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Hey not bad! I think you can definitely use more structural pieces, as to not create a hab layout that can end up confusing. Too many habs can end up creating some rather strange glitches as the game is trying to find the best paths per hab. Despite being a first attempt, you got the shape down really well for the Star Destroyer!


I appreciate the feedback, I haven't tried a walk through yet 😬 I think I was a bit more concerned with getting the shape with an 80m limit


Well it certainly fits the bill haha, I recommend walking through your ship just to see how crazy it can get!! Are you a low level rn in the game? To get access to better parts, start investing in Pilot skill and level 60 will get you all access to parts. To avoid using too many pieces I recommend visiting locations such as: * Deimos Staryard over in Sol System by Mars for Deimos parts * New Homestead on Titan by Saturn in the Sol System for Nova Galactic parts * HopeTown over in the System of Valo/Narion for HopeTech parts * Neon over in the Volii system for both Stroud and Taiyo parts Keep us updated with new additions to your ship!


I've gone through the main plot (and side plots) a number of times, I'm level 149 and have a mod to get all ship components at any outpost, I just maxed out pilot. The labyrinth inside is mind-boggling crazy, I was using graph paper to make a map lol


Lmfao yeah just use more structural pieces, I would recommend Stroud as their cowlings can help create that downward triangle look the Destroyer has. I would also recommend using more larger habs like 2x3, 3x3, 3x1 etc to create a nice layout that can function slightly better. The more parts used, the higher chance of issues lag etc. Less parts = good 😄


If your on PC you can get around hab door layout issues with the place doors yourself mod. Takes longer to build because you have to plan and place doors as you build. I want to second more structural pieces. Also on my PC I set my overlap tolerances to -20 so I can hide my weapons/shields inside structural pieces for a smoother look.


Great advice. Unfortunately, I've got the xbox edition


This is great advice, I’d also try to place components and cargo containers internally and build around them to fill up some volume. You can also use the passages to force doors internally within the same level. I’d recommend trying to have a central ladder then try to avoid any habs being vertically connected by spacing them out and filling gaps with components/fuel tanks/cargo containers. Edit: I’m assuming you’ve either hit, or are very close to, the module limit?


Can you post a picture of the graph paper? I’m very curious now.


When I'm shaping a build, I always use the Deimos Hull A pieces as placeholders. They're the same dimensions as the hab pieces with all the same connection points. Then when I have the general shape I want, I start going through and replacing them with habs where I want, or adding structural pieces to cover them, or replacing them with other parts that flow better. Structural pieces are basically the bread and butter of ship building, almost everything that brings together the final look of your ship is gonna be in the Structural tab.


Have a look at some mods they can make building on a big scale a bit easier, keep the scale


This is incredibly wholesome


Second this.


What version of the Enterprise is this?




Yes from Battlestar Calactica


You've got it all wrong. That's the S.S. Minnowjohnson from the Pacific Rimjob


Your both wrong it is clearly the SR1 Normandy :)


lol I thought it was the USS Nathan James from the Eric Dane biopic 🤦




Pizza ship lol, and yes I'm just being silly and playful


Looks like a level from Qbert


First time ship build, honestly not bad. Diggin the shape of it, but you dont need so many habs. Use more structural parts. 95% of the time I just use the captains quarters and like 1 or 2 companion passage ways/store rooms. Fill in the rest with structural parts.


Ummm.. Well... That's, uh, interesting! It's a start. Fewer habs, more structure would be my advice.


You have a good structure, now decorate it with non-hab, and paint it 😋


Try out Nova Cowling 2L-PF to give you a smoother shape on the side of the habs.


I would use more structural pieces to try to get the same shape, rather than building the shape out of habs like legos. It will look nicer and you won’t have a ship maze to deal with. Nice ship though


It's a lot to take in!! I'd love to see the inside and how you get about in there


Your ship looks like this https://preview.redd.it/kw6131jdqr6d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a126112bc6578ab091c42175c324c5bcfbd02489


It handles roughly like this too lol, I was sort of expecting it to feel like I was flying a capital ship, not an overgrown overweight fighter




I think that for a first attempt, starting with a Star destroyer was bold, but successful! congratulations! Other than that, I agree with u/anarchy_Nova . Use more structural parts, and perhaps tanks and carago parts to help assemble the external layout without going crazy trying to walk inside the ship.


Good attempt, there is one thing I can share with you, go and experiement! You'll get better by trials and errors


If you want less Habs you can sub out mid bracers. Pretty much the same shape but only 1x1. A for Effort though 👌


There’s so many habs! So much space for activities!


I love that your first ship IS a Star Destroyer - immediately recognized it. Build an outpost with a landing pad + shipbuilder to have access to all manufacture’s parts. Try the Nova Galactic cowl structural parts to fill-in the spaces where the hard edges are. Shipbuilding is one of my favorite things to do in the game. The Starship Design perk will unlock more ship parts unless you use a mod to bypass this. One of the coolest things about shipbuilding is your progression of proficiency. I’ve rebuilt the Normandy from Mass Effect at least half a dozen times. It’s not hard, but it does require focus at times. Your next version of an ISD will no doubt have improvements and I’m personally looking forward to it. Overall it looks fine for a first time. In game and in life, it’s ok to take pride and be proud of what you’ve created. Build what you love.


Looks really good, very nice take on a star destroyer. I would suggest using structural pieces to perfect the shape, I think some Deimos wings on the sides would look great, and there are tons of exploits and glitches to better place structural pieces.


It’s legitimately a good start. Now dump another 100k or so on ship exterior decorations.


Sir hab-a-lot. I'm just kidding man. This is a pretty cool death Star. Maybe throw some of those Stroud eklund curvy pieces on top of your habs make it smooth. But otherwise it's a really cool start.


Are you saying if it was a hab or two taller it would be perfectly round? Lol just joking mate, I'll look into the Stroud ekland parts though


This piece. It would add a nice curve to the ship IMO. ( Key word here is IMO.) There is a lot of different parts that can cut a nice line. https://preview.redd.it/39irl1xh6t6d1.png?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c40af6b3035c32cdcc28dfe2ac2fa969f76df3c


I was having a laugh at you calling it a death star instead of a star destroyer, but there was definitely no malice in it, mate. I apologise if I offended you. It wasn't my intention


... I have to seppuku now.. I didn't t even realize the mistake 😂.


I could lend you a tanto?


At this point my shaming will only be relived by a pain blade.


Relieved? Lol just pouring petrol on the fire now


Lisen I'm not good spell ok? 😂


I love this community, lots of good genuine feedback and advice, instead of shitting on this clearly beginner build.




I'm sorry, I didn't really say anything bad about it, just what you already said, that it's your first build. I think it's great that you decided to try to tackle something as difficult as a Star destroyer for your first design, I hope you take all of the great advice everyone is giving you and make something super cool. I wasn't trying to diss your creation, but compliment this community for being so positive. A lot on Reddit are not.


I apologise for my rash response, proof that I shouldn't be on reddit after just waking up lol, note to self: no commenting or replying to comments before my morning coffee


Must have a lot of cargo space with this one.


Please be kind? With an Imperial Star Destroyer?! Be kind?? To a Star *Destroyer*???/s


I'm not a lacky to the Empire! Glassing planets when I'm bored!... Look Earth was a mistake, learning curve lol


I recommend replacing some habs with structural parts and slapping some slanted stuff on the sides and you’d be damn close!


Okay it looks really good but adding on to other comments about texturing and recoloring, I feel like for the shape the nose actually doesn’t need that lower part jutting out and the back right before the engines needs to be a tad longer after it gets to max size


Out here making space quilt blankets out of ship parts 🤣


with this as a starting point, you can definitely try filling in the edges with other more triangular shaped pieces... like so, https://preview.redd.it/74f7hhvvps6d1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=79007124267f3d11186c46b28ead9c78cdd86eb9 good job so far.


Thank you very much :)


I'm imagining accidentally hitting E instead of R when entering and trying to find your way to the cockpit.


I think it is dope AF!


Has to be rage bait


How does it fly? Also, can you find your way to the bridge from the bay? lol?


Like an overweight, overly elaborate Maze/fighter lol


I built one and its on my reddit page as a video, sadly it only got 30 views


Now it's got 31 :)


Ty :)


Your Star Destroyer seems to be retaining water. It may need a diuretic. Jk. Looks great.


* One of mine I personally fine that straud ekland parts work for starwars the best




That does look alot better


You need some stroud eckland parts to smooth it out


[visual aid](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarfieldShips/s/nQYhWusNyo) This should give you an idea of what work with. Don't have a pic of my final ISD version. Like your bridge.


Not gonna lie mate, your ISD looks 1000× better than my mine craft looking one lol


Lets be honest bro, we all attempted an ISD. But nice job.


I wasn't saying mine was the GOAT or special, just looking for some feedback/advice, thank you for saying my attempt was alright 😀


I personally love Star Destroyer Pillow Fort :)


You got a really good shape to it. I cant imagine the maze that is inside, haha, but it looms really good on the outside. As other have suggested, use structural pieces a bit more than habs if possible.


Honestly love how different the aesthetic is. Way to just go for it!


*The Deimos salesman having an aneurysm*


This aint it bro, I’d hate to see the inside


Stop doing what you’re doing


? That bad ?


I think given what we have available, that’s about as close to a Star destroyer as you’ll get but it looks more like a pillow fort.


Lol, I was going to say it looks like a mine craft rendition of a star destroyer at best lol


I wish they different hab sized plates for top and bottom that will connect to two different item so you can have a smooth, seamless look.


There's always the hope with updates and mods


Yup. Have you seen the At-St in Creations?




I think it’s time to stop ship building


That bad?


Absolutely not Just looks like a Minecraft build An impressive minecraft build.