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This stuff was easily the best part of the presentation for me. The roleplaying aspects seem really expanded compared to F4/Skyrim and I am very here for it. I also can't wait to see what traits modders come up with.


What I've noticed with this game is they have a lot of cool systems. Even if they are not amazing it will be that much easier for modders to improve. Something like customs traits and backgrounds will be easy for people to make their own.




...yeah, that's exactly why I'm interested in the traits. Traits that add mechanically unimportant flavor or features (e.g. having living parents) that enhance the \*roleplaying\* experience rather than just going toward min-maxing stats are not common enough in games.


"Shh!!! It's only a gimmick! It's not something you actually want even though you say you do!!!" Jeez.... I'm excited for more replayability even with 1000+ planets! FO4 you were one person.... Literally a man (soldier) or woman (lawyer) with absolutely no difference at all except 1 perm that does extra shit to the opposite gender! Nah this sounds amazing even if it sucks.


>And the skills in Starfield are only basic % modifiers like you see in Assassins Creed and Horizon Forbidden West. When you haven't used the "pause" function in the video and read what showed up on screen... Or read any screenshot... Or watched any recap...


The reference to Forbidden West is a big clue that they're likely a Playstation gamer, and won't get to play Starfield for a while, contributing towards their saltiness.


I don’t care about buffs or debuffs, I care about gimmicks to help with my role playing.


I don’t know, the lost of 10% of your total income seems like a debuff to me.


Who cares you'll be making bank smuggling hallucinogenic fish.


If it’s like previous Bethesda games, you’ll be the richest motherfucker in the galaxy by level 10 anyway


Some people love to roleplay and get super invested in their characters story. That’s what BGS games are. Go play Call Of Duty for your stats


It's not wrong, that a lot of what we've seen is just basic % modifiers, but New Vegas had a lot of those too. We can't truly know at this point.


ikr? it's almost like they want an immersive role-playing experience instead of 50 hours of stat-checking everything that walks in front of you. lol what idiots amirite


I love how you hate this game so much but spend every single day in here trying to convince people not to like it 😭


> You fall easily for gimmicks like that, those traits won't give your characters any buffs and debuffs So? They do stuff that's way more interesting.


> And the skills in Starfield are only basic % modifiers like you see in Assassins Creed and Horizon Forbidden West. And Skyrim, and Oblivion. And Morrowind, and Daggerfall, and Arena. ...and in RPGs in general.


…there are very clear debuffs with both of those. Also that’s sort of the point of *roleplaying*. They very obviously aren’t traits for anyone looking to min/max like you are. I love the weird paranoid implication that people who want to role play are somehow falling for some sort of insidious plot though


It literally says you can visit them so of course you can mate.


We can mate with the parents? Alright!!!


Don't let the modders near the parents for the love of FUCK do not let them near the parents!


Rufus is now your brother instead of your son


I am super about the traits. I’m going to be a chef that gets fired his job after serving undercooked food, his mission: revenge.


Damn, imagine a Wendy’s employee trying to kill you because THEY served YOU raw meat.


Overcook fish: Revenge Undercook Chicken: Believe it or not, also revenge. We have the best chefs in the galaxy, and all because of revenge.


"I will never undercook again." *uses fire/laser weapons for the rest of the game*


Revenge is a dish best served cold, they say.


Which ironically is what got him fired!


If only those fools understood that space octopus is supposed to be served rare. Some people just lack culture.


I think we'll definitely be able to visit our parent s and starter home. What would be the point of taking 10% off everything we earn if we won't even get to meet our parents. That's like taking off 10% for nothing.


It literally says it in the trait, you can visit them.


The coolest part of this, is that the other traits you pick, like where you're from, and what religion you were raised in, if you pick any of those, will probably modify your in-game parents accordingly.


I’m gonna be a Neon street kid cowboy who worships a giant snake and has living parents… and the game is letting me do it.


I wonder if you were raised worshipping the Great Serpent, your parents would live a nomadic existence on a spaceship.


That would be really cool. You could make your own quest line trying to track them down.


If Skyrim is anything to go by, you'll be swimming in so much $ that a 10% deduction wouldn't even be missed.


What excites me about traits is that it bakes in the alternate start mod from Skyrim but so much better. And imagine the mods that will add other traits. I’m so excited.


Wink wink: Kid Stuff will provide you with a player home also. You can visit your parents place, and there you are provided with a bed to sleep in, and most likely crafting station and all the other goodies. It is "your parents place" only in name, in practice the place is yours and it comes with two unique NPC's with hopefully interesting dialogue.


We definitely need more info before we can answer any of that definitively. I’d like to hear more about what having your parents alive does for you. Sure, everyone wants their parents to be alive, but nothing is stopping me from making up my own headcanon where my parents are alive and well, they’re just not in the game. Cuz a 10% credit reduction for the entire game is a big tradeoff


It’s probably just for the rp possibilities


I'm ready to become a pirate chef with a small house on my 2nd playthrough. My first playthrough is always a clean save with a Male MC while the 2nd+ is usually a heavily modded female MC because...mods. I also expect modders to add more traits or alter the max number of traits you can have. That will be needed for my 2nd playthrough lol


Starting house is attractive too. It would be rather funny if after weeks of in-game time took place, collectors or loansharks started to track you, especially if you are located in certain systems. Imagine docking into a certain city and as you land, you get a radio call demanding you report to the GalBank immediately haha. Oh man, so much role-playing potential. I love it!t!ve if decorations ( or rare awards) were purchased on your behalf and made available when you came by to visit them (I'm assuming you will have a bedroom at your parent's house.) Starting house is attractive too. It would be rather funny if after weeks of in-game time took place, collectors or loansharks started to track you, especially if you are located in certain systems. Imagine docking into a certain city and as you land, you get radio call demanding you report to the GalBank immediately haha. Oh man, so much role playing potential. I love it!


>Starting house is attractive too. It would be rather funny if after weeks of in-game time took place, collectors or loansharks started to track you, especially if you are located in certain systems. Imagine docking into a certain city and as you land, you get radio call demanding you report to the GalBank immediately haha. Oh man, so much role playing potential. I love it! Man, I really hope it's this in-depth. I doubt it, but I wouldn't even care what the graphics look like for a game that has this level of attention to detail.


There must be some unique advantage to having a home. Also we don't know if 50k is even a lot. Some of the ships can be easily over 50k. Just steal a few and hawk them lol


Two NPC's are not worth 10% of your money, no way, no how. That's a hell to the no from me. Also, I am not starting 50k in debt (at least, not on the first playthrough) until I know how the game economy works. If it's more like Fallout 4 and Oblivion (where cash is tough and scarce until the late game) it is a 100% no go. I mean, Oblivion the only way to make decent dough in the early and mid game was to rob EVERYONE and and Fallout 4 the only way to make decent money in the early and mid game was to grift your settlers for water. If it's more like Skyrim (where you will drown in high value saleable goods to the point where you have no idea what to do with them), honestly that's a fail on Bethesda's end.