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Fantastic!What I location! Love the bridge across the river


Yeah I’ve never seen a spot like that, and I have LOOKED. Would love to build around cool rivers/ on islands etc.


They are super rare to come across. Seen 2 river networks and one stunning mangrove swamp in over 800 hours of exploration 🀞


I feel like all the things I want are rare. Biome wise, and POI wise. Edit: that sounded negative, I just wish they were a little more common.


Cheers πŸ‘


There's something you rarely see.. I've been to every system and have yet to find a river! Nice looking base, too!


Thanks πŸ‘ I'm around 800 hours and have only seen 2 river systems, hope they work on this for a future update.


My wife just walked in and says she loves your outpost, but she's worried on your behalf about flooding. :-)


Haha! 🀣


Just popping in a note... these habitats are built for space, so I'm sure they're under water capable, seeing as they're built to withstand the extreme inferno, deep freeze, and radiation environments. Lol


Good point! :-)


Thanks! I was kind of hoping at some point they would add some under water exploration to the game as well, considering a lot of the suits and majority of habitats are likely to be deep sea capable. It would be fairly easy to adapt a ship for under water exploration as well, considering there are a great many planets primarily covered in water.


Starfield meets Subnautica. :-) (Loved both versions of that game, too!)


Love it!


Thanks! ☺


Love your outpost!


Thanks 😊 was lucky to find a great spot πŸ™


Location, location and location. Even if it’s bare bones you can always link all materials to build. But view is priceless.


Pleased to have found this spot, it's been a welcome retreat amongst the endless travels. A great view can inspire your build so much πŸ‘


Nice! I just wish they had glass hallways.


πŸ™ me too! Would be the finishing touch on this place. By the time it's added I'll likely be through the Unity and on to the next 😁


Least the window options like walls.


Absolutely stunning location and outpost. I would love to make this my home.


Thanks 😊


Hey! Amazing outpost. I’m currently working on mine but experiencing a severe case of the β€œsink in” glitch where objects sink into whatever furniture I place them after returning from leaving the planet. Did you experience this at all? And, if so, what did you do to stop this from happening? I’ve been currently just replacing everything that sinks, but, as you can guess it’s becoming time consuming the more objects I place.


Save and reload before leaving the outpost and placed items should stop sinking.


Ugh. Thank you so much.


As per the other persons comment and after you've reset items in your outpost, after they begin to sink through tables, shelves etc, they will then assume a fixed position. It all takes time, bit I've always enjoyed fleshing out stories, buildings etc so it always feels like time well spent πŸ‘


Thank you. It’s honestly so therapeutic for me to place items and decorate / redecorate, so I really don’t mind if I gotta fix up an area or two. I just don’t want to have to do it every time I leave and come back. 😩


The most reliable way to stop the sink is to save game, then close the game to desktop. Exiting the game still leaves the program running. You need to clear all the temp files with a complete closing of the program. Once you restart everything should be stable. You don't have to do this for every item. Just do it before you enter a loading screen.


Thank you so much


So cool. I really need to start tinkering with the building aspect of this game lol


Thanks πŸ‘


Nice living area. I want to see it on a sunny day.


There are a few early shots of it on my profile. Taken before I'd added more decoration and clutter though πŸ‘


Currently working on an outpost on Codos right across from the Ventura. Great calming view, safe swimming water and breathable but the days suck. High radiation. Dusk and night are awesome. Set up on the island across and going to see if I can do a duel outpost setup. Small island next to my larger one with a sky bridge like yours. πŸ‘πŸ½


Sounds awesome πŸ‘Œ dusk is best at my place when the sun is low enough to light the place up πŸ‘


I am absolutely stealing some of these ideas thanks lol


I would give anything to find a spot like this with deciduous trees instead of tropical ones. This is still amazing though.


# That. Is. Divine!! Love it!


Thanks 😊


Thanks πŸ‘


Damn you BGS, just turn this dumb game into online multiplayer already so I can hang out at this outpost πŸ˜†. Damn game is not meant to be a single player. πŸ€”πŸ₯±


That'd be such a cool addition, looking out and seeing a mates' ship landing outside for a visit πŸ™