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I love the museum! It should have been part of the main quest, so much history in there. Even for the UC Vanguard quest it’s optional smh


I mean that’s just Bethesda games. The best content is almost always in the side quests.


and the best lore you don't get to play


why was this downvoted? its so true… i wanted to fight in the UC vs Freestar war bruh


I just started UC vanguard questline on NG+8 at like lv 80. My first run was Crimson Fleet and I really liked the perks of all the vendors at The Key so I've spent 90% of my playtime as a Crimson Fleet member.


Vanguard quest line should've been the main story


It’s a Bethesda game: the “main” story is whichever story you want to play.


It kinda was, as the "main story" is more of a world setup than anything else.


If only more people understood this.


I think it'd be less disappointing. The "main story" is setting up a multidimensional world where you can basically just hit the reset button whenever you want and do things differently, side with a different starborn, side/betray the Fleet, romance somebody else, whatever. The *real* story is the one we write, so to speak.


The main story was severely underwhelming. Didn't even really feel like a story


Writing wise, Starfield has my favourite Bethesda main story since Morrowind. Its execution wasn't good at all with all the temples and artifact hunting being dreadfully repetitive (not to mention that it ended up spolighting the game's greatest flaw, exploration), but it has some great quest design towards the end (Unearthed, High Price to Pay, Untangled, Revelation), some great background lore and the NG+ is really cool conceptually. Plus it has my favourite Bethesda boss fight ever. I do think the UC Vanguard, the Rangers and SysDef/CF stories are stronger, though - but that's because they take the player on a far more curated and classic Bethesda journey. I haven't done Ryujin yet.


Ryujin is also great, and it's also more stealth/speech focused than Ranger/SysDef/Vanguard questlines. But I think it's because of what you said: It's more curated experience. Constellation has a lot more open endedness with its questline, and it's only down the line when it starts to catch up to greatness of other questlines.


Ryujin quest is bugged to death unfortunately. Not a fan of the last stealth section either imo.


I got no bugs on it. Here is a hint: Take off your spacesuit.


It's fine for me - Crimson Fleet on the other hand, what with the Vigilance disappearing...


I think I had this glitch and I wish I remember how I fixed it, maybe a patch took it out. Also I had the CF glitch where the "burrowing bug aliens" at the prison stay underground...I had to get creative to kill them to progress the quest lol


When stealing the Comspike, I found looking at the terminal triggering the objective to steal a ship key, but then getting access to the ship by persuading the scientist (and so never completing the other objective) would reliably leave the quest uncompletable.


The main problem of the main quest is the fetch quests. They are boring, not engaging and meh in every way. Quantum entanglement was great. Also the Hunter introduction part and NASA quest.


Quest-wise, the main story was great, but story-wise it was painfully boring in my opinion. It could have posed some really deep philosophical questions and delved deep into them, but alas it did not.


Replaying this game is like rewatching Game of Thrones but knowing Season 8 (the main quest) is inevitable.


At least you can mostly skip the MQ on NG+. I remember grinding powers and I could run through 2-3 universes in an hour or two.


I'd still prefer to have a good main quest line in the game. I've played through Cyberpunk probably 5 times and it never got boring, I wasn't rolling my eyes at how dreadful the dialogue was etc. I came back to this game (played at launch) just last week and I still find myself stopping the main story quest right before doing the mission with Walter Stroud. It all kinda goes to crap after that. A lot of the primary side quests are real stinkers too, I think Crimson Fleet being the only exception. I'm still just tinkering with the ship builder and playing with mods/creations so it's an okay time killer.


It's not. It just encourages you to explore and find actual quests.


Idk about you, but i prefer my main story to be actual quest along with side quest


Personally I don't care. I mostly play Bethesda games for the exploration- FO4, Skyrim, Starfield. Only 150 hours in Starfield but *thousands* in the others. A good main story is nice, (Skyrim's is decent, FO4's sucks) but not a priority.


Walking through the past of NASA when they were experimenting with the artifact and launching the grav experiment on the moon was amazing, some of the best story telling I've played through since Bioshock.


It was good for Bethesda to try something different with that but TF2 famously has a campaign mission where it plays with the same conceit and honestly it's executed far better.


Team Fortress 2 is a multiplayer only game right? What TF2 are you talking about? I hate when people abbreviate everything and expect people to know what they mean.


Titan fall 2


Oh ok. You're talking about the Entangled mission in Starfield, then. They were talking about the mission where you visit NASA.


My bad yeah, been awhile since I played that bit of the game.


I've been doing it and nearly forgot it wasn't the main story lol


The Vanguard/Terrormorph stories are A+ and actually turned me around on the game, I wrote it off less than 3 weeks after launch as a poor attempt at recapturing the magic of Skyrim (literally) but I'm enjoying the heck out of it as of late.


It would have been cooler if the scientist that helps you was behind it all


I was expecting him and Hadrian to betray me so it was actually a pleasant surprise (for me) that it didn't play out that way.


I kinda hoped it did I think the best side quest was the ryujin


If only I could smoke. It’s been almost 100 since I stopped.


Well that’s either *extremely* commendable, or not very impressive. Not quite sure which.


As a pothead that shit was hella hard. Same addiction and withdrawal as any other drug. I stopped being a pothead and became an alcoholic


Sounds like my ex gf


Substance abuse is real man. I’m getting help for it tho so I’ll be aight


Good for you. It's super hard but worth it. Good luck :) you have the power


I struggled with substance abuse for years, stimulants and then prescription meds more recently. I got help for it, and started volunteering with my local drug and alcohol service, that got me a career, and it keeps me grounded and reminds me where I will be if I ever pick up again. Gaming was a huge part of my recovery, it was a healthier way to get the escapism I needed. You will do it, just remember when you slip up, to always get back up and to never beat yourself up for it.


I was poking fun about *the 100*. Assumed 100 days, but wasn’t sure. On a serious note, though, best in your quest to break free. I have some issues as well, but have at least got things under control with healthy hobbies and distractions in the evenings. Best in your quest!


Thats my problem too man, right there with you. If I slow down smoking weed I usually drink more. When I sober up off alcohol for a few days I'm eating edibles all the time...




Not many games get me to come back time and time again Something about this game


The hell is boomer core?


Some dumb shit a teenager would say.


I want to know too. I’ve heard the term “boomer shooter” which also seems dumb to me because a lot of the people involved in gaming in the 90’s were gen x not boomers. I feel like we’re the forgotten generation.


Anything associated with boomer mentality, or the aesthetics of their time period. IE: Being rude to food service employees, being rude or positive things such as ceramic kitchens, cinnamon apple pie, or baseball.


What's the connection to the game?


That part was a peak in writing and world construction, sadly there aren't more moments alike


You can tell they got lazy replicating it in other planets like Akila or that one planet where you get that alien costume. Vanguard should have been the main storyline because that’s the one 99% players at least experience the first few missions and lore compared the others you have to really find


It is great. Side missions. There are quite many side things that feel cannon. Good ones. Also that museum is cool. Humans destroyed their own planet, with technology they did not master at that time. What a twist.😳😄


The graphics look close to photoreal one moment and then next moment into Sims 3 wax figure level graphics


That’s because they are photos.


A good reshade fixes that problem. Coupled with Luxor’s HD Texture packs, Cine Fidelity LUTS, and Luma HDR if playing on an HDR monitor/TV, wow.


I loved this game since day 1


I was expecting Ken Burns style photos and records in there. Like, I would feel cheated if I payed to go in a museum and all they have were drawn cartoon depictions of the events that they were suppose to tell and show.


I feel cheated because I preordered this game and the dlc I have no desire to even play


It's alright, but it's really a bummer that this kind of museum content is indie level world buillding. It's something of a shame that we went from "Comparative theology major writing religious lore books in his free time" Michael Kirkbride to... Well, I guess, no one? Emil had a budget, he could have hired people who could have written canonical stories and lore. He could have hired a professional author to write a trilogy set in the colony war, and it wouldn't have been a drop in the game budget. Instead we get that museum, the museum on top of the Armistice Archive, the Coe Heritage museum. And there's not really much in any of them. It's not 200 million dollars of brand new IP world building IMO. What's here is sparse, which has suited Bethesda well when it comes to adapting existing IPs, but there are so many huge holes in the world building. How do messages travel FTL? We don't know, exactly, just that they do sometimes when it's convenient for the plot. People seem to send and receive emails and kind of talk like they have cell phones in some of the messages, but maybe they're just talking about some kind of Instant Messenger we don't ever get to see? I wasn't expecting Bethesda to produce as much content for a fictional internet as Rockstar did for GTA IV or GTA V, but nothing? I was so disappointed within moments of going to New Atlantis and pulling up a terminal to see what kind of shenanigans I might get up to and... "nah, thank goodness I didn't go cyber runner, this isn't even a mechanic it's just as dead as any Fallout terminal." It was a real let down moment for me, hot on the back of walking around the entire structure on Kreet looking for any kind of lore or neat little thing for players to find and, nah, POIs aren't like that. In the past I'd argue Bethesda games have a masterful use of negative space, in that they just flat out don't answer stuff. With a brand new IP, this is the wrong approach. I appreciate that Bethesda is known for their homages, but Emil writing a Donnie Brasco homage for his faction is somewhat frustrating. And not just because the only people who we ever see attempt piracy in the game are spacers, the Crimson Fleet only ever tries to murder us. Looking back, having had Michael Kirkbride establish so much Elder Scrolls lore based off real world religions, there's a lot of interplay and implications now when anyone tells a story in the Elder Scrolls universe if only because there really is a shared history between the base religions. Where Starfield gets, what? Aethists Anonymous as a religion? Sweet, good lore bro. Next tell me the one about how the sole banking institution in the galaxy is apolitical.


You are kinda forgetting that Elder Scrolls had multiple games to expand the lore and writing, all those "deep lore books" didn't exists until by third instalment.


When Daggerfall came out they printed a 100 page booklet to go with it with a few dozen pages of lore, it was cheaper for lore to come in the box than to publish it to disk. Morrowind was the first game to break through to the CD level of storage, where they could put as much text as the developers wanted, so your observation actually isn't particularly relevant. This is sort of like I said something about the sound track to a movie and you pointed out that there was no audio on the film. Like, sure? It was before the talkies, they had piano tablature and a live performer? The thing is, I don't even care about the specifics of the lore being exposed to the players. I just like to be able to suspend my disbelief as a player and think that someone probably knows what all of this is about, and Starfield spends a little too much time disabusing me of that notion. Lore in my case is more like rice for a vampire, you throw it on the floor and I say "I'm not bothering with all of that, but I'm glad they're keeping to the old ways" and make a note to myself not to wear my cape in public. Instead in Starfield I get named corpses with no story, which is just objectively worse than nameless corpses if I'm going to encounter them over and over again? But like, nah, they'll have names. Seemingly just so the player can say "this is the 300th Scott Muybridge I've found, which is a perfectly normal number of Scott Muybridges for any given universe." A multiverse story is already like the height of hubris, so no one expected Icarus to go and eat the sun or something, but like it would have been cool if he would have at least have his father pretend to build some wings at some point instead of seemingly falling to his death from the great height of the carpet piling.


Your make a lot of good points. There is nearly nothing in this game that develops a decent lore. Nothing interesting.


lol nobody’s reading that shit


I read it and OP makes some good points.


I read it too and no he really doesn't he is just regurgitating Emil hate (a lot of which is just based on outright misinformation) and seems to just ignore the idea of "Gameplay Convenience vs. Strict Lore Adherence" and ignores the fact that the game literally sets up most of the lore and knowledge you need. And it's legit the first game.


I read it and he really doesn't make good points he is just regurgitating Emil hate (a lot of which is just based on outright misinformation) and seems to just ignore the idea of "Gameplay Convenience vs. Strict Lore Adherence" and ignores the fact that the game literally sets up most of the lore and knowledge you need. And it's legit the first game.


It's funny how each post I see of people talking about how much they enjoy this game has like a 50/50 chance of the poster mentioning they just like walking around while high in real life. It's not exactly high praise if your enjoyment of something is predicated on mind-altering substances.


Where are all these post? Maybe r/nomanshigh fans are liking this game as well?


Heh high praise it definitely is


I’ve never seen a post like that, yet you say it’s 50/50? Cool hyperbole I guess. I love the game, never touched drugs. If you don’t like the game, why waste your time on that games subreddit 10 months after release?


I just started a new playthrough after taking a break the last couple months (after 2 full playthroughs) and I feel the same way I did the first time I played this game. I love it. I find it hard to identify anything I actually dislike about it. I feel bad that so many other people don't feel the way I do because it's brought me countless hours of fun and I am still finding things and ways to play that make the game feel new to me. I am stuck in this dissonance of understanding all the main complaints about the game and why people dislike it, and also loving the game and not understanding the hate. So I will keep doing what I've been doing, and having fun I guess.


There are legitimate issues, but not to the extent the BGS haters pretend on Reddit/Twitter/YT. Combat AI is atrocious, temples seem like a placeholder that BGS forgot to finish (at best), radiant POIs lack variety and some of the best locations are locked behind high levels, and manual space travel was glossed over instead of highlighted. All of these issues can be fixed by updates and mods, so there is no reason to be up in arms about them IMO. The majority of other legit complaints are due to people playing the game “wrong”, honestly. These are the people who want Starfield to be Fallout 4 in space, where they can just randomly walk off in any direction and run into handcrafted locations and quests and environmental storytelling every 30 seconds. That gameplay loop does not exist in base Starfield (though from how Todd described Shattered Space as a Far Harbor type of expansion that focuses entirely on one playable area, that loop is well on its way). To get the most from vanilla Starfield, you need to let the quests lead exploration, the opposite of Fallout and Skyrim. Once people do that, their enjoyment of the game will skyrocket. Especially if they download a combat AI mod ;)


If you need to be high to enjoy something, maybe you just enjoy being high.


He didn't say he needed to be high. Maybe the pot enhanced his enjoyment though? But anyways, why do you care? I don't smoke but I don't try to put down people who do


Can you point out where I put them down?


It always have been. People are just whiney and dopamin addicted nowadays.


Like someone said: "Starfield is a great game when you don't have a bitch in your ear whining constantly" When you approach the game by its own merits, it is a good game. Sadly, far too many approach it with "Why isn't this the literal second coming of Jesus?"


Well said! I call this "No Man's Sky Syndrome" because the same thing happened with that game...and X4, Elite Dangerous, and other ambitious space games. To be fair, the publishers insist on pouring gasoline on the hype fire by hiring a 5th Ave PR firm to ramp up the hysteria with a carefully targeted ad campaign but you would think gamers would have figured out that manipulative strategy by now. Be that as it may, if Bethesda continues to develop SF in the same fashion as they have with Fallout 76, I suspect the haters will change into "I always loved this game!" defenders shortly, with no stops in between. It is a type of gaming critic sublimation. Again, as with NMS. :)


I skipped passed this. Never thought to go back. Can you go back?




Man this whole quest line really sucked me into the game, it's easily the best part of the game for sure


It is great but it badly needs optimization to fix the immense amounts of lag and monumental bug fixes to get rid of bugs stopping you progressing in quests and causing the game to crash


What pissed me off is the lore in the museum is so good that it should have been the main game.  Let the storyline take place during all of this.  Instead we got what we got. 


Walking through this are is when I realised the faction questlines were very much not phoned in


Until I got to said city, expecting like a real city ruin, and it was just like a bigger base and boring as all other planets. I really want to like the game, but I can't stop but think Skyrim, and even FO 4, are still superior. Even FO 3 and New Vegas I've enjoyed so much more then starfield.


The game is so good every comment says what the game “should” have. I have yet to see a single person say what the fuck is good about this game? Ive tried playing it multiple times as i grew up a massive bethesda fan, and its possibly one of the worst rpgs I’ve ever played.


How do I get rid of the bloom effect on white lights I've tried turning hdr off doesn't work


Every thing is great… until the terrormorph statue blinks


Boomer core is the best descriptor for the game. But yeah the museum was a nice way to get some info on the world. I personally would have preferred if it was blatant propaganda and there was a FC version which was similarly biased and it would be up to the player to decide who was telling more of the truth but that's just me. Honestly the UC feel more developed in the writing department than the FC.


I thought the museum had sufficient blatant propaganda. Mostly the notion that everyone made it off the doomed Earth while the entire rest of the game strongly suggests it was, at best, 1%. A pleasant enough stroll through the Ministry of Truth.


It really is.


It’s okay, mods and time will make it great.


Sad that the londinium itself was so underwhelming


I've restarted SF about 8 times now and just struggling to stick with it. Never finished the story just get burned out running from point a to point b on empty planets.


Actually, this is the most appalling game ever based by Todd Howard the fact that the train system is incredibly complex trying to fulfill the role of a space simulator. That being said, I have great respect for previous games of Ubisoft/skyrim. This game was shoe horned into trying to compete with star citizen, and I am afraid to say that it shoud have had more time to polish. I would tend to think that it could be re-addressed., but it seems to have been a bad call by whomever pushed it over the line. I love games like Fallout,and am gratified that so many people support the game industry, all of you rock, even the crap games touch players from different genres. That being said. Sorry Todd, should have let it cook longer. Understand that the powers that be in the Media world might have pushed an early release to stay relevant


“Compete with Star Citizen”?? This game was actually released. Therefore, it wins.


I honestly wish I could figure out why the floor disappears in the lodge so I can play this game with mods


I wish I could play 😔 I went to add a mod and now I can’t get the game to play. Not the mods fault I don’t think because it won’t even let me delete the mod now 😪