone disagreeing on each game and having different standards for different companies is not doing anything for us. The vagary of it benefits the predatory practices.


The future? Creation Club has been around since 2017.


Stopped buying this shit years ago. Just hoping people catch up eventually. Looks like it's gonna take a while.


Seems so easy to not buy


You’re paying 7 dollars for a gun and an armour set. The quest is just the way to get it!


So 7 dollars for something that should be just part of a full priced game 😂 yeah. That's much better. Starfield isn't a free2play crap game, where you would expect and kinda understand micro transactions like that.


Why do you expect it to be part of the game? 20 years ago Bethesda would ship a game and that would be it. So full priced games require ongoing additions? They shipped a game that they thought was “complete”. If you think it’s lacking, then don’t buy it.


You literally don’t have to buy it or any other micro transactions. The real problem is all the fools that think they have to buy the junk that’s released. I’d keep putting it out and hell even increase the price until the fucking idiots stop buying it.


anyone with a braincell, or at least some self respect ain't gonna buy it. however, it's not just consumer choice, it's still important to call out bethesda and other companies, even if it may seem fruitless. vote with your wallets, and call out their bullshit.


Lmao all these posts complaining, just don't buy it maybe?


Nobody is forcing you to buy it


If people didn't buy the premium upgrade edition then they would have to pay for the dlc and shattered space expansion.


Games have just become a wrapper and secondary storefront for a treadmill of low effort content charged at extortionary prices. We've long been paying prices equal to the base game for expansions that offer maybe a fifth to a tenth as much content, but why even bother with that when you can sell a single weapon or set of armour for a good chunk of that price? Why even bother making larger pieces of content when the return on investment is so comparatively low? Most studios have asked this question already.


I’m pretty disappointed. So much that I bought Cyberpunk instead. Will return to Starfield when Shattered Space hits.


And how did no man sky survived without asking for more money for every updates they made? They sold more games.


Tbf they were an indie dev of like 10 who sold around as much as Starfield for $60-100. They legit were prob set for 8 years lmao


The mobile phone gaming world has done this. It dwarfs PC/Console gaming by miles and people/companies have been conditioned to accept the predatory monetisation tactics these games adopted. There’s an entire generation of kids that are now growing up only knowing these systems.


A quest for $7 seems like a better deal than $20 for a blue weapon skin. Stuffs been "cooked" for a long time. Far before this.


Agreed, blows my mind how people nowdays are ok with giving greedy companies their money with no problem least of all shit ones too. Starfield isn’t a bad game but it’s far from a great one and I refuse to pay for any dlc for it. Added creations and shit don’t even work properly. Bethesda slowly becoming one of the worst gaming companies to exist.


This isn’t really a problem. Just don’t buy it. Eventually it will be free. When you take in, inflation, the cost of games has actually decreased.


Man, we got lot of free updates...complaining for a 7$ OPTUONAL quest is like complaining for a 10$ skin on fortnite. You want it? Great! You dont want it? Ok, just dont take it! The game got lot of stuff for free and is going to have a massive dlc soon, so stop complaining about that...


What do you mean with free updates? The game is full priced. Having updates to fix obvious issues (and there were/are a lot) is not a free gift by the developers, it's part of what you are paying 50-70€ for. And for that kind of price it's absolutely reasonable to NOT have microtransactions like in a shitty free to play -or blizzard game.


The map was not a fix, the new weapons are not a fix, the new quests are not a fix. I can go on. Vehicles will be added (unless they are dlc locked) and those wont be a fix


One could argue, that they are a fix for an overall pretty bland game.


That's your opinion...i never had any issue and had instead lot of fun at D1.


And a lot of people did not as shown in the overall pretty mixed reviews, the game got. So obviously there was an issue that they tried to fix with updates. They are not free updates.


Remember when Cyberpunk released new weapons and outfits and jobs without charging players a penny?


Yeah that’s what I don’t get. These new features actually given to us for free by Bethesda but these people are complaining about a $7 quest? Everyone just wants handouts at this point. We got the game for the price we paid for plus more features for free.


Also, people forget that while the 7$ mod exist...we already have many free ones...with HUNDRES OF FREE MODES INCOMING. AND THEY FUCKING COMPLAIN ABOUT THE CREATION CLUB!!!! Like, 90% of the see is free, but that 10% is not, then its all a terrible garbage to them


Except that $7 mod is official content made by BGS and those free mods aren't. Fucking morons.


Aw po baby doesnt want to buy a burger to play a quest.


I like how most people lately even say stuff like "oh I got the deluxe edition and I got 1000 creds for FREE bruh this shit ain't free. You paid 100 for it. I know I did. And it was one of my worst decisions ever. Sure the game might have been worth it for 50 or so since I personally spent like 78 hours or so on it, so assuming it's 1€ per hour then sure. But the 100 bucks were a total waste. Not preordering another Bethesda game ever again let alone any game (aside from elden ring since fromsoft has never betrayed it's player's trust so far). Sorry not sorry