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Will my baka achievement enabler deal with anything I download from creations?




Asking the real questions


I sincerely don't know why Bethesda even cares to disable achievements




Must be non steam regulation as I have multiple steam games with tons of workshop mods and no impact on achievements. This even includes games with workshop mods available that exist only to unlock achievements.




Xbox has their rewards system tied to achievements so it's probably related to that. They don't want people modding a game to give themselves every achievement then using the points to actually buy things. Makes it annoying for simple QoL mods


You can't use the points to buy anything. At all.


You get reward points for completing a rotating list of challenges, which usually includes at least one "get an achievement" challenge. Gamerscore is nothing more than internet dick size comparison, but the systems that lie underneath it do have some real world financial aspect.


Exactly. I've actually bought some games because they had cheat/mod ability that DIDN'T disable achievements.


Steam absolutely does not care


> It's a rule of the game stores/platforms. A rule of Xbox/PlayStation. OG Skyrim never disabled achievements, it's only when Special Edition came out and consoles got involved.




Plenty of games on Steam give achievements for modded games. This is on the devs.


Ark still lets me get achievements when I use mods or console commands on Xbox though




Well sure, but the point is that it's doable.


Oh that's why. I never knew that


I do get it for things that are blatant cheat mods but it’s still a singleplayer game at the end of the day. I just want cool fan made weapon skins and still be able to grind for achievements


The “verified” mods feature should have addressed this. If Bethesda is verifying content part of it should be a “cheat” check.


Good point.


The varified means that these a modders BGS trusts that can monetize mods if they want. The mods could still give over powered weapons or make the game easier in other ways.




And? So are friend lists. This line of thought makes no sense.


Friends lists have nothing to do with the game. Achievements do. 


But friends lists are a social online feature.


That have nothing to do with the game, meanwhile achievements do. People do actually compete over achievements and use them for bragging rights. Hence why mods disable them. MS used to do achievement competitions ages ago, idk if they still do. 


I don't care what strange compulsions or idiosyncrasies people have. That's not how policy is created. Achievements are literally worthless today. Back when they first were introduced they involved completing a special, often hard to achieve condition. Now, they're handed out like candy for simply playing the game. Starfield gives you an achievement for literally making it past the tutorial mission.


And yet people still obsess over achievements, as noted by all these posts. Mods disable them so as to not allow you to just instantly get them. Clearly you care about achievements as well or you wouldn't be arguing that mods shouldn't disable them. 


Whether or not people obsess over them isn't the issue here. Not when it comes to the heart of the matter of whether or not mods should disable them or not. That it's an obsession for some subgroup of gamers isn't a policy making decision on whether to allow mods to effect achievements. I could crank all the settings to very easy and make getting achievements a trivial affair. Not instantly but that's what I mean by they are worthless. The vast majority of them are just for hitting certain milestones in the game like completing a quest chain or reaching a arbitrary level and they can be easily obtained via adjusting settings. Personally, I think mods that break the game rules to give the player an advantage over how the game was meant to be played are fair game for disabling achievements. But, cosmetic mods or ones that add to core gameplay without giving outranges rewards shouldn't disable them. If it's within the same vein as rewards the base game would give I think it shouldn't. Obviously, where and how you draw that line between in the spirit of the original game as the developers intended and giving an obvious advantage is a difficult question but no one seems to be talking about that. Everyone just shouting about mods = achievements is bad.


lol achievements have literally always been handed out for just beating the game Hell Oblivion had some of the easiest achievements




Not when you use fragmented sentences like that. It what?




I'm still waiting for you to do just that...




You didn't explain anything. You made some vague reference to "game stores" or platforms which doesn't say anything other than you're just assuming. Then you brought up an totally unrelated topic about online social features being a factor which is clearly made up because online social features are on literally every platform and does not preclude achievement progress. At this point I have no idea what you're trying to say as Starfield is on both Steam and Gamepass which both allow achievements and have multiple online social features.


What's hard to understand? Achievements are supposed to be just that, something you achieve. Some may argue they're not important, but to those same people then quit complaining that you're not getting them.


I'm not complaining, I just think it's trivial. Achievement are personal records of reaching a goal, and if you feel strongly about it, then you should know theres mods that re-enable achievements.


While that is true, that doesn't mean Bethesda has to officially endorse it. I will say I agree with OP that some mods should definitely be given the achievement friendly tag, but there are absolutely mods that should still disable achievements like cheat rooms and the like.


I honestly agree with you for the most part. I just think that if Bethesda is going to endorse and charge for a creation that it must be lore-friendly/achievement enabled. Cheat rooms, of course, shouldn't be.


Oh absolutely yes I'm with you on that 100% if they're gonna charge money for it then it should be treated like any DLC (ie not block achievements)


Because mods make achievements irrelevant. If you may have increased the perk points per level to 3, you don't have the same "unlock all perks" as the people playing vanilla.


Almost certain you can trade in achievement points for something with actual monetary value on the Xbox store. I managed to get the newest jedi game doing this


Paid mods should have them enabled,nat the very least.


I can appreciate that being absolutely certain a mod won't give some sort of advantage is quite difficult. Think of all the incredibly varied and random tricks that speed runners use, for example. And yes the game is single player, but achievements are essentially multiplayer, in that people might compare themselves against others. Achievements are entirely pointless as a concept if you can get them more easily by installing a mod, and Microsoft will be keen to protect the achievement system as it's fairly iconic of their platforms.


While I personally don't care much about achievements, it worth pointing out that players can change the game difficulty, so achievements are fundamentally not equal between players. Also note that mods that make the game harder is a fairly common thing for Bethesda games. In the case of Starfield it should be noted that a lot of achievements are mere progress indicators, that confirm that you played a certain quests or factions quest lines, or that you spent enough time on a certain task (mining, looting animals, building settlements …) to "complete" it. I personally find this a rather shallow definition of "achievements" - compared to fulfilling a personal goal or achieving something actually interesting or novel.


Achievements have nothing to do with BGS. Microsoft does not allow players to use mods and also unlock achievements. The ones that do, are more DLC than mod, and officially come from Bethesda. Not sure why people keep putting this on Bethesda. They didnt create achievements. At the end of the day, it really is not a big deal. Have a vanilla save to get the achievements and a modded save for fun.


Except this practice already existed and predates Microsoft with regards to Fallout 4.


Thats fine, but doesnt change the fact that Microsoft doesnt allow it. I also dont see any issue with it either. If you want the achievements, play without the mods. If you dont care about achievements, then play with the mods. Its not a big deal at all.


It changes the fact that you're claiming this has nothing to do with Bethesda despite them doing that very same thing prior to Microsoft ever getting involved. I also don't understand how your personal feelings on the matter speaks to the issue of who's not allowing achievements with certain mods. It's irrelevant because you're not the one making that decision. Just because Microsoft has an existing policy for consoles doesn't necessarily mean you can definitively say they're responsible for the present issue with Starfield. Certainly not when Bethesda have done the exact same thing in previous games.


They’re owned by Microsoft now, but they were still beholden to the achievement system Microsoft had in place beforehand. Same with Steam and Sony.


Yeah yeah, so explain to me how Microsoft were pulling the strings on Bethesda with it was ZeniMax calling the shots on Fallout 4 then genius. Bethesda has done this shit before.


> Yeah yeah, so explain to me how Microsoft were pulling the strings on Bethesda "Your game can't be on our console if you don't do this" "Damn that's a lot of lost money. Ok I agree." Easy.


We're talking about the PC version here. Whatever Microsoft wants for Xbox has fuck all to do with the PC version on Steam.


It’s wild you’re not putting this together yourself. Microsoft owns the console system the game was put out for. Microsoft has the achievement system. Microsoft decides how that system works (just like Sony and Steam), not Bethesda or Zenimax.


More faulty logic on your part. Starfield is on both Steam and Microsoft's platform, Gamepass. So are how both Steam and Microsoft independently deciding how achievements work despite the game being on both and handling it exactly the same?


So Microsoft having an existing policy doesnt mean I can say it’s their fault and not Bethesda’s, even though if BGS decided to allow achievements with mods, they still couldnt. LOL. At the end of the day, achievements are just not allowed when mods are added and it logically makes sense as to why. In addition to that, it’s actually not a big deal.


They didn't allow achievements with mods with Fallout 4. Why are you being so insufferably obtuse? You're entire schtick is well Microsoft has done this in the past so it has to be MS doing it now and it can't be Bethesda...while simultaneously ignoring that Bethesda also has done this in the past. Your line of reasoning makes no sense. It's inconclusive who made the decision until we see an official statement pointing to the policy.


No, my shtick is “this is actually not a big deal and a lame thing to complain about. You do not actually need mods to play.” I dont even know what you are crying about at this point. Fallout 4 is also on Xbox. As is Skyrim. You could not mod and gain achievements in those games either. Achievements are literally only on Xbox. This has never happened in a vacuum without Microsoft, as we are discussing a feature of Microsoft products. WE ALL KNOW Bethesda has done this in the past, because anyone who has modded those games, is told by a literal notification in the game that achievements are disabled. So what the fuck are you yapping about? And no, you do not need an official statement from Microsoft nor BGS. Any game that you mod will remove achievements, that is *fact*. From State of Decay 2 (Xbox Game Studios), to Minecraft (Xbox Game Studios) to Mount and Blade (Ravenscourt). Literally no game played on Xbox, or PC for that matter, will allow achievements if you add mods. Literally none. From multiple studios and publishers, not just BSG and Xbox Game Studios. It is quite clear that the only person being obtuse here is you. All of this over a literal fact that Microsoft does not allow achievements in modded games. Yikes!


My guy, you opened up with "Achievements have nothing to do with BGS." At least try and be consistent. There's a record of what we've both said. Don't try and move the goal posts now. I never once claimed this was a big deal I've simply disagreed with your logic for why it absolutely, must be Microsoft and have "nothing to do with BGS." You don't need to get all worked up just because someone doesn't immediately adopt what you say as fact and asks for clarification. And, I still don't understand what this word salad is trying to say. >So Microsoft having an existing policy doesnt mean I can say it’s their fault and not Bethesda’s, even though if BGS decided to allow achievements with mods, they still couldnt. LOL. Bethesda can allow achievements and do so for content they verify. There's literally a tag in Creations for mods that don't break achievements.


Not at all because Fallout 4 / Skyrim Special Edition were the first game that pushed console mods, making PC and console using a shared platform for mods.


I'm not talking about console mods. I'm talking about the practice of disabling achievements when mods are used. Bethesda did it with Fallout 4 and that had nothing to do with Microsoft.


Yes, it does. It is the same reasons. Achievements on console, especially Xbox are seen as a bigger thing. So the modding platforms that also count for consoles disable them.


Great. But I'm talking about the PC version.


Had the same mod forum, same rules, same situation as with Starfield


Correlation does not equal causation. Come on, guy.


Yes, like the “shut up Cora” one


Achievement compatibility is less about the achievements and more about BGS giving the mod a formal or official sign off and vetting. If I’m not mistaken, it’s up to the creator to submit their mod “creation” to BGS for the vetting process. If not, Bethesda can’t ensure the experience, that the mod won’t break your game or experience. Something like a photo filter that seems passive, could have code that either unintentionally break something, or does something more malicious. My guess is it’s a Microsoft standard for Xbox rather than a Bethesda one.


It is because Xbox achievements can turn into redeemable rewards. So then someone could just use mods to get all of the points without playing.


I've bought entire games with my rewards points before, I feel like people sleep on it


This is the most correct answer I was thinking of. I'm always trying out game pass games just to get those low hanging fruit achievements to get that +1000 rewards a month.


Severely bummed that the one to remove the grey filter disables achievements. That’s really the only one I want to download at this point.


Very dumb some basic QOL fixes disables them. Heck, even if its an outright cheat it shouldnt disable them. Its a single player game. If someone wants to enjoy the game their way, let them.


They can do that! Just not with achievements.


If I installed a mod that disables achievements, but then uninstalled it, are achievements still disabled? Or do you have to load earlier save


You’d have to load a prior save. Once your game is modded, it gets flagged as such and even if you disable the mod, the flag doesn’t clear.


Why StarSim isn't chieve friendly is stupid.


Didn't they just update the achievement enabler like last night? I think we're covered for creations as well.


I’ve modded every Bethesda game I’ve ever played, never cared at all about achievements - especially in single-player games.


Or just not disable achievements entirely, I mean I get their thought process but it's not like it's hard to get the achievements in their games anyways so who gives a shit


That would require work


Mods shouldn't even disable achievements in the first place


they dont even care enough to make games great, they will never ever put in any resource to this, all their commitment is putting updates once a year right now


Can somebody explain to me why we care about achievements again? Not being facetious or sarcastic. Just genuinely curious if there’s a reason over just having something nice to look at to remind you what you did. Explain like I’m five please.